Exemple #1
 def test_deferreds(self):
     target = Thing()
     item = base.Item("key")
     now = datetime.datetime.now()
     deferreds = [
         driver.Deferred(now, target.append, [1, 2, 3], {"kwarg": 42}),
         driver.Deferred(now, os.getcwd, [], None),
         driver.Deferred(now, module_level_func, [], None),
         driver.Deferred(now, item.init, [], None, periodical=(11.1, 22.2))
     x1, x2, x3, x4 = serializecycle(deferreds)
     assert x1["__class__"] == "tale.driver.Deferred"
     assert x1["action"] == "append"
     assert x1["vargs"] == [1, 2, 3]
     assert x1["kwargs"] == {"kwarg": 42}
     assert x1["periodical"] is None
     assert x1["owner"] == "class:tests.supportstuff.Thing"
     assert x1["due_gametime"] == now.isoformat()
     assert x2["action"] == "getcwd"
     assert x2["owner"] in ("module:os", "module:nt", "module:posix")
     assert x3["action"] == "module_level_func"
     assert x3["owner"] == "module:tests.test_serialize"
     assert x4["action"] == "init"
     assert len(x4["owner"]) == 4
     assert x4["owner"][1] == "key"
     assert x4["periodical"] == (11.1, 22.2)
Exemple #2
 def test_takability(self):
     p = base.Living("living", "m")
     item = base.Item("item")
     item.move(p, p)
     brd = board.BulletinBoard("board")
     with self.assertRaises(ActionRefused) as x:
         brd.move(p, p, verb="frob")
     self.assertEqual("You can't frob board.", str(x.exception))
     bx = basic.Boxlike("box")
     bx.move(p, p)
     bnk = bank.Bank("bank")
     with self.assertRaises(ActionRefused) as x:
         bnk.move(p, p, verb="frob")
     self.assertEqual("The bank won't budge.", str(x.exception))
     with self.assertRaises(ActionRefused) as x:
         bnk.allow_item_move(p, verb="frob")
     self.assertEqual("The bank won't budge.", str(x.exception))
     # now flip the flags around
     bnk.takeable = True
     bnk.move(p, p)
     bx.takeable = False
     with self.assertRaises(ActionRefused) as x:
         bx.move(p, p, verb="frob")
     self.assertEqual("You can't frob box.", str(x.exception))
     brd.takeable = True
     brd.move(p, p)
     item.takeable = False
     with self.assertRaises(ActionRefused) as x:
         item.move(p, p, verb="frob")
     self.assertEqual("You can't frob item.", str(x.exception))
Exemple #3
 def test_make_catapult(self):
     stick = basic.woodenYstick
     elastic = basic.elastic_band
     thing = base.Item("thing")
     self.assertIsNone(stick.combine([thing], self.actor))
     self.assertIsNone(stick.combine([elastic, thing], self.actor))
     catapult = stick.combine([elastic], self.actor)
     self.assertIsInstance(catapult, basic.Catapult)
Exemple #4
 def test_pouch(self):
     p = basic.pouch
     thing = base.Item("thing")
     self.assertEqual(0, p.inventory_size)
     p.insert(thing, self.actor)
     self.assertTrue(thing in p)
     self.assertEqual(1, p.inventory_size)
     p.remove(thing, self.actor)
     self.assertFalse(thing in p)
Exemple #5
 def test_living_player(self):
     thing = base.Item("thing")
     p = player.Player("playername", "n", descr="description")
     p.insert(thing, None)
     p.title = "title"
     p.money = 42
     p.brief = True
     p.story_data = {"data": 42}
     o = base.Living("name",
     o.aggressive = True
     o.following = p
     o.is_pet = True
     o.stats.attack_dice = "2d8"
     o.stats.level = 12
     o.stats.hp = 100
     x = serializecycle(o)
     assert x["__class__"] == "tale.base.Living"
     assert x["aggressive"] == True
     assert len(x["following"]) == 4
     assert x["following"][1] == "playername"
     assert x["is_pet"] == True
     assert x["location"][1] == "Limbo"
     assert x["race"] == "dragon"
     assert len(x["privileges"]) == 0
     assert "soul" not in x
     assert "teleported_from" not in x
     s = x["stats"]
     assert s["gender"] == "f"
     assert s["race"] == "dragon"
     assert s["attack_dice"] == "2d8"
     assert s["level"] == 12
     assert s["hp"] == 100
     x = serializecycle(p)
     assert x["__class__"] == x["__base_class__"] == "tale.player.Player"
     assert x["brief"] == True
     assert x["location"][1] == "Limbo"
     assert x["money"] == 42
     assert x["name"] == "playername"
     assert x["story_data"]["data"] == 42
     assert x["turns"] == 0
     assert x["screen_width"] == p.screen_width
     assert x["hints"]["__class__"] == "tale.hints.HintSystem"
     assert x["hints"]["checkpoints"] == [None]
     assert x["stats"]["race"] == x["race"] == "human"
     assert x["stats"]["xp"] == 0
     assert len(x["inventory"]) == 1
     inv = x["inventory"].pop()
     assert inv[1] == "thing"
Exemple #6
 def test_trashcan(self):
     t = basic.trashcan
     thing = base.Item("thing")
     with self.assertRaises(ActionRefused):
         t.insert(thing, self.actor)
     t.insert(thing, self.actor)
     self.assertTrue(thing in t)
     with self.assertRaises(ActionRefused):
         t.remove(thing, self.actor)
     t.remove(thing, self.actor)
     self.assertFalse(thing in t)
Exemple #7
 def test_items_and_container(self):
     o = base.Item("name", "title", "description")
     o.aliases = ["alias"]
     bag = base.Container("name", "title", "description")
     bag.insert(o, None)
     x = serializecycle(bag)
     self.assertEqual(1, x.inventory_size)
     y = list(x.inventory)[0]
     self.assertEqual(x, y.contained_in)
     o = base.Weapon("w")
     x = serializecycle(o)
     self.assertEqual("w", x.name)
     o = base.Armour("a")
     x = serializecycle(o)
     self.assertEqual("a", x.name)
Exemple #8
 def test_location(self):
     room = base.Location("room", "description")
     thing = base.Item("thing")
     room.insert(thing, None)
     npc = base.Living("dog", "m")
     room.insert(npc, None)
     x = serializecycle(room)
     assert x["__class__"] == "tale.base.Location"
     assert x["name"] == "room"
     assert x["descr"] == "description"
     assert x["exits"] == ()
     assert len(x["items"]) == 1
     assert len(x["livings"]) == 1
     assert isinstance(x["items"], set)
     assert isinstance(x["livings"], set)
     x_item = x["items"].pop()
     x_living = x["livings"].pop()
     assert len(x_item) == 4
     assert x_item[0] > 0
     assert x_item[1] == "thing"
     assert len(x_living) == 4
     assert x_living[0] > 0
     assert x_living[1] == "dog"
     # now add some exits and a second location, and try again
     room2 = base.Location("room2", "description")
     exit1 = base.Exit("room2", room2, "to room2")
     exit2 = base.Exit("room", room, "back to room")
     x1, x2 = serializecycle([room, room2])
     assert len(x1["exits"]) == 1
     assert isinstance(x1["exits"], set)
     assert len(x2["exits"]) == 1
     assert isinstance(x2["exits"], set)
     x_exit = x1["exits"].pop()
     assert len(x_exit) == 4
     assert x_exit[0] > 0
     assert x_exit[1] == "room2"
     assert x_exit[2] == x_exit[3] == "tale.base.Exit"
     assert x2["name"] == "room2"
     x_exit = x2["exits"].pop()
     assert len(x_exit) == 4
     assert x_exit[0] > 0
     assert x_exit[1] == "room"
Exemple #9
 def test_items_and_container(self):
     o = base.Item("name1", "title1", descr="description1")
     o.aliases = ["alias1"]
     bag = base.Container("name2", "title2", descr="description2")
     bag.insert(o, None)
     x = serializecycle(bag)
     x_inv = x["inventory"]
     assert isinstance(x_inv, set)
     assert len(x_inv) == 1
     x_contained = x_inv.pop()
     assert len(x_contained) == 4
     assert x_contained[0] > 1
     assert x_contained[1] == 'name1'
     assert x_contained[2] == 'tale.base.Item'
     assert x_contained[3] == 'tale.base.Item'
     x = serializecycle(o)
     assert "inventory" not in x
     assert "location" not in x and "contained_in" not in x, "item is referenced from its location instead"
     o = base.Armour("a")
     x = serializecycle(o)
     assert x["__class__"] == "tale.base.Armour"
     assert x["__base_class__"] == "tale.base.Item"
Exemple #10
 def test_fundamentals(self):
     o = serializecycle(races.races)
     assert len(races.races) == len(o)
     assert "golem" in o
     o = base.Item("name",
                   short_descr="short description")
     o.aliases = ["alias"]
     o.default_verb = "push"
     o.extra_desc = {"thing": "there's a thing"}
     o.rent = 99
     o.value = 88
     o.story_data["data"] = 42
     o.weight = 123.0
     loc = base.Location("location")
     loc.insert(o, None)
     x = serializecycle(o)
     assert isinstance(x, dict)
     assert x["__base_class__"] == "tale.base.Item"
     assert x["__class__"] == "tale.base.Item"
     assert x["aliases"] == ["alias"]
     assert x["default_verb"] == "push"
     assert x["descr"] == "description"
     assert x["extra_desc"] == {"thing": "there's a thing"}
     assert x["name"] == "name"
     assert x["rent"] == 99
     assert x["value"] == 88
     assert x["short_descr"] == "short description"
     assert x["story_data"] == {"data": 42}
     assert x["takeable"] == True
     assert x["title"] == "title"
     assert x["vnum"] > 0
     assert x["weight"] == 123.0
     assert "inventory" not in x
     assert "location" not in x and "contained_in" not in x, "item is referenced from its location instead"