def _spec_or_angles(angles,calc_kappa=False):
    Angles defined by spec for the OR's.

    Assume the following.
    If parsing angles from the P array:
    (generally shouldnt need this since angles
    are tagged with motor labels on read)
    angles = P
    if psic:
       angles = angles[0:5]
    elif kappa fourc
       angles = [angles[0:3], angles[8], angles[7]]

    If parsing angles from the G array:
      angles = G[x:y]
    where x:y depend on whether you are
    parsing out or0 or or1.
    See spec_G below

    We then assume the following:
      del = angles[0]
      eta = angles[1]
      chi = angles[2]
      phi = angles[3]
      nu  = angles[4]
      mu  = angles[5]

    Note: calc kappa, keta and kphi
    kap_alp = 50.031;
    keta    = eta - asin(-tan(chi/2)/tan(kap_alp))
    kphi    = phi - asin(-tan(chi/2)/tan(kap_alp))
    kappa   = asin(sin(chi/2)/sin(kap_alp))
    # angles from spec
    delta = angles[0]
    eta   = angles[1]
    chi   = angles[2]
    phi   = angles[3]
    nu    = angles[4]
    mu    = angles[5]

    # kappa angles
    if calc_kappa:
        kap_alp = 50.031;
        keta    = eta - arcsind(-tand(chi/2.)/tand(kap_alp))
        kphi    = phi - arcsind(-tand(chi/2.)/tand(kap_alp))
        kappa   = asind(sind(chi/2.)/sind(kap_alp))
        return {'phi':phi,'chi':chi,'eta':eta,'mu':mu,
        return {'phi':phi,'chi':chi,'eta':eta,'mu':mu,
Exemple #2
 def cartesian(self, shift=[0., 0., 0.]):
     Calculates a cartesian basis using:
       Va = a' is parallel to a
       Vb = b' is perpendicular to a' and in the a/b plane
       Vc = c' is perpendicular to the a'/c' plane
     A shift vector may be specified to shift the origin
     of the cartesian lattice relative to the original lattice
     origin (specify shift in fractional coordinates of
     the original lattice)
     (a, b, c, alp, bet, gam) = self.lattice.cell()
     (ar, br, cr, alpr, betr, gamr) = self.lattice.rcell()
     Va = [1. / a, 0., 0.]
     Vb = [-1. / (a * tand(gam)), 1. / (b * sind(gam)), 0.]
     Vc = [ar * cosd(betr), br * cosd(alpr), cr]
     self.basis(Va=Va, Vb=Vb, Vc=Vc, shift=shift)
Exemple #3
 def cartesian(self,shift=[0.,0.,0.]):
     Calculates a cartesian basis using:
       Va = a' is parallel to a
       Vb = b' is perpendicular to a' and in the a/b plane
       Vc = c' is perpendicular to the a'/c' plane
     A shift vector may be specified to shift the origin
     of the cartesian lattice relative to the original lattice
     origin (specify shift in fractional coordinates of
     the original lattice)
     (a,b,c,alp,bet,gam) = self.lattice.cell()
     (ar,br,cr,alpr,betr,gamr) = self.lattice.rcell()
     Va = [1./a,                 0. ,             0.]
     Vb = [-1./(a*tand(gam)), 1./(b*sind(gam)),   0.]
     Vc = [ar*cosd(betr),     br*cosd(alpr),      cr]
Exemple #4
def _spec_or_angles(angles, calc_kappa=False):
    Angles defined by spec for the OR's.

    Assume the following.
    If parsing angles from the P array:
    (generally shouldnt need this since angles
    are tagged with motor labels on read)
    angles = P
    if psic:
       angles = angles[0:5]
    elif kappa fourc
       angles = [angles[0:3], angles[8], angles[7]]

    If parsing angles from the G array:
      angles = G[x:y]
    where x:y depend on whether you are
    parsing out or0 or or1.
    See spec_G below

    We then assume the following:
      del = angles[0]
      eta = angles[1]
      chi = angles[2]
      phi = angles[3]
      nu  = angles[4]
      mu  = angles[5]

    Note: calc kappa, keta and kphi
    kap_alp = 50.031;
    keta    = eta - asin(-tan(chi/2)/tan(kap_alp))
    kphi    = phi - asin(-tan(chi/2)/tan(kap_alp))
    kappa   = asin(sin(chi/2)/sin(kap_alp))
    # angles from spec
    delta = angles[0]
    eta = angles[1]
    chi = angles[2]
    phi = angles[3]
    nu = angles[4]
    mu = angles[5]

    # kappa angles
    if calc_kappa:
        kap_alp = 50.031
        keta = eta - arcsind(-tand(chi / 2.) / tand(kap_alp))
        kphi = phi - arcsind(-tand(chi / 2.) / tand(kap_alp))
        kappa = asind(sind(chi / 2.) / sind(kap_alp))
        return {
            'phi': phi,
            'chi': chi,
            'eta': eta,
            'mu': mu,
            'delta': delta,
            'nu': nu,
            'keta': keta,
            'kphi': kphi,
            'kappa': kappa
        return {
            'phi': phi,
            'chi': chi,
            'eta': eta,
            'mu': mu,
            'delta': delta,
            'nu': nu