def latex_format_builder( raw: bool = False, booktabs: bool = False, longtable: bool = False, longtable_continued: bool = False, ) -> TableFormat: lineabove = partial( _latex_line_begin_tabular, longtable=longtable, booktabs=booktabs, longtable_continued=longtable_continued ) if booktabs and longtable: linebelowheader = [midrule, endhead] if longtable_continued: linebelow = [r"\end{longtable}"] else: linebelow = [bottomrule, r"\end{longtable}"] elif booktabs: linebelowheader = [midrule] linebelow = [bottomrule, r"\end{tabular}"] elif longtable: linebelowheader = [hline, endhead] linebelow = [hline, r"\end{longtable}"] else: linebelowheader = [hline] linebelow = [hline, r"\end{tabular}"] if raw: datarow = headerrow = partial(tabulate._latex_row, escrules={}) # type: ignore[attr-defined] else: datarow = headerrow = tabulate._latex_row # type: ignore[attr-defined] return TableFormat( lineabove=lineabove, linebelowheader=Line('\n'.join(linebelowheader), '', '', ''), linebelow=Line('\n'.join(linebelow), '', '', ''), datarow=datarow, headerrow=headerrow, linebetweenrows=None, padding=1, with_header_hide=None, )
def test_custom_tablefmt(): "Regression: allow custom TableFormat that specifies with_header_hide (github issue #20)" tablefmt = TableFormat( lineabove=Line("", "-", " ", ""), linebelowheader=Line("", "-", " ", ""), linebetweenrows=None, linebelow=Line("", "-", " ", ""), headerrow=DataRow("", " ", ""), datarow=DataRow("", " ", ""), padding=0, with_header_hide=["lineabove", "linebelow"], ) rows = [["foo", "bar"], ["baz", "qux"]] expected = "\n".join(["A B", "--- ---", "foo bar", "baz qux"]) result = tabulate(rows, headers=["A", "B"], tablefmt=tablefmt) assert_equal(result, expected)
return do_insertions(insertions, self.root_lexer.get_tokens_unprocessed(buffered)) def _styled_datarow(begin, sep, end, cls, cell_values, colwidths, colaligns): ''' Function that add a HTML style <cls> to each even cell value. The rest of the parameters follows the tabulate's definition. ''' values = (c if i % 2 else ('<%s>%s</%s>' % (cls, c, cls)) for i, c in enumerate(cell_values)) return (begin + sep.join(values) + end).rstrip() # Table format for the registers based on tabulate's 'simple' format _registers_table_fmt = TableFormat( lineabove=Line("", "-", " ", ""), linebelowheader=Line("", "-", " ", ""), linebetweenrows=None, linebelow=Line("", "-", " ", ""), headerrow=DataRow("", " ", ""), datarow=partial(_styled_datarow, "", " ", "", ""), padding=0, with_header_hide=["lineabove", "linebelow"], ) class Shell: def __init__(self, style, regs, pc, mem, mu, columns, doc, simple_prompt, no_history, visible_regs): self.dirs = AppDirs("iasm", "badaddr") self.session = self._create_shell_session(style, no_history)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- __all__ = ["tabulate_prime"] """ Extend `tabulate` module with prime print format. """ import tabulate as tabulate_module from tabulate import DataRow, Line, TableFormat prime_format = TableFormat(lineabove=None, linebelowheader=Line("", "-", "-", ""), linebetweenrows=None, linebelow=None, headerrow=DataRow("", " ", ""), datarow=DataRow("", " ", ""), padding=0, with_header_hide=None) tabulate_module._table_formats["prime"] = prime_format orig_tabulate = tabulate_module.tabulate def tabulate_prime(tabular_data): """ This `tabulate_prime` function only support prime table requirement, just as ETL stuffs. """ # treat the second column as normal values. tabular_data = [([row[0]] + ["|"] + row[1:]) for row in tabular_data]
from tabulate import tabulate, TableFormat, Line, DataRow import logging import colorlog import pandas as pd import ujson as json format = '%(log_color)s%(asctime)15s %(name)15s %(levelname)10s - %(message)s' handler = colorlog.StreamHandler() handler.setFormatter( colorlog.ColoredFormatter(format, datefmt="%y%m%d %H:%M:%S")) logging.getLogger("cflib.crazyflie.log").addHandler(handler) myfmt = TableFormat(lineabove=Line("", "-", " ", ""), linebelowheader=Line("| ", "-", " | ", " |"), linebetweenrows=None, linebelow=None, headerrow=DataRow("| ", " | ", " |"), datarow=DataRow("| ", " | ", " |"), padding=0, with_header_hide=["lineabove", "linebelow"]) def get_logger(name, level=logging.DEBUG): """ This function returns a logger object """ logger = colorlog.getLogger(name) logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logger.addHandler(handler)
class Session: odd_even = cycle(( DataRow('', ' ', ''), # set background to dark gray, reset background at end of line DataRow('\x1b[100m', ' ', '\x1b[49m'), )) # TableFormat copied from tabulate's 'simple' format, datarow being the exception alternating_format = TableFormat( lineabove=Line('', '-', ' ', ''), linebelowheader=Line('', '-', ' ', ''), linebetweenrows=None, linebelow=Line('', '-', ' ', ''), headerrow=DataRow('', ' ', ''), # alternate between the definitions in odd_even datarow=lambda values, *_: _build_simple_row(values, next(Session.odd_even)), padding=0, with_header_hide=('lineabove', 'linebelow')) def __init__(self, config, today=None): self.config = config self._database = None = today or self.week_start = - timedelta( self.days = { day: self.week_start + timedelta(days=week_index) for week_index, day in enumerate(('monday', 'tuesday', 'wednesday', 'thursday', 'friday', 'saturday', 'sunday')) } self.days.update(, - timedelta(days=1), + timedelta(days=1)) @property def database(self): if not self._database: self._database = sqlite3.connect( path.expanduser(self.config.database.path or '~/.hours.db')) return self._database def select_day(self, argument): if argument in self.days: return self.days[argument] if DATE_PATTERN.match(argument): year, month, day = argument.split('-') return date(int(year), int(month), int(day)) raise ValueError('not a day: {}'.format(argument)) def to_name(self, argument): cursor = self.database.execute( """ SELECT name FROM aliases WHERE alias = ? """, (argument, )) name = cursor.fetchone() if name: return name[0] else: return argument def log_hours(self, name, day, hours): self.database.execute( """ INSERT INTO hours (name, day, hours) VALUES (?, ?, ?) """, (name, day, hours)) def run_log(self, arguments): assert 2 <= len(arguments) <= 3 day = name = hours = None for argument in arguments: if argument in self.days or DATE_PATTERN.match(argument): day = self.select_day(argument) elif HOURS_PATTERN.match(argument): hours = float(argument.replace(',', '.')) else: name = self.to_name(argument) assert None not in (name, day, hours) return self.log_hours(name, day, hours) def show_day(self, day): cursor = self.database.execute( """ SELECT name, SUM(hours) FROM hours WHERE day = ? GROUP BY name ORDER BY name """, (day, )) print( tabulate(cursor.fetchall(), headers=('', day.isoformat()), tablefmt=self.alternating_format)) def show_range(self, start, end): def hilight_today(headers): today = for header in headers: if header == today: yield '\x1b[1m{}\x1b[21m'.format(header) else: yield header days = [(start + timedelta(days=offset)).isoformat() for offset in range((end - start).days + 1)] cursor = self.database.execute( """ SELECT name, day, SUM(hours) FROM hours WHERE day >= ? AND day <= ? GROUP BY name, day ORDER BY name, day """, (start, end)) data = {(name, day): hours for (name, day, hours) in cursor.fetchall()} names = sorted({name for (name, day) in data.keys()}) print( tabulate([[name] + [data.get((name, day)) for day in days] for name in names], headers=[''] + list(hilight_today(days)), tablefmt=self.alternating_format)) def run_show(self, arguments): assert 0 <= len(arguments) <= 2 if len(arguments) == 2: if arguments == ['last', 'week']: start = self.week_start - timedelta(days=7) end = self.week_start - timedelta(days=1) else: start = self.select_day(arguments[0]) end = self.select_day(arguments[1]) elif len(arguments) == 1 and arguments[0] != 'week': start = end = self.select_day(arguments[0]) else: start = self.week_start end = self.week_start + timedelta(days=6) if start == end: return self.show_day(start) else: return self.show_range(*sorted((start, end))) def show_aliases(self): cursor = self.database.execute(""" SELECT alias, name FROM aliases ORDER BY alias """) print(tabulate(cursor.fetchall(), tablefmt=self.alternating_format)) def create_alias(self, alias, name): self.database.execute( """ INSERT OR REPLACE INTO aliases (alias, name) VALUES (?, ?) """, (alias, name)) # apply alias to currently logged hours self.database.execute( """ UPDATE hours SET name = ? WHERE name = ? """, (name, alias)) def run_alias(self, arguments): assert len(arguments) in (0, 2) if len(arguments) == 0: return self.show_aliases() if len(arguments) == 2: return self.create_alias(*arguments) def run(self, arguments): actions = { 'log': self.run_log, 'show': self.run_show, 'alias': self.run_alias, } # determine default action: no arguments at all = show, any arguments = log or explicit action if arguments: action = 'log' if arguments[0] in actions: action = arguments.pop(0) else: action = 'show' with self.database: ensure_db(self.database) actions[action](arguments)