def _is_moving(o_id: int, transforms: Transforms,
                   rigidbodies: Rigidbodies) -> bool:
        :param o_id: The ID of the object.
        :param transforms: The Transforms output data.
        :param rigidbodies: The Rigidbodies output data.

        :return: True if the object is still moving.

        y: Optional[float] = None
        sleeping: bool = False

        for i in range(transforms.get_num()):
            if transforms.get_id(i) == o_id:
                y = transforms.get_position(i)[1]
        assert y is not None, f"y value is none for {o_id}"

        for i in range(rigidbodies.get_num()):
            if rigidbodies.get_id(i) == o_id:
                sleeping = rigidbodies.get_sleeping(i)
        # If the object isn't sleeping, it is still moving.
        # If the object fell into the abyss, we don't count it as moving (to prevent an infinitely long simulation).
        return not sleeping and y > -10
    def _get_velocity(rigidbodies: Rigidbodies, o_id: int) -> float:
        :param rigidbodies: The rigidbody data.
        :param o_id: The ID of the object.

        :return: The velocity magnitude of the object.

        for i in range(rigidbodies.get_num()):
            if rigidbodies.get_id(i) == o_id:
                return np.linalg.norm(rigidbodies.get_velocity(i))
Exemple #3
    def get_collisions(
        resp: List[bytes]
    ) -> Tuple[List[Collision], List[EnvironmentCollision],
        Parse collision and rigibody data from the output data.

        :param resp: The response from the build.

        :return: A list of collisions on this frame (can be empty), a list of environment collisions on this frame (can be empty), and Rigidbodies data (can be `None`).

        if len(resp) == 1:
            return [], [], None
        collisions: List[Collision] = []
        environment_collisions: List[EnvironmentCollision] = []
        rigidbodies: Optional[Rigidbodies] = None
        for r in resp[:-1]:
            r_id = OutputData.get_data_type_id(r)
            if r_id == 'coll':
            if r_id == 'rigi':
                rigidbodies = Rigidbodies(r)
            if r_id == 'enco':

        return collisions, environment_collisions, rigidbodies
    def _write_frame(self, frames_grp: h5py.Group, resp: List[bytes], frame_num: int) -> \
            Tuple[h5py.Group, h5py.Group, dict, bool]:
        frame, objs, tr, done = super()._write_frame(frames_grp=frames_grp, resp=resp, frame_num=frame_num)
        num_objects = len(self.object_ids)
        # Physics data.
        velocities = np.empty(dtype=np.float32, shape=(num_objects, 3))
        angular_velocities = np.empty(dtype=np.float32, shape=(num_objects, 3))
        # Collision data.
        collision_ids = np.empty(dtype=np.int32, shape=(0, 2))
        collision_relative_velocities = np.empty(dtype=np.float32, shape=(0, 3))
        collision_contacts = np.empty(dtype=np.float32, shape=(0, 2, 3))
        # Environment Collision data.
        env_collision_ids = np.empty(dtype=np.int32, shape=(0, 1))
        env_collision_contacts = np.empty(dtype=np.float32, shape=(0, 2, 3))

        sleeping = True

        for r in resp[:-1]:
            r_id = OutputData.get_data_type_id(r)
            if r_id == "rigi":
                ri = Rigidbodies(r)
                ri_dict = dict()
                for i in range(ri.get_num()):
                    ri_dict.update({ri.get_id(i): {"vel": ri.get_velocity(i),
                                                   "ang": ri.get_angular_velocity(i)}})
                    # Check if any objects are sleeping that aren't in the abyss.
                    if not ri.get_sleeping(i) and tr[ri.get_id(i)]["pos"][1] >= -1:
                        sleeping = False
                # Add the Rigibodies data.
                for o_id, i in zip(self.object_ids, range(num_objects)):
                    velocities[i] = ri_dict[o_id]["vel"]
                    angular_velocities[i] = ri_dict[o_id]["ang"]
            elif r_id == "coll":
                co = Collision(r)
                collision_ids = np.append(collision_ids, [co.get_collider_id(), co.get_collidee_id()])
                collision_relative_velocities = np.append(collision_relative_velocities, co.get_relative_velocity())
                for i in range(co.get_num_contacts()):
                    collision_contacts = np.append(collision_contacts, (co.get_contact_normal(i),
            elif r_id == "enco":
                en = EnvironmentCollision(r)
                env_collision_ids = np.append(env_collision_ids, en.get_object_id())
                for i in range(en.get_num_contacts()):
                    env_collision_contacts = np.append(env_collision_contacts, (en.get_contact_normal(i),
        objs.create_dataset("velocities", data=velocities.reshape(num_objects, 3), compression="gzip")
        objs.create_dataset("angular_velocities", data=angular_velocities.reshape(num_objects, 3), compression="gzip")
        collisions = frame.create_group("collisions")
        collisions.create_dataset("object_ids", data=collision_ids.reshape((-1, 2)), compression="gzip")
        collisions.create_dataset("relative_velocities", data=collision_relative_velocities.reshape((-1, 3)),
        collisions.create_dataset("contacts", data=collision_contacts.reshape((-1, 2, 3)), compression="gzip")
        env_collisions = frame.create_group("env_collisions")
        env_collisions.create_dataset("object_ids", data=env_collision_ids, compression="gzip")
        env_collisions.create_dataset("contacts", data=env_collision_contacts.reshape((-1, 2, 3)),
        return frame, objs, tr, sleeping
Exemple #5
    def __init__(self, index: int, rigidbodies: Rigidbodies,
                 segmentation_colors: SegmentationColors, audio: ObjectInfo):
        :param index: The index of the object in `segmentation_colors`
        :param rigidbodies: Rigidbodies output data.
        :param segmentation_colors: Segmentation colors output data.

        self.object_id = segmentation_colors.get_object_id(index)
        self.model_name = segmentation_colors.get_object_name(index)
        self.segmentation_color = np.array(
            segmentation_colors.get_object_color(index)) = audio

        # Get the mass.
        self.mass: float = -1
        for i in range(rigidbodies.get_num()):
            if rigidbodies.get_id(i) == self.object_id:
                self.mass = rigidbodies.get_mass(i)
        assert self.mass >= 0, f"Mass not found: {self.object_id}"
Exemple #6
    def _get_frame_state(t: Transforms, r: Rigidbodies, num: int) -> dict:
        Returns a dictionary representing the current frame state.

        :param t: The transforms data.
        :param r: The rigidbodies data.
        :param num: The current frame.

        objects = dict()
        assert t.get_num() == r.get_num()
        for i in range(t.get_num()):
                t.get_id(i): {
                    "position": t.get_position(i),
                    "rotation": t.get_rotation(i),
                    "forward": t.get_forward(i),
                    "velocity": r.get_velocity(i),
                    "angular_velocity": r.get_angular_velocity(i),
                    "mass": r.get_mass(i)
        return {"frame": num, "objects": objects}
Exemple #7
    def get_sound(self, collision: Union[Collision, EnvironmentCollision],
                  rigidbodies: Rigidbodies, id1: int, mat1: str, id2: int,
                  mat2: str, other_amp: float, target_amp: float,
                  resonance: float) -> Optional[Base64Sound]:
        Produce sound of two colliding objects as a byte array.

        :param collision: TDW `Collision` or `EnvironmentCollision` output data.
        :param rigidbodies: TDW `Rigidbodies` output data.
        :param id1: The object ID for one of the colliding objects.
        :param mat1: The material label for one of the colliding objects.
        :param id2: The object ID for the other object.
        :param mat2: The material label for the other object.
        :param other_amp: Sound amplitude of object 2.
        :param target_amp: Sound amplitude of object 1.
        :param resonance: The resonances of the objects.

        :return Sound data as a Base64Sound object.

        # The sound amplitude of object 2 relative to that of object 1.
        amp2re1 = other_amp / target_amp

        # Set the object modes.
        if id2 not in self.object_modes:
            self.object_modes.update({id2: {}})
        if id1 not in self.object_modes[id2]:
                              amp=target_amp * self.initial_amp)
        obj_col = isinstance(collision, Collision)

        # Unpack useful parameters.
        # Compute normal velocity at impact.
        vel = 0
        if obj_col:
            vel = collision.get_relative_velocity()
            for i in range(rigidbodies.get_num()):
                if rigidbodies.get_id(i) == id2:
                    vel = rigidbodies.get_velocity(i)
                    # If the y coordinate of the velocity is negative, it implies a scrape or roll along the floor.
                    if vel[1] < 0:
                        return None
        vel = np.asarray(vel)
        speed = np.square(vel)
        speed = np.sum(speed)
        speed = math.sqrt(speed)
        nvel = vel / np.linalg.norm(vel)
        num_contacts = collision.get_num_contacts()
        nspd = []
        for jc in range(0, num_contacts):
            tmp = np.asarray(collision.get_contact_normal(jc))
            tmp = tmp / np.linalg.norm(tmp)
            tmp = np.arccos(np.clip(, nvel), -1.0, 1.0))
            # Scale the speed by the angle (i.e. we want speed Normal to the surface).
            tmp = speed * np.cos(tmp)
        normal_speed = np.mean(nspd)
        # Get indices of objects in collisions.
        id1_index = None
        id2_index = None

        for i in range(rigidbodies.get_num()):
            if rigidbodies.get_id(i) == id1:
                id1_index = i
            if rigidbodies.get_id(i) == id2:
                id2_index = i

        # Use default values for environment collisions.
        if not obj_col:
            m1 = 100
            m2 = rigidbodies.get_mass(id2_index)
        # Use the Rigidbody masses.
        elif id1_index is not None and id2_index is not None:
            m1 = rigidbodies.get_mass(id1_index)
            m2 = rigidbodies.get_mass(id2_index)
        # Fallback: Try to use default mass values if the ID's aren't in the Rigidbody data.
        elif id1 in self.object_names and id2 in self.object_names and self.object_names[id1] in self.object_info and \
                self.object_names[id2] in self.object_info:
            m1 = self.object_info[self.object_names[id1]].mass
            m2 = self.object_info[self.object_names[id2]].mass
        # Failed to generate a sound.
            return None
        mass = np.min([m1, m2])

        # Re-scale the amplitude.
        if self.object_modes[id2][id1].count == 0:
            # Sample the modes.
            sound, modes_1, modes_2 = self.make_impact_audio(
            # Save collision info - we will need for later collisions.
            amp = self.object_modes[id2][id1].amp
            self.object_modes[id2][id1].init_speed = normal_speed
            self.object_modes[id2][id1].obj1_modes = modes_1
            self.object_modes[id2][id1].obj2_modes = modes_2

            amp = self.object_modes[id2][
                id1].amp * normal_speed / self.object_modes[id2][id1].init_speed
            # Adjust modes here so that two successive impacts are not identical.
            modes_1 = self.object_modes[id2][id1].obj1_modes
            modes_2 = self.object_modes[id2][id1].obj2_modes
            modes_1.powers = modes_1.powers + np.random.normal(
                0, 2, len(modes_1.powers))
            modes_2.powers = modes_2.powers + np.random.normal(
                0, 2, len(modes_2.powers))
            sound = PyImpact.synth_impact_modes(modes_1, modes_2, mass,
            self.object_modes[id2][id1].obj1_modes = modes_1
            self.object_modes[id2][id1].obj2_modes = modes_2

        if self.logging:
            mode_props = dict()
            self.log_modes(self.object_modes[id2][id1].count, mode_props, id1,
                           id2, modes_1, modes_2, amp, str(mat1), str(mat2))

        # On rare occasions, it is possible for PyImpact to fail to generate a sound.
        if sound is None:
            return None

        # Count the collisions.

        # Prevent distortion by clamping the amp.
        if self.prevent_distortion and np.abs(amp) > 0.99:
            amp = 0.99

        sound = amp * sound / np.max(np.abs(sound))
        return Base64Sound(sound)
Exemple #8
    def get_sound(self, collision: Union[Collision, EnvironmentCollision], rigidbodies: Rigidbodies, id1: int, mat1: str, id2: int, mat2: str, amp2re1: float) -> Optional[Base64Sound]:
        Produce sound of two colliding objects as a byte array.

        :param collision: TDW `Collision` or `EnvironmentCollision` output data.
        :param rigidbodies: TDW `Rigidbodies` output data.
        :param id1: The object ID for one of the colliding objects.
        :param mat1: The material label for one of the colliding objects.
        :param id2: The object ID for the other object.
        :param mat2: The material label for the other object.
        :param amp2re1: The sound amplitude of object 2 relative to that of object 1.

        :return Sound data as a Base64Sound object.

        # Set the object modes.
        if id2 not in self.object_modes:
            self.object_modes.update({id2: {}})
        if id1 not in self.object_modes[id2]:
            self.object_modes[id2].update({id1: CollisionInfo(self._get_object_modes(mat2),

        obj_col = isinstance(collision, Collision)

        # Unpack useful parameters.
        # Compute normal velocity at impact.
        vel = 0
        if obj_col:
            vel = collision.get_relative_velocity()
            for i in range(rigidbodies.get_num()):
                if rigidbodies.get_id(i) == id2:
                    vel = rigidbodies.get_velocity(i)
        vel = np.asarray(vel)
        speed = np.square(vel)
        speed = np.sum(speed)
        speed = math.sqrt(speed)
        nvel = vel / np.linalg.norm(vel)
        num_contacts = collision.get_num_contacts()
        nspd = []
        for jc in range(0, num_contacts):
            tmp = np.asarray(collision.get_contact_normal(jc))
            tmp = tmp / np.linalg.norm(tmp)
            tmp = np.arccos(np.clip(, nvel), -1.0, 1.0))
            # Scale the speed by the angle (i.e. we want speed Normal to the surface).
            tmp = speed * np.cos(tmp)
        normal_speed = np.mean(nspd)
        # Get indices of objects in collisions
        id1_index = None
        id2_index = None
        for i in range(rigidbodies.get_num()):
            if rigidbodies.get_id(i) == id1:
                id1_index = i
            if rigidbodies.get_id(i) == id2:
                id2_index = i

        # Make sure both IDs were found. If they aren't, don't return a sound.
        if obj_col and (id1_index is None or id2_index is None):
            return None

        m1 = rigidbodies.get_mass(id1_index) if obj_col else 1000
        m2 = rigidbodies.get_mass(id2_index)
        mass = np.min([m1, m2])

        # Re-scale the amplitude.
        if self.object_modes[id2][id1].count == 0:
            # Sample the modes.
            sound, modes_1, modes_2 = self.make_impact_audio(amp2re1, mass, mat1=mat1, mat2=mat2, id1=id1, id2=id2)
            # Save collision info - we will need for later collisions.
            amp = self.object_modes[id2][id1].amp
            self.object_modes[id2][id1].init_speed = normal_speed
            self.object_modes[id2][id1].obj1_modes = modes_1
            self.object_modes[id2][id1].obj2_modes = modes_2
            amp = self.object_modes[id2][id1].amp * normal_speed / self.object_modes[id2][id1].init_speed
            # Adjust modes here so that two successive impacts are not identical.
            modes_1 = self.object_modes[id2][id1].obj1_modes
            modes_2 = self.object_modes[id2][id1].obj2_modes
            modes_1.powers = modes_1.powers + np.random.normal(0, 2, len(modes_1.powers))
            modes_2.power = modes_2.powers + np.random.normal(0, 2, len(modes_1.powers))
            sound = PyImpact.synth_impact_modes(modes_1, modes_2, mass)
            self.object_modes[id2][id1].obj1_modes = modes_1
            self.object_modes[id2][id1].obj2_modes = modes_2

        # On rare occasions, it is possible for PyImpact to fail to generate a sound.
        if sound is None:
            return None

        # Count the collisions.

        # Prevent distortion by clamping the amp.
        if self.prevent_distortion and amp > 0.99:
            amp = 0.99

        sound = amp * sound / np.max(np.abs(sound))
        return Base64Sound(sound)
Exemple #9
    def run(self, c: Controller):
        Run the trial and save the output.

        :param c: The controller.

        print(f"Images will be saved to: {self.output_dir}")

        # Initialize the scene.
        resp = c.communicate(self.init_commands)
        # Get a map of the segmentation colors.
        segm = SegmentationColors(resp[0])
        for i in range(segm.get_num()):
            for obj in self.moving_objects:
                if obj.object_id == segm.get_object_id(i):
                    obj.possibility.segmentation_color = segm.get_object_color(

        # Request scene data and images per frame.
        frame_data: List[dict] = []
        resp = c.communicate([{
            "$type": "send_images",
            "frequency": "always"
        }, {
            "$type": "send_transforms",
            "ids": self.m_ids,
            "frequency": "always"
        }, {
            "$type": "send_rigidbodies",
            "ids": self.m_ids,
            "frequency": "always"

        # Run the trial.
        for frame in range(self.num_frames):
            colors: Dict[int, Tuple[int, int, int]] = {}
            transforms: Dict[int, Tuple[float, float, float]] = {}

            transform_data = None
            rigidbody_data = None

            # Parse the output data.
            for r in resp[:-1]:
                r_id = OutputData.get_data_type_id(r)
                # Record all Transforms data.
                if r_id == "tran":
                    transform_data = Transforms(r)
                    for i in range(transform_data.get_num()):
                # Record all Rigidbodies data.
                elif r_id == "rigi":
                    rigidbody_data = Rigidbodies(r)
                # Save the images.
                elif r_id == "imag":
                    images = Images(r)
                    for p in range(images.get_num_passes()):
                        if images.get_pass_mask(p) == "_id":
                            image_colors = TDWUtils.get_pil_image(
                                images, p).getcolors()
                            for ic in image_colors:
                                color = ic[1]
                                for obj in self.moving_objects:
                                    if obj.possibility.segmentation_color == color:
                                        colors.update({obj.object_id: color})


            # Append frame data.
                Trial._get_frame_state(transform_data, rigidbody_data, frame))

            # Build the frame state.
            state = State(colors, transforms, frame)

            # Apply object actions.
            commands = []
            for o in self.occluders:
            for mo in self.moving_objects:
            if len(commands) == 0:
                commands = [{"$type": "do_nothing"}]

            # Send the commands and update the state.
            resp = c.communicate(commands)

        # Cleanup.
            "$type": "destroy_all_objects"
        }, {
            "$type": "unload_asset_bundles"
        }, {
            "$type": "send_images",
            "frequency": "never"
        }, {
            "$type": "send_transforms",
            "ids": self.m_ids,
            "frequency": "never"
        }, {
            "$type": "send_rigidbodies",
            "ids": self.m_ids,
            "frequency": "never"

        print("\tGenerated images.")
        # Output the scene metadata.
            json.dumps({"frames": frame_data}), encoding="utf-8")
        print("\tWrote state file.")

        # Get _id passes with randomized colors.
        print("\tCreated random segmentation colors.")

        # Organize the images.
        print("\tOrganized files")
Exemple #10
    def __init__(self,
                 object_id: int,
                 rigidbodies: Rigidbodies,
                 segmentation_colors: SegmentationColors,
                 bounds: Bounds,
                 audio: ObjectInfo,
                 target_object: bool = False):
        :param object_id: The unique ID of the object.
        :param rigidbodies: Rigidbodies output data.
        :param bounds: Bounds output data.
        :param segmentation_colors: Segmentation colors output data.

        self.object_id = object_id
        self.model_name =
        self.container = self.model_name in StaticObjectInfo.CONTAINERS
        self.kinematic = self.model_name in StaticObjectInfo._KINEMATIC
        self.target_object = target_object

        self.category = ""
        # This is a sub-object of a composite object.
        if audio.library == "":
            # Get the record of the composite object.
            for k in StaticObjectInfo._COMPOSITE_OBJECTS:
                for v in StaticObjectInfo._COMPOSITE_OBJECTS[k]:
                    if v ==
                        record = TransformInitData.LIBRARIES[
                        # Get the semantic category.
                        self.category = record.wcategory
            # Get the model record from the audio data.
            record = TransformInitData.LIBRARIES[audio.library].get_record(
            # Get the semantic category.
            self.category = record.wcategory

        # Get the segmentation color.
        self.segmentation_color: Optional[np.array] = None
        for i in range(segmentation_colors.get_num()):
            if segmentation_colors.get_object_id(i) == self.object_id:
                self.segmentation_color = np.array(
        assert self.segmentation_color is not None, f"Segmentation color not found: {self.object_id}"

        # Get the size of the object.
        self.size = np.array([0, 0, 0])
        for i in range(bounds.get_num()):
            if bounds.get_id(i) == self.object_id:
                self.size = np.array([
                        np.abs(bounds.get_right(i)[0] -
                        np.abs(bounds.get_top(i)[1] -
                        np.abs(bounds.get_front(i)[2] - bounds.get_back(i)[2]))
        assert np.linalg.norm(
            self.size) > 0, f"Bounds data not found for: {self.object_id}"

        # Get the mass.
        self.mass: float = -1
        for i in range(rigidbodies.get_num()):
            if rigidbodies.get_id(i) == self.object_id:
                self.mass = rigidbodies.get_mass(i)
        assert self.mass >= 0, f"Mass not found: {self.object_id}"