def scheduleTask(self, task: Task, start: arrow.Arrow, minutes=None, debug=False):
        # TODO: Consider minBlock
        if minutes is None:
            minutesToSchedule = task.maxRemainingTime
            minutesToSchedule = minutes

        if debug:
            print(f"Schedule is scheduling {minutesToSchedule}min for task {task}")

        scheduledMinutes = 0

        startTime = util.arrowToTime(start)

        for day in self.__days:
            if debug:
                print(day, end=" -> ")
            if task.maxRemainingTime == 0 or minutesToSchedule == scheduledMinutes:
                if debug: print("A", end="")

            # Skip days prior to the startDate
            if <
                if debug: print("B", end="")

            # For the start day, consider only the times that lie after the start time
            if ==
                if debug: print("C", end="")
                freeTimeSlots = day.freeTimeSlots(after=startTime)

            # Days in the future
            if >
                if debug: print("D", end="")
                freeTimeSlots = day.freeTimeSlots()

            if len(freeTimeSlots) == 0:
                if debug: print("E", end="")

            # For the valid TimeSlots of the future, fill them with the task until they are either all filled or "minutesToSchedule" minutes are scheduled
            for ts in freeTimeSlots:
                if debug: print("F", end="")

                if task.maxRemainingTime == 0 or minutesToSchedule == scheduledMinutes:
                    if debug: print("G", end="")

                # If TimeSlot is <= to what still needs to be scheduled, fill it completely
                if ts.durationInMinutes <= (minutesToSchedule - scheduledMinutes):
                    if debug: print("H", end="")
                    # Schedule the Task
                    day.scheduleTask(ts, task, debug=debug)

                    # Update the counters
                    task.addCompletionTime(ts.durationInMinutes) # This mutates the ORIGINAL TASK
                    scheduledMinutes += ts.durationInMinutes

                else: # If TimeSlot is bigger than what needs to be scheduled, fill the first section of it (until "minutesToSchedule" minutes are scheduled)
                    if debug: print("I", end="")
                    # Build the Partial TimeSlot
                    remainingMinutesToSchedule = minutesToSchedule - scheduledMinutes
                    length = Time.fromMinutes(remainingMinutesToSchedule)
                    partialTimeSlot = TimeSlot(ts.startTime, ts.startTime + length)

                    # Schedule the Task
                    day.scheduleTask(partialTimeSlot, task, debug=debug)

                    # Update the counters
                    task.addCompletionTime(partialTimeSlot.durationInMinutes) # This mutates the ORIGINAL TASK
                    scheduledMinutes += partialTimeSlot.durationInMinutes # Unnecessary. ScheduledMinutes will == MinutesToSchedule after this every time.
                    return # Since the TimeSlot was bigger than the remaining minutesToSchedule, we are done here now.
        raise ImpossibleScheduleException("Unable to schedule task!")