def create_callee(callee): """ Create a callee entity if not exist. Else update date of first call :param callee: Callee instance :return: Callee instance """ try: # Get existing callee entity by its phone number exs_callee = Callee.objects.get( user_profile_id=callee.user_profile_id, sip=callee.sip) # check if existing callee first call date over current callee first call date # If true that means current call of callee was before existing and existing needs to be updated with new date if exs_callee.first_call_date.replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc).replace( tzinfo=None) > callee.first_call_date: exs_callee.first_call_date = callee.first_call_date # Else just return existing callee return ServiceResponse(True, data=exs_callee) except ObjectDoesNotExist as e: # Create a new callee try: except Exception as e: # Callee isn't created return ServiceResponse(False, data=callee, message=str(e)) return ServiceResponse(True, data=callee)
def update_calls_list(params, user): """ Update db table Calls :param params: ApiParams :param user: User :return: """ # get common stat stat_common_res = PBXDataService.get_common_stat(params, user) if not stat_common_res.is_success: return ServiceResponse(False, message=Code.UCLUNS, data={ 'params': params, 'user_id': }, status_code=stat_common_res.status_code) # get pbx stat stat_pbx_res = PBXDataService.get_pbx_stat(params, user) if not stat_pbx_res.is_success: return ServiceResponse(False, message=Code.UCLUNS, data={ 'params': params, 'user_id': }, status_code=stat_pbx_res.status_code) # group pbx stat stat_pbx_grouped = PBXDataService.group_stat_pbx( parseed_calls = PBXDataService.parse_calls(, stat_pbx_grouped, user.userprofile) callbacks = PBXDataService.merge(, parseed_calls, user.userprofile) other_calls = PBXDataService.parse_other( filter(lambda x: not x.merged,, filter(lambda x: not x.merged, parseed_calls), user.userprofile) calls = callbacks + other_calls # Get existing calls stat user_stat = user.userprofile.call_set.filter(date__gte=params.start, date__lte=params.end) # update calls table and return return PBXDataService.update_calls_list_by_type( user.userprofile, user_stat, filter(lambda x: x.call_type == 'incoming', calls), filter(lambda x: x.call_type == 'coming', calls), filter(lambda x: x.call_type == 'internal', calls), )
def create_profile(data): """ Creates a new user and userProfile :param data: NewUserForm data instance :return: ServiceResponse """ try: user = User.objects.create_user(username=data['userName'], email=data['userEmail'], password=data['userPassword']) user_profile = UserProfile.objects.create(profile_email=data['login'], profile_password=data['password'], uid=data['uid'], token=data['token'], user_key=data['userKey'], secret_key=data['secretKey'],, customer_number=data['customerNumber'], profile_phone_number=data['profilePhoneNumber']) widget = WidgetScript(user_profile=user_profile) return ServiceResponse(True, data=user) except Exception as e: return ServiceResponse(False, e.message)
def create_call(call_record, userprofile): """ Create call entity :param call_record: Call instance :param userprofile: UserProfile instance :return: Call instance """ if (isinstance(call_record.destination, str) or isinstance(call_record.destination, unicode)) and 'w00e' in call_record.destination: call_record.destination = call_record.destination[4:] if (isinstance(call_record.sip, str) or isinstance( call_record.sip, unicode)) and 'w00e' in call_record.sip: call_record.sip = call_record.sip[4:] callee = Callee(sip=call_record.sip, description=call_record.description,, # create Callee entity or ensure it exist result = DBService.create_callee(callee) if result.is_success: call = Call(call_id=call_record.call_id,, destination=call_record.destination, disposition=call_record.disposition, bill_seconds=call_record.bill_seconds, cost=call_record.cost, bill_cost=call_record.bill_cost, currency=call_record.currency, user_profile=userprofile,, call_type=call_record.call_type) # create Call Instance try: except Exception as e: # Call isn't created return ServiceResponse(False, data=call, message=e.message) return ServiceResponse(True, data=call) # Callee isn't created return ServiceResponse(False,, message=result.message)
def generate_mailbox_data(): """ Generate new mailbox data :return: ServiceResponse: {'login': <login>, 'password': <password>} """ login = CommonService.get_random_string(6, only_digits=True) password = ApiService.generate_email_password(login) return ServiceResponse(True, { 'login': '******' % (login, settings.DOMAIN), 'password': password })
def sign_in(request): """ Authenticate and Sign in user by login and password :param request: HTTP request :return: True if the user was singed in """ form = AuthUserForm(request.POST) if form.errors: return ServiceResponse(False, form.errors) auth_user = authenticate(['username'],['password']) if auth_user is not None: if not auth_user.is_superuser and (not auth_user.last_login or not auth_user.userprofile.sip): auth_user.userprofile.sip = PBXDataService.get_pbx_sip(auth_user) login(request, auth_user) return ServiceResponse(True, data=auth_user) return ServiceResponse(False, {'username': ['Invalidusernameorpassword'], 'password': ['Invalidusernameorpassword']})
def create_domain_mail(params): """ Create new domain email. :param params: MailParameters instance :return: ServiceResponse, api response data: {'domain': 'name', 'login': '******', 'uid': 'uid, 'success': 'status'} """ request_string = '%s%s' % (settings.API_URLS['mail']['host'], settings.API_URLS['mail']['create_mail']) api_response = request_string, params.get_params(), headers={'PddToken': settings.MAIL_A_TOKEN}) return ServiceResponse(api_response.ok, json.loads(api_response.content))
def get_common_stat(params, user): """ Get statistics from api :param params: ApiParameters instance :param user: User instance :return: json type """ method = settings.API_URLS['api']['common_stat'] api_response = requests.get( params.get_request_string(method), headers={ 'Authorization': '%s:%s' % (user.userprofile.user_key, CommonService.get_sign(params, method, params.api_version, user.userprofile.secret_key)) }) if api_response.ok: return ServiceResponse( api_response.ok, [Call(s) for s in json.loads(api_response.content)['stats']]) return ServiceResponse(api_response.ok, status_code=api_response.status_code)
def get_url(reason): """ Returns url to the api depending on reason :param reason: string :return: ServiceResponse """ result = '' status = True if reason == 'OAuthCode': result = '%s%s&client_id=%s' % ( settings.API_URLS['oauth']['host'], settings.API_URLS['oauth']['authorize'], settings.O_AUTH_ID) else: status = not status return ServiceResponse(status, result)
def update_mailbox_params(login, **params): """ Update mailbox params :param params: MailboxParameters instance; Set default params if value is None :return: ServiceResponse """ request_string = '%s%s' % (settings.API_URLS['mail']['host'], settings.API_URLS['mail']['update_mail']) if not params: params = MailboxParameters(login=login, params=params) api_response = request_string, params.get_params(), headers={'PddToken': settings.MAIL_A_TOKEN}) return ServiceResponse(api_response.ok, json.loads(api_response.content))
def get_token(code): """ Get OAuth token to api access Api response data: {'access_token': 'token', 'token_type': 'bearer', 'expires_in': 'time_in_seconds'} :param code: verifying code :return: ServiceResponse """ request_string = '%s%s' % (settings.API_URLS['oauth']['host'], settings.API_URLS['oauth']['token']) api_response = request_string, { 'grant_type': 'authorization_code', 'code': code, 'client_id': settings.O_AUTH_ID, 'client_secret': settings.O_AUTH_SECRET }, headers={'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}) return ServiceResponse(api_response.ok, json.loads(api_response.content))
def update_calls_list_by_type(userprofile, stat, *args): """ Update calls table of each call type :param userprofile: user profile :param stat: existing stat :param args: calls lists :return: """ message = '{row_to_update} row(s) to be inserted. ' update_errors = [] total_rows_to_update = 0 for arg in args: if len(arg) != 0: call_type = arg[0].call_type user_stat = stat.filter(call_type=call_type) row_to_update = len(arg) - len(user_stat) if row_to_update > 0: total_rows_to_update += row_to_update for a in arg: # check if current call already exist stat_record = stat.filter(call_id=a.call_id) # save to db if not if not stat_record: result = DBService.create_call(a, userprofile) if not result.is_success: update_errors.append((, result.message, )) if len(update_errors) > 0: # Update calls list succeed with errors message = message.format(row_to_update=total_rows_to_update) message += Code.UCLSWE return ServiceResponse(True, data=update_errors, message=message)
def upload_file(self, file_instance, folder_name=None): """ Upload file to Disk :param file_instance: file instance :param folder_name: folder name :return: File instance """ folder_name = self.create_folder(folder_name) if not folder_name: return None upload_link = self.__get_upload_link(file_instance.filename) if not upload_link: return None # upload file response = requests.put(upload_link, file_instance.content) if response.ok: return ServiceResponse(True, data=file_instance) logger.error(Code.UPLOAD_FILE_ERR, data=json.loads(response.content), status_code=response.status_code) return None