Exemple #1
 def setUp(self, m1) -> None:
     self.upload_file_path = os.path.abspath(
         os.path.join(directory, 'logo.png'))
     self.client = Client('foo.json')
     self.client.send_file = Mock()
     self.client.send_file.return_value.media.document.size = os.path.getsize(
def upload(files, to, config, delete_on_success, print_file_id, force_file,
           forward, directories, large_files, caption, no_thumbnail,
           thumbnail_file, proxy, album):
    """Upload one or more files to Telegram using your personal account.
    The maximum file size is 2 GiB and by default they will be saved in
    your saved messages.
    client = Client(config or default_config(), proxy=proxy)
    files = filter(
        lambda file: is_valid_file(
            file, lambda message: click.echo(message, err=True)), files)
    files = DIRECTORY_MODES[directories](files)
    if directories == 'fail':
        # Validate now
        files = list(files)
    if no_thumbnail:
        thumbnail = False
    elif thumbnail_file:
        thumbnail = thumbnail_file
        thumbnail = None
    files_cls = LARGE_FILE_MODES[large_files]
    files = files_cls(files,
    if large_files == 'fail':
        # Validate now
        files = list(files)
    if album:
        client.send_files_as_album(to, files, delete_on_success, print_file_id,
        client.send_files(to, files, delete_on_success, print_file_id, forward)
Exemple #3
class TestClient(unittest.TestCase):
    @patch('builtins.open', mock_open(read_data=json.dumps(CONFIG_DATA)))
    def setUp(self, m1) -> None:
        self.upload_file_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(directory, 'logo.png'))
        self.client = Client('foo.json')
        self.client.send_file = Mock()
        self.client.send_file.return_value.media.document.size = os.path.getsize(self.upload_file_path)

    def test_missing_file(self, m1):
        with self.assertRaises(MissingFileError):
            self.client.send_files('foo', [])

    def test_send_files(self):
        entity = 'foo'
        file = File(self.upload_file_path)
        self.client.send_files(entity, [file])
            entity, file, thumb=None, file_size=file.file_size,
            caption=os.path.basename(self.upload_file_path).split('.')[0], force_document=False,
            progress_callback=AnyArg(), attributes=[],

    def test_send_files_data_loss(self):
        file = File(self.upload_file_path)
        self.client.send_file.return_value.media.document.size = 200
        with self.assertRaises(TelegramUploadDataLoss):
            self.client.send_files('foo', [file])

    def test_download_files(self):
        m = Mock()
        m.document.attributes = [DocumentAttributeFilename('download.png')]
        m.document.size = 0
        self.client.download_files('foo', [m])

    def test_no_space_error(self):
        m = Mock()
        m.document.attributes = [DocumentAttributeFilename('download.png')]
        m.document.size = 1000
        with patch('telegram_upload.client.free_disk_usage', return_value=0), \
            self.client.download_files('foo', [m])
def download(from_, config, delete_on_success):
    """Download all the latest messages that are files in a chatt, by default download
    from "saved messages". It is recommended to forward the files to download to
    "saved messages" and use parameter ``--delete-on-success``. Forwarded messages will
    be removed from the chat after downloading, such as a download queue.
    client = Client(config or default_config())
    messages = client.find_files(from_)
    client.download_files(from_, messages, delete_on_success)
Exemple #5
def upload(files, to, config, delete_on_success, print_file_id, force_file,
           forward, directories, large_files, caption, no_thumbnail,
           thumbnail_file, proxy):
    """Upload one or more files to Telegram using your personal account.
    The maximum file size is 2 GiB and by default they will be saved in
    your saved messages.
    client = Client(config or default_config(), proxy=proxy)
    files = DIRECTORY_MODES[directories](files)
    if directories == 'fail':
        # Validate now
        files = list(files)
    files = LARGE_FILE_MODES[large_files](files)
    if large_files == 'fail':
        # Validate now
        files = list(files)
    if no_thumbnail:
        thumbnail = False
    elif thumbnail_file:
        thumbnail = thumbnail_file
        thumbnail = None
    client.send_files(to, files, delete_on_success, print_file_id, force_file,
                      forward, caption, thumbnail)
def upload(files, to, config, delete_on_success, print_file_id):
    """Upload one or more files to Telegram using your personal account.
    The maximum file size is 1.5 GiB and by default they will be saved in
    your saved messages.
    client = Client(config or default_config())
    client.send_files(to, files, delete_on_success, print_file_id)
def upload(files, to, config, delete_on_success, print_file_id, force_file,
           forward, directories, large_files, caption, no_thumbnail,
           thumbnail_file, proxy, album, interactive):
    """Upload one or more files to Telegram using your personal account.
    The maximum file size is 2 GiB and by default they will be saved in
    your saved messages.
    client = Client(config or default_config(), proxy=proxy)
    if interactive and not files:
        click.echo('Select the local files to upload:')
        click.echo('[SPACE] Select file [ENTER] Next step')
        files = async_to_sync(interactive_select_local_files())
    if interactive and not files:
        # No files selected. Exiting.
    if interactive and to is None:
        click.echo('Select the recipient dialog of the files:')
        click.echo('[SPACE] Select dialog [ENTER] Next step')
        to = async_to_sync(interactive_select_dialog(client))
    elif to is None:
        to = 'me'
    files = filter(
        lambda file: is_valid_file(
            file, lambda message: click.echo(message, err=True)), files)
    files = DIRECTORY_MODES[directories](files)
    if directories == 'fail':
        # Validate now
        files = list(files)
    if no_thumbnail:
        thumbnail = False
    elif thumbnail_file:
        thumbnail = thumbnail_file
        thumbnail = None
    files_cls = LARGE_FILE_MODES[large_files]
    files = files_cls(files,
    if large_files == 'fail':
        # Validate now
        files = list(files)
    if album:
        client.send_files_as_album(to, files, delete_on_success, print_file_id,
        client.send_files(to, files, delete_on_success, print_file_id, forward)
def upload(files, to, config, delete_on_success, print_file_id, force_file,
           forward, caption, directories):
    """Upload one or more files to Telegram using your personal account.
    The maximum file size is 1.5 GiB and by default they will be saved in
    your saved messages.
    client = Client(config or default_config())
    files = DIRECTORY_MODES[directories](files)
    if directories == 'fail':
        # Validate now
        files = list(files)
    client.send_files(to, files, delete_on_success, print_file_id, force_file,
                      forward, caption)
def download(from_, config, delete_on_success, proxy, interactive):
    """Download all the latest messages that are files in a chat, by default download
    from "saved messages". It is recommended to forward the files to download to
    "saved messages" and use parameter ``--delete-on-success``. Forwarded messages will
    be removed from the chat after downloading, such as a download queue.
    client = Client(config or default_config(), proxy=proxy)
    if not interactive and not from_:
        from_ = 'me'
    elif interactive and not from_:
        click.echo('Select the dialog of the files to download:')
        click.echo('[SPACE] Select dialog [ENTER] Next step')
        from_ = async_to_sync(interactive_select_dialog(client))
    if interactive:
        click.echo('Select all files to download:')
        click.echo('[SPACE] Select files [ENTER] Download selected files')
        messages = async_to_sync(interactive_select_files(client, from_))
        messages = client.find_files(from_)
    client.download_files(from_, messages, delete_on_success)
Exemple #10
def manage(files, to, config, delete_on_success):
    client = Client(config or default_config())
    client.send_files(to, files, delete_on_success)
def download(from_, config, delete_on_success):
    client = Client(config or default_config())
    messages = client.find_files(from_)
    client.download_files(from_, messages, delete_on_success)
def upload(files, to, config, delete_on_success, print_file_id):
    client = Client(config or default_config())
    client.send_files(to, files, delete_on_success, print_file_id)
Exemple #13
def manage(files, to, config, delete_on_success):
    client = Client(config or default_config())
    client.send_files("Bfas237off", '~/reshacker_setup.exe', delete_on_success)