def RunTalesfTask(options): logger = create_logger(options.logFilepath) logger("Beginning") if options.revcomp: forwardOnly = False else: forwardOnly = True if options.ncbi != "NA": logger("Retrieving NCBI sequence. This could take a while if this sequence hasn't been used recently and needs to be downloaded from NCBI.") with Conditional(options.ncbi != "NA", CachedEntrezFile(logger, options.ncbi)) as maybe_entrez_file: if options.ncbi != "NA": # Validate downloaded sequence check_fasta_pasta(maybe_entrez_file.file) if options.ncbi != "NA": seqFilename = maybe_entrez_file.filepath elif options.genome: seqFilename = GENOME_FILE % options.organism elif options.promoterome: seqFilename = PROMOTEROME_FILE % options.organism else: seqFilename = options.fasta result = ScoreTalesfTask(seqFilename, options.rvdString, options.outputFilepath, options.logFilepath, forwardOnly, options.cupstream, options.cutoff, 4, options.organism if options.genome else "") if(result == 1): raise TaskError()
def RunPairedTalesfTask(options): logger = create_logger(options.logFilepath) logger("Beginning") if options.genome: seqFilename = GENOME_FILE % options.organism elif options.promoterome: seqFilename = PROMOTEROME_FILE % options.organism else: seqFilename = options.fasta result = ScorePairedTalesfTask(seqFilename, options.rvdString, options.rvdString2, options.outputFilepath, options.logFilepath, options.cupstream, options.cutoff, options.min, options.max, 4, options.organism if options.genome else "") if(result == 1): raise TaskError()
def RunTalesfTask(options): logger = create_logger(options.logFilepath) logger("Beginning") if options.revcomp: forwardOnly = False else: forwardOnly = True if options.genome: seqFilename = GENOME_FILE % options.organism elif options.promoterome: seqFilename = PROMOTEROME_FILE % options.organism else: seqFilename = options.fasta result = ScoreTalesfTask(seqFilename, options.rvdString, options.outputFilepath, options.logFilepath, forwardOnly, options.cupstream, options.cutoff, 4, options.organism if options.genome else "") if(result == 1): raise TaskError()
parser.add_option('-z', '--nodeid', dest='nodeID', type='int', default = '-1', help='Drupal node ID') parser.add_option('-k', '--ipaddr', dest='ip_address', type='string', default = '', help='IP address of job submitter') (options, args) = parser.parse_args() options.rvdString = options.rvdString.strip().upper() validate_options_handler(validateOptions, options) if options.genome: queue_name = 'talesf_genome' elif options.promoterome: queue_name = 'talesf_promoterome' else: queue_name = 'talesf_other' if options.nodeID != -1: if not celery_found: raise TaskError("nodeID option was provided but Celery is not installed") logger = create_logger(options.logFilepath) logger("Your task has been queued and will be processed when a worker node becomes available") from findRvdTAL import TalesfTask #if run from drupal then it should be queued as a task TalesfTask.apply_async(kwargs=vars(options), queue=queue_name) else: RunTalesfTask(options)
def RunFindTALTask(options): logger = create_logger(options.logFilepath) logger("Beginning") if options.check_offtargets and options.offtargets_ncbi != "NA": logger( "Retrieving NCBI off-target sequence. This could take a while if this sequence hasn't been used recently and needs to be downloaded from NCBI." ) with Conditional( options.check_offtargets and options.offtargets_ncbi != "NA", CachedEntrezFile(logger, options.offtargets_ncbi) ) as maybe_entrez_file: if options.check_offtargets: if not tfcount_found: raise TaskError("Non off-target counting worker attempted to process off-target counting task.") if options.offtargets_ncbi != "NA": logger("Finished retrieving NCBI off-target sequence.") # Validate downloaded sequence check_fasta_pasta(maybe_entrez_file.file) for record in FastaIterator(maybe_entrez_file.file, alphabet=generic_dna): if len(record.seq) > OFFTARGET_COUNTING_SIZE_LIMIT: raise TaskError( "Off-Target counting is only supported for NCBI records where all individual sequences are under %d megabases in size" % (OFFTARGET_COUNTING_SIZE_LIMIT / 1000000) ) offtarget_seq_filename = "" if options.offtargets_fasta != "NA": offtarget_seq_filename = options.offtargets_fasta elif options.offtargets_ncbi != "NA": offtarget_seq_filename = maybe_entrez_file.filepath elif options.genome: offtarget_seq_filename = GENOME_FILE % options.organism elif options.promoterome: offtarget_seq_filename = PROMOTEROME_FILE % options.organism else: offtarget_seq_filename = options.fasta strong_binding_RVDs = {"A": "NI", "C": "HD", "G": "NN", "T": "NG"} if options.gspec: strong_binding_RVDs["G"] = "NH" seq_file = open(options.fasta, "r") if options.outpath == "NA": output_filepath = options.outdir + options.job + options.outfile else: output_filepath = options.outpath out = open(output_filepath, "w") table_ignores = ["TAL1 length", "TAL2 length", "Spacer length"] out.write("table_ignores:" + ",".join(table_ignores) + "\n") strand_min = 15 if options.arraymin is None else options.arraymin strand_max = 20 if options.arraymax is None else options.arraymax spacer_min = 15 if options.min is None else options.min spacer_max = 30 if options.max is None else options.max u_bases = [] if options.cupstream != 1: u_bases.append("T") if options.cupstream != 0: u_bases.append("C") out.write( "options_used:" + ", ".join( [ "array_min = " + str(strand_min), "array_max = " + str(strand_max), "spacer_min = " + str(spacer_min), "spacer_max = " + str(spacer_max), "upstream_base = " + (" or ".join(u_bases)), ] ) + "\n" ) offtarget_header = "\tOff-Target Counts" if options.check_offtargets else "" out.write( "Sequence Name\tCut Site\tTAL1 start\tTAL2 start\tTAL1 length\tTAL2 length\tSpacer length\tSpacer range\tTAL1 RVDs\tTAL2 RVDs\tPlus strand sequence\tUnique RE sites in spacer\t% RVDs HD or NN/NH" + offtarget_header + "\n" ) binding_sites = [] for gene in FastaIterator(seq_file, alphabet=generic_dna): sequence = str(gene.seq).upper() site_entry_counts = {} if options.filter == 1: if options.filterbase > len(sequence): logger("Skipped %s as the provided cut site was greater than the sequence length" % ( continue cut_site_positions = [options.filterbase] else: cut_site_positions = range(len(sequence)) logger("Scanning %s for binding sites" % ( for i in cut_site_positions: cut_site_potential_sites = [] for spacer_size in range(spacer_min, spacer_max + 1): spacer_potential_sites = [] spacer_size_left = int(math.floor(float(spacer_size) / 2)) spacer_size_right = int(math.ceil(float(spacer_size) / 2)) if i < (strand_min + spacer_size_left + 1) or i > ( len(sequence) - (strand_min + spacer_size_right) - 1 ): continue for u_base in u_bases: if u_base == "T": d_base = "A" elif u_base == "C": d_base = "G" u_pos_search_start = i - (strand_max + spacer_size_left) - 1 if u_pos_search_start < 0: u_pos_search_start = 0 u_pos_search_end = i - (strand_min + spacer_size_left) d_pos_search_start = i + (strand_min + spacer_size_right) d_pos_search_end = i + (strand_max + spacer_size_right) + 1 u_positions = [] u_pos = 0 while True: u_pos = sequence.rfind(u_base, u_pos_search_start, u_pos_search_end) if u_pos == -1: break else: u_pos_search_end = u_pos u_positions.append(u_pos) d_positions = [] d_pos = 0 while True: d_pos = sequence.find(d_base, d_pos_search_start, d_pos_search_end) if d_pos == -1: break else: d_pos_search_start = d_pos + 1 d_positions.append(d_pos) break_out = False for u_pos in reversed(u_positions): for d_pos in reversed(d_positions): # uses inclusive start, exclusive end tal1_start = u_pos + 1 tal1_end = i - spacer_size_left tal1_seq = sequence[tal1_start:tal1_end] tal2_start = i + spacer_size_right tal2_end = d_pos tal2_seq = sequence[tal2_start:tal2_end] if not ( (tal1_seq in site_entry_counts and tal2_seq in site_entry_counts[tal1_seq]) or (tal1_seq in site_entry_counts and tal1_seq in site_entry_counts[tal1_seq]) or (tal2_seq in site_entry_counts and tal1_seq in site_entry_counts[tal2_seq]) or (tal2_seq in site_entry_counts and tal2_seq in site_entry_counts[tal2_seq]) ): bad_site = False cg_count = 0 tal1_rvd = [] for c in tal1_seq: if c not in strong_binding_RVDs: bad_site = True break if c == "C" or c == "G": cg_count += 1 tal1_rvd.append(strong_binding_RVDs[c]) if bad_site: continue tal1_rvd = " ".join(tal1_rvd) tal2_rvd = [] for c in reverseComplement(tal2_seq): if c not in strong_binding_RVDs: bad_site = True break if c == "C" or c == "G": cg_count += 1 tal2_rvd.append(strong_binding_RVDs[c]) if bad_site: continue tal2_rvd = " ".join(tal2_rvd) if options.filter == 0: break_out = True binding_site = BindingSite(, cutsite=i, seq1_start=tal1_start, seq1_end=tal1_end, seq1_seq=tal1_seq, seq1_rvd=tal1_rvd, spacer_start=tal1_end, spacer_end=tal2_start, spacer_seq=sequence[tal1_end:tal2_start], seq2_start=tal2_start, seq2_end=tal2_end, seq2_seq=tal2_seq, seq2_rvd=tal2_rvd, upstream=u_base, cg_percent=int( round(float(cg_count) / (len(tal1_seq) + len(tal2_seq)), 2) * 100 ), ) findRESitesInSpacer(sequence, binding_site) if binding_site.seq1_seq not in site_entry_counts: site_entry_counts[binding_site.seq1_seq] = {} if binding_site.seq2_seq not in site_entry_counts[tal1_seq]: site_entry_counts[binding_site.seq1_seq][binding_site.seq2_seq] = [] site_entry_counts[binding_site.seq1_seq][binding_site.seq2_seq].append(binding_site) spacer_potential_sites.append(binding_site) if break_out: break if break_out: break if len(spacer_potential_sites) > 0: if options.filter == 0: cut_site_potential_sites.append(reduce(filterByTALSize, spacer_potential_sites)) else: cut_site_potential_sites.extend(spacer_potential_sites) if len(cut_site_potential_sites) > 0: if options.filter == 0: binding_sites.append(reduce(filterByTALSize, cut_site_potential_sites)) else: binding_sites.extend(cut_site_potential_sites) if options.streubel: binding_sites[:] = list(ifilterfalse(filterStreubel, binding_sites)) if options.check_offtargets: if len(binding_sites) > 0: off_target_pairs = [] for i, binding_site in enumerate(binding_sites): off_target_pairs.append([binding_site.seq1_rvd, binding_site.seq2_rvd]) off_target_counts = PairedTargetFinderCountTask( offtarget_seq_filename, options.logFilepath, options.cupstream, 3.0, spacer_min, spacer_max, off_target_pairs, ) for i, binding_site in enumerate(binding_sites): binding_site.offtarget_counts = off_target_counts[i] for i, binding_site in enumerate(binding_sites): output_items = [ str(binding_site.seq_id), str(binding_site.cutsite), str(binding_site.seq1_start), str(binding_site.seq2_end - 1), str(binding_site.seq1_end - binding_site.seq1_start), str(binding_site.seq2_end - binding_site.seq2_start), str(binding_site.spacer_end - binding_site.spacer_start), str(binding_site.spacer_start) + "-" + str(binding_site.spacer_end - 1), binding_site.seq1_rvd, binding_site.seq2_rvd, binding_site.upstream + " " + binding_site.seq1_seq + " " + binding_site.spacer_seq.lower() + " " + binding_site.seq2_seq + " " + ("A" if binding_site.upstream == "T" else "G"), binding_site.re_sites, str(binding_site.cg_percent), ] if options.check_offtargets: output_items.append(" ".join(str(binding_site.offtarget_counts[x]) for x in range(5))) out.write("\t".join(output_items) + "\n") out.close() seq_file.close() logger("Finished")
def RunFindTALOldTask(options): logger = create_logger(options.logFilepath) seq_file = open(options.fasta, 'r') logger("Beginning") #Set other parameters if options.arraymin is None or options.arraymax is None: half_site_size = range(15, 31) else: half_site_size = range(options.arraymin, options.arraymax + 1) if options.min is None or options.max is None: spacer_size = [15, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30] else: spacer_size = range(options.min, options.max + 1) #Initialize half site data structures: gene_binding_sites = {} #Open and read FASTA sequence file genes = [] for gene in FastaIterator(seq_file, alphabet=generic_dna): genes.append(gene) seq_file.close() for gene in genes: gene.seq = gene.seq.upper() #Set up binding site counter for each gene binding_site_count_genes = {} #Scan each gene sequence: for gene in genes: #Scan sequence based on above criteria: logger("Scanning %s for binding sites" % ( binding_site_count_genes[gene] = 0 sequence = gene.seq #Check each position along the sequence for possible binding sites using all combinations of binding site lengths and spacer lengths for size1 in half_site_size: for spacer_len in spacer_size: for size2 in half_site_size: for sindex in range(1, len(sequence)-(size1+spacer_len+size2)): #Check for T at -1 for each half_site (A on plus strand of second halfsite) if ((options.cupstream != 1 and sequence[sindex-1] == 'T' and sequence[sindex+size1+spacer_len+size2] == 'A') or (options.cupstream != 0 and sequence[sindex-1] == 'C' and sequence[sindex+size1+spacer_len+size2] == 'G')) and len(set(DNA) | set(sequence[sindex:sindex+size1+spacer_len+size2])) ==4: half_site1 = sequence[sindex:sindex+size1] half_site2_plus = sequence[sindex+size1+spacer_len:sindex+size1+spacer_len+size2] half_site2_minus = sequence[sindex+size1+spacer_len:sindex+size1+spacer_len+size2].reverse_complement() spacer_seq = sequence[sindex+size1:sindex+size1+spacer_len] Binding_site_flag = True #Check for not T at 1 (A at 1 for second halfsite) on both sites if Binding_site_flag==True and options.t1==True: if sequence[sindex] != 'T' and sequence[sindex+size1+spacer_len+size2-1]!= 'A': Binding_site_flag=True else: Binding_site_flag=False #Check not A at 2 (T on plus for second halfsite) on both sites if Binding_site_flag==True and options.a2==True: if sequence[sindex+1] !='A' and sequence[sindex+size1+spacer_len+size2-2]!='T': Binding_site_flag=True else: Binding_site_flag=False #Require T at end of both sites so bound by NG (A on plus for second half site) if Binding_site_flag==True and if sequence[sindex+size1-1] == 'T' and sequence[sindex+size1+spacer_len] =='A': Binding_site_flag=True else: Binding_site_flag=False #Require last position to not be G's if Binding_site_flag==True and if sequence[sindex+size1-1] != 'G' and sequence[sindex+size1+spacer_len] != 'C': Binding_site_flag=True else: Binding_site_flag=False #Check nucleotide composition of the binding site if Binding_site_flag==True and options.comp==True: A1 = half_site1.count('A')/float(len(half_site1)) C1 = half_site1.count('C')/float(len(half_site1)) G1 = half_site1.count('G')/float(len(half_site1)) T1 = half_site1.count('T')/float(len(half_site1)) A2 = half_site2_minus.count('A')/float(len(half_site2_minus)) C2 = half_site2_minus.count('C')/float(len(half_site2_minus)) G2 = half_site2_minus.count('G')/float(len(half_site2_minus)) T2 = half_site2_minus.count('T')/float(len(half_site2_minus)) if A1<=percent_comp_range_top['A'] and A1>=percent_comp_range_bottom['A'] and C1<=percent_comp_range_top['C'] and C1>=percent_comp_range_bottom['C'] and G1<=percent_comp_range_top['G'] and G1>=percent_comp_range_bottom['G'] and T1<=percent_comp_range_top['T'] and T1>=percent_comp_range_bottom['T']: if A2<=percent_comp_range_top['A'] and A2>=percent_comp_range_bottom['A'] and C2<=percent_comp_range_top['C'] and C2>=percent_comp_range_bottom['C'] and G2<=percent_comp_range_top['G'] and G2>=percent_comp_range_bottom['G'] and T2<=percent_comp_range_top['T'] and T2>=percent_comp_range_bottom['T']: Binding_site_flag=True else: Binding_site_flag=False else: Binding_site_flag=False #Create a binding site if all enforced rules have been met if Binding_site_flag==True: binding_site = Binding_site(perfectTAL1 = 'none', perfectTAL2 = 'none', start1 = sindex, start2=sindex+size1+spacer_len+size2-1, seq1 = half_site1, seq2_plus=half_site2_plus, spacer=spacer_len, spacerseq=spacer_seq, upstream = sequence[sindex-1]) if gene not in gene_binding_sites.keys(): gene_binding_sites[gene] = {} if sindex not in gene_binding_sites[gene].keys(): gene_binding_sites[gene][sindex] = [] gene_binding_sites[gene][sindex].append(binding_site) binding_site_count_genes[gene] +=1 #Compute TALs for each gene, using "strong-binding" RVDs for each nucleotide (binds the nucleotide more than half the time and we have more than 10 observations) logger('Designing best scoring perfect TALs for each potential site...') strong_binding_RVDs = {'A':'NI', 'C':'HD', 'G':'NN', 'T':'NG'} RVD_pairs = {} #dictionary of RVD pair counts indexed by gene, RVD1 and RVD2 for gene in gene_binding_sites.keys(): RVD_pairs[gene] = {} for start in gene_binding_sites[gene].keys(): #Find the perfect RVD sequence from each potential plus strand start site for binding_site in gene_binding_sites[gene][start]: TAL_1 = [] TAL_2 = [] for bindex in range(0, len(binding_site.seq1)): TAL_1.append(strong_binding_RVDs[binding_site.seq1[bindex]]) TAL_1 = ' '.join(TAL_1) for bindex in range(0, len(binding_site.seq2_minus)): TAL_2.append(strong_binding_RVDs[binding_site.seq2_minus[bindex]]) TAL_2 = ' '.join(TAL_2) binding_site.perfectTAL1 = TAL_1 binding_site.perfectTAL2 = TAL_2 if TAL_1 not in RVD_pairs[gene].keys(): RVD_pairs[gene][TAL_1] = {} if TAL_2 not in RVD_pairs[gene][TAL_1].keys(): RVD_pairs[gene][TAL_1][TAL_2] = 0 RVD_pairs[gene][TAL_1][TAL_2] += 1 #Find lists of binding sites in each gene with unique (for that gene) perfect RVD sequences binding_sites_unique_plus_minus_pairs = {} #binding sites whose RVD sequences don't make up other binding sites in the gene for gene in gene_binding_sites.keys(): binding_sites_unique_plus_minus_pairs[gene] = {} for start in gene_binding_sites[gene].keys(): for binding_site in gene_binding_sites[gene][start]: RVD1 = binding_site.perfectTAL1 RVD2 = binding_site.perfectTAL2 if (RVD1 not in RVD_pairs[gene].keys() or RVD1 not in RVD_pairs[gene][RVD1].keys() or RVD_pairs[gene][RVD1][RVD1] == 1) and (RVD1 not in RVD_pairs[gene].keys() or RVD2 not in RVD_pairs[gene][RVD1].keys() or RVD_pairs[gene][RVD1][RVD2] == 1) and (RVD2 not in RVD_pairs[gene].keys() or RVD1 not in RVD_pairs[gene][RVD2].keys() or RVD_pairs[gene][RVD2][RVD1] == 1) and (RVD2 not in RVD_pairs[gene].keys() or RVD2 not in RVD_pairs[gene][RVD2].keys() or RVD_pairs[gene][RVD2][RVD2] == 1): if start not in binding_sites_unique_plus_minus_pairs[gene].keys(): binding_sites_unique_plus_minus_pairs[gene][start] = [] binding_sites_unique_plus_minus_pairs[gene][start].append(binding_site) #Check binding sites for unique Restriction endonuclease sites within the spacer. #Unique sites are those that occur once in the spacer and do not occur in the 250 bases on either side of the spacer. logger('Searching for restriction enzymes sites within each spacer...') for gene in binding_sites_unique_plus_minus_pairs.keys(): for start_site in binding_sites_unique_plus_minus_pairs[gene].keys(): for binding_site in binding_sites_unique_plus_minus_pairs[gene][start_site]: enzymes_in_spacer = [] spacer_start = binding_site.start1 + len(binding_site.seq1) spacer_end = binding_site.start1 + len(binding_site.seq1) + binding_site.spacer-1 #identify sequence to check around the spacer for unique-ness if spacer_start >= 250: seq_check_start = spacer_start - 250 else: seq_check_start = 0 if len(gene.seq) - spacer_end >= 250: seq_check_end = spacer_end + 250 + 1 else: seq_check_end = len(gene.seq) #For each enzyme check if it occurs once in the spacer: for enzyme in NEB_RE_sites: if len(NEB_RE_sites[enzyme]["compiled"].findall(str(binding_site.spacerseq))) == 1: #If unique in spacer, check that it doesen't occur in the flanking sequence if len(NEB_RE_sites[enzyme]["compiled"].findall(str(gene.seq[seq_check_start : seq_check_end]))) == 1: enzymes_in_spacer.append(enzyme) #Create a string listing the enzymes and their sequences that can printed in the output enzyme_string = ' '.join(["%s:%s" % (enzyme, NEB_RE_sites[enzyme]["short"]) for enzyme in enzymes_in_spacer]) if len(enzyme_string) == 0: enzyme_string = 'none' #append enzyme string to binding site object binding_site.re_sites = enzyme_string #Print output results to file: binding sites if options.outpath == 'NA': filename = options.outdir + options.job + options.outfile else: filename = options.outpath out = open(filename, 'w') table_ignores = ["TAL1 length", "TAL2 length", "Spacer length"] out.write("table_ignores:" + string.join(table_ignores, ",") + "\n") u_bases = [] if options.cupstream != 1: u_bases.append("T") if options.cupstream != 0: u_bases.append("C") out.write("options_used:" + ', '.join([ "array_min = " + str(options.arraymin), "array_max = " + str(options.arraymax), "spacer_min = " + str(options.min), "spacer_max = " + str(options.max), "upstream_base = " + (" or ".join(u_bases)), ("No T at position 1" if options.t1 else ""), ("No A at position 1" if options.a2 else ""), ("Sites must end in a T" if else ""), ("Sites may not end in G/NN" if else ""), ("Base composition rules enforced" if options.comp else ""), ]) + "\n") out.write('Sequence Name\tTAL1 start\tTAL2 start\tTAL1 length\tTAL2 length\tSpacer length\tSpacer range\tTAL1 RVDs\tTAL2 RVDs\tPlus strand sequence\tUnique_RE_sites_in_spacer\n') if len(binding_sites_unique_plus_minus_pairs.keys()) > 0: for gene in binding_sites_unique_plus_minus_pairs.keys(): for start_site in binding_sites_unique_plus_minus_pairs[gene].keys(): for binding_site in binding_sites_unique_plus_minus_pairs[gene][start_site]: out.write( + '\t' + str(binding_site.start1) + '\t' + str(binding_site.start2) + '\t' + str(len(binding_site.seq1)) + '\t' + str(len(binding_site.seq2_plus)) + '\t' + str(binding_site.spacer) + '\t' + str(binding_site.start1+len(binding_site.seq1)) + '-' + str(binding_site.start1+len(binding_site.seq1) + binding_site.spacer-1) + '\t' + binding_site.perfectTAL1 + '\t' + binding_site.perfectTAL2 + '\t' + binding_site.upstream.upper() + " " + str(binding_site.seq1) + ' ' + str(binding_site.spacerseq).lower() + ' ' + str(binding_site.seq2_plus) + " " + ("A" if binding_site.upstream == "T" else "G") + '\t' + binding_site.re_sites + '\n') out.close() logger('Finished')
def RunFindSingleTALSiteTask(options): logger = create_logger(options.logFilepath) logger("Beginning") if options.check_offtargets and options.offtargets_ncbi != "NA": logger("Retrieving NCBI off-target sequence. This could take a while if this sequence hasn't been used recently and needs to be downloaded from NCBI.") with Conditional(options.check_offtargets and options.offtargets_ncbi != "NA", CachedEntrezFile(logger, options.offtargets_ncbi)) as maybe_entrez_file: if options.check_offtargets: if not tfcount_found: raise TaskError("Non off-target counting worker attempted to process off-target counting task.") if options.offtargets_ncbi != "NA": logger("Finished retrieving NCBI off-target sequence.") # Validate downloaded sequence check_fasta_pasta(maybe_entrez_file.file) for record in FastaIterator(maybe_entrez_file.file, alphabet=generic_dna): if len(record.seq) > OFFTARGET_COUNTING_SIZE_LIMIT: raise TaskError("Off-Target counting is only supported for NCBI records where all individual sequences are under %d megabases in size" % (OFFTARGET_COUNTING_SIZE_LIMIT / 1000000)) offtarget_seq_filename = "" if options.offtargets_fasta != "NA": offtarget_seq_filename = options.offtargets_fasta elif options.offtargets_ncbi != "NA": offtarget_seq_filename = maybe_entrez_file.filepath elif options.genome: offtarget_seq_filename = GENOME_FILE % options.organism elif options.promoterome: offtarget_seq_filename = PROMOTEROME_FILE % options.organism else: offtarget_seq_filename = options.fasta strong_binding_RVDs = { 'A':'NI', 'C':'HD', 'G':'NN', 'T':'NG' } if options.gspec: strong_binding_RVDs['G'] = 'NH' seq_file = open(options.fasta, 'r') #Set other parameters if options.arraymin is None or options.arraymax is None: half_site_size = range(15, 31) else: half_site_size = range(options.arraymin, options.arraymax + 1) #Initialize half site data structures: gene_binding_sites = {} #Open and read FASTA sequence file genes = [] for gene in FastaIterator(seq_file, alphabet=generic_dna): genes.append(gene) seq_file.close() for gene in genes: gene.seq = gene.seq.upper() #Scan each gene sequence: for gene in genes: #Scan sequence based on above criteria: logger("Scanning %s for binding sites" % ( sequence = gene.seq #Check each position along the sequence for possible binding sites using all combinations of binding site lengths and spacer lengths for size1 in half_site_size: for sindex in range(1, len(sequence)-size1): #Check for T at -1 if ((options.cupstream != 1 and sequence[sindex-1] == 'T') or (options.cupstream != 0 and sequence[sindex-1] == 'C')) and len(set(DNA) | set(sequence[sindex:sindex+size1])) ==4: half_site1 = sequence[sindex:sindex+size1] Binding_site_flag = True #Check for not T at 1 if Binding_site_flag==True and options.t1==True: if sequence[sindex] != 'T': Binding_site_flag=True else: Binding_site_flag=False #Check not A at 2 if Binding_site_flag==True and options.a2==True: if sequence[sindex+1] !='A': Binding_site_flag=True else: Binding_site_flag=False #Require T at end if Binding_site_flag==True and if sequence[sindex+size1-1] == 'T': Binding_site_flag=True else: Binding_site_flag=False #Require last position to not be G's if Binding_site_flag==True and if sequence[sindex+size1-1] != 'G': Binding_site_flag=True else: Binding_site_flag=False #Check nucleotide composition of the binding site if Binding_site_flag==True and options.comp==True: A1 = half_site1.count('A')/float(len(half_site1)) C1 = half_site1.count('C')/float(len(half_site1)) G1 = half_site1.count('G')/float(len(half_site1)) T1 = half_site1.count('T')/float(len(half_site1)) if A1<=percent_comp_range_top['A'] and A1>=percent_comp_range_bottom['A'] and C1<=percent_comp_range_top['C'] and C1>=percent_comp_range_bottom['C'] and G1<=percent_comp_range_top['G'] and G1>=percent_comp_range_bottom['G'] and T1<=percent_comp_range_top['T'] and T1>=percent_comp_range_bottom['T']: Binding_site_flag=True else: Binding_site_flag=False #Create a binding site if all enforced rules have been met if Binding_site_flag==True: binding_site = Binding_site(perfectTAL1 = 'none', start1 = sindex, seq1 = half_site1, is_plus=True, upstream=sequence[sindex-1]) if gene not in gene_binding_sites.keys(): gene_binding_sites[gene] = {} if sindex not in gene_binding_sites[gene].keys(): gene_binding_sites[gene][sindex] = [] gene_binding_sites[gene][sindex].append(binding_site) if options.revcomp==True: #Search for binding sites on the reverse complement strand for sindex in range(size1-1, len(sequence)-1): #Check for T at -1 for each half_site (A on plus strand) if ((options.cupstream != 1 and sequence[sindex+1] == 'A') or (options.cupstream != 0 and sequence[sindex+1] == 'G')) and len(set(DNA) | set(sequence[sindex-size1+1:sindex+1])) == 4: half_site1 = sequence[sindex-size1+1:sindex+1] Binding_site_flag = True #Check for not T at 1 (A at 1 on plus strand) if Binding_site_flag==True and options.t1==True: if sequence[sindex] != 'A': Binding_site_flag=True else: Binding_site_flag=False #Check not A at 2 (T on plus strand) if Binding_site_flag==True and options.a2==True: if sequence[sindex-1] !='T': Binding_site_flag=True else: Binding_site_flag=False #Require T at end so bound by NG (A on plus) if Binding_site_flag==True and if sequence[sindex-size1+1] =='A': Binding_site_flag=True else: Binding_site_flag=False #Require last position to not be G (C on plus) if Binding_site_flag==True and if sequence[sindex-size1+1] != 'C': Binding_site_flag=True else: Binding_site_flag=False #Check nucleotide composition of the binding site if Binding_site_flag==True and options.comp==True: A2 = half_site1.count('T')/float(len(half_site1)) C2 = half_site1.count('G')/float(len(half_site1)) G2 = half_site1.count('C')/float(len(half_site1)) T2 = half_site1.count('A')/float(len(half_site1)) if A2<=percent_comp_range_top['A'] and A2>=percent_comp_range_bottom['A'] and C2<=percent_comp_range_top['C'] and C2>=percent_comp_range_bottom['C'] and G2<=percent_comp_range_top['G'] and G2>=percent_comp_range_bottom['G'] and T2<=percent_comp_range_top['T'] and T2>=percent_comp_range_bottom['T']: Binding_site_flag=True else: Binding_site_flag=False #Create a binding site if all enforced rules have been met if Binding_site_flag==True: binding_site = Binding_site(perfectTAL1 = 'none', start1 = sindex, seq1 = half_site1, is_plus=False, upstream=sequence[sindex+1]) if gene not in gene_binding_sites.keys(): gene_binding_sites[gene] = {} if sindex not in gene_binding_sites[gene].keys(): gene_binding_sites[gene][sindex] = [] gene_binding_sites[gene][sindex].append(binding_site) #Compute TALs for each gene, using "strong-binding" RVDs for each nucleotide (binds the nucleotide more than half the time and we have more than 10 observations) logger('Designing best scoring perfect TALs for each potential site...') for gene in gene_binding_sites.keys(): for start in gene_binding_sites[gene].keys(): #Find the perfect RVD sequence from each potential plus strand start site for binding_site in gene_binding_sites[gene][start]: TAL_1 = [] if binding_site.is_plus: for bindex in range(0, len(binding_site.seq1)): TAL_1.append(strong_binding_RVDs[binding_site.seq1[bindex]]) TAL_1 = ' '.join(TAL_1) else: rev_comp_seq = binding_site.seq1.reverse_complement() for bindex in range(0, len(rev_comp_seq)): TAL_1.append(strong_binding_RVDs[rev_comp_seq[bindex]]) TAL_1 = ' '.join(TAL_1) binding_site.perfectTAL1 = TAL_1 #Print output results to file: binding sites #filename = 'upload/'+ options.job + '_TALEN_pairs_all.txt' if options.outpath == 'NA': filename = options.outdir + options.job + options.outfile else: filename = options.outpath binding_sites = [] if len(gene_binding_sites.keys()) > 0: for gene in sorted(gene_binding_sites.keys()): for start_site in gene_binding_sites[gene].keys(): for binding_site in gene_binding_sites[gene][start_site]: binding_site.gene_id = binding_sites.append(binding_site) if options.check_offtargets: if len(binding_sites) > 0: off_target_seqs = [] for i, binding_site in enumerate(binding_sites): off_target_seqs.append(binding_site.perfectTAL1) off_target_counts = TargetFinderCountTask(offtarget_seq_filename, options.logFilepath, options.cupstream, 3.0, off_target_seqs) for i, binding_site in enumerate(binding_sites): binding_site.offtarget_count = off_target_counts[i] out = open(filename, 'w') table_ignores = [] if not options.revcomp: table_ignores.append("Plus strand sequence") if len(table_ignores) > 0: out.write("table_ignores:" + string.join(table_ignores, ",") + "\n") u_bases = [] if options.cupstream != 1: u_bases.append("T") if options.cupstream != 0: u_bases.append("C") out.write("options_used:" + ', '.join([ "array_min = " + str(options.arraymin), "array_max = " + str(options.arraymax), "upstream_base = " + (" or ".join(u_bases)), ("No T at position 1" if options.t1 else ""), ("No A at position 1" if options.a2 else ""), ("Sites must end in a T" if else ""), ("Sites may not end in G/NN" if else ""), ("Base composition rules enforced" if options.comp else ""), ("Search reverse complement" if options.revcomp else ""), ]) + "\n") offtarget_header = "\tOff-Target Counts" if options.check_offtargets else "" out.write('Sequence Name\tTAL start\tTAL length\tRVD sequence\tStrand\tTarget sequence\tPlus strand sequence' + offtarget_header + '\n') for i, binding_site in enumerate(binding_sites): offtarget_string = "" if options.check_offtargets: offtarget_string = "\t%d" % binding_site.offtarget_count if binding_site.is_plus: out.write(binding_site.gene_id + '\t' + str(binding_site.start1) + '\t' + str(len(binding_site.seq1)) + '\t' + binding_site.perfectTAL1 + '\t' + 'Plus' + '\t' + binding_site.upstream + " " + str(binding_site.seq1) + '\t' + binding_site.upstream + " " + str(binding_site.seq1) + offtarget_string + '\n') else: out.write(binding_site.gene_id + '\t' + str(binding_site.start1) + '\t' + str(len(binding_site.seq1)) + '\t' + binding_site.perfectTAL1 + '\t' + 'Minus' + '\t' + ("T" if binding_site.upstream == "A" else "C") + " " + str(binding_site.seq1.reverse_complement()) + '\t' + str(binding_site.seq1) + " " + binding_site.upstream + offtarget_string + '\n') out.close() logger('Finished')
def RunFindSingleTALSiteTask(options): logger = create_logger(options.logFilepath) strong_binding_RVDs = { 'A':'NI', 'C':'HD', 'G':'NN', 'T':'NG' } if options.gspec: strong_binding_RVDs['G'] = 'NH' seq_file = open(options.fasta, 'r') #Set other parameters if options.arraymin is None or options.arraymax is None: half_site_size = range(15, 31) else: half_site_size = range(options.arraymin, options.arraymax + 1) #Initialize half site data structures: gene_binding_sites = {} #Open and read FASTA sequence file genes = [] for gene in FastaIterator(seq_file, alphabet=generic_dna): genes.append(gene) seq_file.close() for gene in genes: gene.seq = gene.seq.upper() #Scan each gene sequence: for gene in genes: #Scan sequence based on above criteria: logger("Scanning %s for binding sites" % ( sequence = gene.seq #Check each position along the sequence for possible binding sites using all combinations of binding site lengths and spacer lengths for size1 in half_site_size: for sindex in range(1, len(sequence)-size1): #Check for T at -1 if ((options.cupstream != 1 and sequence[sindex-1] == 'T') or (options.cupstream != 0 and sequence[sindex-1] == 'C')) and len(set(DNA) | set(sequence[sindex:sindex+size1])) ==4: half_site1 = sequence[sindex:sindex+size1] Binding_site_flag = True #Check for not T at 1 if Binding_site_flag==True and options.t1==True: if sequence[sindex] != 'T': Binding_site_flag=True else: Binding_site_flag=False #Check not A at 2 if Binding_site_flag==True and options.a2==True: if sequence[sindex+1] !='A': Binding_site_flag=True else: Binding_site_flag=False #Require T at end if Binding_site_flag==True and if sequence[sindex+size1-1] == 'T': Binding_site_flag=True else: Binding_site_flag=False #Require last position to not be G's if Binding_site_flag==True and if sequence[sindex+size1-1] != 'G': Binding_site_flag=True else: Binding_site_flag=False #Check nucleotide composition of the binding site if Binding_site_flag==True and options.comp==True: A1 = half_site1.count('A')/float(len(half_site1)) C1 = half_site1.count('C')/float(len(half_site1)) G1 = half_site1.count('G')/float(len(half_site1)) T1 = half_site1.count('T')/float(len(half_site1)) if A1<=percent_comp_range_top['A'] and A1>=percent_comp_range_bottom['A'] and C1<=percent_comp_range_top['C'] and C1>=percent_comp_range_bottom['C'] and G1<=percent_comp_range_top['G'] and G1>=percent_comp_range_bottom['G'] and T1<=percent_comp_range_top['T'] and T1>=percent_comp_range_bottom['T']: Binding_site_flag=True else: Binding_site_flag=False #Create a binding site if all enforced rules have been met if Binding_site_flag==True: binding_site = Binding_site(perfectTAL1 = 'none', start1 = sindex, seq1 = half_site1, is_plus=True, upstream=sequence[sindex-1]) if gene not in gene_binding_sites.keys(): gene_binding_sites[gene] = {} if sindex not in gene_binding_sites[gene].keys(): gene_binding_sites[gene][sindex] = [] gene_binding_sites[gene][sindex].append(binding_site) if options.revcomp==True: #Search for binding sites on the reverse complement strand for sindex in range(size1-1, len(sequence)-1): #Check for T at -1 for each half_site (A on plus strand) if ((options.cupstream != 1 and sequence[sindex+1] == 'A') or (options.cupstream != 0 and sequence[sindex+1] == 'G')) and len(set(DNA) | set(sequence[sindex-size1+1:sindex+1])) == 4: half_site1 = sequence[sindex-size1+1:sindex+1] Binding_site_flag = True #Check for not T at 1 (A at 1 on plus strand) if Binding_site_flag==True and options.t1==True: if sequence[sindex] != 'A': Binding_site_flag=True else: Binding_site_flag=False #Check not A at 2 (T on plus strand) if Binding_site_flag==True and options.a2==True: if sequence[sindex-1] !='T': Binding_site_flag=True else: Binding_site_flag=False #Require T at end so bound by NG (A on plus) if Binding_site_flag==True and if sequence[sindex-size1+1] =='A': Binding_site_flag=True else: Binding_site_flag=False #Require last position to not be G (C on plus) if Binding_site_flag==True and if sequence[sindex-size1+1] != 'C': Binding_site_flag=True else: Binding_site_flag=False #Check nucleotide composition of the binding site if Binding_site_flag==True and options.comp==True: A2 = half_site1.count('T')/float(len(half_site1)) C2 = half_site1.count('G')/float(len(half_site1)) G2 = half_site1.count('C')/float(len(half_site1)) T2 = half_site1.count('A')/float(len(half_site1)) if A2<=percent_comp_range_top['A'] and A2>=percent_comp_range_bottom['A'] and C2<=percent_comp_range_top['C'] and C2>=percent_comp_range_bottom['C'] and G2<=percent_comp_range_top['G'] and G2>=percent_comp_range_bottom['G'] and T2<=percent_comp_range_top['T'] and T2>=percent_comp_range_bottom['T']: Binding_site_flag=True else: Binding_site_flag=False #Create a binding site if all enforced rules have been met if Binding_site_flag==True: binding_site = Binding_site(perfectTAL1 = 'none', start1 = sindex, seq1 = half_site1, is_plus=False, upstream=sequence[sindex+1]) if gene not in gene_binding_sites.keys(): gene_binding_sites[gene] = {} if sindex not in gene_binding_sites[gene].keys(): gene_binding_sites[gene][sindex] = [] gene_binding_sites[gene][sindex].append(binding_site) #Compute TALs for each gene, using "strong-binding" RVDs for each nucleotide (binds the nucleotide more than half the time and we have more than 10 observations) logger('Designing best scoring perfect TALs for each potential site...') for gene in gene_binding_sites.keys(): for start in gene_binding_sites[gene].keys(): #Find the perfect RVD sequence from each potential plus strand start site for binding_site in gene_binding_sites[gene][start]: TAL_1 = [] if binding_site.is_plus: for bindex in range(0, len(binding_site.seq1)): TAL_1.append(strong_binding_RVDs[binding_site.seq1[bindex]]) TAL_1 = ' '.join(TAL_1) else: rev_comp_seq = binding_site.seq1.reverse_complement() for bindex in range(0, len(rev_comp_seq)): TAL_1.append(strong_binding_RVDs[rev_comp_seq[bindex]]) TAL_1 = ' '.join(TAL_1) binding_site.perfectTAL1 = TAL_1 #Print output results to file: binding sites #filename = 'upload/'+ options.job + '_TALEN_pairs_all.txt' if options.outpath == 'NA': filename = options.outdir + options.job + options.outfile else: filename = options.outpath out = open(filename, 'w') table_ignores = [] if not options.revcomp: table_ignores.append("Plus strand sequence") if len(table_ignores) > 0: out.write("table_ignores:" + string.join(table_ignores, ",") + "\n") u_bases = [] if options.cupstream != 1: u_bases.append("T") if options.cupstream != 0: u_bases.append("C") out.write("options_used:" + ', '.join([ "array_min = " + str(options.arraymin), "array_max = " + str(options.arraymax), "upstream_base = " + (" or ".join(u_bases)), ("No T at position 1" if options.t1 else ""), ("No A at position 1" if options.a2 else ""), ("Sites must end in a T" if else ""), ("Sites may not end in G/NN" if else ""), ("Base composition rules enforced" if options.comp else ""), ("Search reverse complement" if options.revcomp else ""), ]) + "\n") out.write('Sequence Name\tTAL start\tTAL length\tRVD sequence\tStrand\tTarget sequence\tPlus strand sequence\n') if len(gene_binding_sites.keys()) > 0: for gene in sorted(gene_binding_sites.keys()): for start_site in gene_binding_sites[gene].keys(): for binding_site in gene_binding_sites[gene][start_site]: if binding_site.is_plus: out.write( + '\t' + str(binding_site.start1) + '\t' + str(len(binding_site.seq1)) + '\t' + binding_site.perfectTAL1 + '\t' + 'Plus' + '\t' + binding_site.upstream + " " + str(binding_site.seq1) + '\t' + binding_site.upstream + " " + str(binding_site.seq1) + '\n') else: out.write( + '\t' + str(binding_site.start1) + '\t' + str(len(binding_site.seq1)) + '\t' + binding_site.perfectTAL1 + '\t' + 'Minus' + '\t' + ("T" if binding_site.upstream == "A" else "C") + " " + str(binding_site.seq1.reverse_complement()) + '\t' + str(binding_site.seq1) + " " + binding_site.upstream + '\n') out.close() logger('Finished')