def check_pad_and_return_avail_m(shape_in, shape_w, in_dtype, w_dtype, padu,
                                 padl, strideH, strideW):
    mBitLength = {
        "float32": 32,
        "float16": 16,
        "uint8": 8,
        "int8": 8,
        "uint4": 4,
        "int4": 4
    mBitRatio = {
        "int32": 4,
        "float32": 4,
        "float16": 2,
        "uint8": 1,
        "int8": 1,
        "uint4": 1.0 / 2,
        "int4": 1.0 / 2
    config = CUBE_MKN[w_dtype]
    ci0 = config['mac'][1]
    hi = shape_in[2]
    wi = shape_in[3]
    hk = shape_w[2]
    wk = shape_w[3]

    ho = (hi + (2 * padu) - hk) / strideH + 1
    # calculated by hi and wi
    wo = (wi + (2 * padl) - wk) / strideW + 1
    # calculated by hi and wi

    m_max = min(
        cce_product.getParams("L0A_Buffer") / mBitRatio[in_dtype] / 16 / ci0,
        cce_product.getParams("L0C_Buffer") / mBitRatio["float16"] / 16 / 16)
    M = ho * wo
    m = [
        i for i in np.arange(1,
                             min(m_max, math.ceil(float(M) / 16)) +

    m_common_factor = math.ceil(float(M) / 16)
    m_selected = []
    AL_Hi = []
    m_avail = []
    for p_m in m:
        if p_m in compute_common_factor(m_common_factor):

    for m in m_selected:
        AL_Wo = wo
        AL_Ho = math.ceil(float(m * 16) / AL_Wo) + 1
        tmp = (AL_Ho - 1) * strideH + hk
        if tmp >= padu + 1:

    return AL_Hi, m_avail
def conv_check_rule(shape_in, shape_w, in_dtype, w_dtype, padh, padw, strideh,

    padl, padr, padu, padd = padw, padw, padh, padh
    batch = shape_in[0]
    hi = shape_in[2]
    wi = shape_in[3]

    config = CUBE_MKN[w_dtype]
    ci0 = config['mac'][1]
    ci1 = ((shape_in[1]) + ci0 - 1) // ci0

    co0 = 16  # The unit of channel is 16
    co1 = (shape_w[0] + co0 - 1) / co0
    hk = shape_w[2]
    wk = shape_w[3]

    # ============ conv case checking begin ================
    mBitLength = {
        "float32": 32,
        "float16": 16,
        "uint8": 8,
        "int8": 8,
        "uint4": 4,
        "int4": 4
    mBitRatio = {
        "int32": 4,
        "float32": 4,
        "float16": 2,
        "uint8": 1,
        "int8": 1,
        "uint4": 1.0 / 2,
        "int4": 1.0 / 2
    inputDataType = in_dtype  # "uint8" if img_dtype == 0 else "int8" if img_dtype == 1 else "float16"

    # added for checking pad
    # avoid for no real data in feature map when load3d
    m_target = 1
    wo = (wi + (2 * padl) - wk) / stridew + 1
    tmp1 = ((m_target * mBitLength['float16']) + wo - 1) / wo
    tmp2 = ((tmp1 * strideh) + hk) * (wi + (2 * padl))
    MaxFeatureMap = 1 * ci0 * tmp2 * 2 * mBitRatio[inputDataType]

    L1BufferSize = cce_product.getParams("L1_Buffer")  # bytes

    if MaxFeatureMap > L1BufferSize:
        raise RuntimeError("L1 buffer overflow!")

    ho = (hi + (2 * padu) - hk) / strideh + 1

    if np.int64(batch * wo * ho * shape_w[0]) >= np.int64(2**31) - 1:
        raise RuntimeError("Output fmap exceed 32 bit limitations!")

    if np.int64(batch * hi * wi * ci1 * ci0) >= np.int64(2**31) - 1:
        raise RuntimeError("Input fmap exceed 32 bit limitations!")
def check_CUB_overflow(m_selected, res_dtype, mBitLength, mBitRatio):
    ubBufferSize = 0.25 * cce_product.getParams(
        "Unified_Buffer") / mBitRatio['float16']
    if (res_dtype == "uint8" or res_dtype == "int8"):
        nPart = 2
        nPart = 1
    if min(m_selected) * nPart * mBitLength['float16'] * mBitLength[
            'float16'] >= ubBufferSize:
        raise RuntimeError("CUB size overflow UB buffer!")
def conv_layer_cce(shape_in,

    shape_in : shape of data_in

    shape_w : shape of filter

    in_dtype : the feature map data type

    w_dtype : the weight data type

    res_dtype : the result data type

    padh: the padding shape in H

    padw: the padding shape in Weight

    strideh: the stride value in H

    stridew: the stride value in Weight

    quantizeConfig: quantize config table, default [0, 0, 0]
    quantizeConfig[0] - quantize function switch
                        0: quantize off
                        1: quantize on
    quantizeConfig[1] - QuantizeAlgorithm
                        0: non offset
                        1: half offset
                        2: all offset ( Not supported now )
    quantizeConfig[2] - QuantizeScaleType (for Dequantize/Requantize, quantize always scalar)
                        0: scalar
                        1: vector

    scaleSqrt: scale mode
    scaleSqrt[0] - Quantize scale mode
                   0: non sqrt
                   1: sqrt
    scaleSqrt[1] - DeQuantize scale mode
                   0: non sqrt
                   1: sqrt
    scaleSqrt[2] - ReQuantize scale mode
                   0: non sqrt
                   1: sqrt

    scaleQ_dtype: Quantize scale data type, default 'float16'

    offsetQ_dtype: Quantize offset data type, default 'float16'

    scaleDq_dtype: DeQuantize scale data type, default 'float16'

    scaleRq_dtype: ReQuantize scale data type, default 'float16'

    offsetRq_dtype: ReQuantize offset data type, default 'float16'

    offsetW_dtype: Weight offset data type, default 'int32'

    offsetPad_dtype: Quantize Cube offset data type, default 'uint8'

    bias: the tag for bias or not

    kernel_name : cce kernel name, default value is "cce_conv"

    need_buid : if need to build CCEC kernel, default value is False

    need_print : if need to print the ir, default value is False


    # for pylint, otherwise "Dangerous default value [] as argument"
    #    if quantizeConfig is None:
    #        quantizeConfig = [0, 0, 0]
    #    if scaleSqrt is None:
    #        scaleSqrt = [0, 0, 0]

    # conv shape check
    util.check_shape_rule(shape_in, CONV_SHAPE_DIM, CONV_SHAPE_DIM)
    util.check_shape_rule(shape_w, CONV_SHAPE_DIM, CONV_SHAPE_DIM)

    in_dtype = in_dtype.lower()
    w_dtype = w_dtype.lower()
    res_dtype = res_dtype.lower()
    #    scaleQ_dtype = scaleQ_dtype.lower()
    #    offsetQ_dtype = offsetQ_dtype.lower()
    #    scaleDq_dtype = scaleDq_dtype.lower()
    #    scaleRq_dtype = scaleRq_dtype.lower()
    #    offsetRq_dtype = offsetRq_dtype.lower()
    #    offsetW_dtype = offsetW_dtype.lower()
    #    offsetPad_dtype = offsetPad_dtype.lower()

    # conv data type check
    util.check_dtype_rule(in_dtype, ['float16', 'int8', 'uint8'])
    util.check_dtype_rule(w_dtype, ['float16', 'int8', 'uint8'])
    util.check_dtype_rule(res_dtype, ['float16', 'int8', 'uint8'])
    #    util.check_dtype_rule(scaleQ_dtype, ['float16'])
    #    util.check_dtype_rule(offsetQ_dtype, ['float16'])
    #    util.check_dtype_rule(scaleDq_dtype, ['float16'])
    #    util.check_dtype_rule(scaleRq_dtype, ['float16'])
    #    util.check_dtype_rule(offsetRq_dtype, ['float16'])
    #    util.check_dtype_rule(offsetW_dtype, ['int32'])
    #    util.check_dtype_rule(offsetPad_dtype, ['uint8'])

    #    if quantizeConfig[0] == 0:
    util.check_dtype_rule(in_dtype, ['float16'])
    util.check_dtype_rule(w_dtype, ['float16'])
    util.check_dtype_rule(res_dtype, ['float16'])

    #    if quantizeConfig[0] == 1:
    #        util.check_dtype_rule(w_dtype, ['int8'])

    shape_in = list(shape_in)
    shape_w = list(shape_w)

    #    shape_in, shape_w = te.lang.cce.check_conv_shape(shape_in, shape_w, padh, padw, strideh,
    #                                                     stridew, in_dtype, w_dtype, res_dtype)

    #    if shape_in[1]!=shape_w[1]:
    #        raise RuntimeError("shape_in[1] must equal to shape_w[1]")

    block_size_K = CUBE_MKN[in_dtype]['mac'][1]
    shape_in[1] = (
        (shape_in[1] + block_size_K - 1) // block_size_K) * block_size_K
    shape_w[1] = shape_in[1]

    hi = shape_in[2]
    wi = shape_in[3]
    hk = shape_w[2]
    wk = shape_w[3]
    h_out = 0
    w_out = 0
    #    print(hi)
    #    print(wi)
    #    print(hk)
    #    print(wk)
    #   print(strideh)
    #    print(stridew)
    #    print(padh)
    #    print(padw)
    if strideh != 0:
        h_out = (hi + (2 * padh) - hk) / strideh + 1  # calculated by hi and wi
    if stridew != 0:
        w_out = (wi + (2 * padw) - wk) / stridew + 1  # calculated by hi and wi

    if h_out <= 0:
        raise RuntimeError(
            "h_out must >0, h_out = (hi + (2 * padh) - hk) / strideh + 1")
    if w_out <= 0:
        raise RuntimeError(
            "w_out must >0, w_out = (wi + (2 * padw) - wk) / stridew + 1")

    if padh > hk:
        raise RuntimeError("kernel H must >= Pad H")

    if (shape_in[0] * w_out * h_out * hk * wk *
            CUBE_MKN[w_dtype]['mac'][1]) > (np.int64(2**31) - 1):
        raise RuntimeError("im2col shape exceed 32bit limitation")

    conv_check_rule(shape_in, shape_w, in_dtype, w_dtype, padh, padw, strideh,

    if res_dtype in ['int8', 'uint8']:
        w_block_size_K = CUBE_MKN[w_dtype]['mac'][1]
        shape_w[0] = ((shape_w[0] + w_block_size_K - 1) //
                      w_block_size_K) * w_block_size_K
        w_block_size_N = CUBE_MKN[w_dtype]['mac'][2]
        shape_w[0] = ((shape_w[0] + w_block_size_N - 1) //
                      w_block_size_N) * w_block_size_N

    # padh, padw check
    if padh < PAD_MIN or padh > PAD_MAX:
        raise RuntimeError("padh must be in [0,255].")
    if padw < PAD_MIN or padw > PAD_MAX:
        raise RuntimeError("padw must be in [0,255].")

    # strideh, stridew check
    if strideh < STRIDE_MIN or strideh > STRIDE_MAX:
        raise RuntimeError("strideh must be in [1,63].")
    if stridew < STRIDE_MIN or stridew > STRIDE_MAX:
        raise RuntimeError("stridew must be in [1,63].")

    # filterH, filterW check
    if shape_w[2] < FILTER_HW_MIN or shape_w[2] > FILTER_HW_MAX:
        raise RuntimeError("filterh must be in [1,255].")
    if shape_w[3] < FILTER_HW_MIN or shape_w[3] > FILTER_HW_MAX:
        raise RuntimeError("filterw must be in [1,255].")

    # tiling check, filterH*inputC*inputW*sizeof(in_dtype) < half of(L1_BUFFER)
    SIZE_OF_L1_BUFFER = cce_product.getParams("L1_Buffer")  # bytes

    if (in_dtype == 'float16'):
        if (shape_w[2]) * (shape_in[1]) * (shape_in[3]) * SIZE_OF_FP16 > (
                SIZE_OF_L1_BUFFER / 2):
            raise RuntimeError("min cut is out of half of L1 memory.")

    if (in_dtype == 'int8' or in_dtype == 'uint8'):
        if (shape_w[2]) * (shape_in[1]) * (shape_in[3]) * SIZE_OF_8BIT > (
                SIZE_OF_L1_BUFFER / 2):
            raise RuntimeError("min cut is out of half of L1 memory.")

    # quantize switch on

#    if quantizeConfig[0] == 1:
#        quantizeTurnOn = True
# quantize -> DeQuantize dataflow
#        if (in_dtype == 'float16' and w_dtype == 'int8' and res_dtype == 'float16'):
#            isQuantize = True
#            isDeQuantize = True
#            isReQuantize = False
# DeQuantize dataflow
#        elif ((in_dtype == 'int8' or in_dtype == 'uint8') and w_dtype == 'int8' and res_dtype == 'float16'):
#            isQuantize = False
#            isDeQuantize = True
#            isReQuantize = False
# quantize -> ReQuantize dataflow
#        elif (in_dtype == 'float16' and w_dtype == 'int8' and (res_dtype == 'int8' or res_dtype == 'uint8')):
#            isQuantize = True
#            isDeQuantize = False
#            isReQuantize = True
# ReQuantize dataflow
#        elif ((in_dtype == 'int8' or in_dtype == 'uint8') and w_dtype == 'int8' and (res_dtype == 'int8' or res_dtype == 'uint8')):
#            isQuantize = False
#            isDeQuantize = False
#            isReQuantize = True
#        else:
#            raise RuntimeError("Not support in/out data type for quantize.")
# quantize switch off
#    elif quantizeConfig[0] == 0:
    quantizeTurnOn = False
    isQuantize = False
    isDeQuantize = False
    isReQuantize = False
    #    else:
    #        raise RuntimeError("Invalid Quantize Config.")

    # - - - # - - - # - - - - - - - # - - - - - - # - - - # - - - # - - - - #
    # 07    | 06    | 05      04    | 03          | 02    | 01    | 00      #
    # QSqrt | scale | offset        | ReQ         | DeQ   | Quan  | Switch  #
    # - - - # - - - # - - - # - - - # - - - - - - # - - - # - - - # - - - - #
    # 15    | 14    | 13    | 12    | 11          | 10    | 09    | 08      #
    # Null  | Null  | Null  | Null  |in_dsl_flag  | bias  | RqSqrt| DqSqrt  #
    # - - - # - - - # - - - # - - - # - - - # - - - # - - - # - - - - #
    # in_dsl_flag     #0: to imply conv by ir directly, it's not perferred
    #                 #1: to imply  conv by dsl, it's default way
    #    in_dsl_flag = 1  # 0 for old conv
    #    te.lang.cce.conv_param.tiling = tiling

    model_config = (1 if quantizeTurnOn else 0)     \
        | (1 if isQuantize else 0) << 1    \
        | (1 if isDeQuantize else 0) << 2  \
        | (1 if isReQuantize else 0) << 3  \
        | 0 << 4           \
        | 0 << 6           \
        | 0 << 7                \
        | 0 << 8                \
        | 0 << 9                \
        | (1 if bias else 0) << 10         \
        | 1 << 11

        Data = tvm.placeholder(shape_in, name='Fmap', dtype=in_dtype)
        Weight = tvm.placeholder(shape_w, name='Filter', dtype=w_dtype)

        # bias or fusion_bias(half offset)
        if bias or (model_config & 0x31 == 0x11):
            Bias = tvm.placeholder(
                (shape_w[0], ),
                dtype="int32" if quantizeTurnOn else "float16")
        # bias or fusion_bias(all offset)
        elif bias or (model_config & 0x31 == 0x21):
            Bias = tvm.placeholder(
                (shape_w[0], ),
                dtype="uint32" if quantizeTurnOn else "float16")

        # quantize on
        if quantizeTurnOn:
            QuantizeAlgorithm = quantizeConfig[1]
            if isQuantize:
                scaleQ = tvm.placeholder((CUBE_MKN[scaleQ_dtype]['mac'][1], ),
                if QuantizeAlgorithm == 1 or QuantizeAlgorithm == 2:
                    offsetQ = tvm.placeholder(
                        (CUBE_MKN[offsetQ_dtype]['mac'][1], ),

            if isDeQuantize:
                scaleDq_shape = (CUBE_MKN[scaleDq_dtype]['mac'][1],
                                 ) if quantizeConfig[2] == 0 else (
                                     shape_w[0], )
                scaleDq = tvm.placeholder(scaleDq_shape,

            if isReQuantize:
                scaleRq_shape = (CUBE_MKN[scaleRq_dtype]['mac'][1],
                                 ) if quantizeConfig[2] == 0 else (
                                     shape_w[0], )
                scaleRq = tvm.placeholder(scaleRq_shape,
                if QuantizeAlgorithm == 1 or QuantizeAlgorithm == 2:
                    offsetRq_shape = (CUBE_MKN[offsetRq_dtype]['mac'][1],
                                      ) if quantizeConfig[2] == 0 else (
                                          shape_w[0], )
                    offsetRq = tvm.placeholder(offsetRq_shape,
            # need offsetPad , for half offset and all offset
            if QuantizeAlgorithm == 1 or QuantizeAlgorithm == 2:
                offsetPad = tvm.placeholder(
                    (CUBE_MKN[offsetPad_dtype]['mac'][1], ),

            # non offset
            if QuantizeAlgorithm == 0:
                if bias:
                    if isQuantize:
                        if isDeQuantize:
                            tensor_list = te.lang.cce.conv(
                                Data, Weight, Bias, scaleQ, scaleDq, res_dtype,
                                padh, padw, strideh, stridew, model_config)
                            tensor_list = te.lang.cce.conv(
                                Data, Weight, Bias, scaleQ, scaleRq, res_dtype,
                                padh, padw, strideh, stridew, model_config)

                        if isDeQuantize:
                            tensor_list = te.lang.cce.conv(
                                Data, Weight, Bias, scaleDq, res_dtype, padh,
                                padw, strideh, stridew, model_config)
                            tensor_list = te.lang.cce.conv(
                                Data, Weight, Bias, scaleRq, res_dtype, padh,
                                padw, strideh, stridew, model_config)

                    if isQuantize:
                        if isDeQuantize:
                            tensor_list = te.lang.cce.conv(
                                Data, Weight, scaleQ, scaleDq, res_dtype, padh,
                                padw, strideh, stridew, model_config)
                            tensor_list = te.lang.cce.conv(
                                Data, Weight, scaleQ, scaleRq, res_dtype, padh,
                                padw, strideh, stridew, model_config)

                        if isDeQuantize:
                            tensor_list = te.lang.cce.conv(
                                Data, Weight, scaleDq, res_dtype, padh, padw,
                                strideh, stridew, model_config)
                            tensor_list = te.lang.cce.conv(
                                Data, Weight, scaleRq, res_dtype, padh, padw,
                                strideh, stridew, model_config)

            # half offset
            elif QuantizeAlgorithm == 1:
                if isQuantize:
                    if isDeQuantize:
                        tensor_list = te.lang.cce.conv(Data, Weight, Bias,
                                                       scaleQ, offsetQ,
                                                       scaleDq, offsetPad,
                                                       res_dtype, padh, padw,
                                                       strideh, stridew,
                        tensor_list = te.lang.cce.conv(Data, Weight, Bias,
                                                       scaleQ, offsetQ,
                                                       scaleRq, offsetRq,
                                                       offsetPad, res_dtype,
                                                       padh, padw, strideh,
                                                       stridew, model_config)

                    if isDeQuantize:
                        tensor_list = te.lang.cce.conv(Data, Weight, Bias,
                                                       scaleDq, offsetPad,
                                                       res_dtype, padh, padw,
                                                       strideh, stridew,
                        tensor_list = te.lang.cce.conv(Data, Weight, Bias,
                                                       scaleRq, offsetRq,
                                                       offsetPad, res_dtype,
                                                       padh, padw, strideh,
                                                       stridew, model_config)

            # all offset
            elif QuantizeAlgorithm == 2:
                raise RuntimeError("All Offset mode quantize not support.")
                raise RuntimeError("Invalid quantize algorithm.")
        # quantize off
            if bias:
                # Res = Data * Weight + Bias
                tensor_list = te.lang.cce.conv(Data, Weight, Bias, res_dtype,
                                               padh, padw, strideh, stridew,
                # Res = Data * Weight
                tensor_list = te.lang.cce.conv(Data, Weight, res_dtype, padh,
                                               padw, strideh, stridew,

        tensor_list = list(tensor_list)
        sch = generic.auto_schedule(tensor_list[-1])

    config = {
        "print_ir": need_print,
        "need_build": need_build,
        "name": kernel_name,
        "tensor_list": tensor_list

    te.lang.cce.cce_build_code(sch, config)