def Account(u, c): print("Account Calling") SearchData = SearchUserID(, "AddrGenByUser") reply_markup = IKM([[IKB("Địa Chỉ Nhận Tiền", None, 141)], [IKB("Trở Lại", None, 1)]]) if SearchData != None: if GetBalance(SearchData[0][1]) == False: verified = "Chưa Xác Minh" else: verified = "Đã Xác Minh" if SearchData[0][2] == 0.0: text = f"Địa Chỉ Token: {SearchData[0][1]}\nSố Dư TRX: {SearchData[0][2]} ( ❗ Không Đủ Số Dư Để Chuyển Token )\nTình Trạng Xác Minh: {verified}" else: text = f"Địa Chỉ Token: {SearchData[0][1]}\nSố Dư TRX: {GetBalance(SearchData[0][1])}\nTình Trạng Xác Minh: {verified}" Send(text, reply_markup, u, c) elif SearchData == None: text = "Đang Tạo Địa Chỉ Token Cho Bạn, Có Thể Mất Tối Đa 1 Phút" reply_markup = IKM([[IKB("Trở Lại", None, 1)]]) Send(text, reply_markup, u, c) New = GenAddr() user_id = InsertData("AddrGenByUser", "", f'''{user_id},"{New[0]}",0.0,"{New[1]}",False''') time.sleep(5), u.effective_message.message_id + 1) Account(u, c)
def creating_joining(update, context): ud = context.user_data chat_id = if 'name_user' in ud.keys(): add_user(ud['name_user'], chat_id) message = ("Do you want to join an existing community " "or create your own?") keyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup([ [IKB('Join existing community', callback_data='join')], [IKB('Create my own', callback_data='create')], ]) bot = if 'last_message' not in ud: last_message = bot.send_message(chat_id=chat_id, text=message, reply_markup=keyboard) ud['last_message'] = last_message else: last_message = ud['last_message'] bot.edit_message_text( message_id=last_message.message_id, chat_id=chat_id, text=message, reply_markup=keyboard, ) return ConversationStage.CREATING_JOINING
def ask_for_date(update, context): chat_id = bot = weekday_in_two_days = get_weekday( + datetime.timedelta(days=2)) keyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup([ [ IKB('Today', callback_data='today'), IKB('Tomorrow', callback_data='tmo'), ], [ IKB(f'On {weekday_in_two_days}', callback_data='in_2_days'), IKB('Show calendar', callback_data='show_calendar'), ], [IKB('Back', callback_data='back')], ]) message = get_message( context, epilog='I advise you to hide your ' 'keyboard now to better ' 'see my messages! \n \n' 'When do ' 'you ' 'want to cook?', ) last_message = context.user_data['last_message'] bot.edit_message_text( message_id=last_message.message_id, chat_id=chat_id, text=message, reply_markup=keyboard, ) return ConversationStage.SELECTING_WEEKDAY_OR_SHOW_CALENDAR
def community_action(update, context): chat_id = user = get_user_from_chat_id(chat_id) community = message = emojize( f'You\'re in the community \n :family: {} \n ' f':desert_island: whose ' f'description ' f'is : {community.description} \n What do you want to do?') buttons = [ [IKB('Quit community', callback_data='quit')], ] if user.admin: buttons.append([IKB('Invite people', callback_data='invite')]) buttons.append([IKB('Back', callback_data='back')]) keyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup(buttons) bot = ud = context.user_data if 'last_message' in ud: last_message = ud['last_message'] bot.edit_message_text( message_id=last_message.message_id, chat_id=chat_id, text=message, reply_markup=keyboard, ) else: ud['last_message'] = bot.send_message(chat_id=chat_id, text=message, reply_markup=keyboard) return ConversationStage.ACTION
def ask_for_confirmation(update, context): ud = context.user_data money = ud['money_or_meal'] to_whom = ud['user_transaction'] amount = emojize_number(ud['amount']) amount += '€' if money else ' meals' balance = ( str(to_whom.money_balance) + '€' if money else str(to_whom.meal_balance) + ' meals' ) message = emojize( f'You\'re about to give \n :money_bag: {amount} \n' f'{money_mouth_face} to {}\n' f':balance_scale: whose balance is : {balance}. \n' f'This user should give you the equivalent amount in real ' f'life in ' f'exchange\n' f'Do you confirm?' ) keyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup( [ [IKB('Confirm', callback_data='confirm')], [IKB('Back', callback_data='back')], ] ) update.callback_query.edit_message_text( text=message, reply_markup=keyboard, ) return ConversationStage.CONFIRMING
def ask_money_or_meal(update, context): chat_id = ud = context.user_data bot = keyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup( [ [IKB('Give money', callback_data='money')], [IKB('Give meal points', callback_data='meal')], [IKB('Back', callback_data='back')], ] ) message = 'What kind of transaction do you want to make?' if 'last_message' not in ud: last_message = bot.send_message( chat_id=chat_id, text=message, reply_markup=keyboard ) ud['last_message'] = last_message else: last_message = ud['last_message'] bot.edit_message_text( message_id=last_message.message_id, chat_id=chat_id, text=message, reply_markup=keyboard, ) return ConversationStage.MONEY_OR_MEAL
def online_init(self, bot, update): chat_id = update.message.chat_id loc = self.location[chat_id] text = update.message.text add_data, text = ( text, self.user_data[chat_id][0]) if loc == 'search' else ('', text) data_list, max_page = self.get_data(bot, chat_id, loc, text, add_data) if not data_list: return text_message = func_data.text_gen(data_list, loc, add_text=add_data) if loc == 'library': loc = func_data.analog[text] + ' ' + loc if loc == 'search': loc = '{} {} {}'.format(add_data, text, loc) keyboard = [[ IKB(str(i + 1), callback_data='item {} {} {}'.format(i, 0, loc)) for i in range(len(data_list[0])) ]] keyboard += [[ IKB('⬅', callback_data='prev 0 {} ' + loc), IKB('➡️', callback_data='next 0 ' + loc) ]] update.message.reply_text(text=text_message + '\n\nCurrent page: 1/' + str(max_page + 1), reply_markup=IKM(keyboard))
def cancelling(update, context): meal = context.user_data['meal_being_processed'] cancel_meal = context.user_data['cancel_meal'] too_late = ( not cancel_meal and datetime.strptime(meal.deadline, datetime_format) <= ) context.user_data['too_late'] = too_late if too_late: message = ( 'The deadline for confirming participation has passed, ' 'are you sure you want to cancel? I will send ' 'a message to the cook and you won\'t be charged for ' 'the meal but you won\'t be ' 'given your meal points back' ) else: optional = 'your participation at ' nothing = '' message = ( f'*Are you sure you want to cancel ' f'{optional if not cancel_meal else nothing} ' f'this meal?* \n' ) message += create_meal_message(meal) keyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup( [ [IKB('Confirm', callback_data='confirm')], [IKB('Back', callback_data='back')], ] ) update.callback_query.edit_message_text( text=message, reply_markup=keyboard, ) return ConversationStage.CANCELING
def online_button_checker(self, bot, update): query = update.callback_query chat_id = message_id = query.message.message_id action, *args, loc =' ') add_data = args[-2] if loc == 'search' else '' data_list, max_page = self.get_data(bot, chat_id, loc, args[-1], add_data) if not data_list: return if action in ['prev', 'next'] and max_page or action == 'cancel': page = int(args[0]) if action == 'next': page = 0 if page == max_page else page + 1 if action == 'prev': page = max_page if page == 0 else page - 1 text_message = func_data.text_gen(data_list, loc, page, add_data) if loc == 'library': loc = args[-1] + ' ' + loc if loc == 'search': loc = '{} {} {}'.format(*args[-2:], loc) keyboard = [[ IKB(str(i + 1), callback_data='item {} {} {}'.format(i, page, loc)) for i in range(len(data_list[page])) ]] keyboard += [[ IKB('⬅', callback_data='prev {} {}'.format(page, loc)), IKB('➡️', callback_data='next {} {}'.format(page, loc)) ]] bot.edit_message_text( text=text_message + '\n\nCurrent page: {}/{}'.format(page + 1, max_page + 1), chat_id=chat_id, message_id=message_id, reply_markup=IKM(keyboard)) elif action == 'item': k = int(args[0]) page = int(args[1]) item = data_list[page][k] message = self.get_message(loc, page, item, args[-1], chat_id, add_data) bot.edit_message_text(chat_id=chat_id, message_id=message_id, text=message[0], reply_markup=message[1]) elif action in ['accept', 'reject'] and loc == 'confirm': user_id = int(args[0]) ids = [chat_id, message_id] self.conf_user(bot, ids, user_id, action) elif loc in ['library', 'search']: ids = [chat_id, message_id] self.modify_document(bot, ids, action, args) elif loc == 'users': ids = [chat_id, message_id] self.user_flip(bot, ids, action, args) elif loc == 'my_orders': ids = [chat_id, message_id] self.manage_orders(bot, ids, action, args)
def verify_token(update, context): token_str = update.message.text token = get_token(token_str) last_message = context.user_data['last_message'] bot = chat_id = bot.delete_message(message_id=update.message.message_id, chat_id=chat_id) if token is None: message = "The token was not right! Try again!" bot.edit_message_text( message_id=last_message.message_id, chat_id=chat_id, text=message, reply_markup=back_keyboard, ) return ConversationStage.JOINING else: community = message = emojize(f'You\'re about to join the community \n :family: ' f'{} ' f'\n:desert_island: whose description is:' f' {community.description}. \n' f'Do you confirm?') keyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup([ [IKB('Confirm', callback_data='confirm')], [IKB('Back', callback_data='back')], ]) bot.edit_message_text( message_id=last_message.message_id, chat_id=chat_id, text=message, reply_markup=keyboard, ) context.user_data['token'] = token return ConversationStage.VERIFYING
def save_community_description(update, context): description = update.message.text ud = context.user_data ud['community_description'] = description last_message = ud['last_message'] bot = chat_id = bot.delete_message(message_id=update.message.message_id, chat_id=chat_id) message = get_message( context, epilog='If you\'re satisfied with this ' 'community description you can ' 'confirm', ) keyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup([ [IKB('Confirm', callback_data='confirm')], [IKB('Back', callback_data='back')], ]) bot.edit_message_text( message_id=last_message.message_id, chat_id=chat_id, text=message, reply_markup=keyboard, ) return ConversationStage.CONFIRMING
def Start(update, context): bot = chat_id = text = '''<b><i>Deposit Now And Receive 120% Profits In 20 Days</i>\n<u>Minium 10$ Maximum 500$</u> 🔥 <i>Bonus Up To 140% Profits From Now To <u>15/11/2020</u></i></b>''' reply_markup = IKM([[IKB("Account", None, 1), IKB("Support", None, 2)], [IKB("Stat", None, 3)]]) bot.send_message(chat_id, text, "HTML", True, True, None, reply_markup)
def quit(update, context): chat_id = bot = user = get_user_from_chat_id(chat_id) members = ud = context.user_data last_message = ud['last_message'] all_meals = get_all_meals(user) # admins = [member for member in if member.admin] if len(members) < 2: message = ( f'Are you sure you want to quit the community? Since you\'re ' f'the last member this will delete it') keyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup([ [IKB('Confirm', callback_data='confirm')], [IKB('Back', callback_data='back')], ]) bot.edit_message_text( message_id=last_message.message_id, chat_id=chat_id, text=message, reply_markup=keyboard, ) return ConversationStage.QUITTING # elif len(admins) < 2 and user.admin: # bot.edit_message_text(message_id=last_message.message_id, # chat_id=chat_id, text='To quit this community you need to name ' # 'another administrator' # ) # propose # # to name another admin # return ConversationHandler.END elif user.money_balance < 0: prefix = ('*To quit the community you need to ' 'have a money balance superior to zero.' '\nAsk another user to make a ' 'transaction* \n') first_message(update, context, prefix) return ConversationHandler.END elif len(all_meals) == 0: prefix = ('*To quit the community you need to have no meal ongoing ' 'please cancel your participation and the ones you organize ' 'before leaving.') first_message(update, context, prefix) return ConversationHandler.END else: message = f'Are you sure you want to quit the community?' keyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup([ [IKB('Confirm', callback_data='confirm')], [IKB('Back', callback_data='back')], ]) bot.edit_message_text( message_id=last_message.message_id, chat_id=chat_id, text=message, reply_markup=keyboard, ) return ConversationStage.QUITTING
def Account(bot, chat_id): text = '''👤 <b>Account Balance: 💵 Withdrawable Balance: {function}$ 💎 Active Investment: {function}$ 🚧 Pending Withdraw: {function}$ ✔️ Total Withdrawn: {function}$</b>''' reply_markup = IKM( [[IKB("Invest", None, 11), IKB("Auto Withdraw", None, 12)], [IKB("Back", None, 0)]]) bot.send_message(chat_id, text, "HTML", True, True, None, reply_markup)
def Start(u, c): print("Start Calling") reply_markup = IKM( [[IKB("Danh Sách Airdrop", None, 11)], [IKB("Thông Báo Mới Nhất", channel_link), IKB("Hỗ Trợ", group_link)], [IKB("Thông Tin Tài Khoản", None, 14)]]) Send(test, reply_markup, u, c) if u.effective_message.text == "/start":, u.effective_message.message_id)
def reminder_keyboard_build(time_left): float_hours = make_labels(time_left) button_list = [] for float_hour in float_hours: button_list.append(make_button(float_hour)) buttons = [ button_list[i:i + 2] # noqa : E203 whitespace before ':' for i in range(0, len(button_list), 2) ] buttons.append([IKB(text="Until last minute", callback_data='00:00:00')]) buttons.append([IKB(text="Back", callback_data='back')]) keyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup(buttons) return keyboard
def online_init(self, bot, update): chat = update.message.chat_id loc = self.location[chat] text = update.message.text data_list, max_page = self.get_data(bot, chat, loc, text) if not data_list: return text_message = func_data.text_gen(data_list, loc) if loc == 'library': loc = func_data.analog[text] + " " + loc keyboard = [ [IKB(str(i + 1), callback_data="item {} {} {}".format(i, 0, loc)) for i in range(len(data_list[0]))]] keyboard += [[IKB("⬅", callback_data='prev 0 {} ' + loc), IKB("➡️", callback_data='next 0 ' + loc)]] update.message.reply_text(text=text_message + "\n\nCurrent page: 1/" + str(max_page + 1), reply_markup=IKM(keyboard))
def Deposit(bot, chat_id): text = '''<b>Choose One Currency Type Available For Deposit<i> ❗ Auto Withdraw Will Send Your Profit To Deposit Address|Account!</i> Payeer: <code>P1031638149</code> BTC: <code>1LxudDaPdWjdp8RW7xyNpjdWL4J1AZZdQe</code> ETH: <code>0x94f29C62DaDea7fB6a34E65C4446fE54E94151CF</code> LTC: <code>LY6iiqXWv1njZFtay5BKjgeMVJsyvpCLC4</code></b>''' reply_markup = IKM([[IKB("Back", None, 1)]]) bot.send_message(chat_id, text, "HTML", True, False, None, reply_markup)
def Stat(bot, chat_id): text = '''<b>Bot Statistics 👥 Total User: {function} ➕ Total Investments: {function}$ ➖ Total Withdrawals: {function}$ ⬆️ Total Profit To Admin From All Investor: {function}$</b> <u>Version: {function}</u>''' reply_markup = IKM([[IKB("Back", None, 0)]]) bot.send_message(chat_id, text, "HTML", True, True, None, reply_markup)
def make_button(float_hour): hour = int(float_hour) minute = int(60 * (float_hour - hour)) hour_text = f'{hour} h ' if hour > 0 else '' minute_text = f'{minute} minutes ' if minute > 0 else '' button = IKB( text=hour_text + minute_text + 'before', callback_data=f'{hour}:{minute}', ) return button
def save_name(update, context): ud = context.user_data bot = chat_id = name = update.message.text last_message = ud['last_message'] bot.delete_message(message_id=update.message.message_id, chat_id=chat_id) ud['name_user'] = name message = f'Are you satisfied with the name \'{name}\'?' keyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup([ [IKB('Confirm', callback_data='confirm')], [IKB('Change name', callback_data='back')], ]) bot.edit_message_text( message_id=last_message.message_id, chat_id=chat_id, text=message, reply_markup=keyboard, ) return ConversationStage.NAME_SAVED
def Set(u, c): reply_markup = IKM([[IKB("Menu Chính", None, 1)]]) Addr = re.split("^/set ", u.effective_message.text) if len(Addr) == 2: InsertData("AddrByUser", "", f"{},'{Addr[1]}'") else: Send("Địa Chỉ Bạn Vừa Nhập Sai Hoặc Lỗi Gì Đó!", reply_markup, u, c) return None Send( f"Địa Chỉ Rút Tiền Của Bạn Sẽ Được Lưu Sau 2-60 giây Nữa!\nĐể Tránh Tình Trạng Quá Tải!", reply_markup, u, c)
def reply_answer(update: Update, question: str, pos: int): answer = get_answers(question, pos) warning = answer.get('warning') if warning: update.message.reply_text(warning, quote=True) return text = answer.get('answer', 'Not found') link = answer.get('link', 'Not found') button = [[IKB('Go to Source', url=link)], ] markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(button) update.message.reply_text( f'`{text[:3000]}` \n/next', reply_markup=markup, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN, quote=True)
def ask_for_meal_name(update, context): ud = context.user_data bot = chat_id = message = ('Tell me what you want to cook! ' '(just type the name of the meal as an answer to this message)') back_keyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup([[IKB('Back', callback_data='back')]]) if 'last_message' in ud: last_message = ud['last_message'] bot.edit_message_text( message_id=last_message.message_id, chat_id=chat_id, text=message, reply_markup=back_keyboard, ) else: ud['last_message'] = bot.send_message(chat_id=chat_id, text=message, reply_markup=back_keyboard) return ConversationStage.TYPING_MEAL_NAME
def add_button(update: Update, context: CallbackContext): args = ' '.join(context.args).strip() if not args: update.message.reply_text( 'Please send the text and link with the command. \nExample: \n\n`/add Click here -`', parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) return try: splitted = args.split('-') print(splitted) text = splitted[0].strip() url = splitted[1].strip() print(text, url) except Exception as err: update.message.reply_text(str(err)[:2000]) return user_d = context.user_data if not 'buttons' in user_d: user_d['buttons'] = [] user_d['buttons'].append([IKB(text, url=url)]) update.message.reply_text('Done') main_menu(update, context)
def show_nations_menu(self, bot, game): players = game.players.values() try: player = random.choice([p for p in players if p.nation is None]) except IndexError: self.nations_menu_finalize(bot, game) return taken = {p.nation for p in players} available = [n for n in nations if n not in taken] available.append("RANDOM") keyboard = IKM([[IKB(n, callback_data="NATION_" + n)] for n in available]) handle = player.get_handle(bot, game.chat_id) message = bot.send_message(game.chat_id, handle + " choose a nation", reply_markup=keyboard) game.assigning = game.assigning_message = message
from emoji import emojize from telegram import InlineKeyboardButton as IKB from telegram import InlineKeyboardMarkup from telegram.ext import ConversationHandler from foodshare.bdd.database_communication import ( add_community, add_user, add_user_to_community, get_token, ) from foodshare.handlers.start_conversation.first_message import first_message from . import ConversationStage, get_message back_keyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup([[IKB('Back', callback_data='back')]]) def creating_joining(update, context): ud = context.user_data chat_id = if 'name_user' in ud.keys(): add_user(ud['name_user'], chat_id) message = ("Do you want to join an existing community " "or create your own?") keyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup([ [IKB('Join existing community', callback_data='join')], [IKB('Create my own', callback_data='create')], ]) bot = if 'last_message' not in ud:
def get_message(self, loc, page, item, doc_type=None, chat_id=None, add_text=''): message = [0, 0] if loc == 'confirm': message[0] = 'Check whether all data is correct:\nName: {name}' \ '\nAddress: {address}\nPhone: {phone}\nStatus: {status}'.format(**item) message[1] = IKM([[ IKB('Accept✅', callback_data='accept {} {}'.format(item['id'], loc)), IKB('Reject️❌', callback_data='reject {} {}'.format(item['id'], loc)), IKB('Cancel⤵️', callback_data='cancel {} {}'.format(page, loc)) ]]) elif loc in ['library', 'search']: text = 'Title: {title}\nAuthors: {authors}\n' if doc_type == 'book': text += 'Description: {description}\nFree copy: {free_count}' elif doc_type == 'article': text += 'Journal: {journal}\nIssue: {issue}\nDate: {date}\nFree copy: {free_count}' elif doc_type == 'media': text += 'Free copy: {free_count}' c = add_text + " " + doc_type if add_text else doc_type cancel = IKB('Cancel', callback_data='cancel {} {} {}'.format(page, c, loc)) edit = IKB('Edit', callback_data='edit {} {} {} library'.format( page, item['id'], doc_type)) delete = IKB('Delete', callback_data='del {} {} {} library'.format( page, item['id'], doc_type)) if self.controller.user_type(chat_id) == 2: cb = 'order {} {} library' if item[ 'free_count'] > 0 else 'queue {} {} library' keyboard = [[ IKB('Order the document', callback_data=cb.format(item['id'], doc_type)), cancel ]] elif self.controller.user_type(chat_id) == 3: if item['free_count'] == item['count']: keyboard = [[edit, delete, cancel]] else: keyboard = [[edit, cancel]] else: keyboard = [[cancel]] message[0] = text.format(**item) message[1] = IKM(keyboard) if loc == 'my_orders': keys = [ 'user_id', 'doc', 'table', 'time', 'time_out', 'active', 'id' ] user, doc, doc_type, time, time_out, active, order_id = [ item[i] for i in keys ] message[0] = 'Title: {}\nAuthors: {}\nAvailable till: {}'.format( doc['title'], doc['authors'], time_out) keyboard = [] if active and not [ j for i in utils.to_list(doc['queue']) for j in i ]: keyboard += [ IKB('Renew🔄', callback_data='renew {} {}'.format(order_id, loc)) ] elif not active: keyboard += [ IKB('Repeal❌', callback_data='repeal {} {}'.format(order_id, loc)) ] keyboard += [ IKB('Cancel⤵️', callback_data='cancel {} {}'.format(page, loc)) ] message[1] = IKM([keyboard]) if loc == 'users': user = item user_id = user['id'] orders = self.controller.get_user_orders(user_id) text = 'Name: {name}\nAddress: {address}\nPhone: {phone}\nStatus: {status}\nTaken documents: '.format( **user) text += '{}\nOverdue documents: '.format(len(orders)) overdue = filter( lambda i: datetime.strptime(i['time_out'], '%Y-%m-%d') <, orders) text += str(len(list(overdue))) keyboard = [[ IKB('Edit', callback_data='edit {} {} {}'.format(page, user_id, loc)), IKB('Cancel️', callback_data='cancel {} {} {}'.format( page, doc_type, loc)) ]] if orders: keyboard[0].insert( 1, IKB('Orders', callback_data='orders {} {} {}'.format( page, user_id, loc))) else: keyboard[0].insert( 1, IKB('Delete', callback_data='delete {} {} {}'.format( page, user_id, loc))) message[0] = text.format(**user) message[1] = IKM(keyboard) return message
def modify_document(self, bot, ids, action, args): chat, message_id = ids if action == 'order': doc_id, doc_type = args status, report = self.controller.check_out_doc(chat, int(doc_id), type_bd=doc_type) message = "Your order was successful.\nYou may take the document during library working hours." if status else "You already have this document" bot.edit_message_text(text=message, chat_id=chat, message_id=message_id) elif action == 'queue': doc_id, doc_type = args status, report = self.controller.add_queue_order(chat, doc_type, int(doc_id)) message = "You was added in queue.\nYou will be notified when the document be available" if status else report bot.edit_message_text(text=message, chat_id=chat, message_id=message_id) elif action == 'del': message = "Are you sure want to delete this document?" markup = IKM([[IKB('Yes', callback_data='yes {} {} library'.format(*args[1:])), IKB('No', callback_data='cancel {} {} library'.format(args[0], args[-1]))]]) bot.edit_message_text(chat_id=chat, message_id=message_id, text=message, reply_markup=markup) elif action == 'yes': message = 'Document was deleted successfully' self.controller.delete_document(*args) bot.edit_message_text(text=message, chat_id=chat, message_id=message_id) elif action == 'edit': doc_type = args[-1] callback = ['e{} {} {} {} library'.format(i, *args) for i in range(9)] keyboard = [[IKB("Title", callback_data=callback[0]), IKB("Author", callback_data=callback[1])]] if doc_type == 'book': keyboard += [ [IKB("Description", callback_data=callback[2]), IKB("Keywords", callback_data=callback[3])], [IKB("Price", callback_data=callback[4]), IKB("Count", callback_data=callback[5])]] elif doc_type == 'article': keyboard += [[IKB("Journal", callback_data=callback[2]), IKB("Issue", callback_data=callback[3])], [IKB("Editors", callback_data=callback[4]), IKB("Date", callback_data=callback[5])], [IKB("Keywords", callback_data=callback[6]), IKB("Price", callback_data=callback[7])], IKB("Count", callback_data=callback[8])] elif doc_type == 'media': keyboard += [[IKB("Keywords", callback_data=callback[2]), [IKB("Price", callback_data=callback[3])], IKB("Count", callback_data=callback[4])]] keyboard += [[IKB('Cancel️', callback_data='cancel {} {} library'.format(args[0], args[-1]))]] text = "Choose edited parameter" bot.edit_message_text(text=text, chat_id=chat, message_id=message_id, reply_markup=IKM(keyboard)) elif action in ['e{}'.format(i) for i in range(9)]: doc_type = args[-1] doc_id = args[1] parameter = func_data.lists[doc_type][int(action[1])] parameter_db = func_data.lists[doc_type + "_bd"][int(action[1])] doc = self.controller.get_document(doc_id, doc_type) keyboard = [[IKB('Cancel️', callback_data='cancel {} {} library'.format(args[0], args[-1]))]] text = 'Enter new {}.\nOld value - {}.'.format(parameter, doc[parameter_db]) self.location[chat] = "doc_modify" self.user_data[chat] = [doc, parameter_db, doc_type] bot.edit_message_text(text=text, chat_id=chat, message_id=message_id, reply_markup=IKM(keyboard))
def WithdrawAddr(u, c): print("WithdrawAddr Calling") Data = "Hãy Nhập Theo Mẫu '/set <Địa Chỉ Của Bạn>' Để Đặt Địa Chỉ Rút Tiền!" reply_markup = IKM([[IKB("Trở Lại", None, 14)]]) Send(Data, reply_markup, u, c)