Exemple #1
class Crossover(tb.IsDescription):
    sat = tb.StringCol(32, pos=1)
    region = tb.Int16Col(pos=2)
    lon = tb.Float64Col(pos=3)
    lat = tb.Float64Col(pos=4)
    time_1 = tb.StringCol(64, pos=5)
    time_2 = tb.StringCol(64, pos=6)
    year_1 = tb.Int16Col(pos=7)
    year_2 = tb.Int16Col(pos=8)
    month_1 = tb.Int16Col(pos=9)
    month_2 = tb.Int16Col(pos=10)
    season_1 = tb.StringCol(32, pos=11)
    season_2 = tb.StringCol(32, pos=12)
    orbit_1 = tb.Int32Col(pos=13)
    orbit_2 = tb.Int32Col(pos=14)
    utc85_1 = tb.Float64Col(pos=15)
    utc85_2 = tb.Float64Col(pos=16)
    elev_1 = tb.Float64Col(pos=17)
    elev_2 = tb.Float64Col(pos=18)
    agc_1 = tb.Float64Col(pos=19)
    agc_2 = tb.Float64Col(pos=20)
    fmode_1 = tb.Int8Col(pos=21)
    fmode_2 = tb.Int8Col(pos=22)
    fret_1 = tb.Int8Col(pos=23)
    fret_2 = tb.Int8Col(pos=24)
    fprob_1 = tb.Int8Col(pos=25)
    fprob_2 = tb.Int8Col(pos=26)
    fmask_1 = tb.Int8Col(pos=27)
    fmask_2 = tb.Int8Col(pos=28)
    fbord_1 = tb.Int8Col(pos=29)
    fbord_2 = tb.Int8Col(pos=30)
    ftrack_1 = tb.Int8Col(pos=31)
    ftrack_2 = tb.Int8Col(pos=32)
    inc_1 = tb.Float64Col(pos=33)
    inc_2 = tb.Float64Col(pos=34)
Exemple #2
class LightningEvent(tables.IsDescription):
    event_id = tables.UInt32Col(pos=0)
    timestamp = tables.Time32Col(pos=1)
    corr_distance = tables.Int16Col(pos=2)
    uncorr_distance = tables.Int16Col(pos=3)
    uncorr_angle = tables.Float32Col(pos=4)
    corr_angle = tables.Float32Col(pos=5)
Exemple #3
class HMMInfoParticle(tables.IsDescription):
    #   HMM_ID, taste, din_channel, n_cells, time_start, time_end, thresh,
    #   unit_type, n_repeats, dt, n_states, n_iters, BIC, cost, converged,
    #   area
    hmm_id = tables.Int16Col()
    taste = tables.StringCol(45)
    channel = tables.Int16Col()
    n_cells = tables.Int32Col()
    unit_type = tables.StringCol(15)
    n_trials = tables.Int32Col()
    dt = tables.Float64Col()
    max_iter = tables.Int32Col()
    threshold = tables.Float64Col()
    time_start = tables.Int32Col()
    time_end = tables.Int32Col()
    n_repeats = tables.Int16Col()
    n_states = tables.Int32Col()
    n_iterations = tables.Int32Col()
    BIC = tables.Float64Col()
    cost = tables.Float64Col()
    converged = tables.BoolCol()
    fitted = tables.BoolCol()
    max_log_prob = tables.Float64Col()
    log_likelihood = tables.Float64Col()
    area = tables.StringCol(15)
    hmm_class = tables.StringCol(20)
    notes = tables.StringCol(40)
Exemple #4
class AnonHMMInfoParticle(tables.IsDescription):
    #   HMM_ID, taste, din_channel, n_cells, time_start, time_end, thresh,
    #   unit_type, n_repeats, dt, n_states, n_iters, BIC, cost, converged,
    #   area
    # info particle for anonymous hmm data, so if hdf5 store isn't tied to a
    # single recording, adds column for rec_dir
    hmm_id = tables.Int16Col()
    taste = tables.StringCol(45)
    channel = tables.Int32Col()
    n_cells = tables.Int32Col()
    unit_type = tables.StringCol(15)
    n_trials = tables.Int32Col()
    dt = tables.Float64Col()
    max_iter = tables.Int32Col()
    threshold = tables.Float64Col()
    time_start = tables.Int32Col()
    time_end = tables.Int32Col()
    n_repeats = tables.Int16Col()
    n_states = tables.Int32Col()
    n_iterations = tables.Int32Col()
    BIC = tables.Float64Col()
    cost = tables.Float64Col()
    converged = tables.BoolCol()
    fitted = tables.BoolCol()
    max_log_prob = tables.Float64Col()
    log_likelihood = tables.Float64Col()
    area = tables.StringCol(15)
    hmm_class = tables.StringCol(20)
    notes = tables.StringCol(30)
    rec_dir = tables.StringCol(150)
Exemple #5
class Data(tables.IsDescription):
    '''   Description of data table, each row refers to an event/trace   '''
    receiver_table_n_i = tables.Int32Col()
    response_table_n_i = tables.Int32Col()
    time_table_n_i = tables.Int32Col()

    #start_time       = Time ()                             #   Start time of trace
    class time(tables.IsDescription):
        '''   Time, either epoch or human readable   '''
        type_s = tables.StringCol(8)  # 'EPOCH', 'ASCII', or 'BOTH'
        epoch_l = tables.Int64Col()  # Seconds since January 1, 1970
        ascii_s = tables.StringCol(32)  # WWW MMM DD HH:MM:SS YYYY
        micro_seconds_i = tables.Int32Col()

    event_number_i = tables.Int32Col()  #   Event number
    channel_number_i = tables.Int8Col()  #   Channel number
    sample_rate_i = tables.Int16Col()  #   Trace sample rate
    sample_rate_multiplier_i = tables.Int16Col(
    )  #   This will be needed for sample rates < 1 sps
    sample_count_i = tables.Int32Col()  #   Version 2007.191a bleeding
    stream_number_i = tables.Int8Col()  #   Stream
    raw_file_name_s = tables.StringCol(32)  #   Original file name
    array_name_data_a = tables.StringCol(
        16)  #   Name of array that contains trace
    array_name_SOH_a = tables.StringCol(16)  #   The SOH array name
    array_name_event_a = tables.StringCol(16)  #   The event table array
    array_name_log_a = tables.StringCol(16)  #   The log array
class run_g2(tb.IsDescription):
    """ Row template for CAETÊ output data"""
    # ID
    row_id = tb.Int64Col(dflt=0, pos=0)
    date = tb.StringCol(itemsize=8, dflt="yyyymmdd", pos=1)
    grid_y = tb.Int16Col(dflt=0, pos=2)
    grid_x = tb.Int16Col(dflt=0, pos=3)

    csoil1 = tb.Float32Col(dflt=0.0, pos=4)
    csoil2 = tb.Float32Col(dflt=0.0, pos=5)
    csoil3 = tb.Float32Col(dflt=0.0, pos=6)
    csoil4 = tb.Float32Col(dflt=0.0, pos=7)
    sncN1 = tb.Float32Col(dflt=0.0, pos=8)
    sncN2 = tb.Float32Col(dflt=0.0, pos=8)
    sncN3 = tb.Float32Col(dflt=0.0, pos=10)
    sncN4 = tb.Float32Col(dflt=0.0, pos=11)
    sncP1 = tb.Float32Col(dflt=0.0, pos=12)
    sncP2 = tb.Float32Col(dflt=0.0, pos=13)
    sncP3 = tb.Float32Col(dflt=0.0, pos=14)
    sncP4 = tb.Float32Col(dflt=0.0, pos=15)
    inorg_n = tb.Float32Col(dflt=0.0, pos=16)
    inorg_p = tb.Float32Col(dflt=0.0, pos=17)
    sorbed_n = tb.Float32Col(dflt=0.0, pos=18)
    sorbed_p = tb.Float32Col(dflt=0.0, pos=19)
    hresp = tb.Float32Col(dflt=0.0, pos=20)
    nmin = tb.Float32Col(dflt=0.0, pos=21)
    pmin = tb.Float32Col(dflt=0.0, pos=22)
Exemple #7
class WeatherConfig(tables.IsDescription):
    event_id = tables.UInt32Col(pos=0)
    timestamp = tables.Time32Col(pos=1)
    com_port = tables.UInt8Col(pos=2)
    baud_rate = tables.Int16Col(pos=3)
    station_id = tables.UInt32Col(pos=4)
    database_name = tables.Int32Col(dflt=-1, pos=5)
    help_url = tables.Int32Col(dflt=-1, pos=6)
    daq_mode = tables.BoolCol(pos=7)
    latitude = tables.Float64Col(pos=8)
    longitude = tables.Float64Col(pos=9)
    altitude = tables.Float64Col(pos=10)
    temperature_inside = tables.BoolCol(pos=11)
    temperature_outside = tables.BoolCol(pos=12)
    humidity_inside = tables.BoolCol(pos=13)
    humidity_outside = tables.BoolCol(pos=14)
    barometer = tables.BoolCol(pos=15)
    wind_direction = tables.BoolCol(pos=16)
    wind_speed = tables.BoolCol(pos=17)
    solar_radiation = tables.BoolCol(pos=18)
    uv_index = tables.BoolCol(pos=19)
    evapotranspiration = tables.BoolCol(pos=20)
    rain_rate = tables.BoolCol(pos=21)
    heat_index = tables.BoolCol(pos=22)
    dew_point = tables.BoolCol(pos=23)
    wind_chill = tables.BoolCol(pos=24)
    offset_inside_temperature = tables.Float32Col(pos=25)
    offset_outside_temperature = tables.Float32Col(pos=26)
    offset_inside_humidity = tables.Int16Col(pos=27)
    offset_outside_humidity = tables.Int16Col(pos=28)
    offset_wind_direction = tables.Int16Col(pos=29)
    offset_station_altitude = tables.Float32Col(pos=30)
    offset_bar_sea_level = tables.Float32Col(pos=31)
class run_g1(tb.IsDescription):
    """ Row template for CAETÊ output data"""
    # ID
    row_id = tb.Int64Col(dflt=0, pos=0)
    date = tb.StringCol(itemsize=8, dflt="yyyymmdd", pos=1)
    grid_y = tb.Int16Col(dflt=0, pos=2)
    grid_x = tb.Int16Col(dflt=0, pos=3)
    # Fluxees
    emaxm = tb.Float32Col(dflt=0.0, pos=4)
    tsoil = tb.Float32Col(dflt=0.0, pos=5)
    photo = tb.Float32Col(dflt=0.0, pos=6)
    aresp = tb.Float32Col(dflt=0.0, pos=7)
    npp = tb.Float32Col(dflt=0.0, pos=8)
    lai = tb.Float32Col(dflt=0.0, pos=9)
    f5 = tb.Float32Col(dflt=0.0, pos=10)
    rm = tb.Float32Col(dflt=0.0, pos=11)
    rg = tb.Float32Col(dflt=0.0, pos=12)
    wue = tb.Float32Col(dflt=0.0, pos=13)
    cue = tb.Float32Col(dflt=0.0, pos=14)
    cdef = tb.Float32Col(dflt=0.0, pos=15)
    vcmax = tb.Float32Col(dflt=0.0, pos=16)
    specific_la = tb.Float32Col(dflt=0.0, pos=17)
    nupt1 = tb.Float32Col(dflt=0.0, pos=18)
    nupt2 = tb.Float32Col(dflt=0.0, pos=19)
    pupt1 = tb.Float32Col(dflt=0.0, pos=20)
    pupt2 = tb.Float32Col(dflt=0.0, pos=21)
    pupt3 = tb.Float32Col(dflt=0.0, pos=22)
class run_g3(tb.IsDescription):
    """ Row template for CAETÊ output data"""
    # ID
    row_id = tb.Int64Col(dflt=0, pos=0)
    date = tb.StringCol(itemsize=8, dflt="yyyymmdd", pos=1)
    grid_y = tb.Int16Col(dflt=0, pos=2)
    grid_x = tb.Int16Col(dflt=0, pos=3)

    rcm = tb.Float32Col(dflt=0.0, pos=4)
    runom = tb.Float32Col(dflt=0.0, pos=5)
    evapm = tb.Float32Col(dflt=0.0, pos=6)
    wsoil = tb.Float32Col(dflt=0.0, pos=7)
    swsoil = tb.Float32Col(dflt=0.0, pos=8)
    cleaf = tb.Float32Col(dflt=0.0, pos=9)
    cawood = tb.Float32Col(dflt=0.0, pos=10)
    cfroot = tb.Float32Col(dflt=0.0, pos=11)
    litter_l = tb.Float32Col(dflt=0.0, pos=12)
    cwd = tb.Float32Col(dflt=0.0, pos=13)
    litter_fr = tb.Float32Col(dflt=0.0, pos=14)
    lnc1 = tb.Float32Col(dflt=0.0, pos=15)
    lnc2 = tb.Float32Col(dflt=0.0, pos=16)
    lnc3 = tb.Float32Col(dflt=0.0, pos=17)
    lnc4 = tb.Float32Col(dflt=0.0, pos=18)
    lnc5 = tb.Float32Col(dflt=0.0, pos=19)
    lnc6 = tb.Float32Col(dflt=0.0, pos=20)
    sto1 = tb.Float32Col(dflt=0.0, pos=21)
    sto2 = tb.Float32Col(dflt=0.0, pos=22)
    sto3 = tb.Float32Col(dflt=0.0, pos=23)
    c_cost = tb.Float32Col(dflt=0.0, pos=24)
Exemple #10
class FEE(tb.IsDescription):
    Stores the parameters used by the EP simulation as metadata
    OFFSET = tb.Int16Col(pos=1)  # displaces the baseline (e.g, 700)
    CEILING = tb.Int16Col(pos=2)  # adc top count (4096)
    PMT_GAIN = tb.Float32Col(pos=3)  # Gain of PMT (4.5e6)
    FEE_GAIN = tb.Float32Col(pos=4)  # FE gain (250*ohm)
    R1 = tb.Float32Col(pos=5)  # resistor in Ohms (2350*ohm)
    C1 = tb.Float32Col(pos=6)  # Capacitor C1 in nF
    C2 = tb.Float32Col(pos=7)  # Capacitor C2 in nF
    ZIN = tb.Float32Col(pos=8)  # equivalent impedence
    DAQ_GAIN = tb.Float32Col(pos=9)
    NBITS = tb.Float32Col(pos=10)  # number of bits ADC
    LSB = tb.Float32Col(pos=11)  # LSB (adc count)
    NOISE_I = tb.Float32Col(pos=12)  # Noise at the input
    NOISE_DAQ = tb.Float32Col(pos=13)  # Noise at DAQ
    t_sample = tb.Float32Col(pos=14)  # sampling time
    f_sample = tb.Float32Col(pos=15)  # sampling frequency
    f_mc = tb.Float32Col(pos=16)  # sampling frequency in MC (1ns)
    f_LPF1 = tb.Float32Col(pos=17)  # LPF
    f_LPF2 = tb.Float32Col(pos=18)  # LPF
    coeff_c = tb.Float64Col(shape=12, pos=19)  # cleaning coeff
    coeff_blr = tb.Float64Col(shape=12, pos=20)  # COEFF BLR
    adc_to_pes = tb.Float32Col(shape=12, pos=21)  # CALIB CONST
    pmt_noise_rms = tb.Float32Col(shape=12, pos=22)  # rms noise
Exemple #11
class Info(tables.IsDescription):
    year = tables.Int16Col()
    station_id = tables.Int32Col()
    wban_id = tables.Int32Col()
    call_id = tables.StringCol(6)
    lat = tables.Float32Col()
    lon = tables.Float32Col()
    elevation = tables.Int16Col()
class DirectionReconstruction(tb.IsDescription):
    MC_Energy = tb.FloatCol(dflt=1, pos=1)
    N_LST = tb.Int16Col(dflt=1, pos=2)
    N_MST = tb.Int16Col(dflt=1, pos=3)
    N_SST = tb.Int16Col(dflt=1, pos=4)
    multiplicity = tb.Int64Col(dflt=1, pos=5)
    off_angle = tb.FloatCol(dflt=1, pos=6)
    offset = tb.FloatCol(dflt=1, pos=7)
Exemple #13
class LightningStatus(tables.IsDescription):
    event_id = tables.UInt32Col(pos=0)
    timestamp = tables.Time32Col(pos=1)
    close_rate = tables.Int16Col(pos=2)
    total_rate = tables.Int16Col(pos=3)
    close_alarm = tables.BoolCol(pos=4)
    sever_alarm = tables.BoolCol(pos=5)
    current_heading = tables.Float32Col(pos=6)
Exemple #14
 class AMASS_ROW(pytables.IsDescription):
     fid = pytables.Int16Col(1)  # 1-character String
     fname = pytables.Int32Col(1)  # 1-character String
     gender = pytables.Int16Col(1)  # 1-character String
     pose = pytables.Float32Col(52 * 3)  # float  (single-precision)
     dmpl = pytables.Float32Col(8)  # float  (single-precision)
     pose_matrot = pytables.Float32Col(52 * 9)  # float  (single-precision)
     betas = pytables.Float32Col(16)  # float  (single-precision)
     trans = pytables.Float32Col(3)  # float  (single-precision)
Exemple #15
class MCHitInfo(tb.IsDescription):
    """Stores the simulated hits as metadata using Pytables.
    hit_position = tb.Float32Col(pos=0, shape=3)
    hit_time = tb.Float64Col(pos=1)
    hit_energy = tb.Float32Col(pos=2)
    label = tb.StringCol(20, pos=3)
    particle_indx = tb.Int16Col(pos=4)
    hit_indx = tb.Int16Col(pos=5)
 class RecoEvent(tb.IsDescription):
     NTels_trigg = tb.Int16Col(dflt=1, pos=0)
     NTels_clean = tb.Int16Col(dflt=1, pos=1)
     EnMC = tb.Float32Col(dflt=1, pos=2)
     xi = tb.Float32Col(dflt=1, pos=3)
     DeltaR = tb.Float32Col(dflt=1, pos=4)
     ErrEstPos = tb.Float32Col(dflt=1, pos=5)
     ErrEstDir = tb.Float32Col(dflt=1, pos=6)
     h_max = tb.Float32Col(dflt=1, pos=7)
Exemple #17
class ScanInfo(tables.IsDescription):
    rt = tables.Float32Col(pos=0)
    polarity = tables.Int16Col(pos=1)
    ms_level = tables.Int16Col(pos=2)
    max_mz = tables.Float32Col(pos=3)
    min_mz = tables.Float32Col(pos=4)
    # the rest are only relevant for ms2 spectra
    precursor_MZ = tables.Float32Col(pos=5)
    precursor_intensity = tables.Float32Col(pos=6)
    collision_energy = tables.Float32Col(pos=7)
Exemple #18
 class AMASS_ROW(pytables.IsDescription):
     gender = pytables.Int16Col(1)  # 1-character String
     idx = pytables.Int16Col(1)  # 1-character String
     frame = pytables.Int16Col(1)  # 1-character String
     pose = pytables.Float32Col(24 * 3)  # float  (single-precision)
     pose_matrot = pytables.Float32Col(24 * 9)  # float  (single-precision)
     betas = pytables.Float32Col(10)  # float  (single-precision)
     trans = pytables.Float32Col(3)  # float  (single-precision)
     tightness = pytables.Float32Col(2)
     outfit = pytables.Int16Col(6)
Exemple #19
class TimeSeries(tb.IsDescription):
    id = tb.Int16Col(pos=1)
    year = tb.Int16Col(pos=2)
    month = tb.Int16Col(pos=3)
    dh = tb.Float64Col(pos=4)
    se_dh = tb.Float64Col(pos=5)
    dg = tb.Float64Col(pos=6)
    se_dg = tb.Float64Col(pos=7)
    n_ad = tb.Int16Col(pos=8)
    n_da = tb.Int16Col(pos=9)
Exemple #20
class digital_mapping_particle(tables.IsDescription):
    '''Pytables particle for storing digital input/output mappings
    channel = tables.Int16Col()
    name = tables.StringCol(20)
    palatability_rank = tables.Int16Col()
    laser = tables.BoolCol()
    spike_array = tables.BoolCol()
    exclude = tables.BoolCol()
    laser_channels = tables.BoolCol()
Exemple #21
class electrode_map_particle(tables.IsDescription):
    '''PyTables particle for storing electrode mapping
    Electrode = tables.Int16Col()
    Port = tables.StringCol(5)
    Channel = tables.Int16Col()
    area = tables.StringCol(20)
    CAR_group = tables.Int16Col()
    dead = tables.BoolCol()
    cutoff_time = tables.Float32Col()
    clustering_result = tables.Int16Col()
Exemple #22
class Reco(tables.IsDescription):
    Stores reconstructed hits 
    event_indx = tables.Int32Col(pos=0)
    nof_hits = tables.Int16Col(pos=1)
    hit_indx = tables.Int16Col(pos=2)
    hit_position = tables.Float32Col(shape=3, pos=3)
    hit_energy = tables.Float32Col(pos=4)
    hit_geocorr = tables.Float32Col(pos=5)
    hit_ltcorr = tables.Float32Col(pos=6)
class EaarlGps(tables.IsDescription):
    sod = tables.Float32Col(pos=3)
    lon = tables.Float64Col(pos=0)
    lat = tables.Float64Col(pos=1)
    alt = tables.Float32Col(pos=2)
    pdop = tables.Float32Col(pos=4)
    xrms = tables.Float32Col(pos=5)
    veast = tables.Float32Col(pos=6)
    vnorth = tables.Float32Col(pos=7)
    vup = tables.Float32Col(pos=8)
    sv = tables.Int16Col(pos=9)
    flag = tables.Int16Col(pos=10)
Exemple #24
class S2Si(tb.IsDescription):
    Store for a S2Si
    The table maps a S2Si
    peak is the same than the S2 peak
    nsipm gives the SiPM number
    only energies are stored (times are defined in S2)
    event = tb.Int32Col(pos=0)
    peak = tb.UInt8Col(pos=1)  # peak number
    nsipm = tb.Int16Col(pos=2)  # sipm number
    nsample = tb.Int16Col(pos=3)  # sample number
    ene = tb.Float32Col(pos=4)  # energy in pes
Exemple #25
class MCParticleInfo(tb.IsDescription):
    """Stores the simulated particles as metadata using Pytables.
    particle_indx = tb.Int16Col(pos=0)
    particle_name = tb.StringCol(20, pos=1)
    primary = tb.Int16Col(pos=2)
    mother_indx = tb.Int16Col(pos=3)
    initial_vertex = tb.Float32Col(pos=4, shape=4)
    final_vertex = tb.Float32Col(pos=5, shape=4)
    initial_volume = tb.StringCol(20, pos=6)
    final_volume = tb.StringCol(20, pos=7)
    momentum = tb.Float32Col(pos=8, shape=3)
    kin_energy = tb.Float32Col(pos=9)
    creator_proc = tb.StringCol(20, pos=10)
Exemple #26
class HisparcEvent(tables.IsDescription):
    # DISCUSS: use of signed (dflt -1) vs unsigned (labview code)
    event_id = tables.UInt32Col(pos=0)
    timestamp = tables.Time32Col(pos=2)
    nanoseconds = tables.UInt32Col(pos=3)
    ext_timestamp = tables.UInt64Col(pos=4)
    data_reduction = tables.BoolCol(pos=5)
    trigger_pattern = tables.UInt32Col(pos=6)
    baseline = tables.Int16Col(shape=4, dflt=-1, pos=7)
    std_dev = tables.Int16Col(shape=4, dflt=-1, pos=8)
    n_peaks = tables.Int16Col(shape=4, dflt=-1, pos=9)
    pulseheights = tables.Int16Col(shape=4, dflt=-1, pos=10)
    integrals = tables.Int32Col(shape=4, dflt=-1, pos=11)
    traces = tables.Int32Col(shape=4, dflt=-1, pos=12)
    event_rate = tables.Float32Col(pos=13)
Exemple #27
class FontGlyphData(tb.IsDescription):
    index = tb.IntCol(pos=1)
    charcode = tb.IntCol(pos=2)
    unichar = tb.StringCol(8, pos=3)
    offset_x = tb.Int16Col(pos=4)
    offset_y = tb.Int16Col(pos=5)
    width = tb.UInt8Col(pos=6)
    height = tb.UInt8Col(pos=7)
    atlas_x = tb.UInt16Col(pos=8)
    atlas_y = tb.UInt16Col(pos=9)
    atlas_w = tb.UInt16Col(pos=10)
    atlas_h = tb.UInt16Col(pos=11)
    tex_x1 = tb.Float32Col(pos=12)
    tex_y1 = tb.Float32Col(pos=13)
    tex_x2 = tb.Float32Col(pos=14)
    tex_y2 = tb.Float32Col(pos=15)
class AMASS_Params_Row(tables.IsDescription):
    subject = tables.Int16Col(pos=1)
    gender = tables.Int8Col(pos=2)
    shape = tables.Float32Col(16, pos=3)
    pose = tables.Float32Col(52 * 3, pos=4)
    dmpl = tables.Float32Col(8, pos=5)
    trans = tables.Float32Col(3, pos=6)
Exemple #29
class Time(tables.IsDescription):
    '''   Time correction table   '''
    class das(tables.IsDescription):
        manufacturer_s = tables.StringCol(64, pos=3)
        model_s = tables.StringCol(64, pos=2)
        serial_number_s = tables.StringCol(64, pos=1)
        notes_s = tables.StringCol(1024, pos=4)

    # Time of first lock

    class start_time(tables.IsDescription):
        type_s = tables.StringCol(8)
        epoch_l = tables.Int64Col()
        ascii_s = tables.StringCol(32)
        micro_seconds_i = tables.Int32Col()

    # Time of ending lock

    class end_time(tables.IsDescription):
        type_s = tables.StringCol(8)
        epoch_l = tables.Int64Col()
        ascii_s = tables.StringCol(32)
        micro_seconds_i = tables.Int32Col()

    slope_d = tables.Float64Col()  # Slope
    offset_d = tables.Float64Col()  # Offset at end time
    description_s = tables.StringCol(1024)
    corrected_i = tables.Int16Col()
Exemple #30
def _create_events_table(file, group):
    """Create event table in PyTables file

    Create an event table containing the ESD data columns which are
    available in the TSV download.

    :param file: PyTables file.
    :param group: the group to contain the events table, which need not

    description = {
        'event_id': tables.UInt32Col(pos=0),
        'timestamp': tables.Time32Col(pos=1),
        'nanoseconds': tables.UInt32Col(pos=2),
        'ext_timestamp': tables.UInt64Col(pos=3),
        'pulseheights': tables.Int16Col(pos=4, shape=4),
        'integrals': tables.Int32Col(pos=5, shape=4),
        'n1': tables.Float32Col(pos=6),
        'n2': tables.Float32Col(pos=7),
        'n3': tables.Float32Col(pos=8),
        'n4': tables.Float32Col(pos=9),
        't1': tables.Float32Col(pos=10),
        't2': tables.Float32Col(pos=11),
        't3': tables.Float32Col(pos=12),
        't4': tables.Float32Col(pos=13),
        't_trigger': tables.Float32Col(pos=14)

    return file.create_table(group, 'events', description, createparents=True)