Exemple #1
def main() :
    from pluggdapps import loadpackages

    loadpackages()  # This is important, otherwise plugins in other packages 
                    # will not be detected.

    argparser = mainoptions()
    options = argparser.parse_args()
    pa = Pluggdapps.boot( None )
    # Initialize plugins
    setts = {
        'lex_debug'  : int( options.debug ),
        'yacc_debug' : int( options.debug ),
        'debug'      : True,

    compiler = pa.qp( pa, ISettings, 'tayra.ttlcompiler', settings=setts )
    if options.version :
        print( tayra.__version__ )

    elif options.test :
        from tayra.test.teststd import test_stdttl
        print( "Executing TTL tests ..." )
        setts['beautify_html'] = False
        compiler = pa.qp( pa, ISettings, 'tayra.ttlcompiler', settings=setts )
        test_stdttl( compiler, options )

    elif options.ttllex and options.ttlfile : 
        print( "Lexing file %r ..." % options.ttlfile )
        lexical( pa, options )

    elif options.dump and options.ttlfile :
        print( "Parsing and dumping file %r ..." % options.ttlfile )
        ast = yaccer( pa, options, debuglevel=int(options.debug) )
        dumptext = ast.dump( context=Context() )
        text = open( options.ttlfile, encoding='utf-8-sig' ).read()
        if dumptext != text :
            open( 'dump', 'w' ).write( dumptext )
            open( 'text', 'w' ).write( text )
            assert False
        print( "Dump of AST matches the original text :)")

    elif options.show and options.ttlfile :
        print( "Parsing and describing file %r ..." % options.ttlfile )
        ast = yaccer( pa, options, debuglevel=int(options.debug) )

    elif options.ttlfile and isfile( options.ttlfile ) :
        print( "Translating file %r ..." % options.ttlfile )
        tayra.translatefile( options.ttlfile, compiler, options )
Exemple #2
def main():
    from pluggdapps import loadpackages

    loadpackages()  # This is important, otherwise plugins in other packages
    # will not be detected.

    argparser = mainoptions()
    options = argparser.parse_args()
    pa = Pluggdapps.boot(None)

    # Initialize plugins
    setts = {
        'lex_debug': int(options.debug),
        'yacc_debug': int(options.debug),
        'debug': True,

    compiler = pa.qp(pa, ISettings, 'tayra.ttlcompiler', settings=setts)
    if options.version:

    elif options.test:
        from tayra.test.teststd import test_stdttl
        print("Executing TTL tests ...")
        setts['beautify_html'] = False
        compiler = pa.qp(pa, ISettings, 'tayra.ttlcompiler', settings=setts)
        test_stdttl(compiler, options)

    elif options.ttllex and options.ttlfile:
        print("Lexing file %r ..." % options.ttlfile)
        lexical(pa, options)

    elif options.dump and options.ttlfile:
        print("Parsing and dumping file %r ..." % options.ttlfile)
        ast = yaccer(pa, options, debuglevel=int(options.debug))
        dumptext = ast.dump(context=Context())
        text = open(options.ttlfile, encoding='utf-8-sig').read()
        if dumptext != text:
            open('dump', 'w').write(dumptext)
            open('text', 'w').write(text)
            assert False
        print("Dump of AST matches the original text :)")

    elif options.show and options.ttlfile:
        print("Parsing and describing file %r ..." % options.ttlfile)
        ast = yaccer(pa, options, debuglevel=int(options.debug))

    elif options.ttlfile and isfile(options.ttlfile):
        print("Translating file %r ..." % options.ttlfile)
        tayra.translatefile(options.ttlfile, compiler, options)
def test_stdttl(compiler, options):
    for f in sorted(os.listdir(STDTTLDIR)):
        if any([f.endswith(x) for x in skipttls]):
        if f.endswith('.ttl'):
            print(f, ' ...', end='')
            ttlfile = join(STDTTLDIR, f)
            options.context = contexts.get(f, '{}')
            translatefile(ttlfile, compiler, options)
            pyfile = ttlfile + '.py'
            htmlfile = join(STDTTLDIR, f.split('.', 1)[0] + '.html')
            refpyfile = join(STDTTLREFDIR, f + '.py')
            refhtmlfile = join(STDTTLREFDIR, f.split('.', 1)[0] + '.html')
            # os.system( 'diff %s %s' % (htmlfile, refhtmlfile) )
            if f in ['templaterule.ttl']: continue
                #assert open( pyfile ).read() == open( refpyfile ).read()
                assert open(htmlfile).read() == open(refhtmlfile).read()
Exemple #4
def test_stdttl( compiler, options ) :
    for f in sorted( os.listdir( STDTTLDIR )) :
        if any([ f.endswith( x ) for x in skipttls ]) :
        if f.endswith('.ttl') :
            print( f, ' ...', end='' )
            ttlfile = join(STDTTLDIR, f)
            options.context = contexts.get(f, '{}')
            translatefile( ttlfile, compiler, options )
            pyfile = ttlfile + '.py'
            htmlfile = join( STDTTLDIR, f.split('.', 1)[0]+'.html' )
            refpyfile = join( STDTTLREFDIR, f+'.py' )
            refhtmlfile = join( STDTTLREFDIR, f.split('.', 1)[0]+'.html' )
            # os.system( 'diff %s %s' % (htmlfile, refhtmlfile) )
            if f in [ 'templaterule.ttl' ] : continue
            try :
                #assert open( pyfile ).read() == open( refpyfile ).read()
                assert open( htmlfile ).read() == open( refhtmlfile ).read()
            except :
            else :
                print( 'ok' )
Exemple #5
 def render() :
     tayra.translatefile( './tayra/template.ttl', compiler, options )