Exemple #1
def tedpca(data_cat,
    Use principal components analysis (PCA) to identify and remove thermal
    noise from multi-echo data.

    data_cat : (S x E x T) array_like
        Input functional data
    data_oc : (S x T) array_like
        Optimally combined time series data
    combmode : {'t2s', 'paid'} str
        How optimal combination of echos should be made, where 't2s' indicates
        using the method of Posse 1999 and 'paid' indicates using the method of
        Poser 2006
    mask : (S,) array_like
        Boolean mask array
    adaptive_mask : (S,) array_like
        Array where each value indicates the number of echoes with good signal
        for that voxel. This mask may be thresholded; for example, with values
        less than 3 set to 0.
        For more information on thresholding, see `make_adaptive_mask`.
    t2sG : (S,) array_like
        Map of voxel-wise T2* estimates.
    ref_img : :obj:`str` or img_like
        Reference image to dictate how outputs are saved to disk
    tes : :obj:`list`
        List of echo times associated with `data_cat`, in milliseconds
    algorithm : {'kundu', 'kundu-stabilize', 'mdl', 'aic', 'kic', float}, optional
        Method with which to select components in TEDPCA. PCA
        decomposition with the mdl, kic and aic options are based on a Moving Average
        (stationary Gaussian) process and are ordered from most to least aggressive
        (see Li et al., 2007).
        If a float is provided, then it is assumed to represent percentage of variance
        explained (0-1) to retain from PCA.
        Default is 'mdl'.
    kdaw : :obj:`float`, optional
        Dimensionality augmentation weight for Kappa calculations. Must be a
        non-negative float, or -1 (a special value). Default is 10.
    rdaw : :obj:`float`, optional
        Dimensionality augmentation weight for Rho calculations. Must be a
        non-negative float, or -1 (a special value). Default is 1.
    out_dir : :obj:`str`, optional
        Output directory.
    verbose : :obj:`bool`, optional
        Whether to output files from fitmodels_direct or not. Default: False
    low_mem : :obj:`bool`, optional
        Whether to use incremental PCA (for low-memory systems) or not.
        This is only compatible with the "kundu" or "kundu-stabilize" algorithms.
        Default: False

    kept_data : (S x T) :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
        Dimensionally reduced optimally combined functional data
    n_components : :obj:`int`
        Number of components retained from PCA decomposition

    ======================    =================================================
    Notation                  Meaning
    ======================    =================================================
    :math:`\\kappa`            Component pseudo-F statistic for TE-dependent
                              (BOLD) model.
    :math:`\\rho`              Component pseudo-F statistic for TE-independent
                              (artifact) model.
    :math:`v`                 Voxel
    :math:`V`                 Total number of voxels in mask
    :math:`\\zeta`             Something
    :math:`c`                 Component
    :math:`p`                 Something else
    ======================    =================================================


    1.  Variance normalize either multi-echo or optimally combined data,
        depending on settings.
    2.  Decompose normalized data using PCA or SVD.
    3.  Compute :math:`{\\kappa}` and :math:`{\\rho}`:

            .. math::
                {\\kappa}_c = \\frac{\\sum_{v}^V {\\zeta}_{c,v}^p * \
                      F_{c,v,R_2^*}}{\\sum {\\zeta}_{c,v}^p}

                {\\rho}_c = \\frac{\\sum_{v}^V {\\zeta}_{c,v}^p * \
                      F_{c,v,S_0}}{\\sum {\\zeta}_{c,v}^p}

    4.  Some other stuff. Something about elbows.
    5.  Classify components as thermal noise if they meet both of the
        following criteria:

            - Nonsignificant :math:`{\\kappa}` and :math:`{\\rho}`.
            - Nonsignificant variance explained.


    This function writes out several files:

    ======================    =================================================
    Filename                  Content
    ======================    =================================================
    pca_decomposition.json    PCA component table.
    pca_mixing.tsv            PCA mixing matrix.
    pca_components.nii.gz     Component weight maps.
    ======================    =================================================

    See Also
    :func:`tedana.utils.make_adaptive_mask` : The function used to create the ``adaptive_mask``
    if algorithm == 'kundu':
        alg_str = ("followed by the Kundu component selection decision "
                   "tree (Kundu et al., 2013)")
        RefLGR.info("Kundu, P., Brenowitz, N. D., Voon, V., Worbe, Y., "
                    "Vértes, P. E., Inati, S. J., ... & Bullmore, E. T. "
                    "(2013). Integrated strategy for improving functional "
                    "connectivity mapping using multiecho fMRI. Proceedings "
                    "of the National Academy of Sciences, 110(40), "
    elif algorithm == 'kundu-stabilize':
        alg_str = ("followed by the 'stabilized' Kundu component "
                   "selection decision tree (Kundu et al., 2013)")
        RefLGR.info("Kundu, P., Brenowitz, N. D., Voon, V., Worbe, Y., "
                    "Vértes, P. E., Inati, S. J., ... & Bullmore, E. T. "
                    "(2013). Integrated strategy for improving functional "
                    "connectivity mapping using multiecho fMRI. Proceedings "
                    "of the National Academy of Sciences, 110(40), "
    elif isinstance(algorithm, Number):
        alg_str = (
            "in which the number of components was determined based on a "
            "variance explained threshold")
        alg_str = (
            "based on the PCA component estimation with a Moving Average"
            "(stationary Gaussian) process (Li et al., 2007)")
        RefLGR.info("Li, Y.O., Adalı, T. and Calhoun, V.D., (2007). "
                    "Estimating the number of independent components for "
                    "functional magnetic resonance imaging data. "
                    "Human brain mapping, 28(11), pp.1251-1266.")

    RepLGR.info("Principal component analysis {0} was applied to "
                "the optimally combined data for dimensionality "

    n_samp, n_echos, n_vols = data_cat.shape

    LGR.info('Computing PCA of optimally combined multi-echo data')
    data = data_oc[mask, :]

    data_z = ((data.T - data.T.mean(axis=0)) /
              data.T.std(axis=0)).T  # var normalize ts
    data_z = (data_z -
              data_z.mean()) / data_z.std()  # var normalize everything

    if algorithm in ['mdl', 'aic', 'kic']:
        data_img = io.new_nii_like(ref_img, utils.unmask(data, mask))
        mask_img = io.new_nii_like(ref_img, mask.astype(int))
        voxel_comp_weights, varex, varex_norm, comp_ts = ma_pca.ma_pca(
            data_img, mask_img, algorithm)
    elif isinstance(algorithm, Number):
        ppca = PCA(copy=False, n_components=algorithm, svd_solver="full")
        comp_ts = ppca.components_.T
        varex = ppca.explained_variance_
        voxel_comp_weights = np.dot(np.dot(data_z, comp_ts),
                                    np.diag(1. / varex))
        varex_norm = varex / varex.sum()
    elif low_mem:
        voxel_comp_weights, varex, comp_ts = low_mem_pca(data_z)
        varex_norm = varex / varex.sum()
        ppca = PCA(copy=False, n_components=(n_vols - 1))
        comp_ts = ppca.components_.T
        varex = ppca.explained_variance_
        voxel_comp_weights = np.dot(np.dot(data_z, comp_ts),
                                    np.diag(1. / varex))
        varex_norm = varex / varex.sum()

    # Compute Kappa and Rho for PCA comps
    # Normalize each component's time series
    vTmixN = stats.zscore(comp_ts, axis=0)
    comptable, _, _, _ = metrics.dependence_metrics(data_cat,

    # varex_norm from PCA overrides varex_norm from dependence_metrics,
    # but we retain the original
    comptable['estimated normalized variance explained'] = \
        comptable['normalized variance explained']
    comptable['normalized variance explained'] = varex_norm

    # write component maps to 4D image
    comp_ts_z = stats.zscore(comp_ts, axis=0)
    comp_maps = utils.unmask(computefeats2(data_oc, comp_ts_z, mask), mask)
    io.filewrite(comp_maps, op.join(out_dir, 'pca_components.nii.gz'), ref_img)

    # Select components using decision tree
    if algorithm == 'kundu':
        comptable = kundu_tedpca(comptable,
    elif algorithm == 'kundu-stabilize':
        comptable = kundu_tedpca(comptable,
        alg_str = "variance explained-based" if isinstance(
            algorithm, Number) else algorithm
        LGR.info('Selected {0} components with {1} dimensionality '
                 'detection'.format(comptable.shape[0], alg_str))
        comptable['classification'] = 'accepted'
        comptable['rationale'] = ''

    # Save decomposition
    comp_names = [
        for comp in comptable.index.values

    mixing_df = pd.DataFrame(data=comp_ts, columns=comp_names)
    mixing_df.to_csv(op.join(out_dir, 'pca_mixing.tsv'), sep='\t', index=False)

    comptable['Description'] = 'PCA fit to optimally combined data.'
    mmix_dict = {}
    mmix_dict['Method'] = ('Principal components analysis implemented by '
                           'sklearn. Components are sorted by variance '
                           'explained in descending order. '
                           'Component signs are flipped to best match the '
                      op.join(out_dir, 'pca_decomposition.json'),

    acc = comptable[comptable.classification == 'accepted'].index.values
    n_components = acc.size
    voxel_kept_comp_weighted = (voxel_comp_weights[:, acc] * varex[None, acc])
    kept_data = np.dot(voxel_kept_comp_weighted, comp_ts[:, acc].T)

    kept_data = stats.zscore(kept_data,
                             axis=1)  # variance normalize time series
    kept_data = stats.zscore(kept_data,
                             axis=None)  # variance normalize everything

    return kept_data, n_components
Exemple #2
def tedana_workflow(data, tes, mask=None, mixm=None, ctab=None, manacc=None,
                    tedort=False, gscontrol=None, tedpca='mle',
                    source_tes=-1, combmode='t2s', verbose=False, stabilize=False,
                    out_dir='.', fixed_seed=42, maxit=500, maxrestart=10,
                    debug=False, quiet=False, png=False, png_cmap='coolwarm',
    Run the "canonical" TE-Dependent ANAlysis workflow.

    data : :obj:`str` or :obj:`list` of :obj:`str`
        Either a single z-concatenated file (single-entry list or str) or a
        list of echo-specific files, in ascending order.
    tes : :obj:`list`
        List of echo times associated with data in milliseconds.
    mask : :obj:`str`, optional
        Binary mask of voxels to include in TE Dependent ANAlysis. Must be
        spatially aligned with `data`. If an explicit mask is not provided,
        then Nilearn's compute_epi_mask function will be used to derive a mask
        from the first echo's data.
    mixm : :obj:`str`, optional
        File containing mixing matrix. If not provided, ME-PCA and ME-ICA are
    ctab : :obj:`str`, optional
        File containing component table from which to extract pre-computed
    manacc : :obj:`list`, :obj:`str`, or None, optional
        List of manually accepted components. Can be a list of the components,
        a comma-separated string with component numbers, or None. Default is
    tedort : :obj:`bool`, optional
        Orthogonalize rejected components w.r.t. accepted ones prior to
        denoising. Default is False.
    gscontrol : {None, 't1c', 'gsr'} or :obj:`list`, optional
        Perform additional denoising to remove spatially diffuse noise. Default
        is None.
    tedpca : {'mle', 'kundu', 'kundu-stabilize'}, optional
        Method with which to select components in TEDPCA. Default is 'mle'.
    source_tes : :obj:`int`, optional
        Source TEs for models. 0 for all, -1 for optimal combination.
        Default is -1.
    combmode : {'t2s'}, optional
        Combination scheme for TEs: 't2s' (Posse 1999, default).
    verbose : :obj:`bool`, optional
        Generate intermediate and additional files. Default is False.
    png : obj:'bool', optional
        Generate simple plots and figures. Default is false.
    png_cmap : obj:'str', optional
            Name of a matplotlib colormap to be used when generating figures.
            --png must still be used to request figures. Default is 'coolwarm'
    out_dir : :obj:`str`, optional
        Output directory.

    Other Parameters
    fixed_seed : :obj:`int`, optional
        Value passed to ``mdp.numx_rand.seed()``.
        Set to a positive integer value for reproducible ICA results;
        otherwise, set to -1 for varying results across calls.
    maxit : :obj:`int`, optional
        Maximum number of iterations for ICA. Default is 500.
    maxrestart : :obj:`int`, optional
        Maximum number of attempts for ICA. If ICA fails to converge, the
        fixed seed will be updated and ICA will be run again. If convergence
        is achieved before maxrestart attempts, ICA will finish early.
        Default is 10.
    low_mem : :obj:`bool`, optional
        Enables low-memory processing, including the use of IncrementalPCA.
        May increase workflow duration. Default is False.
    debug : :obj:`bool`, optional
        Whether to run in debugging mode or not. Default is False.
    quiet : :obj:`bool`, optional
        If True, suppresses logging/printing of messages. Default is False.

    This workflow writes out several files. For a complete list of the files
    generated by this workflow, please visit
    out_dir = op.abspath(out_dir)
    if not op.isdir(out_dir):

    # boilerplate
    refs = []
    basename = 'report'
    extension = 'txt'
    repname = op.join(out_dir, (basename + '.' + extension))
    repex = op.join(out_dir, (basename + '*'))
    previousreps = glob(repex)
    for f in previousreps:
        previousparts = op.splitext(f)
        newname = previousparts[0] + '_old' + previousparts[1]
        os.rename(f, newname)

    if debug and not quiet:
        # ensure old logs aren't over-written
        basename = 'tedana_run'
        extension = 'txt'
        logname = op.join(out_dir, (basename + '.' + extension))
        logex = op.join(out_dir, (basename + '*'))
        previouslogs = glob(logex)
        for f in previouslogs:
            previousparts = op.splitext(f)
            newname = previousparts[0] + '_old' + previousparts[1]
            os.rename(f, newname)

        # set logging format
        formatter = logging.Formatter(

        # set up logging file and open it for writing
        fh = logging.FileHandler(logname)
                            handlers=[fh, logging.StreamHandler()])
    elif quiet:

    LGR.info('Using output directory: {}'.format(out_dir))

    # ensure tes are in appropriate format
    tes = [float(te) for te in tes]
    n_echos = len(tes)

    # Coerce gscontrol to list
    if not isinstance(gscontrol, list):
        gscontrol = [gscontrol]

    # coerce data to samples x echos x time array
    if isinstance(data, str):
        data = [data]

    LGR.info('Loading input data: {}'.format([f for f in data]))
    catd, ref_img = io.load_data(data, n_echos=n_echos)
    n_samp, n_echos, n_vols = catd.shape
    LGR.debug('Resulting data shape: {}'.format(catd.shape))

    # check if TR is 0
    img_t_r = ref_img.header.get_zooms()[-1]
    if img_t_r == 0 and png:
        raise IOError('Dataset has a TR of 0. This indicates incorrect'
                      ' header information. To correct this, we recommend'
                      ' using this snippet:'
                      'to correct your TR to the value it should be.')

    if mixm is not None and op.isfile(mixm):
        mixm = op.abspath(mixm)
        # Allow users to re-run on same folder
        if mixm != op.join(out_dir, 'meica_mix.1D'):
            shutil.copyfile(mixm, op.join(out_dir, 'meica_mix.1D'))
            shutil.copyfile(mixm, op.join(out_dir, op.basename(mixm)))
    elif mixm is not None:
        raise IOError('Argument "mixm" must be an existing file.')

    if ctab is not None and op.isfile(ctab):
        ctab = op.abspath(ctab)
        # Allow users to re-run on same folder
        if ctab != op.join(out_dir, 'comp_table_ica.txt'):
            shutil.copyfile(ctab, op.join(out_dir, 'comp_table_ica.txt'))
            shutil.copyfile(ctab, op.join(out_dir, op.basename(ctab)))
    elif ctab is not None:
        raise IOError('Argument "ctab" must be an existing file.')

    if isinstance(manacc, str):
        manacc = [int(comp) for comp in manacc.split(',')]

    if ctab and not mixm:
        LGR.warning('Argument "ctab" requires argument "mixm".')
        ctab = None
    elif ctab and (manacc is None):
        LGR.warning('Argument "ctab" requires argument "manacc".')
        ctab = None
    elif manacc is not None and not mixm:
        LGR.warning('Argument "manacc" requires argument "mixm".')
        manacc = None

    bp_str = ("TE-dependence analysis was performed on input data.")
    if mask is None:
        LGR.info('Computing EPI mask from first echo')
        first_echo_img = io.new_nii_like(ref_img, catd[:, 0, :])
        mask = compute_epi_mask(first_echo_img)
        bp_str += (" An initial mask was generated from the first echo using "
                   "nilearn's compute_epi_mask function.")
        # TODO: add affine check
        LGR.info('Using user-defined mask')
        bp_str += (" A user-defined mask was applied to the data.")

    mask, masksum = utils.make_adaptive_mask(catd, mask=mask, getsum=True)
    bp_str += (" An adaptive mask was then generated, in which each voxel's "
               "value reflects the number of echoes with 'good' data.")
    LGR.debug('Retaining {}/{} samples'.format(mask.sum(), n_samp))
    if verbose:
        io.filewrite(masksum, op.join(out_dir, 'adaptive_mask.nii'), ref_img)


    LGR.info('Computing T2* map')
    t2s, s0, t2ss, s0s, t2sG, s0G = decay.fit_decay(catd, tes, mask, masksum)
    bp_str += (" A monoexponential model was fit to the data at each voxel "
               "using log-linear regression in order to estimate T2* and S0 "
               "maps. For each voxel, the value from the adaptive mask was "
               "used to determine which echoes would be used to estimate T2* "
               "and S0.")

    # set a hard cap for the T2* map
    # anything that is 10x higher than the 99.5 %ile will be reset to 99.5 %ile
    cap_t2s = stats.scoreatpercentile(t2s.flatten(), 99.5,
    LGR.debug('Setting cap on T2* map at {:.5f}'.format(cap_t2s * 10))
    t2s[t2s > cap_t2s * 10] = cap_t2s
    io.filewrite(t2s, op.join(out_dir, 't2sv.nii'), ref_img)
    io.filewrite(s0, op.join(out_dir, 's0v.nii'), ref_img)

    if verbose:
        io.filewrite(t2ss, op.join(out_dir, 't2ss.nii'), ref_img)
        io.filewrite(s0s, op.join(out_dir, 's0vs.nii'), ref_img)
        io.filewrite(t2sG, op.join(out_dir, 't2svG.nii'), ref_img)
        io.filewrite(s0G, op.join(out_dir, 's0vG.nii'), ref_img)

    # optimally combine data
    data_oc = combine.make_optcom(catd, tes, mask, t2s=t2sG, combmode=combmode)
    if combmode == 't2s':
        cm_str = "'t2s' (Posse et al., 1999)"
        refs += ["Posse, S., Wiese, S., Gembris, D., Mathiak, K., Kessler, "
                 "C., Grosse‐Ruyken, M. L., ... & Kiselev, V. G. (1999). "
                 "Enhancement of BOLD‐contrast sensitivity by single‐shot "
                 "multi‐echo functional MR imaging. Magnetic Resonance in "
                 "Medicine: An Official Journal of the International Society "
                 "for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 42(1), 87-97."]

    bp_str += (" Multi-echo data were then optimally combined using the {0} "
               "combination method.").format(cm_str)

    # regress out global signal unless explicitly not desired
    if 'gsr' in gscontrol:
        catd, data_oc = gsc.gscontrol_raw(catd, data_oc, n_echos, ref_img)
        bp_str += (" Global signal regression was applied to the multi-echo "
                   "and optimally combined datasets.")

    if mixm is None:
        # Identify and remove thermal noise from data
        dd, n_components = decomposition.tedpca(catd, data_oc, combmode, mask,
                                                t2s, t2sG, ref_img,
                                                tes=tes, algorithm=tedpca,
                                                kdaw=10., rdaw=1.,
        if tedpca == 'mle':
            alg_str = "using MLE dimensionality estimation (Minka, 2001)"
            refs += ["Minka, T. P. (2001). Automatic choice of dimensionality "
                     "for PCA. In Advances in neural information processing "
                     "systems (pp. 598-604)."]
        elif tedpca == 'kundu':
            alg_str = ("followed by the Kundu component selection decision "
                       "tree (Kundu et al., 2013)")
            refs += ["Kundu, P., Brenowitz, N. D., Voon, V., Worbe, Y., "
                     "Vértes, P. E., Inati, S. J., ... & Bullmore, E. T. "
                     "(2013). Integrated strategy for improving functional "
                     "connectivity mapping using multiecho fMRI. Proceedings "
                     "of the National Academy of Sciences, 110(40), "
        elif tedpca == 'kundu-stabilize':
            alg_str = ("followed by the 'stabilized' Kundu component "
                       "selection decision tree (Kundu et al., 2013)")
            refs += ["Kundu, P., Brenowitz, N. D., Voon, V., Worbe, Y., "
                     "Vértes, P. E., Inati, S. J., ... & Bullmore, E. T. "
                     "(2013). Integrated strategy for improving functional "
                     "connectivity mapping using multiecho fMRI. Proceedings "
                     "of the National Academy of Sciences, 110(40), "

        if source_tes == -1:
            dat_str = "the optimally combined data"
        elif source_tes == 0:
            dat_str = "the z-concatenated multi-echo data"
            dat_str = "a z-concatenated subset of echoes from the input data"

        bp_str += (" Principal component analysis {0} was applied to "
                   "{1} for dimensionality reduction.").format(alg_str,

        mmix_orig = decomposition.tedica(dd, n_components, fixed_seed,
                                         maxit, maxrestart)
        bp_str += (" Independent component analysis was then used to "
                   "decompose the dimensionally reduced dataset.")

        if verbose:
            np.savetxt(op.join(out_dir, '__meica_mix.1D'), mmix_orig)
            if source_tes == -1:
                io.filewrite(utils.unmask(dd, mask),
                             op.join(out_dir, 'ts_OC_whitened.nii'), ref_img)

        LGR.info('Making second component selection guess from ICA results')
        # Estimate betas and compute selection metrics for mixing matrix
        # generated from dimensionally reduced data using full data (i.e., data
        # with thermal noise)
        comptable, metric_maps, betas, mmix = metrics.dependence_metrics(
                    catd, data_oc, mmix_orig, t2s, tes,
                    ref_img, reindex=True, label='meica_', out_dir=out_dir,
                    algorithm='kundu_v2', verbose=verbose)
        bp_str += (" A series of TE-dependence metrics were calculated for "
                   "each ICA component, including Kappa, Rho, and variance "
        np.savetxt(op.join(out_dir, 'meica_mix.1D'), mmix)

        comptable = metrics.kundu_metrics(comptable, metric_maps)
        comptable = selection.kundu_selection_v2(comptable, n_echos, n_vols)
        bp_str += (" Next, component selection was performed to identify "
                   "BOLD (TE-dependent), non-BOLD (TE-independent), and "
                   "uncertain (low-variance) components using the Kundu "
                   "decision tree (v2.5; Kundu et al., 2013).")
        refs += ["Kundu, P., Brenowitz, N. D., Voon, V., Worbe, Y., "
                 "Vértes, P. E., Inati, S. J., ... & Bullmore, E. T. "
                 "(2013). Integrated strategy for improving functional "
                 "connectivity mapping using multiecho fMRI. Proceedings "
                 "of the National Academy of Sciences, 110(40), "
        LGR.info('Using supplied mixing matrix from ICA')
        mmix_orig = np.loadtxt(op.join(out_dir, 'meica_mix.1D'))
        comptable, metric_maps, betas, mmix = metrics.dependence_metrics(
                    catd, data_oc, mmix_orig, t2s, tes,
                    ref_img, label='meica_', out_dir=out_dir,
                    algorithm='kundu_v2', verbose=verbose)
        if ctab is None:
            comptable = metrics.kundu_metrics(comptable, metric_maps)
            comptable = selection.kundu_selection_v2(comptable, n_echos, n_vols)
            bp_str += (" Next, component selection was performed to identify "
                       "BOLD (TE-dependent), non-BOLD (TE-independent), and "
                       "uncertain (low-variance) components using the Kundu "
                       "decision tree (v2.5; Kundu et al., 2013).")
            refs += ["Kundu, P., Brenowitz, N. D., Voon, V., Worbe, Y., "
                     "Vértes, P. E., Inati, S. J., ... & Bullmore, E. T. "
                     "(2013). Integrated strategy for improving functional "
                     "connectivity mapping using multiecho fMRI. Proceedings "
                     "of the National Academy of Sciences, 110(40), "
            comptable = pd.read_csv(ctab, sep='\t', index_col='component')
            comptable = selection.manual_selection(comptable, acc=manacc)
            bp_str += (" Next, components were manually classified as "
                       "BOLD (TE-dependent), non-BOLD (TE-independent), or "
                       "uncertain (low-variance).")

    comptable.to_csv(op.join(out_dir, 'comp_table_ica.txt'), sep='\t',
                     index=True, index_label='component', float_format='%.6f')

    if comptable[comptable.classification == 'accepted'].shape[0] == 0:
        LGR.warning('No BOLD components detected! Please check data and '

    mmix_orig = mmix.copy()
    if tedort:
        acc_idx = comptable.loc[
        rej_idx = comptable.loc[
        acc_ts = mmix[:, acc_idx]
        rej_ts = mmix[:, rej_idx]
        betas = np.linalg.lstsq(acc_ts, rej_ts, rcond=None)[0]
        pred_rej_ts = np.dot(acc_ts, betas)
        resid = rej_ts - pred_rej_ts
        mmix[:, rej_idx] = resid
        np.savetxt(op.join(out_dir, 'meica_mix_orth.1D'), mmix)
        bp_str += (" Rejected components' time series were then "
                   "orthogonalized with respect to accepted components' time "

    io.writeresults(data_oc, mask=mask, comptable=comptable, mmix=mmix,
                    n_vols=n_vols, ref_img=ref_img)

    if 't1c' in gscontrol:
        LGR.info('Performing T1c global signal regression to remove spatially '
                 'diffuse noise')
        gsc.gscontrol_mmix(data_oc, mmix, mask, comptable, ref_img)
        bp_str += (" T1c global signal regression was then applied to the "
                   "data in order to remove spatially diffuse noise.")

    if verbose:
        io.writeresults_echoes(catd, mmix, mask, comptable, ref_img)

    if png:
        LGR.info('Making figures folder with static component maps and '
                 'timecourse plots.')
        # make figure folder first
        if not op.isdir(op.join(out_dir, 'figures')):
            os.mkdir(op.join(out_dir, 'figures'))

        viz.write_comp_figs(data_oc, mask=mask, comptable=comptable,
                            mmix=mmix_orig, ref_img=ref_img,
                            out_dir=op.join(out_dir, 'figures'),

        LGR.info('Making Kappa vs Rho scatter plot')
                                out_dir=op.join(out_dir, 'figures'))

        LGR.info('Making overall summary figure')
                              out_dir=op.join(out_dir, 'figures'))

    LGR.info('Workflow completed')

    bp_str += ("\n\nThis workflow used numpy (Van Der Walt, Colbert, & "
               "Varoquaux, 2011), scipy (Jones et al., 2001), pandas "
               "(McKinney, 2010), scikit-learn (Pedregosa et al., 2011), "
               "nilearn, and nibabel (Brett et al., 2019).")
    refs += ["Van Der Walt, S., Colbert, S. C., & Varoquaux, G. (2011). The "
             "NumPy array: a structure for efficient numerical computation. "
             "Computing in Science & Engineering, 13(2), 22.",
             "Jones E, Oliphant E, Peterson P, et al. SciPy: Open Source "
             "Scientific Tools for Python, 2001-, http://www.scipy.org/",
             "McKinney, W. (2010, June). Data structures for statistical "
             "computing in python. In Proceedings of the 9th Python in "
             "Science Conference (Vol. 445, pp. 51-56).",
             "Pedregosa, F., Varoquaux, G., Gramfort, A., Michel, V., "
             "Thirion, B., Grisel, O., ... & Vanderplas, J. (2011). "
             "Scikit-learn: Machine learning in Python. Journal of machine "
             "learning research, 12(Oct), 2825-2830.",
             "Brett, M., Markiewicz, C. J., Hanke, M., Côté, M.-A., "
             "Cipollini, B., McCarthy, P., … freec84. (2019, May 28). "
             "nipy/nibabel. Zenodo. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3233118"]

    bp_str += ("\n\nThis workflow also used the Dice similarity index "
               "(Dice, 1945; Sørensen, 1948).")
    refs += ["Dice, L. R. (1945). Measures of the amount of ecologic "
             "association between species. Ecology, 26(3), 297-302.",
             "Sørensen, T. J. (1948). A method of establishing groups of "
             "equal amplitude in plant sociology based on similarity of "
             "species content and its application to analyses of the "
             "vegetation on Danish commons. I kommission hos E. Munksgaard."]

    bp_str += '\n\nReferences\n\n'
    refs = sorted(list(set(refs)))
    bp_str += '\n\n'.join(refs)
    with open(repname, 'w') as fo:

    for handler in logging.root.handlers[:]:
Exemple #3
def tedana_workflow(data,
    Run the "canonical" TE-Dependent ANAlysis workflow.

    data : :obj:`str` or :obj:`list` of :obj:`str`
        Either a single z-concatenated file (single-entry list or str) or a
        list of echo-specific files, in ascending order.
    tes : :obj:`list`
        List of echo times associated with data in milliseconds.
    out_dir : :obj:`str`, optional
        Output directory.
    mask : :obj:`str` or None, optional
        Binary mask of voxels to include in TE Dependent ANAlysis. Must be
        spatially aligned with `data`. If an explicit mask is not provided,
        then Nilearn's compute_epi_mask function will be used to derive a mask
        from the first echo's data.
    fittype : {'loglin', 'curvefit'}, optional
        Monoexponential fitting method. 'loglin' uses the the default linear
        fit to the log of the data. 'curvefit' uses a monoexponential fit to
        the raw data, which is slightly slower but may be more accurate.
        Default is 'loglin'.
    combmode : {'t2s'}, optional
        Combination scheme for TEs: 't2s' (Posse 1999, default).
    tedpca : {'kundu', 'kundu-stabilize', 'mdl', 'aic', 'kic'}, optional
        Method with which to select components in TEDPCA. Default is 'mdl'.
    tedort : :obj:`bool`, optional
        Orthogonalize rejected components w.r.t. accepted ones prior to
        denoising. Default is False.
    gscontrol : {None, 't1c', 'gsr'} or :obj:`list`, optional
        Perform additional denoising to remove spatially diffuse noise. Default
        is None.
    verbose : :obj:`bool`, optional
        Generate intermediate and additional files. Default is False.
    no_png : obj:'bool', optional
        Do not generate .png plots and figures. Default is false.
    png_cmap : obj:'str', optional
        Name of a matplotlib colormap to be used when generating figures.
        Cannot be used with --no-png. Default is 'coolwarm'.
    t2smap : :obj:`str`, optional
        Precalculated T2* map in the same space as the input data.
    mixm : :obj:`str` or None, optional
        File containing mixing matrix, to be used when re-running the workflow.
        If not provided, ME-PCA and ME-ICA are done. Default is None.
    ctab : :obj:`str` or None, optional
        File containing component table from which to extract pre-computed
        classifications, to be used with 'mixm' when re-running the workflow.
        Default is None.
    manacc : :obj:`list`, :obj:`str`, or None, optional
        List of manually accepted components. Can be a list of the components,
        a comma-separated string with component numbers, or None. Default is

    Other Parameters
    fixed_seed : :obj:`int`, optional
        Value passed to ``mdp.numx_rand.seed()``.
        Set to a positive integer value for reproducible ICA results;
        otherwise, set to -1 for varying results across calls.
    maxit : :obj:`int`, optional
        Maximum number of iterations for ICA. Default is 500.
    maxrestart : :obj:`int`, optional
        Maximum number of attempts for ICA. If ICA fails to converge, the
        fixed seed will be updated and ICA will be run again. If convergence
        is achieved before maxrestart attempts, ICA will finish early.
        Default is 10.
    low_mem : :obj:`bool`, optional
        Enables low-memory processing, including the use of IncrementalPCA.
        May increase workflow duration. Default is False.
    debug : :obj:`bool`, optional
        Whether to run in debugging mode or not. Default is False.
    quiet : :obj:`bool`, optional
        If True, suppresses logging/printing of messages. Default is False.

    This workflow writes out several files. For a complete list of the files
    generated by this workflow, please visit
    out_dir = op.abspath(out_dir)
    if not op.isdir(out_dir):

    # boilerplate
    basename = 'report'
    extension = 'txt'
    repname = op.join(out_dir, (basename + '.' + extension))
    repex = op.join(out_dir, (basename + '*'))
    previousreps = glob(repex)
    for f in previousreps:
        previousparts = op.splitext(f)
        newname = previousparts[0] + '_old' + previousparts[1]
        os.rename(f, newname)
    refname = op.join(out_dir, '_references.txt')

    # create logfile name
    basename = 'tedana_'
    extension = 'tsv'
    start_time = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H%M%S')
    logname = op.join(out_dir, (basename + start_time + '.' + extension))

    # set logging format
    log_formatter = logging.Formatter(
    text_formatter = logging.Formatter('%(message)s')

    # set up logging file and open it for writing
    log_handler = logging.FileHandler(logname)
    # Removing handlers after basicConfig doesn't work, so we use filters
    # for the relevant handlers themselves.
    sh = logging.StreamHandler()

    if quiet:
        logging.basicConfig(level=logging.WARNING, handlers=[log_handler, sh])
    elif debug:
        logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, handlers=[log_handler, sh])
        logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, handlers=[log_handler, sh])

    # Loggers for report and references
    rep_handler = logging.FileHandler(repname)
    ref_handler = logging.FileHandler(refname)

    LGR.info('Using output directory: {}'.format(out_dir))

    # ensure tes are in appropriate format
    tes = [float(te) for te in tes]
    n_echos = len(tes)

    # Coerce gscontrol to list
    if not isinstance(gscontrol, list):
        gscontrol = [gscontrol]

    LGR.info('Loading input data: {}'.format([f for f in data]))
    catd, ref_img = io.load_data(data, n_echos=n_echos)
    n_samp, n_echos, n_vols = catd.shape
    LGR.debug('Resulting data shape: {}'.format(catd.shape))

    if no_png and (png_cmap != 'coolwarm'):
        LGR.warning('Overriding --no-png since --png-cmap provided.')
        no_png = False

    # check if TR is 0
    img_t_r = ref_img.header.get_zooms()[-1]
    if img_t_r == 0 and not no_png:
        raise IOError(
            'Dataset has a TR of 0. This indicates incorrect'
            ' header information. To correct this, we recommend'
            ' using this snippet:'
            'to correct your TR to the value it should be.')

    if mixm is not None and op.isfile(mixm):
        mixm = op.abspath(mixm)
        # Allow users to re-run on same folder
        if mixm != op.join(out_dir, 'ica_mixing.tsv'):
            shutil.copyfile(mixm, op.join(out_dir, 'ica_mixing.tsv'))
            shutil.copyfile(mixm, op.join(out_dir, op.basename(mixm)))
    elif mixm is not None:
        raise IOError('Argument "mixm" must be an existing file.')

    if ctab is not None and op.isfile(ctab):
        ctab = op.abspath(ctab)
        # Allow users to re-run on same folder
        if ctab != op.join(out_dir, 'ica_decomposition.json'):
            shutil.copyfile(ctab, op.join(out_dir, 'ica_decomposition.json'))
            shutil.copyfile(ctab, op.join(out_dir, op.basename(ctab)))
    elif ctab is not None:
        raise IOError('Argument "ctab" must be an existing file.')

    if isinstance(manacc, str):
        manacc = [int(comp) for comp in manacc.split(',')]

    if ctab and not mixm:
        LGR.warning('Argument "ctab" requires argument "mixm".')
        ctab = None
    elif manacc is not None and not mixm:
        LGR.warning('Argument "manacc" requires argument "mixm".')
        manacc = None

    if t2smap is not None and op.isfile(t2smap):
        t2smap = op.abspath(t2smap)
        # Allow users to re-run on same folder
        if t2smap != op.join(out_dir, 't2sv.nii.gz'):
            shutil.copyfile(t2smap, op.join(out_dir, 't2sv.nii.gz'))
            shutil.copyfile(t2smap, op.join(out_dir, op.basename(t2smap)))
    elif t2smap is not None:
        raise IOError('Argument "t2smap" must be an existing file.')

    RepLGR.info("TE-dependence analysis was performed on input data.")
    if mask and not t2smap:
        # TODO: add affine check
        LGR.info('Using user-defined mask')
        RepLGR.info("A user-defined mask was applied to the data.")
    elif t2smap and not mask:
        LGR.info('Using user-defined T2* map to generate mask')
        t2s_limited = utils.load_image(t2smap)
        t2s_full = t2s_limited.copy()
        mask = (t2s_limited != 0).astype(int)
    elif t2smap and mask:
        LGR.info('Combining user-defined mask and T2* map to generate mask')
        t2s_limited = utils.load_image(t2smap)
        t2s_full = t2s_limited.copy()
        mask = utils.load_image(mask)
        mask[t2s_limited == 0] = 0  # reduce mask based on T2* map
        LGR.info('Computing EPI mask from first echo')
        first_echo_img = io.new_nii_like(ref_img, catd[:, 0, :])
        mask = compute_epi_mask(first_echo_img)
        RepLGR.info("An initial mask was generated from the first echo using "
                    "nilearn's compute_epi_mask function.")

    mask, masksum = utils.make_adaptive_mask(catd, mask=mask, getsum=True)
    LGR.debug('Retaining {}/{} samples'.format(mask.sum(), n_samp))
    io.filewrite(masksum, op.join(out_dir, 'adaptive_mask.nii'), ref_img)

    if t2smap is None:
        LGR.info('Computing T2* map')
        t2s_limited, s0_limited, t2s_full, s0_full = decay.fit_decay(
            catd, tes, mask, masksum, fittype)

        # set a hard cap for the T2* map
        # anything that is 10x higher than the 99.5 %ile will be reset to 99.5 %ile
        cap_t2s = stats.scoreatpercentile(t2s_limited.flatten(),
        LGR.debug('Setting cap on T2* map at {:.5f}'.format(cap_t2s * 10))
        t2s_limited[t2s_limited > cap_t2s * 10] = cap_t2s
        io.filewrite(t2s_limited, op.join(out_dir, 't2sv.nii'), ref_img)
        io.filewrite(s0_limited, op.join(out_dir, 's0v.nii'), ref_img)

        if verbose:
            io.filewrite(t2s_full, op.join(out_dir, 't2svG.nii'), ref_img)
            io.filewrite(s0_full, op.join(out_dir, 's0vG.nii'), ref_img)

    # optimally combine data
    data_oc = combine.make_optcom(catd,

    # regress out global signal unless explicitly not desired
    if 'gsr' in gscontrol:
        catd, data_oc = gsc.gscontrol_raw(catd,

    if mixm is None:
        # Identify and remove thermal noise from data
        dd, n_components = decomposition.tedpca(catd,
        mmix_orig = decomposition.tedica(dd, n_components, fixed_seed, maxit,

        if verbose:
            io.filewrite(utils.unmask(dd, mask),
                         op.join(out_dir, 'ts_OC_whitened.nii.gz'), ref_img)

        LGR.info('Making second component selection guess from ICA results')
        # Estimate betas and compute selection metrics for mixing matrix
        # generated from dimensionally reduced data using full data (i.e., data
        # with thermal noise)
        comptable, metric_maps, betas, mmix = metrics.dependence_metrics(
        comp_names = [
            for comp in comptable.index.values
        mixing_df = pd.DataFrame(data=mmix, columns=comp_names)
        mixing_df.to_csv(op.join(out_dir, 'ica_mixing.tsv'),
        betas_oc = utils.unmask(computefeats2(data_oc, mmix, mask), mask)
        io.filewrite(betas_oc, op.join(out_dir, 'ica_components.nii.gz'),

        comptable = metrics.kundu_metrics(comptable, metric_maps)
        comptable = selection.kundu_selection_v2(comptable, n_echos, n_vols)
        LGR.info('Using supplied mixing matrix from ICA')
        mmix_orig = pd.read_table(op.join(out_dir, 'ica_mixing.tsv')).values

        if ctab is None:
            comptable, metric_maps, betas, mmix = metrics.dependence_metrics(
            comptable = metrics.kundu_metrics(comptable, metric_maps)
            comptable = selection.kundu_selection_v2(comptable, n_echos,
            mmix = mmix_orig.copy()
            comptable = io.load_comptable(ctab)
            if manacc is not None:
                comptable = selection.manual_selection(comptable, acc=manacc)
        betas_oc = utils.unmask(computefeats2(data_oc, mmix, mask), mask)
        io.filewrite(betas_oc, op.join(out_dir, 'ica_components.nii.gz'),

    # Save decomposition
        'Description'] = 'ICA fit to dimensionally-reduced optimally combined data.'
    mmix_dict = {}
    mmix_dict['Method'] = ('Independent components analysis with FastICA '
                           'algorithm implemented by sklearn. Components '
                           'are sorted by Kappa in descending order. '
                           'Component signs are flipped to best match the '
                      op.join(out_dir, 'ica_decomposition.json'),

    if comptable[comptable.classification == 'accepted'].shape[0] == 0:
        LGR.warning('No BOLD components detected! Please check data and '

    mmix_orig = mmix.copy()
    if tedort:
        acc_idx = comptable.loc[~comptable.classification.str.
        rej_idx = comptable.loc[comptable.classification.str.contains(
        acc_ts = mmix[:, acc_idx]
        rej_ts = mmix[:, rej_idx]
        betas = np.linalg.lstsq(acc_ts, rej_ts, rcond=None)[0]
        pred_rej_ts = np.dot(acc_ts, betas)
        resid = rej_ts - pred_rej_ts
        mmix[:, rej_idx] = resid
        comp_names = [
            for comp in comptable.index.values
        mixing_df = pd.DataFrame(data=mmix, columns=comp_names)
        mixing_df.to_csv(op.join(out_dir, 'ica_orth_mixing.tsv'),
        RepLGR.info("Rejected components' time series were then "
                    "orthogonalized with respect to accepted components' time "


    if 't1c' in gscontrol:

    if verbose:

    if not no_png:
        LGR.info('Making figures folder with static component maps and '
                 'timecourse plots.')
        # make figure folder first
        if not op.isdir(op.join(out_dir, 'figures')):
            os.mkdir(op.join(out_dir, 'figures'))

                            out_dir=op.join(out_dir, 'figures'),

        LGR.info('Making Kappa vs Rho scatter plot')
                                out_dir=op.join(out_dir, 'figures'))

        LGR.info('Making Kappa/Rho scree plot')
                              out_dir=op.join(out_dir, 'figures'))

        LGR.info('Making overall summary figure')
                              out_dir=op.join(out_dir, 'figures'))

    LGR.info('Workflow completed')

    RepLGR.info("This workflow used numpy (Van Der Walt, Colbert, & "
                "Varoquaux, 2011), scipy (Jones et al., 2001), pandas "
                "(McKinney, 2010), scikit-learn (Pedregosa et al., 2011), "
                "nilearn, and nibabel (Brett et al., 2019).")
        "Van Der Walt, S., Colbert, S. C., & Varoquaux, G. (2011). The "
        "NumPy array: a structure for efficient numerical computation. "
        "Computing in Science & Engineering, 13(2), 22.")
    RefLGR.info("Jones E, Oliphant E, Peterson P, et al. SciPy: Open Source "
                "Scientific Tools for Python, 2001-, http://www.scipy.org/")
    RefLGR.info("McKinney, W. (2010, June). Data structures for statistical "
                "computing in python. In Proceedings of the 9th Python in "
                "Science Conference (Vol. 445, pp. 51-56).")
    RefLGR.info("Pedregosa, F., Varoquaux, G., Gramfort, A., Michel, V., "
                "Thirion, B., Grisel, O., ... & Vanderplas, J. (2011). "
                "Scikit-learn: Machine learning in Python. Journal of machine "
                "learning research, 12(Oct), 2825-2830.")
    RefLGR.info("Brett, M., Markiewicz, C. J., Hanke, M., Côté, M.-A., "
                "Cipollini, B., McCarthy, P., … freec84. (2019, May 28). "
                "nipy/nibabel. Zenodo. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3233118")

    RepLGR.info("This workflow also used the Dice similarity index "
                "(Dice, 1945; Sørensen, 1948).")
    RefLGR.info("Dice, L. R. (1945). Measures of the amount of ecologic "
                "association between species. Ecology, 26(3), 297-302.")
        "Sørensen, T. J. (1948). A method of establishing groups of "
        "equal amplitude in plant sociology based on similarity of "
        "species content and its application to analyses of the "
        "vegetation on Danish commons. I kommission hos E. Munksgaard.")

    with open(repname, 'r') as fo:
        report = [line.rstrip() for line in fo.readlines()]
        report = ' '.join(report)
    with open(refname, 'r') as fo:
        reference_list = sorted(list(set(fo.readlines())))
        references = '\n'.join(reference_list)
    report += '\n\nReferences\n' + references
    with open(repname, 'w') as fo:

    for handler in logging.root.handlers[:]:
Exemple #4
def tedpca(data_cat, data_oc, combmode, mask, t2s, t2sG,
           ref_img, tes, algorithm='mle', source_tes=-1, kdaw=10., rdaw=1.,
           out_dir='.', verbose=False, low_mem=False):
    Use principal components analysis (PCA) to identify and remove thermal
    noise from multi-echo data.

    data_cat : (S x E x T) array_like
        Input functional data
    data_oc : (S x T) array_like
        Optimally combined time series data
    combmode : {'t2s', 'paid'} str
        How optimal combination of echos should be made, where 't2s' indicates
        using the method of Posse 1999 and 'paid' indicates using the method of
        Poser 2006
    mask : (S,) array_like
        Boolean mask array
    t2s : (S,) array_like
        Map of voxel-wise T2* estimates.
    t2sG : (S,) array_like
        Map of voxel-wise T2* estimates.
    ref_img : :obj:`str` or img_like
        Reference image to dictate how outputs are saved to disk
    tes : :obj:`list`
        List of echo times associated with `data_cat`, in milliseconds
    algorithm : {'mle', 'kundu', 'kundu-stabilize'}, optional
        Method with which to select components in TEDPCA. Default is 'mle'.
    source_tes : :obj:`int` or :obj:`list` of :obj:`int`, optional
        Which echos to use in PCA. Values -1 and 0 are special, where a value
        of -1 will indicate using the optimal combination of the echos
        and 0  will indicate using all the echos. A list can be provided
        to indicate a subset of echos.
        Default: -1
    kdaw : :obj:`float`, optional
        Dimensionality augmentation weight for Kappa calculations. Must be a
        non-negative float, or -1 (a special value). Default is 10.
    rdaw : :obj:`float`, optional
        Dimensionality augmentation weight for Rho calculations. Must be a
        non-negative float, or -1 (a special value). Default is 1.
    out_dir : :obj:`str`, optional
        Output directory.
    verbose : :obj:`bool`, optional
        Whether to output files from fitmodels_direct or not. Default: False
    low_mem : :obj:`bool`, optional
        Whether to use incremental PCA (for low-memory systems) or not.
        Default: False

    kept_data : (S x T) :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
        Dimensionally reduced optimally combined functional data
    n_components : :obj:`int`
        Number of components retained from PCA decomposition

    ======================    =================================================
    Notation                  Meaning
    ======================    =================================================
    :math:`\\kappa`            Component pseudo-F statistic for TE-dependent
                              (BOLD) model.
    :math:`\\rho`              Component pseudo-F statistic for TE-independent
                              (artifact) model.
    :math:`v`                 Voxel
    :math:`V`                 Total number of voxels in mask
    :math:`\\zeta`             Something
    :math:`c`                 Component
    :math:`p`                 Something else
    ======================    =================================================


    1.  Variance normalize either multi-echo or optimally combined data,
        depending on settings.
    2.  Decompose normalized data using PCA or SVD.
    3.  Compute :math:`{\\kappa}` and :math:`{\\rho}`:

            .. math::
                {\\kappa}_c = \\frac{\\sum_{v}^V {\\zeta}_{c,v}^p * \
                      F_{c,v,R_2^*}}{\\sum {\\zeta}_{c,v}^p}

                {\\rho}_c = \\frac{\\sum_{v}^V {\\zeta}_{c,v}^p * \
                      F_{c,v,S_0}}{\\sum {\\zeta}_{c,v}^p}

    4.  Some other stuff. Something about elbows.
    5.  Classify components as thermal noise if they meet both of the
        following criteria:

            - Nonsignificant :math:`{\\kappa}` and :math:`{\\rho}`.
            - Nonsignificant variance explained.


    This function writes out several files:

    ======================    =================================================
    Filename                  Content
    ======================    =================================================
    pcastate.pkl              Values from PCA results.
    comp_table_pca.txt        PCA component table.
    mepca_mix.1D              PCA mixing matrix.
    ======================    =================================================
    if low_mem and algorithm == 'mle':
        LGR.warning('Low memory option is not compatible with MLE '
                    'dimensionality estimation. Switching to Kundu decision '
        algorithm = 'kundu'

    n_samp, n_echos, n_vols = data_cat.shape
    source_tes = np.array([int(ee) for ee in str(source_tes).split(',')])

    if len(source_tes) == 1 and source_tes[0] == -1:
        LGR.info('Computing PCA of optimally combined multi-echo data')
        data = data_oc[mask, :][:, np.newaxis, :]
    elif len(source_tes) == 1 and source_tes[0] == 0:
        LGR.info('Computing PCA of spatially concatenated multi-echo data')
        data = data_cat[mask, ...]
        LGR.info('Computing PCA of echo #{0}'.format(','.join([str(ee) for ee in source_tes])))
        data = np.stack([data_cat[mask, ee, :] for ee in source_tes - 1], axis=1)

    eim = np.squeeze(eimask(data))
    data = np.squeeze(data[eim])

    data_z = ((data.T - data.T.mean(axis=0)) / data.T.std(axis=0)).T  # var normalize ts
    data_z = (data_z - data_z.mean()) / data_z.std()  # var normalize everything

    if algorithm == 'mle':
        voxel_comp_weights, varex, varex_norm, comp_ts = run_mlepca(data_z)
    elif low_mem:
        voxel_comp_weights, varex, comp_ts = low_mem_pca(data_z)
        varex_norm = varex / varex.sum()
        ppca = PCA(copy=False, n_components=(n_vols - 1))
        comp_ts = ppca.components_.T
        varex = ppca.explained_variance_
        voxel_comp_weights = np.dot(np.dot(data_z, comp_ts),
                                    np.diag(1. / varex))
        varex_norm = varex / varex.sum()

    # Compute Kappa and Rho for PCA comps
    eimum = np.atleast_2d(eim)
    eimum = np.transpose(eimum, np.argsort(eimum.shape)[::-1])
    eimum = eimum.prod(axis=1)
    o = np.zeros((mask.shape[0], *eimum.shape[1:]))
    o[mask, ...] = eimum
    eimum = np.squeeze(o).astype(bool)

    # Normalize each component's time series
    vTmixN = stats.zscore(comp_ts, axis=0)
    comptable, _, _, _ = metrics.dependence_metrics(
                data_cat, data_oc, comp_ts, t2s, tes, ref_img,
                reindex=False, mmixN=vTmixN, algorithm=None,
                label='mepca_', out_dir=out_dir, verbose=verbose)

    # varex_norm from PCA overrides varex_norm from dependence_metrics,
    # but we retain the original
    comptable['estimated normalized variance explained'] = \
        comptable['normalized variance explained']
    comptable['normalized variance explained'] = varex_norm

    np.savetxt('mepca_mix.1D', comp_ts)

    # write component maps to 4D image
    comp_maps = np.zeros((data_oc.shape[0], comp_ts.shape[1]))
    for i_comp in range(comp_ts.shape[1]):
        temp_comp_ts = comp_ts[:, i_comp][:, None]
        comp_map = utils.unmask(computefeats2(data_oc, temp_comp_ts, mask), mask)
        comp_maps[:, i_comp] = np.squeeze(comp_map)
    io.filewrite(comp_maps, 'mepca_OC_components.nii', ref_img)

    # Select components using decision tree
    if algorithm == 'kundu':
        comptable = kundu_tedpca(comptable, n_echos, kdaw, rdaw, stabilize=False)
    elif algorithm == 'kundu-stabilize':
        comptable = kundu_tedpca(comptable, n_echos, kdaw, rdaw, stabilize=True)
    elif algorithm == 'mle':
        LGR.info('Selected {0} components with MLE dimensionality '
        comptable['classification'] = 'accepted'
        comptable['rationale'] = ''

    comptable.to_csv('comp_table_pca.txt', sep='\t', index=True,
                     index_label='component', float_format='%.6f')

    acc = comptable[comptable.classification == 'accepted'].index.values
    n_components = acc.size
    voxel_kept_comp_weighted = (voxel_comp_weights[:, acc] *
                                varex[None, acc])
    kept_data = np.dot(voxel_kept_comp_weighted, comp_ts[:, acc].T)

    kept_data = stats.zscore(kept_data, axis=1)  # variance normalize time series
    kept_data = stats.zscore(kept_data, axis=None)  # variance normalize everything

    return kept_data, n_components
Exemple #5
def tedpca(data_cat, data_oc, combmode, mask, t2s, t2sG,
           ref_img, tes, algorithm='mdl', source_tes=-1, kdaw=10., rdaw=1.,
           out_dir='.', verbose=False, low_mem=False):
    Use principal components analysis (PCA) to identify and remove thermal
    noise from multi-echo data.

    data_cat : (S x E x T) array_like
        Input functional data
    data_oc : (S x T) array_like
        Optimally combined time series data
    combmode : {'t2s', 'paid'} str
        How optimal combination of echos should be made, where 't2s' indicates
        using the method of Posse 1999 and 'paid' indicates using the method of
        Poser 2006
    mask : (S,) array_like
        Boolean mask array
    t2s : (S,) array_like
        Map of voxel-wise T2* estimates.
    t2sG : (S,) array_like
        Map of voxel-wise T2* estimates.
    ref_img : :obj:`str` or img_like
        Reference image to dictate how outputs are saved to disk
    tes : :obj:`list`
        List of echo times associated with `data_cat`, in milliseconds
    algorithm : {'mle', 'kundu', 'kundu-stabilize', 'mdl', 'aic', 'kic'}, optional
        Method with which to select components in TEDPCA. Default is 'mdl'. PCA
        decomposition with the mdl, kic and aic options are based on a Moving Average
        (stationary Gaussian) process and are ordered from most to least aggresive.
        See (Li et al., 2007).
    source_tes : :obj:`int` or :obj:`list` of :obj:`int`, optional
        Which echos to use in PCA. Values -1 and 0 are special, where a value
        of -1 will indicate using the optimal combination of the echos
        and 0  will indicate using all the echos. A list can be provided
        to indicate a subset of echos.
        Default: -1
    kdaw : :obj:`float`, optional
        Dimensionality augmentation weight for Kappa calculations. Must be a
        non-negative float, or -1 (a special value). Default is 10.
    rdaw : :obj:`float`, optional
        Dimensionality augmentation weight for Rho calculations. Must be a
        non-negative float, or -1 (a special value). Default is 1.
    out_dir : :obj:`str`, optional
        Output directory.
    verbose : :obj:`bool`, optional
        Whether to output files from fitmodels_direct or not. Default: False
    low_mem : :obj:`bool`, optional
        Whether to use incremental PCA (for low-memory systems) or not.
        Default: False

    kept_data : (S x T) :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
        Dimensionally reduced optimally combined functional data
    n_components : :obj:`int`
        Number of components retained from PCA decomposition

    ======================    =================================================
    Notation                  Meaning
    ======================    =================================================
    :math:`\\kappa`            Component pseudo-F statistic for TE-dependent
                              (BOLD) model.
    :math:`\\rho`              Component pseudo-F statistic for TE-independent
                              (artifact) model.
    :math:`v`                 Voxel
    :math:`V`                 Total number of voxels in mask
    :math:`\\zeta`             Something
    :math:`c`                 Component
    :math:`p`                 Something else
    ======================    =================================================


    1.  Variance normalize either multi-echo or optimally combined data,
        depending on settings.
    2.  Decompose normalized data using PCA or SVD.
    3.  Compute :math:`{\\kappa}` and :math:`{\\rho}`:

            .. math::
                {\\kappa}_c = \\frac{\\sum_{v}^V {\\zeta}_{c,v}^p * \
                      F_{c,v,R_2^*}}{\\sum {\\zeta}_{c,v}^p}

                {\\rho}_c = \\frac{\\sum_{v}^V {\\zeta}_{c,v}^p * \
                      F_{c,v,S_0}}{\\sum {\\zeta}_{c,v}^p}

    4.  Some other stuff. Something about elbows.
    5.  Classify components as thermal noise if they meet both of the
        following criteria:

            - Nonsignificant :math:`{\\kappa}` and :math:`{\\rho}`.
            - Nonsignificant variance explained.


    This function writes out several files:

    ======================    =================================================
    Filename                  Content
    ======================    =================================================
    pca_decomposition.json    PCA component table.
    pca_mixing.tsv            PCA mixing matrix.
    pca_components.nii.gz     Component weight maps.
    ======================    =================================================
    if low_mem and algorithm == 'mle':
        LGR.warning('Low memory option is not compatible with MLE '
                    'dimensionality estimation. Switching to Kundu decision '
        algorithm = 'kundu'

    if algorithm == 'mle':
        alg_str = "using MLE dimensionality estimation (Minka, 2001)"
        RefLGR.info("Minka, T. P. (2001). Automatic choice of dimensionality "
                    "for PCA. In Advances in neural information processing "
                    "systems (pp. 598-604).")
    elif algorithm == 'kundu':
        alg_str = ("followed by the Kundu component selection decision "
                   "tree (Kundu et al., 2013)")
        RefLGR.info("Kundu, P., Brenowitz, N. D., Voon, V., Worbe, Y., "
                    "Vértes, P. E., Inati, S. J., ... & Bullmore, E. T. "
                    "(2013). Integrated strategy for improving functional "
                    "connectivity mapping using multiecho fMRI. Proceedings "
                    "of the National Academy of Sciences, 110(40), "
    elif algorithm == 'kundu-stabilize':
        alg_str = ("followed by the 'stabilized' Kundu component "
                   "selection decision tree (Kundu et al., 2013)")
        RefLGR.info("Kundu, P., Brenowitz, N. D., Voon, V., Worbe, Y., "
                    "Vértes, P. E., Inati, S. J., ... & Bullmore, E. T. "
                    "(2013). Integrated strategy for improving functional "
                    "connectivity mapping using multiecho fMRI. Proceedings "
                    "of the National Academy of Sciences, 110(40), "
        alg_str = ("based on the PCA component estimation with a Moving Average"
                   "(stationary Gaussian) process (Li et al., 2007)")
        RefLGR.info("Li, Y.O., Adalı, T. and Calhoun, V.D., (2007). "
                    "Estimating the number of independent components for "
                    "functional magnetic resonance imaging data. "
                    "Human brain mapping, 28(11), pp.1251-1266.")

    if source_tes == -1:
        dat_str = "the optimally combined data"
    elif source_tes == 0:
        dat_str = "the z-concatenated multi-echo data"
        dat_str = "a z-concatenated subset of echoes from the input data"

    RepLGR.info("Principal component analysis {0} was applied to "
                "{1} for dimensionality reduction.".format(alg_str, dat_str))

    n_samp, n_echos, n_vols = data_cat.shape
    source_tes = np.array([int(ee) for ee in str(source_tes).split(',')])

    if len(source_tes) == 1 and source_tes[0] == -1:
        LGR.info('Computing PCA of optimally combined multi-echo data')
        data = data_oc[mask, :][:, np.newaxis, :]
    elif len(source_tes) == 1 and source_tes[0] == 0:
        LGR.info('Computing PCA of spatially concatenated multi-echo data')
        data = data_cat[mask, ...]
        LGR.info('Computing PCA of echo #{0}'.format(','.join([str(ee) for ee in source_tes])))
        data = np.stack([data_cat[mask, ee, :] for ee in source_tes - 1], axis=1)

    eim = np.squeeze(_utils.eimask(data))
    data = np.squeeze(data[eim])

    data_z = ((data.T - data.T.mean(axis=0)) / data.T.std(axis=0)).T  # var normalize ts
    data_z = (data_z - data_z.mean()) / data_z.std()  # var normalize everything

    if algorithm in ['mdl', 'aic', 'kic']:
        data_img = io.new_nii_like(
            ref_img, utils.unmask(utils.unmask(data, eim), mask))
        mask_img = io.new_nii_like(ref_img,
                                   utils.unmask(eim, mask).astype(int))
        voxel_comp_weights, varex, varex_norm, comp_ts = ma_pca.ma_pca(
            data_img, mask_img, algorithm)
    elif algorithm == 'mle':
        voxel_comp_weights, varex, varex_norm, comp_ts = run_mlepca(data_z)
    elif low_mem:
        voxel_comp_weights, varex, comp_ts = low_mem_pca(data_z)
        varex_norm = varex / varex.sum()
        ppca = PCA(copy=False, n_components=(n_vols - 1))
        comp_ts = ppca.components_.T
        varex = ppca.explained_variance_
        voxel_comp_weights = np.dot(np.dot(data_z, comp_ts),
                                    np.diag(1. / varex))
        varex_norm = varex / varex.sum()

    # Compute Kappa and Rho for PCA comps
    eimum = np.atleast_2d(eim)
    eimum = np.transpose(eimum, np.argsort(eimum.shape)[::-1])
    eimum = eimum.prod(axis=1)
    o = np.zeros((mask.shape[0], *eimum.shape[1:]))
    o[mask, ...] = eimum
    eimum = np.squeeze(o).astype(bool)

    # Normalize each component's time series
    vTmixN = stats.zscore(comp_ts, axis=0)
    comptable, _, _, _ = metrics.dependence_metrics(data_cat,

    # varex_norm from PCA overrides varex_norm from dependence_metrics,
    # but we retain the original
    comptable['estimated normalized variance explained'] = \
        comptable['normalized variance explained']
    comptable['normalized variance explained'] = varex_norm

    # write component maps to 4D image
    comp_ts_z = stats.zscore(comp_ts, axis=0)
    comp_maps = utils.unmask(computefeats2(data_oc, comp_ts_z, mask), mask)
    io.filewrite(comp_maps, op.join(out_dir, 'pca_components.nii.gz'), ref_img)

    # Select components using decision tree
    if algorithm == 'kundu':
        comptable = kundu_tedpca(comptable, n_echos, kdaw, rdaw, stabilize=False)
    elif algorithm == 'kundu-stabilize':
        comptable = kundu_tedpca(comptable, n_echos, kdaw, rdaw, stabilize=True)
    elif algorithm == 'mle':
        LGR.info('Selected {0} components with MLE dimensionality '
        comptable['classification'] = 'accepted'
        comptable['rationale'] = ''

    elif algorithm in ['mdl', 'aic', 'kic']:
        LGR.info('Selected {0} components with {1} dimensionality '
                 'detection'.format(comptable.shape[0], algorithm))
        comptable['classification'] = 'accepted'
        comptable['rationale'] = ''

    # Save decomposition
    comp_names = [io.add_decomp_prefix(comp, prefix='pca', max_value=comptable.index.max())
                  for comp in comptable.index.values]

    mixing_df = pd.DataFrame(data=comp_ts, columns=comp_names)
    mixing_df.to_csv(op.join(out_dir, 'pca_mixing.tsv'), sep='\t', index=False)

    data_type = 'optimally combined data' if source_tes == -1 else 'z-concatenated data'
    comptable['Description'] = 'PCA fit to {0}.'.format(data_type)
    mmix_dict = {}
    mmix_dict['Method'] = ('Principal components analysis implemented by '
                           'sklearn. Components are sorted by variance '
                           'explained in descending order. '
                           'Component signs are flipped to best match the '
    io.save_comptable(comptable, op.join(out_dir, 'pca_decomposition.json'),
                      label='pca', metadata=mmix_dict)

    acc = comptable[comptable.classification == 'accepted'].index.values
    n_components = acc.size
    voxel_kept_comp_weighted = (voxel_comp_weights[:, acc] * varex[None, acc])
    kept_data = np.dot(voxel_kept_comp_weighted, comp_ts[:, acc].T)

    kept_data = stats.zscore(kept_data, axis=1)  # variance normalize time series
    kept_data = stats.zscore(kept_data, axis=None)  # variance normalize everything

    return kept_data, n_components