Exemple #1
def surface_intercept_bounds(k, v, diameter):
    Find z-intercepts within bounds
    We assume that the plane is a circle of fixed diameter, 
    and scale back the intercept to the edge of the circle,
    This is done along by subtracting a vector that is parrelel
    to the in-plane projection of the k vector. The magnitude of
    the subtracted vector is set so the result has magnitude
    equal to the diameter.
    If that doesnt result in an intercept then just rescale
    the original intercept vector so its magnitude is the
    This is an approximate way to handle intercepts for
    circular samples, not recommended for use(!)
    vi = surface_intercept(k, v)
    r = cartesian_mag(vi)
    if r <= diameter / 2.:
        return vi
    # if r>diameter/2 need to scale it back
    # Therefore solve the following for mag
    #    vi_new = vi - ks*mag/norm(ks),
    #    mag(vi_new) = diameter/2
    # therefore end up with a quadratic:
    ks = num.array(k[0:2])
    a = 1.
    b = -2. * (v[0] * ks[0] + vi[1] * ks[1]) / cartesian_mag(ks)
    c = cartesian_mag(vi)**2. - (diameter / 2.)**2.
    arg = b**2. - 4. * a * c
    # make sure this method will result in a solution
    if arg > 0.:
        mag1 = (-b + num.sqrt(arg)) / (2. * a)
        mag2 = (-b - num.sqrt(arg)) / (2. * a)
        vi1 = vi - ks * mag1 / cartesian_mag(ks)
        vi2 = vi - ks * mag2 / cartesian_mag(ks)
        # chose soln that makes smallest angle
        # with the original intercept
        angle1 = num.fabs(cartesian_angle(vi, vi1))
        angle2 = num.fabs(cartesian_angle(vi, vi2))
        if angle1 < angle2:
            return vi1
            return vi2
    # otherwise just rescale the original vector
        vi = vi * (diameter / 2.) / cartesian_mag(vi)
        return vi
Exemple #2
def surface_intercept_bounds(k,v,diameter):
    Find z-intercepts within bounds
    We assume that the plane is a circle of fixed diameter, 
    and scale back the intercept to the edge of the circle,
    This is done along by subtracting a vector that is parrelel
    to the in-plane projection of the k vector. The magnitude of
    the subtracted vector is set so the result has magnitude
    equal to the diameter.
    If that doesnt result in an intercept then just rescale
    the original intercept vector so its magnitude is the
    This is an approximate way to handle intercepts for
    circular samples, not recommended for use(!)
    vi = surface_intercept(k,v)
    r = cartesian_mag(vi)
    if r <= diameter/2.:
        return vi
    # if r>diameter/2 need to scale it back
    # Therefore solve the following for mag
    #    vi_new = vi - ks*mag/norm(ks),
    #    mag(vi_new) = diameter/2
    # therefore end up with a quadratic:
    ks = num.array(k[0:2])
    a = 1.
    b = -2. * (v[0]*ks[0] + vi[1]*ks[1])/cartesian_mag(ks)
    c = cartesian_mag(vi)**2. - (diameter/2.)**2.
    arg = b**2. - 4.*a*c
    # make sure this method will result in a solution
    if arg > 0.: 
        mag1 = (-b + num.sqrt(arg))/(2.*a)
        mag2 = (-b - num.sqrt(arg))/(2.*a)
        vi1 = vi - ks*mag1/cartesian_mag(ks)
        vi2 = vi - ks*mag2/cartesian_mag(ks)
        # chose soln that makes smallest angle 
        # with the original intercept
        angle1 = num.fabs(cartesian_angle(vi,vi1))
        angle2 = num.fabs(cartesian_angle(vi,vi2))
        if angle1 < angle2:
            return vi1
            return vi2
    # otherwise just rescale the original vector
        vi = vi * (diameter/2.) / cartesian_mag(vi)
        return vi
Exemple #3
    def _calc_omega(self):
        calc omega, this is the angle between Q and the plane
        which is perpendicular to the axis of the chi circle.

        For nu=mu=0 this is the same as the four circle def:
        omega = 0.5*TTH - TH, where TTH is the detector motor (=del)
        and TH is the sample circle (=eta).  Therefore, for 
        mu=nu=0 and del=0.5*eta, omega = 0, which means that Q
        is in the plane perpendicular to the chi axis.

        Note check sign of results??? 
        phi = self.angles['phi']
        chi = self.angles['chi']
        eta = self.angles['eta']
        mu = self.angles['mu']
        H = num.array([[cosd(eta), sind(eta), 0.],
                       [-sind(eta), cosd(eta), 0.], [0., 0., 1.]], float)
        M = num.array([[1., 0., 0.], [0., cosd(mu), -sind(mu)],
                       [0., sind(mu), cosd(mu)]], float)
        # check the mult order here!!!!
        # T = num.dot(H.transpose(),M.transpose())
        T = num.dot(M.transpose(), H.transpose())
        Qpp = num.dot(T, self.Q)
        #omega = -1.*cartesian_angle([Qpp[0], 0, Qpp[2]],Qpp)
        omega = cartesian_angle([Qpp[0], 0, Qpp[2]], Qpp)
        self.pangles['omega'] = omega
Exemple #4
 def _angle(v):
     # cartesian angle is always btwn 0 and 180
     angle = cartesian_angle(v, [1., 0.])
     if (v[1] < 0.):
         return 360. - angle
         return angle
Exemple #5
 def _angle(v):
     # cartesian angle is always btwn 0 and 180
     angle = cartesian_angle(v,[1.,0.])
     if (v[1] < 0.):
         return 360. - angle
         return angle
    def _calc_omega(self):
        calc omega, this is the angle between Q and the plane
        which is perpendicular to the axis of the chi circle.

        For nu=mu=0 this is the same as the four circle def:
        omega = 0.5*TTH - TH, where TTH is the detector motor (=del)
        and TH is the sample circle (=eta).  Therefore, for 
        mu=nu=0 and del=0.5*eta, omega = 0, which means that Q
        is in the plane perpendicular to the chi axis.

        Note check sign of results??? 
        H = num.array([[ cosd(eta), sind(eta), 0.],
                       [-sind(eta), cosd(eta), 0.],
                       [   0.,         0.,     1.]],float)
        M  = num.array([[  1.,         0.,     0.      ],
                        [  0.,      cosd(mu), -sind(mu)],
                        [  0.,      sind(mu), cosd(mu)]],float)
        # check the mult order here!!!!
        # T = num.dot(H.transpose(),M.transpose())
        T     = num.dot(M.transpose(),H.transpose())
        Qpp   = num.dot(T,self.Q)
        #omega = -1.*cartesian_angle([Qpp[0], 0, Qpp[2]],Qpp)
        omega = cartesian_angle([Qpp[0], 0, Qpp[2]],Qpp)
        self.pangles['omega'] = omega
Exemple #7
 def _angle(v):
     # cartesian angle is always btwn 0 and 180
     angle = cartesian_angle(v, [1.0, 0.0])
     if v[1] < 0.0:
         return 360.0 - angle
         return angle
Exemple #8
    def _calc_tau(self):
        Calc tau, this is the angle btwn n and the scattering-plane
        defined by ki and kr.  ie the angle between n and Q

        Can also calc from:
         tau = acos( cosd(alpha) * cosd(tth/2) * cosd(naz - qaz) ...
                    + sind(alpha) * sind(tth/2) ) 
        tau = cartesian_angle(self.Q, self.nm)
        self.pangles['tau'] = tau
    def _calc_tau(self):
        Calc tau, this is the angle btwn n and the scattering-plane
        defined by ki and kr.  ie the angle between n and Q

        Can also calc from:
         tau = acos( cosd(alpha) * cosd(tth/2) * cosd(naz - qaz) ...
                    + sind(alpha) * sind(tth/2) ) 
        tau = cartesian_angle(self.Q,self.nm)
        self.pangles['tau'] = tau