def modif(self,path,data,msg=None,binary=False): self.log.debug("MODIF") path=format_path(path) if path=='': #la racine n'est pas un fichier. return pere=path_pere(path) name=name_from_path(path) fsreptmp=self.prepare_fstmp(pere) if binary: acces='wb' else: acces='w' f=open('%s/%s' % (fsreptmp,name),acces) f.write(data) f.close() actions=[] message=msg if not message: message = "Modifie fichier %s " % path tmpcommit=fsreptmp+'/'+name new_rev=self.commit(actions,message,tmpcommit,fsreptmp) return new_rev
def date(self,path,rev=None): path=format_path(path) if rev: txtrev="-r %s " % rev else: txtrev="" filename='%s%s' % (self.dataread,path) ret=system_ret("""svn info %s "%s" |grep Date| grep difica""" % (txtrev,filename)) #grep francophone !!! datestr=ret.split(':',1)[1].split('(')[0].strip() return datestr
def get_rev(self,path): path=format_path(path) ret=system_ret("""svn info "%s%s" |grep vision| grep difica""" % (self.dataread,path)) #grep francophone !!! try: r=int(ret.split(':',1)[1].split('/n')[0].strip()) except: self.log.debug(path) self.log.debug(ret) r=0 return r
def diff(self,path,r1,r2): path=format_path(path) if r1>r2: r3=r1 r1=r2 r2=r3 try: filename='%s/%s' % (self.dataread,path) ret=system_ret("""svn diff -r %s:%s "%s" """ % (r1,r2,filename) ) diff=ret.split('\n',4)[4] return diff except: return None
def get_revs(self,path): path=format_path(path) filename='%s%s' % (self.dataread,path) ret=system_ret("""svn log "%s" """ % filename ) mods=ret.split('------------------------------------------------------------------------') ids=[] for m in mods: try: v=int(m.split('|',1)[0].strip()[1:]) ids.append(v) except: pass return ids
def add_link(self,pathlinkinit,pathlinkfinal,msg=None): self.log.debug("ADDLINK") pathlinkinit=format_path(pathlinkinit) pathlinkfinal=format_path(pathlinkfinal) perefinal=path_pere(pathlinkfinal) namefinal=name_from_path(pathlinkfinal) fsreptmp = self.prepare_fstmp(perefinal) #TODO BEST : lien en relatif et pas en absolu # pour permettre le deplacement dans un autre repertoire du contenu. system_no_ret("""ln -s "%s/%s" "%s/%s" """ % (self.dataread,pathlinkinit,fsreptmp,namefinal)) actions=[("""svn add "%s/%s" """ % (fsreptmp,namefinal)),] message=msg if not message: message="Ajout lien symbolique %s => %s " % (pathlinkinit,pathlinkfinal) tmpcommit=fsreptmp+'/'+namefinal new_rev=self.commit(actions,message,tmpcommit,fsreptmp) return new_rev
def get(self,path,rev=None): path=format_path(path) if not rev: try: f=open("%s%s" % (self.dataread,path)) f.close() return ret except: return None else: fsreptmp = tempfile.mkdtemp() system_no_ret("""svn export -r %s "%s%s" "%s/file" """ % (rev,self.dataread,path,fsreptmp)) f=open("%s/file" % (fsreptmp)) f.close() return ret
def add_folder(self,path,msg=None): self.log.debug("ADDFOLDER") path=format_path(path) if path=='': #on ne peux creer la racine (elle existe deja) return pere=path_pere(path) name=name_from_path(path) fsreptmp=self.prepare_fstmp(pere) system_no_ret("""mkdir "%s/%s" """ % (fsreptmp,name)) actions=[("""svn add "%s/%s" """ % (fsreptmp,name)),] message=msg if not message: message = "Ajouter Repertoire %s " % path tmpcommit=fsreptmp+'/'+name new_rev=self.commit(actions,message,tmpcommit,fsreptmp) return new_rev
def trash(self,path,msg=None): self.log.debug("TRASH") path=format_path(path) if path=='': #on ne peux pas mettre la racine dans trash return pere=path_pere(path) name=name_from_path(path)"%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") pathtrash="/trash/%s" % dt self.log.debug('create %s' % pathtrash) new_rev=self.add_folder(pathtrash) pathtrashobj="%s/%s" % (pathtrash,name) message="Trash : %s => %s " % (path,pathtrashobj) self.log.debug(message) new_rev=self.move(path,pathtrashobj) return (new_rev,dt)
def delete(self,path,msg=None): self.log.debug("DELETE") ### Ne pas appeler directemer dans les modules, ### prefere appeler trash pour garder le contenu. path=format_path(path) if path=='': #on ne peux detruire la racine return pere=path_pere(path) name=name_from_path(path) fsreptmp=self.prepare_fstmp(pere) system_no_ret("""cp -r "%s%s" "%s" """ % (self.dataread,path,fsreptmp)) actions=[("""svn del "%s/%s" """ % (fsreptmp,name)),] message=msg if not message: message="Detruit fichier %s " % path tmpcommit=fsreptmp+'/'+name new_rev=self.commit(actions,message,tmpcommit,fsreptmp) return new_rev
def add(self,path,data,msg=None,binary=False): path=format_path(path) if path=='': return pere=path_pere(path) name=name_from_path(path) fsreptmp=self.prepare_fstmp(pere) if binary: acces='wb' else: acces='w' f=open('%s/%s' % (fsreptmp,name),acces) f.write(data) f.close() actions=[("""svn add "%s/%s" """ % (fsreptmp,name)),] message=msg if not message: message="Ajouter fichier %s " % path tmpcommit=fsreptmp+'/'+name new_rev=self.commit(actions,message,tmpcommit,fsreptmp) return new_rev
def isdir(self,path): path=format_path(path) filename='%s%s' % (self.dataread,path) return os.path.isdir(filename)
def exist(self,path): path=format_path(path) filename='%s%s' % (self.dataread,path) return os.path.lexists(filename) and os.access(filename,os.F_OK) and os.access(filename,os.R_OK)
def move(self,pathinit,pathfinal,msg=None): self.log.debug("MOVE") pathinit=format_path(pathinit) pathfinal=format_path(pathfinal) if (pathinit==pathfinal): # destination = arrive !! pas de deplacement return if not self.exist(pathinit): # l'objet a deplacer n existe pas dans le fs. return if (pathinit==''): # on ne peux deplacer la racine return li=path_to_liste(pathinit) #liste path init lf=path_to_liste(pathfinal) #liste path final lc=[] # liste path commun acontinuer=True while acontinuer: if len(li)>0 and len(lf)>0 and li[0]==lf[0]: lc.append(li.pop(0)) lf.pop(0) else: acontinuer=False ri=format_path('/'.join(li)) # path repertoire initial sans le commun. rf=format_path('/'.join(lf)) # path repertoire final sans le commun. rc=format_path('/'.join(lc)) # path repertoire commun if ri=='': #ne peux pas deplacer un repertoire dans lui meme.... return fscommun='%s%s' % (self.dataread,rc) # cree la structure temporaire svn dans fsreptmp=self.prepare_fstmp(rc) # cree la structure temportaire des repertoire initaux for i in range(len(li)-1): rep=format_path('/'.join(li[:i+1])) if rep!='': self.log.debug("prepare inital %s " % rep) system_no_ret("""mkdir "%s%s" """ % (fsreptmp,rep)) system_no_ret("""cp -r "%s%s/.svn" "%s%s" """ % (fscommun,rep,fsreptmp,rep)) # copie le repertoire ou le fichier a deplacer if self.isdir(pathinit): self.log.debug("copie dir %s " % ri) system_no_ret("""cp -r "%s%s" "%s%s" """ % (fscommun,ri,fsreptmp,ri)) else: self.log.debug("copie file %s " % ri) system_no_ret("""cp "%s%s" "%s%s" """ % (fscommun,ri,fsreptmp,ri)) # cree la structure temportaire des repertoire finaux for i in range(len(lf)-1): rep=format_path('/'.join(lf[:i+1])) if rep!='': self.log.debug("prepare final %s " % rep) if not self.exist(rep): self.add_folder(rep) system_no_ret("""mkdir "%s%s" """ % (fsreptmp,rep)) system_no_ret("""cp -r "%s%s/.svn" "%s%s" """ % (fscommun,rep,fsreptmp,rep)) else: system_no_ret("""cp -r "%s/.svn" "%s" """ % (fscommun,fsreptmp)) # si la destination est un repertoire, preparation structure. if self.exist(pathfinal): if self.isdir(pathfinal): self.log.debug("prepare final folder %s " % rf) system_no_ret("""mkdir "%s%s" """ % (fsreptmp,rf)) system_no_ret("""cp -r "%s%s/.svn" "%s%s" """ % (fscommun,rf,fsreptmp,rf)) #definition svn move et commit actions=[("""svn move "%s%s" "%s%s" """ % (fsreptmp,ri,fsreptmp,rf)),] self.log.debug(str(actions)) message=msg if not message: message="move %s => %s" % (pathinit,pathfinal) tmpcommit=[fsreptmp+ri,fsreptmp+rf] self.log.debug('commits') self.log.debug(str(tmpcommit)) new_rev=self.commit(actions,message,tmpcommit,fsreptmp) # returne la revision actuelle. return new_rev
def __init__(self,reposvn,dataread,log): self.reposvn=reposvn self.dataread=format_path(dataread) self.semaphore_svn=threading.Semaphore() self.log=log
def handle(self): """ Handle a single HTTP request. GET et POST seulement """ self.command = None # recuperation de la ligne de requete. try: line = self.rfile.readline() except: self.err("error get requestline ") self.http_error(400,'No requestline') return False (ok,values)=split_requestline_http(line,self.protocol_version) if not ok: self.err(values[1]) self.http_error(values[0],values[1]) return False (self.command, self.path, self.request_version, self.keep_alive) = values #get headers with mimetools.Message RFC 2822 self.headers = mimetools.Message(self.rfile, 0) #check Connection keep-alive if self.keep_alive: conntype = self.headers.get('Connection', "") if conntype.lower() != 'keep-alive': self.keep_alive=False #get form if self.command=="POST": storage = cgi.FieldStorage( fp=self.rfile, headers=self.headers, environ={'REQUEST_METHOD':'POST', 'CONTENT_TYPE': self.headers['Content-Type'], } ) self.form = storage elif self.command=="GET": self.form = None #get path / query_string if self.path.find('?') != -1: self.path, self.query_string = self.path.split('?', 1) else: self.query_string = '' #unquote path try: self.path=urllib.unquote(self.path) except: self.dbg('error unquote path %s ' % self.path) self.path=format_path(self.path) #get args query_string self.args = dict(cgi.parse_qsl(self.query_string)) for k in self.args.keys(): self.args[k] = stou(self.args[k]) #get cookies self.cookies=None if 'cookie' in self.headers.keys() or 'Cookie' in self.headers.keys() : self.cookies=Cookie.SimpleCookie() self.cookies.load(self.headers['Cookie']) if not self.check_url(): self.err("error get requestline ") self.http_error(400,'URL incorrecte %s ' % self.path) return False return True