def create_report(self): """ Create a sample report and an aggregate report via a system call """ logprefix = os.path.abspath( self.expand_path(os.path.join(self.logpath, "{}-{}".format( self.projectid, self.sampleid)))) try: if not create_folder(os.path.dirname(logprefix)): logprefix = None except AttributeError: logprefix = None with chdir(self.expand_path(self.reportpath)): # create the ign_sample_report for this sample cl = self.report_sample.split(' ') cl.extend(["--samples",self.sampleid]) call_external_command( cl, with_log_files=(logprefix is not None), prefix="{}_sample".format(logprefix)) # estimate the delivery date for this sample to 0.5 days ahead cl = self.report_aggregate.split(' ') cl.extend([ "--samples_extra", json.dumps({ self.sampleid: { "delivered": "{}(expected)".format( _timestamp(days=0.5))}}) ]) call_external_command( cl, with_log_files=(logprefix is not None), prefix="{}_aggregate".format(logprefix))
def _archive_run((run, days, force, compress_only)): """ Archive a specific run to swestore :param str run: Run directory :param int days: Days to consider a run old :param bool force: Force the archiving even if the run is not complete :param bool compress_only: Only compress the run without sending it to swestore """ def _send_to_swestore(f, dest, remove=True): """ Send file to swestore checking adler32 on destination and eventually removing the file from disk :param str f: File to remove :param str dest: Destination directory in Swestore :param bool remove: If True, remove original file from source """ if not filesystem.is_in_swestore(f):"Sending {} to swestore".format(f)) misc.call_external_command("iput -K -P {file} {dest}".format(file=f, dest=dest), with_log_files=True)"Run {} sent correctly and checksum was okay.".format(f)) if remove:"Removing run".format(f)) os.remove(f) else: logger.warn("Run {} is already in Swestore, not sending it again nor removing from the disk".format(f)) # Create state file to say that the run is being archived open("{}.archiving".format(run.split(".")[0]), "w").close() if run.endswith("bz2"): if os.stat(run).st_mtime < time.time() - (86400 * days): _send_to_swestore(run, CONFIG.get("storage").get("irods").get("irodsHome")) else:"Run {} is not {} days old yet. Not archiving".format(run, str(days))) else: rta_file = os.path.join(run, "RTAComplete.txt") if not os.path.exists(rta_file) and not force: logger.warn( ( "Run {} doesn't seem to be completed and --force option was " "not enabled, not archiving the run".format(run) ) ) if force or (os.path.exists(rta_file) and os.stat(rta_file).st_mtime < time.time() - (86400 * days)):"Compressing run {}".format(run)) # Compress with pbzip2 misc.call_external_command("tar --use-compress-program=pbzip2 -cf {run}.tar.bz2 {run}".format(run=run))"Run {} successfully compressed! Removing from disk...".format(run)) shutil.rmtree(run) if not compress_only: _send_to_swestore("{}.tar.bz2".format(run), CONFIG.get("storage").get("irods").get("irodsHome")) else:"Run {} is not completed or is not {} days old yet. Not archiving".format(run, str(days))) os.remove("{}.archiving".format(run.split(".")[0]))
def transfer_run(run, analysis=True): """ Transfer a run to the analysis server. Will add group R/W permissions to the run directory in the destination server so that the run can be processed by any user/account in that group (i.e a functional account...). Run will be moved to data_dir/nosync after transferred. :param str run: Run directory :param bool analysis: Trigger analysis on remote server """ command_line = ['rsync', '-av'] # Add R/W permissions to the group command_line.append('--chmod=g+rw') # rsync works in a really funny way, if you don't understand this, refer to # this note: command_line.append("--include=*/") for to_include in CONFIG['analysis']['analysis_server']['sync']['include']: command_line.append("--include={}".format(to_include)) command_line.extend(["--exclude=*", "--prune-empty-dirs"]) r_user = CONFIG['analysis']['analysis_server']['user'] r_host = CONFIG['analysis']['analysis_server']['host'] r_dir = CONFIG['analysis']['analysis_server']['sync']['data_archive'] remote = "{}@{}:{}".format(r_user, r_host, r_dir) command_line.extend([run, remote]) # Create temp file indicating that the run is being transferred try: open(os.path.join(run, 'transferring'), 'w').close() except IOError as e: logger.error("Cannot create a file in {}. Check the run name, and the permissions.".format(run)) raise e started = ("Started transfer of run {} on {}" .format(os.path.basename(run), # In this particular case we want to capture the exception because we want # to delete the transfer file try: misc.call_external_command(command_line, with_log_files=True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exception: os.remove(os.path.join(run, 'transferring')) raise exception t_file = os.path.join(CONFIG['analysis']['status_dir'], 'transfer.tsv')'Adding run {} to {}' .format(os.path.basename(run), t_file)) with open(t_file, 'a') as tranfer_file: tsv_writer = csv.writer(tranfer_file, delimiter='\t') tsv_writer.writerow([os.path.basename(run), str(]) os.remove(os.path.join(run, 'transferring')) #Now, let's move the run to nosync archive_run(run) if analysis: trigger_analysis(run)
def transfer_run(self, t_file, analysis): """ Transfer a run to the analysis server. Will add group R/W permissions to the run directory in the destination server so that the run can be processed by any user/account in that group (i.e a functional account...). :param str t_file: File where to put the transfer information :param bool analysis: Trigger analysis on remote server """ # TODO: check the run type and build the correct rsync command command_line = ['rsync', '-Lav'] # Add R/W permissions to the group command_line.append('--chmod=g+rw') # rsync works in a really funny way, if you don't understand this, refer to # this note: # this horrible thing here avoids data dup when we use multiple indexes in a lane/FC command_line.append("--exclude=Demultiplexing_*/*_*") command_line.append("--include=*/") for to_include in self.CONFIG['analysis_server']['sync']['include']: command_line.append("--include={}".format(to_include)) command_line.extend(["--exclude=*", "--prune-empty-dirs"]) r_user = self.CONFIG['analysis_server']['user'] r_host = self.CONFIG['analysis_server']['host'] r_dir = self.CONFIG['analysis_server']['sync']['data_archive'] remote = "{}@{}:{}".format(r_user, r_host, r_dir) command_line.extend([self.run_dir, remote]) # Create temp file indicating that the run is being transferred try: open(os.path.join(self.run_dir, 'transferring'), 'w').close() except IOError as e: logger.error("Cannot create a file in {}. " "Check the run name, and the permissions.".format( raise e started = ("Started transfer of run {} on {}".format(, # In this particular case we want to capture the exception because we want # to delete the transfer file try: misc.call_external_command(command_line, with_log_files=True, prefix="", log_dir=self.run_dir) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exception: os.remove(os.path.join(self.run_dir, 'transferring')) raise exception'Adding run {} to {}'.format(, t_file)) with open(t_file, 'a') as tranfer_file: tsv_writer = csv.writer(tranfer_file, delimiter='\t') tsv_writer.writerow([, str(]) os.remove(os.path.join(self.run_dir, 'transferring')) if analysis: # This needs to pass the runtype (i.e., Xten or HiSeq) and start the correct pipeline self.trigger_analysis()
def _archive_run((run, seconds, force, compress_only)): """ Archive a specific run to swestore :param str run: Run directory :param int seconds: Days/hours converted as seconds to check :param bool force: Force the archiving even if the run is not complete :param bool compress_only: Only compress the run without sending it to swestore """ def _send_to_swestore(f, dest, remove=True): """ Send file to swestore checking adler32 on destination and eventually removing the file from disk :param str f: File to remove :param str dest: Destination directory in Swestore :param bool remove: If True, remove original file from source """ if not filesystem.is_in_swestore(f):"Sending {} to swestore".format(f)) misc.call_external_command('iput -R swestoreArchCacheResc -P {file} {dest}'.format(file=f, dest=dest), with_log_files=True, prefix=f.replace('.tar.bz2',''), log_dir="swestore_logs")'Run {} sent to swestore.'.format(f)) if remove:'Removing run'.format(f)) os.remove(f) else: logger.warn('Run {} is already in Swestore, not sending it again nor removing from the disk'.format(f)) # Create state file to say that the run is being archived open("{}.archiving".format(run.split('.')[0]), 'w').close() if run.endswith('bz2'): if os.stat(run).st_mtime < time.time() - seconds: _send_to_swestore(run, CONFIG.get('storage').get('irods').get('irodsHome')) else:"Run {} is not older than given time yet. Not archiving".format(run)) else: rta_file = os.path.join(run, finished_run_indicator) if not os.path.exists(rta_file) and not force: logger.warn(("Run {} doesn't seem to be completed and --force option was " "not enabled, not archiving the run".format(run))) if force or (os.path.exists(rta_file) and os.stat(rta_file).st_mtime < time.time() - seconds):"Compressing run {}".format(run)) # Compress with pbzip2 misc.call_external_command('tar --use-compress-program=pbzip2 -cf {run}.tar.bz2 {run}'.format(run=run))'Run {} successfully compressed! Removing from disk...'.format(run)) shutil.rmtree(run) if not compress_only: _send_to_swestore('{}.tar.bz2'.format(run), CONFIG.get('storage').get('irods').get('irodsHome')) else:"Run {} is not completed or is not older than given time yet. Not archiving".format(run)) os.remove("{}.archiving".format(run.split('.')[0]))
def create_report(self): """ Create a final aggregate report via a system call """ logprefix = os.path.abspath( self.expand_path(os.path.join(self.logpath, self.projectid))) try: if not create_folder(os.path.dirname(logprefix)): logprefix = None except AttributeError: logprefix = None with chdir(self.expand_path(self.reportpath)): cl = self.report_aggregate.split(' ') call_external_command( cl, with_log_files=(logprefix is not None), prefix="{}_aggregate".format(logprefix))
def cleanup_swestore(days, dry_run=False): """Remove archived runs from swestore :param int days: Threshold days to check and remove """ days = check_days('swestore', days, config) if not days: return runs = filesystem.list_runs_in_swestore(path=CONFIG.get('cleanup').get('swestore').get('root')) for run in runs: date = run.split('_')[0] if misc.days_old(date) > days: if dry_run:'Will remove file {} from swestore'.format(run)) continue misc.call_external_command('irm -f {}'.format(run))'Removed file {} from swestore'.format(run))
def cleanup_swestore(seconds, dry_run=False): """Remove archived runs from swestore :param int seconds: Days/hours converted as seconds to check """ seconds = check_default(site, seconds, CONFIG) if not seconds: return runs = filesystem.list_runs_in_swestore(path=CONFIG.get('cleanup').get('swestore').get('root')) for run in runs: date = run.split('_')[0] if misc.to_seconds(misc.days_old(date)) > seconds: if dry_run:'Will remove file {} from swestore'.format(run)) continue misc.call_external_command('irm -f {}'.format(run))'Removed file {} from swestore'.format(run))
def _send_to_swestore(f, dest, remove=True): """ Send file to swestore checking adler32 on destination and eventually removing the file from disk :param str f: File to remove :param str dest: Destination directory in Swestore :param bool remove: If True, remove original file from source """ if not filesystem.is_in_swestore(f):"Sending {} to swestore".format(f)) misc.call_external_command("iput -K -P {file} {dest}".format(file=f, dest=dest), with_log_files=True)"Run {} sent correctly and checksum was okay.".format(f)) if remove:"Removing run".format(f)) os.remove(f) else: logger.warn("Run {} is already in Swestore, not sending it again nor removing from the disk".format(f))
def _send_to_swestore(f, dest, remove=True): """ Send file to swestore checking adler32 on destination and eventually removing the file from disk :param str f: File to remove :param str dest: Destination directory in Swestore :param bool remove: If True, remove original file from source """ if not filesystem.is_in_swestore(f):"Sending {} to swestore".format(f)) misc.call_external_command('iput -R swestoreArchCacheResc -P {file} {dest}'.format(file=f, dest=dest), with_log_files=True, prefix=f.replace('.tar.bz2',''), log_dir="swestore_logs")'Run {} sent to swestore.'.format(f)) if remove:'Removing run'.format(f)) os.remove(f) else: logger.warn('Run {} is already in Swestore, not sending it again nor removing from the disk'.format(f))
def transfer(self, transfer_log=None): """ Execute the transfer as set up by this instance and, if requested, validate the transfer. :param string transfer_log: path prefix to log files where stderr and stdout streams will be directed if this option is specified :returns True on success, False if the validation failed :raises transfer.TransferError: if src_path or dest_path were not valid :raises transfer.RsyncError: if the rsync command did not exit successfully """ self.validate_src_path() self.validate_dest_path() command = [self.CMD] + self.format_options() + [self.src_path,self.remote_path()] try: call_external_command( command, with_log_files=(transfer_log is not None), prefix=transfer_log) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: raise RsyncError(e) return (not self.validate) or self.validate_transfer()
def transfer(self, transfer_log=None): """Execute the transfer as set up by this instance and, if requested, validate the transfer. :param string transfer_log: path prefix to log files where stderr and stdout streams will be directed if this option is specified :returns True on success, False if the validation failed :raises transfer.TransferError: if src_path or dest_path were not valid :raises transfer.RsyncError: if the rsync command did not exit successfully """ self.validate_src_path() self.validate_dest_path() command = [self.CMD] + self.format_options() + [ self.src_path, self.remote_path() ] try: call_external_command(command, with_log_files=(transfer_log is not None), prefix=transfer_log) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: raise RsyncError(e) return (not self.validate) or self.validate_transfer()
def _send_to_swestore(f, dest, remove=True): """ Send file to swestore checking adler32 on destination and eventually removing the file from disk :param str f: File to remove :param str dest: Destination directory in Swestore :param bool remove: If True, remove original file from source """ if not filesystem.is_in_swestore(f):"Sending {} to swestore".format(f)) misc.call_external_command( 'iput -R swestoreArchCacheResc -P {file} {dest}'.format( file=f, dest=dest), with_log_files=True, prefix=f.replace('.tar.bz2', ''), log_dir="swestore_logs")'Run {} sent to swestore.'.format(f)) if remove:'Removing run'.format(f)) os.remove(f) else: logger.warn( 'Run {} is already in Swestore, not sending it again nor removing from the disk' .format(f))
def transfer_run(self, t_file, analysis, mail_recipients=None): """ Transfer a run to the analysis server. Will add group R/W permissions to the run directory in the destination server so that the run can be processed by any user/account in that group (i.e a functional account...). :param str t_file: File where to put the transfer information :param bool analysis: Trigger analysis on remote server """ # TODO: check the run type and build the correct rsync command # The option -a implies -o and -g which is not the desired behaviour command_line = ['rsync', '-Lav', '--no-o', '--no-g'] # Add R/W permissions to the group command_line.append('--chmod=g+rw') # This horrible thing here avoids data dup when we use multiple indexes in a lane/FC command_line.append("--exclude=Demultiplexing_*/*_*") command_line.append("--include=*/") for to_include in self.CONFIG['analysis_server']['sync']['include']: command_line.append("--include={}".format(to_include)) command_line.extend(["--exclude=*", "--prune-empty-dirs"]) r_user = self.CONFIG['analysis_server']['user'] r_host = self.CONFIG['analysis_server']['host'] r_dir = self.CONFIG['analysis_server']['sync']['data_archive'] remote = "{}@{}:{}".format(r_user, r_host, r_dir) command_line.extend([self.run_dir, remote]) # Create temp file indicating that the run is being transferred try: open(os.path.join(self.run_dir, 'transferring'), 'w').close() except IOError as e: logger.error("Cannot create a file in {}. " "Check the run name, and the permissions.".format( raise e started = ("Started transfer of run {} on {}".format(, # In this particular case we want to capture the exception because we want # to delete the transfer file try: msge_text = "I am about to transfer with this command \n{}".format( command_line) misc.call_external_command(command_line, with_log_files=True, prefix="", log_dir=self.run_dir) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exception: os.remove(os.path.join(self.run_dir, 'transferring')) #Send an email notifying that the transfer failed runname = sbt = ("Rsync of run {} failed".format(runname)) msg = """ Rsync of data for run {run} has failed! Raised the following exception: {e} """.format(run=runname, e=exception) if mail_recipients: send_mail(sbt, msg, mail_recipients) raise exception'Adding run {} to {}'.format(, t_file)) with open(t_file, 'a') as tranfer_file: tsv_writer = csv.writer(tranfer_file, delimiter='\t') tsv_writer.writerow([, str(]) os.remove(os.path.join(self.run_dir, 'transferring')) #Send an email notifying that the transfer was successful runname = sbt = ("Rsync of data for run {} to Irma has finished".format(runname)) msg = """ Rsync of data for run {run} to Irma has finished! The run is available at :{run} """.format(run=runname) if mail_recipients: send_mail(sbt, msg, mail_recipients) if analysis: # This needs to pass the runtype (i.e., Xten or HiSeq) and start the correct pipeline self.trigger_analysis()
def _archive_run((run, seconds, force, compress_only)): """ Archive a specific run to swestore :param str run: Run directory :param int seconds: Days/hours converted as seconds to check :param bool force: Force the archiving even if the run is not complete :param bool compress_only: Only compress the run without sending it to swestore """ def _send_to_swestore(f, dest, remove=True): """ Send file to swestore checking adler32 on destination and eventually removing the file from disk :param str f: File to remove :param str dest: Destination directory in Swestore :param bool remove: If True, remove original file from source """ if not filesystem.is_in_swestore(f):"Sending {} to swestore".format(f)) misc.call_external_command( 'iput -R swestoreArchCacheResc -P {file} {dest}'.format( file=f, dest=dest), with_log_files=True, prefix=f.replace('.tar.bz2', ''), log_dir="swestore_logs")'Run {} sent to swestore.'.format(f)) if remove:'Removing run'.format(f)) os.remove(f) else: logger.warn( 'Run {} is already in Swestore, not sending it again nor removing from the disk' .format(f)) # Create state file to say that the run is being archived open("{}.archiving".format(run.split('.')[0]), 'w').close() if run.endswith('bz2'): if os.stat(run).st_mtime < time.time() - seconds: _send_to_swestore( run, CONFIG.get('storage').get('irods').get('irodsHome')) else: "Run {} is not older than given time yet. Not archiving". format(run)) else: rta_file = os.path.join(run, finished_run_indicator) if not os.path.exists(rta_file) and not force: logger.warn( ("Run {} doesn't seem to be completed and --force option was " "not enabled, not archiving the run".format(run))) if force or (os.path.exists(rta_file) and os.stat(rta_file).st_mtime < time.time() - seconds):"Compressing run {}".format(run)) # Compress with pbzip2 misc.call_external_command( 'tar --use-compress-program=pbzip2 -cf {run}.tar.bz2 {run}'. format(run=run)) 'Run {} successfully compressed! Removing from disk...'.format( run)) shutil.rmtree(run) if not compress_only: _send_to_swestore( '{}.tar.bz2'.format(run), CONFIG.get('storage').get('irods').get('irodsHome')) else: "Run {} is not completed or is not older than given time yet. Not archiving" .format(run)) os.remove("{}.archiving".format(run.split('.')[0]))
def test_call_external_command_fail(self): """Call external command should handle error.""" command = 'ls -E' with self.assertRaises(subprocess.CalledProcessError): misc.call_external_command(command)