Exemple #1
class OrderModel(pt.IsDescription):
    task = pt.StringCol(5)
    shares = pt.Int32Col()
    symbol = pt.StringCol(30)
    order_type = pt.StringCol(5)  #moo moc limit vwap
    duration = pt.Time64Col()
    timestamp = pt.Time64Col()
    close_type = pt.StringCol(4)  #lifo or fifo for a sell, none for a buy
    limit_price = pt.Float32Col()
    fill = FillModel()
class StrategyDataModel(pt.IsDescription):
    symbol = pt.StringCol(30)           #30 char string; Ticker
    exchange = pt.StringCol(10)         #10 char string; NYSE, NASDAQ, etc.
    adj_high = pt.Float32Col()
    adj_low = pt.Float32Col()
    adj_open = pt.Float32Col()
    adj_close = pt.Float32Col()
    close = pt.Float32Col()
    volume = pt.Int32Col()
    timestamp = pt.Time64Col()
    date = pt.Int32Col()
    interval = pt.Time64Col()
    def __init__(self, h5file: tables.File, parent_group: tables.Group,
                 exp_id: str, exp_title: str, variables: Mapping[str,
        super(_ExperimentWriter, self).__init__()

        self._id = exp_id
        self._title = exp_title

        self._file = h5file
            self._group = h5file.create_group(parent_group,
        except tables.NodeError:
                node = h5file.get_node(parent_group, exp_id)
                path = node._v_pathname
                if isinstance(node, tables.Group):
                    raise ExperimentElementError('Experiment already exists at'
                                                 f'{path} in file {h5file}.')
                elif isinstance(node, tables.Table):
                    raise ExperimentElementError('Name conflict: variable '
                                                 'table already exists at '
                                                 f'{path} in file {h5file}')
                    raise ExperimentElementError(f'Conflict at {path} '
                                                 f'in file {h5file}')
            except tables.NoSuchNodeError as e:
                raise ExperimentElementError() from e

        # metadata
        self._group._v_attrs.created = datetime.datetime.now().isoformat()
        self._group._v_attrs.finished = 'unfinished'

        self._var_tables = dict()
        for var_name, var_type in variables.items():
                tbl = h5file.create_table(self._group,
                self._var_tables[var_name] = tbl
            except KeyError:
                raise UnsupportedVariableType(var_type)

        self._sub_experiments = dict()
Exemple #4
class ScanPointing(tb.IsDescription):
    """PyTables table descriptor: pointing details for scans"""
    timestamp = tb.Time64Col(pos=0)  # Timestamp at telescope pointing
    mb01_raj = tb.Float32Col(pos=1)  # Beam 01 RA (degrees)
    mb01_dcj = tb.Float32Col(pos=2)  # Beam 01 DEC (degrees)
    mb02_raj = tb.Float32Col(pos=3)  # Beam 02 RA
    mb02_dcj = tb.Float32Col(pos=4)  # Beam 02 DEC
    mb03_raj = tb.Float32Col(pos=5)  # .
    mb03_dcj = tb.Float32Col(pos=6)  # .
    mb04_raj = tb.Float32Col(pos=7)  # .
    mb04_dcj = tb.Float32Col(pos=8)
    mb05_raj = tb.Float32Col(pos=9)
    mb05_dcj = tb.Float32Col(pos=10)
    mb06_raj = tb.Float32Col(pos=11)
    mb06_dcj = tb.Float32Col(pos=12)
    mb07_raj = tb.Float32Col(pos=13)
    mb07_dcj = tb.Float32Col(pos=14)
    mb08_raj = tb.Float32Col(pos=15)
    mb08_dcj = tb.Float32Col(pos=16)
    mb09_raj = tb.Float32Col(pos=17)
    mb09_dcj = tb.Float32Col(pos=18)
    mb10_raj = tb.Float32Col(pos=19)
    mb10_dcj = tb.Float32Col(pos=20)
    mb11_raj = tb.Float32Col(pos=21)
    mb11_dcj = tb.Float32Col(pos=22)
    mb12_raj = tb.Float32Col(pos=23)
    mb12_dcj = tb.Float32Col(pos=24)
    mb13_raj = tb.Float32Col(pos=25)
    mb13_dcj = tb.Float32Col(pos=26)
    azimuth = tb.Float32Col(pos=27)  # Telescope azimuth
    elevation = tb.Float32Col(pos=28)  # Telescope elevation
    par_angle = tb.Float32Col(pos=29)  # Paraxial angle
    focus_tan = tb.Float32Col(pos=30)  # Lateral focus offset (mm) "Z"
    focus_axi = tb.Float32Col(pos=31)  # Axial docus offset (mm) "Y"
    focus_rot = tb.Float32Col(pos=32)  # Receiver rotation angle
def reset_table():
    """Creates h5f flatfile for storing price data
    h5f handle : returns a writable file handle for pytables table
    h5f = tables.openFile('price_data.h5', 'w')

    description = {
        "ticker": tables.StringCol(itemsize=6, dflt='', pos=1),
        "frequency": tables.StringCol(itemsize=1, dflt='d', pos=2),
        "date": tables.Time32Col(dflt=0.00, pos=3),
        "open": tables.Float32Col(dflt=0.00, pos=4),
        "high": tables.Float32Col(dflt=0.00, pos=5),
        "low": tables.Float32Col(dflt=0.00, pos=6),
        "close": tables.Float32Col(dflt=0.00, pos=7),
        "volume": tables.Int64Col(dflt=0.00, pos=8),
        "adjustedClose": tables.Float32Col(dflt=0.00, pos=9),
        "timestamp": tables.Time64Col(dflt=0.00, pos=10)

    table = h5f.createTable('/', 'price_data', description)

Exemple #6
    def pytables_desc(self):
        Convert NumPy dtype to PyTable descriptor (lifted from blaze.pytables).
        >>> from tables import Int32Col, StringCol, Time64Col
        >>> dt = np.dtype([('name', 'S7'), ('amount', 'i4'), ('time', 'M8[us]')])
        >>> dtype_to_pytables(dt)  # doctest: +SKIP
        {'amount': Int32Col(shape=(), dflt=0, pos=1),
         'name': StringCol(itemsize=7, shape=(), dflt='', pos=0),
         'time': Time64Col(shape=(), dflt=0.0, pos=2)}
        dtype = np.dtype(self.target_dtype)

        d = {}
        for pos, name in enumerate(dtype.names):
            dt, _ = dtype.fields[name]
            if issubclass(dt.type, np.datetime64):
                tdtype = tb.defscription({name: tb.Time64Col(pos=pos)}),
                tdtype = tb.descr_from_dtype(np.dtype([(name, dt)]))
            el = tdtype[0]  # removed dependency on toolz -DJC
            getattr(el, name)._v_pos = pos

        return d
Exemple #7
class OilProductionByStateAndMonth(tables.IsDescription):
    """Data model class for oil production by state and month/year"""

    date = tables.Time64Col()
    la_barrels = tables.Int32Col()
    tx_barrels = tables.Int32Col()
    ak_barrels = tables.Int32Col()
    ca_barrels = tables.Int32Col()
Exemple #8
class Weather(tb.IsDescription):
    """PyTables table descriptor: weather details"""
    timestamp = tb.Time64Col(pos=0)  # Timestamp at telescope pointing
    temperature = tb.Float32Col(pos=1)  # Ambient temperature (K)
    pressure = tb.Float32Col(pos=2)  # Pressure (kPa)
    humidity = tb.Float32Col(pos=3)  # Humidity (%)
    wind_speed = tb.Float32Col(pos=4)  # Wind Speed (m/s)
    wind_direction = tb.Float32Col(pos=5)  # Wind Direction (deg)
Exemple #9
class BaseSignal(tb.IsDescription):
    Base class for signals
    name = tb.UInt64Col()
    message = tb.StringCol(128)
    protocol = tb.StringCol(32)
    incoming_time = tb.Time64Col()
Exemple #10
class AlphaDataModelClass(pt.IsDescription):
    symbol = pt.StringCol(30)
    exchange = pt.StringCol(10)
    alphaValue = pt.Float32Col()
    timestamp = pt.Time64Col()

    def __init__(self):
        print("In the AlphaDataModelClass constructor")
Exemple #11
class Spectrum_mbcal(tb.IsDescription):
    """ PyTables table descriptor: storage of spectral data
    For hipsr_mbcal modes. Only cal information is stored.
    id = tb.Int32Col(pos=0)  # Unique ID
    timestamp = tb.Time64Col(pos=1)  # Timestamp (at BRAM read)
    xx_cal_on = tb.Int32Col(shape=16, pos=6)  # Noise diode ON, X pol
    xx_cal_off = tb.Int32Col(shape=16, pos=7)  # Noise diode OFF, X pol
    yy_cal_on = tb.Int32Col(shape=16, pos=8)  # Noise diode ON, Y pol
    yy_cal_off = tb.Int32Col(shape=16, pos=9)  # Noise diode OFF, Y pol
Exemple #12
class IndexMsg1553(tables.IsDescription):
    ''' Class to hold index information 
        msg_index - Array index of message
        msg_time  - UTC time of indexed message
    offset = tables.UInt64Col()
    time = tables.Time64Col()
    channel_id = tables.UInt16Col()
    rt = tables.UInt8Col()
    tr = tables.UInt8Col()
    subaddr = tables.UInt8Col()
Exemple #13
class Particle(tables.IsDescription):
    """This class defines a table record.

    lati = tables.IntCol(pos=0)
    #    longi       = IntCol(pos=1)
    Time = tables.Time64Col(pos=2)
    pressure = tables.FloatCol(pos=3)
    ID = tables.StringCol(itemsize=10, pos=4)
    Int16 = tables.UIntCol(itemsize=4, pos=5)
    Int64 = tables.IntCol(itemsize=8, pos=6)
    Bool = tables.BoolCol(pos=7)
def main(filename):
    # Identify LDC1614 EVM by USB VID/PID match
    detected_ports = list(serial.tools.list_ports.grep('2047:08F8'))
    if not detected_ports:
        raise RuntimeError('No EVM found.')
        # open the serial device.
        evm = serial.Serial(detected_ports[0].device, 115200, timeout=1)

    device_id = read_reg(evm, LDC1614_DEVICE_ID)

    h5f = tables.open_file(filename, 'a', title="LDC1614EVM Logger Data")

        tbl = h5f.get_node('/logdata')
        print("Appending existing table in: {}".format(filename))
    except tables.NoSuchNodeError:
        table_definition = {
            'time_utc': tables.Time64Col(),
            'data_ch0': tables.UInt32Col(),
            'data_ch1': tables.UInt32Col()
        tbl = h5f.create_table('/',
                               title='LDC1614 dataset')
        print("Created new table in: {}".format(filename))

    f_ref = 40.0
    C = 33.0
    L = 18.0
    print("Beginning logging...")
    while True:
        (raw_ch0, raw_ch1, raw_ch2, raw_ch3) = read_stream(evm)
        if raw_ch0 and not (raw_ch0 & 0xF0000000):
            tbl.row['time_utc'] = time.time()
            tbl.row['data_ch0'] = raw_ch3

            f_sensor = raw_ch0 * f_ref / 268435456
            C_sensor = 1 / L * (2 * np.pi * f_sensor) * (2 * np.pi *
                                                         f_sensor) - C
            tbl.row['data_ch1'] = raw_ch1

    # If we handled errors like KeyboardInterrupt properly, we'd get here:
    print("Cleaning up...")
Exemple #15
class Spectrum_12_4096(tb.IsDescription):
    """ PyTables table descriptor: storage of spectral data
    For hipsr_200_16384 firmware: 200 MHz, 16384 channels
    id = tb.Int32Col(pos=0)  # Unique ID
    timestamp = tb.Time64Col(pos=1)  # Timestamp (at BRAM read)
    xx = tb.UInt32Col(shape=4096, pos=2)  # XX Autocorrelation data
    yy = tb.UInt32Col(shape=4096, pos=3)  # YY Autocorrelation data
    # re_xy      = tb.Int32Col(shape=16384,pos=4)   # XY Cross correlation - real
    #im_xy      = tb.Int32Col(shape=16384,pos=5)   # XY Cross correlation - imag
    xx_cal_on = tb.Int32Col(shape=16, pos=6)  # Noise diode ON, X pol
    xx_cal_off = tb.Int32Col(shape=16, pos=7)  # Noise diode OFF, X pol
    yy_cal_on = tb.Int32Col(shape=16, pos=8)  # Noise diode ON, Y pol
    yy_cal_off = tb.Int32Col(shape=16, pos=9)  # Noise diode OFF, Y pol
    fft_of = tb.BoolCol(pos=10)  # FFT overflow flag
    adc_clip = tb.BoolCol(pos=11)  # ADC clipping flag
Exemple #16
class Observation(tb.IsDescription):
    """PyTables table descriptor: observation details"""
    telescope = tb.StringCol(32, pos=0)  # Telescope name (always Parkes for us)
    receiver = tb.StringCol(32, pos=1)  # Receiver name (MULTI for us)
    date = tb.Time64Col(pos=2)  # Date - only 32bits reqd for date but using 64
    project_id = tb.StringCol(32, pos=3)  # Project ID number, PXXX for Parkes
    project_name = tb.StringCol(255, pos=4)  # Project name
    observer = tb.StringCol(255, pos=5)  # Observer's name
    num_beams = tb.Int8Col(pos=6)  # Number of beams being used
    ref_beam = tb.Int8Col(pos=7)  # Reference beam
    acc_len = tb.Float32Col(pos=8)  # Accumulation length, in seconds
    bandwidth = tb.Int32Col(pos=9)  # Bandwidth (MHz) (-ve means inverted)
    dwell_time = tb.Float32Col(pos=10)  # Dwell time (sec)
    frequency = tb.Float32Col(pos=11)  # Central frequency (MHz)
    feed_rotation = tb.StringCol(64, pos=12)  # Feed rotation (e.g. STEPPED)
    feed_angle = tb.Float32Col(pos=13)  # Feed angle
    freq_switch = tb.BoolCol(pos=14)  # Frequency switching flag
    obs_mode = tb.StringCol(16, pos=15)  # Observation mode (e.g SCAN)
    scan_rate = tb.Float32Col(pos=16)  # Scan rate, (deg/min)
Exemple #17
def dtype_to_pytables(dtype):
    """ Convert NumPy dtype to PyTable descriptor

    >>> from tables import Int32Col, StringCol, Time64Col
    >>> dt = np.dtype([('name', 'S7'), ('amount', 'i4'), ('time', 'M8[us]')])
    >>> dtype_to_pytables(dt)  # doctest: +SKIP
    {'amount': Int32Col(shape=(), dflt=0, pos=1),
     'name': StringCol(itemsize=7, shape=(), dflt='', pos=0),
     'time': Time64Col(shape=(), dflt=0.0, pos=2)}
    d = {}
    for pos, name in enumerate(dtype.names):
        dt, _ = dtype.fields[name]
        if issubclass(dt.type, np.datetime64):
            tdtype = tb.Description({name: tb.Time64Col(pos=pos)}),
            tdtype = tb.descr_from_dtype(np.dtype([(name, dt)]))
        el = first(tdtype)
        getattr(el, name)._v_pos = pos
    return d
Exemple #18
def dtype_to_table(dtype):
    """ Convert a NumPy dtype to a PyTables Table description

    Essentially just :ref:`tables.descr_from_dtype` but it works on

        dtype (np.dtype): NumPy data type

        dict: PyTables description
    desc = {}

    for idx, name in enumerate(dtype.names):
        _dt, _ = dtype.fields[name]
        if issubclass(_dt.type, np.datetime64):
            tb_dtype = tb.Description({name: tb.Time64Col(pos=idx)})
            tb_dtype, byteorder = tb.descr_from_dtype(np.dtype([(name, _dt)]))
        _tb_dtype = tb_dtype._v_colobjects
        _tb_dtype[name]._v_pos = idx
    return desc
class SpoolEvent(tables.IsDescription):
    EventName = tables.StringCol(32)
    Time = tables.Time64Col()
    EventDescr = tables.StringCol(256)
Exemple #20
 class Info2(t.IsDescription):
     y3 = t.Time64Col(dflt=1, shape=2)
     z3 = t.EnumCol({'r':4, 'g':2, 'b':1}, 'r', 'int32', shape=2)
     name = t.StringCol(itemsize=2)
     value = t.ComplexCol(itemsize=16, shape=2)
Exemple #21
class TS(tables.IsDescription):
    timestamp = tables.Time64Col(pos=0)
    ticker = tables.Float64Col(shape=(10, ))
    trades = tables.Float64Col(shape=(120, 4))
    book = tables.Float64Col(shape=(50, 3))
Exemple #22
 class MyTimeRow(tb.IsDescription):
     t32col = tb.Time32Col(shape=(2, 1))
     t64col = tb.Time64Col(shape=(2, 1))
Exemple #23
 class MyTimeRow(tb.IsDescription):
     i8col = tb.Int8Col(pos=0)
     t32col = tb.Time32Col(pos=1)
     t64col = tb.Time64Col(shape=(2, ), pos=2)
class PositionModel(pt.IsDescription):
    timestamp = pt.Time64Col()
    symbol = pt.StringCol(30)
    shares = pt.Int32Col()
    purchase_price = pt.Float32Col()
Exemple #25
 class MyTimeRow(tables.IsDescription):
     intcol = tables.IntCol(shape=(2, 1))
     t32col = tables.Time32Col(shape=(2, 1))
     t64col = tables.Time64Col(shape=(2, 1))
Exemple #26
 class MyTimeRow(tables.IsDescription):
     t32col = tables.Time32Col(pos=0)
     t64col = tables.Time64Col(shape=(2, ), pos=1)
Exemple #27
class TimingTableConfig(tb.IsDescription):
    time = tb.Time64Col()
Exemple #28
 class MyTimeRow(tb.IsDescription):
     intcol = tb.IntCol()
     t32col = tb.Time32Col()
     t64col = tb.Time64Col()
class SpoolEvent(tables.IsDescription):
    """Pytables description for Events table in spooled dataset"""
    EventName = tables.StringCol(32)
    Time = tables.Time64Col()
    EventDescr = tables.StringCol(256)
Exemple #30
 class info3(tables.IsDescription):
     name = tables.StringCol(10)
     value = tables.Time64Col()
     y4 = tables.Float64Col(dflt=1, shape=(2, 3))
     z4 = tables.UInt8Col(dflt=1)