def get_highchart_data(): """ Function helper that returns a basic all default values of highcharts javascript options. """ ChartData = { 'alignTicks': true, 'animation': true, 'backgroundColor': "#FFFFFF", 'borderColor': "#4572A7", 'borderRadius': 5, 'borderWidth': 0, 'className': "", 'defaultSeriesType': null, 'events': {}, 'height': null, 'ignoreHiddenSeries': true, 'inverted': false, 'margin': [null], 'marginTop': null, 'marginRight': 0, 'marginBottom': 0, 'marginLeft': 80, 'plotBackgroundColor': null, 'plotBackgroundImage': null, 'plotBorderColor': "#C0C0C0", 'plotBorderWidth': 0, 'plotShadow': false, 'reflow': true, 'renderTo': null, 'resetZoomButton': {}, # 'selectionMarkerFill': rgba(69, 114, 167, 0.25), 'shadow': false, 'showAxes': false, 'spacingTop': 10, 'spacingRight': 10, 'spacingBottom': 15, 'spacingLeft': 10, 'style': {}, 'type': "line", 'width': null, 'zoomType': "" } CreditsData = {'enabled': false} TitleData = { 'align': "center", 'floating': false, 'margin': 15, 'text': null, 'style': {}, 'verticalAlign': "top", 'x': 15, 'y': 15 } SubtitleData = { 'align': "center", 'floating': false, 'text': "", 'style': {}, 'verticalAlign': "top", 'x': 0, 'y': 30 } #Solid = 'Solid' #outside = 'outside' #undefined = 'undefined' xAxisData = { 'allowDecimals': true, 'alternateGridColor': null, 'categories': [], 'dateTimeLabelFormats': null, 'endOnTick': false, 'events': {}, 'gridLineColor': "#C0C0C0", 'gridLineDashStyle': Solid, 'gridLineWidth': 0, 'id': null, 'labels': {}, 'lineColor': "#C0D0E0", 'lineWidth': 1, 'linkedTo': null, 'max': null, 'maxPadding': 0.01, 'maxZoom': null, 'min': null, 'minorGridLineColor': '#E0E0E0', 'minorGridLineDashStyle': Solid, 'minorGridLineWidth': 1, 'minorTickColor': '#A0A0A0', 'minorTickInterval': null, 'minorTickLength': 2, 'minorTickPosition': outside, 'minorTickWidth': 0, 'minPadding': 0.01, 'minRange': null, 'offset': 0, 'opposite': false, 'plotBands': [{}], 'plotLines': [{}], 'reversed': false, 'showFirstLabel': true, 'showLastLabel': false, 'startOfWeek': 1, 'startOnTick': false, 'tickColor': '#C0D0E0', 'tickInterval': null, 'tickLength': 5, 'tickmarkPlacement': "between", 'tickPixelInterval': null, 'tickPosition': "outside", 'tickWidth': 1, 'title': DictObject(**TitleData), 'type': "linear" } yAxisPlotData = {'value': null, 'width': null, 'color': null} yAxisData = { 'endOnTick': true, 'gridLineWidth': 1, 'lineWidth': 0, 'maxPadding': 0.05, 'minPadding': 0.05, 'showLastLabel': true, 'stackLabels': {}, 'startOnTick': true, 'tickWidth': 0, 'allowDecimals': true, 'alternateGridColor': null, 'categories': [], 'dateTimeLabelFormats': null, 'events': {}, 'gridLineColor': "#C0C0C0", 'gridLineDashStyle': Solid, 'id': null, 'labels': {}, 'lineColor': "#C0D0E0", 'linkedTo': null, 'max': null, 'maxZoom': null, 'min': null, 'minorGridLineColor': '#E0E0E0', 'minorGridLineDashStyle': Solid, 'minorGridLineWidth': 1, 'minorTickColor': '#A0A0A0', 'minorTickInterval': null, 'minorTickLength': 2, 'minorTickPosition': outside, 'minorTickWidth': 0, 'minRange': null, 'offset': 0, 'opposite': false, 'plotBands': [{}], 'plotLines': CollectionObject(), 'reversed': false, 'showFirstLabel': true, 'startOfWeek': 1, 'tickColor': '#C0D0E0', 'tickInterval': null, 'tickLength': 5, 'tickmarkPlacement': "between", 'tickPixelInterval': null, 'tickPosition': "outside", 'title': DictObject(**TitleData), 'type': "linear" } TooltipData = { 'backgroundColor': "rgba(255, 255, 255, .85)", 'borderColor': "auto", 'borderRadius': 5, 'borderWidth': 2, 'crosshairs': null, 'enabled': true, 'footerFormat': false, 'formatter': "function() { return '<b>'+ + '</b><br/>' + this.x + ': ' + this.y +'C'; }", 'pointFormat': null, 'positioner': null, 'shadow': true, 'shared': false, 'snap': 10 / 25, 'style': {}, 'valueDecimals': null, 'valuePrefix': "", 'valueSuffix': "", 'xDateFormat': null, 'useHTML': false } SeriesData = { 'data': [], 'dataParser': null, 'dataURL': null, 'legendIndex': undefined, 'name': '', 'stack': null, 'type': "line", 'xAxis': 0, 'yAxis': 0 } SeriesCollection = CollectionObject plotOptionsDataPIE_Labels = { 'align': null, 'connectorWidth': 1, 'connectorColor': "{point.color}", 'connectorPadding': 5, 'distance': 30, 'enabled': true, 'softConnector': true, 'backgroundColor': undefined, 'borderColor': undefined, 'borderRadius': 0, 'borderWidth': 0, 'color': null, 'formatter': "", 'padding': 2, 'rotation': 0, 'shadow': false, 'staggerLines': "", 'step': "", 'style': {}, 'x': 0, 'y': -6, 'overflow': undefined } plotOptionsDataPIE = { 'borderColor': "#FFFFFF", 'borderWidth': 1, 'center': ['50%', '50%'], 'innerSize': 0, 'showInLegend': false, 'size': "75%", 'slicedOffset': 10, 'allowPointSelect': false, 'animation': true, 'color': "#000000", 'connectNulls': false, 'cropThreshold': 300, 'cursor': '', 'dashStyle': null, 'dataLabels': DictObject(**plotOptionsDataPIE_Labels), 'enableMouseTracking': true, 'events': {}, 'id': null, 'lineWidth': 2, 'marker': {}, 'point': {}, 'pointStart': 0, 'pointInterval': 1, 'selected': false, 'shadow': true, 'showCheckbox': false, 'stacking': null, 'states': {}, 'stickyTracking': true, 'tooltip': {}, 'turboThreshold': 1000, 'visible': true, 'zIndex': null } plotOptionsDataCOLUMN = { 'borderColor': '#FFFFFF', 'borderRadius': 0, 'borderWidth': 1, 'colorByPoint': false, 'cropThreshold': 50, 'groupPadding': 0.2, 'minPointLength': 0, 'pointPadding': 0.1, 'pointWidth': null, 'allowPointSelect': false, 'animation': true, # 'color': , 'connectNulls': false, 'cursor': '', 'dashStyle': null, 'dataLabels': {}, 'enableMouseTracking': true, 'events': {}, 'id': null, 'lineWidth': 2, 'marker': {}, 'point': {}, 'pointStart': 0, 'pointInterval': 1, 'selected': false, 'shadow': true, 'showCheckbox': false, 'showInLegend': true, 'stacking': null, 'states': {}, 'stickyTracking': true, 'tooltip': {}, 'turboThreshold': 1000, 'visible': true, 'zIndex': null } plotOptionsDataLINEdataLabels = { 'align': "center", 'backgroundColor': undefined, 'borderColor': undefined, 'borderRadius': 0, 'borderWidth': 0, 'color': null, 'crop': true, 'enabled': false, #'formatter':, 'overflow': undefined, 'padding': 2, 'rotation': 0, 'shadow': false, #'staggerLines':, #'step':, #'style':, 'useHTML': false, # 'verticalAlign':, 'x': 0, 'y': -6 } plotOptionsDataLINE = { 'allowPointSelect': false, 'animation': true, # 'color': , 'connectEnds': true, 'connectNulls': false, 'cropThreshold': 300, 'cursor': '', 'dashStyle': null, 'dataLabels': DictObject(**plotOptionsDataLINEdataLabels), 'enableMouseTracking': true, 'events': {}, 'id': null, 'lineWidth': 2, 'marker': {}, 'point': {}, 'pointInterval': 1, # 'pointPlacement':, 'pointStart': 0, 'selected': false, 'shadow': true, 'showCheckbox': false, 'showInLegend': true, 'stacking': null, 'states': {}, 'step': false, 'stickyTracking': true, 'tooltip': {}, 'turboThreshold': 1000, 'visible': true, 'zIndex': null, } plotOptionsData = { 'area': {}, 'areaspline': {}, 'bar': {}, 'column': DictObject(**plotOptionsDataCOLUMN), 'line': DictObject(**plotOptionsDataLINE), 'pie': DictObject(**plotOptionsDataPIE), 'series': [{}], 'scatter': {}, 'spline': {} } legendData = { 'align': "center", 'backgroundColor': null, 'borderColor': '#909090', 'borderRadius': 5, 'borderWidth': 1, 'enabled': true, 'floating': false, 'itemHiddenStyle': {}, 'itemHoverStyle': {}, 'itemMarginBottom': 0, 'itemMarginTop': 0, 'itemStyle': {}, 'itemWidth': null, 'layout': "horizontal", 'labelFormatter': null, 'lineHeight': 16, 'margin': 15, 'navigation': {}, 'padding': 8, 'reversed': false, 'rtl': false, 'shadow': false, 'style': {}, 'symbolPadding': 5, 'symbolWidth': 30, 'verticalAlign': "bottom", 'width': null, 'x': 0, 'y': 0 } langData = { 'decimalPoint': ".", 'downloadPNG': _("Download PNG image"), 'downloadJPEG': _("Download JPEG image"), 'downloadPDF': _("Download PDF document"), 'downloadSVG': _("Download SVG vector image"), 'exportButtonTitle': _("Export to raster or vector image"), 'loading': _('Loading...'), 'months': [ _('January'), _('February'), _('March'), _('April'), _('May'), _('June'), _('July'), _('August'), _('September'), _('October'), _('November'), _('December') ], 'shortMonths': [ _('Jan'), _('Feb'), _('Mar'), _('Apr'), _('May'), _('Jun'), _('Jul'), _('Aug'), _('Sep'), _('Oct'), _('Nov'), _('Dec') ], 'printButtonTitle': _("Print the chart"), 'resetZoom': _('Reset zoom'), 'resetZoomTitle': _('Reset zoom level 1:1'), 'thousandsSep': ",", 'weekdays': [ _('Sunday'), _('Monday'), _('Tuesday'), _('Wednesday'), _('Thursday'), _('Friday'), _('Saturday') ] } HighchartData = dict( credits=DictObject(**CreditsData), chart=DictObject(**ChartData), title=DictObject(**TitleData), subtitle=DictObject(**SubtitleData), xAxis=DictObject(**xAxisData), yAxis=DictObject(**yAxisData), tooltip=DictObject(**TooltipData), series=SeriesCollection(), plotOptions=DictObject(**plotOptionsData), legend=DictObject(**legendData), lang=DictObject(**langData), serie_obj=DictObject(**SeriesData), yAxisplot_obj=DictObject(**yAxisPlotData), ) return HighchartData
def reset(self): self.model = DictObject(**get_highchart_data())