Exemple #1
def test_get_coeffs():
    Check least squares coefficients.
    # Simulate one voxel with 40 TRs
    data = np.empty((2, 40))
    data[0, :] = np.arange(0, 200, 5)
    data[1, :] = np.arange(0, 200, 5)
    X = np.arange(0, 40)[:, np.newaxis]
    mask = np.array([True, False])

    betas = get_coeffs(data, X, mask=None, add_const=False)
    betas = np.squeeze(betas)
    assert np.allclose(betas, np.array([5., 5.]))

    betas = get_coeffs(data, X, mask=None, add_const=True)
    betas = np.squeeze(betas)
    assert np.allclose(betas, np.array([5., 5.]))

    betas = get_coeffs(data, X, mask=mask, add_const=False)
    betas = np.squeeze(betas)
    assert np.allclose(betas, np.array([5, 0]))

    betas = get_coeffs(data, X, mask=mask, add_const=True)
    betas = np.squeeze(betas)
    assert np.allclose(betas, np.array([5, 0]))
Exemple #2
def test_break_get_coeffs():
    Ensure that get_coeffs fails when input data do not have the right
    n_samples, n_echos, n_vols, n_comps = 10000, 5, 100, 50
    data = np.empty((n_samples, n_vols))
    X = np.empty((n_vols, n_comps))
    mask = np.empty((n_samples))

    data = np.empty((n_samples))
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        get_coeffs(data, X, mask, add_const=False)

    data = np.empty((n_samples, n_vols))
    X = np.empty((n_vols))
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        get_coeffs(data, X, mask, add_const=False)

    data = np.empty((n_samples, n_echos, n_vols + 1))
    X = np.empty((n_vols, n_comps))
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        get_coeffs(data, X, mask, add_const=False)

    data = np.empty((n_samples, n_echos, n_vols))
    mask = np.empty((n_samples, n_echos, n_vols))
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        get_coeffs(data, X, mask, add_const=False)

    mask = np.empty((n_samples + 1, n_echos))
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        get_coeffs(data, X, mask, add_const=False)
Exemple #3
def calculate_betas(data, mixing):
    """Calculate unstandardized parameter estimates between data and mixing matrix.

    data : (M x [E] x T) array_like
        Data to calculate betas for
    mixing : (T x C) array_like
        Mixing matrix

    betas : (M x [E] x C) array_like
        Unstandardized parameter estimates
    if len(data.shape) == 2:
        data_optcom = data
        assert data_optcom.shape[1] == mixing.shape[0]
        # mean-center optimally-combined data
        data_optcom_dm = data_optcom - data_optcom.mean(axis=-1, keepdims=True)
        # betas are the result of a normal OLS fit of the mixing matrix
        # against the mean-center data
        betas = get_coeffs(data_optcom_dm, mixing)
        return betas
        betas = np.zeros([data.shape[0], data.shape[1], mixing.shape[1]])
        for n_echo in range(data.shape[1]):
            betas[:, n_echo, :] = get_coeffs(data[:, n_echo, :], mixing)
        return betas
Exemple #4
def test_smoke_get_coeffs():
    Ensure that get_coeffs returns outputs with different inputs and optional paramters
    n_samples, _, n_times, n_components = 100, 5, 20, 6
    data_2d = np.random.random((n_samples, n_times))
    x = np.random.random((n_times, n_components))
    mask = np.random.randint(2, size=n_samples)

    assert get_coeffs(data_2d, x) is not None
    # assert get_coeffs(data_3d, x) is not None TODO: submit an issue for the bug
    assert get_coeffs(data_2d, x, mask=mask) is not None
    assert get_coeffs(data_2d, x, add_const=True) is not None
Exemple #5
def test_break_get_coeffs():
    Ensure that get_coeffs fails when input data do not have the right
    n_samples, n_echos, n_vols, n_comps = 10000, 5, 100, 50
    data = np.empty((n_samples, n_vols))
    X = np.empty((n_vols, n_comps))
    mask = np.empty((n_samples))

    data = np.empty((n_samples))
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e_info:
        get_coeffs(data, X, mask, add_const=False)
    assert str(
        e_info.value) == ('Parameter data should be 2d or 3d, not {0}d'.format(

    data = np.empty((n_samples, n_vols))
    X = np.empty((n_vols))
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e_info:
        get_coeffs(data, X, mask, add_const=False)
    assert str(e_info.value) == ('Parameter X should be 2d, not {0}d'.format(

    data = np.empty((n_samples, n_echos, n_vols + 1))
    X = np.empty((n_vols, n_comps))
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e_info:
        get_coeffs(data, X, mask, add_const=False)
    assert str(e_info.value) == (
        'Last dimension (dimension {0}) of data ({1}) does not '
        'match first dimension of '
        'X ({2})'.format(data.ndim, data.shape[-1], X.shape[0]))

    data = np.empty((n_samples, n_echos, n_vols))
    mask = np.empty((n_samples, n_echos, n_vols))
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e_info:
        get_coeffs(data, X, mask, add_const=False)
    assert str(
        e_info.value) == ('Parameter data should be 1d or 2d, not {0}d'.format(

    mask = np.empty((n_samples + 1, n_echos))
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e_info:
        get_coeffs(data, X, mask, add_const=False)
    assert str(e_info.value) == (
        'First dimensions of data ({0}) and mask ({1}) do not '
        'match'.format(data.shape[0], mask.shape[0]))
Exemple #6
def denoise_ts(data, mmix, mask, comptable):
    """Apply component classifications to data for denoising.

    data : (S x T) array_like
        Input time series
    mmix : (C x T) array_like
        Mixing matrix for converting input data to component space, where `C`
        is components and `T` is the same as in `data`
    mask : (S,) array_like
        Boolean mask array
    comptable : (C x X) :obj:`pandas.DataFrame`
        Component metric table. One row for each component, with a column for
        each metric. Requires at least one column: "classification".

    dnts : (S x T) array_like
        Denoised data (i.e., data with rejected components removed).
    hikts : (S x T) array_like
        High-Kappa data (i.e., data composed only of accepted components).
    lowkts : (S x T) array_like
        Low-Kappa data (i.e., data composed only of rejected components).
    acc = comptable[comptable.classification == "accepted"].index.values
    rej = comptable[comptable.classification == "rejected"].index.values

    # mask and de-mean data
    mdata = data[mask]
    dmdata = mdata.T - mdata.T.mean(axis=0)

    # get variance explained by retained components
    betas = get_coeffs(dmdata.T, mmix, mask=None)
    varexpl = (1 - ((dmdata.T - betas.dot(mmix.T))**2.0).sum() /
               (dmdata**2.0).sum()) * 100
    LGR.info("Variance explained by decomposition: {:.02f}%".format(varexpl))

    # create component-based data
    hikts = utils.unmask(betas[:, acc].dot(mmix.T[acc, :]), mask)
    lowkts = utils.unmask(betas[:, rej].dot(mmix.T[rej, :]), mask)
    dnts = utils.unmask(data[mask] - lowkts[mask], mask)
    return dnts, hikts, lowkts
Exemple #7
def split_ts(data, mmix, mask, comptable):
    Splits `data` time series into accepted component time series and remainder

    data : (S x T) array_like
        Input data, where `S` is samples and `T` is time
    mmix : (T x C) array_like
        Mixing matrix for converting input data to component space, where `C`
        is components and `T` is the same as in `data`
    mask : (S,) array_like
        Boolean mask array
    comptable : (C x X) :obj:`pandas.DataFrame`
        Component metric table. One row for each component, with a column for
        each metric. Requires at least two columns: "component" and

    hikts : (S x T) :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
        Time series reconstructed using only components in `acc`
    rest : (S x T) :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
        Original data with `hikts` removed
    acc = comptable[comptable.classification == 'accepted'].index.values

    cbetas = get_coeffs(data - data.mean(axis=-1, keepdims=True),
                        mmix, mask)
    betas = cbetas[mask]
    if len(acc) != 0:
        hikts = utils.unmask(betas[:, acc].dot(mmix.T[acc, :]), mask)
        hikts = None

    resid = data - hikts

    return hikts, resid
Exemple #8
def dependence_metrics(catd,
    Fit TE-dependence and -independence models to components.

    catd : (S x E x T) array_like
        Input data, where `S` is samples, `E` is echos, and `T` is time
    tsoc : (S x T) array_like
        Optimally combined data
    mmix : (T x C) array_like
        Mixing matrix for converting input data to component space, where `C`
        is components and `T` is the same as in `catd`
    t2s : (S [x T]) array_like
        Limited T2* map or timeseries.
    tes : list
        List of echo times associated with `catd`, in milliseconds
    ref_img : str or img_like
        Reference image to dictate how outputs are saved to disk
    reindex : bool, optional
        Whether to sort components in descending order by Kappa. Default: False
    mmixN : (T x C) array_like, optional
        Z-scored mixing matrix. Default: None
    algorithm : {'kundu_v2', 'kundu_v3', None}, optional
        Decision tree to be applied to metrics. Determines which maps will be
        generated and stored in seldict. Default: None
    label : :obj:`str` or None, optional
        Prefix to apply to generated files. Default is None.
    out_dir : :obj:`str`, optional
        Output directory for generated files. Default is current working
    verbose : :obj:`bool`, optional
        Whether or not to generate additional files. Default is False.

    comptable : (C x X) :obj:`pandas.DataFrame`
        Component metric table. One row for each component, with a column for
        each metric. The index is the component number.
    seldict : :obj:`dict` or None
        Dictionary containing component-specific metric maps to be used for
        component selection. If `algorithm` is None, then seldict will be None as
    betas : :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
    mmix_new : :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
    # Use t2s as mask
    mask = t2s != 0
    if not (catd.shape[0] == t2s.shape[0] == mask.shape[0] == tsoc.shape[0]):
        raise ValueError('First dimensions (number of samples) of catd ({0}), '
                         'tsoc ({1}), and t2s ({2}) do not '
                         'match'.format(catd.shape[0], tsoc.shape[0],
    elif catd.shape[1] != len(tes):
        raise ValueError('Second dimension of catd ({0}) does not match '
                         'number of echoes provided (tes; '
                         '{1})'.format(catd.shape[1], len(tes)))
    elif not (catd.shape[2] == tsoc.shape[1] == mmix.shape[0]):
        raise ValueError('Number of volumes in catd ({0}), '
                         'tsoc ({1}), and mmix ({2}) do not '
                         'match.'.format(catd.shape[2], tsoc.shape[1],
    elif t2s.ndim == 2:
        if catd.shape[2] != t2s.shape[1]:
            raise ValueError('Number of volumes in catd '
                             '({0}) does not match number of volumes in '
                             't2s ({1})'.format(catd.shape[2], t2s.shape[1]))

    # mask everything we can
    tsoc = tsoc[mask, :]
    catd = catd[mask, ...]
    t2s = t2s[mask]

    # demean optimal combination
    tsoc_dm = tsoc - tsoc.mean(axis=-1, keepdims=True)

    # compute un-normalized weight dataset (features)
    if mmixN is None:
        mmixN = mmix
    WTS = computefeats2(tsoc, mmixN, mask=None, normalize=False)

    # compute PSC dataset - shouldn't have to refit data
    tsoc_B = get_coeffs(tsoc_dm, mmix, mask=None)
    del tsoc_dm
    tsoc_Babs = np.abs(tsoc_B)
    PSC = tsoc_B / tsoc.mean(axis=-1, keepdims=True) * 100

    # compute skews to determine signs based on unnormalized weights,
    # correct mmix & WTS signs based on spatial distribution tails
    signs = stats.skew(WTS, axis=0)
    signs /= np.abs(signs)
    mmix = mmix.copy()
    mmix *= signs
    WTS *= signs
    PSC *= signs
    totvar = (tsoc_B**2).sum()
    totvar_norm = (WTS**2).sum()

    # compute Betas and means over TEs for TE-dependence analysis
    betas = get_coeffs(utils.unmask(catd, mask), mmix,
                       np.repeat(mask[:, np.newaxis], len(tes), axis=1))
    betas = betas[mask, ...]
    n_voxels, n_echos, n_components = betas.shape
    mu = catd.mean(axis=-1, dtype=float)
    tes = np.reshape(tes, (n_echos, 1))
    fmin, _, _ = getfbounds(n_echos)

    # set up Xmats
    X1 = mu.T  # Model 1
    X2 = np.tile(tes, (1, n_voxels)) * mu.T / t2s.T  # Model 2

    # tables for component selection
    kappas = np.zeros([n_components])
    rhos = np.zeros([n_components])
    varex = np.zeros([n_components])
    varex_norm = np.zeros([n_components])
    Z_maps = np.zeros([n_voxels, n_components])
    F_R2_maps = np.zeros([n_voxels, n_components])
    F_S0_maps = np.zeros([n_voxels, n_components])
    pred_R2_maps = np.zeros([n_voxels, n_echos, n_components])
    pred_S0_maps = np.zeros([n_voxels, n_echos, n_components])

    LGR.info('Fitting TE- and S0-dependent models to components')
    for i_comp in range(n_components):
        # size of comp_betas is (n_echoes, n_samples)
        comp_betas = np.atleast_3d(betas)[:, :, i_comp].T
        alpha = (np.abs(comp_betas)**2).sum(axis=0)
        varex[i_comp] = (tsoc_B[:, i_comp]**2).sum() / totvar * 100.
        varex_norm[i_comp] = (WTS[:, i_comp]**2).sum() / totvar_norm

        # S0 Model
        # (S,) model coefficient map
        coeffs_S0 = (comp_betas * X1).sum(axis=0) / (X1**2).sum(axis=0)
        pred_S0 = X1 * np.tile(coeffs_S0, (n_echos, 1))
        pred_S0_maps[:, :, i_comp] = pred_S0.T
        SSE_S0 = (comp_betas - pred_S0)**2
        SSE_S0 = SSE_S0.sum(axis=0)  # (S,) prediction error map
        F_S0 = (alpha - SSE_S0) * (n_echos - 1) / (SSE_S0)
        F_S0_maps[:, i_comp] = F_S0

        # R2 Model
        coeffs_R2 = (comp_betas * X2).sum(axis=0) / (X2**2).sum(axis=0)
        pred_R2 = X2 * np.tile(coeffs_R2, (n_echos, 1))
        pred_R2_maps[:, :, i_comp] = pred_R2.T
        SSE_R2 = (comp_betas - pred_R2)**2
        SSE_R2 = SSE_R2.sum(axis=0)
        F_R2 = (alpha - SSE_R2) * (n_echos - 1) / (SSE_R2)
        F_R2_maps[:, i_comp] = F_R2

        # compute weights as Z-values
        wtsZ = (WTS[:, i_comp] - WTS[:, i_comp].mean()) / WTS[:, i_comp].std()
        wtsZ[np.abs(wtsZ) > Z_MAX] = (
            Z_MAX * (np.abs(wtsZ) / wtsZ))[np.abs(wtsZ) > Z_MAX]
        Z_maps[:, i_comp] = wtsZ

        # compute Kappa and Rho
        F_S0[F_S0 > F_MAX] = F_MAX
        F_R2[F_R2 > F_MAX] = F_MAX
        norm_weights = np.abs(wtsZ**2.)
        kappas[i_comp] = np.average(F_R2, weights=norm_weights)
        rhos[i_comp] = np.average(F_S0, weights=norm_weights)
    del SSE_S0, SSE_R2, wtsZ, F_S0, F_R2, norm_weights, comp_betas
    if algorithm != 'kundu_v3':
        del WTS, PSC, tsoc_B

    # tabulate component values
    comptable = np.vstack([kappas, rhos, varex, varex_norm]).T
    if reindex:
        # re-index all components in descending Kappa order
        sort_idx = comptable[:, 0].argsort()[::-1]
        comptable = comptable[sort_idx, :]
        mmix_new = mmix[:, sort_idx]
        betas = betas[..., sort_idx]
        pred_R2_maps = pred_R2_maps[:, :, sort_idx]
        pred_S0_maps = pred_S0_maps[:, :, sort_idx]
        F_R2_maps = F_R2_maps[:, sort_idx]
        F_S0_maps = F_S0_maps[:, sort_idx]
        Z_maps = Z_maps[:, sort_idx]
        tsoc_Babs = tsoc_Babs[:, sort_idx]
        if algorithm == 'kundu_v3':
            WTS = WTS[:, sort_idx]
            PSC = PSC[:, sort_idx]
            tsoc_B = tsoc_B[:, sort_idx]
        mmix_new = mmix
    del mmix

    if verbose:
        # Echo-specific weight maps for each of the ICA components.
        io.filewrite(utils.unmask(betas, mask),
                     op.join(out_dir, '{0}betas_catd.nii'.format(label)),

        # Echo-specific maps of predicted values for R2 and S0 models for each
        # component.
        io.filewrite(utils.unmask(pred_R2_maps, mask),
                     op.join(out_dir, '{0}R2_pred.nii'.format(label)), ref_img)
        io.filewrite(utils.unmask(pred_S0_maps, mask),
                     op.join(out_dir, '{0}S0_pred.nii'.format(label)), ref_img)
        # Weight maps used to average metrics across voxels
        io.filewrite(utils.unmask(Z_maps**2., mask),
                     op.join(out_dir, '{0}metric_weights.nii'.format(label)),
    del pred_R2_maps, pred_S0_maps

    comptable = pd.DataFrame(comptable,
                                 'kappa', 'rho', 'variance explained',
                                 'normalized variance explained'
    comptable.index.name = 'component'

    # Generate clustering criteria for component selection
    if algorithm in ['kundu_v2', 'kundu_v3']:
        Z_clmaps = np.zeros([n_voxels, n_components], bool)
        F_R2_clmaps = np.zeros([n_voxels, n_components], bool)
        F_S0_clmaps = np.zeros([n_voxels, n_components], bool)
        Br_R2_clmaps = np.zeros([n_voxels, n_components], bool)
        Br_S0_clmaps = np.zeros([n_voxels, n_components], bool)

        LGR.info('Performing spatial clustering of components')
        csize = np.max([int(n_voxels * 0.0005) + 5, 20])
        LGR.debug('Using minimum cluster size: {}'.format(csize))
        for i_comp in range(n_components):
            # Cluster-extent threshold and binarize F-maps
            ccimg = io.new_nii_like(
                ref_img, np.squeeze(utils.unmask(F_R2_maps[:, i_comp], mask)))
                        i_comp] = utils.threshold_map(ccimg,
            countsigFR2 = F_R2_clmaps[:, i_comp].sum()

            ccimg = io.new_nii_like(
                ref_img, np.squeeze(utils.unmask(F_S0_maps[:, i_comp], mask)))
                        i_comp] = utils.threshold_map(ccimg,
            countsigFS0 = F_S0_clmaps[:, i_comp].sum()

            # Cluster-extent threshold and binarize Z-maps with CDT of p < 0.05
            ccimg = io.new_nii_like(
                ref_img, np.squeeze(utils.unmask(Z_maps[:, i_comp], mask)))
            Z_clmaps[:, i_comp] = utils.threshold_map(ccimg,

            # Cluster-extent threshold and binarize ranked signal-change map
            ccimg = io.new_nii_like(
                utils.unmask(stats.rankdata(tsoc_Babs[:, i_comp]), mask))
            Br_R2_clmaps[:, i_comp] = utils.threshold_map(
                threshold=(max(tsoc_Babs.shape) - countsigFR2),
            Br_S0_clmaps[:, i_comp] = utils.threshold_map(
                threshold=(max(tsoc_Babs.shape) - countsigFS0),
        del ccimg, tsoc_Babs

        if algorithm == 'kundu_v2':
            # WTS, tsoc_B, PSC, and F_S0_maps are not used by Kundu v2.5
            selvars = [
                'Z_maps', 'F_R2_maps', 'Z_clmaps', 'F_R2_clmaps',
                'F_S0_clmaps', 'Br_R2_clmaps', 'Br_S0_clmaps'
        elif algorithm == 'kundu_v3':
            selvars = [
                'WTS', 'tsoc_B', 'PSC', 'Z_maps', 'F_R2_maps', 'F_S0_maps',
                'Z_clmaps', 'F_R2_clmaps', 'F_S0_clmaps', 'Br_R2_clmaps',
        elif algorithm is None:
            selvars = []
            raise ValueError(
                'Algorithm "{0}" not recognized.'.format(algorithm))

        seldict = {}
        for vv in selvars:
            seldict[vv] = eval(vv)
        seldict = None

    return comptable, seldict, betas, mmix_new
Exemple #9
def write_split_ts(data, mmix, mask, comptable, ref_img, suffix=''):
    Splits `data` into denoised / noise / ignored time series and saves to disk

    data : (S x T) array_like
        Input time series
    mmix : (C x T) array_like
        Mixing matrix for converting input data to component space, where `C`
        is components and `T` is the same as in `data`
    mask : (S,) array_like
        Boolean mask array
    ref_img : :obj:`str` or img_like
        Reference image to dictate how outputs are saved to disk
    suffix : :obj:`str`, optional
        Appended to name of saved files (before extension). Default: ''

    varexpl : :obj:`float`
        Percent variance of data explained by extracted + retained components

    This function writes out several files:

    ======================    =================================================
    Filename                  Content
    ======================    =================================================
    hik_ts_[suffix].nii       High-Kappa time series.
    midk_ts_[suffix].nii      Mid-Kappa time series.
    low_ts_[suffix].nii       Low-Kappa time series.
    dn_ts_[suffix].nii        Denoised time series.
    ======================    =================================================
    acc = comptable[comptable.classification == 'accepted'].index.values
    rej = comptable[comptable.classification == 'rejected'].index.values

    # mask and de-mean data
    mdata = data[mask]
    dmdata = mdata.T - mdata.T.mean(axis=0)

    # get variance explained by retained components
    betas = get_coeffs(dmdata.T, mmix, mask=None)
    varexpl = (1 - ((dmdata.T - betas.dot(mmix.T))**2.).sum() /
               (dmdata**2.).sum()) * 100
    LGR.info('Variance explained by ICA decomposition: {:.02f}%'.format(varexpl))

    # create component and de-noised time series and save to files
    hikts = betas[:, acc].dot(mmix.T[acc, :])
    lowkts = betas[:, rej].dot(mmix.T[rej, :])
    dnts = data[mask] - lowkts

    if len(acc) != 0:
        fout = filewrite(utils.unmask(hikts, mask),
                         'hik_ts_{0}'.format(suffix), ref_img)
        LGR.info('Writing high-Kappa time series: {}'.format(op.abspath(fout)))

    if len(rej) != 0:
        fout = filewrite(utils.unmask(lowkts, mask),
                         'lowk_ts_{0}'.format(suffix), ref_img)
        LGR.info('Writing low-Kappa time series: {}'.format(op.abspath(fout)))

    fout = filewrite(utils.unmask(dnts, mask),
                     'dn_ts_{0}'.format(suffix), ref_img)
    LGR.info('Writing denoised time series: {}'.format(op.abspath(fout)))

    return varexpl
Exemple #10
def writeresults(ts, mask, comptable, mmix, n_vols, ref_img):
    Denoises `ts` and saves all resulting files to disk

    ts : (S x T) array_like
        Time series to denoise and save to disk
    mask : (S,) array_like
        Boolean mask array
    comptable : (C x X) :obj:`pandas.DataFrame`
        Component metric table. One row for each component, with a column for
        each metric. Requires at least two columns: "component" and
    mmix : (C x T) array_like
        Mixing matrix for converting input data to component space, where `C`
        is components and `T` is the same as in `data`
    n_vols : :obj:`int`
        Number of volumes in original time series
    ref_img : :obj:`str` or img_like
        Reference image to dictate how outputs are saved to disk

    This function writes out several files:

    ======================    =================================================
    Filename                  Content
    ======================    =================================================
    ts_OC.nii                 Optimally combined 4D time series.
    hik_ts_OC.nii             High-Kappa time series. Generated by
    midk_ts_OC.nii            Mid-Kappa time series. Generated by
    low_ts_OC.nii             Low-Kappa time series. Generated by
    dn_ts_OC.nii              Denoised time series. Generated by
    betas_OC.nii              Full ICA coefficient feature set.
    betas_hik_OC.nii          Denoised ICA coefficient feature set.
    feats_OC2.nii             Z-normalized spatial component maps. Generated
                              by :py:func:`tedana.utils.io.writefeats`.
    comp_table.txt            Component table. Generated by
    ======================    =================================================
    acc = comptable[comptable.classification == 'accepted'].index.values

    fout = filewrite(ts, 'ts_OC', ref_img)
    LGR.info('Writing optimally combined time series: {}'.format(op.abspath(fout)))

    write_split_ts(ts, mmix, mask, comptable, ref_img, suffix='OC')

    ts_B = get_coeffs(ts, mmix, mask)
    fout = filewrite(ts_B, 'betas_OC', ref_img)
    LGR.info('Writing full ICA coefficient feature set: {}'.format(op.abspath(fout)))

    if len(acc) != 0:
        fout = filewrite(ts_B[:, acc], 'betas_hik_OC', ref_img)
        LGR.info('Writing denoised ICA coefficient feature set: {}'.format(op.abspath(fout)))
        fout = writefeats(split_ts(ts, mmix, mask, comptable)[0],
                          mmix[:, acc], mask, ref_img, suffix='OC2')
        LGR.info('Writing Z-normalized spatial component maps: {}'.format(op.abspath(fout)))
Exemple #11
def comp_figures(ts, mask, comptable, mmix, io_generator, png_cmap):
    Creates static figures that highlight certain aspects of tedana processing
    This includes a figure for each component showing the component time course,
    the spatial weight map and a fast Fourier transform of the time course

    ts : (S x T) array_like
        Time series from which to derive ICA betas
    mask : (S,) array_like
        Boolean mask array
    comptable : (C x X) :obj:`pandas.DataFrame`
        Component metric table. One row for each component, with a column for
        each metric. The index should be the component number.
    mmix : (C x T) array_like
        Mixing matrix for converting input data to component space, where `C`
        is components and `T` is the same as in `data`
    io_generator : :obj:`tedana.io.OutputGenerator`
        Output Generator object to use for this workflow
    # Get the lenght of the timeseries
    n_vols = len(mmix)

    # Flip signs of mixing matrix as needed
    mmix = mmix * comptable["optimal sign"].values

    # regenerate the beta images
    ts_B = stats.get_coeffs(ts, mmix, mask)
    ts_B = ts_B.reshape(io_generator.reference_img.shape[:3] + ts_B.shape[1:])
    # trim edges from ts_B array
    ts_B = _trim_edge_zeros(ts_B)

    # Mask out remaining zeros
    ts_B = np.ma.masked_where(ts_B == 0, ts_B)

    # Get repetition time from reference image
    tr = io_generator.reference_img.header.get_zooms()[-1]

    # Create indices for 6 cuts, based on dimensions
    cuts = [ts_B.shape[dim] // 6 for dim in range(3)]
    expl_text = ""

    # Remove trailing ';' from rationale column
    comptable["rationale"] = comptable["rationale"].str.rstrip(";")
    for compnum in comptable.index.values:
        if comptable.loc[compnum, "classification"] == "accepted":
            line_color = "g"
            expl_text = "accepted"
        elif comptable.loc[compnum, "classification"] == "rejected":
            line_color = "r"
            expl_text = "rejection reason(s): " + comptable.loc[compnum,
        elif comptable.loc[compnum, "classification"] == "ignored":
            line_color = "k"
            expl_text = "ignored reason(s): " + comptable.loc[compnum,
            # Classification not added
            # If new, this will keep code running
            line_color = "0.75"
            expl_text = "other classification"

        allplot = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 9))
        ax_ts = plt.subplot2grid((5, 6), (0, 0),

        ax_ts.set_xlim(0, n_vols)
        # Make a second axis with units of time (s)
        max_xticks = 10
        xloc = plt.MaxNLocator(max_xticks)

        ax_ts2 = ax_ts.twiny()
        ax1Xs = ax_ts.get_xticks()

        ax2Xs = []
        for X in ax1Xs:
            # Limit to 2 decimal places
            seconds_val = round(X * tr, 2)

        ax_ts.plot(mmix[:, compnum], color=line_color)

        # Title will include variance from comptable
        comp_var = "{0:.2f}".format(comptable.loc[compnum,
                                                  "variance explained"])
        comp_kappa = "{0:.2f}".format(comptable.loc[compnum, "kappa"])
        comp_rho = "{0:.2f}".format(comptable.loc[compnum, "rho"])
        plt_title = "Comp. {}: variance: {}%, kappa: {}, rho: {}, {}".format(
            compnum, comp_var, comp_kappa, comp_rho, expl_text)
        title = ax_ts.set_title(plt_title)

        # Set range to ~1/10th of max positive or negative beta
        imgmax = 0.1 * np.abs(ts_B[:, :, :, compnum]).max()
        imgmin = imgmax * -1

        for idx, _ in enumerate(cuts):
            for imgslice in range(1, 6):
                ax = plt.subplot2grid((5, 6), (idx + 1, imgslice - 1),

                if idx == 0:
                    to_plot = np.rot90(ts_B[imgslice * cuts[idx], :, :,
                if idx == 1:
                    to_plot = np.rot90(ts_B[:, imgslice * cuts[idx], :,
                if idx == 2:
                    to_plot = ts_B[:, :, imgslice * cuts[idx], compnum]

                ax_im = ax.imshow(to_plot,

        # Add a color bar to the plot.
        ax_cbar = allplot.add_axes([0.8, 0.3, 0.03, 0.37])
        cbar = allplot.colorbar(ax_im, ax_cbar)
        cbar.set_label("Component Beta", rotation=90)

        # Get fft and freqs for this subject
        # adapted from @dangom
        spectrum, freqs = utils.get_spectrum(mmix[:, compnum], tr)

        # Plot it
        ax_fft = plt.subplot2grid((5, 6), (4, 0), rowspan=1, colspan=6)
        ax_fft.plot(freqs, spectrum)
        ax_fft.set_title("One Sided fft")
        ax_fft.set_xlim(freqs[0], freqs[-1])

        # Fix spacing so TR label does overlap with other plots
        plot_name = "comp_{}.png".format(str(compnum).zfill(3))
        compplot_name = os.path.join(io_generator.out_dir, "figures",
Exemple #12
def calculate_f_maps(data_cat, Z_maps, mixing, adaptive_mask, tes, f_max=500):
    """Calculate pseudo-F-statistic maps for TE-dependence and -independence models.

    data_cat : (M x E x T) array_like
        Multi-echo data, already masked.
    Z_maps : (M x C) array_like
        Z-statistic maps for components, reflecting voxel-wise component loadings.
    mixing : (T x C) array_like
        Mixing matrix
    adaptive_mask : (M) array_like
        Adaptive mask, where each voxel's value is the number of echoes with
        "good signal". Limited to masked voxels.
    tes : (E) array_like
        Echo times in milliseconds, in the same order as the echoes in data_cat.
    f_max : float, optional
        Maximum F-statistic, used to crop extreme values. Values in the
        F-statistic maps greater than this value are set to it.

    F_T2_maps, F_S0_maps, pred_T2_maps, pred_S0_maps : (M x C) array_like
        Pseudo-F-statistic maps for TE-dependence and -independence models,
    assert data_cat.shape[0] == Z_maps.shape[0] == adaptive_mask.shape[0]
    assert data_cat.shape[1] == tes.shape[0]
    assert data_cat.shape[2] == mixing.shape[0]
    assert Z_maps.shape[1] == mixing.shape[1]

    # TODO: Remove mask arg from get_coeffs
    me_betas = get_coeffs(data_cat, mixing, mask=np.ones(data_cat.shape[:2], bool), add_const=True)
    n_voxels, n_echos, n_components = me_betas.shape
    mu = data_cat.mean(axis=-1, dtype=float)
    tes = np.reshape(tes, (n_echos, 1))

    # set up Xmats
    X1 = mu.T  # Model 1
    X2 = np.tile(tes, (1, n_voxels)) * mu.T  # Model 2

    F_T2_maps = np.zeros([n_voxels, n_components])
    F_S0_maps = np.zeros([n_voxels, n_components])
    pred_T2_maps = np.zeros([n_voxels, len(tes), n_components])
    pred_S0_maps = np.zeros([n_voxels, len(tes), n_components])

    for i_comp in range(n_components):
        # size of comp_betas is (n_echoes, n_samples)
        comp_betas = np.atleast_3d(me_betas)[:, :, i_comp].T
        alpha = (np.abs(comp_betas) ** 2).sum(axis=0)

        # Only analyze good echoes at each voxel
        for j_echo in np.unique(adaptive_mask[adaptive_mask >= 3]):
            mask_idx = adaptive_mask == j_echo
            alpha = (np.abs(comp_betas[:j_echo]) ** 2).sum(axis=0)

            # S0 Model
            # (S,) model coefficient map
            coeffs_S0 = (comp_betas[:j_echo] * X1[:j_echo, :]).sum(axis=0) / (
                X1[:j_echo, :] ** 2
            pred_S0 = X1[:j_echo, :] * np.tile(coeffs_S0, (j_echo, 1))
            SSE_S0 = (comp_betas[:j_echo] - pred_S0) ** 2
            SSE_S0 = SSE_S0.sum(axis=0)  # (S,) prediction error map
            F_S0 = (alpha - SSE_S0) * (j_echo - 1) / (SSE_S0)
            F_S0[F_S0 > f_max] = f_max
            F_S0_maps[mask_idx, i_comp] = F_S0[mask_idx]

            # T2 Model
            coeffs_T2 = (comp_betas[:j_echo] * X2[:j_echo, :]).sum(axis=0) / (
                X2[:j_echo, :] ** 2
            pred_T2 = X2[:j_echo] * np.tile(coeffs_T2, (j_echo, 1))
            SSE_T2 = (comp_betas[:j_echo] - pred_T2) ** 2
            SSE_T2 = SSE_T2.sum(axis=0)
            F_T2 = (alpha - SSE_T2) * (j_echo - 1) / (SSE_T2)
            F_T2[F_T2 > f_max] = f_max
            F_T2_maps[mask_idx, i_comp] = F_T2[mask_idx]

            pred_S0_maps[mask_idx, :j_echo, i_comp] = pred_S0.T[mask_idx, :]
            pred_T2_maps[mask_idx, :j_echo, i_comp] = pred_T2.T[mask_idx, :]

    return F_T2_maps, F_S0_maps, pred_T2_maps, pred_S0_maps
Exemple #13
def writeresults(ts, mask, comptable, mmix, n_vols, io_generator):
    Denoises `ts` and saves all resulting files to disk

    ts : (S x T) array_like
        Time series to denoise and save to disk
    mask : (S,) array_like
        Boolean mask array
    comptable : (C x X) :obj:`pandas.DataFrame`
        Component metric table. One row for each component, with a column for
        each metric. Requires at least two columns: "component" and
    mmix : (C x T) array_like
        Mixing matrix for converting input data to component space, where `C`
        is components and `T` is the same as in `data`
    n_vols : :obj:`int`
        Number of volumes in original time series
    ref_img : :obj:`str` or img_like
        Reference image to dictate how outputs are saved to disk

    This function writes out several files:

    =========================================    =====================================
    Filename                                     Content
    =========================================    =====================================
    desc-optcomAccepted_bold.nii.gz              High-Kappa time series.
    desc-optcomRejected_bold.nii.gz              Low-Kappa time series.
    desc-optcomDenoised_bold.nii.gz              Denoised time series.
    desc-ICA_components.nii.gz                   Spatial component maps for all
    desc-ICAAccepted_components.nii.gz           Spatial component maps for accepted
    desc-ICAAccepted_stat-z_components.nii.gz    Z-normalized spatial component maps
                                                 for accepted components.
    =========================================    =====================================

    See Also
    tedana.io.write_split_ts: Writes out time series files
    acc = comptable[comptable.classification == "accepted"].index.values
    write_split_ts(ts, mmix, mask, comptable, io_generator)

    ts_B = get_coeffs(ts, mmix, mask)
    fout = io_generator.save_file(ts_B, "ICA components img")
    LGR.info("Writing full ICA coefficient feature set: {}".format(fout))

    if len(acc) != 0:
        fout = io_generator.save_file(ts_B[:, acc],
                                      "ICA accepted components img")
            "Writing denoised ICA coefficient feature set: {}".format(fout))

        # write feature versions of components
        feats = computefeats2(
            split_ts(ts, mmix, mask, comptable)[0], mmix[:, acc], mask)
        feats = utils.unmask(feats, mask)
        fname = io_generator.save_file(feats,
                                       "z-scored ICA accepted components img")
            "Writing Z-normalized spatial component maps: {}".format(fname))
Exemple #14
def write_comp_figs(ts, mask, comptable, mmix, ref_img, out_dir, png_cmap):
    Creates static figures that highlight certain aspects of tedana processing
    This includes a figure for each component showing the component time course,
    the spatial weight map and a fast Fourier transform of the time course

    ts : (S x T) array_like
        Time series from which to derive ICA betas
    mask : (S,) array_like
        Boolean mask array
    comptable : (C x X) :obj:`pandas.DataFrame`
        Component metric table. One row for each component, with a column for
        each metric. The index should be the component number.
    mmix : (C x T) array_like
        Mixing matrix for converting input data to component space, where `C`
        is components and `T` is the same as in `data`
    ref_img : :obj:`str` or img_like
        Reference image to dictate how outputs are saved to disk
    out_dir : :obj:`str`
        Figures folder within output directory
    png_cmap : :obj:`str`
        The name of a matplotlib colormap to use when making figures. Optional.
        Default colormap is 'coolwarm'

    # Get the lenght of the timeseries
    n_vols = len(mmix)

    # Check that colormap provided exists
    if png_cmap not in plt.colormaps():
            'Provided colormap is not recognized, proceeding with default')
        png_cmap = 'coolwarm'
    # regenerate the beta images
    ts_B = stats.get_coeffs(ts, mmix, mask)
    ts_B = ts_B.reshape(ref_img.shape[:3] + ts_B.shape[1:])
    # trim edges from ts_B array
    ts_B = trim_edge_zeros(ts_B)

    # Mask out remaining zeros
    ts_B = np.ma.masked_where(ts_B == 0, ts_B)

    # Get repetition time from ref_img
    tr = ref_img.header.get_zooms()[-1]

    # Create indices for 6 cuts, based on dimensions
    cuts = [ts_B.shape[dim] // 6 for dim in range(3)]
    expl_text = ''

    # Remove trailing ';' from rationale column
    comptable['rationale'] = comptable['rationale'].str.rstrip(';')
    for compnum in comptable.index.values:
        if comptable.loc[compnum, "classification"] == 'accepted':
            line_color = 'g'
            expl_text = 'accepted'
        elif comptable.loc[compnum, "classification"] == 'rejected':
            line_color = 'r'
            expl_text = 'rejection reason(s): ' + comptable.loc[compnum,
        elif comptable.loc[compnum, "classification"] == 'ignored':
            line_color = 'k'
            expl_text = 'ignored reason(s): ' + comptable.loc[compnum,
            # Classification not added
            # If new, this will keep code running
            line_color = '0.75'
            expl_text = 'other classification'

        allplot = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 9))
        ax_ts = plt.subplot2grid((5, 6), (0, 0),

        ax_ts.set_xlim(0, n_vols)
        # Make a second axis with units of time (s)
        max_xticks = 10
        xloc = plt.MaxNLocator(max_xticks)

        ax_ts2 = ax_ts.twiny()
        ax1Xs = ax_ts.get_xticks()

        ax2Xs = []
        for X in ax1Xs:
            # Limit to 2 decimal places
            seconds_val = round(X * tr, 2)

        ax_ts.plot(mmix[:, compnum], color=line_color)

        # Title will include variance from comptable
        comp_var = "{0:.2f}".format(comptable.loc[compnum,
                                                  "variance explained"])
        comp_kappa = "{0:.2f}".format(comptable.loc[compnum, "kappa"])
        comp_rho = "{0:.2f}".format(comptable.loc[compnum, "rho"])
        plt_title = ('Comp. {}: variance: {}%, kappa: {}, rho: {}, '
                     '{}'.format(compnum, comp_var, comp_kappa, comp_rho,
        title = ax_ts.set_title(plt_title)

        # Set range to ~1/10th of max positive or negative beta
        imgmax = 0.1 * np.abs(ts_B[:, :, :, compnum]).max()
        imgmin = imgmax * -1

        for idx, cut in enumerate(cuts):
            for imgslice in range(1, 6):
                ax = plt.subplot2grid((5, 6), (idx + 1, imgslice - 1),

                if idx == 0:
                    to_plot = np.rot90(ts_B[imgslice * cuts[idx], :, :,
                if idx == 1:
                    to_plot = np.rot90(ts_B[:, imgslice * cuts[idx], :,
                if idx == 2:
                    to_plot = ts_B[:, :, imgslice * cuts[idx], compnum]

                ax_im = ax.imshow(to_plot,

        # Add a color bar to the plot.
        ax_cbar = allplot.add_axes([0.8, 0.3, 0.03, 0.37])
        cbar = allplot.colorbar(ax_im, ax_cbar)
        cbar.set_label('Component Beta', rotation=90)

        # Get fft and freqs for this subject
        # adapted from @dangom
        spectrum, freqs = get_spectrum(mmix[:, compnum], tr)

        # Plot it
        ax_fft = plt.subplot2grid((5, 6), (4, 0), rowspan=1, colspan=6)
        ax_fft.plot(freqs, spectrum)
        ax_fft.set_title('One Sided fft')
        ax_fft.set_xlim(freqs[0], freqs[-1])

        # Fix spacing so TR label does overlap with other plots
        plot_name = 'comp_{}.png'.format(str(compnum).zfill(3))
        compplot_name = os.path.join(out_dir, plot_name)