Exemple #1
def iou_loss(y, y_hat):
    """The IoU metric, or Jaccard Index, is similar to the Dice metric and is calculated as the ratio between the
    overlap of the positive instances between two sets, and their mutual combined values:
    y_hat = K.flatten(y_hat)
    y = K.flatten(y)

    intersection = K.sum(K.dot(y, y_hat))
    total = K.sum(y) + K.sum(y_hat)
    union = total - intersection
    iou = (intersection + K.epsilon()) / (union + K.epsilon())

    return 1 - iou
    def step(self, x, states):
        h = states[0]
        # states[1] necessary?

        # comes from the constants
        X_static = states[-2]
        # equals Kb.dot(static_x, self._W1) + self._b2 with X.shape=[bs, L, static_input_dim]
        total_x_static_prod = states[-1]
        # expand dims to add the vector which is only valid for this time step
        # to total_x_prod which is valid for all time steps
        hw = kb.expand_dims(kb.dot(h, self._W2), 1)
        additive_atn = kb.tanh(total_x_static_prod) + kb.tanh(hw)
        attention = kb.softmax(kb.dot(additive_atn, self._V), axis=1)
        static_x_weighted = kb.sum(attention * X_static, [1])

        x = kb.dot(kb.concatenate([x, static_x_weighted], 1),
                   self._W3) + self._b3
        h, new_states = self.layer.cell.call(x, states[:-2])
        # append attention to the states to "smuggle" it out of the RNN wrapper
        attention = kb.squeeze(attention, -1)
        h = kb.concatenate([h, attention])
        return h, new_states
    def call(self, x, mask=None):
        x_cont, x_ques, c_mask, q_mask = x
        # get similarity matrix S
        subres0 = tf.tile(K.dot(x_cont, self.W0), [1, 1, self.q_maxlen])
        subres1 = tf.tile(
            K.permute_dimensions(K.dot(x_ques, self.W1), pattern=(0, 2, 1)),
            [1, self.c_maxlen, 1])
        subres2 = K.batch_dot(x_cont * self.W2,
                              K.permute_dimensions(x_ques, pattern=(0, 2, 1)))
        S = subres0 + subres1 + subres2
        S += self.bias
        q_mask = tf.expand_dims(q_mask, 1)
        S_ = tf.nn.softmax(self.mask_logits(S, q_mask))
        c_mask = tf.expand_dims(c_mask, 2)
        S_T = K.permute_dimensions(
            tf.nn.softmax(self.mask_logits(S, c_mask), axis=1), (0, 2, 1))
        c2q = tf.matmul(S_, x_ques)
        q2c = tf.matmul(tf.matmul(S_, S_T), x_cont)
        result = K.concatenate([x_cont, c2q, x_cont * c2q, x_cont * q2c],

        return result
    def call(self, inputs, states):
        h, m = states

        u = (K.dot(inputs, self.input_encoders) +
             K.dot(h, self.hidden_encoders) +
             K.dot(m, self.memory_encoders))

        m = m + K.dot(m, self.AT) + K.dot(u, self.BT)

        h = self.hidden_activation(
             K.dot(inputs, self.input_kernel) +
             K.dot(h, self.hidden_kernel) +
             K.dot(m, self.memory_kernel))

        return h, [h, m]
Exemple #5
    def call(self, inputs):
        if len(inputs) == 3:
            X, A, I = inputs
            self.data_mode = 'disjoint'
            X, A = inputs
            I = tf.zeros(tf.shape(X)[:1])
            self.data_mode = 'single'
        if K.ndim(I) == 2:
            I = I[:, 0]
        I = tf.cast(I, tf.int32)

        A_is_sparse = K.is_sparse(A)

        # Get mask
        y = self.compute_scores(X, A, I)
        N = K.shape(X)[-2]
        indices = ops.segment_top_k(y[:, 0], I, self.ratio, self.top_k_var)
        mask = tf.scatter_nd(tf.expand_dims(indices, 1), tf.ones_like(indices), (N,))

        # Multiply X and y to make layer differentiable
        features = X * self.gating_op(y)

        axis = 0 if len(K.int_shape(A)) == 2 else 1  # Cannot use negative axis in tf.boolean_mask
        # Reduce X
        X_pooled = tf.boolean_mask(features, mask, axis=axis)

        # Compute A^2
        if A_is_sparse:
            A_dense = tf.sparse.to_dense(A)
            A_dense = A
        A_squared = K.dot(A, A_dense)

        # Reduce A
        A_pooled = tf.boolean_mask(A_squared, mask, axis=axis)
        A_pooled = tf.boolean_mask(A_pooled, mask, axis=axis + 1)
        if A_is_sparse:
            A_pooled = ops.dense_to_sparse(A_pooled)

        output = [X_pooled, A_pooled]

        # Reduce I
        if self.data_mode == 'disjoint':
            I_pooled = tf.boolean_mask(I[:, None], mask)[:, 0]

        if self.return_mask:

        return output
 def call(self, inputs, **kwargs):
     if K.dtype(inputs) != 'int32':
         inputs = K.cast(inputs, 'int32')
     if self.div_val == 1:
         out = K.gather(self.embeddings, inputs)
         if self.embed_dim != self.output_dim or self.force_projection:
             out = K.dot(out, self.projections)
         out = K.tile(
             K.expand_dims(K.zeros_like(inputs, dtype=K.floatx()), axis=-1),
             (1, ) * K.ndim(inputs) + (self.output_dim, ),
         for i in range(len(self.cutoffs) - 1):
             embed_dim = self.embed_dim // (self.div_val**i)
             low, high = self.cutoffs[i], self.cutoffs[i + 1]
             mask = K.cast(low <= inputs, K.floatx()) * K.cast(
                 inputs < high, K.floatx())
             selected = K.gather(self.embeddings[i],
                                 (inputs - low) * K.cast(mask, 'int32'))
             if embed_dim != self.output_dim or self.force_projection:
                 projected = K.dot(selected, self.projections[i])
                 projected = selected
             out += projected * K.expand_dims(mask, axis=-1)
     if self.return_embeddings or self.return_projections:
         out = [out]
     if self.return_embeddings:
         if self.div_val == 1:
             out += [self.embeddings]
             out += [embed + 0.0 for embed in self.embeddings]
     if self.return_projections:
         if self.div_val == 1:
             if self.projections is not None:
                 out += [self.projections]
             out += [proj + 0.0 for proj in self.projections]
     return out
Exemple #7
def get_mat(rotation, shear, height_zoom, width_zoom, height_shift,

    rotation = math.pi * rotation / 180.
    shear = math.pi * shear / 180.

    # Rotation
    c1 = tf.math.cos(rotation)
    s1 = tf.math.sin(rotation)
    one = tf.constant([1], dtype='float32')
    zero = tf.constant([0], dtype='float32')
    rotation_matrix = tf.reshape(
        tf.concat([c1, s1, zero, -s1, c1, zero, zero, zero, one], axis=0),
        [3, 3])

    # Shear
    c2 = tf.math.cos(shear)
    s2 = tf.math.sin(shear)
    shear_matrix = tf.reshape(
        tf.concat([one, s2, zero, zero, c2, zero, zero, zero, one], axis=0),
        [3, 3])

    # Zoom
    zoom_matrix = tf.reshape(
            one / height_zoom, zero, zero, zero, one / width_zoom, zero, zero,
            zero, one
                  axis=0), [3, 3])

    # Shift
    shift_matrix = tf.reshape(
            [one, zero, height_shift, zero, one, width_shift, zero, zero, one],
            axis=0), [3, 3])

    return K.dot(K.dot(rotation_matrix, shear_matrix),
                 K.dot(zoom_matrix, shift_matrix))
Exemple #8
    def call(self, x):

        if len(x) == 3:  #解析传入的入Q_seq,K_seq,V_seq
            Q_seq, K_seq, V_seq = x
            Q_len, V_len = None, None
        elif len(x) == 5:  #Q_len,V_len为mask的长度
            Q_seq, K_seq, V_seq, Q_len, V_len = x

        print("Q_seq", Q_seq)
        Q_seq = K.dot(Q_seq, self.WQ)
        Q_seq = K.reshape(
            Q_seq, (-1, K.shape(Q_seq)[1], self.nb_head, self.size_per_head))
        Q_seq = K.permute_dimensions(Q_seq,
                                     (0, 2, 1, 3))  #相当于transpose,排列各维度的顺序
        K_seq = K.dot(K_seq, self.WK)
        K_seq = K.reshape(
            K_seq, (-1, K.shape(K_seq)[1], self.nb_head, self.size_per_head))
        K_seq = K.permute_dimensions(K_seq, (0, 2, 1, 3))
        V_seq = K.dot(V_seq, self.WV)
        V_seq = K.reshape(
            V_seq, (-1, K.shape(V_seq)[1], self.nb_head, self.size_per_head))
        V_seq = K.permute_dimensions(V_seq, (0, 2, 1, 3))
        A = tf.matmul(
            Q_seq, K_seq, transpose_b=True
        ) / self.size_per_head**0.5  #K.batch_dot(Q_seq, K_seq, axes=[3,3]) / self.size_per_head**0.5
        A = K.permute_dimensions(A, (0, 3, 2, 1))
        A = self.Mask(A, V_len, 'add')
        A = K.permute_dimensions(A, (0, 3, 2, 1))
        A = K.softmax(A)
        O_seq = tf.matmul(A, V_seq)  #K.batch_dot(A, V_seq, axes=[3,2])
        O_seq = K.permute_dimensions(O_seq, (0, 2, 1, 3))
        O_seq = K.reshape(O_seq, (-1, K.shape(O_seq)[1], self.output_dim))
        O_seq = self.Mask(O_seq, Q_len, 'mul')

        return O_seq
Exemple #9
    def call(self, inputs, states, training=None):
        prev_output = states[0] if nest.is_sequence(states) else states
        dp_mask = self.get_dropout_mask_for_cell(inputs, training)
        rec_dp_mask = self.get_recurrent_dropout_mask_for_cell(
            prev_output, training)

        if self.kernel_quantizer:
            quantized_kernel = self.kernel_quantizer_internal(self.kernel)
            quantized_kernel = self.kernel

        if dp_mask is not None:
            h = K.dot(inputs * dp_mask, quantized_kernel)
            h = K.dot(inputs, quantized_kernel)

        if self.bias is not None:
            if self.bias_quantizer:
                quantized_bias = self.bias_quantizer_internal(self.bias)
                quantized_bias = self.bias

            h = K.bias_add(h, quantized_bias)

        if rec_dp_mask is not None:
            prev_output = prev_output * rec_dp_mask

        if self.recurrent_quantizer:
            quantized_recurrent = self.recurrent_quantizer_internal(
            quantized_recurrent = self.recurrent_kernel

        output = h + K.dot(prev_output, quantized_recurrent)

        if self.activation is not None:
            output = self.activation(output)
        return output, [output]
Exemple #10
        def align_loss(y_true, y_pred):
            source and target alignment loss in the intermediate layers of the target model
            allignment is performed in the target model (both source and target features are from target model)
            y-true - is dummy value( that is full of zeros)
            y-pred - is the value of intermediate layers in the target model
            1:batch_size - is source samples
            batch_size:end - is target samples            
            gs = y_pred[:batch_size,:] # source domain features
            gt = y_pred[batch_size:,:] # target domain features
            gdist = L2_dist(gs,gt)

            align_loss = K.sum(self.gamma * (gdist))

            cc_loss_s0 = K.sum(K.square(K.dot(K.transpose(gs-self.cc_s0),K.reshape(self.ys[:,0], (-1, 1)))))/K.sum(self.ys[:,0])
            cc_loss_s1 = K.sum(K.square(K.dot(K.transpose(gs-self.cc_s1),K.reshape(self.ys[:,1], (-1, 1)))))/K.sum(self.ys[:,1])
            # print("cc_loss_s0, s1: ", cc_loss_s0, cc_loss_s1)

            gt_left = gt[ :len(self.yt), :]

            cc_loss_t0 = K.sum(K.square(K.dot(K.transpose(gt_left-self.cc_t0),K.reshape(self.yt[:,0], (-1, 1)))))/K.sum(self.yt[:,0])
            cc_loss_t1 = K.sum(K.square(K.dot(K.transpose(gt_left-self.cc_t1),K.reshape(self.yt[:,1], (-1, 1)))))/K.sum(self.yt[:,1])

            cc_dis_s = L2_dist_center(self.cc_s0, self.cc_s1)
            cc_dis_t = L2_dist_center(self.cc_t0, self.cc_t1)
            cc_loss =  cc_loss_s0 + cc_loss_s1 + cc_loss_t0 + cc_loss_t1 - (cc_dis_s + cc_dis_t) # loss of cc

            # print loss
            # print(K.print_tensor(cc_dis_s, message='cc_dis_s = ')) #cc_dis_s.eval(), cc_dis_t.eval())
            # print(K.print_tensor(cc_dis_t, message='cc_dis_t = '))
            # print(K.print_tensor(cc_loss_s0, message='cc_loss_s0 = '))
            # print(K.print_tensor(cc_loss_s1, message='cc_loss_s1 = '))
            # print(K.print_tensor(cc_loss_t0, message='cc_loss_t0 = '))
            # print(K.print_tensor(cc_loss_t1, message='cc_loss_t1 = '))
            # print(K.print_tensor(align_loss, message='align_loss = '))

            return  self.ot_alpha * ( align_loss ) + cc_loss * self.closs
Exemple #11
    def _mask_rotation_matrix_zyz(self, params):
        phi = params[0] * 2 * np.pi - np.pi
        theta = params[1] * 2 * np.pi - np.pi
        psi_t = params[2] * 2 * np.pi - np.pi

        loc_r = params[
            6] * 0  # magnitude of Fourier transformation is translation-invariant

        a1 = self._rotation_matrix_axis(2, psi_t)
        a2 = self._rotation_matrix_axis(1, theta)
        a3 = self._rotation_matrix_axis(2, phi)
        rm = K.dot(K.dot(a3, a2), a1)

        rm = tf.transpose(rm)

        c = K.dot(-rm, K.expand_dims(loc_r))

        rm = K.flatten(rm)

        theta = K.concatenate([rm[:3], c[0], rm[3:6], c[1], rm[6:9], c[2]])

        return theta
Exemple #12
    def call(self, inputs, **kwargs):
            inputs (tensor): the node feature tensor

            GlobalAttentionSumPool tensor (tensor)
        X = inputs
        attn_coeff = K.dot(X, self.attn_kernel)
        attn_coeff = K.squeeze(attn_coeff, -1)
        attn_coeff = K.softmax(attn_coeff)
        output = K.batch_dot(attn_coeff, X)
        return output
Exemple #13
    def _get_Rt(self, labels):
        """Return a 3-D mask where 
            mask[a,p,n] = 1  if l(a)==l(p) and l(a)!=l(n)
            mask[a,p,n] = -1 if l(a)!=l(p) and l(a)==l(n)
            mask[a,p,n] = 0  if l(a)==l(p) and l(a)==l(n)
                             or l(a)!=l(p) and l(a)!=l(n)
        label_equal = tf.cast(K.dot(labels, tf.transpose(labels)), tf.float32)
        i_equal_j = tf.expand_dims(label_equal, 2)
        i_equal_k = tf.expand_dims(label_equal, 1)

        Rt = tf.math.subtract(i_equal_j, i_equal_k)

        return Rt
Exemple #14
    def call(self, x):
        import tensorflow.keras.backend as K
        predictions, targets = x

        # tensorflow
        loss = tf.nn.nce_loss(self.W, self.b, targets, predictions,
                              self.neg_samples, self.num_classes)

        # keras

        logits = K.dot(predictions, K.transpose(self.W))

        return logits
 def _pairwise_distances(self, inputs: List[Tensor]) -> Tensor:
     emb_c, emb_r = inputs
     bs = K.shape(emb_c)[0]
     embeddings = K.concatenate([emb_c, emb_r], 0)
     dot_product = K.dot(embeddings, K.transpose(embeddings))
     square_norm = K.batch_dot(embeddings, embeddings, axes=1)
     distances = K.transpose(square_norm) - 2.0 * dot_product + square_norm
     distances = distances[0:bs, bs:bs+bs]
     distances = K.clip(distances, 0.0, None)
     mask = K.cast(K.equal(distances, 0.0), K.dtype(distances))
     distances = distances + mask * 1e-16
     distances = K.sqrt(distances)
     distances = distances * (1.0 - mask)
     return distances
    def decoder(self, inputs):
        decoder_inputs, encoder_encodings, encoder_masks = inputs
        if K.dtype(decoder_inputs) != 'int32':
            decoder_inputs = K.cast(decoder_inputs, 'int32')

        decoder_masks = K.equal(decoder_inputs, 0)
        # Embeddings
        embeddings = K.gather(self.embeddings, decoder_inputs)
        embeddings *= self._model_dim**0.5  # Scale
        # Position Encodings
        position_encodings = self.DecoderPositionEncoding(embeddings)
        # Embedings + Postion-encodings
        encodings = embeddings + position_encodings
        # Dropout
        encodings = K.dropout(encodings, self._dropout_rate)

        for i in range(self._decoder_stack):
            # Masked-Multi-head-Attention
            masked_attention = self.DecoderMultiHeadAttetions0[i]
            masked_attention_input = [
                encodings, encodings, encodings, decoder_masks
            masked_attention_out = masked_attention(masked_attention_input)
            # Add & Norm
            masked_attention_out += encodings
            masked_attention_out = self.DecoderLayerNorms0[i](

            # Multi-head-Attention
            attention = self.DecoderMultiHeadAttetions1[i]
            attention_input = [
                masked_attention_out, encoder_encodings, encoder_encodings,
            attention_out = attention(attention_input)
            # Add & Norm
            attention_out += masked_attention_out
            attention_out = self.DecoderLayerNorms1[i](attention_out)

            # Feed-Forward
            ff = self.DecoderPositionWiseFeedForwards[i]
            ff_out = ff(attention_out)
            # Add & Norm
            ff_out += attention_out
            encodings = self.DecoderLayerNorms2[i](ff_out)

        # Pre-Softmax 与 Embeddings 共享参数
        linear_projection = K.dot(encodings, K.transpose(self.embeddings))
        outputs = K.softmax(linear_projection)
        return outputs
Exemple #17
def create_selector_model(num_neurons_in_layers, fsize, dtsize, bridge_matrix1,
    pu_input = tf.keras.layers.Input(shape=[fsize], name="pu_feature")
    do_input = tf.keras.layers.Input(shape=[fsize], name="do_feature")
    dt_input = tf.keras.layers.Input(shape=[dtsize], name="dt_feature")
    f = tf.keras.layers.concatenate([pu_input, do_input, dt_input])
    f = tf.keras.layers.Dense(num_neurons_in_layers[0], activation='relu')(f)
    f = tf.keras.layers.Dense(num_neurons_in_layers[1],

    br_matrix1 = K.constant(bridge_matrix1)
    br_matrix2 = K.constant(bridge_matrix2)
    ob1 = K.dot(f, K.transpose(br_matrix1))
    ob2 = K.dot(f, K.transpose(br_matrix2))

    o1 = tf.keras.layers.concatenate([pu_input, ob1, dt_input])
    ob = tf.keras.layers.concatenate([ob1, ob2, dt_input])
    o2 = tf.keras.layers.concatenate([ob2, do_input, dt_input])

    o = tf.keras.layers.concatenate([o1, ob, o2])

    model = tf.keras.Model(inputs=[pu_input, do_input, dt_input], outputs=o)
    return model, pu_input, do_input, dt_input
Exemple #18
    def call(self, x: tf.Tensor) -> tf.Tensor:
        """Calculates the attention weights.

        x: tf.Tensor
            The input tensor.

            The attention weighted sum of the input tensor.

        e = K.tanh(K.dot(x, self.W) + self.b)
        e = K.dot(e, self.V)
        a = K.softmax(e, axis=1)
        output = x * a

        if self.return_sequences:
            return output, a

        return K.sum(output, axis=1), a
Exemple #19
def _time_distributed_dense(x,
    """Apply `y . w + b` for every temporal slice y of x.

    # Arguments
        x: input tensor.
        w: weight matrix.
        b: optional bias vector.
        dropout: wether to apply dropout (same dropout mask
            for every temporal slice of the input).
        input_dim: integer; optional dimensionality of the input.
        output_dim: integer; optional dimensionality of the output.
        timesteps: integer; optional number of timesteps.
        training: training phase tensor or boolean.

    # Returns
        Output tensor.
    if not input_dim:
        input_dim = K.shape(x)[2]
    if not timesteps:
        timesteps = K.shape(x)[1]
    if not output_dim:
        output_dim = K.int_shape(w)[1]

    if dropout is not None and 0. < dropout < 1.:
        # apply the same dropout pattern at every timestep
        ones = K.ones_like(K.reshape(x[:, 0, :], (-1, input_dim)))
        dropout_matrix = K.dropout(ones, dropout)
        expanded_dropout_matrix = K.repeat(dropout_matrix, timesteps)
        x = K.in_train_phase(x * expanded_dropout_matrix, x, training=training)

    # collapse time dimension and batch dimension together
    x = K.reshape(x, (-1, input_dim))
    x = K.dot(x, w)
    if b is not None:
        x = K.bias_add(x, b)
    # reshape to 3D tensor
    if K.backend() == 'tensorflow':
        x = K.reshape(x, K.stack([-1, timesteps, output_dim]))
        x.set_shape([None, None, output_dim])
        x = K.reshape(x, (-1, timesteps, output_dim))
    return x
    def call(self, x, mask=None):

        #print("x[0].shape = {}".format(x[0].shape), flush=True)
        # x[0] is N x feat_dim, x[1] is N x class_num onehot, self.centers is class_num x feat_dim
        delta_centers = K.dot(K.transpose(x[1]),
                              (K.dot(x[1], self.centers) - x[0]))  # 10x2
        center_counts = K.sum(K.transpose(x[1]), axis=1,
                              keepdims=True) + 1  # 10x1
        delta_centers /= center_counts
        new_centers = self.centers - self.alpha * delta_centers
        #self.add_update((self.centers, new_centers), x)
            new_centers)  # Chieko: something's wrong with add_update()

        # self.add_update((self.counter, self.counter + 1), x)

        self.result = x[0] - K.dot(
            x[1], self.centers
        )  # Chieko: recalculate the distance from center to each point
        self.result = K.sum(self.result**2, axis=1,
                            keepdims=True)  #/ K.dot(x[1], center_counts)
        # Chieko: N(x**2 + y**2)
        return self.result  # Nx1
Exemple #21
 def call(self, x, training=False):
     deep_out = x
     for i in range(len(self.kernels)):
         #x =  ks.layers.dot([x, kernel], axes =(-1,-1) )
         #x = tf.tensordot(deep_out, self.kernels[i],  axes =(-1,0) ) + self.bias[i]
         deep_out = K.dot(deep_out, self.kernels[i])
         deep_out = K.bias_add(deep_out,
         if self.activations[i] and self.activations[i] is not None:
             deep_out = tf.keras.layers.Activation(
         #x= tf.keras.layers.Dropout(self.dropout_rate)(x, training = training)
     return deep_out
Exemple #22
 def call(self, x, mask=None):
     et = K.squeeze(K.tanh(K.dot(x, self.W) + self.b), axis=-1)
     at = K.softmax(et)
     if mask is not None:
         at *= K.cast(mask, K.floatx())
     # atx: (BATCH_SIZE, MAX_TIMESTEPS, 1)
     atx = K.expand_dims(at, axis=-1)
     ot = x * atx
     # output: (BATCH_SIZE, EMBED_SIZE)
     return K.sum(ot, axis=1)
Exemple #23
    def call(self, inputs, mask=None):

        q = k = v = inputs

        q_mask = k_mask = v_mask = mask

        # [N, max_len, emb_dim] * [emb_dim, emb_dim] = [N, max_len, emb_dim]
        q = K.dot(q, self.wq)
        k = K.dot(k, self.wk)
        v = K.dot(v, self.wv)

        q += self.bq
        k += self.bk
        v += self.bv

        # scale dot product
        y = ScaleDotProducttion()([q, k, v], [q_mask, k_mask, v_mask], self.n_head)

        y = ScaleDotProducttion.reshape_from_attention_shape(y, self.n_head)
        y = K.dot(y, self.wo)
        y += self.bo

        return y
    def call(self, inputs):
        theta_b_output, theta_f_output = super(SeasonalBlock,

        t = K.cast(K.arange(-self.fdw, self.fw, 1) / self.fdw, tf.float32)

        cos_num = self.theta_units // 2
        sin_num = (self.theta_units // 2 if self.theta_units %
                   2 == 0 else self.theta_units // 2 + 1)

        cos = K.stack([K.cos(2 * np.pi * i * t) for i in range(cos_num)],
        sin = K.stack([K.sin(2 * np.pi * i * t) for i in range(sin_num)],

        s = K.concatenate([cos, sin], axis=0)
        s_b = s[:, :self.fdw]
        s_f = s[:, self.fdw:]

        backcast = K.dot(theta_b_output, s_b)
        forecast = K.dot(theta_f_output, s_f)

        return backcast, forecast
 def call(self, inputs):
     # Implement Eq.(9)
     perturbed_kernel = (
         self.kernel +
         self.sigma_kernel * K.random_uniform(shape=self.kernel_shape))
     outputs = K.dot(inputs, perturbed_kernel)
     if self.use_bias:
         perturbed_bias = (
             self.bias +
             self.sigma_bias * K.random_uniform(shape=self.bias_shape))
         outputs = K.bias_add(outputs, perturbed_bias)
     if self.activation is not None:
         outputs = self.activation(outputs)
     return outputs
 def call(self, x, mask=None):
     features_dim = self.features_dim
     step_dim = self.step_dim
     eij = K.reshape(K.dot(K.reshape(x, (-1, features_dim)), K.reshape(self.W, (features_dim, 1))), (-1, step_dim))
     if self.bias:
         eij += self.b
     eij = K.tanh(eij)
     a = K.exp(eij)
     if mask is not None:
         a *= K.cast(mask, K.floatx())
     a /= K.cast(K.sum(a, axis=1, keepdims=True) + K.epsilon(), K.floatx())
     a = K.expand_dims(a)
     weighted_input = x * a
     return K.sum(weighted_input, axis=1)
Exemple #27
 def call(self, inputs):
     # multiply inputs by weight kernel. (None, d)*(d, 2*output_dim)
     projected = K.dot(inputs, self.kernel)
     # reshape
     reshaped = K.reshape(projected, (-1, self.output_dim, 2))
     # normalize along final axis
     projected_norm = K.l2_normalize(reshaped, -1)
     # normalize embeddings
     embeds_norm = K.l2_normalize(self.class_embeds, -1)
     # dot product
     cosine_similarity = K.sum(projected_norm*embeds_norm, axis=-1)
     # shift to unit interval
     #return 0.5*(cosine_similarity+1)
     return tf.nn.sigmoid(cosine_similarity)
Exemple #28
 def call(self, x):
     if (self.size == None) or (self.mode == 'sum'):
         self.size = int(x.shape[-1])
     position_j = 1. / K.pow(  10000., 2 * K.arange(self.size / 2, dtype='float32') / self.size  )
     position_j = K.expand_dims(position_j, 0)
     position_i = tf.cumsum(K.ones_like(x[:,:,0]), 1)-1 
     position_i = K.expand_dims(position_i, 2)
     position_ij = K.dot(position_i, position_j)
     position_ij = K.concatenate([K.cos(position_ij), K.sin(position_ij)], 2)
     if self.mode == 'sum':
         return position_ij + x
     elif self.mode == 'concat':
         return K.concatenate([position_ij, x], 2)
Exemple #29
    def call(self, x):
        x = x[0]



        traf = K.dot(x, self.trafo)

        ret = K.reshape(traf, (-1, self.ogs, self.paramo))

        return ret, self.graph
Exemple #30
    def _additive_similarity(self, source, query):
        concatenation = K.concatenate([source, query], axis=2)
        nonlinearity = K.tanh(K.dot(concatenation, self._weights["w_a"]))

        # tile the weight vector (1, 1, dim) for each time step and each element of the batch -> (bs, T, dim)
        source_shape = K.shape(source)
        vaeff = K.tile(K.expand_dims(self._weights["v_a"], 0),
                       [source_shape[0], source_shape[1], 1])

        similarity = K.batch_dot(K.permute_dimensions(vaeff, [0, 2, 1]),
                                 axes=[1, 2])

        return similarity