def update_widgets(self): self.display_system = DisplaySystem(self) self.display_system.create_system_widget() self.figures = DisplayFigures(self) self.figures.create_figures_widget() self.tables = DisplayTables(self) self.tables.create_tables_widget()
class InteractiveInput(object): def __init__(self, name='', version='', equations=None, parameters=None, get_parameters=None, auxiliary_variables=[], constraints=[], symbols={}, resolve_cycles=False, resolve_codominance=False, centered_axes=False, xaxis=None, yaxis=None, recast=True, x_range=[1e-3, 1e3], y_range=[1e-3, 1e3], zlim=None, by_signature=False, kinetic_orders=None, included_cases=None, biological_constraints=[], resolution=100, **kwargs): ''' ''' setattr(self, 'ds', None) setattr(self, 'equations', []) setattr(self, 'name', name) setattr(self, 'version', version) setattr(self, 'pvals', None) setattr(self, 'cyclical', resolve_cycles) setattr(self, 'codominance', resolve_codominance) setattr(self, 'recast', recast) setattr(self, 'auxiliary', []) setattr(self, 'constraints', []) setattr(self, 'kinetic_orders', []) setattr(self, 'symbols', symbols) setattr(self, 'widget', Tab()) setattr(self, 'figures', None) setattr(self, 'figure_data', []) setattr(self, 'tables', None) setattr(self, 'table_data', []) setattr(self, 'display_system', None) setattr(self, 'options', dict(kwargs)) self.options.update(center_axes=centered_axes, xaxis=xaxis, yaxis=yaxis, range_x=x_range, range_y=y_range, zlim=zlim, by_signature=by_signature, kinetic_orders=kinetic_orders, get_parameters=get_parameters, included_cases=included_cases, biological_constraints=biological_constraints, resolution=resolution) if equations is not None: self.equations = equations if isinstance(equations, list) is False: self.equations = [equations] if auxiliary_variables is not None: self.auxiliary = auxiliary_variables if isinstance(auxiliary_variables, list) is False: self.auxiliary = [auxiliary_variables] if constraints is not None: self.constraints = constraints if isinstance(constraints, list) is False: self.constraints = [constraints] if parameters is not None: self.pvals = dspace.VariablePool(names = parameters.keys()) self.pvals.update(parameters) self.root = VBox(children=[self.widget]) display(self.root) self.update_child('About', self.help_widget()) self.update_child('Main Menu', self.edit_equations_widget()) def set_defaults(self, key, value): self.options[key] = value def defaults(self, key): if key in self.options: return self.options[key] else: return None def reload_widgets(self): self.widget = Tab() display(self.root) self.update_child('Main Menu', self.edit_equations_widget()) if self.ds is None: return self.update_widgets() self.figures.load_widgets() def child_with_name(self, name): children = self.widget.children for i in xrange(len(children)): if children[i].description == name: return self.widget.children[i] return None def update_child(self, name, child, index=None): previous_children = self.widget.children children = [i for i in self.widget.children] added = False for i in xrange(len(children)): if children[i].description == name: self.widget._titles = {} old = children.pop(i) break if added is False: if child is not None: child.description = name children.append(child) index = len(children)-1 else: index = 0 self.widget.children = children for (i, child) in enumerate(children): self.widget.set_title(i, child.description) self.widget.selected_index = index def enumerate_phenotypes_menu(self, b): cases_table = CasesTable(self) return cases_table.cases_table_widget() def case_report_menu(self, b): case_report = CaseReport(self, self.defaults('by_signature')) return case_report.create_case_widget() def co_localize_menu(self, b): case_report = CaseColocalization(self, self.defaults('by_signature')) return case_report.colocalization_widget() def case_intersect_menu(self, b): case_report = CaseIntersection(self, self.defaults('by_signature')) return case_report.case_intersection_widget() def create_plot_menu(self, b): plot = MakePlot(self) return plot.create_plot_widget() def load_widget(self, b): = str( self.version = str(self.version_field.value) saved = WidgetSavedData.load_widget_data(self) b.wi.visible = True if self.ds is None: return self.make_options_menu(b.button) self.update_widgets() self.figures.load_widgets() self.tables.load_widgets() ## b.version.value = self.version self.widget.selected_index = 0 def save_widget_data(self, b): save_widget = SavePopupWidget(self) widget_container = save_widget.save_popup_widget() self.root.children = [self.widget, widget_container] self.widget.visible = False def modify_equations_widget(self, b): self.ds = None self.figure_data = [] self.table_data = [] self.widget.close() self.widget = Tab() display(self.root) self.update_child('Main Menu', self.edit_equations_widget(editing=True)) def make_options_menu(self, b): wi = b.wi b.visible = False = False b.load.visible = False actions = [('Enumerate Phenotypes', self.enumerate_phenotypes_menu), ('Analyze Case', self.case_report_menu), ('Intersect Phenotypes', self.case_intersect_menu), ('Co-localize Phenotypes', self.co_localize_menu), ('Create Plot', self.create_plot_menu)] actions_h = HTML(value='<b>Actions</b>') options_h = HTML(value='<b>Options</b>') options = [('Edit Symbols', self.create_edit_symbols), ('Edit Parameters', self.create_edit_parameters), ('Save Data', self.save_widget_data)] actions_w = Tab() options_w = [] for name, method in options: button = Button(description=name) button.on_click(method) ## button.version = b.version if method is None: button.disabled = True options_w.append(button) edit = Button(description='Modify System') edit.on_click(self.modify_equations_widget) warning = HTML() warning.value = '<font color="red"><b>Warning! Modifying system erases saved figures and tables.</b></font>' wi.children = [actions_h, actions_w] + [options_h] + options_w + [edit, warning] for title, method in actions: title, widget = method(self) children = [i for i in actions_w.children] + [widget] actions_w.children = children actions_w.set_title(len(children)-1, title) self.widget.selected_index = 1 def update_widgets(self): self.display_system = DisplaySystem(self) self.display_system.create_system_widget() self.figures = DisplayFigures(self) self.figures.create_figures_widget() self.tables = DisplayTables(self) self.tables.create_tables_widget() def help_widget(self): about_str = ['<p style="text-align:justify;"><font color="darkblue">', 'You are using the Design Space Toolbox V2 Jupyter', 'Notebook-based widget, a graphical interface for', 'the Design Space Toolbox V2 created by Jason', 'Lomnitz in the laboratory of Michael A. Savageau.', '<br><br>', 'This software has been created for the analysis', 'of mathematical models of biochemical systems.', 'This library deconstructs a model into a series of', 'sub-models that can be analyzed by applying a series', 'of numerical and symbolic methods.', '<br><br>', 'To begin, please enter the information in the required', 'fields (marked by an "*") and optional fields.', 'The Name field is used to save and load a model', 'workspace,which includes the system equations, tables' ' and figures. The primary input into the widget are the', 'system equations, represented by a list of strings.', '<br><br></font>', 'The equations must satisfy the following rules:<br>', '1. Each equation has to be explicitly stated as:<br>', '1.1 A differential equation, where the "." operator', 'denotes the derivative with respect to time.<br>', '1.2 An algebraic constraint, where the left hand side', 'is either a variable or a mathematical expression.', 'Auxiliary variables associated with the constraint must', 'be explicitly defined (unless the left-hand side is the', 'auxiliary variable).', '<br>', '2. Multiplication is represented by the "*" operator.', '<br>', '3. Powers are represented by the "^" operator.', '<br>', '4. Architectural constraints are defined as inequalities,', 'where both sides of the inequality are products of', 'power-laws.<br><br>', '</p>'] report_str = ['<p style="text-align:center;">', 'This software is a still under active development and may', 'contain a number of bugs and issues. A complete list of', 'known open issues can be found online here: ', '<a target="_blank"', 'href="">', 'Project Issue Tracker</a>.<br>', '<font color="red"><b>If you found a new bug in the stable', 'or release version of the design space toolbox; or would', 'like to request an enhancement that has not yet', 'been reported, please report it here:</b></font>', '<a target="_blank"', 'href="">', 'REPORT BUG</a>', '</p>'] html = HTML(value=' '.join(report_str)+' '.join(about_str)) return VBox(children=[html]) def edit_equations_widget(self, editing=False): kinetic_orders = self.options['kinetic_orders'] if kinetic_orders is None: kinetic_orders = [] name = Text(description='* Name', version = Text(description='Version', value=self.version) self.version_field = version equations=Textarea(description='* Equations', value='\n'.join(self.equations)) aux=Textarea(description='Auxiliary Variables', value=', '.join(self.auxiliary)) html = HTML(value='<b>Architectural Constraints</b>') constraints=Textarea(description='Parameters', value=', '.join(self.constraints) ) options_html = HTML(value='<b>Additional Options</b>') cyclical = Checkbox(description='Check for Cycles', value = self.cyclical) codominance = Checkbox(description='Check for Co-dominance', value = self.codominance) recast = Checkbox(description='Recast Equations', value = self.recast) replacements=Textarea(description='Kinetic Orders', value=', '.join( [i for i in kinetic_orders])) wi = VBox(children=[equations, aux, html, constraints, replacements, options_html, cyclical, codominance,recast, ]) button = Button(value=False, description='Create Design Space') button.on_click(self.make_design_space) button.equations = equations button.aux = aux button.constraints = constraints button.cyclical = cyclical button.codominance = codominance button.recast = recast button.replacements = replacements button.wi = wi = name ## button.version = version load = Button(value=False, description='Load Data') load.on_click(self.load_widget) load.equations = equations ## load.version = version load.aux = aux load.constraints = constraints load.cyclical = cyclical load.codominance = codominance load.replacements = replacements load.wi = wi = name load.button = button button.load = load edit_symbols = Button(value=False, description='Edit Symbols') edit_symbols.on_click(self.create_edit_symbols) edit_parameters = Button(value=False, description='Edit Parameters') edit_parameters.on_click(self.create_edit_parameters) button.edit_symbols = edit_symbols button.edit_parameters = edit_parameters edit_equations = VBox(description='Edit Equations', children=[name, version, wi, edit_symbols, edit_parameters, button, load]) wi.visible = False edit_symbols.visible = False edit_parameters.visible = False if self.ds is not None: wi.visible = True ## self.update_widgets() self.make_options_menu(button) if editing is True: self.make_design_space(button) return edit_equations def make_design_space(self, b): if b.wi.visible == False: b.wi.visible = True b.description = 'Done' return self.version_field.visible = False self.equations = [i.strip() for i in str(b.equations.value).split('\n') if len(i.strip()) > 0] self.auxiliary = [i.strip() for i in str(b.aux.value).split(',') if len(i.strip()) > 0] self.constraints = [i.strip() for i in str(b.constraints.value).split(',') if len(i.strip()) > 0] self.cyclical = b.cyclical.value self.codominance = b.codominance.value self.recast = b.recast.value eq = dspace.Equations(self.equations, auxiliary_variables=self.auxiliary, latex_symbols=self.symbols) if self.recast: eq = eq.recast() = constraints = self.constraints replacements = str(b.replacements.value).strip() self.options.update(kinetic_orders=str(b.replacements.value).split(',')) if len(replacements) > 0: replacements = str(b.replacements.value).split(',') replacements = [[j.strip() for j in i.split('=')] for i in replacements] parameter_dict = {i:j for i,j in replacements} else: parameter_dict = {} if len(constraints) == 0: constraints = None self.ds = dspace.DesignSpace(eq,, constraints=constraints, resolve_cycles=self.cyclical, resolve_codominance=self.codominance, parameter_dict=parameter_dict) if self.pvals == None: self.pvals = dspace.VariablePool( names=self.ds.independent_variables ) else: pvals = dspace.VariablePool( names=self.ds.independent_variables ) for i in pvals: if i in self.pvals: pvals[i] = self.pvals[i] self.pvals = pvals get_parameters = self.defaults('get_parameters') if get_parameters is not None: case = self.ds(get_parameters) self.pvals = case.valid_interior_parameter_set() self.symbols.update({i:i for i in self.ds.dependent_variables + self.ds.independent_variables if i not in self.symbols}) self.ds.update_latex_symbols(self.symbols) self.update_widgets() self.make_options_menu(b) def create_edit_symbols(self, b): Edit = EditSymbols(self) Edit.edit_symbols_widget() def create_edit_parameters(self, b): Edit = EditParameters(self) Edit.edit_parameters_widget()