class TelTableRow(IsDescription):
    """Describe row format for telescope type table.

    Contains parameter information for each telescope type in the data.  NOTE:
    Additional columns are added dynamically to some tables,
    see the github wiki page for the full table/data format descriptions.

    type : tables.StringCol
        Telescope type name (i.e. 'LST:LSTCam')
    optics : tables.StringCol
        Telescope optics type name (i.e. 'LST').
    camera : tables.StringCol
        Telescope camera type name (i.e. 'LSTCam').
    num_pixels: tables.UInt32Col
        Number of pixels in the telescope camera.
    pix_rotation: tables.Float32Col
        Rotation angle in deg.
    cam_rotation: tables.Float32Col
        Overall camera rotation in deg.

    type = StringCol(20)
    optics = StringCol(20)
    camera = StringCol(20)
    num_pixels = UInt32Col()
    pix_rotation = Float32Col()
    cam_rotation = Float32Col()
Exemple #2
class Test_GrainData(IsDescription):
       Description class specifying structured storage for tests
    idnumber = Int32Col()  # Signed 64-bit integer
    volume = Float32Col()  # float
    center = Float32Col(shape=(3, ))  # float
Exemple #3
class Array(IsDescription):
    """Row descriptor class for Pytables array data table.

    Contains parameter information for each selected telescope
    in the data.

    tel_id : UInt8Col
        UInt8 placeholder type for the telescope id (in the array)
    tel_x : Float32Col
        Float32 placeholder type for the telescope position x coordinate
        relative to the center of the array.
    tel_y : Float32Col
        Float32 placeholder type for the telescope position y coordinate
        relative to the center of the array.
    tel_z : Float32Col
        Float32 placeholder type for the telescope position z coordinate
        (height) relative to the CORSIKA observatory altitude.
    tel_type : StringCol
        String placeholder type for the telescope type name (i.e. 'LST')
    run_array_direction: Float32Col(2)
        Float32 tuple placeholder type for the array pointing direction for
        a given run (az,alt)

    tel_id = UInt8Col()
    tel_x = Float32Col()
    tel_y = Float32Col()
    tel_z = Float32Col()
    tel_type = StringCol(8)
    run_array_direction = Float32Col(2)
class PowerScanTableDescription(IsDescription):

    power_requested = Float32Col()
    power_achieved = Float32Col()
    voltage = Float32Col()
class ArrayTableRow(IsDescription):
    """Describe row format for telescope array table.

    Contains parameter information for each telescope in the array.
    NOTE: Additional columns are added dynamically to some tables, see the
    github wiki page for the full table/data format descriptions.

    id : tables.UInt8Col
        Telescope id (unique).
    type : tables.StringCol
        Telescope type name (i.e. 'LST:LSTCam').
    x : tables.Float32Col
        Telescope position x coordinate relative to the center of the array.
    y : tables.Float32Col
        Telescope position y coordinate relative to the center of the array.
    z : tables.Float32Col
        Telescope position z coordinate (height) relative to the CORSIKA
        observatory altitude.


    id = UInt16Col()
    type = StringCol(20)
    x = Float32Col()
    y = Float32Col()
    z = Float32Col()
class CameraScanTableDescription(IsDescription):
    setpoint = Float32Col()
    frame_path = StringCol(140)
    ravg = Float32Col()
    gavg = Float32Col()
    bavg = Float32Col()
class PowerMapTableDescription(IsDescription):

    row = Float32Col()
    col = Float32Col()
    x = Float32Col()
    y = Float32Col()
    power = Float32Col()
Exemple #8
class StrokelitudeDataDescription(IsDescription):
    frame = UInt64Col(pos=0)
    trigger_timestamp = FloatCol(pos=1)  # when the image trigger happened
    processing_timestamp = FloatCol(pos=2)  # when the analysis was done
    left = Float32Col(pos=3)  # angle, degrees
    right = Float32Col(pos=4)  # angle, degrees
    left_antenna = Float32Col(pos=5)  # angle, degrees
    right_antenna = Float32Col(pos=6)  # angle, degrees
    head = Float32Col(pos=7)  # angle, degrees
class EventTableRow(IsDescription):
    """Describe row format for event table.

    Contains event-level information, mostly from Monte Carlo simulation
    parameters. NOTE: Additional columns are added dynamically to some tables,
    see the github wiki page for the full table/data format descriptions.

    event_id : tables.UInt32Col
        Shower event id.
    obs_id : tables.UInt32Col
        Shower observation (run) id. Replaces old "run_id" in ctapipe r0
    true_shower_primary_id : tables.UInt8Col
        Particle type id for the shower primary particle. From Monte Carlo
        simulation parameters.
    true_core_x : tables.Float32Col
        Shower core position x coordinate. From Monte Carlo simulation
    true_core_y : tables.Float32Col
        Shower core position y coordinate. From Monte Carlo simulation
    true_h_first_int : tables.Float32Col
        Height of shower primary particle first interaction. From Monte Carlo
        simulation parameters.
    true_energy : tables.Float32Col
        Energy of the shower primary particle in TeV. From Monte Carlo simulation
    log_true_energy : tables.Float32Col
        Energy of the shower primary particle in log(TeV). From Monte Carlo simulation
    true_az : tables.Float32Col
        Shower azimuth angle. From Monte Carlo simulation parameters.
    true_alt : tables.Float32Col
        Shower altitude (zenith) angle. From Monte Carlo simulation parameters.
    array_pointing_az : tables.Float32Col
        Array pointing azimuth angle.
    array_pointing_alt : tables.Float32Col
        Array pointing altitude (zenith) angle.


    event_id = UInt32Col()
    obs_id = UInt32Col()
    true_shower_primary_id = UInt8Col()
    true_core_x = Float32Col()
    true_core_y = Float32Col()
    true_h_first_int = Float32Col()
    true_x_max = Float32Col()
    true_energy = Float32Col()
    log_true_energy = Float32Col()
    true_az = Float32Col()
    true_alt = Float32Col()
    array_pointing_az = Float32Col()
    array_pointing_alt = Float32Col()
Exemple #10
class SSelectorOnMeshElement(IsDescription):
    shortName = StringCol(ELEMENT_LENGTH, pos=0)
    imin = Int32Col(pos=1)
    jmin = Int32Col(pos=2)
    kmin = Int32Col(pos=3)
    imax = Int32Col(pos=4)
    jmax = Int32Col(pos=5)
    kmax = Int32Col(pos=6)
    v1 = Float32Col()
    v2 = Float32Col()
    v3 = Float32Col()
Exemple #11
class ncdf_weather(IsDescription):
    day = Time32Col(pos=1)
    tmax = Float32Col(pos=2)
    tmin = Float32Col(pos=3)
    temp = Float32Col(pos=4)
    rain = Float32Col(pos=5)
    irrad = Float32Col(pos=6)
    wind = Float32Col(pos=7)
    vap = Float32Col(pos=8)
    e0 = Float32Col(pos=9)
    es0 = Float32Col(pos=10)
    et0 = Float32Col(pos=11);
Exemple #12
class Preopen(IsDescription):
    symbol = StringCol(50)
    xDt = StringCol(50)
    caAct = StringCol(50)
    iep = Float32Col()
    chn = Float16Col()
    perChn = Float16Col()
    pCls = Float32Col()
    trdQnty = Int32Col()
    iVal = Float16Col()
    sumVal = Float32Col()
    sumQnty = Int32Col()
    finQnty = Int32Col()
    sumfinQnty = Int32Col()
Exemple #13
class Derivative(IsDescription):
    INSTRUMENT = StringCol(6)
    SYMBOL = StringCol(50)
    EXPIRY_DT = StringCol(11)
    STRIKE_PR = Int32Col()
    OPTION_TYP = StringCol(2)
    OPEN = Float32Col()
    HIGH = Float32Col()
    LOW = Float32Col()
    CLOSE = Float32Col()
    SETTLE_PR = Float32Col()
    CONTRACTS = Int32Col()
    VAL_INLAKH = Float64Col()
    OPEN_INT = Int32Col()
    CHG_IN_OI = Int32Col()
    TIMESTAMP = StringCol(11)
Exemple #14
class SSReadoutTableDs(IsDescription):
    iro = UInt64Col()  # readout numner/index
    time = UInt64Col()  # TACK timestamp
    cpu_t = Float64Col()  # native python timestamp float64
    cpu_t_s = UInt64Col()  # seconds time stamp uint64
    cpu_t_ns = UInt64Col()  # nano seconds time stamp uint64
    data = Float32Col((N_TM, N_TM_PIX))  # 2D data array containing
Exemple #15
class Record(tables.IsDescription):
    var1 = StringCol(itemsize=4, dflt=b"abcd", pos=0)
    var2 = StringCol(itemsize=1, dflt=b"a", pos=1)
    var3 = BoolCol(dflt=1)
    var4 = Int8Col(dflt=1)
    var5 = UInt8Col(dflt=1)
    var6 = Int16Col(dflt=1)
    var7 = UInt16Col(dflt=1)
    var8 = Int32Col(dflt=1)
    var9 = UInt32Col(dflt=1)
    var10 = Int64Col(dflt=1)
    var11 = Float32Col(dflt=1.0)
    var12 = Float64Col(dflt=1.0)
    var13 = ComplexCol(itemsize=8, dflt=(1. + 0.j))
    var14 = ComplexCol(itemsize=16, dflt=(1. + 0.j))
    if hasattr(tables, 'Float16Col'):
        var15 = tables.Float16Col(dflt=1.0)
    if hasattr(tables, 'Float96Col'):
        var16 = tables.Float96Col(dflt=1.0)
    if hasattr(tables, 'Float128Col'):
        var17 = tables.Float128Col(dflt=1.0)
    if hasattr(tables, 'Complex196Col'):
        var18 = tables.ComplexCol(itemsize=24, dflt=(1. + 0.j))
    if hasattr(tables, 'Complex256Col'):
        var19 = tables.ComplexCol(itemsize=32, dflt=(1. + 0.j))
Exemple #16
    class _VariantDescription(IsDescription):

        CHROM = StringCol(256)

        POS = Int32Col()

        ID = StringCol(256)

        REF = StringCol(256)

        ALT = StringCol(256)

        QUAL = Float32Col()

        CAF = StringCol(256)

        CLNDISDB = StringCol(256)

        CLNDN = StringCol(256)

        CLNSIG = StringCol(256)

        CLNREVSTAT = StringCol(256)

        CLNVI = StringCol(256)

        effect = StringCol(256)

        impact = StringCol(256)

        gene_name = StringCol(256)

        GT = StringCol(256)
Exemple #17
class TwoGenomeWideAssociationLocusMapTable(tables.IsDescription):
	2013.1.26 further attributes associated with this table:
		input1_fname, input2_fname, 
		gw_association_locus1 (id, call-method, analysis-method-ls), gw_association_locus2 (id, cm, am)
		if "pos=.." is not added, they are sorted alphabetically by their names.
    id = UInt64Col(pos=0)

    #2013.2.24 overall position of the locus
    chromosome = StringCol(64, pos=1)  #64 byte-long
    start = UInt64Col(pos=2)
    stop = UInt64Col(pos=3)

    input1_locus_id = UInt64Col(pos=4)
    input1_chromosome = StringCol(64, pos=5)
    input1_start = UInt64Col(pos=6)
    input1_stop = UInt64Col(pos=7)

    input2_locus_id = UInt64Col(pos=8)
    input2_chromosome = StringCol(64, pos=9)
    input2_start = UInt64Col(pos=10)
    input2_stop = UInt64Col(pos=11)

    locusOverlapFraction = Float64Col(pos=12)

    no_of_total_phenotypes = UInt32Col(pos=13)  #all significant phenotypes
    total_phenotype_ls_in_str = StringCol(1000, pos=14)
    fraction_of_total_phenotypes = Float32Col(
        pos=15)  #divided by all phenotypes with association

    no_of_overlap_phenotypes = UInt32Col(pos=16)
    overlap_phenotype_ls_in_str = StringCol(1000, pos=17)
    fraction_of_overlap_phenotypes = Float32Col(
    )  #divided by the no_of_total_phenotypes (3 cols above, with significant hits)

    no_of_input1_only_phenotypes = UInt32Col(pos=19)
    input1_only_phenotype_ls_in_str = StringCol(1000, pos=20)
    fraction_of_input1_only_phenotypes = Float32Col(pos=21)

    no_of_input2_only_phenotypes = UInt32Col(pos=22)
    input2_only_phenotype_ls_in_str = StringCol(1000, pos=23)
    fraction_of_input2_only_phenotypes = Float32Col(pos=24)
class Particle(IsDescription):
    name = StringCol(16)   # 16-character String
    idnumber = Int64Col()      # Signed 64-bit integer
    ADCcount = UInt16Col()     # Unsigned short integer
    TDCcount = UInt8Col()      # unsigned byte
    grid_i = Int32Col()      # 32-bit integer
    grid_j = Int32Col()      # 32-bit integer
    pressure = Float32Col()    # float  (single-precision)
    energy = Float64Col()    # double (double-precision)
Exemple #19
 def setup_peakmap_table(self):
     if not hasattr(self.node, "pm_table"):
         description = {}
         description["unique_id"] = StringCol(itemsize=64, pos=0)
         description["index"] = UInt32Col(pos=1)
         description["ms_levels"] = StringCol(
             itemsize=self.MSLEVEL_FIELD_SIZE, pos=2)
         description["rtmin"] = Float32Col(pos=3)
         description["rtmax"] = Float32Col(pos=4)
         description["mzmin"] = Float32Col(pos=5)
         description["mzmax"] = Float32Col(pos=6)
         pm_table = self.file_.create_table(self.node,
         # every colums which appears in a where method call should/must be indexed !
         # this is not only for performance but for correct lookup as well (I had strange bugs
         # else)
Exemple #20
    def init_dynamic_scalars_and_fields(self, shape, scalars, fields):

        # create scalars tab
        self.dynamic_scalars = set(scalars)
        cols_desc = {c: Float64Col() for c in scalars}
        cols_desc['t'] = Float32Col()
        self.tab_dynamic_scalars = self.f.create_table(self.f.root,
                                                       'Dynamic scalars')

        # create fields tab
        self.dynamic_fields = set(fields)
        cols_desc = {f: Float64Col(shape) for f in fields}
        cols_desc['t'] = Float32Col()
        self.tab_dynamic_fields = self.f.create_table(self.f.root,
                                                      'Dynamic fields')

        # snapshot
        self.snapshot(t=0.0, **scalars, **fields)
Exemple #21
    def setup_spec_table(self):
        if not hasattr(self.node, "ms1_spec_table"):
            for level in (1, 2):
                description = {}
                description["pm_index"] = UInt32Col(pos=0)
                description["rt"] = Float32Col(pos=1)
                description["scan_number"] = Int32Col(pos=2)
                description["start"] = UInt64Col(pos=3)
                description["end"] = UInt64Col(pos=4)
                t = self.file_.create_table(self.node, 'ms%d_spec_table' % level, description,

                # every colums which appears in a where method call should/must be indexed !
                # this is not only for performance but for correct lookup as well (I had strange bugs
                # else)
class StrokelitudeDataDescription(IsDescription):
    frame = UInt64Col(pos=0)
    trigger_timestamp = FloatCol(pos=1)  # when the image trigger happened
    processing_timestamp = FloatCol(pos=2)  # when the analysis was done
    left = Float32Col(pos=3)  # angle, degrees
    right = Float32Col(pos=4)  # angle, degrees
    left_antenna = Float32Col(pos=5)  # angle, degrees
    right_antenna = Float32Col(pos=6)  # angle, degrees
    head = Float32Col(pos=7)  # angle, degrees
    pulse_width = Float32Col(
        pos=8)  # random pulse width, 0 = short, 1 = long, 2 = unknown
    pulse_frame = UInt64Col(pos=9)  # frame number associated with random pulse
Exemple #23
    def setup_spec_table(self):
        if not hasattr(self.node, "spec_table"):
            description = {}
            description["pm_index"] = UInt32Col(pos=0)
            description["rt"] = Float32Col(pos=1)
            description["ms_level"] = UInt8Col(pos=2)
            description["start"] = UInt64Col(pos=3)
            description["size"] = UInt32Col(pos=4)
            spec_table = self.file_.create_table(self.node,

            # every colums which appears in a where method call should/must be indexed !
            # this is not only for performance but for correct lookup as well (I had strange bugs
            # else)
Exemple #24
class Tel(IsDescription):
    """Row descriptor class for Pytables telescope data table.

    Contains parameter information for each selected telescope
    in the data.

    tel_type : StringCol
        String placeholder type for the telescope type name (i.e. 'LST')
    num_pixels: UInt32Col
        UInt32 placeholder type for telescope's number of pixels
    pixel_pos: Float32Col
        Float32Col placeholder type for pixel's coordinates

    tel_type = StringCol(8)
    num_pixels = UInt32Col()
    pixel_pos = Float32Col(2)
Exemple #25
class Equity(IsDescription):
    SYMBOL = StringCol(50)
    SERIES = StringCol(2)
    OPEN = Float32Col()
    HIGH = Float32Col()
    LOW = Float32Col()
    CLOSE = Float32Col()
    LAST = Float32Col()
    PREVCLOSE = Float32Col()
    TOTTRDQTY = Int32Col()
    TOTTRDVAL = Float64Col()
    TIMESTAMP = StringCol(12)
    TOTALTRADES = Int32Col()
    ISIN = StringCol(12)
Exemple #26
    class _VariantDescription(IsDescription):
        Describe VariantHDF5 table columns.

        # TODO: Optimize
        CHROM = StringCol(8)
        POS = Int32Col()
        ID = StringCol(16)
        REF = StringCol(256)
        ALT = StringCol(256)
        QUAL = Float32Col()
        # INFO
        CAF = StringCol(16)
        CLNSIG = StringCol(8)
        CLNDBN = StringCol(256)
        # INFO ANN
        effect = StringCol(32)
        impact = StringCol(32)
        gene_name = StringCol(32)
        # FORMAT & sample
        GT = StringCol(8)
Exemple #27
class Event(IsDescription):
    """Row descriptor class for Pytables event table.
    Contains event-level parameters, mostly from Monte Carlo simulation
    event_number : UInt32Col
        UInt32 placeholder type for the shower event id
    run_number : UInt32Col
        UInt32 placeholder type for the run number
    particle_id : UInt8Col
        UInt8 placeholder type for the CORSIKA-simulated primary particle type
    core_x : Float64Col
        Float64 placeholder type for the Monte Carlo shower core
        position x coordinate.
    core_y : Float64Col
        Float64 placeholder type for the Monte Carlo shower core
        position y coordinate.
    h_first_int : Float64Col
        Float64 placeholder type for the Monte Carlo height of first
        interaction of the primary particle.
    mc_energy : Float64Col
        Float64 placeholder type for the Monte Carlo energy of the
        primary particle.
    az : Float32Col
        Float32 placeholder type for the shower azimuth angle.
    alt : Float32Col
        Float32 placeholder type for the shower altitude (zenith) angle
    event_number = UInt32Col()
    run_number = UInt32Col()
    particle_id = UInt8Col()
    core_x = Float32Col()
    core_y = Float32Col()
    h_first_int = Float32Col()
    mc_energy = Float32Col()
    az = Float32Col()
    alt = Float32Col()
Exemple #28
class Record(tables.IsDescription):
    var1 = StringCol(itemsize=4)  # 4-character String
    var2 = IntCol()  # integer
    var3 = Int16Col()  # short integer
    var4 = FloatCol()  # double (double-precision)
    var5 = Float32Col()  # float  (single-precision)
Exemple #29
class Jaszczak(IsDescription):
    jaszczak = Float32Col([256, 256])
    radius = Float32Col(10)
    inten = Float32Col(10)
Exemple #30
 class description(IsDescription):
     time = Int32Col()
     st = Int8Col(shape=(N_CH, ))
     wave = Float32Col(shape=(S_TOTAL, N_CH))
     fet = Float32Col(shape=(N_CH, FPC))
     clu = Int32Col()