def _apply_divergence_concrete(self,scale_factor, name): divergence_fn = (lambda pl, pr: (tf.reduce_sum(tf.add( tf.multiply(pl,tf.subtract(tf.math.log( tf.add(pl,tfk.backend.epsilon())), tf.math.log(pr))), tf.multiply( tf.subtract(tfk.backend.constant(1),pl), tf.subtract(tf.math.log( tf.add(tf.subtract(tfk.backend.constant(1),pl),tfk.backend.epsilon())), tf.math.log(pr)))) ) /tf.cast(scale_factor, dtype=tf.float32))) divergence = tf.identity( divergence_fn(self.p_post, self.p_prior), name=name) self.add_loss(divergence)
def exact_laplacian_kernel(x, y, stddev): r"""Computes exact Laplacian kernel value(s) for tensors x and y using stddev. The Laplacian kernel for vectors u, v is defined as follows: K(u, v) = exp(-||u-v|| / stddev) where the norm is the l1-norm. x, y can be either vectors or matrices. If they are vectors, they must have the same dimension. If they are matrices, they must have the same number of columns. In the latter case, the method returns (as a matrix) K(u, v) values for all pairs (u, v) where u is a row from x and v is a row from y. Args: x: a tensor of rank 1 or 2. It's shape should be either [dim] or [m, dim]. y: a tensor of rank 1 or 2. It's shape should be either [dim] or [n, dim]. stddev: The width of the Gaussian kernel. Returns: A single value (scalar) with shape (1, 1) if x, y are vectors or a matrix of shape (m, n) with entries K(u, v) (where K is the Laplacian kernel) for all (u,v) pairs where u, v are rows from x and y respectively. Raises: ValueError: if the shapes of x, y are not compatible. """ x_aligned, y_aligned = _align_matrices(x, y) diff_l1_norm = tf.reduce_sum(tf.abs(tf.subtract(x_aligned, y_aligned)), 2) return tf.exp(-diff_l1_norm / stddev)
def read_tensor_from_image_file(file_name, input_height=299, input_width=299, input_mean=0, input_std=255): input_name = "file_reader" output_name = "normalized" file_reader = tf.read_file(file_name, input_name) if file_name.endswith(".png"): image_reader = tf.image.decode_png(file_reader, channels=3, name='png_reader') elif file_name.endswith(".gif"): image_reader = tf.squeeze( tf.image.decode_gif(file_reader, name='gif_reader')) elif file_name.endswith(".bmp"): image_reader = tf.image.decode_bmp(file_reader, name='bmp_reader') else: image_reader = tf.image.decode_jpeg(file_reader, channels=3, name='jpeg_reader') float_caster = tf.cast(image_reader, tf.float32) dims_expander = tf.expand_dims(float_caster, 0) resized = tf.image.resize_bilinear(dims_expander, [input_height, input_width]) normalized = tf.divide(tf.subtract(resized, [input_mean]), [input_std]) sess = tf.Session() result = return result
def nearby_difference(x): """Compute L2 norms for nearby entries in a batch.""" # This is a very rough measure of diversity. with tf.device('cpu'): x1 = tf.reshape(x, shape=[int(x.shape[0]), -1]) x2 = tf.roll(x1, shift=1, axis=0) return tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(tf.subtract(x1, x2))))
def _flip_boxes_left_right(boxes): """Left-right flip the boxes. Args: boxes: rank 2 float32 tensor containing the bounding boxes -> [N, 4]. Boxes are in normalized form meaning their coordinates vary between [0, 1]. Each row is in the form of [ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax]. Returns: Flipped boxes. """ ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax = tf.split(value=boxes, num_or_size_splits=4, axis=1) flipped_xmin = tf.subtract(1.0, xmax) flipped_xmax = tf.subtract(1.0, xmin) flipped_boxes = tf.concat([ymin, flipped_xmin, ymax, flipped_xmax], 1) return flipped_boxes
def cal_longest_subsequence(softmaxed_logits): int_logits = tf.dtypes.cast(tf.round(softmaxed_logits), dtype=tf.int32) index_tensor = tf.range(softmaxed_logits.shape[1], dtype=tf.int32) t_index = tf.reshape(index_tensor, [softmaxed_logits.shape[1], 1]) new_seq = tf.transpose(tf.matmul(int_logits, t_index))[0].numpy().tolist() # new_seq = [3,2,4,5,6,5,5,6,7] # print(new_seq) subseq = [] indexseq = [] for i in range(len(new_seq)): if i == 0: subseq.append(new_seq[i]) indexseq.append(i) else: if new_seq[i] > subseq[-1]: subseq.append(new_seq[i]) indexseq.append(i) elif new_seq[i] < subseq[0]: subseq[0] = new_seq[i] indexseq[0] = i else: index = binarySearch(subseq, 0, len(subseq) - 1, new_seq[i]) if index != -1: subseq[index] = new_seq[i] indexseq[index] = i # print(subseq) # print(indexseq) subseq_tensor = tf.reshape(subseq, [1, -1]) index_tensor = tf.reshape(indexseq, [1, -1]) # print(subseq_tensor,index_tensor) te = tf.subtract(subseq_tensor, index_tensor) # print(te) minus_result = tf.square(tf.subtract(subseq_tensor, index_tensor)) one_tensor = tf.ones([1, len(subseq)], tf.int32) result = tf.divide(one_tensor, tf.add(one_tensor, minus_result)) # return tf.reduce_sum(result) return subseq
def cca_loss(x, y, dim, rcov1, rcov2, eps_eig=1e-12): """Create a TF graph to compute the joint dimensionality via CCA. This function computes the number of "dimensions" that two datasets (x and y) share. It creates a TF graph that connects the two TF nodes (x and y) to the eigenvalues computed while finding the two optimum rotations to line up the two datasets. We want to maximize this measure (- the loss). This function computes the dimensions for two unrotated data. Use the regular Pearson correlation after the CCA model is built. See: Args: x: The first TF data of size n_frames x n_dims_x y: The second TF data of size n_frames x n_dims_y dim: The desired number of output dimensions rcov1: Amount to regularize the x covariance estimate rcov2: Amount to regularize the x covariance estimate eps_eig: Ignore eigenvalues (and dimensions) below this value. Returns: TF node that calculates the sum of the eigenvalues. (Note, this gets larger as you get more dimensions in common, so you probably want to negate this to turn it into a real loss.) """'In cca_loss, data at start are: %s %s %d-D %g %g %g', x, y, dim, rcov1, rcov2, eps_eig) # Remove the means. m1 = tf.math.reduce_mean(x, axis=0, keepdims=True) x = tf.subtract(x, m1) m2 = tf.math.reduce_mean(y, axis=0, keepdims=True) y = tf.subtract(y, m2) batch_norm = tf.cast(tf.shape(x)[0], tf.float32) - 1.0 d1 = tf.compat.dimension_value(tf.shape(x)[1]) # Get dynamic tensor widths d2 = tf.compat.dimension_value(tf.shape(y)[1]) eye1 = tf.eye(d1, dtype=tf.float32) cov_xx = tf.matmul(tf.transpose(x), x) / batch_norm + rcov1 * eye1 eye2 = tf.eye(d2, dtype=tf.float32) cov_yy = tf.matmul(tf.transpose(y), y) / batch_norm + rcov2 * eye2 cov_xy = tf.matmul(tf.transpose(x), y) / batch_norm x_vals, x_vecs = tf.linalg.eigh(cov_xx) y_vals, y_vecs = tf.linalg.eigh(cov_yy) # For numerical stability. idx1 = tf.where(x_vals > eps_eig)[:, 0] x_vals = tf.gather(x_vals, idx1) x_vecs = tf.gather(x_vecs, idx1, axis=1) idx2 = tf.where(y_vals > eps_eig)[:, 0] y_vals = tf.gather(y_vals, idx2) y_vecs = tf.gather(y_vecs, idx2, axis=1) k11 = tf.matmul( tf.matmul(x_vecs, tf.linalg.tensor_diag(tf.math.reciprocal(tf.sqrt(x_vals)))), tf.transpose(x_vecs)) k22 = tf.matmul( tf.matmul(y_vecs, tf.linalg.tensor_diag(tf.math.reciprocal(tf.sqrt(y_vals)))), tf.transpose(y_vecs)) t = tf.matmul(tf.matmul(k11, cov_xy), k22) # Eigenvalues are sorted in increasing order. vals, _ = tf.linalg.eigh(tf.matmul(t, tf.transpose(t))) # Make sure none of the (small) eigenvalues are negative estimated_cca_dims = tf.reduce_sum( tf.sqrt(tf.math.maximum(0.0, vals[-dim:]))) return estimated_cca_dims