def get_profile_name(self):
		Returns current output profile name (@see zen_coding#setup_profile)
		@return {String}
        forced_profile = zen.get_variable("profile")
        if forced_profile:
            return forced_profile

        close_string = tea.get_tag_closestring(self._context)
        if close_string == "/":
            return "xml"
        elif close_string != " /":
            return "html"
            return "xhtml"
	def get_profile_name(self):
		Returns current output profile name (@see zen_coding#setup_profile)
		@return {String}
		forced_profile = zen.get_variable('profile')
		if forced_profile:
			return forced_profile
		close_string = tea.get_tag_closestring(self._context)
		if close_string == '/':
			return 'xml'
		elif close_string != ' /':
			return 'html'
			return 'xhtml'
Exemple #3
    def get_profile_name(self):
		Returns current output profile name (@see zen_coding#setup_profile)
		@return {String}

        #		forced_profile = zen.get_variable('profile')
        #		if forced_profile:
        #			return forced_profile

        close_string = tea.get_tag_closestring(self._context)
        if close_string == '/':
            return 'xml'
        elif close_string != ' /':
            return 'html'
            return 'xhtml'
def act(context, default=None, alpha_numeric=True, extra_characters='',
        bidirectional=True, mode=None, close_string='', undo_name=None,
    Required action method
    Transforms the word under the cursor (or the word immediately previous
    to the cursor) into a snippet (or processes it using zen-coding)
    The snippet offers two placeholders:
    $EDITOR_SELECTION: replaced with the word, or any selected text
    $WORD: if text is selected, replaced just with the first word
    if default is None:
        return False
    range = tea.get_single_range(context, True)
    if range == None:
        return False
    # Check for specific zone override
    snippet = tea.select_from_zones(context, range, default, **syntaxes)
    # Fetch the word
    word, new_range = tea.get_word_or_selection(context, range, alpha_numeric,
                                                extra_characters, bidirectional)
    if word == '':
        # No word, so nothing further to do
        return False
    # If we're using $WORD, make sure the word is just a word
    if snippet.find('$WORD') >= 0:
        fullword = word
        word = tea.parse_word(word)
        if word is None:
            word = ''
        fullword = word
    # We've got some extra work if the mode is HTML or zen
    # This is a really hacky solution, but I can't think of a concise way to
    # represent this functionality via XML
    # TODO remove it
    if mode == 'zen' and fullword.find(' ') < 0:
        # Explicitly load zen settings
        zen_settings = settings_loader.load_settings()
        # Set up the config variables
        zen_core.newline = tea.get_line_ending(context)
        zen_settings['variables']['indentation'] = tea.get_indentation_string(context)
        # This allows us to use smart incrementing tab stops in zen snippets
        point_ix = [0]
        def place_ins_point(text):
            point_ix[0] += 1
            return '$%s' % point_ix[0]
        zen_core.insertion_point = place_ins_point
        # Detect the type of document we're working with
        zones = {
            'css, css *': 'css',
            'xsl, xsl *': 'xsl',
            'xml, xml *': 'xml'
        doc_type = tea.select_from_zones(context, range, 'html', **zones)
        # Setup the zen profile based on doc_type and XHTML status
        profile = {}
        if doc_type == 'html':
            close_string = tea.get_tag_closestring(context)
            if close_string == '/':
                profile['self_closing_tag'] = True
            elif close_string != ' /':
                profile['self_closing_tag'] = False
        elif doc_type == 'xml':
            profile = {'self_closing_tag': True, 'tag_nl': True}
        zen_core.setup_profile('tea_profile', profile)
        # Prepare the snippet
        snippet = zen_core.expand_abbreviation(fullword, doc_type, 'tea_profile')
    elif (mode == 'zen' or mode == 'html') and tea.is_selfclosing(word):
        # Self-closing, so construct the snippet from scratch
        snippet = '<' + fullword
        if fullword == word and not fullword in ['br', 'hr']:
            snippet += ' $1'
        snippet += '$E_XHTML>$0'
    # Special replacement in case we're using $WORD
    snippet = snippet.replace('$WORD', word)
    # Construct the snippet
    snippet = tea.construct_snippet(fullword, snippet)
    return tea.insert_snippet_over_range(context, snippet, new_range, undo_name)
def act(
    Required action method
    Transforms the word under the cursor (or the word immediately previous
    to the cursor) into a snippet (or processes it using zen-coding)
    The snippet offers two placeholders:
    $SELECTED_TEXT: replaced with the word, or any selected text
    $WORD: if text is selected, replaced just with the first word

    if default is None:
        return False
    range = tea.get_single_range(context, True)
    if range == None:
        return False
    # Check for specific zone override
    snippet = tea.select_from_zones(context, range, default, **syntaxes)
    # Fetch the word
    word, new_range = tea.get_word_or_selection(context, range, alpha_numeric, extra_characters, bidirectional)
    if word == "":
        # No word, so nothing further to do
        return False
    # If we're using $WORD, make sure the word is just a word
    if snippet.find("$WORD") >= 0:
        fullword = word
        word = tea.parse_word(word)
        if word is None:
            word = ""
        fullword = word

    # We've got some extra work if the mode is HTML or zen
    # This is a really hacky solution, but I can't think of a concise way to
    # represent this functionality via XML
    if mode == "zen" and fullword.find(" ") < 0:
        # Set up the config variables
        zen_core.newline = tea.get_line_ending(context)
        # This allows us to use smart incrementing tab stops in zen snippets
        global point_ix
        point_ix = 0

        def place_ins_point(text):
            globals()["point_ix"] += 1
            return "$%s" % point_ix

        zen_core.insertion_point = place_ins_point
        zen_core.sub_insertion_point = place_ins_point
        zen_core.selfclosing_string = tea.get_tag_closestring(context)
        zen_settings["indentation"] = tea.get_indentation_string(context)
        # Detect the type of document we're working with
        zones = {"css, css *": "css", "xsl, xsl *": "xsl", "xml, xml *": "xml"}
        doc_type = tea.select_from_zones(context, range, "html", **zones)

        # Prepare the snippet
        snippet = zen_core.expand_abbr(fullword, doc_type)
    elif (mode == "zen" or mode == "html") and tea.is_selfclosing(word):
        # Self-closing, so construct the snippet from scratch
        snippet = "<" + fullword
        if fullword == word and not fullword in ["br", "hr"]:
            snippet += " $1"
        snippet += "$E_XHTML>$0"
    # Indent the snippet
    snippet = tea.indent_snippet(context, snippet, new_range)
    # Special replacement in case we're using $WORD
    snippet = snippet.replace("$WORD", word)
    # Construct the snippet
    snippet = tea.construct_snippet(fullword, snippet)
    return tea.insert_snippet_over_range(context, snippet, new_range, undo_name)
 def performActionWithContext_error_(self, context):
     Gathers the necessary info, populates the environment, and runs
     the script
     def execute(file, input):
         '''Utility function for running the script'''
         script = subprocess.Popen(
         return script.communicate(str(input))
     if self.script is None:
         tea.log('No script found')
         return False
     # Environment variables that won't change with repetition
     os.putenv('E_SUGARPATH', self.bundle_path)
     filepath = context.documentContext().fileURL()
     if filepath is not None:
         os.putenv('E_FILENAME', filepath.path().lastPathComponent())
         if filepath.isFileURL():
             os.putenv('E_FILEPATH', filepath.path())
     root = tea.get_root_zone(context)
     if root is False:
         root = ''
     os.putenv('E_ROOT_ZONE', root)
     # Set up the preferences
     prefs = tea.get_prefs(context)
     os.putenv('E_SOFT_TABS', str(prefs.insertsSpacesForTab()))
     os.putenv('E_TAB_SIZE', str(prefs.numberOfSpacesForTab()))
     os.putenv('E_LINE_ENDING', prefs.lineEndingString())
     os.putenv('E_XHTML', tea.get_tag_closestring(context))
     # Set up the user-defined shell variables
     defaults = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults()
     for item in defaults.arrayForKey_('TEAShellVariables'):
         if 'variable' in item and item['variable'] != '':
             os.putenv(item['variable'], item['value'])
     # Initialize our common variables
     recipe = tea.new_recipe()
     ranges = tea.get_ranges(context)
     # Check the user script folder for overrides
     file = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser(
         '~/Library/Application Support/Espresso/TEA/Scripts/'
     ), self.script)
     if not os.path.exists(file):
         file = os.path.join(self.bundle_path, 'TEA', self.script)
     if not os.path.exists(file):
         # File doesn't exist in the bundle, either, so something is screwy
         return tea.say(
             context, 'Error: could not find script',
             'TEA could not find the script associated with this action. '\
             'Please contact the Sugar developer, or make sure it is '\
             'installed here:\n\n'\
             '~/Library/Application Support/Espresso/TEA/Scripts'
     # There's always at least one range; this thus supports multiple
     # discontinuous selections
     for range in ranges:
         # These environment variables may change with repetition, so reset
         word, wordrange = tea.get_word(context, range)
         os.putenv('E_CURRENT_WORD', str(word))
         os.putenv('E_LINEINDEX', str(
             range.location - \
                 range.location, None
         active = tea.get_active_zone(context, range)
         if active is False:
             active = ''
         os.putenv('E_ACTIVE_ZONE', str(active))
         # Setup STDIN and track the source
         source = 'input'
         if self.input == 'selection':
             input = tea.get_selection(context, range)
             if input == '':
                 if self.alt == 'document':
                     input = context.string()
                 elif self.alt == 'line':
                     input, range = tea.get_line(context, range)
                     # For this usage, we don't want to pass the final linebreak
                     input = input[:-1]
                     range = tea.new_range(range.location, range.length-1)
                 elif self.alt == 'word':
                     input, range = tea.get_word(context, range)
                 elif self.alt == 'character':
                     input, range = tea.get_character(context, range)
                 source = 'alt'
         elif self.input == 'document':
             input = context.string()
             input = ''
         # Run the script
             output, error = execute(file, input)
             # Most likely cause of failure is lack of executable status
                 os.chmod(file, 0755)
                 output, error = execute(file, input)
                 # Failed to execute completely, so exit with error
                 return tea.say(
                     context, 'Error: cannot execute script',
                     'Error: could not execute the script. Please contact '\
                     'the Sugar author.'
         # Log errors
         if error:
         # Process the output
         output = output.decode('utf-8')
         if self.output == 'document' or \
            (source == 'alt' and self.alt == 'document'):
             docrange = tea.new_range(0, context.string().length())
             recipe.addReplacementString_forRange_(output, docrange)
         elif self.output == 'text':
             recipe.addReplacementString_forRange_(output, range)
         elif self.output == 'snippet':
     # If no output, we don't need to go any further
     if self.output is None:
         return True
     # Made it here, so apply the recipe and return
     if self.undo is not None:
     if recipe.numberOfChanges() > 0:
         response = context.applyTextRecipe_(recipe)
         response = True
     if self.output == 'snippet':
         response = tea.insert_snippet(context, output)
     return response