def test_sys_time(console): libtcodpy.sys_set_fps(0) libtcodpy.sys_get_fps() libtcodpy.sys_get_last_frame_length() libtcodpy.sys_sleep_milli(0) libtcodpy.sys_elapsed_milli() libtcodpy.sys_elapsed_seconds()
def draw_stats(root_console: tcod.console.Console) -> None: root_console.default_fg = tcod.grey root_console.print_( ROOT_WIDTH - 1, ROOT_HEIGHT - 1, ' last frame : %3d ms (%3d fps)' % ( tcod.sys_get_last_frame_length() * 1000.0, tcod.sys_get_fps(), ), tcod.BKGND_NONE, tcod.RIGHT)
def step(self, root): fps = tcod.sys_get_fps() self.poll_for_event(tcod.EVENT_ANY) root.write(0, 0, "This is a string.") root.write(0, 1, "FPS = {0}".format(fps)) root.write(0, 2, "Current event = {0}.".format(self.current_event)) root.draw_string(0, 3, "This is {blue}blue{/}.", bg_color=tcod.light_flame) if issubclass(type(self.current_event), and self.current_event.vk == tcod.KEY_ESCAPE: root.end_game = True
def step(self, root): fps = tcod.sys_get_fps() self.poll_for_event(tcod.EVENT_ANY) root.write(0, 0, "This is a string.") root.write(0, 1, "FPS = {0}".format(fps)) root.write(0, 2, "Current event = {0}.".format(self.current_event)) root.draw_string(0, 3, "This is {blue}blue{/}.", bg_color=tcod.light_flame) if issubclass(type(self.current_event), ) and self.current_event.vk == tcod.KEY_ESCAPE: root.end_game = True
def _render_fps_counter(console): console.default_fg = tcod.grey console.print_( x=1, y=3, string='fps: %3d fps' % (tcod.sys_get_fps()), bg_blend=tcod.BKGND_NONE, ) console.print_( x=1, y=4, string='last frame: %2d ms' % ( tcod.sys_get_last_frame_length() * 1000.0, ), bg_blend=tcod.BKGND_NONE, ) console.print_( x=1, y=5, string='elapsed: %4.2fs' % (tcod.sys_elapsed_seconds()), bg_blend=tcod.BKGND_NONE, )
def main(): """Example program for tcod.event""" TITLE = None tcod.console_set_custom_font( "potash_10x10.png", tcod.FONT_TYPE_GREYSCALE | tcod.FONT_LAYOUT_ASCII_INROW) generate_quadrants() with tcod.console_init_root( WIDTH, HEIGHT, TITLE, order="F", renderer=tcod.RENDERER_SDL2, vsync=True, ) as console: # tcod.sys_set_fps(30) pad = np.zeros((HEIGHT * 2, WIDTH * 2, 3), np.uint8) dots = [Dot() for _ in range(200)] while True: pad[...] //= 2 for dot in dots: dot.draw(pad) dot.step() console.draw_semigraphics(pad) console.print(0, HEIGHT - 1, str(tcod.sys_get_fps()), fg=(255, 255, 255), bg=(0, 0, 0)) tcod.console_flush() for event in tcod.event.get(): if event.type == "QUIT" or (event.type == "KEYDOWN" and event.sym == tcod.event.K_ESCAPE): raise SystemExit()
def game_loop(console): mist = { 'fade': 0.0000000001, 'col': (2, 4, 8), 'length': 25, 'height': 5, 'vx': (-5, 5), 'vy': (-4, -1), 'life': 200 } rain = { 'fade': 0.0005, 'col': (20, 20, 40), 'vx': (-100, -80), 'vy': (70, 100), 'life': 90, 'height': 2 } lantern = { 'vy': (-10, -5), 'vx': (-10, 10), 'fade': 0.000000002, 'col': (30, 25, 10), 'life': 140 } emitter = particle.Emitter(console, mist, 1, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 1, SCREEN_WIDTH - 23, 1) lantern = particle.Emitter(console, lantern, 1540 // 12, 816 // 12, 3, 1) rain = particle.Emitter(console, rain, 1, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH - 2, 1, rate=3) bee = open('assets/bee.txt').read() wiz = tcod.image_load('assets/wizard_idle_dark.bmp') # wiz.set_key_color((0, 0, 0)) i = 20 glow = 0 while True: tcod.console_flush() console.clear() rain.create_particle() rain.draw() lantern.create_particle() lantern.draw() emitter.create_particle() emitter.draw() console.draw_frame(0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, 'Welcome to game :)', clear=False) wiz.blit(console, SCREEN_WIDTH - 32, SCREEN_HEIGHT // 2, tcod.BKGND_SCREEN, 1.5, 1.5, 0) console.print_box(3, 3, SCREEN_WIDTH - 64, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 3, bee[0:i], fg=(217, 130, 67)) console.print(SCREEN_WIDTH - 2, 1, str(chr(30)), fg=(252, 149, 71)) console.print(SCREEN_WIDTH - 2, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 2, str(chr(31)), fg=(252, 149, 71)) console.print(SCREEN_WIDTH - 8, 1, str(tcod.sys_get_fps()), fg=(230, 230, 230)) glow = (glow + 0.1) % 6 if i < len(bee): i += 1 print(glow) # console.print(0,0,'lol hi!') for event in tcod.event.get(): if event.type == "QUIT": exit() if event.type == "MOUSEMOTION": console.print(SCREEN_WIDTH - 40, 1, str(event.pixel)) if event.type == "KEYDOWN": print(i)
def render_all(root_console: tcod.console.Console, offscreen_console: tcod.console.Console, viewport_console: tcod.console.Console, status_console: tcod.console.Console, log_console: tcod.console.Console, entity_console: tcod.console.Console, player: Entity, game_map: GameMap, mouse_tx: int, mouse_ty: int, fov_recompute: bool, game_messages: MessageLog, box_text: str, game_state: GameState, camera: "Camera") -> None: screen_height = const.SCREEN_HEIGHT screen_width = const.SCREEN_WIDTH bar_width = const.BAR_WIDTH status_console.clear() log_console.clear() entity_console.clear() if fov_recompute: # Show nothing by default[:] = 0 viewport_console.fg[:] = (0, 0, 0)[:] = (0, 0, 0) # Move camera to follow the player camera.move_camera(player.x, player.y, game_map.width, game_map.height) cam_x, cam_y = camera.x, camera.y cam_x2, cam_y2 = camera.x2, camera.y2 # Translate map coordinates to camera coordinates cam_fov = game_map.fov_map.fov[cam_x:cam_x2 + 1, cam_y:cam_y2 + 1] cam_explored = game_map.explored[cam_x:cam_x2 + 1, cam_y:cam_y2 + 1] cam_glyph = game_map.tile_map.glyph[cam_x:cam_x2 + 1, cam_y:cam_y2 + 1] cam_fg = game_map.tile_map.fg[cam_x:cam_x2 + 1, cam_y:cam_y2 + 1] cam_bg =[cam_x:cam_x2 + 1, cam_y:cam_y2 + 1] # If a tile is explored but not visible, render it in dark colors. viewport_console.fg[cam_explored == True] = np.multiply( cam_fg[cam_explored == True], 0.50).astype([cam_explored == True] = np.multiply( cam_bg[cam_explored == True], 0.50).astype([cam_explored == True] = cam_glyph[cam_explored == True] # If a tile is visible then render it in light colors. viewport_console.fg[cam_fov == True] = cam_fg[cam_fov == True][cam_fov == True] = cam_bg[cam_fov == True][cam_fov == True] = cam_glyph[cam_fov == True] #[cam_transparent == False] = 178 # If a tile is visible, then it is now explored. game_map.explored[game_map.fov_map.fov == True] = True # Draw all entities in the list entities_in_render_order = sorted(game_map.entities, key=lambda x: x.entity_type.value) for entity in entities_in_render_order: draw_entity(viewport_console, entity, game_map, camera) render_bar(status_console, 1, 1, bar_width, 'HP', player.fighter.hp, player.fighter.max_hp, tcod.light_red, tcod.darker_red) status_console.print(1, 3, f"Dungeon Level: {game_map.dungeon_level}") status_console.print(1, 0, get_names_under_mouse(mouse_tx, mouse_ty, game_map.entities, game_map), fg=(128, 128, 128)) y = 0 for message in game_messages.messages: log_console.print(game_messages.x, y, message.text, fg=message.color) y += 1 entity_console.print(5, 0, "Visible:", (128, 128, 128)) visible_entities = [ entity for entity in entities_in_render_order if tcod.map_is_in_fov(game_map.fov_map, entity.x, entity.y) ] for index, entity in enumerate(visible_entities, start=1): if entity.entity_type not in [EntityType.PLAYER, EntityType.CORPSE]: entity_str = f"{chr(entity.glyph)}: {}" entity_console.print(1, index, entity_str, entity.fg) draw_frames(offscreen_console) # offscreen_console.print(0, screen_height - 1, f"{mouse_tx}, {mouse_ty}") viewport_console.blit(offscreen_console, 1, 1) status_console.blit(offscreen_console, const.VIEWPORT_WIDTH + 2, 1) log_console.blit(offscreen_console, 1, const.VIEWPORT_HEIGHT + 2) entity_console.blit(offscreen_console, const.VIEWPORT_WIDTH + 2, const.STATUS_HEIGHT + 2) offscreen_console.blit(root_console) if game_state in [GameState.SHOW_INVENTORY, GameState.DROP_INVENTORY]: if game_state == GameState.SHOW_INVENTORY: inventory_title = "Press the key next to an item to use it, ESC to cancel.\n" else: inventory_title = "Press the key next to an item to drop it, ESC to cancel.\n" inventory_menu(root_console, inventory_title, player, 50, screen_width, screen_height) elif game_state == GameState.LEVEL_UP: level_up_menu(root_console, "Level up! Choose a stat to raise:", player, 40, screen_width, screen_height) elif game_state == GameState.CHARACTER_SCREEN: character_screen(root_console, player, 30, 10, screen_width, screen_height) elif game_state == GameState.MESSAGE_BOX: message_box(root_console, box_text, len(box_text), const.VIEWPORT_WIDTH, const.VIEWPORT_HEIGHT) if SHOW_STATS: fps = tcod.sys_get_fps() if fps > 0: fps_str = f"FPS: {fps} ({1000 / fps:.2f} ms/frame)" root_console.print(0, const.SCREEN_HEIGHT - 1, fps_str, fg=(255, 255, 255)) tcod.console_flush()
def print_debug_info(self): fps = tcod.sys_get_fps() root = self.window_manager.rootc root.write(0, 0, "Time elapsed = {0}".format(tcod.sys_elapsed_milli())) root.write(0, 1, "FPS = {0}".format(fps)) root.write(0, 2, "Current event = {0}.".format(self.current_event))
def draw(self): self.write(1, 2, "No draw method defined, using default method.") self.write(1, 3, "Time elapsed = {0}".format(tcod.sys_elapsed_milli())) self.write(1, 4, "FPS = {0}".format(tcod.sys_get_fps()))
def render(self): self.board.render(self.editor.cursor) self.editor.render() base.root_console.print(5, 0, "fps: "+str(tcod.sys_get_fps()))