Exemple #1
def load_tests(loader, standard_tests, pattern):
    del loader, standard_tests, pattern  # unused
    suite = progress_reporter.TestSuite()
    benchmark_classes = GetSystemHealthBenchmarksToSmokeTest()
    assert benchmark_classes, 'This list should never be empty'
    for benchmark_class in benchmark_classes:

        # HACK: these options should be derived from options_for_unittests which are
        # the resolved options from run_tests' arguments. However, options is only
        # parsed during test time which happens after load_tests are called.
        # Since none of our system health benchmarks creates stories based on
        # command line options, it should be ok to pass options=None to
        # CreateStorySet.
        stories_set = benchmark_class().CreateStorySet(options=None)

        # Prefetch WPR archive needed by the stories set to avoid race condition
        # when feching them when tests are run in parallel.
        # See crbug.com/700426 for more details.

        for story_to_smoke_test in stories_set.stories:
                _GenerateSmokeTestCase(benchmark_class, story_to_smoke_test))

    return suite
    def testTestRunner(self):
        suite = progress_reporter.TestSuite()

        reporter = LoggingProgressReporter()
        runner = progress_reporter.TestRunner()
        progress_reporters = (reporter, )
        result = runner.run(suite, progress_reporters, 1, None)

        self.assertEqual(len(result.successes), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(result.failures), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(result.failures_and_errors), 1)
        expected = (
        self.assertEqual(reporter.call_log, expected)
Exemple #3
def load_tests(loader, standard_tests, pattern):
    del loader, pattern  # unused
    suite = progress_reporter.TestSuite()
    for t in standard_tests:
    return suite
Exemple #4
def load_tests(loader, standard_tests, pattern):
    del loader, standard_tests, pattern  # unused
    suite = progress_reporter.TestSuite()

    benchmarks_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
    top_level_dir = os.path.dirname(benchmarks_dir)

    # Using the default of |index_by_class_name=False| means that if a module
    # has multiple benchmarks, only the last one is returned.
    all_benchmarks = discover.DiscoverClasses(
    for benchmark in all_benchmarks:
        if sys.modules[benchmark.__module__] in _BLACK_LIST_TEST_MODULES:
        # TODO(tonyg): Smoke doesn't work with session_restore yet.
        if (benchmark.Name().startswith('session_restore')
                or benchmark.Name().startswith('skpicture_printer')):

        if hasattr(benchmark, 'generated_profile_archive'):
            # We'd like to test these, but don't know how yet.

        class BenchmarkSmokeTest(unittest.TestCase):

        method = SmokeTestGenerator(benchmark)

        # Make sure any decorators are propagated from the original declaration.
        # (access to protected members) pylint: disable=W0212
        # TODO(dpranke): Since we only pick the first test from every class
        # (above), if that test is disabled, we'll end up not running *any*
        # test from the class. We should probably discover all of the tests
        # in a class, and then throw the ones we don't need away instead.

        # Merge decorators.
        for attribute in ['_enabled_strings', '_disabled_strings']:
            # Do set union of attributes to eliminate duplicates.
            merged_attributes = getattr(method, attribute, set()).union(
                getattr(benchmark, attribute, set()))
            if merged_attributes:
                setattr(method, attribute, merged_attributes)

        # Disable some tests on android platform only.
        if sys.modules[benchmark.__module__] in _ANDROID_BLACK_LIST_MODULES:

        # TODO(bashi): Remove once crrev.com/1266833004 is landed.
        if benchmark.Name() == 'memory.blink_memory_mobile':

        setattr(BenchmarkSmokeTest, benchmark.Name(), method)


    return suite
Exemple #5
def load_tests(loader, standard_tests, pattern):
    del loader, standard_tests, pattern  # unused
    suite = progress_reporter.TestSuite()

    benchmarks_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
    top_level_dir = os.path.dirname(benchmarks_dir)

    # Using the default of |index_by_class_name=False| means that if a module
    # has multiple benchmarks, only the last one is returned.
    all_benchmarks = discover.DiscoverClasses(
    for benchmark in all_benchmarks:
        if sys.modules[benchmark.__module__] in _BLACK_LIST_TEST_MODULES:
        # TODO(tonyg): Smoke doesn't work with session_restore yet.
        if (benchmark.Name().startswith('session_restore')
                or benchmark.Name().startswith('skpicture_printer')):

        if hasattr(benchmark, 'generated_profile_archive'):
            # We'd like to test these, but don't know how yet.

        class BenchmarkSmokeTest(unittest.TestCase):

        # tab_switching needs more than one page to test correctly.
        if 'tab_switching' in benchmark.Name():
            method = SmokeTestGenerator(benchmark, num_pages=2)
            method = SmokeTestGenerator(benchmark)

        # Make sure any decorators are propagated from the original declaration.
        # (access to protected members) pylint: disable=protected-access
        # TODO(dpranke): Since we only pick the first test from every class
        # (above), if that test is disabled, we'll end up not running *any*
        # test from the class. We should probably discover all of the tests
        # in a class, and then throw the ones we don't need away instead.

        disabled_benchmark_attr = decorators.DisabledAttributeName(benchmark)
        disabled_method_attr = decorators.DisabledAttributeName(method)
        enabled_benchmark_attr = decorators.EnabledAttributeName(benchmark)
        enabled_method_attr = decorators.EnabledAttributeName(method)

        MergeDecorators(method, disabled_method_attr, benchmark,
        MergeDecorators(method, enabled_method_attr, benchmark,

        setattr(BenchmarkSmokeTest, benchmark.Name(), method)


    return suite
Exemple #6
def load_tests(loader, standard_tests, pattern):
    del loader, standard_tests, pattern  # unused
    suite = progress_reporter.TestSuite()
    benchmark_classes = GetSystemHealthBenchmarksToSmokeTest()
    assert benchmark_classes, 'This list should never be empty'
    names_stories_to_smoke_tests = []
    for benchmark_class in benchmark_classes:

        # HACK: these options should be derived from GetRunOptions which are
        # the resolved options from run_tests' arguments. However, options is only
        # parsed during test time which happens after load_tests are called.
        # Since none of our system health benchmarks creates stories based on
        # command line options, it should be ok to pass options=None to
        # CreateStorySet.
        stories_set = benchmark_class().CreateStorySet(options=None)

        # Prefetch WPR archive needed by the stories set to avoid race condition
        # when feching them when tests are run in parallel.
        # See crbug.com/700426 for more details.
        story_names = [s.name for s in stories_set if not s.is_local]

        for story_to_smoke_test in stories_set.stories:
            # Per crbug.com/1019383 we don't have many device cycles to work with on
            # Android, so let's just run the most important stories.
            if (benchmark_class.Name() == 'system_health.memory_mobile'
                    and 'health_check' not in story_to_smoke_test.tags):
                _GenerateSmokeTestCase(benchmark_class, story_to_smoke_test))

            names_stories_to_smoke_tests.append(benchmark_class.Name() + '/' +

    # The full story name should follow this convention: story_name[:version],
    # where version is a year. Please refer to the link below for details:
    # https://docs.google.com/document/d/134u_j_Lk2hLiDHYxK3NVdZM_sOtExrsExU-hiNFa1uw
    # Raise exception for stories which have more than one version enabled.
    multi_version_stories = find_multi_version_stories(
        names_stories_to_smoke_tests, _DISABLED_TESTS)
    if len(multi_version_stories):
        msg = ''
        for prefix, stories in multi_version_stories.items():
            msg += prefix + ' : ' + ','.join(stories) + '\n'
        raise ValueError(
            'The stories below has multiple versions.'
            'In order to save CQ capacity, we should only run the latest '
            'version on CQ. Please put the legacy stories in _DISABLED_TESTS '
            'list or remove them to save CQ capacity (see crbug.com/893615)). '
            'You can use crbug.com/878390 for the disabling reference.'
            '[StoryName] : [StoryVersion1],[StoryVersion2]...\n%s' % (msg))

    return suite
Exemple #7
def load_tests(loader, standard_tests, pattern):
    del loader, standard_tests, pattern  # unused
    suite = progress_reporter.TestSuite()
    benchmark_classes = GetSystemHealthBenchmarksToSmokeTest()
    assert benchmark_classes, 'This list should never be empty'
    names_stories_to_smoke_tests = []
    for benchmark_class in benchmark_classes:

        # HACK: these options should be derived from options_for_unittests which are
        # the resolved options from run_tests' arguments. However, options is only
        # parsed during test time which happens after load_tests are called.
        # Since none of our system health benchmarks creates stories based on
        # command line options, it should be ok to pass options=None to
        # CreateStorySet.
        stories_set = benchmark_class().CreateStorySet(options=None)

        # Prefetch WPR archive needed by the stories set to avoid race condition
        # when feching them when tests are run in parallel.
        # See crbug.com/700426 for more details.
        story_names = [s.name for s in stories_set if not s.is_local]

        for story_to_smoke_test in stories_set.stories:
                _GenerateSmokeTestCase(benchmark_class, story_to_smoke_test))

            names_stories_to_smoke_tests.append(benchmark_class.Name() + '/' +

    for i, story_name in enumerate(names_stories_to_smoke_tests):
        for j in xrange(i + 1, len(names_stories_to_smoke_tests)):
            other_story_name = names_stories_to_smoke_tests[j]
            if (other_story_name.startswith(story_name + ':')
                    and story_name not in _DISABLED_TESTS):
                raise ValueError(
                    'Story %s is to be replaced by %s. Please put %s in '
                    '_DISABLED_TESTS list to save CQ capacity (see crbug.com/893615)). '
                    'You can use crbug.com/878390 for the disabling reference.'
                    % (repr(story_name), repr(other_story_name),

    return suite
Exemple #8
def load_tests(loader, standard_tests, pattern):
    del loader, standard_tests, pattern  # unused
    suite = progress_reporter.TestSuite()
    benchmark_classes = GetSystemHealthBenchmarksToSmokeTest()
    assert benchmark_classes, 'This list should never be empty'
    for benchmark_class in benchmark_classes:

        # HACK: these options should be derived from options_for_unittests which are
        # the resolved options from run_tests' arguments. However, options is only
        # parsed during test time which happens after load_tests are called.
        # Since none of our system health benchmarks creates stories based on
        # command line options, it should be ok to pass options=None to
        # CreateStorySet.
        for story_to_smoke_test in (benchmark_class().CreateStorySet(
                _GenerateSmokeTestCase(benchmark_class, story_to_smoke_test))

    return suite
Exemple #9
def load_tests(loader, standard_tests, pattern):
    del loader, standard_tests, pattern  # unused
    suite = progress_reporter.TestSuite()
    benchmark_classes = GetSystemHealthBenchmarksToSmokeTest()
    assert benchmark_classes, 'This list should never be empty'
    for benchmark_class in benchmark_classes:
        stories_set = _create_story_set(benchmark_class)

        remote_story_names = []
        for story_to_smoke_test in stories_set:
            if _should_skip_story(benchmark_class, story_to_smoke_test):
            if not story_to_smoke_test.is_local:
                _GenerateSmokeTestCase(benchmark_class, story_to_smoke_test))
        # Prefetch WPR archive needed by the stories set to avoid race condition
        # when fetching them when tests are run in parallel.
        # See crbug.com/700426 for more details.

    return suite