def create_table_pedestal(hfile, cam_tel_group, nbGain, nbPixel, telId):
	Create the pedestal description of the telescope
		hfile : HDF5 file to be used
		cam_tel_group : camera node to be used
		nbGain : number of gain of the camera
		nbPixel : number of pixel of the camera
		telId : id of the telescope
		table of the pedestal of the telescope
    ped_shape = (nbGain, nbPixel)
    columns_dict_pedestal = {
        "first_event_id": tables.UInt64Col(),
        "last_event_id": tables.UInt64Col(),
        "pedestal": tables.Float32Col(shape=ped_shape)
    description_pedestal = type('description columns_dict_pedestal',
                                (tables.IsDescription, ),
    table_pedestal = hfile.create_table(
        "Table of the pedestal for high and low gain",
    return table_pedestal
Exemple #2
 class ExactMovieInfo(PT.IsDescription):
     cam_id = PT.StringCol(16, pos=0)
     filename = PT.StringCol(255, pos=1)
     start_frame = PT.UInt64Col(pos=2)
     stop_frame = PT.UInt64Col(pos=3)
     start_timestamp = PT.FloatCol(pos=4)
     stop_timestamp = PT.FloatCol(pos=5)
def createInjunctionTabTable(hfile,
	Create the table to store the signal
		hfile : HDF5 file to be used
		cam_tel_group : telescope group in which to put the tables
		nameTable : name of the table to store the injunction tables
		nbPixel : number of pixels of the camera
		chunkshape : shape of the chunk to be used to store the data of waveform and minimum
		Created table
    columns_dict_tabInj = {
        "first_event_id": tables.UInt64Col(),
        "last_event_id": tables.UInt64Col(),
        "tabinj": tables.UInt16Col(shape=nbPixel)

    description_tabInj = type('description columns_dict_tabInj',
                              (tables.IsDescription, ), columns_dict_tabInj)
    return hfile.create_table(cam_tel_group,
                              "Injunction tables of the signal",
Exemple #4
class SubarrayLayout(tables.IsDescription):
	Layout of the subarray
		tel_id : id of the telescope
		pos_x : position of the telescope on the X axix (in meters to the north)
		pos_y : position of the telescope on the Y axix (in meters to the west)
		pos_z : high of the telescope in meters
		name : name of the telescope
		type : type of the telescope
		type_id : type of the telscope in unsigned long (to speed up the access for specific analysis)
		num_mirrors : number of mirror of the telescope
		camera_type : type of the telescope camera
		tel_description : description of the telescope
    tel_id = tables.UInt64Col()
    pos_x = tables.Float32Col()
    pos_y = tables.Float32Col()
    pos_z = tables.Float32Col()
    name = tables.StringCol(5, dflt=b'')
    type = tables.StringCol(3, dflt=b'')
    type_id = tables.UInt64Col()
    num_mirrors = tables.UInt64Col()
    camera_type = tables.StringCol(9, dflt=b'')
    tel_description = tables.StringCol(14, dflt=b'')
Exemple #5
class MCExtentInfo(tb.IsDescription):
    """Store the last row of each table as metadata using
    evt_number = tb.Int32Col(pos=0)
    last_hit = tb.UInt64Col(pos=1)
    last_particle = tb.UInt64Col(pos=2)
Exemple #6
 class Data2DCameraSummary(PT.IsDescription):
     cam_id = PT.StringCol(16, pos=0)
     camn = PT.Int32Col(pos=1)
     start_frame = PT.UInt64Col(pos=2)
     stop_frame = PT.UInt64Col(pos=3)
     start_timestamp = PT.FloatCol(pos=4)
     stop_timestamp = PT.FloatCol(pos=5)
class FuncEntry(tables.IsDescription):
    fname = tables.StringCol(40)  # name of function pc is located
    startaddr = tables.UInt64Col()  # first address in relocation block
    startaddrlo = tables.UInt32Col()  # first address in relocation block
    startaddrhi = tables.UInt32Col()  # first address in relocation block
    endaddr = tables.UInt64Col()  # first address in relocation block
    endaddrlo = tables.UInt32Col()  # first address in relocation block
    endaddrhi = tables.UInt32Col()  # first address in relocation block
Exemple #8
class H5Record(tb.IsDescription):
    datetime = tb.UInt64Col()        #IGNORE:E1101
    open = tb.UInt32Col()       #IGNORE:E1101
    high = tb.UInt32Col()       #IGNORE:E1101
    low = tb.UInt32Col()        #IGNORE:E1101
    close = tb.UInt32Col()      #IGNORE:E1101
    vol = tb.UInt64Col()     #IGNORE:E1101
    amount = tb.UInt64Col()      #IGNORE:E1101
Exemple #9
class SubstageWriteIntervals(tables.IsDescription):
    substagenum = tables.UInt8Col()
    minaddr = tables.UInt64Col()
    minaddrlo = tables.UInt32Col()
    minaddrhi = tables.UInt32Col()
    maxaddr = tables.UInt64Col()
    maxaddrlo = tables.UInt32Col()
    maxaddrhi = tables.UInt32Col()
Exemple #10
class H5Record(tb.IsDescription):
    datetime = tb.UInt64Col()  #IGNORE:E1101
    openPrice = tb.UInt32Col()  #IGNORE:E1101
    highPrice = tb.UInt32Col()  #IGNORE:E1101
    lowPrice = tb.UInt32Col()  #IGNORE:E1101
    closePrice = tb.UInt32Col()  #IGNORE:E1101
    transAmount = tb.UInt64Col()  #IGNORE:E1101
    transCount = tb.UInt64Col()  #IGNORE:E1101
class EventSubarrayTrigger(tables.IsDescription):
	Create the r0 event subarray trigger table
    obs_id = tables.UInt64Col()
    event_id = tables.UInt64Col()
    time = tables.Float64Col()
    event_type = tables.UInt64Col()
Exemple #12
class MemoryRegionAddrs(tables.IsDescription):
    short_name = tables.StringCol(255)
    startaddr = tables.UInt64Col()
    startaddrlo = tables.UInt32Col()
    startaddrhi = tables.UInt32Col()
    endaddr = tables.UInt64Col()
    endaddrlo = tables.UInt32Col()
    endaddrhi = tables.UInt32Col()
Exemple #13
class FiveMinDataRecordH5File(tables.IsDescription):
    datetime = tables.UInt64Col()  #IGNORE:E1101
    openPrice = tables.UInt32Col()  #IGNORE:E1101
    highPrice = tables.UInt32Col()  #IGNORE:E1101
    lowPrice = tables.UInt32Col()  #IGNORE:E1101
    closePrice = tables.UInt32Col()  #IGNORE:E1101
    transAmount = tables.UInt64Col()  #IGNORE:E1101
    transCount = tables.UInt64Col()  #IGNORE:E1101
Exemple #14
class HisparcEvent(tables.IsDescription):
    event_id = tables.UInt64Col()
    timestamp = tables.Time32Col()
    nanoseconds = tables.UInt32Col()
    ext_timestamp = tables.UInt64Col()
    pulseheights = tables.Int16Col(shape=4, dflt=-9999)
    integrals = tables.Int32Col(shape=4, dflt=-9999)
    n_peaks = tables.Int32Col(shape=4, dflt=-9999)
    traces = tables.Int32Col(shape=4, dflt=-1)
 class Region(tables.IsDescription):
     file_key         = tables.UInt32Col(    pos=0)
     chromosome       = tables.StringCol(nps.chromosome_name_length, pos=1)
     region_name      = tables.StringCol(64, pos=2)
     start            = tables.UInt64Col(    pos=3)
     stop             = tables.UInt64Col(    pos=4)
     strand           = tables.StringCol(1,  pos=5)
     count            = tables.UInt64Col(    pos=6)
     normalized_count = tables.Float64Col(   pos=7)
Exemple #16
class H5Record(tb.IsDescription):
    datetime = tb.UInt64Col()  #IGNORE:E1101
    openPrice = tb.UInt32Col()  #IGNORE:E1101
    highPrice = tb.UInt32Col()  #IGNORE:E1101
    lowPrice = tb.UInt32Col()  #IGNORE:E1101
    closePrice = tb.UInt32Col()  #IGNORE:E1101
    transAmount = tb.UInt64Col()  #IGNORE:E1101
    transCount = tb.UInt64Col()  #IGNORE:E1101
Exemple #17
class MapInfo(tb.IsDescription):
    x_nbins = tb.UInt64Col(pos=0)
    y_nbins = tb.UInt64Col(pos=1)
    x_pitch = tb.Float64Col(pos=2)
    y_pitch = tb.Float64Col(pos=3)
    x_min = tb.Float64Col(pos=4)
    x_max = tb.Float64Col(pos=5)
    y_min = tb.Float64Col(pos=6)
    y_max = tb.Float64Col(pos=7)
Exemple #18
class MemMapEntry(tables.IsDescription):
    name = tables.StringCol(512)
    startaddr = tables.UInt64Col()
    startaddrlo = tables.UInt32Col()
    startaddrhi = tables.UInt32Col()
    endaddr = tables.UInt64Col()
    endaddrlo = tables.UInt32Col()
    endaddrhi = tables.UInt32Col()
    perms = tables.EnumCol(perms, '?', base='uint8')
    kind = tables.EnumCol(mmap_type, 'other', base='uint8')
class SkipEntry(tables.IsDescription):
    pc = tables.UInt64Col()
    pclo = tables.UInt32Col()
    pchi = tables.UInt32Col()
    disasm = tables.StringCol(256)
    thumb = tables.BoolCol()
    resumepc = tables.UInt64Col()
    resumepclo = tables.UInt32Col()
    resumepchi = tables.UInt32Col()
    isfunction = tables.BoolCol()
Exemple #20
class TraceWriteRange(tables.IsDescription):
    index = tables.UInt32Col()
    destlo = tables.UInt64Col()
    destlo = tables.UInt32Col()
    destlolo = tables.UInt32Col()
    destlohi = tables.UInt32Col()
    desthi = tables.UInt64Col()
    desthilo = tables.UInt32Col()
    desthihi = tables.UInt32Col()
    pc = tables.UInt64Col()
    pclo = tables.UInt32Col()
    pchi = tables.UInt32Col()
    relocatedpc = tables.UInt64Col()
    relocatedpclo = tables.UInt32Col()
    relocatedpchi = tables.UInt32Col()
    lr = tables.UInt64Col()
    lrlo = tables.UInt32Col()
    lrhi = tables.UInt32Col()
    relocatedlr = tables.UInt64Col()
    relocatedlrlo = tables.UInt32Col()
    relocatedlrhi = tables.UInt32Col()
    byteswritten = tables.UInt64Col()
    numops = tables.UInt64Col()
    cpsr = tables.UInt64Col()
    caller = tables.StringCol(40)
    substage = tables.UInt8Col()
Exemple #21
class VarEntry(tables.IsDescription):
    name = tables.StringCol(512)
    startaddr = tables.UInt64Col()
    startaddrlo = tables.UInt32Col()
    startaddrhi = tables.UInt32Col()
    endaddr = tables.UInt64Col()
    endaddrlo = tables.UInt32Col()
    endaddrhi = tables.UInt32Col()
    substage = tables.Int16Col()
    kind = tables.EnumCol(var_type, 'othervar', base='uint8')
    perms = tables.EnumCol(var_perms, 'rw', base='uint8')
    rawkind = tables.StringCol(128)
Exemple #22
class RegEntry(tables.IsDescription):
    name = tables.StringCol(512)
    address = tables.UInt64Col()
    addresslo = tables.UInt32Col()
    addresshi = tables.UInt32Col()
    width = tables.UInt8Col()
    reset = tables.StringCol(16)
    typ = tables.StringCol(16)
    offset = tables.UInt64Col()
    offsetlo = tables.UInt32Col()
    offsethi = tables.UInt32Col()
    table = tables.StringCol(256)
class EventTable(tables.IsDescription):
    event_index = tables.UInt64Col()
    event_id = tables.UInt64Col()
    telescope_id = tables.UInt8Col()
    n_photoelectrons = tables.UInt64Col()
    energy = tables.Float64Col()
    alt = tables.Float64Col()
    az = tables.Float64Col()
    core_x = tables.Float64Col()
    core_y = tables.Float64Col()
    h_first_int = tables.Float64Col()
    x_max = tables.Float64Col()
    shower_primary_id = tables.UInt8Col()
Exemple #24
class ExportDescription(tables.IsDescription):
    id = tables.UInt64Col()
    label = tables.StringCol(16)
    name = tables.StringCol(128)
    time = tables.UInt64Col()
    mean = tables.Float64Col()
    std = tables.Float64Col()
    sig = tables.Float64Col()

    class BacktraceDescription(tables.IsDescription):
        filename = tables.StringCol(1024)
        line = tables.StringCol(1024)
        lineno = tables.IntCol()
        name = tables.StringCol(128)
class TriggerInfo(tables.IsDescription):
	Describe the trigger informations of the telescopes events
		event_id : id of the corresponding event
		time_s : time of the event in second since 1st january 1970
		time_qns : time in nanosecond (or picosecond) to complete the time in second
		obs_id : id of the observation
    event_id = tables.UInt64Col()
    time_s = tables.UInt32Col()
    time_qns = tables.UInt32Col()
    obs_id = tables.UInt64Col()
Exemple #26
def _create_lightning_table(file, group):
    """Create lightning table in PyTables file

    Create an lightning table containing the ESD data columns which are
    available in the TSV download.

    :param file: PyTables file.
    :param group: the group to contain the lightning table, which need not

    description = {
        'event_id': tables.UInt32Col(pos=0),
        'timestamp': tables.Time32Col(pos=1),
        'nanoseconds': tables.UInt32Col(pos=2),
        'ext_timestamp': tables.UInt64Col(pos=3),
        'latitude': tables.Float32Col(pos=4),
        'longitude': tables.Float32Col(pos=5),
        'current': tables.Float32Col(pos=6)

    return file.create_table(group,
Exemple #27
def _create_events_table(file, group):
    """Create event table in PyTables file

    Create an event table containing the ESD data columns which are
    available in the TSV download.

    :param file: PyTables file.
    :param group: the group to contain the events table, which need not

    description = {
        'event_id': tables.UInt32Col(pos=0),
        'timestamp': tables.Time32Col(pos=1),
        'nanoseconds': tables.UInt32Col(pos=2),
        'ext_timestamp': tables.UInt64Col(pos=3),
        'pulseheights': tables.Int16Col(pos=4, shape=4),
        'integrals': tables.Int32Col(pos=5, shape=4),
        'n1': tables.Float32Col(pos=6),
        'n2': tables.Float32Col(pos=7),
        'n3': tables.Float32Col(pos=8),
        'n4': tables.Float32Col(pos=9),
        't1': tables.Float32Col(pos=10),
        't2': tables.Float32Col(pos=11),
        't3': tables.Float32Col(pos=12),
        't4': tables.Float32Col(pos=13),
        't_trigger': tables.Float32Col(pos=14)

    return file.create_table(group, 'events', description, createparents=True)
Exemple #28
class ShowerDistribution(tables.IsDescription):
    Distribution of the simulated events
        bins_core_dist : distribution of the impact parameters by respect to the dstance by the center of the site
        bins_energy : distribution of the energy of the simulated events
        hist_id : id of the histogram
        num_entries : number of entries of the histogram
        obs_id : observation id
    bins_core_dist = tables.Float32Col(shape=(201, ))
    bins_energy = tables.Float32Col(shape=(121, ))
    hist_id = tables.UInt64Col()
    histogram = tables.Float32Col(shape=(120, 200))
    num_entries = tables.UInt64Col()
    obs_id = tables.UInt64Col()
Exemple #29
class ReconstructedCoincidence(tables.IsDescription):
    """Store information about reconstructed coincidences"""

    id = tables.UInt32Col(pos=1)
    ext_timestamp = tables.UInt64Col(pos=2)
    min_n = tables.Float32Col(pos=3)

    x = tables.Float32Col(pos=4)
    y = tables.Float32Col(pos=5)
    zenith = tables.Float32Col(pos=6)
    azimuth = tables.Float32Col(pos=7)
    size = tables.Float32Col(pos=8)
    energy = tables.Float32Col(pos=9)
    error_x = tables.Float32Col(pos=10)
    error_y = tables.Float32Col(pos=11)
    error_zenith = tables.Float32Col(pos=12)
    error_azimuth = tables.Float32Col(pos=13)
    error_size = tables.Float32Col(pos=14)
    error_energy = tables.Float32Col(pos=15)

    reference_x = tables.Float32Col(pos=16)
    reference_y = tables.Float32Col(pos=17)
    reference_zenith = tables.Float32Col(pos=18)
    reference_azimuth = tables.Float32Col(pos=19)
    reference_size = tables.Float32Col(pos=20)
    reference_energy = tables.Float32Col(pos=21)
Exemple #30
class TimeDelta(tables.IsDescription):
    """Store time differences"""

    ext_timestamp = tables.UInt64Col(pos=0)
    timestamp = tables.UInt32Col(pos=1)
    nanoseconds = tables.UInt32Col(pos=2)
    delta = tables.FloatCol(pos=3)