Exemple #1
def makeTestList(request):
    """call the testListGenerator, return the response as excel file for download"""
    team, release = getTeamAndReleaseObjectsFromSession(request.session)
    testList = testListGenerator.createTestList(team, release)

    fileName = '%s_%s_%s_TestList.xls' % (date.today().strftime('%Y%m%d'), team.team_name, release.release_name)

    # File will be saved as django response:
    # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1886744/use-pyexcelerator-to-generate-dynamic-excel-file-with-django-ensure-unique-tempo/1886836#1886836
    # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/974079/setting-mime-type-for-excel-document
    response = HttpResponse(mimetype="application/vnd.ms-excel")
    response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename="%s"' % fileName

    return response
Exemple #2
def createBatchfileFromTestList(request):
    Create a batch file from the test list showing how the tests can be run from the command line.
    If a test does not have a test_script specified, fortyTwo does not know about it, and it cannot
    be added to this file.

    Assume python runs the tests.

    Add \r\n as the end line since that is what Windows/Notepad like.

    See 60293: Create a Mechanism to output the command line for running tests from fortyTwo.
    end = "\r\n"

    team, release = getTeamAndReleaseObjectsFromSession(request.session)
    testList = Planned_Exec.active.filter(team=team, release=release) \
                                  .exclude(test_script__isnull=True)  \
                                  .exclude(test_script__exact='')     \
                                  .order_by('protocol__name', 'case__test__number', 'case__number', 'plm__pg_model')  \
    fileName = '%s_%s_%s_BatchFile.txt' % (date.today().strftime('%Y%m%d'), team.team_name, release.release_name)
    response = HttpResponse(mimetype="text/plain")
    response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename="%s"' % fileName


        # Write Header information
        response.write("REM - Batch file output from fortyTwo generated at %s" % datetime.now())
        response.write("REM - WARNING: The output in this file is not validated for fortyTwo's intended use."+end)
        response.write("REM "+end)

        for test in testList:
                response.write('python '+test.test_script+' '+test.commandlineargs.printCommandLine()+end)

            except CommandLineArgs.DoesNotExist:
                pass # tests without command line args do not need to be added to the batch file

        response.write("REM - An unknown error occurred during the creation of this file. Contact a fortyTwo administrator."+end)


    return response
Exemple #3
def createZipFileFromTestList(request):
    Creates and returns a zip file of all log files included in the current test
    list. The current test list refers to the logs that are present in the xls
    created by clicking on the export test list button on the project dashboard.
    team, release = getTeamAndReleaseObjectsFromSession(request.session)
    testList = Planned_Exec.active.filter(team=team, release=release)

    # Create a zip archive
    fileName = '%s_%s_%s_TestLogs.zip' % (date.today().strftime('%Y%m%d'), team.team_name, release.release_name)
    temp = cStringIO.StringIO()
    zf = ZipFile(temp, 'w', compression=ZIP_DEFLATED)
    success = True

        for plExec in testList:

            # See if a log file exists for this plExec
            log = False
            if plExec.latesttestlog_set.all().count() >= 1:
                log = plExec.latesttestlog_set.all()[0].testlog

            # Write the log
            if log:
                logger.info("Adding to archive: %s" % os.path.basename(log.log_file))
                zf.write(os.sep.join([settings.LOG_PARSE_BASE_PATH, log.log_file]), os.path.basename(log.log_file))

    except Exception as e:
        err = e
        success = False

        # Done writing the log file, close (save) it

    if success:
        temp.seek(0) # rewind it
        response = HttpResponse(temp.read(), mimetype="application/x-zip-compressed")
        response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename="%s"' % fileName
        response['Content-Length'] = temp.tell()
        return response

        return HttpResponse('There was an error creating the log file archive: %s' % err, status=500)