Exemple #1
def test_evaluator_galois():
    parms = sealapi.EncryptionParameters(sealapi.SCHEME_TYPE.BFV)
    coeff = sealapi.CoeffModulus.Create(8, [40, 40])
    ctx = sealapi.SEALContext(parms, False, sealapi.SEC_LEVEL_TYPE.NONE)

    keygen = sealapi.KeyGenerator(ctx)
    public_key = sealapi.PublicKey()
    secret_key = keygen.secret_key()
    galois_keys = sealapi.GaloisKeys()
    keygen.create_galois_keys([1, 3, 5], galois_keys)

    decryptor = sealapi.Decryptor(ctx, secret_key)
    encryptor = sealapi.Encryptor(ctx, public_key)

    evaluator = sealapi.Evaluator(ctx)

    plain = sealapi.Plaintext("1x^2")
    encrypted = sealapi.Ciphertext(ctx)
    encryptor.encrypt(plain, encrypted)
    evaluator.apply_galois_inplace(encrypted, 1, galois_keys)
    decryptor.decrypt(encrypted, plain)
    assert plain.to_string() == "1x^2"

    out = sealapi.Ciphertext(ctx)
    evaluator.apply_galois(encrypted, 3, galois_keys, out)
    decryptor.decrypt(out, plain)
    assert plain.to_string() == "1x^6"
Exemple #2
def test_evaluator_multiply_many(scheme, ctx, many):
    evaluator, encryptor, decryptor, relin_keys = helper_generate_evaluator(

    expected = [1] * len(many[0])
    for idx in range(len(many)):
        for jdx in range(len(many[idx])):
            expected[jdx] *= many[idx][jdx]

    cmany = []
    pmany = [helper_encode(scheme, ctx, left) for left in many]
    cout = sealapi.Ciphertext(ctx)

    for idx in range(len(many)):
        c = sealapi.Ciphertext(ctx)
        encryptor.encrypt(pmany[idx], c)

    evaluator.multiply_many(cmany, relin_keys, cout)

    out = sealapi.Plaintext()
    decryptor.decrypt(cout, out)
    out = helper_decode(scheme, ctx, out)

    is_close_enough(out[:len(many[0])], expected)
Exemple #3
def test_evaluator_exp(scheme, ctx, exp, left):
    evaluator, encryptor, decryptor, relin_keys = helper_generate_evaluator(
    expected = [i**exp for i in left]

    # exponentiate in place
    cleft = sealapi.Ciphertext(ctx)
    pleft = helper_encode(scheme, ctx, left)

    encryptor.encrypt(pleft, cleft)

    evaluator.exponentiate_inplace(cleft, exp, relin_keys)

    out = sealapi.Plaintext()
    decryptor.decrypt(cleft, out)
    out = helper_decode(scheme, ctx, out)

    is_close_enough(out[:len(left)], expected)

    # exponentiate
    cleft = sealapi.Ciphertext(ctx)
    cout = sealapi.Ciphertext(ctx)

    pleft = helper_encode(scheme, ctx, left)

    encryptor.encrypt(pleft, cleft)

    evaluator.exponentiate(cleft, exp, relin_keys, cout)

    out = sealapi.Plaintext()
    decryptor.decrypt(cout, out)
    out = helper_decode(scheme, ctx, out)

    is_close_enough(out[:len(left)], expected)
    def _test_encryptor_symmetric_setup(encryptor):
        # encrypt symmetric
        ciphertext = sealapi.Ciphertext(ctx)
        encryptor.encrypt_symmetric(plaintext, ciphertext)
        plaintext_out = sealapi.Plaintext()
        decryptor.decrypt(ciphertext, plaintext_out)
        assert intenc.decode_int64(plaintext_out) == expected_value

        def save_load(path):
            serial = encryptor.encrypt_symmetric(plaintext)
            assert Path(path).stat().st_size > 0


        # zero symmetric
        ciphertext = sealapi.Ciphertext(ctx)
        plaintext_out = sealapi.Plaintext()
        decryptor.decrypt(ciphertext, plaintext_out)
        assert intenc.decode_int64(plaintext_out) == 0

        # zero symmetric parms_id
        ciphertext = sealapi.Ciphertext(ctx)
        encryptor.encrypt_zero_symmetric(ctx.last_parms_id(), ciphertext)
        plaintext_out = sealapi.Plaintext()
        decryptor.decrypt(ciphertext, plaintext_out)
        assert intenc.decode_int64(plaintext_out) == 0
def test_scale_manually():
    scheme = sealapi.SCHEME_TYPE.CKKS
    ctx = helper_context_ckks(8192)

    evaluator, encryptor, decryptor, _ = helper_generate_evaluator(ctx)

    cleft = sealapi.Ciphertext(ctx)
    cright = sealapi.Ciphertext(ctx)
    cout = sealapi.Ciphertext(ctx)

    pleft = helper_encode(scheme, ctx, [2, 3])
    pright = helper_encode(scheme, ctx, [5, 7])

    encryptor.encrypt(pleft, cleft)
    encryptor.encrypt(pright, cright)

    evaluator.multiply(cleft, cright, cout)
    evaluator.mod_switch_to_inplace(pright, cout.parms_id())

    cout.scale = pright.scale

    evaluator.add_plain_inplace(cout, pright)

    out = sealapi.Plaintext()
    decryptor.decrypt(cout, out)
    out = helper_decode(scheme, ctx, out)

    is_close_enough(out[:2], [15, 28])
Exemple #6
def test_evaluator_transform_ntt(scheme, ctx, left):
    evaluator, encryptor, _, _ = helper_generate_evaluator(ctx)

    # cipher transform ntt inplace
    cleft = sealapi.Ciphertext(ctx)

    pleft = helper_encode(scheme, ctx, left)
    encryptor.encrypt(pleft, cleft)

    assert cleft.is_ntt_form() is False
    assert cleft.is_ntt_form() is True
    assert cleft.is_ntt_form() is False

    # cipher transform ntt
    cleft = sealapi.Ciphertext(ctx)
    cout = sealapi.Ciphertext(ctx)
    cfinal = sealapi.Ciphertext(ctx)

    pleft = helper_encode(scheme, ctx, left)
    encryptor.encrypt(pleft, cleft)

    assert cleft.is_ntt_form() is False
    evaluator.transform_to_ntt(cleft, cout)
    assert cout.is_ntt_form() is True
    evaluator.transform_from_ntt(cout, cfinal)
    assert cfinal.is_ntt_form() is False
Exemple #7
def test_evaluator_rotate_vector():
    testcase = [complex(i, i) for i in range(4)]

    slot_size = len(testcase)
    delta = 1 << 30

    parms = sealapi.EncryptionParameters(sealapi.SCHEME_TYPE.CKKS)
    poly_modulus = 2 * slot_size

    coeff = sealapi.CoeffModulus.Create(poly_modulus, [40, 40, 40, 40])
    ctx = sealapi.SEALContext(parms, False, sealapi.SEC_LEVEL_TYPE.NONE)

    ctx = helper_context_ckks()

    keygen = sealapi.KeyGenerator(ctx)
    galois_keys = sealapi.GaloisKeys()

    pk = sealapi.PublicKey()
    decryptor = sealapi.Decryptor(ctx, keygen.secret_key())
    encryptor = sealapi.Encryptor(ctx, pk)

    evaluator = sealapi.Evaluator(ctx)
    encoder = sealapi.CKKSEncoder(ctx)

    plain = sealapi.Plaintext()
    encoder.encode(testcase, ctx.first_parms_id(), delta, plain)

    encrypted = sealapi.Ciphertext(ctx)
    encryptor.encrypt(plain, encrypted)

    # inplace
    steps = 1
    evaluator.rotate_vector_inplace(encrypted, steps, galois_keys)
    decryptor.decrypt(encrypted, plain)

    decoded = encoder.decode_complex(plain)[:slot_size]

    for idx in range(slot_size):
        off = (idx + steps) % slot_size
        assert abs(testcase[off].real - decoded[idx].real) < 0.1
        assert abs(testcase[off].imag - decoded[idx].imag) < 0.1

    # to another ciphertext
    steps = -steps
    out = sealapi.Ciphertext(ctx)
    evaluator.rotate_vector(encrypted, steps, galois_keys, out)
    decryptor.decrypt(out, plain)

    decoded = encoder.decode_complex(plain)[:slot_size]

    for idx in range(slot_size):
        assert abs(testcase[idx].real - decoded[idx].real) < 0.1
        assert abs(testcase[idx].imag - decoded[idx].imag) < 0.1
def test_evaluator_rotate_bfv():
    parms = sealapi.EncryptionParameters(sealapi.SCHEME_TYPE.BFV)

    coeff = sealapi.CoeffModulus.Create(8, [40, 40])
    ctx = sealapi.SEALContext.Create(parms, False, sealapi.SEC_LEVEL_TYPE.NONE)

    keygen = sealapi.KeyGenerator(ctx)
    galois_keys = keygen.galois_keys_local()

    decryptor = sealapi.Decryptor(ctx, keygen.secret_key())
    encryptor = sealapi.Encryptor(ctx, keygen.public_key())

    evaluator = sealapi.Evaluator(ctx)
    encoder = sealapi.BatchEncoder(ctx)

    testcase = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
    # Input
    # 1, 2, 3, 4,
    # 5, 6, 7, 8

    plain = sealapi.Plaintext()
    encoder.encode(testcase, plain)

    encrypted = sealapi.Ciphertext(ctx)
    encryptor.encrypt(plain, encrypted)

    evaluator.rotate_columns_inplace(encrypted, galois_keys)
    decryptor.decrypt(encrypted, plain)
    # Rotate columns
    # 5, 6, 7, 8,
    # 1, 2, 3, 4

    assert encoder.decode_int64(plain) == [5, 6, 7, 8, 1, 2, 3, 4]

    evaluator.rotate_rows_inplace(encrypted, -1, galois_keys)
    decryptor.decrypt(encrypted, plain)
    # Shift rows -1
    # 8, 5, 6, 7,
    # 4, 1, 2, 3,
    assert encoder.decode_int64(plain) == [8, 5, 6, 7, 4, 1, 2, 3]

    cout = sealapi.Ciphertext(ctx)
    evaluator.rotate_rows(encrypted, 2, galois_keys, cout)
    decryptor.decrypt(cout, plain)
    # Shift rows +2
    # 6, 7, 8, 5,
    # 2, 3, 4, 1,
    assert encoder.decode_int64(plain) == [6, 7, 8, 5, 2, 3, 4, 1]

    evaluator.rotate_columns(cout, galois_keys, encrypted)
    decryptor.decrypt(encrypted, plain)
    # Rotate columns
    # 2, 3, 4, 1,
    # 6, 7, 8, 5,
    assert encoder.decode_int64(plain) == [2, 3, 4, 1, 6, 7, 8, 5]
Exemple #9
def test_evaluator_binary(scheme, ctx, left, right):
    evaluator, encryptor, decryptor, _ = helper_generate_evaluator(ctx)

    # binary in place
    for (op, expected) in [
         [left[idx] + right[idx] for idx in range(len(left))]),
         [left[idx] - right[idx] for idx in range(len(left))]),
         [left[idx] * right[idx] for idx in range(len(left))]),
        cleft = sealapi.Ciphertext(ctx)
        cright = sealapi.Ciphertext(ctx)

        pleft = helper_encode(scheme, ctx, left)
        pright = helper_encode(scheme, ctx, right)

        encryptor.encrypt(pleft, cleft)
        encryptor.encrypt(pright, cright)

        op(cleft, cright)

        out = sealapi.Plaintext()
        decryptor.decrypt(cleft, out)
        out = helper_decode(scheme, ctx, out)

        is_close_enough(out[:len(left)], expected)

    # binary
    for (op, expected) in [
        (evaluator.add, [left[idx] + right[idx] for idx in range(len(left))]),
        (evaluator.sub, [left[idx] - right[idx] for idx in range(len(left))]),
         [left[idx] * right[idx] for idx in range(len(left))]),
        cleft = sealapi.Ciphertext(ctx)
        cright = sealapi.Ciphertext(ctx)
        cout = sealapi.Ciphertext(ctx)

        pleft = helper_encode(scheme, ctx, left)
        pright = helper_encode(scheme, ctx, right)

        encryptor.encrypt(pleft, cleft)
        encryptor.encrypt(pright, cright)

        op(cleft, cright, cout)

        out = sealapi.Plaintext()
        decryptor.decrypt(cout, out)
        out = helper_decode(scheme, ctx, out)

        is_close_enough(out[:len(left)], expected)
Exemple #10
def test_evaluator_conjugate():
    testcase = [complex(i, i) for i in range(32)]

    slot_size = len(testcase)
    delta = 1 << 30

    parms = sealapi.EncryptionParameters(sealapi.SCHEME_TYPE.CKKS)
    poly_modulus = 2 * slot_size

    coeff = sealapi.CoeffModulus.Create(poly_modulus, [40, 40, 40, 40])
    ctx = sealapi.SEALContext.Create(parms, False, sealapi.SEC_LEVEL_TYPE.NONE)

    ctx = helper_context_ckks()

    keygen = sealapi.KeyGenerator(ctx)
    galois_keys = keygen.galois_keys_local()

    decryptor = sealapi.Decryptor(ctx, keygen.secret_key())
    encryptor = sealapi.Encryptor(ctx, keygen.public_key())

    evaluator = sealapi.Evaluator(ctx)
    encoder = sealapi.CKKSEncoder(ctx)

    plain = sealapi.Plaintext()
    encoder.encode(testcase, ctx.first_parms_id(), delta, plain)

    encrypted = sealapi.Ciphertext(ctx)
    encryptor.encrypt(plain, encrypted)

    evaluator.complex_conjugate_inplace(encrypted, galois_keys)
    decryptor.decrypt(encrypted, plain)

    decoded = encoder.decode_complex(plain)[:slot_size]

    for idx in range(slot_size):
        assert abs(testcase[idx].real - decoded[idx].real) < 0.1
        assert abs(testcase[idx].imag + decoded[idx].imag) < 0.1

    out = sealapi.Ciphertext(ctx)
    evaluator.complex_conjugate(encrypted, galois_keys, out)
    decryptor.decrypt(out, plain)

    decoded = encoder.decode_complex(plain)[:slot_size]

    for idx in range(slot_size):
        assert abs(testcase[idx].real - decoded[idx].real) < 0.1
        assert abs(testcase[idx].imag - decoded[idx].imag) < 0.1
Exemple #11
def test_evaluator_relin(scheme, ctx, left, right):
    evaluator, encryptor, decryptor, relin_keys = helper_generate_evaluator(

    expected = [left[idx] * right[idx] for idx in range(len(left))]

    # relin inplace
    cleft = sealapi.Ciphertext(ctx)
    cright = sealapi.Ciphertext(ctx)

    pleft = helper_encode(scheme, ctx, left)
    pright = helper_encode(scheme, ctx, right)

    encryptor.encrypt(pleft, cleft)
    encryptor.encrypt(pright, cright)

    evaluator.multiply_inplace(cleft, cright)
    assert cleft.size() > 2
    evaluator.relinearize_inplace(cleft, relin_keys)
    assert cleft.size() == 2

    out = sealapi.Plaintext()
    decryptor.decrypt(cleft, out)
    out = helper_decode(scheme, ctx, out)

    is_close_enough(out[:len(left)], expected)

    # relin
    cleft = sealapi.Ciphertext(ctx)
    cright = sealapi.Ciphertext(ctx)
    cout = sealapi.Ciphertext(ctx)

    pleft = helper_encode(scheme, ctx, left)
    pright = helper_encode(scheme, ctx, right)

    encryptor.encrypt(pleft, cleft)
    encryptor.encrypt(pright, cright)

    evaluator.multiply_inplace(cleft, cright)
    assert cleft.size() > 2
    evaluator.relinearize(cleft, relin_keys, cout)
    assert cout.size() == 2

    out = sealapi.Plaintext()
    decryptor.decrypt(cout, out)
    out = helper_decode(scheme, ctx, out)

    is_close_enough(out[:len(left)], expected)
Exemple #12
def test_valcheck(check):
    ctx = helper_context_bfv(8192)
    other_ctx = helper_context_ckks(8192)
    invalid_ctx = helper_context_invalid()

    ciphertext = sealapi.Ciphertext(ctx)

    assert check(ciphertext, ctx) is True
    assert check(ciphertext, other_ctx) is False
    assert check(ciphertext, invalid_ctx) is False

    assert sealapi.is_buffer_valid(ciphertext) is True

    plaintext = sealapi.Plaintext()

    assert check(plaintext, ctx) is True
    assert check(plaintext, other_ctx) is True
    assert check(plaintext, invalid_ctx) is False

    keygen = sealapi.KeyGenerator(ctx)

    pk = sealapi.PublicKey()

    rk = sealapi.RelinKeys()

    gk = sealapi.GaloisKeys()

    for key in [pk, keygen.secret_key(), gk, rk]:
        assert check(key, ctx) is True
        assert check(key, other_ctx) is False
        assert check(key, invalid_ctx) is False
        assert sealapi.is_buffer_valid(key) is True
Exemple #13
 def save_load(path):
     save_test = sealapi.Ciphertext(ctx)
     save_test.load(ctx, path)
     decryptor.decrypt(save_test, plaintext)
     decoded = helper_decode(scheme, ctx, plaintext)
     is_close_enough(decoded[: len(testcase)], testcase)
Exemple #14
def test_ckks_encoder(testcase):
    ctx = helper_context_ckks()
    encoder = sealapi.CKKSEncoder(ctx)

    plaintext = sealapi.Plaintext()
    encoder.encode(testcase, 2**40, plaintext)
    out = encoder.decode_double(plaintext)

    is_close_enough(out, testcase)

    keygen = sealapi.KeyGenerator(ctx)
    public_key = keygen.public_key()
    secret_key = keygen.secret_key()

    decryptor = sealapi.Decryptor(ctx, secret_key)
    encryptor = sealapi.Encryptor(ctx, public_key, secret_key)

    plaintext = sealapi.Plaintext()
    ciphertext = sealapi.Ciphertext(ctx)

    encoder.encode(testcase, 2**40, plaintext)
    encryptor.encrypt(plaintext, ciphertext)

    plaintext_out = sealapi.Plaintext()

    decryptor.decrypt(ciphertext, plaintext_out)
    decrypted = encoder.decode_double(plaintext)
    is_close_enough(decrypted, testcase)
Exemple #15
def test_valcheck(check):
    ctx = helper_context_bfv(8192)
    other_ctx = helper_context_ckks(8192)
    invalid_ctx = helper_context_invalid()

    ciphertext = sealapi.Ciphertext(ctx)

    assert check(ciphertext, ctx) is True
    assert check(ciphertext, other_ctx) is False
    assert check(ciphertext, invalid_ctx) is False

    assert sealapi.is_buffer_valid(ciphertext) is True

    plaintext = sealapi.Plaintext()

    assert check(plaintext, ctx) is True
    assert check(plaintext, other_ctx) is True
    assert check(plaintext, invalid_ctx) is False

    keygen = sealapi.KeyGenerator(ctx)

    for key in [
        assert check(key, ctx) is True
        assert check(key, other_ctx) is False
        assert check(key, invalid_ctx) is False
        assert sealapi.is_buffer_valid(key) is True
Exemple #16
def test_evaluator_plain(scheme, ctx, left):
    evaluator, encryptor, decryptor, _ = helper_generate_evaluator(ctx)

    # plain op in place
    for (op, plain, expected) in [
        (evaluator.add_plain_inplace, [100] * len(left),
         [100 + v for v in left]),
        (evaluator.sub_plain_inplace, [5] * len(left), [v - 5 for v in left]),
        (evaluator.multiply_plain_inplace, [2] * len(left),
         [2 * v for v in left]),
        cleft = sealapi.Ciphertext(ctx)

        pleft = helper_encode(scheme, ctx, left)

        encryptor.encrypt(pleft, cleft)

        op(cleft, helper_encode(scheme, ctx, plain))

        out = sealapi.Plaintext()
        decryptor.decrypt(cleft, out)
        out = helper_decode(scheme, ctx, out)

        is_close_enough(out[:len(left)], expected)

    # plain op
    for (op, plain, expected) in [
        (evaluator.add_plain, [100] * len(left), [100 + v for v in left]),
        (evaluator.sub_plain, [5] * len(left), [v - 5 for v in left]),
        (evaluator.multiply_plain, [2] * len(left), [2 * v for v in left]),
        cleft = sealapi.Ciphertext(ctx)
        cout = sealapi.Ciphertext(ctx)

        pleft = helper_encode(scheme, ctx, left)

        encryptor.encrypt(pleft, cleft)

        op(cleft, helper_encode(scheme, ctx, plain), cout)

        out = sealapi.Plaintext()
        decryptor.decrypt(cout, out)
        out = helper_decode(scheme, ctx, out)

        is_close_enough(out[:len(left)], expected)
Exemple #17
 def _test_encryptor_pk_setup(encryptor):
     ciphertext = sealapi.Ciphertext(ctx)
     plaintext = sealapi.Plaintext()
     batchenc.encode(batch, plaintext)
     encryptor.encrypt(plaintext, ciphertext)
     plaintext_out = sealapi.Plaintext()
     decryptor.decrypt(ciphertext, plaintext_out)
     assert batchenc.decode_int64(plaintext_out)[:len(batch)] == batch
Exemple #18
def test_ciphertext(testcase, scheme, ctx):
    poly_modulus_degree = helper_poly_modulus_degree(ctx)

    ctx_data = ctx.key_context_data()
    parms = ctx_data.parms()
    coeff_mod_count = len(parms.coeff_modulus())

    keygen = sealapi.KeyGenerator(ctx)

    ciphertext = sealapi.Ciphertext(ctx)
    plaintext = helper_encode(scheme, ctx, testcase)

    encryptor = sealapi.Encryptor(ctx, keygen.public_key())
    decryptor = sealapi.Decryptor(ctx, keygen.secret_key())

    encryptor.encrypt(plaintext, ciphertext)

    assert len(ciphertext.parms_id()) > 0
    assert ciphertext.scale > 0
    assert ciphertext.coeff_modulus_size() == coeff_mod_count - 1

    assert ciphertext.poly_modulus_degree() == poly_modulus_degree
    assert ciphertext.int_array().size() > 0
    assert ciphertext.size() == 2
    assert ciphertext.size_capacity() == 2
    assert ciphertext.is_transparent() is False
    assert ciphertext.is_ntt_form() is (scheme == sealapi.SCHEME_TYPE.CKKS)

    tmp = NamedTemporaryFile()
    save_test = sealapi.Ciphertext(ctx)
    save_test.load(ctx, tmp.name)
    decryptor.decrypt(save_test, plaintext)
    decoded = helper_decode(scheme, ctx, plaintext)
    is_close_enough(decoded[: len(testcase)], testcase)

    ciphertext.resize(ctx, 10)
    assert ciphertext.size() == 10
    assert ciphertext.size_capacity() == 10

    assert ciphertext.size() == 10
    assert ciphertext.size_capacity() == 15
    def _test_encryptor_pk_setup(encryptor):
        ciphertext = sealapi.Ciphertext(ctx)
        encryptor.encrypt(plaintext, ciphertext)
        plaintext_out = sealapi.Plaintext()
        decryptor.decrypt(ciphertext, plaintext_out)
        assert batchenc.decode_int64(plaintext_out)[: len(batch)] == batch

        ciphertext = sealapi.Ciphertext(ctx)
        plaintext_out = sealapi.Plaintext()
        decryptor.decrypt(ciphertext, plaintext_out)
        assert batchenc.decode_int64(plaintext_out)[: len(batch)] == [0] * len(batch)

        ciphertext = sealapi.Ciphertext(ctx)
        encryptor.encrypt_zero(ctx.last_parms_id(), ciphertext)
        plaintext_out = sealapi.Plaintext()
        decryptor.decrypt(ciphertext, plaintext_out)
        assert batchenc.decode_int64(plaintext_out)[: len(batch)] == [0] * len(batch)
Exemple #20
    def _test_encryptor_pk_setup(encryptor):
        ciphertext = sealapi.Ciphertext(ctx)
        encryptor.encrypt(plaintext, ciphertext)
        plaintext_out = sealapi.Plaintext()
        decryptor.decrypt(ciphertext, plaintext_out)
        assert intenc.decode_int64(plaintext_out) == expected_value

        ciphertext = sealapi.Ciphertext(ctx)
        plaintext_out = sealapi.Plaintext()
        decryptor.decrypt(ciphertext, plaintext_out)
        assert intenc.decode_int64(plaintext_out) == 0

        ciphertext = sealapi.Ciphertext(ctx)
        encryptor.encrypt_zero(ctx.last_parms_id(), ciphertext)
        plaintext_out = sealapi.Plaintext()
        decryptor.decrypt(ciphertext, plaintext_out)
        assert intenc.decode_int64(plaintext_out) == 0
Exemple #21
def test_evaluator_unary(scheme, ctx, left):
    evaluator, encryptor, decryptor, _ = helper_generate_evaluator(ctx)

    # unary in place
    for (op, expected) in [
        (evaluator.negate_inplace, [-v for v in left]),
        (evaluator.square_inplace, [v * v for v in left]),
        (evaluator.mod_switch_to_next_inplace, left),
        cleft = sealapi.Ciphertext(ctx)
        pleft = helper_encode(scheme, ctx, left)
        encryptor.encrypt(pleft, cleft)


        out = sealapi.Plaintext()
        decryptor.decrypt(cleft, out)
        out = helper_decode(scheme, ctx, out)

        is_close_enough(out[:len(left)], expected)

    # unary
    for (op, expected) in [
        (evaluator.negate, [-v for v in left]),
        (evaluator.square, [v * v for v in left]),
        (evaluator.mod_switch_to_next, left),
        cleft = sealapi.Ciphertext(ctx)
        cout = sealapi.Ciphertext(ctx)

        pleft = helper_encode(scheme, ctx, left)
        encryptor.encrypt(pleft, cleft)

        op(cleft, cout)

        out = sealapi.Plaintext()
        decryptor.decrypt(cout, out)
        out = helper_decode(scheme, ctx, out)

        is_close_enough(out[:len(left)], expected)
Exemple #22
    def _test_encryptor_symmetric_setup(encryptor):
        # encrypt symmetric
        ciphertext = sealapi.Ciphertext(ctx)
        encryptor.encrypt_symmetric(plaintext, ciphertext)
        plaintext_out = sealapi.Plaintext()
        decryptor.decrypt(ciphertext, plaintext_out)
        assert intenc.decode_int64(plaintext_out) == expected_value

        tmp = NamedTemporaryFile()
        serial = encryptor.encrypt_symmetric(plaintext)
        assert Path(tmp.name).stat().st_size > 0


        # zero symmetric
        ciphertext = sealapi.Ciphertext(ctx)
        plaintext_out = sealapi.Plaintext()
        decryptor.decrypt(ciphertext, plaintext_out)
        assert intenc.decode_int64(plaintext_out) == 0

        tmp = NamedTemporaryFile()
        serial = encryptor.encrypt_zero_symmetric()
        assert Path(tmp.name).stat().st_size > 0

        # zero symmetric parms_id
        ciphertext = sealapi.Ciphertext(ctx)
        encryptor.encrypt_zero_symmetric(ctx.last_parms_id(), ciphertext)
        plaintext_out = sealapi.Plaintext()
        decryptor.decrypt(ciphertext, plaintext_out)
        assert intenc.decode_int64(plaintext_out) == 0

        tmp = NamedTemporaryFile()
        serial = encryptor.encrypt_zero_symmetric(ctx.last_parms_id())
        assert Path(tmp.name).stat().st_size > 0
Exemple #23
def test_decryptor():
    poly_modulus_degree = 4096
    plain_modulus = 1024
    ctx = helper_context_bfv(poly_modulus_degree, plain_modulus)

    keygen = sealapi.KeyGenerator(ctx)
    intenc = sealapi.IntegerEncoder(ctx)
    public_key = keygen.public_key()
    secret_key = keygen.secret_key()

    decryptor = sealapi.Decryptor(ctx, secret_key)
    encryptor = sealapi.Encryptor(ctx, public_key, secret_key)

    expected_value = 1234
    plaintext = intenc.encode(expected_value)

    ciphertext = sealapi.Ciphertext(ctx)
    encryptor.encrypt(plaintext, ciphertext)
    plaintext_out = sealapi.Plaintext()

    assert decryptor.invariant_noise_budget(ciphertext) > 0

    decryptor.decrypt(ciphertext, plaintext_out)
    assert intenc.decode_int64(plaintext_out) == expected_value
Exemple #24
def test_evaluator_mod_switch():
    scheme = sealapi.SCHEME_TYPE.BFV
    parms = sealapi.EncryptionParameters(scheme)
    parms.set_plain_modulus(1 << 6)
    coeff = sealapi.CoeffModulus.Create(128, [30, 30, 30])
    ctx = sealapi.SEALContext.Create(parms, True, sealapi.SEC_LEVEL_TYPE.NONE)

    intenc = sealapi.IntegerEncoder(ctx)
    keygen = sealapi.KeyGenerator(ctx)
    public_key = keygen.public_key()
    secret_key = keygen.secret_key()

    decryptor = sealapi.Decryptor(ctx, secret_key)
    encryptor = sealapi.Encryptor(ctx, public_key)

    evaluator = sealapi.Evaluator(ctx)

    # cphertext mod switch to next
    expected_value = 1234
    plain = intenc.encode(expected_value)
    out = sealapi.Plaintext()
    enc = sealapi.Ciphertext(ctx)

    encryptor.encrypt(plain, enc)

    before = decryptor.invariant_noise_budget(enc)
    after = decryptor.invariant_noise_budget(enc)
    assert before > after
    decryptor.decrypt(enc, out)
    assert intenc.decode_int64(out) == expected_value

    # ciphertext mod switch to next
    plain = intenc.encode(expected_value)
    out = sealapi.Plaintext()
    enc = sealapi.Ciphertext(ctx)
    cout = sealapi.Ciphertext(ctx)

    encryptor.encrypt(plain, enc)

    before = decryptor.invariant_noise_budget(enc)
    evaluator.mod_switch_to_next(enc, cout)
    after = decryptor.invariant_noise_budget(cout)
    assert before > after
    decryptor.decrypt(cout, out)
    assert intenc.decode_int64(out) == expected_value

    # cphertext mod switch to inplace
    parms_id = ctx.last_parms_id()
    plain = intenc.encode(expected_value)
    out = sealapi.Plaintext()
    enc = sealapi.Ciphertext(ctx)
    cout = sealapi.Ciphertext(ctx)

    encryptor.encrypt(plain, enc)

    before = decryptor.invariant_noise_budget(enc)
    evaluator.mod_switch_to_inplace(enc, parms_id)
    after = decryptor.invariant_noise_budget(enc)
    assert before > after
    decryptor.decrypt(enc, out)
    assert intenc.decode_int64(out) == expected_value
    assert enc.parms_id() == parms_id

    # ciphertext mod switch to
    parms_id = ctx.last_parms_id()
    plain = intenc.encode(expected_value)
    out = sealapi.Plaintext()
    enc = sealapi.Ciphertext(ctx)
    cout = sealapi.Ciphertext(ctx)

    encryptor.encrypt(plain, enc)

    before = decryptor.invariant_noise_budget(enc)
    evaluator.mod_switch_to(enc, parms_id, cout)
    after = decryptor.invariant_noise_budget(cout)
    assert before > after
    decryptor.decrypt(cout, out)
    assert intenc.decode_int64(out) == expected_value
    assert cout.parms_id() == parms_id

    pol_str = "1x^3 + 1x^1 + 3"
    # plaintext mod switch to next inplace
    plain = sealapi.Plaintext(pol_str)
    evaluator.transform_to_ntt_inplace(plain, ctx.first_parms_id())
    assert plain.is_ntt_form() is True
    assert plain.parms_id() != ctx.first_parms_id()

    # plaintext mod switch to next inplace failure
    plain = sealapi.Plaintext(pol_str)
    evaluator.transform_to_ntt_inplace(plain, ctx.last_parms_id())
    assert plain.is_ntt_form() is True
    with pytest.raises(BaseException):

    # plaintext mod switch to inplace
    plain = sealapi.Plaintext(pol_str)
    evaluator.transform_to_ntt_inplace(plain, ctx.first_parms_id())
    assert plain.is_ntt_form() is True
    evaluator.mod_switch_to_inplace(plain, ctx.last_parms_id())
    assert plain.parms_id() == ctx.last_parms_id()

    # plaintext mod switch to next
    plain = sealapi.Plaintext(pol_str)
    plain_out = sealapi.Plaintext()

    evaluator.transform_to_ntt(plain, ctx.first_parms_id(), plain_out)
    assert plain_out.is_ntt_form() is True

    plain_next = sealapi.Plaintext()
    evaluator.mod_switch_to_next(plain_out, plain_next)
    assert plain_out.parms_id() == ctx.first_parms_id()
    assert plain_next.parms_id() != ctx.first_parms_id()

    # plaintext mod switch to
    plain = sealapi.Plaintext(pol_str)
    plain_out = sealapi.Plaintext()

    evaluator.transform_to_ntt(plain, ctx.first_parms_id(), plain_out)
    assert plain_out.is_ntt_form() is True

    plain_next = sealapi.Plaintext()
    evaluator.mod_switch_to(plain_out, ctx.last_parms_id(), plain_next)
    assert plain_out.parms_id() == ctx.first_parms_id()
    assert plain_next.parms_id() == ctx.last_parms_id()
Exemple #25
def test_evaluator_mod_switch():
    poly_modulus_degree = 8192
    plain_modulus = 1032193

    ctx = helper_context_bfv(poly_modulus_degree, plain_modulus)

    batchenc = sealapi.BatchEncoder(ctx)
    keygen = sealapi.KeyGenerator(ctx)

    public_key = sealapi.PublicKey()
    secret_key = keygen.secret_key()

    decryptor = sealapi.Decryptor(ctx, secret_key)
    encryptor = sealapi.Encryptor(ctx, public_key)

    evaluator = sealapi.Evaluator(ctx)

    # cphertext mod switch to next
    expected_value = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
    plain = sealapi.Plaintext()
    batchenc.encode(expected_value, plain)

    out = sealapi.Plaintext()
    enc = sealapi.Ciphertext(ctx)

    encryptor.encrypt(plain, enc)

    before = decryptor.invariant_noise_budget(enc)
    after = decryptor.invariant_noise_budget(enc)
    assert before > after
    decryptor.decrypt(enc, out)
    assert batchenc.decode_int64(out)[:len(expected_value)] == expected_value

    # ciphertext mod switch to next
    expected_value = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
    plain = sealapi.Plaintext()
    batchenc.encode(expected_value, plain)

    out = sealapi.Plaintext()
    enc = sealapi.Ciphertext(ctx)
    cout = sealapi.Ciphertext(ctx)

    encryptor.encrypt(plain, enc)

    before = decryptor.invariant_noise_budget(enc)
    evaluator.mod_switch_to_next(enc, cout)
    after = decryptor.invariant_noise_budget(cout)
    assert before > after
    decryptor.decrypt(cout, out)
    assert batchenc.decode_int64(out)[:len(expected_value)] == expected_value

    # cphertext mod switch to inplace
    parms_id = ctx.last_parms_id()
    expected_value = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
    plain = sealapi.Plaintext()
    batchenc.encode(expected_value, plain)

    out = sealapi.Plaintext()
    enc = sealapi.Ciphertext(ctx)
    cout = sealapi.Ciphertext(ctx)

    encryptor.encrypt(plain, enc)

    before = decryptor.invariant_noise_budget(enc)
    evaluator.mod_switch_to_inplace(enc, parms_id)
    after = decryptor.invariant_noise_budget(enc)
    assert before > after
    decryptor.decrypt(enc, out)
    assert batchenc.decode_int64(out)[:len(expected_value)] == expected_value
    assert enc.parms_id() == parms_id

    # ciphertext mod switch to
    parms_id = ctx.last_parms_id()
    expected_value = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
    plain = sealapi.Plaintext()
    batchenc.encode(expected_value, plain)

    out = sealapi.Plaintext()
    enc = sealapi.Ciphertext(ctx)
    cout = sealapi.Ciphertext(ctx)

    encryptor.encrypt(plain, enc)

    before = decryptor.invariant_noise_budget(enc)
    evaluator.mod_switch_to(enc, parms_id, cout)
    after = decryptor.invariant_noise_budget(cout)
    assert before > after
    decryptor.decrypt(cout, out)
    assert batchenc.decode_int64(out)[:len(expected_value)] == expected_value
    assert cout.parms_id() == parms_id

    pol_str = "1x^3 + 1x^1 + 3"
    # plaintext mod switch to next inplace
    plain = sealapi.Plaintext(pol_str)
    evaluator.transform_to_ntt_inplace(plain, ctx.first_parms_id())
    assert plain.is_ntt_form() is True
    assert plain.parms_id() != ctx.first_parms_id()

    # plaintext mod switch to next inplace failure
    plain = sealapi.Plaintext(pol_str)
    evaluator.transform_to_ntt_inplace(plain, ctx.last_parms_id())
    assert plain.is_ntt_form() is True
    with pytest.raises(BaseException):

    # plaintext mod switch to inplace
    plain = sealapi.Plaintext(pol_str)
    evaluator.transform_to_ntt_inplace(plain, ctx.first_parms_id())
    assert plain.is_ntt_form() is True
    evaluator.mod_switch_to_inplace(plain, ctx.last_parms_id())
    assert plain.parms_id() == ctx.last_parms_id()

    # plaintext mod switch to next
    plain = sealapi.Plaintext(pol_str)
    plain_out = sealapi.Plaintext()

    evaluator.transform_to_ntt(plain, ctx.first_parms_id(), plain_out)
    assert plain_out.is_ntt_form() is True

    plain_next = sealapi.Plaintext()
    evaluator.mod_switch_to_next(plain_out, plain_next)
    assert plain_out.parms_id() == ctx.first_parms_id()
    assert plain_next.parms_id() != ctx.first_parms_id()

    # plaintext mod switch to
    plain = sealapi.Plaintext(pol_str)
    plain_out = sealapi.Plaintext()

    evaluator.transform_to_ntt(plain, ctx.first_parms_id(), plain_out)
    assert plain_out.is_ntt_form() is True

    plain_next = sealapi.Plaintext()
    evaluator.mod_switch_to(plain_out, ctx.last_parms_id(), plain_next)
    assert plain_out.parms_id() == ctx.first_parms_id()
    assert plain_next.parms_id() == ctx.last_parms_id()
Exemple #26
def test_evaluator_rescale(scheme, ctx, left):
    evaluator, encryptor, _, relin_keys = helper_generate_evaluator(ctx)

    # cipher rescale to next in place
    cleft = sealapi.Ciphertext(ctx)
    cout = sealapi.Ciphertext(ctx)

    pleft = helper_encode(scheme, ctx, left)
    encryptor.encrypt(pleft, cleft)
    evaluator.square(cleft, cout)
    evaluator.relinearize_inplace(cout, relin_keys)

    before = cout.scale
    after = cout.scale

    assert after < before

    # cipher rescale to next
    cleft = sealapi.Ciphertext(ctx)
    cout = sealapi.Ciphertext(ctx)
    cfinal = sealapi.Ciphertext(ctx)

    pleft = helper_encode(scheme, ctx, left)
    encryptor.encrypt(pleft, cleft)
    evaluator.square(cleft, cout)
    evaluator.relinearize_inplace(cout, relin_keys)

    before = cout.scale
    evaluator.rescale_to_next(cout, cfinal)
    after = cfinal.scale

    assert after < before

    # cipher rescale to last in place
    cleft = sealapi.Ciphertext(ctx)
    cout = sealapi.Ciphertext(ctx)

    pleft = helper_encode(scheme, ctx, left)
    encryptor.encrypt(pleft, cleft)
    evaluator.square(cleft, cout)
    evaluator.relinearize_inplace(cout, relin_keys)

    before = cout.scale
    evaluator.rescale_to_inplace(cout, ctx.last_parms_id())
    after = cout.scale

    assert after < before

    # cipher rescale to last
    cleft = sealapi.Ciphertext(ctx)
    cout = sealapi.Ciphertext(ctx)
    cfinal = sealapi.Ciphertext(ctx)

    pleft = helper_encode(scheme, ctx, left)
    encryptor.encrypt(pleft, cleft)
    evaluator.square(cleft, cout)
    evaluator.relinearize_inplace(cout, relin_keys)

    before = cout.scale
    evaluator.rescale_to(cout, ctx.last_parms_id(), cfinal)
    after = cfinal.scale

    assert after < before