Exemple #1
def GenerateTags(buff):
    """Create a DocStruct object that represents a Configuration File
    @param buff: a file like buffer object (StringIO)

    rtags = taglib.DocStruct()
    rtags.SetElementDescription('section', "Sections")
    section = None

    for lnum, line in enumerate(buff):
        line = line.strip()

        # Skip comment and empty lines
        if line.startswith(u"#") or line.startswith(u";") or not line:

        # Check for a section
        if line.startswith(u"["):
            secend = line.find(u"]")
            if secend != -1:
                section = taglib.Section(line[1:secend], lnum)
                rtags.AddElement('section', section)
            continue # Go to next line

        # Look for keys
        if u"=" in line and section is not None:
            key = taglib.Variable(line.split(u"=")[0], lnum)
            section.AddElement('key', key)

    return rtags
Exemple #2
    def getCFV(self, code_lines):

        container_list = []
        vset = set()

        for num, line in code_lines:
                # FUNCTION
                if parselib.HasToken(line, Token.Keyword, "def"):
                    self.insertFunction(line, num, container_list)

                # CLASS
                elif parselib.HasToken(line, Token.Keyword, "class"):
                    self.insertClass(line, num, container_list)

                # Global Variable Only
                elif parselib.HasToken(line, Token.Operator, "="):
                    vname = parselib.GetTokenValue(line, Token.Name)
                    flevel = self._getLevel(line)

                    if flevel == 0:
                        if not vname in vset:
                            self.rtags.AddVariable(taglib.Variable(vname, num))

            except parselib.TokenNotFound:
        return self.rtags
Exemple #3
def CaptureClassElements(scope, line, idx):
    """Get recursively capture all the elements defined on the line from
    the index.
    @param scope: Scope object to append element to
    @param line: string of text to parse
    @param idx: current index in line
    @return: new index

    idx = parselib.SkipWhitespace(line, idx)
    dend = line[idx:].find(u"{") + idx
    if idx >= len(line) or idx == dend:
        return idx

    segments = line[idx:dend].strip().split()
    if len(segments):
        token = segments[0]
        idx += len(token)
        if token.startswith(u'.'):
            # Descendant class
            nextscope = taglib.Class(token, scope.GetLine())
            scope.AddElement('class', nextscope)
            # Recurse to look for more children
            idx = CaptureClassElements(nextscope, line, idx)
        elif token.startswith(u'#'):
            # An ID
            obj = taglib.Variable(token, scope.GetLine())
            scope.AddElement('variable', obj)
            # Element p, div, etc..
            obj = CSSTag(token, scope.GetLine())
            scope.AddElement('tag_red', obj)
    return idx
Exemple #4
def GenerateTags(buff):
    """Create a DocStruct object that represents a NSIS Script
    @param buff: a file like buffer object (StringIO)
    @todo: generate tags for lua tables?

    rtags = taglib.DocStruct()

    # Set Descriptions of Document Element Types
    rtags.SetElementDescription('variable', "Defines")
    rtags.SetElementDescription('section', "Section Definitions")
    rtags.SetElementDescription('macro', "Macro Definitions")
    rtags.SetElementDescription('function', "Function Definitions")
    rtags.SetElementPriority('variable', 4)
    rtags.SetElementPriority('section', 3)
    rtags.SetElementPriority('function', 2)
    rtags.SetElementPriority('macro', 1)

    # Parse the lines for code objects
    for lnum, line in enumerate(buff):
        line = line.strip()
        llen = len(line)

        # Skip comment and empty lines
        if line.startswith(u"#") or line.startswith(u";") or not line:

        # Look for functions and sections
        if parselib.IsToken(line, 0, u'Function'):
            parts = line.split()
            if len(parts) > 1:
                rtags.AddFunction(taglib.Function(parts[1], lnum))
        elif parselib.IsToken(line, 0, u'Section'):
            parts = line.split()
            if len(parts) > 1 and parts[1][0] not in ['"', "'", "`"]:
                rtags.AddElement('section', taglib.Section(parts[1], lnum))
                for idx, part in enumerate(parts[1:]):
                    if parts[idx][-1] in ['"', "'", "`"]:
                        rtags.AddElement('section', taglib.Section(part, lnum))
        elif parselib.IsToken(line, 0, u'!macro'):
            parts = line.split()
            if len(parts) > 1:
                rtags.AddElement('macro', taglib.Macro(parts[1], lnum))
        elif parselib.IsToken(line, 0, u'!define'):
            parts = line.split()
            if len(parts) > 1 and parts[1][0].isalpha():
                rtags.AddVariable(taglib.Variable(parts[1], lnum))

    return rtags
    def action_addVar(self, token, value, num, parms):
        """ Variable Class, add to rtag, and pop name
        NotUsed(token, value)
        varid, next_state = parms
        self.state = next_state
        fname = self.ids[varid].pop()

        if (hasattr(self, 'currentclasstag')):
                taglib.Variable(fname, num, self.currentclasstag.GetName()))
        return True
Exemple #6
def GenerateTags(buff):
    """Create a DocStruct object that represents an Inno Setup Script
    @param buff: a file like buffer object (StringIO)
    @todo: perhaps group functions, procedures within the Scope of a Section

    rtags = taglib.DocStruct()
    rtags.SetElementDescription('section', "Sections")
    rtags.SetElementDescription('variable', "Defines")
    rtags.SetElementDescription('function', "Function Definitions")
    rtags.SetElementDescription('procedure', "Procedure Definitions")
    rtags.SetElementPriority('section', 3)
    rtags.SetElementPriority('function', 2)
    rtags.SetElementPriority('procedure', 1)

    for lnum, line in enumerate(buff):
        line = line.strip()

        # Skip comment and empty lines
        if line.startswith(u";") or not line:

        # Check for a section
        if line.startswith(u"["):
            secend = line.find(u"]")
            if secend != -1:
                section = taglib.Section(line[1:secend], lnum)
                rtags.AddElement('section', section)
        elif line.startswith(u"function") and \
              len(line) > 8 and line[8].isspace():
            name = parselib.GetFirstIdentifier(line[8:].strip())
            if name is not None:
                rtags.AddFunction(taglib.Function(name, lnum))
        elif line.startswith(u"procedure") and \
              len(line) > 9 and line[9].isspace():
            name = parselib.GetFirstIdentifier(line[9:].strip())
            if name is not None:
                                 taglib.Function(name, lnum, 'procedure'))
        elif line.startswith(u"#define") and \
              len(line) > 7 and line[7].isspace():
            name = parselib.GetFirstIdentifier(line[7:].strip())
            if name is not None:
                rtags.AddVariable(taglib.Variable(name, lnum))

    return rtags
Exemple #7
    def getCFV(self, code_lines):

        container_list = []
        vset = set()

        for num, line in code_lines:
                if len(line):
                    ltxt = u"".join([l[1].strip() for l in line])
                    if len(ltxt) and not ltxt.startswith(u"#"):
                        if parselib.BeginsWithAnyOf(
                                line, Token.Keyword,
                            (u"def", u"class", u"if", u"else")):
                            if len(self._levels) == 1:
                                container_list = [(0, u"", self.rtags)]

                # FUNCTION
                if parselib.HasToken(line, Token.Keyword, "def"):
                    self.insertFunction(line, num, container_list)

                # CLASS
                elif parselib.HasToken(line, Token.Keyword, "class"):
                    self.insertClass(line, num, container_list)

                # Global Variable Only
                elif parselib.HasToken(line, Token.Operator, "="):
                    vname = parselib.GetTokenValue(line, Token.Name)
                    flevel = self._getLevel(line)

                    if flevel == 0:
                        if not vname in vset:
                            self.rtags.AddVariable(taglib.Variable(vname, num))

            except parselib.TokenNotFound:
        return self.rtags
def GenerateTags(buff):
    """Create a DocStruct object that represents the list of files in a patch
    @param buff: a file like buffer object (StringIO)
    rtags = taglib.DocStruct()
    rtags.SetElementDescription('variable', "Files")

    # Parse the buffer
    for lnum, line in enumerate(buff):

        line = line.strip()
        if len(line)==0:

        match = RE_FILE.match(line)
        if match:
            cname = match.groups()[-1]
            cobj = taglib.Variable(cname, lnum)
    return rtags
Exemple #9
def GenerateTags(buff):
    """Create a DocStruct object that represents a Php Script
    @param buff: a file like buffer object (StringIO)

    rtags = taglib.DocStruct()

    # Setup document structure
    rtags.SetElementDescription('function', "Function Definitions")

    inphp = False        # Are we in a php section or not
    inclass = False      # Inside a class defintion
    incomment = False    # Inside a comment
    infundef = False     # Inside a function definition
    lastclass = None
    lastfun = None
    instring = False
    openb = 0            # Keep track of open brackets

    for lnum, line in enumerate(buff):
        line = line.strip()
        llen = len(line)
        idx = 0
        while idx < len(line):
            # Skip Whitespace
            idx = parselib.SkipWhitespace(line, idx)

            # Walk through strings ignoring contents
            if instring or line[idx] in (u"'", u'"'):
                idx, instring = parselib.FindStringEnd(line[idx:], idx)
                # For multiline strings
                if instring:

            # Check if in a <?php ?> block or not
            if line[idx:].startswith(u'<?'):
                idx += 2
                if line[idx:].startswith(u'php'):
                    idx += 5
                inphp = True
            elif line[idx:].startswith(u'?>'):
                idx += 2
                inphp = False

            # Skip anything not in side of a php section
            if not inphp:
                idx += 1

            # Check for coments
            if line[idx:].startswith(u'/*'):
                idx += 2
                incomment = True
            elif line[idx:].startswith(u'//') or line[idx:].startswith(u'#'):
                break # go to next line
            elif line[idx:].startswith(u'*/'):
                idx += 2
                incomment = False

            # At end of line
            if idx >= llen:

            # Look for tags
            if incomment:
                idx += 1
            elif line[idx] == u'{':
                idx += 1
                openb += 1
                # Class name must be followed by a {
                if not inclass and lastclass is not None:
                    inclass = True
                elif lastfun is not None:
                    infundef = True
                    lastfun = None
            elif line[idx] == u'}':
                idx += 1
                openb -= 1
                if inclass and openb == 0:
                    inclass = False
                    lastclass = None
                elif infundef and inclass and openb == 1:
                    infundef = False
                elif infundef and openb == 0:
                    infundef = False
                    lastfun = None
            elif not infundef and parselib.IsToken(line, idx, u'class'):
                # Skip whitespace
                idx = parselib.SkipWhitespace(line, idx + 5)
                name = parselib.GetFirstIdentifier(line[idx:])
                if name is not None:
                    idx += len(name) # Move past the class name
                    lastclass = taglib.Class(name, lnum)
            elif parselib.IsToken(line, idx, u'function'):
                # Skip whitespace
                idx = parselib.SkipWhitespace(line, idx + 8)
                name = parselib.GetFirstIdentifier(line[idx:])
                if name is not None:
                    lastfun = name
                    # Skip whitespace
                    idx = parselib.SkipWhitespace(line, idx + len(name))

                    if line[idx] != u'(':

                    if inclass and lastclass is not None:
                        lastclass.AddMethod(taglib.Method(name, lnum, lastclass.GetName()))
                        rtags.AddFunction(taglib.Function(name, lnum))
            elif inclass and parselib.IsToken(line, idx, u'var'):
                # Look for class variables
                idx += 3
                parts = line[idx:].split()
                if len(parts) and parts[0].startswith(u'$'):
                    name = parselib.GetFirstIdentifier(parts[0][1:])
                    if name is not None and lastclass is not None:
                        name = u'$' + name
                        lastclass.AddVariable(taglib.Variable(name, lnum, lastclass.GetName()))
                        idx += len(name)
                idx += 1

    return rtags
Exemple #10
def GenerateTags(buff):
    """Create a DocStruct object that represents a Tcl Script
    @param buff: a file like buffer object (StringIO)

    rtags = taglib.DocStruct()
    rtags.SetElementDescription('procedure', "Procedure Definitions")
    rtags.SetElementDescription('class', "SNIT")

    # Scope tracking for SNIT blocks
    insnit = False
    cursnit = None
    openparens = 0

    for lnum, line in enumerate(buff):
        line = line.strip()

        # Skip comment and empty lines
        if line.startswith(u"#") or not line:

        if insnit and cursnit is not None:
            if parselib.IsToken(line, 0, u'method') or \
               parselib.IsToken(line, 0, u'typemethod'):
                parts = line.split()
                if len(parts) > 1:
                    name = parts[1]
                    cursnit.AddMethod(taglib.Method(name, lnum))
            elif parselib.IsToken(line, 0, u'typevariable') or \
                 parselib.IsToken(line, 0, u'variable'):
                parts = line.split()
                if len(parts) > 1:
                    name = parts[1]
                    cursnit.AddVariable(taglib.Variable(name, lnum))
            elif parselib.IsToken(u'constructor', 0, line) or \
                 parselib.IsToken(u'destructor', 0, line):
                 name = parselib.GetFirstIdentifier(line)
                 cursnit.AddMethod(taglib.Method(name, lnum))
            elif parselib.IsToken(line, 0, u"package"):
                 pkg = GetPackage(line, lnum)
                 if pkg:
                     cursnit.AddElement('package', pkg)

            # Update Scope
            openparens += GetParenCount(line)
            if openparens == 0:
                insnit = False
                cursnit = None

        # Check for Procedure defs
        if parselib.IsToken(line, 0, u'proc'):
            parts = line.split()
            if len(parts) > 1:
                name = parts[1]
                if u"::" in name:
                    spaces = name.split("::")
                    space_l = rtags.GetElement('namespace', spaces[0])
                    if space_l == None:
                        space_l = taglib.Namespace(spaces[0], lnum)
                        rtags.AddElement('namespace', space_l)
                    space_l.AddElement('procedure', taglib.Procedure(spaces[-1], lnum))
                    rtags.AddElement('procedure', taglib.Procedure(parts[1], lnum))
        elif line.startswith(u'snit::'):
            parts = line.split()
            if len(parts) > 1:
                insnit = True
                openparens = GetParenCount(line)
                name = parts[1]
                cursnit = taglib.Class(name, lnum)
        elif parselib.IsToken(line, 0, u"package"):
             pkg = GetPackage(line, lnum)
             if pkg:
                 rtags.AddElement('package', pkg)

    return rtags
Exemple #11
def GenerateTags(buff):
    """Create a DocStruct object that represents the structure of a Java source
    @param buff: a file like buffer object (StringIO)
    rtags = taglib.DocStruct()
    rtags.SetElementDescription('class', "<no package>")
    rtags.SetElementDescription('variable', "Imports")

    # State Variables
    inComment    = False

    currentLevel = 0
    methodSignature = None
    methodLnum   = 0
    methodClass  = None

    lastClass = []
    imports = None

    # Parse the buffer
    # Simple line based parser, likely not to be accurate in all cases
    for lnum, line in enumerate(buff):

        lastLevel = currentLevel

        lineCodeOnly = line[:]
        lineCodeOnly = RE_BACKSLASHEDQUOTE_INLINE.sub("'",lineCodeOnly)
        lineCodeOnly = RE_STRING_INLINE.sub('',lineCodeOnly)
        lineCodeOnly = RE_CHARACTER_INLINE.sub('',lineCodeOnly)
        #print "[[[",lineCodeOnly,"]]]"
        # remove trailing comments
        cut = line.find('//')
        if cut>-1:
            line = line[:cut]

        line = RE_COMMENT_INLINE.sub('',line)

        if inComment:
            cut = line.find('*/')
            if cut>-1:
                line = line[cut+2:]
                inComment = False

        # remove starting comments
        cut = line.find('/*')
        if cut>-1:
            line = line[:cut]
            inComment = True

        line = line.strip()
        if len(line)==0:

        diff = lineCodeOnly.count('{') - lineCodeOnly.count('}')
        currentLevel += diff

        print "<<<",line,">>>", lnum, currentLevel, diff, len(lastClass), inComment
        if diff < 0:
            while len(lastClass) > currentLevel:
                #print "POP", len(lastClass), currentLevel, lastClass[-1]

        # handle multi-line method definition
        if methodSignature:
            cl = line.find(')')
            if cl > -1:
                if cl==0:
                    methodSignature += ')'
                    methodSignature += ' ' + line[:cl]
                methodClass.AddMethod(taglib.Method(methodSignature, methodLnum))
                #print "METH == ", methodSignature
                methodSignature = None
                methodSignature += ' ' + line
                #print "METH ++ ", methodSignature

        if currentLevel == 0:
            match = RE_PACKAGE.match(line)
            if match:
                groups = match.groups()
                #print "PACKAGE", groups
                rtags.SetElementDescription('class', groups[-1])

            match = RE_IMPORT.match(line)
            if match:
                groups = match.groups()
                #print "IMPORT", groups
                cobj = taglib.Variable(groups[-1], lnum)

        match = RE_CLASS.match(line)
        if match:
            cname = match.groups()[-1]
            if len(lastClass) > 0:
                cname = '$ '+cname
            cobj = taglib.Class(cname, lnum)
            #print "CLASS", cname

        if len(lastClass) == lastLevel:
            match = RE_METH.match(line)
            if match:
                groups = match.groups()
                prefix = ''
                methodSignature = groups[-2]
                warning = None
                if groups[3] == None:
                    contructor_for = lastClass[-1].GetName()
                    if contructor_for[0] == '$':
                      contructor_for = contructor_for[2:]
                    if groups[-2] == contructor_for:
                        prefix = '>'
                        warning = 'tag_red'
                        methodSignature += ' - ???'
                    methodSignature += ' - ' +  groups[3]
                methodSignature += ' ('
                if groups[1] and (groups[1].find('static') > -1):
                    prefix += '_'
                if groups[2] and (groups[2].find('abstract') > -1):
                    prefix += '@'
                if len(prefix) > 0:
                    methodSignature = prefix + ' ' + methodSignature
                if groups[-1]:
                    methodSignature += groups[-1]
                if line.find(')') > -1:
                    methodSignature += ')'
                    cobj = taglib.Method(methodSignature, lnum)
                    if warning:
                        cobj.type = warning
                    #print "METH", groups, methodSignature, lastClass[-1]
                    methodSignature = None
                    methodLnum = lnum
                    methodClass = lastClass[-1]

            match = RE_CONST.match(line)
            if match:
                groups = match.groups()
                #print "CONST", groups, lastClass[-1]
                cname = groups[-1] + ' -- ' +  groups[-2]
                cobj = taglib.Macro(cname, lnum)

            match = RE_VAR.match(line)
            if match:
                groups = match.groups()
                #print "VAR", groups, lastClass[-1]
                cname = groups[-1] + ' - ' +  groups[-2]
                #print groups[-2]
                if groups[-2][:6]=='throws':
                if groups[1] and (groups[1].find('static') > -1):
                    cname = '_ ' + cname
                cobj = taglib.Variable(cname, lnum)

    return rtags
Exemple #12
def GenerateTags(buff):
    """Create a DocStruct object that represents a Php Script
    @param buff: a file like buffer object (StringIO)

    rtags = taglib.DocStruct()

    # Setup document structure
    rtags.SetElementDescription('function', "Function Definitions")

    inphp = False  # Are we in a php section or not
    inclass = False  # Inside a class defintion
    incomment = False  # Inside a comment
    infundef = False  # Inside a style definition {}
    lastclass = None
    lastfun = None
    openb = 0  # Keep track of open brackets

    for lnum, line in enumerate(buff):
        line = line.strip()
        llen = len(line)
        idx = 0
        while idx < len(line):
            # Skip Whitespace
            idx += (len(line[idx:]) - len(line[idx:].lstrip()))

            # Check if in a <?php ?> block or not
            if line[idx:].startswith(u'<?php'):
                idx += 5
                inphp = True
            elif line[idx:].startswith(u'?>'):
                idx += 2
                inphp = False

            # Skip anything not in side of a php section
            if not inphp:
                idx += 1

            # Check for coments
            if line[idx:].startswith(u'/*'):
                idx += 2
                incomment = True
            elif line[idx:].startswith(u'//') or line[idx:].startswith(u'#'):
                break  # go to next line
            elif line[idx:].startswith(u'*/'):
                idx += 2
                incomment = False

            # At end of line
            if idx >= llen:

            # Look for tags
            if incomment:
                idx += 1
            elif line[idx] in u'{':
                idx += 1
                openb += 1
                # Class name must be followed by a {
                if not inclass and lastclass is not None:
                    inclass = True
                elif lastfun is not None:
                    infundef = True
                    lastfun = None
            elif line[idx] == u'}':
                idx += 1
                openb -= 1
                if inclass and openb == 0:
                    inclass = False
                    lastclass = None
                elif infundef and inclass and openb == 1:
                    infundef = False
                elif infundef and openb == 0:
                    infundef = False
                    lastfun = None
            elif not infundef and line[idx:].startswith(u'class') \
                 and llen > idx + 5 and line[idx+5].isspace():
                idx += 5

                # Skip whitespace
                idx += (len(line[idx:]) - len(line[idx:].lstrip()))

                name = parselib.GetFirstIdentifier(line[idx:])
                if name is not None:
                    idx += len(name)  # Move past the class name
                    lastclass = taglib.Class(name, lnum)
                    # Something must be wrong so skip ahead and keep going
                    idx += 5
            elif line[idx:].startswith(
                    u'function') and llen > idx + 8 and line[idx +
                idx += 8

                # Skip whitespace
                idx += (len(line[idx:]) - len(line[idx:].lstrip()))

                name = parselib.GetFirstIdentifier(line[idx:])
                if name is not None:
                    lastfun = name
                    idx += len(name)

                    # Skip whitespace
                    idx += (len(line[idx:]) - len(line[idx:].lstrip()))

                    if line[idx] != u'(':

                    if inclass and lastclass is not None:
                            taglib.Method(name, lnum, lastclass.GetName()))
                        rtags.AddFunction(taglib.Function(name, lnum))
            elif inclass and line[idx:].startswith(u'var') \
                 and llen > idx + 3 and line[idx+3].isspace():
                # Look for class variables
                idx += 3
                parts = line[idx:].split()
                if len(parts) and parts[0].startswith(u'$'):
                    name = parselib.GetFirstIdentifier(parts[0][1:])
                    if name is not None and lastclass is not None:
                        name = u'$' + name
                            taglib.Variable(name, lnum, lastclass.GetName()))
                        idx += len(name)
            elif line[idx] == u'=' and llen > idx + 1 and line[idx +
                                                               1] != u'=':
                break  # jump to next line when we find an assigment
                idx += 1

    return rtags
Exemple #13
def GenerateTags(buff):
    """Create a DocStruct object that represents a haXe Script
    @param buff: a file like buffer object (StringIO)

    rtags = taglib.DocStruct()

    # Setup document structure
    rtags.SetElementDescription('class', "Class Definitions")
    rtags.SetElementDescription('function', "Function Definitions")

    inclass = False  # Inside a class defintion
    incomment = False  # Inside a comment
    infundef = False  # Inside a function definition
    lastclass = None
    lastfun = None
    openb = 0  # Keep track of open brackets

    for lnum, line in enumerate(buff):
        line = line.strip()
        llen = len(line)
        idx = 0
        while idx < len(line):
            # Skip Whitespace
            idx = parselib.SkipWhitespace(line, idx)

            # Check for coments
            if line[idx:].startswith(u'/*'):
                idx += 2
                incomment = True
            elif line[idx:].startswith(u'//'):
                break  # go to next line
            elif line[idx:].startswith(u'*/'):
                idx += 2
                incomment = False

            # At end of line
            if idx >= llen:

            # Look for tags
            if incomment:
                idx += 1
            elif line[idx] == u'{':
                idx += 1
                openb += 1
                # Class name must be followed by a {
                if not inclass and lastclass is not None:
                    inclass = True
                elif lastfun is not None:
                    infundef = True
                    lastfun = None
            elif line[idx] == u'}':
                idx += 1
                openb -= 1
                if inclass and openb == 0:
                    inclass = False
                    lastclass = None
                elif infundef and inclass and openb == 1:
                    infundef = False
                elif infundef and openb == 0:
                    infundef = False
                    lastfun = None
            elif not infundef and parselib.IsToken(line, idx, u'class'):
                # Skip whitespace
                idx = parselib.SkipWhitespace(line, idx + 5)

                name = parselib.GetFirstIdentifier(line[idx:])
                if name is not None:
                    idx += len(name)  # Move past the class name
                    lastclass = taglib.Class(name, lnum)
            elif parselib.IsToken(line, idx, u'function'):
                # Skip whitespace
                idx = parselib.SkipWhitespace(line, idx + 8)

                name = parselib.GetFirstIdentifier(line[idx:])
                if name is not None:
                    lastfun = name
                    # Skip whitespace
                    idx = parselib.SkipWhitespace(line, idx + len(name))

                    if line[idx] != u'(':

                    if inclass and lastclass is not None:
                            taglib.Method(name, lnum, lastclass.GetName()))
                        rtags.AddFunction(taglib.Function(name, lnum))
            elif inclass and not infundef and parselib.IsToken(
                    line, idx, u'var'):
                # Look for class variables
                idx = parselib.SkipWhitespace(line, idx + 3)
                name = parselib.GetFirstIdentifier(line[idx:])
                if name is not None and lastclass is not None:
                        taglib.Variable(name, lnum, lastclass.GetName()))
                    idx += len(name)
                idx += 1

    return rtags
Exemple #14
def GenerateTags(buff):
    """Create a DocStruct object that represents a Cascading Style Sheets
    @param buff: a file like buffer object (StringIO)
    @todo: add support for parsing selectors and grouping classes and
           identities of each selector in a subscope.

    rtags = taglib.DocStruct()

    # Setup document structure
    #    rtags.SetElementDescription('tag', "Selectors")
    # Use variables node for global identities
    rtags.SetElementDescription('variable', "Identities")
    # Use classes for global classes
    # Uses DocStruct builtin

    c_tag = None  # Currenly found tag
    incomment = False  # Inside a comment
    indef = False  # Inside a style definition {}

    for lnum, line in enumerate(buff):
        line = line.strip()
        llen = len(line)
        idx = 0
        while idx < len(line):
            # Skip Whitespace
            while line[idx].isspace():
                idx += 1

            # Check if valid item to add to document
#            if c_tag is not None and line[idx] == u'{':
#                rtags.AddElement('tag', c_tag)
#                c_tag = None

# Check for coments
            if line[idx] == u'/' and llen > idx and line[idx + 1] == u'*':
                idx += 2
                incomment = True
            elif line[idx] == u'*' and llen > idx and line[idx + 1] == u'/':
                idx += 2
                incomment = False

            # At end of line
            if idx >= llen:

            # Look for tags
            if incomment:
                idx += 1
            elif line[idx] == u'{':
                idx += 1
                indef = True
            elif indef and line[idx] == u'}':
                idx += 1
                indef = False
            elif not indef and line[idx] in (u'.', u'#'):
                if idx == 0 or line[idx - 1].isspace():
                    name = parselib.GetFirstIdentifier(line[idx + 1:])
                    if name is not None:
                        name = line[idx] + name
                        if line[idx] == u'.':
                            rtags.AddClass(taglib.Class(name, lnum))
                            rtags.AddVariable(taglib.Variable(name, lnum))
                idx += 1
                idx += 1

    return rtags
Exemple #15
def GenerateTags(buff):
    """Create a DocStruct object that represents a Python file
    @param buff: a file like buffer object (StringIO)

    rtags = taglib.DocStruct()
    rtags.SetElementDescription('function', "Function Definitions")
    rtags.SetElementDescription('class', "Class Definitions")

    # Variables for managing the state of the parse
    parents = list()
    indent = 0
    fn_indent = 0
    parens = 0  # Paren nesting count
    indocstring = False
    ind_string = False  # Double quote string
    ins_string = False  # Single quote string
    infunction = False
    lastclass = None

    def NotInString():
        """Return whether the current state of the parse is in a string
        or not.

        return not indocstring and not ind_string and not ins_string

    # Do the parse of the text
    for lnum, line in enumerate(buff):
        indent = 0
        idx = 0
        llen = len(line)
        while idx < llen:
            # Check for docstrings
            if not (ind_string or
                    ins_string) and llen >= idx + 3 and line[idx:idx + 3] in [
                        '"""', "'''"
                indocstring = not indocstring
                idx += 3

            # If end of line or start of comment start next line
            if idx == llen or (line[idx] == u"#" and NotInString()):

            # Check indent sensitive tokens
            if not indocstring and not line[idx].isspace():

                if infunction and indent < fn_indent:
                    infunction = False

                if lastclass is not None:
                    if indent <= lastclass.get('indent', 0):
                        parents = PopScopes(parents, indent)
                        if len(parents):
                            lastclass = parents[-1]
                            lastclass = None

                # Check for if in a string or not
                if line[idx] == u"'" and not ind_string and \
                   idx > 0 and line[idx-1] != "\\": # Single string
                    ins_string = not ins_string
                    idx += 1
                elif line[idx] == u'"' and not ins_string and \
                     idx > 0 and line[idx-1] != "\\": # Double String
                    ind_string = not ind_string
                    idx += 1

            # Parse and look for elements to add to the DocStruct
            if not NotInString():
                # Token is in a string so ignore and move on
                idx = idx + 1
            elif line[idx].isspace():
                # Get indent width for current scope
                if idx == 0:
                    indent = (len(line) - len(line.lstrip()))
                    idx += indent
                    # Non indent space
                    idx += 1
            elif parselib.IsToken(line, idx, u'class'):
                idx += 5
                cname = parselib.GetFirstIdentifier(line[idx:])
                if cname is not None:
                    if lastclass is None:
                        rtags.AddClass(taglib.Class(cname, lnum))
                    # TODO: check for classes defined within classes

                    lastclass = dict(name=cname, indent=indent)
                    break  # Go to next line
            elif parselib.IsToken(line, idx, u'def'):
                # Function/Method Definition
                idx += 3
                fname = parselib.GetFirstIdentifier(line[idx:])
                if line[idx].isspace() and fname is not None:
                    infunction = True
                    fn_indent = indent + 1
                    if not line[0].isspace() or lastclass is None or \
                       not len(lastclass.get("name", "")):
                        rtags.AddFunction(taglib.Function(fname, lnum))
                        lclass = rtags.GetLastClass()
                        if lclass is not None:
                                taglib.Method(fname, lnum, lclass.GetName()))
                            # Something must have failed with the parse so
                            # ignore this element.
            elif not infunction and line[idx] in u"()":
                # Track paren nesting to help with variable parsing
                if line[idx] == u"(":
                    parens += 1
                    parens -= 1
                idx += 1
            elif not infunction and line[idx] == u"=" and not parens:
                # Check for Global and Class variables
                idx += 1
                if line[idx] != u"=":  # ignore == statements
                    var = line[:idx - 1].strip().split()
                    if len(var) == 1 and parselib.IsGoodName(var[0]):
                        lclass = rtags.GetLastClass()
                        # Check if we are still inside a class def or not
                        if lastclass is not None and lclass is not None:
                            vobj = taglib.Variable(var[0], lnum,
                            # Global Scope variable
                            rtags.AddVariable(taglib.Variable(var[0], lnum))
                # Nothing so skip ahead
                idx += 1

    # Return the document structure object
    return rtags
Exemple #16
def GenerateTags(buff):
    """Create a DocStruct object that represents a Cascading Style Sheets
    @param buff: a file like buffer object (StringIO)
    @todo: add support for parsing selectors and grouping classes and
           identities of each selector in a subscope.

    rtags = taglib.DocStruct()

    # Setup document structure
    # Use variables node for global identities
    rtags.SetElementDescription('variable', "Identities")
    rtags.SetElementDescription('tag_red', "Elements")
    # Use classes for global classes
    # Uses DocStruct builtin

    c_tag = None  # Currently found tag
    incomment = False  # Inside a comment
    indef = False  # Inside a style definition {}

    for lnum, line in enumerate(buff):
        line = line.strip()
        llen = len(line)
        idx = 0
        while idx < len(line):
            idx = parselib.SkipWhitespace(line, idx)

            # Check for comments
            if llen > idx + 1 and line[idx] == u'/' and line[idx + 1] == u'*':
                idx += 2
                incomment = True
            elif llen > idx + 1 and line[idx] == u'*' and line[idx +
                                                               1] == u'/':
                idx += 2
                incomment = False

            # At end of line
            if idx >= llen:

            # Look for tags
            if incomment:
                idx += 1
            elif line[idx] == u'{':
                idx += 1
                indef = True
            elif indef and line[idx] == u'}':
                idx += 1
                indef = False
            elif not indef and line[idx] in (u'.', u'#'):
                # Classes and ID's
                if idx == 0 or line[idx - 1].isspace():
                    names = line[idx:].split()
                    if len(names):
                        name = names[0]
                        name = None
                    if name is not None:
                        if line[idx] == u'.':
                            # See if we already have found previous
                            # defs using this class identifier
                            cobj = rtags.GetElement('class', name)
                            if cobj is None:
                                cobj = taglib.Class(name, lnum)

                            # Update the index
                            idx += len(name)
                            # Grab all other defs that may be children of
                            # the current one.
                            idx = CaptureClassElements(cobj, line, idx)
                            # Stand alone ID
                            rtags.AddVariable(taglib.Variable(name, lnum))
                            idx += len(name)
                # TODO: smarter skip ahead to speed up parse
                idx += 1
            elif not indef and not line[idx].isspace():
                # Possible element
                nparen = line[idx:].find(u'{') + idx
                token = line[idx:nparen]
                if token:
                    idx += len(token)
                    if not token.startswith(u"@"):
                        obj = CSSTag(token.strip(), lnum)
                        rtags.AddElement('tag_red', obj)
                    idx += 1
                # TODO: smarter skip ahead to speed up parse
                idx += 1

    return rtags