Exemple #1
    def run(self, file_name, user, **kwargs):
        Parse the given xml file using BeautifulSoup. Save all Article, Redirect and Page objects.
        f = open(file_name, 'r')
        xml = f.read()

        uri_parser = ParseUri()
        soup = BeautifulStoneSoup(xml)
        items = soup.findAll('item')

        for item in items:
            post_type = item.find('wp:post_type').string
            post_status = item.find('wp:status').string

            if post_type == 'attachment':
                get_media(item, uri_parser, user)
                # Note! This script assumes all the attachments come before
                # posts and pages in the xml. If this ends up changing,
                # do two loops, one with attachments and the second with posts and pages.
            elif post_type == 'post' and post_status == 'publish':
                get_posts(item, uri_parser, user)
            elif post_type == 'page' and post_status == 'publish':
                get_pages(item, uri_parser, user)

        if user.email:
            send_mail('Blog Import Success!',
                      'Your blog has been imported! Thank you for waiting.',
                      settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL, [user.email],
Exemple #2
    def run(self, file_name, user, **kwargs):
        Parse the given xml file using BeautifulSoup. Save all Article, Redirect and Page objects.
        f = open(file_name, 'r')
        xml = f.read()

        uri_parser = ParseUri()
        soup = BeautifulStoneSoup(xml)
        items = soup.findAll('item')

        for item in items:
            post_type = item.find('wp:post_type').string
            post_status = item.find('wp:status').string

            if post_type == 'attachment':
                get_media(item, uri_parser, user)
                # Note! This script assumes all the attachments come before
                # posts and pages in the xml. If this ends up changing,
                # do two loops, one with attachments and the second with posts and pages.
            elif post_type == 'post' and post_status == 'publish':
                get_posts(item, uri_parser, user)
            elif post_type == 'page' and post_status == 'publish':
                get_pages(item, uri_parser, user)
        if user.email:
            send_mail('Blog Import Success!', 'Your blog has been imported! Thank you for waiting.', settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL,
                [user.email], fail_silently=False)
Exemple #3
    def run(self, file_name, user, **kwargs):
        Parse the given xml file using BeautifulSoup. Save all Article, Redirect and Page objects.
        f = open(file_name, 'r')
        xml = f.read()

        soup = BeautifulStoneSoup(xml)
        items = soup.find_all('item')

        for item in items:
            post_type = item.find('wp:post_type').string
            post_status = item.find('wp:status').string

            if post_type == 'attachment':
                get_media(item, user)
                # Note! This script assumes all the attachments come before
                # posts and pages in the xml. If this ends up changing,
                # do two loops, one with attachments and the second with posts and pages.
            elif post_type == 'post' and post_status == 'publish':
                get_posts(item, user)
            elif post_type == 'page' and post_status == 'publish':
                get_pages(item, user)

        if user.email:
            context = {
                get_setting('site', 'global', 'sitedisplayname'),
                get_setting('site', 'global', 'siteurl'),
            subject = ''.join(
            body = render_to_string(

            #send_mail(subject, body, settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL, [user.email], fail_silently=False)
            email = EmailMessage(subject, body, settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL,
            email.content_subtype = 'html'
Exemple #4
    def run(self, file_name, user, **kwargs):
        Parse the given xml file using BeautifulSoup. Save all Article, Redirect and Page objects.
        f = open(file_name, 'r')
        xml = f.read()

        uri_parser = ParseUri()
        soup = BeautifulStoneSoup(xml)
        items = soup.findAll('item')

        for item in items:
            post_type = item.find('wp:post_type').string
            post_status = item.find('wp:status').string

            if post_type == 'attachment':
                get_media(item, uri_parser, user)
                # Note! This script assumes all the attachments come before
                # posts and pages in the xml. If this ends up changing,
                # do two loops, one with attachments and the second with posts and pages.
            elif post_type == 'post' and post_status == 'publish':
                get_posts(item, uri_parser, user)
            elif post_type == 'page' and post_status == 'publish':
                get_pages(item, uri_parser, user)

        if user.email:
            context_instance = {
                'SITE_GLOBAL_SITEDISPLAYNAME': get_setting('site', 'global', 'sitedisplayname'),
                'SITE_GLOBAL_SITEURL': get_setting('site', 'global', 'siteurl'),
            subject = ''.join(render_to_string(('notification/wp_import/short.txt'), context_instance).splitlines())
            body = render_to_string(('notification/wp_import/full.html'), context_instance)

            #send_mail(subject, body, settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL, [user.email], fail_silently=False)
            email = EmailMessage(subject, body, settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL, [user.email])
            email.content_subtype = 'html'