edate = dt.datetime.strptime(edate_str, "%d-%m-%Y")

# %%
if (load_data):
    ######## CREATE THE OBJECT AND LOAD THE DATA ##########
    # Tell which company and which period we want
    timeData = CTD.CTimeData(symbols[0], periods[0])
    timeData.set_csv(storage_folder, file_name)  # Load the data into the model

if (preprocessing_data):
    timeData = tut.preprocess_data(timeData, sdate, edate)
    ## Get the valid trading days sorted
    days_keys, day_dict = timeData.get_indexDictByDay()
    Ndays = len(days_keys)

    timeData_daily = tut.get_daily_timedata(timeData, symbols[0])
    H, L, O, C, V = np.array(
        timeData_daily.TD[["High", "Low", "Open", "Close", "Volume"]][:]).T

if (extract_features):
    Create the target for the regressing and classifier systems
    Target = bMl.diff(C).flatten()  # Continuous target .Target[0] = NaN
    Target_bin = np.zeros(Target.shape)  # Binarized target
    Target_bin[np.where(Target >= 0)] = 1
    data_df = None

    ## Create Pandas Data Frame for the information of the ML problem
    data_df = pd.DataFrame({
        'Time': days_keys,
edate = dt.datetime.strptime(edate_str, "%d-%m-%Y")

if (load_data):
    ######## CREATE THE OBJECT AND LOAD THE DATA ##########
    # Tell which company and which period we want
    timeData = CTD.CTimeData(symbols[0],periods[0])
    timeData.set_csv(storage_folder,file_name)  # Load the data into the model

if (preprocessing_data):
    timeData = tut.preprocess_data(timeData, sdate,edate)
    ## Get the valid trading days sorted
    days_keys, day_dict = timeData.get_indexDictByDay()
    Ndays = len(days_keys)

    timeData_daily = tut.get_daily_timedata(timeData, symbols[0])
    H,L,O,C,V = np.array(timeData_daily.TD[["High","Low","Open","Close","Volume"]][:]).T
Create the target for the classifier:

Target = bMl.diff(C).flatten()  # Continuous target Target[0] = NaN
Target_bin = np.zeros(Target.shape) # Binarized
Target_bin[np.where(Target >=0)] = 1

## Create Pandas Data Frame for the information of the ML problem

data_df = pd.DataFrame({'Time': days_keys, 'Target_clas': Target_bin,  'Target_reg': Target})  #  'Current_diff': Target} 
data_df.set_index('Time',inplace = True)