Exemple #1
def team_stats(name):
    # Remove dash in team name for display purposes
    team_name = name.replace('-', ' ')

    # Get the TeamList and TotalStats sheets as dataframes
    team_list = get_sheet_df("TeamList")
    total_stats = get_sheet_df("TotalStats")

    # Get the team owner
    team_owner = team_to_owner(team_name, team_list)

    # Generate the team roster table
    team_roster = generate_team_roster_table(team_name, team_list)

    # Generate the weekly points bar graph for the team
    breakdown_df = team_players_breakdown_df(team_name, team_list)
    bar_graph = team_points_stacked_bar_graph(team_name, breakdown_df)

    # Generate the weekly points cumulative line graph for the team
    line_graph = team_points_stacked_line_graph(team_name, breakdown_df)

    # Generate the team roster radar graph
    radar_graph = team_roster_radar_graph(team_name, team_list, total_stats)

    return render_template("team-stats.html", team_name=team_name, team_owner=team_owner, 
                            team_roster=team_roster, bar_graph=bar_graph, 
                            line_graph=line_graph, radar_graph=radar_graph)
Exemple #2
def dream_teams():
    # Generate current dream team table
    total_stats = get_sheet_df("TotalStats")
    current_team = generate_dream_team_table(total_stats)

    # Get a list of the weeks that we will generate the dream team tables for
    week_names = []
    week_nums = []
    for i in range(0, 10):
        # Get sheet for the week
        sheet_name = f'Week{i+1}'
        week_df = get_sheet_df(sheet_name)

        # Check degeneracy
        if generate_dream_team_table(week_df) == "":
    # Generate tables and store in a list
    weekly_teams = []
    for week_name in week_names:

    return render_template("dream-teams.html", current_team=current_team, week_nums=week_nums, weekly_teams=weekly_teams)
Exemple #3
def player_stats(name):
    # Remove dash in player name for display purposes
    player_name = name.replace('-', ' ')

    # Get the TeamList sheet as a dataframe
    team_list = get_sheet_df('TeamList')

    # Get the weekly sheets and TotalStats sheet as dataframes
    weekly_dfs = [get_sheet_df('Week1'), get_sheet_df('Week2'), get_sheet_df('Week3'), get_sheet_df('Week4'),
                get_sheet_df('Week5'), get_sheet_df('Week6'), get_sheet_df('Week7'), get_sheet_df('Week8'), get_sheet_df('Week9'),
                get_sheet_df('Week10'), get_sheet_df('TotalStats')]

    # Get the player points dataframes
    player_points = player_points_df(player_name, weekly_dfs)

    # Generate the player points bar graph
    bar_graph = player_points_bar_graph(player_name, player_points)

    # Generate the player points cumulative line graph
    line_graph = player_points_line_graph(player_name, player_points)

    # Generate the player points radar graph
    radar_graph = player_points_radar_graph(player_name, player_points)

    # Generate the picks table and get the total picks
    picks_table = generate_picks_table(player_name, team_list)
    total_picks = name_to_picks(player_name, team_list)[1]

    return render_template("player-stats.html", player_name=player_name, 
                            bar_graph=bar_graph, line_graph=line_graph,
                            total_picks=total_picks, radar_graph=radar_graph, picks_table=picks_table)
def team_players_breakdown_df(team_name, team_list_df):
    """Returns a dataframe giving the weekly breakdown of points for a specific team by player
    :param team_name The team name to get the dataframe of
    :param team_list_df The dataframe containing the data needed (in this case we will have team_list_df = get_sheet_df('TeamList')"""

    # Get list of roles
    roles = [
        'Batsman 1', 'Batsman 2', 'Batsman 3', 'Batsman 4', 'All-Rounder 1',
        'All-Rounder 2', 'All-Rounder 3', 'Wicket-keeper', 'Bowler 1',
        'Bowler 2', 'Bowler 3'

    # Get team points breakdown by week
    team_names = list(team_list_df['Team Name'])
    row_index = team_names.index(team_name)
    team_points_breakdown = team_list_df.iloc[[row_index]]

    # Get player names in the team
    player_numbers = [int(team_points_breakdown[role]) for role in roles]
    player_names = numbers_to_names(player_numbers)

    # Generate dataframe
    df = pd.DataFrame(zip(roles, player_names), columns=["Role", "Name"])

    weeks = [f"Week{i}" for i in range(1, 11)]
    for week in weeks:
        week_df = get_sheet_df(week)[["Player Number", "TOTAL"]]
        points = week_df.set_index(
            'Player Number').loc[player_numbers].reset_index()
        df[week] = points["TOTAL"]

    return df
def top_n_league_graph(n, league_df):
    """Returns a line graph with n lines. The graph gives the cumulative weekly points breakdown of the current top n teams in the league table
    :param n The number of lines the graph will have, corresponding to the current top n teams
    :param league_df The current league table as a dataframe (obtained from table_data_manager.generate_league_table_df)"""

    # Get top n teams from league table
    top_n = list(league_df.head(n)["Team Name"])

    # Get the top n teams' weekly points breakdown as a dataframe
    team_list = get_sheet_df("TeamList")

    # Remove unecessary trailing zeros and transform data to cumulative data
    data = [list(team_points_df(y, team_list).iloc[0]) for y in top_n]
    min_zeros = min([count_trailing_zeros(x) for x in data])
    data = [cumulative(x)[:-min_zeros] for x in data]

    # Style the graph
    graph = pygal.Line(style=style, margin=35, stroke_style={'width': 3})
    graph.title = f"Current Top {n} Tracker"
    graph.y_title = "Total Points"
    graph.x_labels = weeks

    # Add the data to the graph
    for team, values in zip(top_n, data):
        graph.add(team, values)

    # Render the graph
    graph_data = graph.render_data_uri()
    return graph_data
Exemple #6
def teams():
    # Get TeamList dataframe
    team_list = get_sheet_df('TeamList')

    # Generate table of all the teams
    teams_table = generate_teams_table(team_list)
    return render_template("teams.html", teams_table=teams_table)
Exemple #7
def players():

    # Get PlayerList Sheet
    player_list = get_sheet_df('PlayerList')

    # Generate player list table
    players_table = generate_players_table(player_list)

    return render_template("players.html", players_table=players_table)
Exemple #8
def home():
    # Dataframes
    table_df = generate_league_table_df()
    total_stats_df = get_sheet_df('TotalStats')
    # Generate tables
    league_table = generate_table(table_df, link_columns=[("Team Name", "teams")])
    dream_team = generate_dream_team_table(total_stats_df)
    # Generate graphs
    tracker_graph = top_n_league_graph(5, table_df)
    pie_chart = role_pie_chart(total_stats_df)
    radar_graph = mvp_radar_graph(total_stats_df)

    return render_template("index.html", league_table=league_table, dream_team=dream_team, tracker_graph=tracker_graph, role_pie_chart=pie_chart, mvp_radar_graph=radar_graph)
    graph_data = graph.render_data_uri()
    return graph_data

def player_points_radar_graph(player_name, player_points_df):
    """Returns a radar graph giving the breakdown of the given player's points by category

    :param player_name The player to generate the graph of
    :param player_points_df The dataframe containing the necessary data (in this case we will obtain in from the player_points_df() function"""

    # Calculate the total points in each category and store them in a list (which will be of length 4)
    total_points = []
    for i in range(0, 4):
        category_points = sum(list(player_points_df.iloc[:, i]))

    # Generate the radar graph
    graph = pygal.Radar(style=style, show_legend=False)
    graph.title = f"{player_name} Points By Category"
    graph.x_labels = ['Batting', 'Bowling', 'Fielding', 'Bonus']
    graph.add(player_name, total_points)
    graph_data = graph.render_data_uri()
    return graph_data

if __name__ == "__main__":
    team_name = "The Stoin CC"
    team_list = get_sheet_df("TeamList")
    df = team_players_breakdown_df(team_name, team_list)