Exemple #1
    def list_share_types(self, list_all=True, microversion=None):
        """List share types.

        :param list_all: bool -- whether to list all share types or only public
        cmd = 'type-list'
        if list_all:
            cmd += ' --all'
        share_types_raw = self.manila(cmd, microversion=microversion)
        share_types = output_parser.listing(share_types_raw)
        return share_types
    def list_share_types(self, list_all=True):
        """List share types.

        :param list_all: bool -- whether to list all share types or only public
        cmd = 'type-list'
        if list_all:
            cmd += ' --all'
        share_types_raw = self.manila(cmd)
        share_types = output_parser.listing(share_types_raw)
        return share_types
def test_limits_feature(env):
    """Test case for Ceilometer mandatory limits feature. (QA-2039)
    1. Generate data in MongoDB with a help of 'mongo-generator.py';
    2. Run 'ceilometer meter-list' and check that number of items == 100;
    3. Run 'ceilometer sample-list' and check that number of items == 100;
    4. Run 'ceilometer resource-list' and check that number of items == 100;
    5. Run 'ceilometer event-list --no-traits' and check that number
        of items == 100;
    script_name = 'mongo-generator.py'
    script_path = scripts_dir_path() + script_name

    set_env = 'source /root/openrc && '
    ceil_meter_list = set_env + 'ceilometer meter-list'
    ceil_sample_list = set_env + 'ceilometer sample-list'
    ceil_res_list = set_env + 'ceilometer resource-list'
    ceil_event_list = set_env + 'ceilometer event-list --no-traits'

    with env.get_nodes_by_role('controller')[0].ssh() as remote:
        remote.upload(script_path, '/root/{0}'.format(script_name))
        cmd = ('python /root/{0} --users 1 --projects 1 '
               '--resources_per_user_project 200 '
               '--samples_per_user_project 1000').format(script_name)
        ceil_meter_list_out = remote.check_call(ceil_meter_list)['stdout']
        ceil_sample_list_out = remote.check_call(ceil_sample_list)['stdout']
        ceil_res_list_out = remote.check_call(ceil_res_list)['stdout']
        ceil_event_list_out = remote.check_call(ceil_event_list)['stdout']

    ceil_meter_list_out = parser.listing(ceil_meter_list_out)
    ceil_sample_list_out = parser.listing(ceil_sample_list_out)
    ceil_res_list_out = parser.listing(ceil_res_list_out)
    ceil_event_list_out = parser.listing(ceil_event_list_out)

    assert all(i == 100
               for i in (
    def test_shutdown_active_controller_during_upload(
            self, glance, image_file, suffix, timeout=60):
        """Check that image is created successfully if during creating image
        to perform shutdown of active controller

            1. Create image using URL Link
            2. Shutdown active controller during creation of image
            3. Check that image is present in list and image status is `active`
            4. Delete created image
            5. Check that image deleted

        # Find a primary controller
        primary_controller = self.env.primary_controller
        mac = primary_controller.data['mac']
        self.primary_node = DevopsClient.get_node_by_mac(
            env_name=self.env_name, mac=mac)

        name = 'Test_{}'.format(suffix[:6])
        image_url = settings.GLANCE_IMAGE_URL
        cmd = ('image-create --name {name} --container-format bare '
               '--disk-format qcow2 --location {image_url}'.format(
                    name=name, image_url=image_url))
        image = parser.details(glance(cmd))
        logger.info('Image starts to upload')

        # Shutdown primary controller

        image_list = parser.listing(glance('image-list'))
        assert image['id'] in [x['ID'] for x in image_list]

        image_data = parser.details(glance('image-show {id}'.format(**image)))
        assert image_data['status'] == 'active'
        logger.info('Image is active')

        glance('image-delete {id}'.format(**image))

        images = parser.listing(glance('image-list'))
        assert image['id'] not in [x['ID'] for x in images]
Exemple #5
    def list_access(self, share_id, columns=None, microversion=None):
        """Returns list of access rules for a share.

        :param share_id: str -- Name or ID of a share.
        :param columns: comma separated string of columns.
            Example, "--columns access_type,access_to"
        cmd = 'access-list %s ' % share_id
        if columns is not None:
            cmd += ' --columns ' + columns
        access_list_raw = self.manila(cmd, microversion=microversion)
        return output_parser.listing(access_list_raw)
    def list_access(self, share_id, columns=None, microversion=None):
        """Returns list of access rules for a share.

        :param share_id: str -- Name or ID of a share.
        :param columns: comma separated string of columns.
            Example, "--columns access_type,access_to"
        cmd = 'access-list %s ' % share_id
        if columns is not None:
            cmd += ' --columns ' + columns
        access_list_raw = self.manila(cmd, microversion=microversion)
        return output_parser.listing(access_list_raw)
    def test_shutdown_primary_controller(
            self, glance, image_file, suffix, timeout=60):
        """Check creating image after shutdown primary controller

            1. Shutdown primary controller
            2. Create image from `image_file`
            3. Check that image is present in list and image status is `active`
            4. Delete created image
            5. Check that image deleted
        # Find a primary controller
        primary_controller = self.env.primary_controller
        mac = primary_controller.data['mac']
        primary_node = DevopsClient.get_node_by_mac(
            env_name=self.env_name, mac=mac)

        # Shutdown primary controller

        name = 'Test_{}'.format(suffix[:6])
        cmd = ('image-create --name {name} --container-format bare '
               '--disk-format qcow2 --file {file}'.format(
                    name=name, file=image_file))
        image = parser.details(glance(cmd))
        logger.info('Image starts to upload')

        image_list = parser.listing(glance('image-list'))
        assert image['id'] in [x['ID'] for x in image_list]

        image_data = parser.details(glance('image-show {id}'.format(**image)))
        assert image_data['status'] == 'active'
        logger.info('Image is active')

        glance('image-delete {id}'.format(**image))

        images = parser.listing(glance('image-list'))
        assert image['id'] not in [x['ID'] for x in images]
    def list_share_types(self, list_all=True, columns=None, microversion=None):
        """List share types.

        :param list_all: bool -- whether to list all share types or only public
        :param columns: comma separated string of columns.
            Example, "--columns id,name"
        cmd = 'type-list'
        if list_all:
            cmd += ' --all'
        if columns is not None:
            cmd += ' --columns ' + columns
        share_types_raw = self.manila(cmd, microversion=microversion)
        share_types = output_parser.listing(share_types_raw)
        return share_types
Exemple #9
    def list_share_types(self, list_all=True, columns=None, microversion=None):
        """List share types.

        :param list_all: bool -- whether to list all share types or only public
        :param columns: comma separated string of columns.
            Example, "--columns id,name"
        cmd = 'type-list'
        if list_all:
            cmd += ' --all'
        if columns is not None:
            cmd += ' --columns ' + columns
        share_types_raw = self.manila(cmd, microversion=microversion)
        share_types = output_parser.listing(share_types_raw)
        return share_types
    def create_share_type(self, name=None, driver_handles_share_servers=True,
                          snapshot_support=True, is_public=True):
        """Creates share type.

        :param name: text -- name of share type to use, if not set then
            autogenerated will be used
        :param driver_handles_share_servers: bool/str -- boolean or its
            string alias. Default is True.
        :param snapshot_support: bool/str -- boolean or its
            string alias. Default is True.
        :param is_public: bool/str -- boolean or its string alias. Default is
        if name is None:
            name = data_utils.rand_name('manilaclient_functional_test')
        dhss = driver_handles_share_servers
        if not isinstance(dhss, six.string_types):
            dhss = six.text_type(dhss)
        if not isinstance(snapshot_support, six.string_types):
            snapshot_support = six.text_type(snapshot_support)
        if not isinstance(is_public, six.string_types):
            is_public = six.text_type(is_public)
        cmd = ('type-create %(name)s %(dhss)s --is-public %(is_public)s '
               '--snapshot-support %(snapshot_support)s') % {
                   'name': name, 'dhss': dhss, 'is_public': is_public,
                   'snapshot_support': snapshot_support}
        share_type_raw = self.manila(cmd)

        # NOTE(vponomaryov): share type creation response is "list"-like with
        # only one element:
        # [{
        #   'ID': '%id%',
        #   'Name': '%name%',
        #   'Visibility': 'public',
        #   'is_default': '-',
        #   'required_extra_specs': 'driver_handles_share_servers : False',
        # }]
        share_type = output_parser.listing(share_type_raw)[0]
        return share_type
Exemple #11
 def list_share_type_access(self, share_type_id, microversion=None):
     projects_raw = self.manila(
         'type-access-list %s' % share_type_id, microversion=microversion)
     projects = output_parser.listing(projects_raw)
     project_ids = [pr['Project_ID'] for pr in projects]
     return project_ids
 def test_listing(self):
     expected = [{'ID': '11'}, {'ID': '21'}, {'ID': '31'}]
     actual = output_parser.listing(self.LISTING_OUTPUT)
     self.assertIsInstance(actual, list)
     self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
Exemple #13
 def list_access(self, share_id, microversion=None):
     access_list_raw = self.manila('access-list %s' % share_id,
     return output_parser.listing(access_list_raw)
Exemple #14
 def list_share_type_access(self, share_type_id, microversion=None):
     projects_raw = self.manila('type-access-list %s' % share_type_id,
     projects = output_parser.listing(projects_raw)
     project_ids = [pr['Project_ID'] for pr in projects]
     return project_ids
 def test_listing(self):
     expected = [{'ID': '11'}, {'ID': '21'}, {'ID': '31'}]
     actual = output_parser.listing(self.LISTING_OUTPUT)
     self.assertIsInstance(actual, list)
     self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
 def list_access(self, share_id):
     access_list_raw = self.manila('access-list %s' % share_id)
     return output_parser.listing(access_list_raw)
 def list_access(self, share_id, microversion=None):
     access_list_raw = self.manila(
         'access-list %s' % share_id, microversion=microversion)
     return output_parser.listing(access_list_raw)