def __init__( self, config_filename="~/.taskrc", config_overrides=None, marshal=False, ): super(TaskWarriorShellout, self).__init__(config_filename) self.config_overrides = config_overrides if config_overrides else {} self._marshal = marshal self.config = TaskRc(config_filename, overrides=config_overrides)
def __init__( self, config_filename=TASKRC, config_overrides=None, marshal=False, ): super(TaskWarriorShellout, self).__init__(config_filename) self.config_overrides = config_overrides if config_overrides else {} self._marshal = marshal self.config = TaskRc(config_filename, overrides=config_overrides) if self.get_version() >= LooseVersion('2.4'): self.DEFAULT_CONFIG_OVERRIDES['verbose'] = 'new-uuid'
def __init__(self, config_filename=TASKRC, config_overrides=None, marshal=False): super(TaskWarriorShellout, self).__init__(config_filename) self.config_overrides = config_overrides if config_overrides else {} self._marshal = marshal self.config = TaskRc(config_filename, overrides=config_overrides) if self.get_version() >= LooseVersion("2.4"): self.DEFAULT_CONFIG_OVERRIDES["verbose"] = "new-uuid"
def load_config(cls, config_filename=TASKRC, overrides=None): """ Load ~/.taskrc into a python dict >>> config = TaskWarrior.load_config() >>> config['data']['location'] '/home/threebean/.task' >>> config['_forcecolor'] 'yes' """ return TaskRc(config_filename, overrides=overrides)
def test_config_overrides(self): overrides = { 'uda': { 'd': { 'type': 'string', 'label': 'Delta', } }, 'alpha': { 'two': '3', } } taskrc = TaskRc(self.path_to_taskrc, overrides=overrides) expected_config = { 'data': { 'location': '~/.task' }, 'alpha': { 'one': 'yes', 'two': '3', }, 'beta': { 'one': 'FALSE', }, 'gamma': { 'one': 'TRUE', }, 'uda': { 'a': { 'type': 'numeric', 'label': 'Alpha', }, 'b': { 'type': 'string', 'label': 'Beta', 'values': 'Strontium-90,Hydrogen-3', }, 'd': { 'type': 'string', 'label': 'Delta', } } } self.assertEqual(taskrc, expected_config)
class TaskWarriorShellout(TaskWarriorBase): """ Interacts with taskwarrior by invoking shell commands. This is currently the supported version and should be considered stable. See for discussion and for more. """ DEFAULT_CONFIG_OVERRIDES = { "json": {"array": "TRUE"}, "verbose": "nothing", "confirmation": "no", "dependency": {"confirmation": "no"}, } def __init__(self, config_filename=TASKRC, config_overrides=None, marshal=False): super(TaskWarriorShellout, self).__init__(config_filename) self.config_overrides = config_overrides if config_overrides else {} self._marshal = marshal self.config = TaskRc(config_filename, overrides=config_overrides) if self.get_version() >= LooseVersion("2.4"): self.DEFAULT_CONFIG_OVERRIDES["verbose"] = "new-uuid" def get_configuration_override_args(self): config_overrides = self.DEFAULT_CONFIG_OVERRIDES.copy() config_overrides.update(self.config_overrides) return taskw.utils.convert_dict_to_override_args(config_overrides) def _execute(self, *args): """ Execute a given taskwarrior command with arguments Returns a 2-tuple of stdout and stderr (respectively). """ command = ( ["task", "rc:%s" % self.config_filename] + self.get_configuration_override_args() + [six.text_type(arg) for arg in args] ) # subprocess is expecting bytestrings only, so nuke unicode if present for i in range(len(command)): if isinstance(command[i], six.text_type): command[i] = command[i].encode("utf-8") try: proc = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdout, stderr = proc.communicate() except OSError as e: if "No such file or directory" in e: raise OSError("Unable to find the 'task' command-line tool.") raise if proc.returncode != 0: raise TaskwarriorError(command, stderr, stdout, proc.returncode) # We should get bytes from the outside world. Turn those into unicode # as soon as we can. stdout = stdout.decode(self.config.get("encoding", "utf-8")) stderr = stderr.decode(self.config.get("encoding", "utf-8")) return stdout, stderr def _get_json(self, *args): return json.loads(self._execute(*args)[0]) def _get_task_objects(self, *args): json = self._get_json(*args) if isinstance(json, dict): return self._get_task_object(json) value = [self._get_task_object(j) for j in json] return value def _get_task_object(self, obj): if self._marshal: return Task(obj, udas=self.config.get_udas()) return obj def _stub_task(self, description, tags=None, **kw): """ Given a description, stub out a task dict. """ # If whitespace is not removed here, TW will do it when we pass the # task to it. task = {"description": description.strip()} # Allow passing "tags" in as part of kw. if "tags" in kw and tags is None: task["tags"] = tags del (kw["tags"]) if tags is not None: task["tags"] = tags task.update(kw) if self._marshal: return Task.from_stub(task, udas=self.config.get_udas()) return task @classmethod def can_use(cls): """ Returns true if runtime requirements of experimental mode are met """ try: return cls.get_version() > LooseVersion("2") except OSError: # OSError is raised if subprocess.Popen fails to find # the executable. return False @classmethod def get_version(cls): try: taskwarrior_version = subprocess.Popen(["task", "--version"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0] except OSError as e: if "No such file or directory" in e: raise OSError("Unable to find the 'task' command-line tool.") raise return LooseVersion(taskwarrior_version.decode()) def sync(self, init=False): if self.get_version() < LooseVersion("2.3"): raise UnsupportedVersionException("'sync' requires version 2.3 of taskwarrior or later.") if init is True: self._execute("sync", "init") else: self._execute("sync") def load_tasks(self, command="all"): """ Returns a dictionary of tasks for a list of command.""" results = dict((db, self._get_task_objects("status:%s" % db, "export")) for db in Command.files(command)) # 'waiting' tasks are returned separately from 'pending' tasks # Here we merge the waiting list back into the pending list. if "pending" in results: results["pending"].extend(self._get_task_objects("status:waiting", "export")) return results def filter_tasks(self, filter_dict): """ Return a filtered list of tasks from taskwarrior. Filter dict should be a dictionary mapping filter constraints with their values. For example, to return only pending tasks, you could use:: {'status': 'pending'} Or, to return tasks that have the word "Abjad" in their description that are also pending:: { 'status': 'pending', 'description.contains': 'Abjad', } Filters can be quite complex, and are documented on Taskwarrior's website. """ query_args = taskw.utils.encode_query(filter_dict, self.get_version()) return self._get_task_objects("export", *query_args) def get_task(self, **kw): task = dict() task_id = None task_id, task = self._load_task(**kw) id = None # The ID going back only makes sense if the task is pending. if "status" in task: if Status.is_pending(task["status"]): id = task_id return id, task def _load_task(self, **kwargs): if len(kwargs) > 1: raise KeyError("Only one keyword argument may be specified") search = [] for key, value in six.iteritems(kwargs): if key not in ["id", "uuid", "description"]: search.append("%s:%s" % (key, value)) elif key == "description" and "(bw)" in value: search.append(value[4:]) else: search = [value] task = self._get_task_objects("export", *search) if task: if isinstance(task, list): # Multiple items returned from search, return just the 1st task = task[0] return task["id"], task return None, dict() def task_add(self, description, tags=None, **kw): """ Add a new task. Takes any of the keywords allowed by taskwarrior like proj or prior. """ task = self._stub_task(description, tags, **kw) # Check if there are annotations, if so remove them from the # task and add them after we've added the task. annotations = self._extract_annotations_from_task(task) # With older versions of taskwarrior, you can specify whatever uuid you # want when adding a task. if self.get_version() < LooseVersion("2.4"): task["uuid"] = str(uuid.uuid4()) elif "uuid" in task: del task["uuid"] if self._marshal: args = taskw.utils.encode_task_experimental(task.serialized()) else: args = taskw.utils.encode_task_experimental(task) stdout, stderr = self._execute("add", *args) # However, in 2.4 and later, you cannot specify whatever uuid you want # when adding a task. Instead, you have to specify rc.verbose=new-uuid # and then parse the assigned uuid out from stdout. if self.get_version() >= LooseVersion("2.4"): task["uuid"] = stdout.strip().split()[-1].strip(".") id, added_task = self.get_task(uuid=task["uuid"]) # Check if 'uuid' is in the task we just added. if not "uuid" in added_task: raise KeyError("Error encountered while creating task;" "STDOUT: %s; STDERR: %s" % (stdout, stderr)) if annotations and "uuid" in added_task: for annotation in annotations: self.task_annotate(added_task, annotation) id, added_task = self.get_task(uuid=added_task[six.u("uuid")]) return added_task def task_annotate(self, task, annotation): """ Annotates a task. """ self._execute(task["uuid"], "annotate", "--", annotation) id, annotated_task = self.get_task(uuid=task[six.u("uuid")]) return annotated_task def task_denotate(self, task, annotation): """ Removes an annotation from a task. """ self._execute(task["uuid"], "denotate", "--", annotation) id, denotated_task = self.get_task(uuid=task[six.u("uuid")]) return denotated_task def task_done(self, **kw): if not kw: raise KeyError("No key was passed.") id, task = self.get_task(**kw) if not Status.is_pending(task["status"]): raise ValueError("Task is not pending.") self._execute(id, "done") return self.get_task(uuid=task["uuid"])[1] def task_update(self, task): if "uuid" not in task: raise KeyError("Task must have a UUID.") # 'Legacy' causes us to handle this task as if it were an # old-style task -- just a standard dictionary legacy = True if isinstance(task, Task): # Let's pre-serialize taskw.task.Task instances task_uuid = six.text_type(task["uuid"]) task = task.serialized_changes(keep=True) legacy = False else: task_uuid = task["uuid"] id, original_task = self.get_task(uuid=task_uuid) if "id" in task: del task["id"] task_to_modify = copy.deepcopy(task) task_to_modify.pop("uuid", None) task_to_modify.pop("id", None) # Only handle annotation differences if this is an old-style # task, or if the task itself says annotations have changed. annotations_to_delete = set() annotations_to_create = set() if legacy or "annotations" in task_to_modify: # Check if there are annotations, if so, look if they are # in the existing task, otherwise annotate the task to add them. ttm_annotations = taskw.utils.annotation_list_to_comparison_map( self._extract_annotations_from_task(task_to_modify) ) original_annotations = taskw.utils.annotation_list_to_comparison_map( self._extract_annotations_from_task(original_task) ) new_annotations = set(ttm_annotations.keys()) existing_annotations = set(original_annotations.keys()) annotations_to_delete = existing_annotations - new_annotations annotations_to_create = new_annotations - existing_annotations if "annotations" in task_to_modify: del task_to_modify["annotations"] modification = taskw.utils.encode_task_experimental(task_to_modify) # Only try to modify the task if there are changes to post here # (changes *might* just be in annotations). if modification: self._execute(task_uuid, "modify", *modification) # If there are no existing annotations, add the new ones if legacy or annotations_to_delete or annotations_to_create: ttm_annotations.update(original_annotations) for annotation_key in annotations_to_create: self.task_annotate(original_task, ttm_annotations[annotation_key]) for annotation_key in annotations_to_delete: self.task_denotate(original_task, ttm_annotations[annotation_key]) return self.get_task(uuid=task_uuid) def task_delete(self, **kw): """ Marks a task as deleted. """ id, task = self.get_task(**kw) if task["status"] == Status.DELETED: raise ValueError("Task is already deleted.") self._execute(id, "delete") return self.get_task(uuid=task["uuid"])[1] def task_start(self, **kw): """ Marks a task as started. """ id, task = self.get_task(**kw) self._execute(id, "start") return self.get_task(uuid=task["uuid"])[1] def task_stop(self, **kw): """ Marks a task as stopped. """ id, task = self.get_task(**kw) self._execute(id, "stop") return self.get_task(uuid=task["uuid"])[1] def task_info(self, **kw): id, task = self.get_task(**kw) out, err = self._execute(id, "info") if err: return err return out
class TaskWarriorShellout(TaskWarriorBase): """ Interacts with taskwarrior by invoking shell commands. This is currently the supported version and should be considered stable. See for discussion and for more. """ DEFAULT_CONFIG_OVERRIDES = { 'json': { 'array': 'TRUE' }, 'verbose': 'nothing', 'confirmation': 'no', } def __init__( self, config_filename="~/.taskrc", config_overrides=None, marshal=False, ): super(TaskWarriorShellout, self).__init__(config_filename) self.config_overrides = config_overrides if config_overrides else {} self._marshal = marshal self.config = TaskRc(config_filename, overrides=config_overrides) def get_configuration_override_args(self): config_overrides = self.DEFAULT_CONFIG_OVERRIDES.copy() config_overrides.update(self.config_overrides) return taskw.utils.convert_dict_to_override_args(config_overrides) def _execute(self, *args): """ Execute a given taskwarrior command with arguments Returns a 2-tuple of stdout and stderr (respectively). """ command = ( [ 'task', 'rc:%s' % self.config_filename, ] + self.get_configuration_override_args() + [six.text_type(arg) for arg in args] ) # subprocess is expecting bytestrings only, so nuke unicode if present for i in range(len(command)): if isinstance(command[i], six.text_type): command[i] = command[i].encode('utf-8') proc = subprocess.Popen( command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, ) stdout, stderr = proc.communicate() if proc.returncode != 0: raise TaskwarriorError(command, stderr, stdout, proc.returncode) return stdout, stderr def _get_json(self, *args): encoded = self._execute(*args)[0] decoded = encoded.decode(self.config.get('encoding', 'utf-8')) return json.loads(decoded) def _get_task_objects(self, *args): json = self._get_json(*args) if isinstance(json, dict): return self._get_task_object(json) value = [self._get_task_object(j) for j in json] return value def _get_task_object(self, obj): if self._marshal: return Task(obj, udas=self.config.get_udas()) return obj def _stub_task(self, description, tags=None, **kw): """ Given a description, stub out a task dict. """ # If whitespace is not removed here, TW will do it when we pass the # task to it. task = {"description": description.strip()} # Allow passing "tags" in as part of kw. if 'tags' in kw and tags is None: task['tags'] = tags del(kw['tags']) if tags is not None: task['tags'] = tags task.update(kw) return task @classmethod def can_use(cls): """ Returns true if runtime requirements of experimental mode are met """ try: return cls.get_version() > LooseVersion('2') except OSError: # OSError is raised if subprocess.Popen fails to find # the executable. return False @classmethod def get_version(cls): taskwarrior_version = subprocess.Popen( ['task', '--version'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE ).communicate()[0] return LooseVersion(taskwarrior_version.decode()) def sync(self, init=False): if self.get_version() < LooseVersion('2.3'): raise UnsupportedVersionException( "'sync' requires version 2.3 of taskwarrior or later." ) if init is True: self._execute('sync', 'init') else: self._execute('sync') def load_tasks(self, command='all'): """ Returns a dictionary of tasks for a list of command.""" results = dict( (db, self._get_task_objects('status:%s' % db, 'export')) for db in Command.files(command) ) # 'waiting' tasks are returned separately from 'pending' tasks # Here we merge the waiting list back into the pending list. if 'pending' in results: results['pending'].extend( self._get_task_objects('status:waiting', 'export')) return results def filter_tasks(self, filter_dict): """ Return a filtered list of tasks from taskwarrior. Filter dict should be a dictionary mapping filter constraints with their values. For example, to return only pending tasks, you could use:: {'status': 'pending'} Or, to return tasks that have the word "Abjad" in their description that are also pending:: { 'status': 'pending', 'description.contains': 'Abjad', } Filters can be quite complex, and are documented on Taskwarrior's website. """ query_args = taskw.utils.encode_query( filter_dict, ) return self._get_task_objects( 'export', *query_args ) def get_task(self, **kw): task = dict() task_id = None task_id, task = self._load_task(**kw) id = None # The ID going back only makes sense if the task is pending. if 'status' in task: if Status.is_pending(task['status']): id = task_id return id, task def _load_task(self, **kwargs): if len(kwargs) > 1: raise KeyError( "Only one keyword argument may be specified" ) search = [] for key, value in six.iteritems(kwargs): if key not in ['id', 'uuid', 'description']: search.append( '%s:%s' % ( key, value, ) ) elif key == 'description' and '(bw)' in value: search.append( value[4:] ) else: search = [value] task = self._get_task_objects('export', *search) if task: if isinstance(task, list): # Multiple items returned from search, return just the 1st task = task[0] return task['id'], task return None, dict() def task_add(self, description, tags=None, **kw): """ Add a new task. Takes any of the keywords allowed by taskwarrior like proj or prior. """ task = self._stub_task(description, tags, **kw) # Check if there are annotations, if so remove them from the # task and add them after we've added the task. annotations = self._extract_annotations_from_task(task) task['uuid'] = str(uuid.uuid4()) stdout, stderr = self._execute( 'add', taskw.utils.encode_task_experimental(task), ) id, added_task = self.get_task(uuid=task['uuid']) # Check if 'uuid' is in the task we just added. if not 'uuid' in added_task: raise KeyError( 'Error encountered while creating task;' 'STDOUT: %s; STDERR: %s' % ( stdout, stderr, ) ) if annotations and 'uuid' in added_task: for annotation in annotations: self.task_annotate(added_task, annotation) id, added_task = self.get_task(uuid=added_task[six.u('uuid')]) return added_task def task_annotate(self, task, annotation): """ Annotates a task. """ self._execute( task['uuid'], 'annotate', '--', annotation ) id, annotated_task = self.get_task(uuid=task[six.u('uuid')]) return annotated_task def task_denotate(self, task, annotation): """ Removes an annotation from a task. """ self._execute( task['uuid'], 'denotate', '--', annotation ) id, denotated_task = self.get_task(uuid=task[six.u('uuid')]) return denotated_task def task_done(self, **kw): if not kw: raise KeyError('No key was passed.') id, task = self.get_task(**kw) if not Status.is_pending(task['status']): raise ValueError("Task is not pending.") self._execute(id, 'done') return self.get_task(uuid=task['uuid'])[1] def task_update(self, task): if 'uuid' not in task: raise KeyError('Task must have a UUID.') # 'Legacy' causes us to handle this task as if it were an # old-style task -- just a standard dictionary legacy = True if isinstance(task, Task): # Let's pre-serialize taskw.task.Task instances task_uuid = six.text_type(task['uuid']) task = task.serialized_changes(keep=True) legacy = False else: task_uuid = task['uuid'] id, original_task = self.get_task(uuid=task_uuid) if 'id' in task: del task['id'] task_to_modify = copy.deepcopy(task) task_to_modify.pop('uuid', None) task_to_modify.pop('id', None) # Only handle annotation differences if this is an old-style # task, or if the task itself says annotations have changed. annotations_to_delete = set() annotations_to_create = set() if legacy or 'annotations' in task_to_modify: # Check if there are annotations, if so, look if they are # in the existing task, otherwise annotate the task to add them. ttm_annotations = taskw.utils.annotation_list_to_comparison_map( self._extract_annotations_from_task(task_to_modify) ) original_annotations = ( taskw.utils.annotation_list_to_comparison_map( self._extract_annotations_from_task(original_task) ) ) new_annotations = set(ttm_annotations.keys()) existing_annotations = set(original_annotations.keys()) annotations_to_delete = existing_annotations - new_annotations annotations_to_create = new_annotations - existing_annotations if 'annotations' in task_to_modify: del task_to_modify['annotations'] modification = taskw.utils.encode_task_experimental(task_to_modify) # Only try to modify the task if there are changes to post here # (changes *might* just be in annotations). if modification.strip(): self._execute(task_uuid, 'modify', modification) # If there are no existing annotations, add the new ones if legacy or annotations_to_delete or annotations_to_create: ttm_annotations.update(original_annotations) for annotation_key in annotations_to_create: self.task_annotate( original_task, ttm_annotations[annotation_key] ) for annotation_key in annotations_to_delete: self.task_denotate( original_task, ttm_annotations[annotation_key] ) return self.get_task(uuid=task_uuid) def task_delete(self, **kw): """ Marks a task as deleted. """ id, task = self.get_task(**kw) if task['status'] == Status.DELETED: raise ValueError("Task is already deleted.") self._execute(id, 'delete') return self.get_task(uuid=task['uuid'])[1] def task_start(self, **kw): """ Marks a task as started. """ id, task = self.get_task(**kw) self._execute(id, 'start') return self.get_task(uuid=task['uuid'])[1] def task_stop(self, **kw): """ Marks a task as stopped. """ id, task = self.get_task(**kw) self._execute(id, 'stop') return self.get_task(uuid=task['uuid'])[1] def task_info(self, **kw): id, task = self.get_task(**kw) out, err = self._execute(id, 'info') if err: return err return out
def setUp(self): self.path_to_taskrc = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data/default.taskrc', ) self.taskrc = TaskRc(self.path_to_taskrc)
class TestTaskRc(TestCase): def setUp(self): self.path_to_taskrc = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data/default.taskrc', ) self.taskrc = TaskRc(self.path_to_taskrc) def test_taskrc_parsing(self): expected_config = { 'data': { 'location': '~/.task' }, 'alpha': { 'one': 'yes', 'two': '2', }, 'beta': { 'one': 'FALSE', }, 'gamma': { 'one': 'TRUE', }, 'uda': { 'a': { 'type': 'numeric', 'label': 'Alpha', }, 'b': { 'type': 'string', 'label': 'Beta', 'values': 'Strontium-90,Hydrogen-3', } } } self.assertEqual(self.taskrc, expected_config) def test_get_udas(self): expected_udas = { 'a': NumericField(label='Alpha'), 'b': ChoiceField( label='Beta', choices=['Strontium-90', 'Hydrogen-3'], ), } actual_udas = self.taskrc.get_udas() self.assertEqual(actual_udas, expected_udas) def test_config_overrides(self): overrides = { 'uda': { 'd': { 'type': 'string', 'label': 'Delta', } }, 'alpha': { 'two': '3', } } taskrc = TaskRc(self.path_to_taskrc, overrides=overrides) expected_config = { 'data': { 'location': '~/.task' }, 'alpha': { 'one': 'yes', 'two': '3', }, 'beta': { 'one': 'FALSE', }, 'gamma': { 'one': 'TRUE', }, 'uda': { 'a': { 'type': 'numeric', 'label': 'Alpha', }, 'b': { 'type': 'string', 'label': 'Beta', 'values': 'Strontium-90,Hydrogen-3', }, 'd': { 'type': 'string', 'label': 'Delta', } } } self.assertEqual(taskrc, expected_config)
def get_taskwarrior_config(path): try: return TaskRc(path) except IOError: return {}