Exemple #1
    def __init__(self, name, argn):
        PythonModifier.__init__(self, name, 3+argn, 0)

        self.AddHook(ET_OnGetTooltip, EK_NONE, touchTooltip, ())
        self.AddHook(ET_OnGetEffectTooltip, EK_NONE, touchEffectTooltip, ())

        # Handle queries for whether the affected creature is
        # 'holding charge'?
        self.AddHook(ET_OnD20Query, EK_Q_HoldingCharge, touchHoldingCharge, ())

        # get notifications of other charge attacks being added
                ET_OnD20Signal, EK_S_TouchAttackAdded,
                touchTouchAttackAdded, ())

        # casting another spell ends held charge spells
        self.AddHook(ET_OnD20Signal, EK_S_Spell_Cast, touchOtherCast, ())

        # modify the menus to allow for touch attacks
        self.AddHook(ET_OnConditionAdd, EK_NONE, touchAdd, ())

        self.AddHook(ET_OnNewDay, EK_NEWDAY_REST, End, ())

Exemple #2
    if (flags & (1 << (D20STD_F_SPELL_SCHOOL_ENCHANTMENT - 1))):
        evt_obj.bonus_list.add(2, 31, 139)  # Racial Bonus
    return 0

def ConditionImmunityOnPreAdd(attachee, args, evt_obj):
    val = evt_obj.is_modifier("sp-Sleep")
    if val:
        evt_obj.return_val = 0
        attachee.float_mesfile_line('mes\\combat.mes', 5059,
                                    tf_red)  # "Sleep Immunity"
        game.create_history_from_pattern(31, attachee, OBJ_HANDLE_NULL)
    return 0

raceSpecObj = PythonModifier(GetConditionName(), 0)
race_utils.AddBaseMoveSpeed(raceSpecObj, 30)
    raceSpecObj, {
        skill_listen: 1,
        skill_search: 1,
        skill_spot: 1,
        skill_diplomacy: 2,
        skill_gather_information: 2

raceSpecObj.AddHook(ET_OnSaveThrowLevel, EK_NONE, ElvenSaveBonusEnchantment,
raceSpecObj.AddHook(ET_OnConditionAddPre, EK_NONE, ConditionImmunityOnPreAdd,
raceSpecObj.AddHook(ET_OnD20Query, EK_Q_FavoredClass, OnGetFavoredClass, ())
Exemple #3
from templeplus.pymod import PythonModifier
from toee import *
import tpdp

#Magic Item Compendium, p. 7

print "Adding Berserker Weapon"

def DamageBonusWeaponBerserker(attachee, args, evt_obj):
    if (attachee.d20_query(Q_Barbarian_Raged) == 1):
        damage_dice = dice_new('1d8')  #1d8 bonus damage
        evt_obj.damage_packet.add_dice(damage_dice, -1,
                                       100)  #Damage Type = weapon
    return 0

weaponBerserker = PythonModifier("Weapon Berserker",
                                 3)  # spare, spare, inv_idx
weaponBerserker.AddHook(ET_OnDealingDamage, EK_NONE,
                        DamageBonusWeaponBerserker, ())
Exemple #4
from templeplus.pymod import PythonModifier
from toee import *
import tpdp

print "Registering Tripping Bite"

def OnDamage2(attachee, args, evt_obj):
    target = evt_obj.attack_packet.target
    if (target != OBJ_HANDLE_NULL):
        if (target.d20_query(Q_Prone) == 0 and attachee.trip_check(target)):
            target.float_mesfile_line('mes\\combat.mes', 104, 1)  # Tripped!

tripBite = PythonModifier("Tripping Bite", 0)
tripBite.AddHook(ET_OnDealingDamage2, EK_NONE, OnDamage2, ())
Exemple #5
	# add radial menu action Defensive Stanch
	if not isAdded: # means it's not a newly added condition
		isWinded = attachee.d20_query("Defensive Stance Is Winded")
		isActive = attachee.d20_query("Defensive Stance Is Active")
	#print "is active: " + str(isActive) + "  is winded: " + str(isWinded)
	if isActive and (isWinded == 0): # if already active, show the "Winded" option a la Barbarian Rage
		radialAction = tpdp.RadialMenuEntryPythonAction(-1, D20A_PYTHON_ACTION, defensiveStanceWindedEnum, 0, "TAG_INTERFACE_HELP")
		#print str(D20A_PYTHON_ACTION) + "  " + str(defensiveStanceEnum)
		radialAction = tpdp.RadialMenuEntryPythonAction(-1, D20A_PYTHON_ACTION, defensiveStanceEnum, 0, "TAG_INTERFACE_HELP")
	radialAction.add_child_to_standard(attachee, tpdp.RadialMenuStandardNode.Class)
	return 0

classSpecObj = PythonModifier(GetConditionName(), 0)
classSpecObj.AddHook(ET_OnToHitBonusBase, EK_NONE, OnGetToHitBonusBase, ())
classSpecObj.AddHook(ET_OnSaveThrowLevel, EK_SAVE_FORTITUDE, OnGetSaveThrowFort, ())
classSpecObj.AddHook(ET_OnSaveThrowLevel, EK_SAVE_REFLEX, OnGetSaveThrowReflex, ())
classSpecObj.AddHook(ET_OnSaveThrowLevel, EK_SAVE_WILL, OnGetSaveThrowWill, ())
classSpecObj.AddHook(ET_OnGetAC, EK_NONE, DwarvenDefenderAcBonus, ())
classSpecObj.AddHook(ET_OnGetAC, EK_NONE, DwDTrapSenseDodgeBonus, ())
classSpecObj.AddHook(ET_OnSaveThrowLevel , EK_SAVE_REFLEX , DwDTrapSenseReflexBonus, ())
classSpecObj.AddHook(ET_OnTakingDamage2, EK_NONE, DwDDamageReduction, ())
classSpecObj.AddHook(ET_OnBuildRadialMenuEntry, EK_NONE, DefensiveStanceRadial, ())

def DefensiveStanceIsWinded(attachee, args, evt_obj):
	if args.get_arg(3) != 0:
		evt_obj.return_val = 1
	return 0
    return 0

def DivineArmorEffectTooltip(attachee, args, evt_obj):
    # not active, do nothing
    if not args.get_arg(0):
        return 0

    # Set the tooltip
    evt_obj.append(tpdp.hash("DIVINE_ARMOR"), -2, "")
    return 0

#Setup the feat
divineArmorFeat = PythonModifier("Divine Armor Feat", 2)
divineArmorFeat.MapToFeat("Divine Armor")
divineArmorFeat.AddHook(ET_OnBuildRadialMenuEntry, EK_NONE, DivineArmorRadial,

#Setup the effect
divineArmorEffect = PythonModifier("Divine Armor Effect", 2)
divineArmorEffect.AddHook(ET_OnD20PythonActionCheck, divineArmorEnum,
                          OnDivineArmorCheck, ())
divineArmorEffect.AddHook(ET_OnD20PythonActionPerform, divineArmorEnum,
                          OnDivineArmorPerform, ())
divineArmorEffect.AddHook(ET_OnBeginRound, EK_NONE, DivineArmorBeginRound, ())
divineArmorEffect.AddHook(ET_OnGetTooltip, EK_NONE, DivineArmorTooltip, ())
divineArmorEffect.AddHook(ET_OnTakingDamage2, EK_NONE,
                          DivineArmorDamageReduction, ())
divineArmorEffect.AddHook(ET_OnGetEffectTooltip, EK_NONE,
Exemple #7
from templeplus.pymod import PythonModifier
from toee import *
import tpdp

#Magic Item Compendium, p. 7

print "Adding Precise Weapon"

def PreciseWeaponQuery(attachee, args, evt_obj):
    evt_obj.return_val = 1
    return 0

weaponPrecise = PythonModifier("Weapon Precise", 3)  # spare, spare, inv_idx
weaponPrecise.AddHook(ET_OnD20PythonQuery, "No Shot into Melee Penalty",
                      PreciseWeaponQuery, ())
Exemple #8
def OnGetSaveThrowWill(attachee, args, evt_obj):
    value = char_class_utils.SavingThrowLevel(classEnum, attachee,
    evt_obj.bonus_list.add(value, 0, 137)
    return 0

def OnGetBaseCasterLevel(attachee, args, evt_obj):
    if evt_obj.arg0 != classEnum:
        return 0
    classLvl = attachee.stat_level_get(classEnum)
    evt_obj.bonus_list.add(classLvl, 0, 137)
    return 0

classSpecObj = PythonModifier(GetConditionName(), 0)
classSpecObj.AddHook(ET_OnToHitBonusBase, EK_NONE, OnGetToHitBonusBase, ())
classSpecObj.AddHook(ET_OnSaveThrowLevel, EK_SAVE_FORTITUDE,
                     OnGetSaveThrowFort, ())
classSpecObj.AddHook(ET_OnSaveThrowLevel, EK_SAVE_REFLEX, OnGetSaveThrowReflex,
classSpecObj.AddHook(ET_OnSaveThrowLevel, EK_SAVE_WILL, OnGetSaveThrowWill, ())
classSpecObj.AddHook(ET_OnGetBaseCasterLevel, EK_NONE, OnGetBaseCasterLevel,

# Helper Functions
def is_ranged_weapon(weap):
    if weap == OBJ_HANDLE_NULL:
        return 0
    weap_flags = weap.obj_get_int(obj_f_weapon_flags)
def OnGetSaveThrowReflex(attachee, args, evt_obj):
    value = char_class_utils.SavingThrowLevel(classEnum, attachee,
    evt_obj.bonus_list.add(value, 0, 137)
    return 0

def OnGetSaveThrowWill(attachee, args, evt_obj):
    value = char_class_utils.SavingThrowLevel(classEnum, attachee,
    evt_obj.bonus_list.add(value, 0, 137)
    return 0

classSpecObj = PythonModifier(GetConditionName(), 0)
classSpecObj.AddHook(ET_OnToHitBonusBase, EK_NONE, OnGetToHitBonusBase, ())
classSpecObj.AddHook(ET_OnSaveThrowLevel, EK_SAVE_FORTITUDE,
                     OnGetSaveThrowFort, ())
classSpecObj.AddHook(ET_OnSaveThrowLevel, EK_SAVE_REFLEX, OnGetSaveThrowReflex,
classSpecObj.AddHook(ET_OnSaveThrowLevel, EK_SAVE_WILL, OnGetSaveThrowWill, ())

### Spell casting
def OnGetBaseCasterLevel(attachee, args, evt_obj):
    if evt_obj.arg0 != classEnum:
        return 0
    classLvl = attachee.stat_level_get(classEnum)
    evt_obj.bonus_list.add(classLvl, 0, 137)
    return 0
Exemple #10
#Extra Stunning:  Complete Warrior, p. 98

from templeplus.pymod import PythonModifier
from toee import *
import tpdp

print "Registering Extra Stunning"

def ExtraStunningNewDay(attachee, args, evt_obj):
    #Add 3 extra stunning attacks per feat taken
    featCount = attachee.has_feat("Extra Stunning")
    args.set_arg(0, args.get_arg(0) + 3 * featCount)
    return 0

extendRageFeat = PythonModifier()
extendRageFeat.AddHook(ET_OnNewDay, EK_NEWDAY_REST, ExtraStunningNewDay, ())
Exemple #11
    if shield != OBJ_HANDLE_NULL:
        return 0
    return 1

def DeadlyDefenseDamageBonus(attachee, args, evt_obj):
    #Test the check box for fighting defensively only (the ability won't be active yet on the first attack)
    IsFightingDefensively = attachee.d20_query("Fighting Defensively Checked")

    #Combat Expertise Penalty >= 2 will also trigger the bonus
    CombatExpertiseValue = attachee.d20_query("Combat Expertise Value")

    if IsFightingDefensively or (CombatExpertiseValue >= 2):

        LightOnly = HasLightArmorNoShield(attachee)
        ValidWeapon = IsFinesseWeapon(attachee,

        #No armor or shield and a weapon finesse usable weapon
        if LightOnly and ValidWeapon:
            damage_dice = dice_new('1d6')
            evt_obj.damage_packet.add_dice(damage_dice, -1, 127)
    return 0

deadlyDefense = PythonModifier("Deadly Defense",
                               2)  # args are just-in-case placeholders
deadlyDefense.MapToFeat("Deadly Defense")
deadlyDefense.AddHook(ET_OnDealingDamage, EK_NONE, DeadlyDefenseDamageBonus,
Exemple #12
def RapidMMActionCostMod(attachee, args, evt_obj):
    if evt_obj.d20a.action_type != tpdp.D20ActionType.CastSpell:
        return 0

    if evt_obj.cost_orig.action_cost <= 2: # original is already less than full round
        return 0
    if evt_obj.cost_new.action_cost <= 0: # adjusted amount is already free action
        return 0

    # check if the original spell is standard action or less - if so reduce action cost to standard action
    spData = evt_obj.d20a.spell_data
    spEntry = tpdp.SpellEntry(spData.spell_enum)
    if spEntry.spell_enum == 0:
        return 0

    castingTimeType = spEntry.casting_time
    mmData = spData.get_metamagic_data()
    isQuicken = mmData.get_quicken()

    if isQuicken and not (evt_obj.turnbased_status.flags & TBSF_FreeActionSpellPerformed):
        evt_obj.cost_new.action_cost = 0
        evt_obj.turnbased_status.flags |= TBSF_FreeActionSpellPerformed
        #print "reducing cost to 0"
        return 0

    return 0

rapidMM = PythonModifier("Rapid Metamagic Feat", 2) # args are just-in-case placeholders
rapidMM.MapToFeat("Rapid Metamagic")
rapidMM.AddHook(ET_OnActionCostMod, EK_NONE, RapidMMActionCostMod, ())
Exemple #13
raceSpecModule = __import__('race010_hill_giant')

#### standard callbacks - BAB and Save values
def OnGetToHitBonusBase(attachee, args, evt_obj):
	classLvl = attachee.stat_level_get(classEnum)
	babvalue = game.get_bab_for_class(classEnum, classLvl)
	evt_obj.bonus_list.add(babvalue, 0, 137) # untyped, description: "Class"
	return 0

def OnGetSpellResistance(attachee, args, evt_obj):
	classLvl = attachee.stat_level_get(stat_level)
	evt_obj.bonus_list.add(11+classLvl, 36, "Racial Bonus (Drow)")
	return 0

def OnGetSpellResistanceTooltip(attachee, args, evt_obj):
	classLvl = attachee.stat_level_get(stat_level)
	evt_obj.append("Spell Resistance [" + str(11 + classLvl) + "]")
	return 0

raceSpecObj = PythonModifier(GetConditionName(), 0)
race_utils.AddAbilityModifierHooks(raceSpecObj, raceSpecModule)
race_utils.AddFavoredClassHook(raceSpecObj, stat_level_barbarian)
race_utils.AddSaveThrowBonusHook(raceSpecObj, D20_Save_Fortitude, 8)
race_utils.AddSaveThrowBonusHook(raceSpecObj, D20_Save_Will, 4)
race_utils.AddSaveThrowBonusHook(raceSpecObj, D20_Save_Reflex, 4)
race_utils.AddBaseMoveSpeed(raceSpecObj, 30)
Exemple #14
	spell_id = args.get_arg(0)

	# check that this spell was struck
	if evt_obj.data1 != spell_id:
		return 0

	game.particles('sp-Mirror Image Loss', attachee)

	images = args.get_arg(2)
	if images <= 1:
		args.set_arg(2, images-1)
	return 0

cond = PythonModifier('sp-Greater Mirror Image', 7)
Exemple #15

    return 0

def SuddenSlientDeductCharge(attachee, args, evt_obj):
    #Check for a charge and the enable flag
    charges = args.get_arg(0)
    if charges < 1 or not args.get_arg(1):
        return 0

    #Decriment the charges
    charges = charges - 1
    args.set_arg(0, charges)

    return 0

#Setup the feat
tpdp.register_metamagic_feat("Sudden Silent")
suddenSilentFeat = PythonModifier("Sudden Silent Feat",
                                  4)  #Charges, Toggeled On, Spare, Spare
suddenSilentFeat.MapToFeat("Sudden Silent")
suddenSilentFeat.AddHook(ET_OnBuildRadialMenuEntry, EK_NONE,
                         SuddenSilentRadial, ())
suddenSilentFeat.AddHook(ET_OnNewDay, EK_NEWDAY_REST, SuddenSilentNewDay, ())
suddenSilentFeat.AddHook(ET_OnMetaMagicMod, EK_NONE,
                         SuddenSilentMetamagicUpdate, ())
                         "Sudden Metamagic Deduct Charge",
                         SuddenSlientDeductCharge, ())
Exemple #16
# Natural Bond:   Complete Adventurer, p. 111

print "Registering Natural Bond"

def QueryNaturalBond(attachee, args, evt_obj):
    animalCompanionLevel = 0

    #Add Druid Level to Ranger effective druid level
    rangerLevel = attachee.stat_level_get(stat_level_ranger)
    if rangerLevel >= 4:
        animalCompanionLevel = math.floor(rangerLevel / 2)
    animalCompanionLevel += attachee.stat_level_get(stat_level_druid)

    characterLevel = attachee.stat_level_get(stat_level)

    nonAnimalCompanionLevel = characterLevel - animalCompanionLevel

    #Level bonus is up to 3 levels but not more than the character level
    levelBonus = min(nonAnimalCompanionLevel, 3)

    #Return the bonus
    evt_obj.return_val += levelBonus
    return 0

NaturalBondFeat = PythonModifier("Natural Bond Feat", 2)  # spare, spare
NaturalBondFeat.MapToFeat("Natural Bond")
NaturalBondFeat.AddHook(ET_OnD20PythonQuery, "Animal Companion Level Bonus",
                        QueryNaturalBond, ())
Exemple #17
    #Get the weapon type or set to the appropriate unarmed weapon type
    if weaponObj != OBJ_HANDLE_NULL:
        usedWeapon = weaponObj.get_weapon_type()
        size = attachee.obj_get_int(obj_f_size)
        if size == STAT_SIZE_SMALL:
            usedWeapon = wt_unarmed_strike_small_being
            usedWeapon = wt_unarmed_strike_medium_sized_being

    if featWeapon == usedWeapon:
        evt_obj.bonus_list.add_from_feat(4, 0, 114, "Power Critical")

    return 0

powerCriticalList = list()

for weapon in range(wt_gauntlet, wt_mindblade):
    featEnum = game.get_feat_for_weapon_type(weapon, "Power Critical")

    #Some weapons don't have the power critical feat, skip them
    if featEnum != feat_none:
        featName = game.get_feat_name(featEnum)
                                                3))  #Weapon, Spare, Spare
        powerCriticalList[-1].AddHook(ET_OnConfirmCriticalBonus, EK_NONE,
                                      PowerCriticalBonus, (weapon, ))
Exemple #18
def OnGetSaveThrowReflex(attachee, args, evt_obj):
    value = char_class_utils.SavingThrowLevel(classEnum, attachee,
    evt_obj.bonus_list.add(value, 0, 137)
    return 0

def OnGetSaveThrowWill(attachee, args, evt_obj):
    value = char_class_utils.SavingThrowLevel(classEnum, attachee,
    evt_obj.bonus_list.add(value, 0, 137)
    return 0

classSpecObj = PythonModifier(GetConditionName(), 0)
classSpecObj.AddHook(ET_OnToHitBonusBase, EK_NONE, OnGetToHitBonusBase, ())
classSpecObj.AddHook(ET_OnSaveThrowLevel, EK_SAVE_FORTITUDE,
                     OnGetSaveThrowFort, ())
classSpecObj.AddHook(ET_OnSaveThrowLevel, EK_SAVE_REFLEX, OnGetSaveThrowReflex,
classSpecObj.AddHook(ET_OnSaveThrowLevel, EK_SAVE_WILL, OnGetSaveThrowWill, ())

#Checks for a load greater than light or armor greater than light (to enable various abilities)
def SwashbucklerEncumberedCheck(obj):
    #Light armor or no armor
    armor = obj.item_worn_at(5)
    if armor != OBJ_HANDLE_NULL:
        armorFlags = armor.obj_get_int(obj_f_armor_flags)
        if (armorFlags != ARMOR_TYPE_LIGHT) and (armorFlags !=
Exemple #19
    return 0

def SuddenQuickenDeductCharge(attachee, args, evt_obj):
    #Check for a charge and the enable flag
    charges = args.get_arg(0)
    if charges < 1 or not args.get_arg(1):
        return 0

    #Decriment the charges
    charges = charges - 1
    args.set_arg(0, charges)

    return 0

#Setup the feat
tpdp.register_metamagic_feat("Sudden Quicken")
suddenQuickenFeat = PythonModifier("Sudden Quicken Feat",
                                   4)  #Charges, Toggeled On, Spare, Spare
suddenQuickenFeat.MapToFeat("Sudden Quicken")
suddenQuickenFeat.AddHook(ET_OnBuildRadialMenuEntry, EK_NONE,
                          SuddenQuickenRadial, ())
suddenQuickenFeat.AddHook(ET_OnConditionAdd, EK_NONE, SuddenQuickenNewDay, ())
suddenQuickenFeat.AddHook(ET_OnNewDay, EK_NEWDAY_REST, SuddenQuickenNewDay, ())
suddenQuickenFeat.AddHook(ET_OnMetaMagicMod, EK_NONE,
                          SuddenQuickenMetamagicUpdate, ())
                          "Sudden Metamagic Deduct Charge",
                          SuddenQuickenDeductCharge, ())
Exemple #20
	ass_lvl = attachee.stat_level_get(classEnum)
	evt_obj.return_val += 1+(ass_lvl-1) /2
	return 0

def AssassinPoisonSaveBonus(attachee, args, evt_obj):
	ass_lvl = attachee.stat_level_get(classEnum)
	if ass_lvl < 2:
		return 0
	if evt_obj.flags & 8: # D20STD_F_POISON
		value = ass_lvl / 2
		evt_obj.bonus_list.add(value, 0, 137)
	return 0

classSpecObj = PythonModifier(GetConditionName(), 0)
classSpecObj.AddHook(ET_OnToHitBonusBase, EK_NONE, OnGetToHitBonusBase, ())
classSpecObj.AddHook(ET_OnSaveThrowLevel, EK_SAVE_FORTITUDE, OnGetSaveThrowFort, ())
classSpecObj.AddHook(ET_OnSaveThrowLevel, EK_SAVE_REFLEX, OnGetSaveThrowReflex, ())
classSpecObj.AddHook(ET_OnSaveThrowLevel, EK_SAVE_WILL, OnGetSaveThrowWill, ())
classSpecObj.AddHook(ET_OnD20PythonQuery, "Sneak Attack Dice", AssassinSneakAttackDice, ())
classSpecObj.AddHook(ET_OnSaveThrowLevel, EK_NONE, AssassinPoisonSaveBonus, ())

### Spell casting

def OnGetBaseCasterLevel(attachee, args, evt_obj):
	if evt_obj.arg0 != classEnum:
		return 0
	classLvl = attachee.stat_level_get(classEnum)
	evt_obj.bonus_list.add(classLvl, 0, 137)
Exemple #21
from templeplus.pymod import PythonModifier
from toee import *
import tpdp

print "Registering Charging Extender"

def ChargingQuery(attachee, args, evt_obj):

    #Always return true since the condition is set
    evt_obj.return_val = 1

    return 0

modExtender = PythonModifier()
modExtender.AddHook(ET_OnD20PythonQuery, "Charging", ChargingQuery, ())
Exemple #22
#Battle Caster  Complete Arcane, p. 75

from templeplus.pymod import PythonModifier
from toee import *
import tpdp

print "Registering Battle Caster"

#Query is to be made from any class that allows a caster to wear some armor without arcane failure
def ImprovedArcaneFailure(attachee, args, evt_obj):
    evt_obj.return_val = 1  #Return 1 to improve the class's arcane failure resistance for armor
    return 0

battleCaster = PythonModifier("Battle Caster",
                              2)  # args are just-in-case placeholders
battleCaster.MapToFeat("Battle Caster")
battleCaster.AddHook(ET_OnD20PythonQuery, "Improved Armored Casting",
                     ImprovedArcaneFailure, ())
Exemple #23
from templeplus.pymod import PythonModifier
from toee import *
import tpdp

print "Registering Shield Extender"

def MaxDexShield(attachee, args, evt_obj):
    shield = attachee.item_worn_at(item_wear_shield)

    if shield != OBJ_HANDLE_NULL:
        max_dex_bonus = shield.get_max_dex_bonus()

        if max_dex_bonus > 0:
            capType = 3  # Effects Dex Bonus
            bonusMesline = 112  # Bonus Reduced by item
                capType, max_dex_bonus, bonusMesline, shield.description)
    return 0

shieldBonusExtender = PythonModifier()
shieldBonusExtender.ExtendExisting("Shield Bonus")
shieldBonusExtender.AddHook(ET_OnGetAC, EK_NONE, MaxDexShield, ())
Exemple #24
print "Registering Extra Music"

def EMNewDay(attachee, args, evt_obj):

    ExtraMusicCount = attachee.has_feat("Extra Music")

    #Extra Music grants 4 additional uses of Bardic Music each time the feat is taken
    MusicCount = args.get_arg(0)
    MusicCount += ExtraMusicCount * 4
    MusicCount += attachee.d20_query("Bardic Music Bonus Levels")
    args.set_arg(0, MusicCount)

    return 0

def QueryMaxBardicMusic(attachee, args, evt_obj):

    #Total uses = bard level + extra music count * 4 + Bard Bonus Levels
    MaxMusicCount = attachee.has_feat("Extra Music") * 4
    MaxMusicCount += attachee.stat_level_get(stat_level_bard)
    MaxMusicCount += attachee.d20_query("Bardic Music Bonus Levels")
    evt_obj.return_val = MaxMusicCount
    return 0

eSF = PythonModifier()
eSF.ExtendExisting("Bardic Music")
eSF.AddHook(ET_OnNewDay, EK_NEWDAY_REST, EMNewDay, ())
eSF.AddHook(ET_OnD20PythonQuery, "Max Bardic Music", QueryMaxBardicMusic, ())
    return 0

def StaggeringStrikeEffectGetEffectTooltip(attachee, args, evt_obj):
    # not active, do nothing
    if not args.get_arg(0):
        return 0

    # Set the tooltip
    evt_obj.append(tpdp.hash("STAGGERING_STRIKE"), -2, "")
    return 0

#Setup the feat
StaggeringStrikeFeat = PythonModifier("Staggering Strike Feat",
                                      2)  #Apply Effect, Extra
StaggeringStrikeFeat.MapToFeat("Staggering Strike")
                             "Sneak Attack Damage Applied",
                             StaggeringStrikeFeatOnSneakAttack, ())
StaggeringStrikeFeat.AddHook(ET_OnDealingDamage2, EK_NONE,
                             StaggeringStrikeFeatOnDamage, ())

#Setup the effect
StaggeringStrikeEffect = PythonModifier("Staggering Strike Effect",
                                        2)  #Rounds, Extra
StaggeringStrikeEffect.AddHook(ET_OnTurnBasedStatusInit, EK_NONE,
                               StaggeringStrikeEffectTurnBasedStatusInit, ())
StaggeringStrikeEffect.AddHook(ET_OnBeginRound, EK_NONE,
                               StaggeringStrikeEffectBeginRound, ())
StaggeringStrikeEffect.AddHook(ET_OnReceiveHealing, EK_NONE,
        evt_obj.return_val = 1
    return 0

def MindBlankTooltip(attachee, args, evt_obj):
    # Set the tooltip
    evt_obj.append("Mind Blank (" + str(args.get_arg(1)) + " rounds)")
    return 0

def MindBlankEffectTooltip(attachee, args, evt_obj):
    # Set the tooltip
    evt_obj.append(tpdp.hash("MIND_BLANK"), -2,
                   " (" + str(args.get_arg(1)) + " rounds)")
    return 0

def MindBlankRemove(attachee, args, evt_obj):
    # Show the remove spell effect
    game.particles('sp-Mind Blank-END', attachee)
    return 0

mindBlank = PythonModifier("sp-Mind Blank", 4)
mindBlank.AddHook(ET_OnSpellImmunityCheck, EK_NONE, MindBlankImmunity,
                  ())  # spell_id, duration, spare, spare
mindBlank.AddHook(ET_OnGetTooltip, EK_NONE, MindBlankTooltip, ())
mindBlank.AddHook(ET_OnGetEffectTooltip, EK_NONE, MindBlankEffectTooltip, ())
mindBlank.AddHook(ET_OnConditionRemove, EK_NONE, MindBlankRemove, ())
Exemple #27
        1, new_max
    )  # adjust max points by the amount specified in the event object
    return 0

def PsiPointsNewDay(attachee, args, evt_obj):
    args.set_arg(0, 0)  # set depleted psi points to 0
    #args.set_arg(1, args.get_arg(1)) # set max points to itself, but it never changed!
    #args.set_arg(2, 0) # unused
    #args.set_arg(3, 0) # unused
    return 0

psiPoints = PythonModifier(
    "Psi Points", 4
)  # arg0 - depleted psi points; arg1 - max psi points; arg2 - unused; arg3 - unused
psiPoints.AddHook(ET_OnD20PythonQuery, "Max Psi", PsiPointsGetMax,
                  ())  # hook PsiPointsGetMax to event of python query
psiPoints.AddHook(ET_OnD20PythonQuery, "Base Max Psi", PsiPointsGetBaseMax,
                  ())  # hook PsiPointsGetBaseMax to event of python query
psiPoints.AddHook(ET_OnD20PythonQuery, "Current Psi", PsiPointsGetCurrent,
                  ())  # hook PsiPointsGetCurrent to event of python query
psiPoints.AddHook(ET_OnD20PythonSignal, "Subtract Psi", SubtractPsi,
                  ())  # hook SubtractPsi to event of python signal
psiPoints.AddHook(ET_OnD20PythonSignal, "Increase Max Psi", IncreaseMaxPsi,
                  ())  # hook IncreaseMaxPsi to event of python signal
    ET_OnNewDay, EK_NEWDAY_REST, PsiPointsNewDay,
    ())  # hook PsiPointsNewDay to event of resting 8 hours safely
Exemple #28
    #If charging apply the attack bonus
    if charging:
            2, 0, "Reckless Charge"
        )  #+2 Bonus makes up for the -2 Rapid shot penalty
    return 0

def RecklessChargeACPenalty(attachee, args, evt_obj):

    #Check if the feat is enabled
    if not args.get_arg(0):
        return 0

    charging = attachee.d20_query("Charging")

    #If charging apply the ac penatly
    if charging:
            -2, 0,
            "Reckless Charge")  # Dodge bonus,  ~Class~[TAG_LEVEL_BONUSES]
    return 0

recklessCharge = PythonModifier("Reckless Charge", 2)  # Enabled, Place Holder
recklessCharge.MapToFeat("Reckless Charge")
recklessCharge.AddHook(ET_OnToHitBonus2, EK_NONE, RecklessChargeHitBonus, ())
recklessCharge.AddHook(ET_OnBuildRadialMenuEntry, EK_NONE,
                       RecklessChargeRadial, ())
recklessCharge.AddHook(ET_OnGetAC, EK_NONE, RecklessChargeACPenalty, ())
Exemple #29
from templeplus.pymod import PythonModifier
from toee import *
import tpdp

print "Registering Rapid Shot extender"

def RapidShotEnabled(attachee, args, evt_obj):
    evt_obj.return_val = args.get_arg(0)
    return 0

rapidShotExtender = PythonModifier()
rapidShotExtender.AddHook(ET_OnD20PythonQuery, "Rapid Shot Enabled",
                          RapidShotEnabled, ())
Exemple #30
def OnGetSaveThrowReflex(attachee, args, evt_obj):
    value = char_class_utils.SavingThrowLevel(classEnum, attachee,
    evt_obj.bonus_list.add(value, 0, 137)
    return 0

def OnGetSaveThrowWill(attachee, args, evt_obj):
    value = char_class_utils.SavingThrowLevel(classEnum, attachee,
    evt_obj.bonus_list.add(value, 0, 137)
    return 0

classSpecObj = PythonModifier(GetConditionName(), 0)
classSpecObj.AddHook(ET_OnToHitBonusBase, EK_NONE, OnGetToHitBonusBase, ())
classSpecObj.AddHook(ET_OnSaveThrowLevel, EK_SAVE_FORTITUDE,
                     OnGetSaveThrowFort, ())
classSpecObj.AddHook(ET_OnSaveThrowLevel, EK_SAVE_REFLEX, OnGetSaveThrowReflex,
classSpecObj.AddHook(ET_OnSaveThrowLevel, EK_SAVE_WILL, OnGetSaveThrowWill, ())

##### Spell casting

# Mystic Theurge raises the caster level for its two base classes specified in Modifier args 0 & 1

# configure the spell casting condition to hold the highest two Arcane/Divine classes as chosen-to-be-extended classes
def OnAddSpellCasting(attachee, args, evt_obj):
    #arg0 holds the arcane class