def _prepare_decoder_input(area_encoding, decoder_nonpadding, features, hparams, embed_scope=None): """Prepare the input for the action decoding. Args: area_encoding: the encoder output in shape of [batch_size, area_len, depth]. decoder_nonpadding: the nonpadding mask for the decoding seq. features: a dictionary of tensors in the shape of [batch_size, seq_length]. hparams: the hyperparameters. embed_scope: the embedding scope. Returns: decoder_input: decoder input in shape of [batch_size, num_steps, latent_depth] decoder_self_attention_bias: decoder attention bias. """ with tf.variable_scope("prepare_decoder_input", reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE): shape = common_layers.shape_list(features["task"]) batch_size = shape[0] encoder_input_length = shape[1] depth = common_layers.shape_list(area_encoding)[-1] if hparams.span_aggregation == "sum": verb_embeds = span_embedding(encoder_input_length, area_encoding, features["verb_refs"], hparams) object_embeds = span_embedding(encoder_input_length, area_encoding, features["obj_refs"], hparams) input_embeds = span_embedding(encoder_input_length, area_encoding, features["input_refs"], hparams) non_input_embeds = tf.tile( tf.expand_dims( tf.expand_dims( tf.get_variable(name="non_input_embeds", shape=[depth]), 0), 0), [batch_size, tf.shape(features["input_refs"])[1], 1]) input_embeds = tf.where( tf.tile( tf.expand_dims( tf.equal(features["input_refs"][:, :, 1], features["input_refs"][:, :, 0]), 2), [1, 1, tf.shape(input_embeds)[-1]]), non_input_embeds, input_embeds) elif hparams.span_aggregation == "mean": area_encoding = area_encoding[:, :encoder_input_length, :] verb_embeds = span_average_embed(area_encoding, features["verb_refs"], embed_scope) object_embeds = span_average_embed(area_encoding, features["obj_refs"], embed_scope) input_embeds = span_average_embed(area_encoding, features["input_refs"], embed_scope) else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized span aggregation method %s" % (hparams.span_aggregation)) embeds = verb_embeds + object_embeds + input_embeds embeds = tf.multiply(tf.expand_dims(decoder_nonpadding, 2), embeds) start_embed = tf.tile( tf.expand_dims( tf.expand_dims( tf.get_variable(name="start_step_embed", shape=[depth]), 0), 0), [batch_size, 1, 1]) embeds = tf.concat([start_embed, embeds], axis=1) embeds = embeds[:, :-1, :] decoder_self_attention_bias = ( common_attention.attention_bias_lower_triangle( common_layers.shape_list(features["verb_refs"])[1])) if hparams.pos == "timing": decoder_input = common_attention.add_timing_signal_1d(embeds) elif hparams.pos == "emb": decoder_input = common_attention.add_positional_embedding( embeds, hparams.max_length, "targets_positional_embedding", None) else: decoder_input = embeds return decoder_input, decoder_self_attention_bias
def to_grayscale(image, keep_channels=True): image = tf.image.rgb_to_grayscale(image) if keep_channels: image = tf.tile(image, [1, 1, 3]) return image
def expand_tile(value, size): """Add a new axis of given size.""" value = tf.convert_to_tensor(value, name='value') ndims = value.shape.ndims return tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(value, axis=0), [size] + [1]*ndims)
def log_prob(self, x, b_enc=None, b_dec=None): """Gets the log probability and conditionals for observations. Args: x: A batch of observations to compute the log probability of, sized `[batch_size, num_dims]`. b_enc: External encoder bias terms (`b` in [1]), sized `[batch_size, num_hidden]`, or None if the internal bias term should be used. b_dec: External decoder bias terms (`c` in [1]), sized `[batch_size, num_dims]`, or None if the internal bias term should be used. Returns: log_prob: The log probabilities of each observation in the batch, sized `[batch_size]`. cond_probs: The conditional probabilities at each index for every batch, sized `[batch_size, num_dims]`. """ batch_size = tf.shape(x)[0] b_enc = b_enc if b_enc is not None else self.b_enc b_dec = b_dec if b_dec is not None else self.b_dec # Broadcast if needed. if b_enc.shape[0] == 1 != batch_size: b_enc = tf.tile(b_enc, [batch_size, 1]) if b_dec.shape[0] == 1 != batch_size: b_dec = tf.tile(b_dec, [batch_size, 1]) # Initial condition before the loop. a_0 = b_enc log_p_0 = tf.zeros([batch_size, 1]) cond_p_0 = [] x_arr = tf.unstack( tf.reshape(tf.transpose(x), [self.num_dims, batch_size, 1])) w_enc_arr = tf.unstack(self.w_enc) w_dec_arr = tf.unstack(self.w_dec_t) b_dec_arr = tf.unstack( tf.reshape(tf.transpose(b_dec), [self.num_dims, batch_size, 1])) def loop_body(i, a, log_p, cond_p): """Accumulate hidden state, log_p, and cond_p for index i.""" # Get variables for time step. w_enc_i = w_enc_arr[i] w_dec_i = w_dec_arr[i] b_dec_i = b_dec_arr[i] v_i = x_arr[i] cond_p_i, _ = self._cond_prob(a, w_dec_i, b_dec_i) # Get log probability for this value. Log space avoids numerical issues. log_p_i = v_i * _safe_log(cond_p_i) + ( 1 - v_i) * _safe_log(1 - cond_p_i) # Accumulate log probability. log_p_new = log_p + log_p_i # Save conditional probabilities. cond_p_new = cond_p + [cond_p_i] # Encode value and add to hidden units. a_new = a + tf.matmul(v_i, w_enc_i) return a_new, log_p_new, cond_p_new # Build the actual loop a, log_p, cond_p = a_0, log_p_0, cond_p_0 for i in range(self.num_dims): a, log_p, cond_p = loop_body(i, a, log_p, cond_p) return (tf.squeeze(log_p, squeeze_dims=[1]), tf.transpose(tf.squeeze(tf.stack(cond_p), [2])))
def kernel(self, _x, a, b): # 训练时使用 x1 = tf.tile(_x, [1, self.hidden_size]) # 将x水平复制 hidden次 x2 = tf.reshape(x1, [-1, self.hidden_size, self.feature]) dist = tf.reduce_sum((a * x2 + b)**2, 2) return tf.exp(-dist / 2)
def _create_initial_state(self, initial_ids, initial_cache): """Return initial state dictionary and its shape invariants. Args: initial_ids: initial ids to pass into the symbols_to_logits_fn. int tensor with shape [batch_size, 1] initial_cache: dictionary storing values to be passed into the symbols_to_logits_fn. Returns: state and shape invariant dictionaries with keys from _StateKeys """ for key, value in initial_cache.items(): for inner_value in tf.nest.flatten(value): if inner_value.dtype != self.dtype: raise TypeError( "initial_cache element for key '%s' has dtype %s that does not " "match SequenceBeamSearch's dtype of %s. Value: %s" % (key,,, inner_value)) # Current loop index (starts at 0) cur_index = tf.constant(0) # Create alive sequence with shape [batch_size, beam_size, 1] alive_seq = _expand_to_beam_size(initial_ids, self.beam_size) alive_seq = tf.expand_dims(alive_seq, axis=2) if self.padded_decode: alive_seq = tf.tile(alive_seq, [1, 1, self.max_decode_length + 1]) # Create tensor for storing initial log probabilities. # Assume initial_ids are prob 1.0 initial_log_probs = tf.constant([[0.] + [-float("inf")] * (self.beam_size - 1)], dtype=self.dtype) alive_log_probs = tf.tile(initial_log_probs, [self.batch_size, 1]) # Expand all values stored in the dictionary to the beam size, so that each # beam has a separate cache. alive_cache = tf.nest.map_structure( lambda t: _expand_to_beam_size(t, self.beam_size), initial_cache) # Initialize tensor storing finished sequences with filler values. finished_seq = tf.zeros(tf.shape(alive_seq), tf.int32) # Set scores of the initial finished seqs to negative infinity. finished_scores = tf.ones([self.batch_size, self.beam_size], dtype=self.dtype) * -inf(self.dtype) # Initialize finished flags with all False values. finished_flags = tf.zeros([self.batch_size, self.beam_size], tf.bool) # Create state dictionary state = { _StateKeys.CUR_INDEX: cur_index, _StateKeys.ALIVE_SEQ: alive_seq, _StateKeys.ALIVE_LOG_PROBS: alive_log_probs, _StateKeys.ALIVE_CACHE: alive_cache, _StateKeys.FINISHED_SEQ: finished_seq, _StateKeys.FINISHED_SCORES: finished_scores, _StateKeys.FINISHED_FLAGS: finished_flags } # Create state invariants for each value in the state dictionary. Each # dimension must be a constant or None. A None dimension means either: # 1) the dimension's value is a tensor that remains the same but may # depend on the input sequence to the model (e.g. batch size). # 2) the dimension may have different values on different iterations. if self.padded_decode: state_shape_invariants = { _StateKeys.CUR_INDEX: tf.TensorShape([]), _StateKeys.ALIVE_SEQ: tf.TensorShape([ self.batch_size, self.beam_size, self.max_decode_length + 1 ]), _StateKeys.ALIVE_LOG_PROBS: tf.TensorShape([self.batch_size, self.beam_size]), _StateKeys.ALIVE_CACHE: tf.nest.map_structure(_get_shape, alive_cache), _StateKeys.FINISHED_SEQ: tf.TensorShape([ self.batch_size, self.beam_size, self.max_decode_length + 1 ]), _StateKeys.FINISHED_SCORES: tf.TensorShape([self.batch_size, self.beam_size]), _StateKeys.FINISHED_FLAGS: tf.TensorShape([self.batch_size, self.beam_size]) } else: state_shape_invariants = { _StateKeys.CUR_INDEX: tf.TensorShape([]), _StateKeys.ALIVE_SEQ: tf.TensorShape([None, self.beam_size, None]), _StateKeys.ALIVE_LOG_PROBS: tf.TensorShape([None, self.beam_size]), _StateKeys.ALIVE_CACHE: tf.nest.map_structure(_get_shape_keep_last_dim, alive_cache), _StateKeys.FINISHED_SEQ: tf.TensorShape([None, self.beam_size, None]), _StateKeys.FINISHED_SCORES: tf.TensorShape([None, self.beam_size]), _StateKeys.FINISHED_FLAGS: tf.TensorShape([None, self.beam_size]) } return state, state_shape_invariants
dtype=tf.float32, trainable=True, initializer=tf.glorot_uniform_initializer()) # SOS represents starting marker # It tells the decoder that it is about to decode the first word of the output # I have set SOS as a trainable parameter Wc = tf.get_variable("Wc", shape=[2*hidden_size,embd_dim], dtype=tf.float32, trainable=True, initializer=tf.glorot_uniform_initializer()) SOS = tf.tile(SOS,[N,1]) #now SOS shape: [N,embd_dim] inp = SOS hidden=final_encoded_state cell=tf.zeros([N, 2*hidden_size], dtype=tf.float32) decoder_outputs=tf.TensorArray(size=max_summary_len, dtype=tf.float32) outputs=tf.TensorArray(size=max_summary_len, dtype=tf.int32) embd_summary_t = tf.transpose(embd_summary,[1,0,2]) #encoder_context_vector shape is [32,600] #The above encoder_context_vector is simple multiplication not matmul where the scores like 0.3 is multiplied for one word hidden state and so on for i in range(max_summary_len): attention_scores = align(encoder_states,hidden) encoder_context_vector = tf.reduce_sum(encoder_states*attention_scores,axis=1) #[32,178,600]* #[32 178 1] #shape [ 32 600] inp = dropout(inp,rate=0.3,training=tf_train)
def box_matching(boxes, gt_boxes, gt_classes): """Match boxes to groundtruth boxes. Given the proposal boxes and the groundtruth boxes and classes, perform the groundtruth matching by taking the argmax of the IoU between boxes and groundtruth boxes. Args: boxes: a tensor of shape of [batch_size, N, 4] representing the box coordiantes to be matched to groundtruth boxes. gt_boxes: a tensor of shape of [batch_size, MAX_INSTANCES, 4] representing the groundtruth box coordinates. It is padded with -1s to indicate the invalid boxes. gt_classes: [batch_size, MAX_INSTANCES] representing the groundtruth box classes. It is padded with -1s to indicate the invalid classes. Returns: matched_gt_boxes: a tensor of shape of [batch_size, N, 4], representing the matched groundtruth box coordinates for each input box. If the box does not overlap with any groundtruth boxes, the matched boxes of it will be set to all 0s. matched_gt_classes: a tensor of shape of [batch_size, N], representing the matched groundtruth classes for each input box. If the box does not overlap with any groundtruth boxes, the matched box classes of it will be set to 0, which corresponds to the background class. matched_gt_indices: a tensor of shape of [batch_size, N], representing the indices of the matched groundtruth boxes in the original gt_boxes tensor. If the box does not overlap with any groundtruth boxes, the index of the matched groundtruth will be set to -1. matched_iou: a tensor of shape of [batch_size, N], representing the IoU between the box and its matched groundtruth box. The matched IoU is the maximum IoU of the box and all the groundtruth boxes. iou: a tensor of shape of [batch_size, N, K], representing the IoU matrix between boxes and the groundtruth boxes. The IoU between a box and the invalid groundtruth boxes whose coordinates are [-1, -1, -1, -1] is -1. """ # Compute IoU between boxes and gt_boxes. # iou <- [batch_size, N, K] iou = box_utils.bbox_overlap(boxes, gt_boxes) # max_iou <- [batch_size, N] # 0.0 -> no match to gt, or -1.0 match to no gt matched_iou = tf.reduce_max(iou, axis=-1) # background_box_mask <- bool, [batch_size, N] background_box_mask = tf.less_equal(matched_iou, 0.0) argmax_iou_indices = tf.argmax(iou, axis=-1, output_type=tf.int32) argmax_iou_indices_shape = tf.shape(argmax_iou_indices) batch_indices = ( tf.expand_dims(tf.range(argmax_iou_indices_shape[0]), axis=-1) * tf.ones([1, argmax_iou_indices_shape[-1]], dtype=tf.int32)) gather_nd_indices = tf.stack([batch_indices, argmax_iou_indices], axis=-1) matched_gt_boxes = tf.gather_nd(gt_boxes, gather_nd_indices) matched_gt_boxes = tf.where( tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(background_box_mask, axis=-1), [1, 1, 4]), tf.zeros_like(matched_gt_boxes, dtype=tf.float32), matched_gt_boxes) matched_gt_classes = tf.gather_nd(gt_classes, gather_nd_indices) matched_gt_classes = tf.where(background_box_mask, tf.zeros_like(matched_gt_classes), matched_gt_classes) matched_gt_indices = tf.where(background_box_mask, -tf.ones_like(argmax_iou_indices), argmax_iou_indices) return (matched_gt_boxes, matched_gt_classes, matched_gt_indices, matched_iou, iou)
def compute_floor_offsets_with_indices(y_source, x_source, y_target=None, x_target=None): """Computes offsets from floored source(floored) to target coordinates. This function computes the offsets from source coordinates ("floored" as if they were put on the grids) to target coordinates. Note that the input coordinates should be the "absolute" coordinates in terms of the output image dimensions as opposed to the normalized coordinates (i.e. values in [0, 1]). If the input y and x source have the second dimension (representing the neighboring pixels), then the offsets are computed from each of the neighboring pixels to their corresponding target (first dimension). Args: y_source: A tensor with shape [num_points] (or [num_points, num_neighbors]) representing the absolute y-coordinates (in the output image space) of the source points. x_source: A tensor with shape [num_points] (or [num_points, num_neighbors]) representing the absolute x-coordinates (in the output image space) of the source points. y_target: A tensor with shape [num_points] representing the absolute y-coordinates (in the output image space) of the target points. If not provided, then y_source is used as the targets. x_target: A tensor with shape [num_points] representing the absolute x-coordinates (in the output image space) of the target points. If not provided, then x_source is used as the targets. Returns: A tuple of two tensors: offsets: A tensor with shape [num_points, 2] (or [num_points, num_neighbors, 2]) representing the offsets of each input point. indices: A tensor with shape [num_points, 2] (or [num_points, num_neighbors, 2]) representing the indices of where the offsets should be retrieved in the output image dimension space. Raise: ValueError: source and target shapes have unexpected values. """ y_source_floored = tf.floor(y_source) x_source_floored = tf.floor(x_source) source_shape = shape_utils.combined_static_and_dynamic_shape(y_source) if y_target is None and x_target is None: y_target = y_source x_target = x_source else: target_shape = shape_utils.combined_static_and_dynamic_shape(y_target) if len(source_shape) == 2 and len(target_shape) == 1: _, num_neighbors = source_shape y_target = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(y_target, -1), multiples=[1, num_neighbors]) x_target = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(x_target, -1), multiples=[1, num_neighbors]) elif source_shape != target_shape: raise ValueError('Inconsistent source and target shape.') y_offset = y_target - y_source_floored x_offset = x_target - x_source_floored y_source_indices = tf.cast(y_source_floored, tf.int32) x_source_indices = tf.cast(x_source_floored, tf.int32) indices = tf.stack([y_source_indices, x_source_indices], axis=-1) offsets = tf.stack([y_offset, x_offset], axis=-1) return offsets, indices
def generate_detections_per_image_op(cls_outputs, box_outputs, anchor_boxes, image_id, image_info, num_detections=100, pre_nms_num_detections=1000, nms_threshold=0.3, bbox_reg_weights=(10., 10., 5., 5.)): """Generates detections with model outputs and anchors. Args: cls_outputs: a Tensor with shape [N, num_classes], which stacks class logit outputs on all feature levels. The N is the number of total anchors on all levels. The num_classes is the number of classes predicted by the model. Note that the cls_outputs should be the output of softmax(). box_outputs: a Tensor with shape [N, num_classes*4], which stacks box regression outputs on all feature levels. The N is the number of total anchors on all levels. anchor_boxes: a Tensor with shape [N, 4], which stacks anchors on all feature levels. The N is the number of total anchors on all levels. image_id: an integer number to specify the image id. image_info: a tensor of shape [5] which encodes the input image's [height, width, scale, original_height, original_width] num_detections: Number of detections after NMS. pre_nms_num_detections: Number of candidates before NMS. nms_threshold: a float number to specify the threshold of NMS. bbox_reg_weights: a list of 4 float scalars, which are default weights on (dx, dy, dw, dh) for normalizing bbox regression targets. Returns: detections: detection results in a tensor with each row representing [image_id, ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax, score, class] """ num_boxes, num_classes = cls_outputs.get_shape().as_list() # Removes background class scores. cls_outputs = cls_outputs[:, 1:num_classes] top_k_scores, top_k_indices_with_classes = tf.nn.top_k( tf.reshape(cls_outputs, [-1]), k=pre_nms_num_detections, sorted=True) classes = tf.mod(top_k_indices_with_classes, num_classes - 1) top_k_indices = tf.floordiv(top_k_indices_with_classes, num_classes - 1) anchor_boxes = tf.gather(anchor_boxes, top_k_indices) box_outputs = tf.reshape(box_outputs, [num_boxes, num_classes, 4])[:, 1:num_classes, :] box_outputs = tf.gather_nd(box_outputs, tf.stack([top_k_indices, classes], axis=1)) # Applies bounding box regression to anchors. boxes = box_utils.batch_decode_box_outputs_op( tf.expand_dims(anchor_boxes, axis=0), tf.expand_dims(box_outputs, axis=0), bbox_reg_weights)[0] boxes = box_utils.clip_boxes(tf.expand_dims(boxes, axis=0), tf.expand_dims(image_info[:2], axis=0))[0] classes = tf.tile(tf.reshape(classes, [1, pre_nms_num_detections]), [num_classes - 1, 1]) scores = tf.tile(tf.reshape(top_k_scores, [1, pre_nms_num_detections]), [num_classes - 1, 1]) boxes = tf.tile(tf.reshape(boxes, [1, pre_nms_num_detections, 4]), [num_classes - 1, 1, 1]) class_bitmask = tf.tile( tf.reshape(tf.range(num_classes - 1), [num_classes - 1, 1]), [1, pre_nms_num_detections]) scores = tf.where(tf.equal(classes, class_bitmask), scores, tf.zeros_like(scores)) scores = tf.where(tf.greater(scores, 0.05), scores, tf.zeros_like(scores)) # Reshape classes to be compartible with the top_k function. classes = tf.reshape(classes, [num_classes - 1, pre_nms_num_detections, 1]) scores, sorted_tensors = box_utils.top_k(scores, k=pre_nms_num_detections, tensors=[boxes, classes]) boxes = sorted_tensors[0] classes = tf.reshape(sorted_tensors[1], [num_classes - 1, pre_nms_num_detections]) idx, num_valid = non_max_suppression.non_max_suppression_padded( scores, boxes, max_output_size=num_detections, iou_threshold=nms_threshold, level=0) post_nms_boxes = non_max_suppression.gather_boxes_by_indices( boxes, num_detections, idx, num_valid) post_nms_scores = non_max_suppression.gather_scores_by_indices( scores, num_detections, idx, num_valid) # Sorts all results. sorted_scores, sorted_indices = tf.nn.top_k(tf.to_float( tf.reshape(post_nms_scores, [-1])), k=num_detections, sorted=True) post_nms_boxes = tf.gather(tf.reshape(post_nms_boxes, [-1, 4]), sorted_indices) classes = tf.batch_gather(classes, idx) post_nms_classes = tf.gather(tf.reshape(classes, [-1]), sorted_indices) + 1 if isinstance(image_id, int): image_id = tf.constant(image_id) image_id = tf.reshape(image_id, []) detections_result = tf.stack([ tf.to_float(tf.fill(tf.shape(sorted_scores), image_id)), post_nms_boxes[:, 0], post_nms_boxes[:, 1], post_nms_boxes[:, 2], post_nms_boxes[:, 3], sorted_scores, tf.to_float(post_nms_classes), ], axis=1) return detections_result
def beam_search( symbols_to_logits_fn, initial_ids, beam_size, decode_length, vocab_size, alpha, eos_id, batch_size, minimum_score=None, ): """Beam search with length penalties. Requires a function that can take the currently decoded sybmols and return the logits for the next symbol. The implementation is inspired by Args: symbols_to_logits_fn: Interface to the model, to provide logits. Shoud take [batch_size, decoded_ids] and return [batch_size, vocab_size] initial_ids: Ids to start off the decoding, this will be the first thing handed to symbols_to_logits_fn (after expanding to beam size) [batch_size] beam_size: Size of the beam. decode_length: Number of steps to decode for. vocab_size: Size of the vocab, must equal the size of the logits returned by symbols_to_logits_fn alpha: alpha for length penalty. eos_id: ID for end of sentence. batch_size: Integer specifying batch size. Should match first dimension of initial_ids. minimum_score: Minimum score to continue exploring beam. Used to optimize performance. Ignored if None or 0. Should be in range [0-1]. Returns: Tuple of (decoded beams [batch_size, beam_size, decode_length] decoding probablities [batch_size, beam_size]) """ def _inner_loop(i, alive_seq, alive_log_probs, finished_seq, finished_scores, finished_flags): """Inner beam seach loop. There are three groups of tensors, alive, finished, and topk. The alive group contains information about the current alive sequences The topk group contains information about alive + topk current decoded words the finished group contains information about finished sentences, that is, the ones that have decoded to <EOS>. These are what we return. The general beam search algorithm is as follows: While we haven't terminated (pls look at termination condition) 1. Grow the current alive to get beam*2 topk sequences 2. Among the topk, keep the top beam_size ones that haven't reached EOS into alive 3. Among the topk, keep the top beam_size ones have reached EOS into finished Repeat To make things simple with using fixed size tensors, we will end up inserting unfinished sequences into finished in the beginning. To stop that we add -ve INF to the score of the unfinished sequence so that when a true finished sequence does appear, it will have a higher score than all the unfinished ones. Args: i: loop index alive_seq: Topk sequences decoded so far. Shape is [batch_size, beam_size, decode_length + 1] alive_log_probs: probabilities of the beams. [batch_size, beam_size] finished_seq: Current finished sequences. [batch_size, beam_size, decode_length + 1] finished_scores: scores for each of these sequences. [batch_size, beam_size] finished_flags: finished bools for each of these sequences. [batch_size, beam_size] Returns: Tuple of (Incremented loop index New alive sequences, Log probs of the alive sequences, New finished sequences, Scores of the new finished sequences, Flags inidicating which sequence in finished as reached EOS) """ # Each inner loop, we carry out three steps: # 1. Get the current topk items. # 2. Extract the ones that have finished and haven't finished # 3. Recompute the contents of finished based on scores. topk_seq, topk_log_probs, topk_scores, topk_finished = _grow_topk( i, alive_seq, alive_log_probs, batch_size, beam_size, symbols_to_logits_fn, alpha, vocab_size, eos_id, decode_length, ) alive_seq, alive_log_probs, _ = _grow_alive(topk_seq, topk_scores, topk_log_probs, topk_finished, batch_size, beam_size) finished_seq, finished_scores, finished_flags = _grow_finished( finished_seq, finished_scores, finished_flags, topk_seq, topk_scores, topk_finished, batch_size, beam_size, ) return ( i + 1, alive_seq, alive_log_probs, finished_seq, finished_scores, finished_flags, ) def _loop_cond( i, unused_alive_seq, alive_log_probs, unused_finished_seq, finished_scores, finished_in_finished, ): """Checking termination condition. We terminate when we decoded up to decode_length or the lowest scoring item in finished has a greater score that the higest prob item in alive divided by the max length penalty. Optionally also terminate if all alive scores are below lower bound. Args: i: loop index alive_log_probs: probabilities of the beams. [batch_size, beam_size] finished_scores: scores for each of these sequences. [batch_size, beam_size] finished_in_finished: finished bools for each of these sequences. [batch_size, beam_size] Returns: True to continue the loop, False to stop. """ max_length_penalty = tf.pow(((5.0 + tf.to_float(decode_length)) / 6.0), alpha) # The best possible score of the most likley alive sequence lower_bound_alive_scores = alive_log_probs[:, 0] / max_length_penalty # Now to compute the lowest score of a finished sequence in finished # If the sequence isn't finished, we multiply it's score by 0. since # scores are all -ve, taking the min will give us the score of the lowest # finished item. lowest_score_of_finished_in_finished = tf.reduce_min( finished_scores * tf.to_float(finished_in_finished), axis=1) # If none of the sequences have finished, then the min will be 0 and # we have to replace it by -ve INF if it is. The score of any seq in alive # will be much higher than -ve INF and the termination condition will not # be met. lowest_score_of_finished_in_finished = _apply_negative_infinity_mask( lowest_score_of_finished_in_finished, tf.logical_not(tf.reduce_any(finished_in_finished, 1)), ) # Will terminate beam search early if bound_is_met is True. bound_is_met = tf.reduce_all( tf.greater(lowest_score_of_finished_in_finished, lower_bound_alive_scores)) # Check if all alive scores are below minimum. if minimum_score: minimum_score_log = tf.log(minimum_score) bound_is_met = tf.logical_or( bound_is_met, tf.reduce_all( tf.less(lower_bound_alive_scores, minimum_score_log)), ) return tf.logical_and(tf.less(i, decode_length), tf.logical_not(bound_is_met)) # Assume initial_ids are prob 1.0 initial_log_probs = tf.constant([[0.0] + [-float("inf")] * (beam_size - 1) ]) # Expand size to [batch_size, beam_size]. alive_log_probs = tf.tile(initial_log_probs, [batch_size, 1]) # Expand size to [batch_size, beam_size, decode_length + 1] alive_seq = tf.expand_dims(initial_ids, 1) # [batch_size, 1] alive_seq = tf.tile(alive_seq, [1, beam_size]) # [batch_size, beam_size] alive_seq = _one_hot_tensor_3d(alive_seq, 0, decode_length + 1) # Finished will keep track of all the sequences that have finished so far # Finished log probs will be negative infinity in the beginning # finished_flags will keep track of booleans finished_seq = tf.zeros(tf.shape(alive_seq), tf.int32) # Setting the scores of the initial to negative infinity. finished_scores = tf.ones([batch_size, beam_size], dtype=tf.float32) * -INF finished_flags = tf.zeros([batch_size, beam_size], tf.bool) initial_variables = [ tf.constant(0), # [] alive_seq, # [batch_size, beam_size, decode_length + 1] alive_log_probs, # [batch_size, beam_size] finished_seq, # [batch_size, beam_size, decode_length + 1] finished_scores, # [batch_size, beam_size] finished_flags, # [batch_size, beam_size] ] # Execute while loop. ( _, alive_seq, alive_log_probs, finished_seq, finished_scores, finished_flags, ) = tf.while_loop( _loop_cond, _inner_loop, initial_variables, parallel_iterations=1, back_prop=False, ) # Accounting for corner case: It's possible that no sequence in alive for a # particular batch item ever reached EOS. In that case, we should just copy # the contents of alive for that batch item. tf.reduce_any(finished_flags, 1) # if 0, means that no sequence for that batch index had reached EOS. We need # to do the same for the scores as well. finished_seq = tf.where(tf.reduce_any(finished_flags, 1), finished_seq, alive_seq) finished_scores = tf.where(tf.reduce_any(finished_flags, 1), finished_scores, alive_log_probs) finished_seq = tf.cast(finished_seq, tf.int64) return finished_seq, finished_scores
def tf_rotation_resampling(voxel_array, transformation_matrix, params, Scale_matrix=None, size=64, new_size=128): """ Batch transformation and resampling function :param voxel_array: batch of voxels. Shape = [batch_size, height, width, depth, features] :param transformation_matrix: Rotation matrix. Shape = [batch_size, height, width, depth, features] :param size: original size of the voxel array :param new_size: size of the resampled array :return: transformed voxel array """ batch_size = tf.shape(voxel_array)[0] n_channels = voxel_array.get_shape()[4].value target = tf.zeros([batch_size, new_size, new_size, new_size]) #Aligning the centroid of the object (voxel grid) to origin for rotation, #then move the centroid back to the original position of the grid centroid T = tf.constant([[1, 0, 0, -size * 0.5], [0, 1, 0, -size * 0.5], [0, 0, 1, -size * 0.5], [0, 0, 0, 1]]) # add one more dimension to T and then tile T = tf.tile(tf.reshape(T, (1, 4, 4)), [batch_size, 1, 1]) # However, since the rotated grid might be out of bound for the original grid size, # move the rotated grid to a new bigger grid T_new_inv = tf.constant([[1, 0, 0, new_size * 0.5], [0, 1, 0, new_size * 0.5], [0, 0, 1, new_size * 0.5], [0, 0, 0, 1]]) T_new_inv = tf.tile(tf.reshape(T_new_inv, (1, 4, 4)), [batch_size, 1, 1]) # Add the actual shifting in x and y dimension accoding to input param x_shift = tf.reshape(params[:, 3], (batch_size, 1, 1)) y_shift = tf.reshape(params[:, 4], (batch_size, 1, 1)) z_shift = tf.reshape(params[:, 5], (batch_size, 1, 1)) # ======================================================== # Because tensorflow does not allow tensor item replacement # A new matrix needs to be created from scratch by concatenating different vectors into rows and stacking them up ones = tf.ones_like(x_shift) zeros = tf.zeros_like(x_shift) T_translate = tf.concat([ tf.concat([ones, zeros, zeros, x_shift], axis=2), tf.concat([zeros, ones, zeros, y_shift], axis=2), tf.concat([zeros, zeros, ones, z_shift], axis=2), tf.concat([zeros, zeros, zeros, ones], axis=2) ], axis=1) total_M = tf.matmul( tf.matmul(tf.matmul(tf.matmul(T_new_inv, T_translate), Scale_matrix), transformation_matrix), T) try: total_M = tf.matrix_inverse(total_M) total_M = total_M[:, 0: 3, :] #Ignore the homogenous coordinate so the results are 3D vectors. shape: (batch * 3 * 4) grid = tf_voxel_meshgrid(new_size, new_size, new_size, homogeneous=True) # here you created new_size^3 grid, but the T matrix just translate this by size * 0.5, this will not align the grid to origin point # shape: (4 * new_size^3), here 4 is 3 + homogeneous=True grid = tf.tile( tf.reshape(grid, (1, tf.to_int32( grid.get_shape()[0]), tf.to_int32(grid.get_shape()[1]))), [batch_size, 1, 1]) grid_transform = tf.matmul( total_M, grid ) # (batch * 3 * 4) matmul (batch * 4 * new_size^3) is (3 * 4) matmul (4 * new_size^3) along batch x_s_flat = tf.reshape(grid_transform[:, 0, :], [-1]) y_s_flat = tf.reshape(grid_transform[:, 1, :], [-1]) z_s_flat = tf.reshape(grid_transform[:, 2, :], [-1]) input_transformed = tf_interpolate( voxel_array, x_s_flat, y_s_flat, z_s_flat, [batch_size, new_size, new_size, new_size, n_channels]) target = tf.reshape( input_transformed, [batch_size, new_size, new_size, new_size, n_channels]) return target, grid_transform except tf.InvalidArgumentError: return None
def _model_fn(features, labels, mode, params, model, variable_filter_fn=None): """Model definition entry. Args: features: the input image tensor with shape [batch_size, height, width, 3]. The height and width are fixed and equal. labels: the input labels in a dictionary. The labels include class targets and box targets which are dense label maps. The labels are generated from get_input_fn function in data/ mode: the mode of TPUEstimator including TRAIN, EVAL, and PREDICT. params: the dictionary defines hyperparameters of model. The default settings are in default_hparams function in this file. model: the model outputs class logits and box regression outputs. variable_filter_fn: the filter function that takes trainable_variables and returns the variable list after applying the filter rule. Returns: tpu_spec: the TPUEstimatorSpec to run training, evaluation, or prediction. Raises: RuntimeError: if both ckpt and backbone_ckpt are set. """ # Convert params (dict) to Config for easier access. training_hooks = None if params['data_format'] == 'channels_first': features = tf.transpose(features, [0, 3, 1, 2]) def _model_outputs(inputs): return model(inputs, config=hparams_config.Config(params)) cls_outputs, box_outputs = utils.build_model_with_precision( params['precision'], _model_outputs, features) levels = cls_outputs.keys() for level in levels: cls_outputs[level] = tf.cast(cls_outputs[level], tf.float32) box_outputs[level] = tf.cast(box_outputs[level], tf.float32) # First check if it is in PREDICT mode. if mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.PREDICT: predictions = { 'image': features, } for level in levels: predictions['cls_outputs_%d' % level] = cls_outputs[level] predictions['box_outputs_%d' % level] = box_outputs[level] return tf.estimator.EstimatorSpec(mode=mode, predictions=predictions) # Set up training loss and learning rate. update_learning_rate_schedule_parameters(params) global_step = tf.train.get_or_create_global_step() learning_rate = learning_rate_schedule(params, global_step) # cls_loss and box_loss are for logging. only total_loss is optimized. det_loss, cls_loss, box_loss, box_iou_loss = detection_loss( cls_outputs, box_outputs, labels, params) reg_l2loss = reg_l2_loss(params['weight_decay']) total_loss = det_loss + reg_l2loss if mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN: utils.scalar('lrn_rate', learning_rate) utils.scalar('trainloss/cls_loss', cls_loss) utils.scalar('trainloss/box_loss', box_loss) utils.scalar('trainloss/box_iou_loss', box_iou_loss) utils.scalar('trainloss/det_loss', det_loss) utils.scalar('trainloss/reg_l2_loss', reg_l2loss) utils.scalar('trainloss/loss', total_loss) moving_average_decay = params['moving_average_decay'] if moving_average_decay: ema = tf.train.ExponentialMovingAverage(decay=moving_average_decay, num_updates=global_step) ema_vars = utils.get_ema_vars() if params['strategy'] == 'horovod': import horovod.tensorflow as hvd # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top learning_rate = learning_rate * hvd.size() if mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN: if params['optimizer'].lower() == 'sgd': optimizer = tf.train.MomentumOptimizer(learning_rate, momentum=params['momentum']) elif params['optimizer'].lower() == 'adam': optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate) else: raise ValueError('optimizers should be adam or sgd') if params['strategy'] == 'tpu': optimizer = tf.tpu.CrossShardOptimizer(optimizer) elif params['strategy'] == 'horovod': optimizer = hvd.DistributedOptimizer(optimizer) training_hooks = [hvd.BroadcastGlobalVariablesHook(0)] # Batch norm requires update_ops to be added as a train_op dependency. update_ops = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS) var_list = tf.trainable_variables() if variable_filter_fn: var_list = variable_filter_fn(var_list) if params.get('clip_gradients_norm', 0) > 0:'clip gradients norm by %f', params['clip_gradients_norm']) grads_and_vars = optimizer.compute_gradients( total_loss, var_list, aggregation_method=tf.AggregationMethod. EXPERIMENTAL_ACCUMULATE_N) with tf.name_scope('clip'): grads = [gv[0] for gv in grads_and_vars] tvars = [gv[1] for gv in grads_and_vars] clipped_grads, gnorm = tf.clip_by_global_norm( grads, params['clip_gradients_norm']) utils.scalar('gnorm', gnorm) grads_and_vars = list(zip(clipped_grads, tvars)) with tf.control_dependencies(update_ops): train_op = optimizer.apply_gradients(grads_and_vars, global_step) else: with tf.control_dependencies(update_ops): train_op = optimizer.minimize( total_loss, global_step, var_list=var_list, aggregation_method=tf.AggregationMethod. EXPERIMENTAL_ACCUMULATE_N) if moving_average_decay: with tf.control_dependencies([train_op]): train_op = ema.apply(ema_vars) else: train_op = None eval_metrics = None if mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.EVAL: def metric_fn(**kwargs): """Returns a dictionary that has the evaluation metrics.""" batch_size = params['batch_size'] if params['strategy'] == 'tpu': batch_size = params['batch_size'] * params['num_shards'] eval_anchors = anchors.Anchors(params['min_level'], params['max_level'], params['num_scales'], params['aspect_ratios'], params['anchor_scale'], params['image_size']) anchor_labeler = anchors.AnchorLabeler(eval_anchors, params['num_classes']) cls_loss = tf.metrics.mean(kwargs['cls_loss_repeat']) box_loss = tf.metrics.mean(kwargs['box_loss_repeat']) if params.get('testdev_dir', None):'Eval testdev_dir %s', params['testdev_dir']) coco_metrics = coco_metric_fn( batch_size, anchor_labeler, params['val_json_file'], testdev_dir=params['testdev_dir'], disable_pyfun=params.get('disable_pyfun', None), **kwargs) else:'Eval val with groudtruths %s.', params['val_json_file']) coco_metrics = coco_metric_fn(batch_size, anchor_labeler, params['val_json_file'], **kwargs) # Add metrics to output. output_metrics = { 'cls_loss': cls_loss, 'box_loss': box_loss, } output_metrics.update(coco_metrics) return output_metrics cls_loss_repeat = tf.reshape( tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(cls_loss, 0), [ params['batch_size'], ]), [params['batch_size'], 1]) box_loss_repeat = tf.reshape( tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(box_loss, 0), [ params['batch_size'], ]), [params['batch_size'], 1]) metric_fn_inputs = { 'cls_loss_repeat': cls_loss_repeat, 'box_loss_repeat': box_loss_repeat, 'source_ids': labels['source_ids'], 'groundtruth_data': labels['groundtruth_data'], 'image_scales': labels['image_scales'], } add_metric_fn_inputs(params, cls_outputs, box_outputs, metric_fn_inputs) eval_metrics = (metric_fn, metric_fn_inputs) checkpoint = params.get('ckpt') or params.get('backbone_ckpt') if checkpoint and mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN: # Initialize the model from an EfficientDet or backbone checkpoint. if params.get('ckpt') and params.get('backbone_ckpt'): raise RuntimeError( '--backbone_ckpt and --checkpoint are mutually exclusive') if params.get('backbone_ckpt'): var_scope = params['backbone_name'] + '/' if params['ckpt_var_scope'] is None: # Use backbone name as default checkpoint scope. ckpt_scope = params['backbone_name'] + '/' else: ckpt_scope = params['ckpt_var_scope'] + '/' else: # Load every var in the given checkpoint var_scope = ckpt_scope = '/' def scaffold_fn(): """Loads pretrained model through scaffold function."""'restore variables from %s', checkpoint) var_map = utils.get_ckpt_var_map(ckpt_path=checkpoint, ckpt_scope=ckpt_scope, var_scope=var_scope, var_exclude_expr=params.get( 'var_exclude_expr', None)) tf.train.init_from_checkpoint(checkpoint, var_map) return tf.train.Scaffold() elif mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.EVAL and moving_average_decay: def scaffold_fn(): """Load moving average variables for eval."""'Load EMA vars with ema_decay=%f', moving_average_decay) restore_vars_dict = ema.variables_to_restore(ema_vars) saver = tf.train.Saver(restore_vars_dict) return tf.train.Scaffold(saver=saver) else: scaffold_fn = None return tf.estimator.tpu.TPUEstimatorSpec(mode=mode, loss=total_loss, train_op=train_op, eval_metrics=eval_metrics, host_call=utils.get_tpu_host_call( global_step, params), scaffold_fn=scaffold_fn, training_hooks=training_hooks)
def add_metric_fn_inputs(params, cls_outputs, box_outputs, metric_fn_inputs, max_detection_points=anchors.MAX_DETECTION_POINTS): """Selects top-k predictions and adds the selected to metric_fn_inputs. Args: params: a parameter dictionary that includes `min_level`, `max_level`, `batch_size`, and `num_classes`. cls_outputs: an OrderDict with keys representing levels and values representing logits in [batch_size, height, width, num_anchors]. box_outputs: an OrderDict with keys representing levels and values representing box regression targets in [batch_size, height, width, num_anchors * 4]. metric_fn_inputs: a dictionary that will hold the top-k selections. max_detection_points: an integer specifing the maximum detection points to keep before NMS. Keep all anchors if max_detection_points <= 0. """ batch_size = params['batch_size'] num_classes = params['num_classes'] cls_outputs_all = [] box_outputs_all = [] # Concatenates class and box of all levels into one tensor. for level in range(params['min_level'], params['max_level'] + 1): if params['data_format'] == 'channels_first': cls_outputs[level] = tf.transpose(cls_outputs[level], [0, 2, 3, 1]) box_outputs[level] = tf.transpose(box_outputs[level], [0, 2, 3, 1]) cls_outputs_all.append( tf.reshape(cls_outputs[level], [batch_size, -1, num_classes])) box_outputs_all.append( tf.reshape(box_outputs[level], [batch_size, -1, 4])) cls_outputs_all = tf.concat(cls_outputs_all, 1) box_outputs_all = tf.concat(box_outputs_all, 1) if max_detection_points > 0: # Prune anchors and detections to only keep max_detection_points. # Due to some issues, top_k is currently slow in graph model. cls_outputs_all_reshape = tf.reshape(cls_outputs_all, [batch_size, -1]) _, cls_topk_indices = tf.math.top_k(cls_outputs_all_reshape, k=max_detection_points, sorted=False) indices = cls_topk_indices // num_classes classes = cls_topk_indices % num_classes cls_indices = tf.stack([indices, classes], axis=2) cls_outputs_all_after_topk = tf.gather_nd(cls_outputs_all, cls_indices, batch_dims=1) box_outputs_all_after_topk = tf.gather_nd(box_outputs_all, tf.expand_dims(indices, 2), batch_dims=1) else: # Keep all anchors, but for each anchor, just keep the max probablity for # each class. cls_outputs_idx = tf.math.argmax(cls_outputs_all, axis=-1, output_type=tf.int32) num_anchors = cls_outputs_all.shape[1] classes = cls_outputs_idx indices = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(tf.range(num_anchors), axis=0), [batch_size, 1]) cls_outputs_all_after_topk = tf.reduce_max(cls_outputs_all, -1) box_outputs_all_after_topk = box_outputs_all metric_fn_inputs['cls_outputs_all'] = cls_outputs_all_after_topk metric_fn_inputs['box_outputs_all'] = box_outputs_all_after_topk metric_fn_inputs['indices_all'] = indices metric_fn_inputs['classes_all'] = classes
def build_genie_model(feat_dict, cfg, batch_size, seq_len, is_training=True, seq_varlens=None, dtype=tf.float32): """Builds a Piano Genie model. Args: feat_dict: Dictionary containing input tensors. cfg: Configuration object. batch_size: Number of items in batch. seq_len: Length of each batch item. is_training: Set to False for evaluation. seq_varlens: If not None, a tensor with the batch sequence lengths. dtype: Model weight type. Returns: A dict containing tensors for relevant model config. """ out_dict = {} # Parse features pitches = util.demidify(feat_dict["midi_pitches"]) velocities = feat_dict["velocities"] pitches_scalar = ((tf.cast(pitches, tf.float32) / 87.) * 2.) - 1. # Create sequence lens if is_training and cfg.train_randomize_seq_len: seq_lens = tf.random_uniform([batch_size], minval=cfg.train_seq_len_min, maxval=seq_len + 1, dtype=tf.int32) stp_varlen_mask = tf.sequence_mask(seq_lens, maxlen=seq_len, dtype=tf.float32) elif seq_varlens is not None: seq_lens = seq_varlens stp_varlen_mask = tf.sequence_mask(seq_varlens, maxlen=seq_len, dtype=tf.float32) else: seq_lens = tf.ones([batch_size], dtype=tf.int32) * seq_len stp_varlen_mask = None # Encode if (cfg.stp_emb_unconstrained or cfg.stp_emb_vq or cfg.stp_emb_iq or cfg.seq_emb_unconstrained or cfg.seq_emb_vae or cfg.lor_emb_unconstrained): # Build encoder features enc_feats = [] if cfg.enc_pitch_scalar: enc_feats.append(tf.expand_dims(pitches_scalar, axis=-1)) else: enc_feats.append(tf.one_hot(pitches, 88)) if "delta_times_int" in cfg.enc_aux_feats: enc_feats.append( tf.one_hot(feat_dict["delta_times_int"], cfg.data_max_discrete_times + 1)) if "velocities" in cfg.enc_aux_feats: enc_feats.append( tf.one_hot(velocities, cfg.data_max_discrete_velocities + 1)) enc_feats = tf.concat(enc_feats, axis=2) with tf.variable_scope("encoder"): enc_stp, enc_seq = simple_lstm_encoder( enc_feats, seq_lens, rnn_celltype=cfg.rnn_celltype, rnn_nlayers=cfg.rnn_nlayers, rnn_nunits=cfg.rnn_nunits, rnn_bidirectional=cfg.enc_rnn_bidirectional, dtype=dtype) latents = [] # Step embeddings (single vector per timestep) if cfg.stp_emb_unconstrained: with tf.variable_scope("stp_emb_unconstrained"): stp_emb_unconstrained = tf.layers.dense( enc_stp, cfg.stp_emb_unconstrained_embedding_dim) out_dict["stp_emb_unconstrained"] = stp_emb_unconstrained latents.append(stp_emb_unconstrained) # Quantized step embeddings with VQ-VAE if cfg.stp_emb_vq: import sonnet as snt # pylint:disable=g-import-not-at-top,import-outside-toplevel with tf.variable_scope("stp_emb_vq"): with tf.variable_scope("pre_vq"): # pre_vq_encoding is tf.float32 of [batch_size, seq_len, embedding_dim] pre_vq_encoding = tf.layers.dense(enc_stp, cfg.stp_emb_vq_embedding_dim) with tf.variable_scope("quantizer"): assert stp_varlen_mask is None vq_vae = snt.nets.VectorQuantizer( embedding_dim=cfg.stp_emb_vq_embedding_dim, num_embeddings=cfg.stp_emb_vq_codebook_size, commitment_cost=cfg.stp_emb_vq_commitment_cost) vq_vae_output = vq_vae(pre_vq_encoding, is_training=is_training) stp_emb_vq_quantized = vq_vae_output["quantize"] stp_emb_vq_discrete = tf.reshape( tf.argmax(vq_vae_output["encodings"], axis=1, output_type=tf.int32), [batch_size, seq_len]) stp_emb_vq_codebook = tf.transpose(vq_vae.embeddings) out_dict["stp_emb_vq_quantized"] = stp_emb_vq_quantized out_dict["stp_emb_vq_discrete"] = stp_emb_vq_discrete out_dict["stp_emb_vq_loss"] = vq_vae_output["loss"] out_dict["stp_emb_vq_codebook"] = stp_emb_vq_codebook out_dict["stp_emb_vq_codebook_ppl"] = vq_vae_output["perplexity"] latents.append(stp_emb_vq_quantized) # This tensor retrieves continuous embeddings from codebook. It should # *never* be used during training. out_dict["stp_emb_vq_quantized_lookup"] = tf.nn.embedding_lookup( stp_emb_vq_codebook, stp_emb_vq_discrete) # Integer-quantized step embeddings with straight-through if cfg.stp_emb_iq: with tf.variable_scope("stp_emb_iq"): with tf.variable_scope("pre_iq"): # pre_iq_encoding is tf.float32 of [batch_size, seq_len] pre_iq_encoding = tf.layers.dense(enc_stp, 1)[:, :, 0] def iqst(x, n): """Integer quantization with straight-through estimator.""" eps = 1e-7 s = float(n - 1) xp = tf.clip_by_value((x + 1) / 2.0, -eps, 1 + eps) xpp = tf.round(s * xp) xppp = 2 * (xpp / s) - 1 return xpp, x + tf.stop_gradient(xppp - x) with tf.variable_scope("quantizer"): # Pass rounded vals to decoder w/ straight-through estimator stp_emb_iq_discrete_f, stp_emb_iq_discrete_rescaled = iqst( pre_iq_encoding, cfg.stp_emb_iq_nbins) stp_emb_iq_discrete = tf.cast(stp_emb_iq_discrete_f + 1e-4, tf.int32) stp_emb_iq_discrete_f = tf.cast(stp_emb_iq_discrete, tf.float32) stp_emb_iq_quantized = tf.expand_dims( stp_emb_iq_discrete_rescaled, axis=2) # Determine which elements round to valid indices stp_emb_iq_inrange = tf.logical_and( tf.greater_equal(pre_iq_encoding, -1), tf.less_equal(pre_iq_encoding, 1)) stp_emb_iq_inrange_mask = tf.cast(stp_emb_iq_inrange, tf.float32) stp_emb_iq_valid_p = weighted_avg(stp_emb_iq_inrange_mask, stp_varlen_mask) # Regularize to encourage encoder to output in range stp_emb_iq_range_penalty = weighted_avg( tf.square(tf.maximum(tf.abs(pre_iq_encoding) - 1, 0)), stp_varlen_mask) # Regularize to correlate latent finite differences to input stp_emb_iq_dlatents = pre_iq_encoding[:, 1:] - pre_iq_encoding[:, : -1] if cfg.stp_emb_iq_contour_dy_scalar: stp_emb_iq_dnotes = pitches_scalar[:, 1:] - pitches_scalar[:, : -1] else: stp_emb_iq_dnotes = tf.cast( pitches[:, 1:] - pitches[:, :-1], tf.float32) if cfg.stp_emb_iq_contour_exp == 1: power_func = tf.identity elif cfg.stp_emb_iq_contour_exp == 2: power_func = tf.square else: raise NotImplementedError() if cfg.stp_emb_iq_contour_comp == "product": comp_func = tf.multiply elif cfg.stp_emb_iq_contour_comp == "quotient": comp_func = lambda x, y: tf.divide(x, y + 1e-6) else: raise NotImplementedError() stp_emb_iq_contour_penalty = weighted_avg( power_func( tf.maximum( cfg.stp_emb_iq_contour_margin - comp_func(stp_emb_iq_dnotes, stp_emb_iq_dlatents), 0)), None if stp_varlen_mask is None else stp_varlen_mask[:, 1:]) # Regularize to maintain note consistency stp_emb_iq_note_held = tf.cast( tf.equal(pitches[:, 1:] - pitches[:, :-1], 0), tf.float32) if cfg.stp_emb_iq_deviate_exp == 1: power_func = tf.abs elif cfg.stp_emb_iq_deviate_exp == 2: power_func = tf.square if stp_varlen_mask is None: mask = stp_emb_iq_note_held else: mask = stp_varlen_mask[:, 1:] * stp_emb_iq_note_held stp_emb_iq_deviate_penalty = weighted_avg( power_func(stp_emb_iq_dlatents), mask) # Calculate perplexity of discrete encoder posterior if stp_varlen_mask is None: mask = stp_emb_iq_inrange_mask else: mask = stp_varlen_mask * stp_emb_iq_inrange_mask stp_emb_iq_discrete_oh = tf.one_hot(stp_emb_iq_discrete, cfg.stp_emb_iq_nbins) stp_emb_iq_avg_probs = weighted_avg(stp_emb_iq_discrete_oh, mask, axis=[0, 1], expand_mask=True) stp_emb_iq_discrete_ppl = tf.exp( -tf.reduce_sum(stp_emb_iq_avg_probs * tf.log(stp_emb_iq_avg_probs + 1e-10))) out_dict["stp_emb_iq_quantized"] = stp_emb_iq_quantized out_dict["stp_emb_iq_discrete"] = stp_emb_iq_discrete out_dict["stp_emb_iq_valid_p"] = stp_emb_iq_valid_p out_dict["stp_emb_iq_range_penalty"] = stp_emb_iq_range_penalty out_dict["stp_emb_iq_contour_penalty"] = stp_emb_iq_contour_penalty out_dict["stp_emb_iq_deviate_penalty"] = stp_emb_iq_deviate_penalty out_dict["stp_emb_iq_discrete_ppl"] = stp_emb_iq_discrete_ppl latents.append(stp_emb_iq_quantized) # This tensor converts discrete values to continuous. # It should *never* be used during training. out_dict["stp_emb_iq_quantized_lookup"] = tf.expand_dims( 2. * (stp_emb_iq_discrete_f / (cfg.stp_emb_iq_nbins - 1.)) - 1., axis=2) # Sequence embedding (single vector per sequence) if cfg.seq_emb_unconstrained: with tf.variable_scope("seq_emb_unconstrained"): seq_emb_unconstrained = tf.layers.dense( enc_seq, cfg.seq_emb_unconstrained_embedding_dim) out_dict["seq_emb_unconstrained"] = seq_emb_unconstrained seq_emb_unconstrained = tf.stack([seq_emb_unconstrained] * seq_len, axis=1) latents.append(seq_emb_unconstrained) # Sequence embeddings (variational w/ reparameterization trick) if cfg.seq_emb_vae: with tf.variable_scope("seq_emb_vae"): seq_emb_vae = tf.layers.dense(enc_seq, cfg.seq_emb_vae_embedding_dim * 2) mean = seq_emb_vae[:, :cfg.seq_emb_vae_embedding_dim] stddev = 1e-6 + tf.nn.softplus( seq_emb_vae[:, cfg.seq_emb_vae_embedding_dim:]) seq_emb_vae = mean + stddev * tf.random_normal( tf.shape(mean), 0, 1, dtype=dtype) kl = tf.reduce_mean( 0.5 * tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(mean) + tf.square(stddev) - tf.log(1e-8 + tf.square(stddev)) - 1, axis=1)) out_dict["seq_emb_vae"] = seq_emb_vae out_dict["seq_emb_vae_kl"] = kl seq_emb_vae = tf.stack([seq_emb_vae] * seq_len, axis=1) latents.append(seq_emb_vae) # Low-rate embeddings if cfg.lor_emb_unconstrained: assert seq_len % cfg.lor_emb_n == 0 with tf.variable_scope("lor_emb_unconstrained"): # Downsample step embeddings rnn_embedding_dim = int(enc_stp.get_shape()[-1]) enc_lor = tf.reshape(enc_stp, [ batch_size, seq_len // cfg.lor_emb_n, cfg.lor_emb_n * rnn_embedding_dim ]) lor_emb_unconstrained = tf.layers.dense( enc_lor, cfg.lor_emb_unconstrained_embedding_dim) out_dict["lor_emb_unconstrained"] = lor_emb_unconstrained # Upsample lo-rate embeddings for decoding lor_emb_unconstrained = tf.expand_dims(lor_emb_unconstrained, axis=2) lor_emb_unconstrained = tf.tile(lor_emb_unconstrained, [1, 1, cfg.lor_emb_n, 1]) lor_emb_unconstrained = tf.reshape( lor_emb_unconstrained, [batch_size, seq_len, cfg.lor_emb_unconstrained_embedding_dim]) latents.append(lor_emb_unconstrained) # Build decoder features dec_feats = latents if cfg.dec_autoregressive: # Retrieve pitch numbers curr_pitches = pitches last_pitches = curr_pitches[:, :-1] last_pitches = tf.pad(last_pitches, [[0, 0], [1, 0]], constant_values=-1) # Prepend <SOS> token out_dict["dec_last_pitches"] = last_pitches dec_feats.append(tf.one_hot(last_pitches + 1, 89)) if cfg.dec_pred_velocity: curr_velocities = velocities last_velocities = curr_velocities[:, :-1] last_velocities = tf.pad(last_velocities, [[0, 0], [1, 0]]) dec_feats.append( tf.one_hot(last_velocities, cfg.data_max_discrete_velocities + 1)) if "delta_times_int" in cfg.dec_aux_feats: dec_feats.append( tf.one_hot(feat_dict["delta_times_int"], cfg.data_max_discrete_times + 1)) if "velocities" in cfg.dec_aux_feats: assert not cfg.dec_pred_velocity dec_feats.append( tf.one_hot(feat_dict["velocities"], cfg.data_max_discrete_velocities + 1)) assert dec_feats dec_feats = tf.concat(dec_feats, axis=2) # Decode with tf.variable_scope("decoder"): dec_stp, dec_initial_state, dec_final_state = simple_lstm_decoder( dec_feats, seq_lens, batch_size, rnn_celltype=cfg.rnn_celltype, rnn_nlayers=cfg.rnn_nlayers, rnn_nunits=cfg.rnn_nunits) with tf.variable_scope("pitches"): dec_recons_logits = tf.layers.dense(dec_stp, 88) dec_recons_loss = weighted_avg( tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits( logits=dec_recons_logits, labels=pitches), stp_varlen_mask) out_dict["dec_initial_state"] = dec_initial_state out_dict["dec_final_state"] = dec_final_state out_dict["dec_recons_logits"] = dec_recons_logits out_dict["dec_recons_scores"] = tf.nn.softmax(dec_recons_logits, axis=-1) out_dict["dec_recons_preds"] = tf.argmax(dec_recons_logits, output_type=tf.int32, axis=-1) out_dict["dec_recons_midi_preds"] = util.remidify( out_dict["dec_recons_preds"]) out_dict["dec_recons_loss"] = dec_recons_loss if cfg.dec_pred_velocity: with tf.variable_scope("velocities"): dec_recons_velocity_logits = tf.layers.dense( dec_stp, cfg.data_max_discrete_velocities + 1) dec_recons_velocity_loss = weighted_avg( tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits( logits=dec_recons_velocity_logits, labels=velocities), stp_varlen_mask) out_dict["dec_recons_velocity_logits"] = dec_recons_velocity_logits out_dict["dec_recons_velocity_loss"] = dec_recons_velocity_loss # Stats if cfg.stp_emb_vq or cfg.stp_emb_iq: discrete = out_dict["stp_emb_vq_discrete" if cfg. stp_emb_vq else "stp_emb_iq_discrete"] dx = pitches[:, 1:] - pitches[:, :-1] dy = discrete[:, 1:] - discrete[:, :-1] contour_violation = tf.reduce_mean( tf.cast(tf.less(dx * dy, 0), tf.float32)) dx_hold = tf.equal(dx, 0) deviate_violation = weighted_avg( tf.cast(tf.not_equal(dy, 0), tf.float32), tf.cast(dx_hold, tf.float32)) out_dict["contour_violation"] = contour_violation out_dict["deviate_violation"] = deviate_violation return out_dict
def _prepare_groundtruth_for_eval(detection_model, class_agnostic, max_number_of_boxes): """Extracts groundtruth data from detection_model and prepares it for eval. Args: detection_model: A `DetectionModel` object. class_agnostic: Whether the detections are class_agnostic. max_number_of_boxes: Max number of groundtruth boxes. Returns: A tuple of: groundtruth: Dictionary with the following fields: 'groundtruth_boxes': [batch_size, num_boxes, 4] float32 tensor of boxes, in normalized coordinates. 'groundtruth_classes': [batch_size, num_boxes] int64 tensor of 1-indexed classes. 'groundtruth_masks': 4D float32 tensor of instance masks (if provided in groundtruth) 'groundtruth_is_crowd': [batch_size, num_boxes] bool tensor indicating is_crowd annotations (if provided in groundtruth). 'groundtruth_area': [batch_size, num_boxes] float32 tensor indicating the area (in the original absolute coordinates) of annotations (if provided in groundtruth). 'num_groundtruth_boxes': [batch_size] tensor containing the maximum number of groundtruth boxes per image.. 'groundtruth_keypoints': [batch_size, num_boxes, num_keypoints, 2] float32 tensor of keypoints (if provided in groundtruth). 'groundtruth_dp_num_points_list': [batch_size, num_boxes] int32 tensor with the number of DensePose points for each instance (if provided in groundtruth). 'groundtruth_dp_part_ids_list': [batch_size, num_boxes, max_sampled_points] int32 tensor with the part ids for each DensePose sampled point (if provided in groundtruth). 'groundtruth_dp_surface_coords_list': [batch_size, num_boxes, max_sampled_points, 4] containing the DensePose surface coordinates for each sampled point (if provided in groundtruth). 'groundtruth_track_ids_list': [batch_size, num_boxes] int32 tensor with track ID for each instance (if provided in groundtruth). 'groundtruth_group_of': [batch_size, num_boxes] bool tensor indicating group_of annotations (if provided in groundtruth). 'groundtruth_labeled_classes': [batch_size, num_classes] int64 tensor of 1-indexed classes. class_agnostic: Boolean indicating whether detections are class agnostic. """ input_data_fields = fields.InputDataFields() groundtruth_boxes = tf.stack( detection_model.groundtruth_lists(fields.BoxListFields.boxes)) groundtruth_boxes_shape = tf.shape(groundtruth_boxes) # For class-agnostic models, groundtruth one-hot encodings collapse to all # ones. if class_agnostic: groundtruth_classes_one_hot = tf.ones( [groundtruth_boxes_shape[0], groundtruth_boxes_shape[1], 1]) else: groundtruth_classes_one_hot = tf.stack( detection_model.groundtruth_lists(fields.BoxListFields.classes)) label_id_offset = 1 # Applying label id offset (b/63711816) groundtruth_classes = (tf.argmax(groundtruth_classes_one_hot, axis=2) + label_id_offset) groundtruth = { input_data_fields.groundtruth_boxes: groundtruth_boxes, input_data_fields.groundtruth_classes: groundtruth_classes } if detection_model.groundtruth_has_field(fields.BoxListFields.masks): groundtruth[input_data_fields.groundtruth_instance_masks] = tf.stack( detection_model.groundtruth_lists(fields.BoxListFields.masks)) if detection_model.groundtruth_has_field(fields.BoxListFields.is_crowd): groundtruth[input_data_fields.groundtruth_is_crowd] = tf.stack( detection_model.groundtruth_lists(fields.BoxListFields.is_crowd)) if detection_model.groundtruth_has_field( input_data_fields.groundtruth_area): groundtruth[input_data_fields.groundtruth_area] = tf.stack( detection_model.groundtruth_lists( input_data_fields.groundtruth_area)) if detection_model.groundtruth_has_field(fields.BoxListFields.keypoints): groundtruth[input_data_fields.groundtruth_keypoints] = tf.stack( detection_model.groundtruth_lists(fields.BoxListFields.keypoints)) if detection_model.groundtruth_has_field( fields.BoxListFields.keypoint_visibilities): groundtruth[ input_data_fields.groundtruth_keypoint_visibilities] = tf.stack( detection_model.groundtruth_lists( fields.BoxListFields.keypoint_visibilities)) if detection_model.groundtruth_has_field(fields.BoxListFields.group_of): groundtruth[input_data_fields.groundtruth_group_of] = tf.stack( detection_model.groundtruth_lists(fields.BoxListFields.group_of)) if detection_model.groundtruth_has_field( fields.InputDataFields.groundtruth_labeled_classes): labeled_classes_list = detection_model.groundtruth_lists( fields.InputDataFields.groundtruth_labeled_classes) labeled_classes = [ tf.where(x)[:, 0] + label_id_offset for x in labeled_classes_list ] if len(labeled_classes) > 1: num_classes = labeled_classes_list[0].shape[0] padded_labeled_classes = [] for x in labeled_classes: padding = num_classes - tf.shape(x)[0] padded_labeled_classes.append(tf.pad(x, [[0, padding]])) groundtruth[ input_data_fields.groundtruth_labeled_classes] = tf.stack( padded_labeled_classes) else: groundtruth[ input_data_fields.groundtruth_labeled_classes] = tf.stack( labeled_classes) if detection_model.groundtruth_has_field( fields.BoxListFields.densepose_num_points): groundtruth[input_data_fields.groundtruth_dp_num_points] = tf.stack( detection_model.groundtruth_lists( fields.BoxListFields.densepose_num_points)) if detection_model.groundtruth_has_field( fields.BoxListFields.densepose_part_ids): groundtruth[input_data_fields.groundtruth_dp_part_ids] = tf.stack( detection_model.groundtruth_lists( fields.BoxListFields.densepose_part_ids)) if detection_model.groundtruth_has_field( fields.BoxListFields.densepose_surface_coords): groundtruth[ input_data_fields.groundtruth_dp_surface_coords] = tf.stack( detection_model.groundtruth_lists( fields.BoxListFields.densepose_surface_coords)) if detection_model.groundtruth_has_field(fields.BoxListFields.track_ids): groundtruth[input_data_fields.groundtruth_track_ids] = tf.stack( detection_model.groundtruth_lists(fields.BoxListFields.track_ids)) groundtruth[input_data_fields.num_groundtruth_boxes] = (tf.tile( [max_number_of_boxes], multiples=[groundtruth_boxes_shape[0]])) return groundtruth
def call(self, logits, annotation_begins, annotation_ends, annotation_labels, block_ids, num_replicas=None, eps=0): """Calls the layer. Args: logits: <float32>[batch_size, main_seq_len, 2] Logits per position. annotation_begins: <int32>[batch_size, main_seq_len] Positions of beginnings of answer spans. annotation_ends: <int32>[batch_size, main_seq_len] Positions of endings of answer spans. annotation_labels: <int32>[batch_size, main_seq_len] Positions of labels of answer spans. Label is 0 when the span is a placeholder one (included only for padding purposes) and should be ignored. block_ids: <int32>[batch_size] Block IDs of every sample in the batch. num_replicas: Number of replicas to gather summaries from. If None (default) then cross-replicas summaries are not used. eps: <float> Small constant for numerical stability. Returns: total_loss: <float> """ seq_length = tf.shape(logits)[1] # (1) Aggregate block_ids across global batch. Compute cross block mask. all_block_ids = block_ids if num_replicas: all_block_ids = tpu_utils.cross_replica_concat( tensor=all_block_ids, num_replicas=num_replicas, name='block_ids_concat') # [batch_size, global_batch_size] cross_blocks_eq_mask = tf.cast( tf.equal( tf.expand_dims(block_ids, 1), tf.expand_dims(all_block_ids, 0)), tf.float32) # (2) Apply softmax over all positions in the (global) batch # across the blocks with the same `block_id`. # [batch_size, seq_len, 2] probs = cross_batch_softmax(logits, cross_blocks_eq_mask, num_replicas) # (3) Prepare one-hot labels based on annotation begins and ends # [batch_size, seq_len, 1] annotation_begins_one_hot = _one_hot_multi( annotation_begins, annotation_labels > 0, seq_length, ) # [batch_size, seq_len, 1] annotation_ends_one_hot = _one_hot_multi( annotation_ends, annotation_labels > 0, seq_length, ) # [batch_size, seq_len, 2] one_hot_labels = tf.concat( [annotation_begins_one_hot, annotation_ends_one_hot], 2) # (4) Compute the probability of the current begin / end positions across # the blocks with the same `block_id`. # [batch_size, 2] correct_probs = tf.reduce_sum(probs * one_hot_labels, axis=1) if num_replicas: # [global_batch_size, 2] correct_probs = tpu_utils.cross_replica_concat( tensor=correct_probs, num_replicas=num_replicas, name='correct_probs_concat') # [batch_size, 2] correct_probs = tf.matmul(cross_blocks_eq_mask, correct_probs) # (5) Compute log probability. We allow cases when there are no correct # labels not only for the current sample, but for the whole document # across the whole batch. In that case the probability of the correct label # would be 0 and the loss would be infinite. Therefore, we just do not # compute loss on these documents. # [batch_size, 1] num_annotations_per_sample = tf.reduce_sum( annotation_labels, 1, keepdims=True) if num_replicas: # [global_batch_size, 1] num_annotations_per_sample = tpu_utils.cross_replica_concat( tensor=num_annotations_per_sample, num_replicas=num_replicas, name='num_annotations_per_sample_concat') # [batch_size, 1] num_annotations_per_doc = tf.matmul( cross_blocks_eq_mask, tf.cast(num_annotations_per_sample, tf.float32)) # [batch_size, 2] doc_with_annotations_mask = tf.stop_gradient( tf.cast(tf.tile(num_annotations_per_doc > 0, [1, 2]), tf.float32)) doc_without_annotations_mask = tf.stop_gradient(1 - doc_with_annotations_mask) log_correct_probs = tf.log( correct_probs + eps + doc_without_annotations_mask) * doc_with_annotations_mask # (6) Divide by the number of blocks per block_id # If there are K blocks with the same block_id, then on step (4) we'll # compute loss for this document K times. So we need to divide it back by K. # [batch_size, 2] log_correct_probs /= tf.reduce_sum(cross_blocks_eq_mask, 1, keepdims=True) # (7) Sum over blocks and begin/end predictions loss = -tf.reduce_sum(log_correct_probs) return loss
def compute_embedding_contrastive_loss( inf_embedding, con_embedding, positives=None, contrastive_loss_mode='both_directions'): """Compute triplet loss between inference and condition_embeddings. Expects embeddings to be L2-normalized. Args: inf_embedding: A rank 3 tensor: [num_tasks, num_inf_episodes, K]. con_embedding: A rank 3 tensor: [num_tasks, num_con_episodes, K]. positives: (Optional). A rank 1 bool tensor: [num_tasks]. If provided, instead of assigning positives to just the 1st task in the batch, it uses the positives given. Positives should be defined as if the 1st task was the anchor. When not provided, the 1st con_embedding is positive and every other con_embedding is negatives. contrastive_loss_mode: Which contrastive loss function to use. Returns: The contrastive loss computed using the task zero inf_embedding and each of the `num_tasks` con_embeddings. """ if len(inf_embedding.shape) != 3: raise ValueError('Unexpected inf_embedding shape: {}.'.format( inf_embedding.shape)) if len(con_embedding.shape) != 3: raise ValueError('Unexpected con_embedding shape: {}.'.format( con_embedding.shape)) avg_inf_embedding = tf.reduce_mean(inf_embedding, axis=1) avg_con_embedding = tf.reduce_mean(con_embedding, axis=1) anchor = avg_inf_embedding[0:1] if positives is not None: labels = positives else: labels = tf.math.equal(tf.range(tf.shape(avg_con_embedding)[0]), 0) # Unlike TEC paper, use standard contrastive loss. # This does L2 distance in space if contrastive_loss_mode == 'default': # anchor_inf --> con embeddings embed_loss = slim_losses.metric_learning.contrastive_loss( labels, anchor, avg_con_embedding) elif contrastive_loss_mode == 'both_directions': # anchor_inf --> con embeddings and anchor_con --> inf embeddings. # Since data is paired, we know we can reuse the labels. # Seems to perform best. embed_loss1 = slim_losses.metric_learning.contrastive_loss( labels, anchor, avg_con_embedding) anchor_cond = avg_con_embedding[0:1] embed_loss2 = slim_losses.metric_learning.contrastive_loss( labels, anchor_cond, avg_inf_embedding) embed_loss = embed_loss1 + embed_loss2 elif contrastive_loss_mode == 'reverse_direction': # anchor_con --> inf embeddings. anchor_cond = avg_con_embedding[0:1] embed_loss = slim_losses.metric_learning.contrastive_loss( labels, anchor_cond, avg_inf_embedding) elif contrastive_loss_mode == 'cross_entropy': # softmax(temperature * z^T c), does both directions by default. # # This should be similar to the InfoNCE contrastive loss, but is slightly # different because entries in the same batch may be for the same task. # # Performance untested. temperature = 2 anchor_cond = avg_con_embedding[0:1] cosine_sim = tf.reduce_sum(anchor * avg_con_embedding, axis=1) loss1 = tf.keras.losses.binary_crossentropy(labels, temperature * cosine_sim, from_logits=True) cosine_sim_2 = tf.reduce_sum(anchor_cond * avg_inf_embedding, axis=1) loss2 = tf.keras.losses.binary_crossentropy(labels, temperature * cosine_sim_2, from_logits=True) embed_loss = loss1 + loss2 elif contrastive_loss_mode == 'triplet': if positives is None: # Triplet loss requires a different labeling scheme than the other losses. # Assume unique-task pairing scheme [0, 1, 2, ..., N, 0, 1, 2, ..., N]. positives = tf.range(avg_inf_embedding.shape[0], dtype=tf.int32) labels = tf.tile(positives, [2]) embeds = tf.concat([avg_inf_embedding, avg_con_embedding], axis=0) embed_loss = slim_losses.metric_learning.triplet_semihard_loss( labels, embeds, margin=3.0) else: raise ValueError('Did not understand contrastive_loss_mode') return embed_loss
def __init__(self, dataset, parameters): self.verbose = False self.feature_vector_length=parameters['Feature_vector_length'] # Placeholders for input, output and dropout self.input_token_indices = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None], name="input_token_indices") self.input_label_indices_vector = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, dataset.number_of_classes], name="input_label_indices_vector") self.input_label_indices_flat = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None], name="input_label_indices_flat") self.input_token_character_indices = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None, None], name="input_token_indices") self.input_token_lengths = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None], name="input_token_lengths") self.dropout_keep_prob = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name="dropout_keep_prob") self.input_features=tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None,self.feature_vector_length], name="features") self.vocabulary_size=dataset.vocabulary_size # Internal parameters #initializer = tf.contrib.layers.xavier_initializer() initializer = tf.glorot_uniform_initializer() if parameters['use_character_lstm']: with tf.variable_scope("character_embedding"): self.character_embedding_weights = tf.get_variable( "character_embedding_weights", shape=[dataset.alphabet_size, parameters['character_embedding_dimension']], initializer=initializer) embedded_characters = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(self.character_embedding_weights, self.input_token_character_indices, name='embedded_characters') if self.verbose: print("embedded_characters: {0}".format(embedded_characters)) # utils_tf.variable_summaries(self.character_embedding_weights) # Character LSTM layer with tf.variable_scope('character_lstm') as vs: if parameters['Use_LSTM']==True: character_lstm_output = bidirectional_LSTM(embedded_characters, parameters['character_lstm_hidden_state_dimension'], initializer, sequence_length=self.input_token_lengths, output_sequence=False) self.character_lstm_variables = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES, else: character_lstm_output = bidirectional_GRU(embedded_characters, parameters['character_lstm_hidden_state_dimension'], initializer, sequence_length=self.input_token_lengths, output_sequence=False) # Attention, not implemented # with tf.variable_scope('attention') as scope: # word_level_output = task_specific_attention(character_lstm_output,dataset.token_lengths,scope=scope) # print (w) # sentence_inputs = tf.reshape(word_level_output, [self.document_size, self.sentence_size, self.word_output_size]) # Token embedding layer with tf.variable_scope("token_embedding"): self.token_embedding_weights = tf.get_variable( "token_embedding_weights", shape=[dataset.vocabulary_size, parameters['token_embedding_dimension']], initializer=initializer, trainable=not parameters['freeze_token_embeddings']) embedded_tokens = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(self.token_embedding_weights, self.input_token_indices) # utils_tf.variable_summaries(self.token_embedding_weights) # Concatenate character LSTM outputs and token embeddings if parameters['use_character_lstm']: with tf.variable_scope("concatenate_token_and_character_vectors"): if self.verbose: print('embedded_tokens: {0}'.format(embedded_tokens)) token_lstm_input = tf.concat([character_lstm_output, embedded_tokens], axis=1, name='token_lstm_input') if self.verbose: print("token_lstm_input: {0}".format(token_lstm_input)) else: token_lstm_input = embedded_tokens if parameters['use_features_before_final_lstm']: with tf.variable_scope("features_argumentation_pre_LSTM"): token_lstm_input=tf.concat([token_lstm_input, self.input_features], 1) print (token_lstm_input) # Add dropout with tf.variable_scope("dropout"): token_lstm_input_drop = tf.nn.dropout(token_lstm_input, self.dropout_keep_prob, name='token_lstm_input_drop') if self.verbose: print("token_lstm_input_drop: {0}".format(token_lstm_input_drop)) # # Prepare data shape to match `rnn` function requirements # Current data input shape: (batch_size, n_steps, n_input) # Required shape: 'n_steps' tensors list of shape (batch_size, n_input) token_lstm_input_drop_expanded = tf.expand_dims(token_lstm_input_drop, axis=0, name='token_lstm_input_drop_expanded') if self.verbose: print("token_lstm_input_drop_expanded: {0}".format(token_lstm_input_drop_expanded)) #if parameters['use_features_before_final_lstm']: # with tf.variable_scope("features_argumentation_pre_LSTM"): # token_lstm_input_drop_expanded=tf.concat([token_lstm_input_drop_expanded, self.input_features], 1) # print (token_lstm_input_drop_expanded) # Token LSTM layer with tf.variable_scope('token_lstm') as vs: if parameters['Use_LSTM']==True: token_lstm_output = bidirectional_LSTM(token_lstm_input_drop_expanded, parameters['token_lstm_hidden_state_dimension'], initializer, output_sequence=True) else: token_lstm_output = bidirectional_GRU(token_lstm_input_drop_expanded, parameters['token_lstm_hidden_state_dimension'], initializer, output_sequence=True) token_lstm_output_squeezed = tf.squeeze(token_lstm_output, axis=0) self.token_lstm_variables = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES, # Needed only if Bidirectional LSTM is used for token level with tf.variable_scope("feedforward_after_lstm") as vs: W = tf.get_variable( "W", shape=[2 * parameters['token_lstm_hidden_state_dimension'], parameters['token_lstm_hidden_state_dimension']], initializer=initializer) b = tf.Variable(tf.constant(0.0, shape=[parameters['token_lstm_hidden_state_dimension']]), name="bias") outputs = tf.nn.xw_plus_b(token_lstm_output_squeezed, W, b, name="output_before_tanh") outputs = tf.nn.tanh(outputs, name="output_after_tanh") self.token_lstm_variables += tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES, with tf.variable_scope("feedforward_before_crf") as vs: W = tf.get_variable( "W", shape=[parameters['token_lstm_hidden_state_dimension'], dataset.number_of_classes], initializer=initializer) b = tf.Variable(tf.constant(0.0, shape=[dataset.number_of_classes]), name="bias") scores = tf.nn.xw_plus_b(outputs, W, b, name="scores") self.unary_scores = scores self.predictions = tf.argmax(self.unary_scores, 1, name="predictions") #utils_tf.variable_summaries(W) # utils_tf.variable_summaries(b) self.feedforward_variables = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES, # CRF layer parameters['use_crf'] = False # for now if parameters['use_crf']: print ("CRF IS IN USE") with tf.variable_scope("crf") as vs: # Add start and end tokens small_score = -1000.0 large_score = 0.0 sequence_length = tf.shape(self.unary_scores)[0] unary_scores_with_start_and_end = tf.concat([self.unary_scores, tf.tile( tf.constant(small_score, shape=[1, 2]) , [sequence_length, 1])], 1) start_unary_scores = [[small_score] * dataset.number_of_classes + [large_score, small_score]] end_unary_scores = [[small_score] * dataset.number_of_classes + [small_score, large_score]] self.unary_scores = tf.concat([start_unary_scores, unary_scores_with_start_and_end, end_unary_scores], 0) start_index = dataset.number_of_classes end_index = dataset.number_of_classes + 1 input_label_indices_flat_with_start_and_end = tf.concat([ tf.constant(start_index, shape=[1]), self.input_label_indices_flat, tf.constant(end_index, shape=[1]) ], 0) # Apply CRF layer sequence_length = tf.shape(self.unary_scores)[0] sequence_lengths = tf.expand_dims(sequence_length, axis=0, name='sequence_lengths') unary_scores_expanded = tf.expand_dims(self.unary_scores, axis=0, name='unary_scores_expanded') input_label_indices_flat_batch = tf.expand_dims(input_label_indices_flat_with_start_and_end, axis=0, name='input_label_indices_flat_batch') if self.verbose: print('unary_scores_expanded: {0}'.format(unary_scores_expanded)) if self.verbose: print('input_label_indices_flat_batch: {0}'.format(input_label_indices_flat_batch)) if self.verbose: print("sequence_lengths: {0}".format(sequence_lengths)) # # Compute the log-likelihood of the gold sequences and keep the transition params for inference at test time. self.transition_parameters=tf.get_variable( "transitions", shape=[dataset.number_of_classes+2, dataset.number_of_classes+2], initializer=initializer) #utils_tf.variable_summaries(self.transition_parameters) log_likelihood, _ = tf.contrib.crf.crf_log_likelihood( unary_scores_expanded, input_label_indices_flat_batch, sequence_lengths, transition_params=self.transition_parameters) self.loss = tf.reduce_mean(-log_likelihood, name='cross_entropy_mean_loss') self.accuracy = tf.constant(1) self.crf_variables = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES, # LATER FOR RESTORE # Do not use CRF layer else: with tf.variable_scope("crf") as vs: self.transition_parameters = tf.get_variable( "transitions", shape=[dataset.number_of_classes+2, dataset.number_of_classes+2], initializer=initializer) # utils_tf.variable_summaries(self.transition_parameters) self.crf_variables = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES, # Calculate mean cross-entropy loss with tf.variable_scope("loss"): losses = tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=self.unary_scores, labels=self.input_label_indices_vector, name='softmax') self.loss = tf.reduce_mean(losses, name='cross_entropy_mean_loss') with tf.variable_scope("accuracy"): correct_predictions = tf.equal(self.predictions, tf.argmax(self.input_label_indices_vector, 1)) self.accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_predictions, 'float'), name='accuracy') self.define_training_procedure(parameters) self.summary_op = tf.summary.merge_all() self.saver = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=100)
def mel_perf_transformer_encode(encoder_function, perf_inputs, mel_inputs, target_space, hparams, attention_weights=None, features=None, losses=None, prepare_encoder_fn=None, **kwargs): """Encode transformer inputs. Used for melody & performance autoencoder. Performance is mean-aggregated across time and combined with melody in a variety of different ways. Args: encoder_function: the encoder function perf_inputs: Transformer inputs [batch_size, input_length, 1, hidden_dim] which will be flattened along the two spatial dimensions. mel_inputs: Transformer inputs [batch_size, input_length, 1, hidden_dim] which will be flattened along the two spatial dimensions. target_space: scalar, target space ID. hparams: hyperparameters for model. attention_weights: weight to store attention to. features: optionally pass the entire features dictionary as well. This is needed now for "packed" datasets. losses: optional list onto which to append extra training losses prepare_encoder_fn: optional, alternative to transformer_prepare_encoder. **kwargs: additional arguments to pass to encoder_function Returns: Tuple of: encoder_output: Encoder representation. [batch_size, input_length, hidden_dim] encoder_decoder_attention_bias: Bias and mask weights for encoder-decoder attention. [batch_size, input_length] """ perf_inputs = common_layers.flatten4d3d(perf_inputs) mel_inputs = common_layers.flatten4d3d(mel_inputs) if not prepare_encoder_fn: prepare_encoder_fn = transformer_prepare_encoder perf_encoder_input, perf_self_attention_bias, perf_encdec_attention_bias = ( prepare_encoder_fn(perf_inputs, target_space, hparams, features=features, reuse_target_embedding=tf.AUTO_REUSE)) mlperf_log.transformer_print( key=mlperf_log.MODEL_HP_LAYER_POSTPROCESS_DROPOUT, value=hparams.layer_prepostprocess_dropout, hparams=hparams) perf_encoder_input = tf.nn.dropout( perf_encoder_input, 1.0 - hparams.layer_prepostprocess_dropout) perf_attn_bias_for_padding = None # Otherwise the encoder will just use encoder_self_attention_bias. if hparams.unidirectional_encoder: perf_attn_bias_for_padding = perf_encdec_attention_bias # do the same thing for melody mel_encoder_input, mel_self_attention_bias, mel_encdec_attention_bias = ( prepare_encoder_fn(mel_inputs, target_space, hparams, features=features, reuse_target_embedding=tf.AUTO_REUSE)) mlperf_log.transformer_print( key=mlperf_log.MODEL_HP_LAYER_POSTPROCESS_DROPOUT, value=hparams.layer_prepostprocess_dropout, hparams=hparams) mel_encoder_input = tf.nn.dropout( mel_encoder_input, 1.0 - hparams.layer_prepostprocess_dropout) mel_attn_bias_for_padding = None # Otherwise the encoder will just use encoder_self_attention_bias. if hparams.unidirectional_encoder: mel_attn_bias_for_padding = mel_encdec_attention_bias # use the proper encoder function for perf/melody perf_encoder_output = encoder_function( perf_encoder_input, perf_self_attention_bias, hparams, name="perf_encoder", nonpadding=features_to_nonpadding(features, "inputs"), save_weights_to=attention_weights, make_image_summary=not common_layers.is_xla_compiled(), losses=losses, attn_bias_for_padding=perf_attn_bias_for_padding, **kwargs) # same thing for melody mel_encoder_output = encoder_function( mel_encoder_input, mel_self_attention_bias, hparams, name="mel_encoder", nonpadding=features_to_nonpadding(features, "inputs"), save_weights_to=attention_weights, make_image_summary=not common_layers.is_xla_compiled(), losses=losses, attn_bias_for_padding=mel_attn_bias_for_padding, **kwargs) # concatenate the global mean vector/bias term with the full melody encoding perf_mean_vector = tf.math.reduce_mean(perf_encoder_output, axis=1, keep_dims=True) # different methods of aggregating over the performance + melody vectors! if hparams.aggregation == "sum": # add both mean performance and melody vectors together perf_mean_bias = tf.math.reduce_mean(perf_encdec_attention_bias, axis=-1, keep_dims=True) encoder_output = mel_encoder_output + perf_mean_vector encoder_decoder_attention_bias = mel_encdec_attention_bias + perf_mean_bias elif hparams.aggregation == "concat": # concatenate melody with mean-aggregated performance embedding stop_token = tf.zeros((1, 1, 384)) encoder_output = tf.concat( [mel_encoder_output, stop_token, perf_mean_vector], axis=1) perf_mean_bias = tf.math.reduce_mean(perf_encdec_attention_bias, axis=-1, keep_dims=True) stop_bias = tf.zeros((1, 1, 1, 1)) encoder_decoder_attention_bias = tf.concat( [mel_encdec_attention_bias, stop_bias, perf_mean_bias], axis=-1) elif hparams.aggregation == "tile": # tile performance embedding across each dimension of melody embedding! dynamic_val = tf.shape(mel_encoder_output)[1] shp = tf.convert_to_tensor([1, dynamic_val, 1], dtype=tf.int32) tiled_mean = tf.tile(perf_mean_vector, shp) encoder_output = tf.concat([mel_encoder_output, tiled_mean], axis=-1) encoder_decoder_attention_bias = mel_encdec_attention_bias else: NotImplementedError( "aggregation method must be in [sum, concat, tile].") return encoder_output, encoder_decoder_attention_bias
def sample(self, b_enc=None, b_dec=None, n=None, temperature=None): """Generate samples for the batch from the NADE. Args: b_enc: External encoder bias terms (`b` in [1]), sized `[batch_size, num_hidden]`, or None if the internal bias term should be used. b_dec: External decoder bias terms (`c` in [1]), sized `[batch_size, num_dims]`, or None if the internal bias term should be used. n: The number of samples to generate, or None, if the batch size of `b_enc` should be used. temperature: The amount to divide the logits by before sampling each Bernoulli, or None if a threshold of 0.5 should be used instead of sampling. Returns: sample: The generated samples, sized `[batch_size, num_dims]`. log_prob: The log probabilities of each observation in the batch, sized `[batch_size]`. """ b_enc = b_enc if b_enc is not None else self.b_enc b_dec = b_dec if b_dec is not None else self.b_dec batch_size = n or tf.shape(b_enc)[0] # Broadcast if needed. if b_enc.shape[0] == 1 != batch_size: b_enc = tf.tile(b_enc, [batch_size, 1]) if b_dec.shape[0] == 1 != batch_size: b_dec = tf.tile(b_dec, [batch_size, 1]) a_0 = b_enc sample_0 = [] log_p_0 = tf.zeros([batch_size, 1]) w_enc_arr = tf.unstack(self.w_enc) w_dec_arr = tf.unstack(self.w_dec_t) b_dec_arr = tf.unstack( tf.reshape(tf.transpose(b_dec), [self.num_dims, batch_size, 1])) def loop_body(i, a, sample, log_p): """Accumulate hidden state, sample, and log probability for index i.""" # Get weights and bias for time step. w_enc_i = w_enc_arr[i] w_dec_i = w_dec_arr[i] b_dec_i = b_dec_arr[i] cond_p_i, cond_l_i = self._cond_prob(a, w_dec_i, b_dec_i) if temperature is None: v_i = tf.to_float(tf.greater_equal(cond_p_i, 0.5)) else: bernoulli = tfp.distributions.Bernoulli(logits=cond_l_i / temperature, dtype=tf.float32) v_i = bernoulli.sample() # Accumulate sampled values. sample_new = sample + [v_i] # Get log probability for this value. Log space avoids numerical issues. log_p_i = v_i * _safe_log(cond_p_i) + ( 1 - v_i) * _safe_log(1 - cond_p_i) # Accumulate log probability. log_p_new = log_p + log_p_i # Encode value and add to hidden units. a_new = a + tf.matmul(v_i, w_enc_i) return a_new, sample_new, log_p_new a, sample, log_p = a_0, sample_0, log_p_0 for i in range(self.num_dims): a, sample, log_p = loop_body(i, a, sample, log_p) return (tf.transpose(tf.squeeze(tf.stack(sample), [2])), tf.squeeze(log_p, squeeze_dims=[1]))
def get_prediction_module(self, bert_model, features, is_training, percent_done): final_hidden = bert_model.get_sequence_output() final_hidden_shape = modeling.get_shape_list(final_hidden, expected_rank=3) batch_size = final_hidden_shape[0] seq_length = final_hidden_shape[1] answer_mask = tf.cast(features["input_mask"], tf.float32) answer_mask *= tf.cast(features["segment_ids"], tf.float32) answer_mask += tf.one_hot(0, seq_length) start_logits = tf.squeeze(tf.layers.dense(final_hidden, 1), -1) start_top_log_probs = tf.zeros([batch_size, self.config.beam_size]) start_top_index = tf.zeros([batch_size, self.config.beam_size], tf.int32) end_top_log_probs = tf.zeros( [batch_size, self.config.beam_size, self.config.beam_size]) end_top_index = tf.zeros( [batch_size, self.config.beam_size, self.config.beam_size], tf.int32) if self.config.joint_prediction: start_logits += 1000.0 * (answer_mask - 1) start_log_probs = tf.nn.log_softmax(start_logits) start_top_log_probs, start_top_index = tf.nn.top_k( start_log_probs, k=self.config.beam_size) if not is_training: # batch, beam, length, hidden end_features = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(final_hidden, 1), [1, self.config.beam_size, 1, 1]) # batch, beam, length start_index = tf.one_hot(start_top_index, depth=seq_length, axis=-1, dtype=tf.float32) # batch, beam, hidden start_features = tf.reduce_sum( tf.expand_dims(final_hidden, 1) * tf.expand_dims(start_index, -1), axis=-2) # batch, beam, length, hidden start_features = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(start_features, 2), [1, 1, seq_length, 1]) else: start_index = tf.one_hot(features[ + "_start_positions"], depth=seq_length, axis=-1, dtype=tf.float32) start_features = tf.reduce_sum( tf.expand_dims(start_index, -1) * final_hidden, axis=1) start_features = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(start_features, 1), [1, seq_length, 1]) end_features = final_hidden final_repr = tf.concat([start_features, end_features], -1) final_repr = tf.layers.dense(final_repr, 512, activation=modeling.gelu, name="qa_hidden") # batch, beam, length (batch, length when training) end_logits = tf.squeeze(tf.layers.dense(final_repr, 1), -1, name="qa_logits") if is_training: end_logits += 1000.0 * (answer_mask - 1) else: end_logits += tf.expand_dims(1000.0 * (answer_mask - 1), 1) if not is_training: end_log_probs = tf.nn.log_softmax(end_logits) end_top_log_probs, end_top_index = tf.nn.top_k( end_log_probs, k=self.config.beam_size) end_logits = tf.zeros([batch_size, seq_length]) else: end_logits = tf.squeeze(tf.layers.dense(final_hidden, 1), -1) start_logits += 1000.0 * (answer_mask - 1) end_logits += 1000.0 * (answer_mask - 1) def compute_loss(logits, positions): one_hot_positions = tf.one_hot(positions, depth=seq_length, dtype=tf.float32) log_probs = tf.nn.log_softmax(logits, axis=-1) loss = -tf.reduce_sum(one_hot_positions * log_probs, axis=-1) return loss start_positions = features[ + "_start_positions"] end_positions = features[ + "_end_positions"] start_loss = compute_loss(start_logits, start_positions) end_loss = compute_loss(end_logits, end_positions) losses = (start_loss + end_loss) / 2.0 answerable_logit = tf.zeros([batch_size]) if self.config.answerable_classifier: final_repr = final_hidden[:, 0] if self.config.answerable_uses_start_logits: start_p = tf.nn.softmax(start_logits) start_feature = tf.reduce_sum(tf.expand_dims(start_p, -1) * final_hidden, axis=1) final_repr = tf.concat([final_repr, start_feature], -1) final_repr = tf.layers.dense(final_repr, 512, activation=modeling.gelu) answerable_logit = tf.squeeze(tf.layers.dense(final_repr, 1), -1) answerable_loss = tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits( labels=tf.cast(features[ + "_is_impossible"], tf.float32), logits=answerable_logit) losses += answerable_loss * self.config.answerable_weight return losses, dict( loss=losses, start_logits=start_logits, end_logits=end_logits, answerable_logit=answerable_logit, start_positions=features[ + "_start_positions"], end_positions=features[ + "_end_positions"], start_top_log_probs=start_top_log_probs, start_top_index=start_top_index, end_top_log_probs=end_top_log_probs, end_top_index=end_top_index, eid=features[ + "_eid"], )
x_fake, ll_fake = cond_gen(data_train.query[1], z_outer) test_fake_gen = cond_gen(data_test.query[1], mu_test)[0] disc_loss, train_disc = get_disc_loss(cmd_args, x_true, x_fake, score_func, z_outer, neg_kl_outer) gen_loss, train_gen = get_gen_loss(cmd_args, x_fake, ll_fake, score_func, z_outer) # for plot ph_x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, 1)) ph_y = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, 1)) ph_x_plot_cond = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(1, None, 2)) z_plot, _, _, _ = posterior(ph_x_plot_cond) z_plot = tf.tile(z_plot, [tf.shape(ph_x)[0], 1]) x_plot = tf.concat([ph_x, ph_y], axis=-1) x_plot = tf.expand_dims(x_plot, 1) score_plot = score_func(x_plot, z_plot) x_plot_cond = tf.concat([data_plot.query[1], data_plot.target_y], axis=-1) config = tf.ConfigProto() config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True saver = tf.train.Saver() with tf.Session(config=config) as sess: model_dir = os.path.join(cmd_args.save_dir, 'model') if cmd_args.epoch_load >= 0: model_path = os.path.join(model_dir, 'model-%d.ckpt' % cmd_args.epoch_load) saver.restore(sess, model_path)
def _log_prob(self, data, num_samples=1): """Compute a lower bound on the log likelihood.""" # Due to memory issues, we need to use num_samples=1 here num_samples, proposal_num_samples = 1, num_samples batch_size = tf.shape(data)[0] # Sample from the proposal and compute the weighs of the "unseen" samples. # We share these across the batch dimension. # [num_samples, K, data_size] proposal_samples = self.proposal.sample(num_samples * (self.K - 1)) if not self.reparameterize_proposal_samples: proposal_samples = tf.stop_gradient(proposal_samples) # [num_samples, K] log_energy_proposal = tf.reshape( self.energy_fn(tf.reshape(proposal_samples, [-1] + self.data_dim)), [num_samples, self.K - 1]) tf.summary.histogram("log_energy_proposal", log_energy_proposal) tf.summary.scalar("min_log_energy_proposal", tf.reduce_min(log_energy_proposal)) tf.summary.scalar("max_log_energy_proposal", tf.reduce_max(log_energy_proposal)) # [num_samples] proposal_lse = tf.reduce_logsumexp(log_energy_proposal, axis=1) # [batch_size, num_samples] tiled_proposal_lse = tf.tile(proposal_lse[tf.newaxis, :], [batch_size, 1]) # Compute the weights of the observed data. # [batch_size, 1] log_energy_data = tf.reshape(self.energy_fn(data), [batch_size]) tf.summary.histogram("log_energy_data", log_energy_data) tf.summary.scalar("min_log_energy_data", tf.reduce_min(log_energy_data)) tf.summary.scalar("max_log_energy_data", tf.reduce_max(log_energy_data)) # [batch_size, num_samples] tiled_log_energy_data = tf.tile(log_energy_data[:, tf.newaxis], [1, num_samples]) # Add the weights of the proposal samples with the true data weights. # [batch_size, num_samples] # pylint: disable=invalid-name Z_hat = tf.reduce_logsumexp(tf.stack( [tiled_log_energy_data, tiled_proposal_lse], axis=-1), axis=-1) Z_hat -= tf.log(tf.to_float(self.K)) # Perform the log-sum-exp reduction for IWAE # [batch_size] Z_hat = tf.reduce_logsumexp(Z_hat, axis=1) - tf.log( tf.to_float(num_samples)) # pylint: enable=invalid-name try: # Try giving the proposal lower bound num_samples if it can use it. proposal_lp = self.proposal.log_prob( data, num_samples=proposal_num_samples) except TypeError: proposal_lp = self.proposal.log_prob(data) lower_bound = proposal_lp + log_energy_data - Z_hat return lower_bound
def crop_proposal(): rand_vec = lambda minval, maxval: tf.random_uniform(shape=( ssd_constants.NUM_CROP_PASSES, 1), minval=minval, maxval=maxval, dtype=tf.float32) width, height = rand_vec(0.3, 1), rand_vec(0.3, 1) left, top = rand_vec(0, 1 - width), rand_vec(0, 1 - height) right = left + width bottom = top + height ltrb = tf.concat([left, top, right, bottom], axis=1) min_iou = tf.random_shuffle(ssd_constants.CROP_MIN_IOU_CHOICES)[0] ious = calc_iou_tensor(ltrb, boxes) # discard any bboxes whose center not in the cropped image xc, yc = [ tf.tile(0.5 * (boxes[:, i + 0] + boxes[:, i + 2])[tf.newaxis, :], (ssd_constants.NUM_CROP_PASSES, 1)) for i in range(2) ] masks = tf.reduce_all(tf.stack([ tf.greater(xc, tf.tile(left, (1, num_boxes))), tf.less(xc, tf.tile(right, (1, num_boxes))), tf.greater(yc, tf.tile(top, (1, num_boxes))), tf.less(yc, tf.tile(bottom, (1, num_boxes))), ], axis=2), axis=2) # Checks of whether a crop is valid. valid_aspect = tf.logical_and(tf.less(height / width, 2), tf.less(width / height, 2)) valid_ious = tf.reduce_all(tf.greater(ious, min_iou), axis=1, keepdims=True) valid_masks = tf.reduce_any(masks, axis=1, keepdims=True) valid_all = tf.cast( tf.reduce_all(tf.concat([valid_aspect, valid_ious, valid_masks], axis=1), axis=1), tf.int32) # One indexed, as zero is needed for the case of no matches. index = tf.range(1, 1 + ssd_constants.NUM_CROP_PASSES, dtype=tf.int32) # Either one-hot, or zeros if there is no valid crop. selection = tf.equal(tf.reduce_max(index * valid_all), index) use_crop = tf.reduce_any(selection) output_ltrb = tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply( ltrb, tf.tile(tf.cast(selection, tf.float32)[:, tf.newaxis], (1, 4))), axis=0) output_masks = tf.reduce_any(tf.logical_and( masks, tf.tile(selection[:, tf.newaxis], (1, num_boxes))), axis=0) return use_crop, output_ltrb, output_masks
def decode(self, tf_example_string_tensor): """Decodes serialized tensorflow example and returns a tensor dictionary. Args: tf_example_string_tensor: a string tensor holding a serialized tensorflow example proto. Returns: A dictionary of the following tensors. fields.InputDataFields.image - 3D uint8 tensor of shape [None, None, 3] containing image. fields.InputDataFields.original_image_spatial_shape - 1D int32 tensor of shape [2] containing shape of the image. fields.InputDataFields.source_id - string tensor containing original image id. fields.InputDataFields.key - string tensor with unique sha256 hash key. fields.InputDataFields.filename - string tensor with original dataset filename. fields.InputDataFields.groundtruth_boxes - 2D float32 tensor of shape [None, 4] containing box corners. fields.InputDataFields.groundtruth_classes - 1D int64 tensor of shape [None] containing classes for the boxes. fields.InputDataFields.groundtruth_weights - 1D float32 tensor of shape [None] indicating the weights of groundtruth boxes. fields.InputDataFields.groundtruth_area - 1D float32 tensor of shape [None] containing containing object mask area in pixel squared. fields.InputDataFields.groundtruth_is_crowd - 1D bool tensor of shape [None] indicating if the boxes enclose a crowd. Optional: fields.InputDataFields.groundtruth_image_confidences - 1D float tensor of shape [None] indicating if a class is present in the image (1.0) or a class is not present in the image (0.0). fields.InputDataFields.image_additional_channels - 3D uint8 tensor of shape [None, None, num_additional_channels]. 1st dim is height; 2nd dim is width; 3rd dim is the number of additional channels. fields.InputDataFields.groundtruth_difficult - 1D bool tensor of shape [None] indicating if the boxes represent `difficult` instances. fields.InputDataFields.groundtruth_group_of - 1D bool tensor of shape [None] indicating if the boxes represent `group_of` instances. fields.InputDataFields.groundtruth_keypoints - 3D float32 tensor of shape [None, num_keypoints, 2] containing keypoints, where the coordinates of the keypoints are ordered (y, x). fields.InputDataFields.groundtruth_keypoint_visibilities - 2D bool tensor of shape [None, num_keypoints] containing keypoint visibilites. fields.InputDataFields.groundtruth_instance_masks - 3D float32 tensor of shape [None, None, None] containing instance masks. fields.InputDataFields.groundtruth_instance_mask_weights - 1D float32 tensor of shape [None] containing weights. These are typically values in {0.0, 1.0} which indicate whether to consider the mask related to an object. fields.InputDataFields.groundtruth_image_classes - 1D int64 of shape [None] containing classes for the boxes. fields.InputDataFields.multiclass_scores - 1D float32 tensor of shape [None * num_classes] containing flattened multiclass scores for groundtruth boxes. fields.InputDataFields.context_features - 1D float32 tensor of shape [context_feature_length * num_context_features] fields.InputDataFields.context_feature_length - int32 tensor specifying the length of each feature in context_features """ serialized_example = tf.reshape(tf_example_string_tensor, shape=[]) decoder = slim_example_decoder.TFExampleDecoder(self.keys_to_features, self.items_to_handlers) keys = decoder.list_items() tensors = decoder.decode(serialized_example, items=keys) tensor_dict = dict(zip(keys, tensors)) is_crowd = fields.InputDataFields.groundtruth_is_crowd tensor_dict[is_crowd] = tf.cast(tensor_dict[is_crowd], dtype=tf.bool) tensor_dict[fields.InputDataFields.image].set_shape([None, None, 3]) tensor_dict[fields.InputDataFields.original_image_spatial_shape] = tf.shape( tensor_dict[fields.InputDataFields.image])[:2] if fields.InputDataFields.image_additional_channels in tensor_dict: channels = tensor_dict[fields.InputDataFields.image_additional_channels] channels = tf.squeeze(channels, axis=3) channels = tf.transpose(channels, perm=[1, 2, 0]) tensor_dict[fields.InputDataFields.image_additional_channels] = channels def default_groundtruth_weights(): return tf.ones( [tf.shape(tensor_dict[fields.InputDataFields.groundtruth_boxes])[0]], dtype=tf.float32) tensor_dict[fields.InputDataFields.groundtruth_weights] = tf.cond( tf.greater( tf.shape( tensor_dict[fields.InputDataFields.groundtruth_weights])[0], 0), lambda: tensor_dict[fields.InputDataFields.groundtruth_weights], default_groundtruth_weights) if fields.InputDataFields.groundtruth_instance_masks in tensor_dict: gt_instance_masks = tensor_dict[ fields.InputDataFields.groundtruth_instance_masks] num_gt_instance_masks = tf.shape(gt_instance_masks)[0] gt_instance_mask_weights = tensor_dict[ fields.InputDataFields.groundtruth_instance_mask_weights] num_gt_instance_mask_weights = tf.shape(gt_instance_mask_weights)[0] def default_groundtruth_instance_mask_weights(): return tf.ones([num_gt_instance_masks], dtype=tf.float32) tensor_dict[fields.InputDataFields.groundtruth_instance_mask_weights] = ( tf.cond(tf.greater(num_gt_instance_mask_weights, 0), lambda: gt_instance_mask_weights, default_groundtruth_instance_mask_weights)) if fields.InputDataFields.groundtruth_keypoints in tensor_dict: # Set all keypoints that are not labeled to NaN. gt_kpt_fld = fields.InputDataFields.groundtruth_keypoints gt_kpt_vis_fld = fields.InputDataFields.groundtruth_keypoint_visibilities visibilities_tiled = tf.tile( tf.expand_dims(tensor_dict[gt_kpt_vis_fld], -1), [1, 1, 2]) tensor_dict[gt_kpt_fld] = tf.where( visibilities_tiled, tensor_dict[gt_kpt_fld], np.nan * tf.ones_like(tensor_dict[gt_kpt_fld])) if self._expand_hierarchy_labels: input_fields = fields.InputDataFields image_classes, image_confidences = self._expand_image_label_hierarchy( tensor_dict[input_fields.groundtruth_image_classes], tensor_dict[input_fields.groundtruth_image_confidences]) tensor_dict[input_fields.groundtruth_image_classes] = image_classes tensor_dict[input_fields.groundtruth_image_confidences] = ( image_confidences) box_fields = [ fields.InputDataFields.groundtruth_group_of, fields.InputDataFields.groundtruth_is_crowd, fields.InputDataFields.groundtruth_difficult, fields.InputDataFields.groundtruth_area, fields.InputDataFields.groundtruth_boxes, fields.InputDataFields.groundtruth_weights, ] def expand_field(field_name): return self._expansion_box_field_labels( tensor_dict[input_fields.groundtruth_classes], tensor_dict[field_name]) # pylint: disable=cell-var-from-loop for field in box_fields: if field in tensor_dict: tensor_dict[field] = tf.cond( tf.size(tensor_dict[field]) > 0, lambda: expand_field(field), lambda: tensor_dict[field]) # pylint: enable=cell-var-from-loop tensor_dict[input_fields.groundtruth_classes] = ( self._expansion_box_field_labels( tensor_dict[input_fields.groundtruth_classes], tensor_dict[input_fields.groundtruth_classes], True)) if fields.InputDataFields.groundtruth_group_of in tensor_dict: group_of = fields.InputDataFields.groundtruth_group_of tensor_dict[group_of] = tf.cast(tensor_dict[group_of], dtype=tf.bool) if fields.InputDataFields.groundtruth_dp_num_points in tensor_dict: tensor_dict[fields.InputDataFields.groundtruth_dp_num_points] = tf.cast( tensor_dict[fields.InputDataFields.groundtruth_dp_num_points], dtype=tf.int32) tensor_dict[fields.InputDataFields.groundtruth_dp_part_ids] = tf.cast( tensor_dict[fields.InputDataFields.groundtruth_dp_part_ids], dtype=tf.int32) if fields.InputDataFields.groundtruth_track_ids in tensor_dict: tensor_dict[fields.InputDataFields.groundtruth_track_ids] = tf.cast( tensor_dict[fields.InputDataFields.groundtruth_track_ids], dtype=tf.int32) return tensor_dict
def model_fn(features, labels, mode, params): """Model function.""" del labels # ============================== # Input features # ============================== # [batch_size, query_seq_len] query_inputs = features["query_inputs"] # [batch_size, num_candidates, candidate_seq_len] candidate_inputs = features["candidate_inputs"] # [batch_size, num_candidates, query_seq_len + candidate_seq_len] joint_inputs = features["joint_inputs"] # [batch_size, num_masks] mlm_targets = features["mlm_targets"] mlm_positions = features["mlm_positions"] mlm_mask = features["mlm_mask"] # ============================== # Create modules. # ============================== bert_module = hub.Module( spec=params["bert_hub_module_handle"], name="bert", tags={"train"} if mode == tf_estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN else {}, trainable=True) hub.register_module_for_export(bert_module, "bert") embedder_module = hub.Module( spec=params["embedder_hub_module_handle"], name="embedder", tags={"train"} if mode == tf_estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN else {}, trainable=True) hub.register_module_for_export(embedder_module, "embedder") if params["share_embedders"]: query_embedder_module = embedder_module else: query_embedder_module = hub.Module( spec=params["embedder_hub_module_handle"], name="embedder", tags={"train"} if mode == tf_estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN else {}, trainable=True) hub.register_module_for_export(embedder_module, "query_embedder") # ============================== # Retrieve. # ============================== # [batch_size, projected_size] query_emb = query_embedder_module(inputs=dict( input_ids=query_inputs.token_ids, input_mask=query_inputs.mask, segment_ids=query_inputs.segment_ids), signature="projected") # [batch_size * num_candidates, candidate_seq_len] flat_candidate_inputs, unflatten = flatten_bert_inputs(candidate_inputs) # [batch_size * num_candidates, projected_size] flat_candidate_emb = embedder_module(inputs=dict( input_ids=flat_candidate_inputs.token_ids, input_mask=flat_candidate_inputs.mask, segment_ids=flat_candidate_inputs.segment_ids), signature="projected") # [batch_size, num_candidates, projected_size] unflattened_candidate_emb = unflatten(flat_candidate_emb) # [batch_size, num_candidates] retrieval_score = tf.einsum("BD,BND->BN", query_emb, unflattened_candidate_emb) # ============================== # Read. # ============================== # [batch_size * num_candidates, query_seq_len + candidate_seq_len] flat_joint_inputs, unflatten = flatten_bert_inputs(joint_inputs) # [batch_size * num_candidates, num_masks] flat_mlm_positions, _ = tensor_utils.flatten( tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(mlm_positions, 1), [1, params["num_candidates"], 1])) batch_size, num_masks = tensor_utils.shape(mlm_targets) # [batch_size * num_candidates, query_seq_len + candidates_seq_len] flat_joint_bert_outputs = bert_module(inputs=dict( input_ids=flat_joint_inputs.token_ids, input_mask=flat_joint_inputs.mask, segment_ids=flat_joint_inputs.segment_ids, mlm_positions=flat_mlm_positions), signature="mlm", as_dict=True) # [batch_size, num_candidates] candidate_score = retrieval_score # [batch_size, num_candidates] candidate_log_probs = tf.math.log_softmax(candidate_score) # ============================== # Compute marginal log-likelihood. # ============================== # [batch_size * num_candidates, num_masks] flat_mlm_logits = flat_joint_bert_outputs["mlm_logits"] # [batch_size, num_candidates, num_masks, vocab_size] mlm_logits = tf.reshape( flat_mlm_logits, [batch_size, params["num_candidates"], num_masks, -1]) mlm_log_probs = tf.math.log_softmax(mlm_logits) # [batch_size, num_candidates, num_masks] tiled_mlm_targets = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(mlm_targets, 1), [1, params["num_candidates"], 1]) # [batch_size, num_candidates, num_masks, 1] tiled_mlm_targets = tf.expand_dims(tiled_mlm_targets, -1) # [batch_size, num_candidates, num_masks, 1] gold_log_probs = tf.batch_gather(mlm_log_probs, tiled_mlm_targets) # [batch_size, num_candidates, num_masks] gold_log_probs = tf.squeeze(gold_log_probs, -1) # [batch_size, num_candidates, num_masks] joint_gold_log_probs = (tf.expand_dims(candidate_log_probs, -1) + gold_log_probs) # [batch_size, num_masks] marginal_gold_log_probs = tf.reduce_logsumexp(joint_gold_log_probs, 1) # [batch_size, num_masks] float_mlm_mask = tf.cast(mlm_mask, tf.float32) # [] loss = -tf.div_no_nan( tf.reduce_sum(marginal_gold_log_probs * float_mlm_mask), tf.reduce_sum(float_mlm_mask)) # ============================== # Optimization # ============================== num_warmup_steps = min(10000, max(100, int(params["num_train_steps"] / 10))) train_op = optimization.create_optimizer( loss=loss, init_lr=params["learning_rate"], num_train_steps=params["num_train_steps"], num_warmup_steps=num_warmup_steps, use_tpu=params["use_tpu"]) # ============================== # Evaluation # ============================== eval_metric_ops = None if params["use_tpu"] else dict() if mode != tf_estimator.ModeKeys.PREDICT: # [batch_size, num_masks] retrieval_utility = marginal_gold_log_probs - gold_log_probs[:, 0] retrieval_utility *= tf.cast(features["mlm_mask"], tf.float32) # [] retrieval_utility = tf.div_no_nan(tf.reduce_sum(retrieval_utility), tf.reduce_sum(float_mlm_mask)) add_mean_metric("retrieval_utility", retrieval_utility, eval_metric_ops) has_timestamp = tf.cast(tf.greater(features["export_timestamp"], 0), tf.float64) off_policy_delay_secs = ( tf.timestamp() - tf.cast(features["export_timestamp"], tf.float64)) off_policy_delay_mins = off_policy_delay_secs / 60.0 off_policy_delay_mins *= tf.cast(has_timestamp, tf.float64) add_mean_metric("off_policy_delay_mins", off_policy_delay_mins, eval_metric_ops) # Create empty predictions to avoid errors when running in prediction mode. predictions = dict() if params["use_tpu"]: return tf_estimator.tpu.TPUEstimatorSpec(mode=mode, loss=loss, train_op=train_op, predictions=predictions) else: if eval_metric_ops is not None: # Make sure the eval metrics are updated during training so that we get # quick feedback from tensorboard summaries when debugging locally. with tf.control_dependencies( [u for _, u in eval_metric_ops.values()]): loss = tf.identity(loss) return tf_estimator.EstimatorSpec(mode=mode, loss=loss, train_op=train_op, eval_metric_ops=eval_metric_ops, predictions=predictions)
def testCreate_Dual_Approx(self): num_layers = 3 batch_size = 2 action_max = 1.0 action_tensor_center = tf.tile( tf.convert_to_tensor( np.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]).reshape([1, 4]).astype(np.float32)), [2, 1]) W_T_list = [ tf.convert_to_tensor( np.array([[1.0, 2.0, 3.0], [4.0, 5.0, 6.0], [7.0, 8.0, 9.0], [10.0, 11.0, 12.0]]).astype(np.float32)), tf.convert_to_tensor( np.array([[-1.0], [-3.0], [-5.0]]).astype(np.float32)) ] b_T_list = [ tf.tile( tf.convert_to_tensor( np.array([1.0, -0.5, 0.1]).reshape([1, 3]).astype(np.float32)), [2, 1]), tf.tile( tf.convert_to_tensor( np.array([2.0]).reshape([1, 1]).astype(np.float32)), [2, 1]) ] (neg_J_tilde, l_list, u_list, D_list, Nu_list, gamma_list, psi, l_ip1, u_ip1, Nu_hat_1) = dual_method.create_dual_approx(num_layers, batch_size, action_max, W_T_list, b_T_list, action_tensor_center, return_full_info=True) self.assertIsInstance(neg_J_tilde, tf.Tensor) self.assertEqual((2, 1), neg_J_tilde.shape) self.assertIsInstance(l_list, list) self.assertEqual(num_layers - 1, len(l_list)) for itr, ele in enumerate(l_list): self.assertIsInstance(ele, tf.Tensor) if itr == 0: self.assertEqual((2, 4), ele.shape) elif itr == 1: self.assertEqual((2, 3), ele.shape) self.assertIsInstance(u_list, list) self.assertEqual(num_layers - 1, len(u_list)) for itr, ele in enumerate(u_list): self.assertIsInstance(ele, tf.Tensor) if itr == 0: self.assertEqual((2, 4), ele.shape) elif itr == 1: self.assertEqual((2, 3), ele.shape) self.assertIsInstance(D_list, list) self.assertEqual(num_layers - 1, len(D_list)) for itr, ele in enumerate(D_list): self.assertIsInstance(ele, tf.Tensor) if itr == 0: self.assertEqual((2, 4), ele.shape) elif itr == 1: self.assertEqual((2, 3), ele.shape) self.assertIsInstance(Nu_list, list) self.assertEqual(num_layers - 1, len(Nu_list)) for itr, ele in enumerate(Nu_list): self.assertIsInstance(ele, tf.Tensor) if itr == 0: self.assertEqual((2, 3, 1), ele.shape) elif itr == 1: self.assertEqual((2, 3, 1), ele.shape) self.assertIsInstance(gamma_list, list) self.assertEqual(num_layers - 1, len(gamma_list)) for ele in gamma_list: self.assertIsInstance(ele, tf.Tensor) self.assertEqual((2, 1), ele.shape) self.assertIsInstance(psi, tf.Tensor) self.assertEqual((2, 1), psi.shape) self.assertIsInstance(l_ip1, tf.Tensor) self.assertEqual((2, 1), l_ip1.shape) self.assertIsInstance(u_ip1, tf.Tensor) self.assertEqual((2, 1), u_ip1.shape) self.assertIsInstance(Nu_hat_1, tf.Tensor) self.assertEqual((2, 4, 1), Nu_hat_1.shape) neg_J_tilde_np = l_list_np = u_list_np = D_list_np = Nu_list_np = gamma_list_np = psi_np = l_ip1_np = u_ip1_np = Nu_hat_1_np = self.assertArrayNear(np.array([[-508.], [-508.]]).flatten(), neg_J_tilde_np.flatten(), err=1e-4) for itr, ele in enumerate(l_list_np): if itr == 0: print(ele) self.assertArrayNear(np.array([[0., 0., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 0., 0.]]).flatten(), ele.flatten(), err=1e-4) elif itr == 1: self.assertArrayNear(np.array([[49., 53.5, 60.1], [49., 53.5, 60.1]]).flatten(), ele.flatten(), err=1e-4) for itr, ele in enumerate(u_list_np): if itr == 0: self.assertArrayNear(np.array([[0., 0., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 0., 0.]]).flatten(), ele.flatten(), err=1e-4) elif itr == 1: self.assertArrayNear(np.array([[93., 105.5, 120.1], [93., 105.5, 120.1]]).flatten(), ele.flatten(), err=1e-4) for itr, ele in enumerate(D_list_np): if itr == 0: self.assertArrayNear(np.array([[0., 0., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 0., 0.]]).flatten(), ele.flatten(), err=1e-4) elif itr == 1: self.assertArrayNear(np.array([[1., 1., 1.], [1., 1., 1.]]).flatten(), ele.flatten(), err=1e-4) for itr, ele in enumerate(Nu_list_np): if itr == 0: self.assertArrayNear(np.array([[[0.], [0.], [0.]], [[0.], [0.], [0.]]]).flatten(), ele.flatten(), err=1e-4) elif itr == 1: self.assertArrayNear(np.array([[[-1.], [-3.], [-5.]], [[-1.], [-3.], [-5.]]]).flatten(), ele.flatten(), err=1e-4) for itr, ele in enumerate(gamma_list_np): if itr == 0: self.assertArrayNear(np.array([[0.], [0.]]).flatten(), ele.flatten(), err=1e-4) elif itr == 1: self.assertArrayNear(np.array([[2.], [2.]]).flatten(), ele.flatten(), err=1e-4) self.assertArrayNear(np.array([[-758.], [-758.]]).flatten(), psi_np.flatten(), err=1e-4) self.assertArrayNear(np.array([[0.], [0.]]).flatten(), l_ip1_np.flatten(), err=1e-4) self.assertArrayNear(np.array([[-0.], [-0.]]).flatten(), u_ip1_np.flatten(), err=1e-4) self.assertArrayNear(np.array([[[-22.], [-49.], [-76.], [-103.]], [[-22.], [-49.], [-76.], [-103.]]]).flatten(), Nu_hat_1_np.flatten(), err=1e-4)
def rnnt_loss(log_probs, labels, input_lengths=None, label_lengths=None, blank_index=0, debug=False, with_alignment=False): """ Computes the batched forward pass of the RNN-T model. B: batch, T: time, U:target/labels, V: vocabulary :param tf.Tensor log_probs: (B, T, U+1, V) log-probabilities :param tf.Tensor labels: (B, U) -> [V] labels :param tf.Tensor input_lengths: (B,) length of input frames :param tf.Tensor label_lengths: (B,) length of labels :param int blank_index: index of the blank symbol in the vocabulary :param bool debug: enable verbose logging :param bool with_alignment: whether to generate the alignments or not. :return: with_alignment=True -> (costs, alignments) =False -> costs """ """Pure TF implementation of the RNN-T loss.""" shape = tf.shape(log_probs) n_batch = shape[0] # B max_time = shape[1] # T max_target = shape[2] # U log_probs_tr = tf.transpose(log_probs, [0, 2, 1, 3]) # (B, T, U, V) -> (B, U, T, V) log_probs_shifted = tf_shift_logprobs(log_probs_tr, axis=1) # (B, U+T+1, U, V) num_diagonals = max_time + max_target labels = py_print_iteration_info("labels", labels, 0, debug=debug) log_probs_ta = tf.TensorArray( dtype=tf.float32, clear_after_read=False, size=num_diagonals, dynamic_size=False, infer_shape=False, element_shape=(None, None, None), # (B, U, V) name="log_probs_shifted", ) # (B, U+T+1, U, V) -> [(B, U, V)] * (U+T+1) log_probs_ta = log_probs_ta.unstack( tf.transpose(log_probs_shifted, [2, 0, 1, 3])) init_alpha_ta = tf.TensorArray( dtype=tf.float32, clear_after_read=False, size=num_diagonals, dynamic_size=False, infer_shape=False, element_shape=( None, None, ), # (B, n) name="alpha_diagonals", ) init_alpha_ta = init_alpha_ta.write(1, tf.zeros((n_batch, 1))) if with_alignment: # backtrack matrix, for each diagonal and target -> [from_u, symbol/blank] init_backtrack_ta = tf.TensorArray(dtype=tf.int32, size=num_diagonals - 1, dynamic_size=False, infer_shape=False, element_shape=(None, None, 2), name="backtrack") else: init_backtrack_ta = None def cond(n, *_): """We run the loop until all elements are covered by diagonals. """ return tf.less(n, num_diagonals) def body_forward(n, alpha_ta, *args): """body of the while_loop, loops over the diagonals of the alpha-tensor.""" # alpha(t-1,u) + logprobs(t-1, u) # alpha_blank + lp_blank lp_diagonal = - 2)[:, :n - 1, :] # (B, U|n, V) lp_diagonal = py_print_iteration_info("lp_diagonal", lp_diagonal, n, debug=debug) prev_diagonal = - 1)[:, :n] # (B, n-1) prev_diagonal = py_print_iteration_info("prev_diagonal", prev_diagonal, n, debug=debug) alpha_blank = prev_diagonal # (B, N) alpha_blank = tf.concat( [alpha_blank, tf.tile([[tf.constant(NEG_INF)]], [n_batch, 1])], axis=1) alpha_blank = py_print_iteration_info("alpha(blank)", alpha_blank, n, debug=debug) # (B, U, V) -> (B, U) lp_blank = lp_diagonal[:, :, blank_index] # (B, U) lp_blank = tf.concat( [lp_blank, tf.tile([[tf.constant(NEG_INF)]], [n_batch, 1])], axis=1) lp_blank = py_print_iteration_info("lp(blank)", lp_blank, n, debug=debug) # (B,N-1) ; (B,1) -> (B, N) alpha_y = prev_diagonal alpha_y = tf.concat( [tf.tile([[tf.constant(NEG_INF)]], [n_batch, 1]), alpha_y], axis=1) alpha_y = py_print_iteration_info("alpha(y)", alpha_y, n, debug=debug) labels_max_len = tf.minimum(max_target - 1, n - 1) labels_shifted = labels[:, :labels_max_len] # (B, U-1|n-1) labels_shifted = py_print_iteration_info("labels_shifted", labels_shifted, n, debug=debug) batchs, rows = tf.meshgrid(tf.range(n_batch), tf.range(labels_max_len), indexing='ij') lp_y_indices = tf.stack([batchs, rows, labels_shifted], axis=-1) # (B, U-1|n-1, 3) lp_y_indices = py_print_iteration_info("lp_y_indices", lp_y_indices, n, debug=debug) lp_y = tf.gather_nd(lp_diagonal[:, :, :], lp_y_indices) # (B, U) # (B, U) ; (B, 1) -> (B, U+1) lp_y = tf.concat( [tf.tile([[tf.constant(NEG_INF)]], [n_batch, 1]), lp_y], axis=1) lp_y = py_print_iteration_info("lp(y)", lp_y, n, debug=debug) cut_off = max_target alpha_y = tf.cond(tf.greater(n, max_target), lambda: alpha_y[:, :cut_off], lambda: alpha_y) lp_blank = tf.cond(tf.greater(n, max_target), lambda: lp_blank[:, :cut_off], lambda: lp_blank) alpha_blank = tf.cond(tf.greater(n, max_target), lambda: alpha_blank[:, :cut_off], lambda: alpha_blank) # all should have shape (B, n) blank = alpha_blank + lp_blank y = alpha_y + lp_y red_op = tf.stack([blank, y], axis=0) # (2, B, N) red_op = py_print_iteration_info("red-op", red_op, n, debug=debug) new_diagonal = tf.math.reduce_logsumexp(red_op, axis=0) # (B, N) new_diagonal = new_diagonal[:, :n] new_diagonal = py_print_iteration_info("new_diagonal", new_diagonal, n, debug=debug) if with_alignment: backtrack_ta = args[0] argmax_idx = tf.argmax([blank, y], axis=0) max_len_diag = tf.minimum(n, max_target) u_ranged = tf.tile(tf.range(max_len_diag)[None], [n_batch, 1]) # (B, n|U) blank_tiled = tf.tile([[blank_index]], [n_batch, 1]) stack_blank_sel = tf.stack( [u_ranged, tf.tile(blank_tiled, [1, max_len_diag])], axis=-1) b, r = tf.meshgrid(tf.range(n_batch), tf.maximum(0, tf.range(max_len_diag) - 1), indexing='ij') labels_indices = tf.stack([b, r], axis=-1) labels_emit_sel = tf.gather_nd( labels, labels_indices) # (B, n) labels[u-1] stack_emit_sel = tf.stack([u_ranged - 1, labels_emit_sel], axis=-1) best_sel = tf.where( tf.tile(tf.equal(argmax_idx, 0)[..., None], [1, 1, 2]), stack_blank_sel, # blank stack_emit_sel # emit ) backtrack_ta = backtrack_ta.write(n - 1, best_sel) else: backtrack_ta = None return [n + 1, alpha_ta.write(n, new_diagonal) ] + ([backtrack_ta] if with_alignment else []) init_n = tf.constant(2) if with_alignment: final_n, alpha_out_ta, backtrack_out_ta = tf.while_loop( cond, body_forward, [init_n, init_alpha_ta, init_backtrack_ta], parallel_iterations=1, # iterative computation name="rnnt") else: final_n, alpha_out_ta = tf.while_loop( cond, body_forward, [init_n, init_alpha_ta], parallel_iterations=1, # iterative computation name="rnnt") backtrack_out_ta = None # p(y|x) = alpha(T,U) * blank(T,U) (--> in log-space) # (B,): batch index -> diagonal index diag_idxs = input_lengths + label_lengths # (B,) # (B,): batch index -> index within diagonal within_diag_idx = label_lengths res_ta = tf.TensorArray( dtype=tf.float32, clear_after_read=True, size=n_batch, dynamic_size=False, infer_shape=False, element_shape=(), name="alpha_diagonals", ) def ta_read_body(i, res_loop_ta): """Reads from the alpha-diagonals TensorArray. We need this because of the inconsistent shapes in the TA.""" ta_item =[i])[i] return i + 1, res_loop_ta.write(i, ta_item[within_diag_idx[i]]) final_i, a_ta = tf.while_loop(lambda i, _: tf.less(i, n_batch), ta_read_body, (tf.constant(0, tf.int32), res_ta)) indices = tf.stack( [ tf.range(n_batch), input_lengths - 1, # noqa T-1 label_lengths, # U-1 tf.tile([blank_index], [n_batch]), ], axis=-1) # (B, 3) ll_tf = a_ta.stack() + tf.gather_nd(log_probs, indices) if with_alignment: assert backtrack_out_ta is not None alignments = backtrack_alignment_tf(backtrack_out_ta, input_lengths, label_lengths, blank_index) return ll_tf, alignments else: return ll_tf
def neural_voxel_renderer_plus(voxels, rerendering, light_pos, size=4, norm2d='batchnorm', norm3d='batchnorm'): """Neural Voxel Renderer + keras model.""" with tf.name_scope('Network/'): voxels = layers.Input(tensor=voxels) rerendering = layers.Input(tensor=rerendering) light_pos = layers.Input(tensor=light_pos) nf_2d = 512 with tf.name_scope('VoxelProcessing'): vol0_a = layer_utils.conv_block_3d(voxels, nfilters=16, size=size, strides=2, normalization=norm3d) # 64x64x64x16 vol0_b = layer_utils.conv_block_3d(vol0_a, nfilters=16, size=size, strides=1, normalization=norm3d) # 64x64x64x16 vol1_a = layer_utils.conv_block_3d(vol0_b, nfilters=16, size=size, strides=2, normalization=norm3d) # 32x32x32x16 vol1_b = layer_utils.conv_block_3d(vol1_a, nfilters=32, size=size, strides=1, normalization=norm3d) # 32x32x32x32 vol1_c = layer_utils.conv_block_3d(vol1_b, nfilters=32, size=size, strides=1, normalization=norm3d) # 32x32x32x32 shortcut = vol1_c vol_a1 = layer_utils.residual_block_3d(vol1_c, 32, strides=(1, 1, 1), normalization=norm3d) # 32x vol_a2 = layer_utils.residual_block_3d(vol_a1, 32, strides=(1, 1, 1), normalization=norm3d) # 32x vol_a3 = layer_utils.residual_block_3d(vol_a2, 32, strides=(1, 1, 1), normalization=norm3d) # 32x vol_a4 = layer_utils.residual_block_3d(vol_a3, 32, strides=(1, 1, 1), normalization=norm3d) # 32x vol_a5 = layer_utils.residual_block_3d(vol_a4, 32, strides=(1, 1, 1), normalization=norm3d) # 32x encoded_vol = layers.add([shortcut, vol_a5]) encoded_vol = layers.Reshape([32, 32, 32*32])(encoded_vol) encoded_vol = layers.Conv2D(nf_2d, kernel_size=1, strides=(1, 1), padding='same', kernel_initializer=initializer)(encoded_vol) latent_projection = layers.LeakyReLU()(encoded_vol) # 32x32x512 with tf.name_scope('ProjectionProcessing'): shortcut = latent_projection # 32x32xnf_2d e1 = layer_utils.residual_block_2d(latent_projection, nfilters=nf_2d, strides=(1, 1), normalization=norm2d) # 32x32xnf_2d e2 = layer_utils.residual_block_2d(e1, nfilters=nf_2d, strides=(1, 1), normalization=norm2d) # 32x32xnf_2d e3 = layer_utils.residual_block_2d(e2, nfilters=nf_2d, strides=(1, 1), normalization=norm2d) # 32x32xnf_2d e4 = layer_utils.residual_block_2d(e3, nfilters=nf_2d, strides=(1, 1), normalization=norm2d) # 32x32xnf_2d e5 = layer_utils.residual_block_2d(e4, nfilters=nf_2d, strides=(1, 1), normalization=norm2d) # 32x32xnf_2d encoded_proj = layers.add([shortcut, e5]) # 32x32xnf_2d with tf.name_scope('LightProcessing'): fc_light = layers.Dense(64, kernel_initializer=initializer)(light_pos) light_code = layers.Dense(64, kernel_initializer=initializer)(fc_light) light_code = \ layers.Lambda(lambda v: tf.tile(v[0], [1, 32*32]))([light_code]) light_code = layers.Reshape((32, 32, 64))(light_code) # 32x32x64 with tf.name_scope('Merger'): latent_code_final = layers.concatenate([encoded_proj, light_code]) latent_code_final = layer_utils.conv_block_2d(latent_code_final, nfilters=nf_2d, size=size, strides=1, normalization=norm3d) shortcut = latent_code_final m1 = layer_utils.residual_block_2d(latent_code_final, nfilters=nf_2d, strides=(1, 1), normalization=norm2d) # 32x32xnf_2d m2 = layer_utils.residual_block_2d(m1, nfilters=nf_2d, strides=(1, 1), normalization=norm2d) # 32x32xnf_2d m3 = layer_utils.residual_block_2d(m2, nfilters=nf_2d, strides=(1, 1), normalization=norm2d) # 32x32xnf_2d m4 = layer_utils.residual_block_2d(m3, nfilters=nf_2d, strides=(1, 1), normalization=norm2d) # 32x32xnf_2d m5 = layer_utils.residual_block_2d(m4, nfilters=nf_2d, strides=(1, 1), normalization=norm2d) # 32x32xnf_2d latent_code_final2 = layers.add([shortcut, m5]) # 32x32xnf_2d with tf.name_scope('Decoder'): d7 = layer_utils.conv_t_block_2d(latent_code_final2, nfilters=128, size=size, strides=2, normalization=norm2d) # 64x64x128 d7 = layer_utils.conv_block_2d(d7, nfilters=128, size=size, strides=1, normalization=norm2d) # 64x64x128 d8 = layer_utils.conv_t_block_2d(d7, nfilters=64, size=size, strides=2, normalization=norm2d) # 128x128x64 d8 = layer_utils.conv_block_2d(d8, nfilters=64, size=size, strides=1, normalization=norm2d) # 128x128x64 d9 = layer_utils.conv_t_block_2d(d8, nfilters=32, size=size, strides=2, normalization=norm2d) # 256x256x32 d9 = layer_utils.conv_block_2d(d9, nfilters=32, size=size, strides=1, normalization=norm2d) # 256x256x32 rendered_image = layers.Conv2D(32, size, strides=1, padding='same', kernel_initializer=initializer, use_bias=False)(d9) # 256x256x3 with tf.name_scope('ImageProcessingNetwork'): ec1 = layer_utils.conv_block_2d(rerendering, nfilters=32, size=size, strides=1, normalization=norm2d) # 256x ec2 = layer_utils.conv_block_2d(ec1, nfilters=32, size=size, strides=1, normalization=norm2d) # 256x with tf.name_scope('NeuralRerenderingNetwork'): latent_img = layers.add([rendered_image, ec2]) target_code = unet_3x_with_res_in_mid(latent_img, 32, norm2d=norm2d) out0 = layer_utils.conv_block_2d(target_code, nfilters=32, size=size, strides=1, normalization=norm2d) # 256x predicted_image = layers.Conv2D(3, size, strides=1, padding='same', kernel_initializer=initializer, use_bias=False)(out0) # 256x256x3 return tf.keras.Model(inputs=[voxels, rerendering, light_pos], outputs=[predicted_image])