def test_tarsusaCore_getuserdonelog(self): Donelog = tarsusaCore.get_UserDonelog(userid=1)
def get(self): # Permission check is very important. # New CheckLogin code built in tarsusaRequestHandler if self.chk_login(): CurrentUser = self.get_user_db() #self.write(tarsusaCore.get_UserDonelog(CurrentUser.key().id())) try: pageid = self.request.path[len('/donelog/'):] if pageid[:2] == 'p/': tag_ViewPreviousPage = True pageid = pageid[2:] else: tag_ViewPreviousPage = False donelog_withoutpage = False except: donelog_withoutpage = True pass if pageid != None and len(self.request.path) > len('/donelog/'): this_timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(pageid)) if tag_ViewPreviousPage == True: ##the defination of 'previous' and 'next' here is different as other pages. tarsusaItemCollection = tarsusaCore.get_UserDonelog( CurrentUser.key().id(), this_timestamp, 'next') else: tarsusaItemCollection = tarsusaCore.get_UserDonelog( CurrentUser.key().id(), this_timestamp, 'previous') else: #If there is no parameter in the url, displays the default items. tarsusaItemCollection = tarsusaCore.get_UserDonelog( CurrentUser.key().id()) #returned as dictionary, please refer to if len(tarsusaItemCollection) == 0: #If there is no parameter in the url, displays the default items. #If there is no results of certain timestamp, displays the default items. tarsusaItemCollection = tarsusaCore.get_UserDonelog( CurrentUser.key().id()) if len( tarsusaItemCollection ) != 0: #just in case for the loop redireting(when user have done nothing). #Or should try redirect. self.redirect("/donelog") #Memcached Donelog page for better performance. IsCachedDonelogPage = memcache.get_item('userdonelog', CurrentUser.key().id()) if IsCachedDonelogPage: strCachedDonelogPage = IsCachedDonelogPage else: outputStringRoutineLog = '' #"本页面只显示7天内的完成记录<br />".decode('utf-8') Donedate_of_previousRoutineLogItem = None ## To display the routine item log by Daily. DaysInDonelog = 0 #How many days are scaled in all data collection. for each_Item in tarsusaItemCollection: DoneDateOfThisItem = each_Item['donedate']) if DoneDateOfThisItem != Donedate_of_previousRoutineLogItem: DaysInDonelog += 1 outputStringRoutineLog += ( '<br /><h2 class="posttitle" style="font-weight:normal;">' + str(DoneDateOfThisItem) + '完成</h2><br />').decode('utf-8') if each_Item['routine'] != 'none': #FOR DONE_ROUTINE item. strRoutineLogItemPrompt = '' if each_Item['routine'] == 'daily': strRoutineLogItemPrompt = '每日' elif each_Item['routine'] == 'weekly': strRoutineLogItemPrompt = '每周' elif each_Item['routine'] == 'monthly': strRoutineLogItemPrompt = '每月' elif each_Item['routine'] == 'seasonly': strRoutineLogItemPrompt = '每季' elif each_Item['routine'] == 'yearly': strRoutineLogItemPrompt = '每年' outputStringRoutineLog += ( ' <img src="/img/accept16.png">') outputStringRoutineLog += '<a href=/item/' + str( each_Item['id'] ) + '>' + each_Item['name'] + "</a> - <strong>" + ( strRoutineLogItemPrompt + '任务</strong>').decode('utf-8') + "<br/>" else: #FOR ORDINARY DONE ITEM outputStringRoutineLog += ( ' <img src="/img/accept16.png">' ).decode('utf-8') outputStringRoutineLog += '<a href=/item/' + str( each_Item['id'] ) + '>' + each_Item['name'] + "</a><br/>" Donedate_of_previousRoutineLogItem = DoneDateOfThisItem template_values = { 'PrefixCSSdir': "/", 'UserLoggedIn': 'Logged In', 'UserID': CurrentUser.key().id(), 'UserNickName': cgi.escape(CurrentUser.dispname), 'UserLoginNickName': cgi.escape(CurrentUser.dispname), 'singlePageTitle': "", 'StringRoutineLog': outputStringRoutineLog, } #Determine next page #if there is an error here, there would be not found any records. try: previous_timestamp = int( time.mktime( tarsusaItemCollection[0]['donedate'].timetuple())) next_timestamp = int( time.mktime( tarsusaItemCollection[len(tarsusaItemCollection) - 1]['donedate'].timetuple())) if previous_timestamp != 0 and previous_timestamp != '' and pageid != None and donelog_withoutpage != True: template_values[ 'previouspagestamp'] = previous_timestamp #THIS ALWAYS APPEARS! CHECK! #TODO! if next_timestamp != 0: template_values['nextpagestamp'] = next_timestamp if next_timestamp == 0 and previous_timestamp == 0 and pageid != None and donelog_withoutpage != True: #Easy to cause 302! #TODO! #self.redirect("/donelog/") pass #to be improved, if all these records are created in the same day if DaysInDonelog == 1 and tag_ViewPreviousPage == True and pageid != None and donelog_withoutpage != True: #Easy to cause 302! #TODO! #self.redirect("/donelog/") pass except: if pageid != None and donelog_withoutpage != True: #Easy to cause 302! #TODO! #self.redirect('/donelog/') pass else: pass path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'pages/donelog.html') strCachedDonelogPage = template.render(path, template_values) #memcache.set_item("userdonelog", strCachedDonelogPage, CurrentUser.key().id()) self.response.out.write(strCachedDonelogPage) else: self.redirect('/')
def get(self): # Permission check is very important. # New CheckLogin code built in tarsusaRequestHandler if self.chk_login(): CurrentUser = self.get_user_db() #self.write(tarsusaCore.get_UserDonelog(CurrentUser.key().id())) try: pageid = self.request.path[len('/donelog/'):] if pageid[:2] == 'p/': tag_ViewPreviousPage = True pageid = pageid[2:] else: tag_ViewPreviousPage = False donelog_withoutpage = False except: donelog_withoutpage = True pass if pageid != None and len(self.request.path) > len('/donelog/'): this_timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(pageid)) if tag_ViewPreviousPage == True: ##the defination of 'previous' and 'next' here is different as other pages. tarsusaItemCollection = tarsusaCore.get_UserDonelog(CurrentUser.key().id(), this_timestamp, 'next') else: tarsusaItemCollection = tarsusaCore.get_UserDonelog(CurrentUser.key().id(), this_timestamp, 'previous') else: #If there is no parameter in the url, displays the default items. tarsusaItemCollection = tarsusaCore.get_UserDonelog(CurrentUser.key().id()) #returned as dictionary, please refer to if len(tarsusaItemCollection) == 0: #If there is no parameter in the url, displays the default items. #If there is no results of certain timestamp, displays the default items. tarsusaItemCollection = tarsusaCore.get_UserDonelog(CurrentUser.key().id()) if len(tarsusaItemCollection) != 0: #just in case for the loop redireting(when user have done nothing). #Or should try redirect. self.redirect("/donelog") #Memcached Donelog page for better performance. IsCachedDonelogPage = memcache.get_item('userdonelog', CurrentUser.key().id()) if IsCachedDonelogPage: strCachedDonelogPage = IsCachedDonelogPage else: outputStringRoutineLog = '' #"本页面只显示7天内的完成记录<br />".decode('utf-8') Donedate_of_previousRoutineLogItem = None ## To display the routine item log by Daily. DaysInDonelog = 0 #How many days are scaled in all data collection. for each_Item in tarsusaItemCollection: DoneDateOfThisItem =['donedate']) if DoneDateOfThisItem != Donedate_of_previousRoutineLogItem: DaysInDonelog += 1 outputStringRoutineLog += ('<br /><h2 class="posttitle" style="font-weight:normal;">' + str(DoneDateOfThisItem) + '完成</h2><br />').decode('utf-8') if each_Item['routine'] != 'none': #FOR DONE_ROUTINE item. strRoutineLogItemPrompt = '' if each_Item['routine'] == 'daily': strRoutineLogItemPrompt = '每日' elif each_Item['routine'] == 'weekly': strRoutineLogItemPrompt = '每周' elif each_Item['routine'] == 'monthly': strRoutineLogItemPrompt = '每月' elif each_Item['routine'] == 'seasonly': strRoutineLogItemPrompt = '每季' elif each_Item['routine'] == 'yearly': strRoutineLogItemPrompt = '每年' outputStringRoutineLog += (' <img src="/img/accept16.png">') outputStringRoutineLog += '<a href=/item/' + str(each_Item['id']) + '>' + each_Item['name'] + "</a> - <strong>" + (strRoutineLogItemPrompt + '任务</strong>').decode('utf-8') + "<br/>" else: #FOR ORDINARY DONE ITEM outputStringRoutineLog += (' <img src="/img/accept16.png">').decode('utf-8') outputStringRoutineLog += '<a href=/item/' + str(each_Item['id']) + '>' + each_Item['name'] + "</a><br/>" Donedate_of_previousRoutineLogItem = DoneDateOfThisItem template_values = { 'PrefixCSSdir': "/", 'UserLoggedIn': 'Logged In', 'UserID': CurrentUser.key().id(), 'UserNickName': cgi.escape(CurrentUser.dispname), 'UserLoginNickName': cgi.escape(CurrentUser.dispname), 'singlePageTitle': "", 'StringRoutineLog': outputStringRoutineLog, } #Determine next page #if there is an error here, there would be not found any records. try: previous_timestamp = int(time.mktime(tarsusaItemCollection[0]['donedate'].timetuple())) next_timestamp = int(time.mktime(tarsusaItemCollection[len(tarsusaItemCollection) - 1]['donedate'].timetuple())) if previous_timestamp != 0 and previous_timestamp != '' and pageid != None and donelog_withoutpage != True: template_values['previouspagestamp'] = previous_timestamp #THIS ALWAYS APPEARS! CHECK! #TODO! if next_timestamp != 0: template_values['nextpagestamp'] = next_timestamp if next_timestamp == 0 and previous_timestamp == 0 and pageid != None and donelog_withoutpage != True: #Easy to cause 302! #TODO! #self.redirect("/donelog/") pass #to be improved, if all these records are created in the same day if DaysInDonelog == 1 and tag_ViewPreviousPage == True and pageid != None and donelog_withoutpage != True: #Easy to cause 302! #TODO! #self.redirect("/donelog/") pass except: if pageid != None and donelog_withoutpage != True: #Easy to cause 302! #TODO! #self.redirect('/donelog/') pass else: pass path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'pages/donelog.html') strCachedDonelogPage = template.render(path, template_values) #memcache.set_item("userdonelog", strCachedDonelogPage, CurrentUser.key().id()) self.response.out.write(strCachedDonelogPage) else: self.redirect('/')