def test_lattice(): chinfo = npc.ChargeInfo([1, 3]) leg = gen_random_legcharge(chinfo, 8) leg2 = gen_random_legcharge(chinfo, 2) op1 = npc.Array.from_func(np.random.random, [leg, leg.conj()], shape_kw='size') op2 = npc.Array.from_func(np.random.random, [leg2, leg2.conj()], shape_kw='size') site1 = lattice.Site(leg, [('up', 0), ('down', -1)], op1=op1) site2 = lattice.Site(leg2, [('down', 0), ('up', -1)], op2=op2) for order in ['default', 'Fstyle', 'snake', 'snakeFstyle']: print("order =", order) Ls = [5, 2] basis = [[1., 1.], [0., 1.]] pos = [[0.1, 0.], [0.2, 0.]] lat = lattice.Lattice(Ls, [site1, site2], order=order, basis=basis, positions=pos, bc='periodic', bc_MPS='infinite') assert lat.dim == len(Ls) assert lat.N_sites == * 2 for i in range(lat.N_sites): assert lat.lat2mps_idx(lat.mps2lat_idx(i)) == i idx = [4, 1, 0] assert np.all(lat.mps2lat_idx(lat.lat2mps_idx(idx)) == idx) # index conversion should also work for arbitrary index arrays and indices outside bc_MPS # for bc_MPS=infinite i = np.arange(-3, lat.N_sites * 2 - 3).reshape((-1, 2)) assert np.all(lat.lat2mps_idx(lat.mps2lat_idx(i)) == i) # test position npt.assert_equal([4.1, 5.], lat.position(idx)) # test lat.mps2lat_values A = np.random.random([lat.N_sites, 2, lat.N_sites]) print(A.shape) Ares = lat.mps2lat_values(A, axes=[-1, 0]) Ares_ma = lat.mps2lat_values_masked(A, [-1, 0], [None] * 2, [None] * 2) for i in range(lat.N_sites): idx_i = lat.mps2lat_idx(i) for j in range(lat.N_sites): idx_j = lat.mps2lat_idx(j) for k in range(2): idx = tuple(idx_i) + (k, ) + tuple(idx_j) assert Ares[idx] == A[i, k, j] assert Ares_ma[idx] == A[i, k, j] # and again for fixed `u` within the unit cell for u in range(len(lat.unit_cell)): mps_u = lat.mps_idx_fix_u(u) A_u = A[np.ix_(mps_u, np.arange(2), mps_u)] A_u_res = lat.mps2lat_values(A_u, axes=[-1, 0], u=u) A_u_res_masked = lat.mps2lat_values_masked(A_u, axes=[-1, 0], mps_inds=[mps_u] * 2, include_u=[False] * 2) A_u_expected = Ares[:, :, u, :, :, :, u] npt.assert_equal(A_u_res, A_u_expected) npt.assert_equal(A_u_res_masked, A_u_expected)
def test_lattice(): chinfo = npc.ChargeInfo([1, 3]) leg = gen_random_legcharge(chinfo, 8) leg2 = gen_random_legcharge(chinfo, 2) op1 = npc.Array.from_func(np.random.random, [leg, leg.conj()], shape_kw='size') op2 = npc.Array.from_func(np.random.random, [leg2, leg2.conj()], shape_kw='size') site1 = lattice.Site(leg, [('up', 0), ('down', -1)], op1=op1) site2 = lattice.Site(leg2, [('down', 0), ('up', -1)], op2=op2) for order in ['default', 'Fstyle', 'snake', 'snakeFstyle']: print("order =", order) Ls = [5, 2] basis = [[1., 1.], [0., 1.]] pos = [[0.1, 0.], [0.2, 0.]] lat = lattice.Lattice(Ls, [site1, site2], order=order, basis=basis, positions=pos) nst.eq_(lat.dim, len(Ls)) nst.eq_(lat.N_sites, * 2) for i in range(lat.N_sites): nst.eq_(lat.lat2mps_idx(lat.mps2lat_idx(i)), i) idx = (4, 1, 0) nst.eq_(lat.mps2lat_idx(lat.lat2mps_idx(idx)), idx) npt.assert_equal([4.1, 5.], lat.position(idx)) # test lat.mps2lat_values A = np.random.random([lat.N_sites, 2, lat.N_sites]) print(A.shape) Ares = lat.mps2lat_values(A, axes=[-1, 0]) for i in range(lat.N_sites): idx_i = lat.mps2lat_idx(i) for j in range(lat.N_sites): idx_j = lat.mps2lat_idx(j) for k in range(2): idx = idx_i + (k, ) + idx_j nst.eq_(Ares[idx], A[i, k, j]) # and again for fixed `u` within the unit cell for u in range(len(lat.unit_cell)): A_u = A[np.ix_(lat.mps_idx_fix_u(u), np.arange(2), lat.mps_idx_fix_u(u))] A_u_res = lat.mps2lat_values(A_u, axes=[-1, 0], u=u) npt.assert_equal(A_u_res, Ares[:, :, u, :, :, :, u])