Exemple #1
def start_worker(channel='tasks', max=None, resources=[]):
    channel: Queue from which tasks needs to be executed
    max: Maximum number of tasks to be exucuted,
        useful when worker is started from another process.
        None (default) means all and keep listening for more
    resources: List of available CPU and memory for the worker

    # initialize worker environment
    count = 0
    q = TaskQueue(config_file='config.json')

    # start continuously checking queue for tasks
    while True:
        # check if max tasks are executed
        if max is not None:
            if count < max:
                count += 1

        task = q.pop()
        if task is not None:
            task = json.loads(task.decode('utf-8'))

            if len(resources) == 2 and \
                resources[0] is not None and resources[1] is not None:
                req_cpu = int(task['args']['resources']['cpu'])
                req_mem = int(task['args']['resources']['mem'])
                # wait if enough resources are not available
                while resources[0] < req_cpu or resources[1] < req_mem:
                    print('Waiting for resources ...')
                # grab them as soon as they are available
                resources[0] -= req_cpu
                resources[1] -= req_mem

            # execute the task if resources are available
            p = threading.Thread(target=execute_task,
                                 args=(task, resources)).start()
            # if task queue is empty, wait 1 second before checking again
            count -= 1
    return 0
# test if task executes with exit status 0
print('Testing docker_task explicitly...')
assert docker_task(args) == 0

# test if task gets enqueued to the queue
assert q.push('test_task', args) == 0
assert q.push('test_task', args) == 0
assert q.push('test_task', args) == 0
assert q.push('test_task', args) == 0

# test if task has enqueued
assert q.q_size() == n + 4

# test if worker executes 3 tasks with given resources and exit with status 0
# since the required cpu of the tasks is 20% and available is 50% only 2 tasks
# should be executed parallely and 3rd will be executed only when one of
# the earlier two is completed. This can be verified through log timestamp.
assert start_worker(max=3, resources=[50, 18000000]) == 0

# test if task has removed from queue
assert q.q_size() == n + 1

# test if pop and front works
assert not q.front() is None
assert not q.pop() is None

# test if pop reduced the size of queue
assert q.q_size() == n