Exemple #1
def _eager_safe_variable_handle(shape, dtype, shared_name, name, graph_mode):
  """Creates a variable handle with information to do shape inference."""
  container = ops.get_default_graph()._container  # pylint: disable=protected-access
  if container is None:
    container = ""
  handle = gen_resource_variable_ops.var_handle_op(shape=shape, dtype=dtype,
  if graph_mode:
    return handle

  # We do not want two distinct ResourceVariable objects for the same
  # underlying resource in the runtime.
  # When in eager mode, explicitly ensure so here. When in graph mode, it's
  # ensured by always generating different variable names.
  exists = gen_resource_variable_ops.var_is_initialized_op(handle)
  if exists:
    raise ValueError("variable object with name '%s' already created. Use "
                     "get_variable() if reuse is desired." %
  with context.graph_mode(), ops.Graph().as_default() as graph:
    h = gen_resource_variable_ops.var_handle_op(shape=shape, dtype=dtype,

    # Tensor._handle_data contains information for the shape-inference code to
    # know the shape and dtype of the variable pointed to by a handle. Since
    # shape inference doesn't run in eager mode we copy this data here for when
    # the handle is captured by an eager mode function.
    # pylint: disable=protected-access
    if ops._USE_C_SHAPES:
      handle._handle_data = get_resource_handle_data(h)
      if h._handle_data is None:
      handle._handle_data = h._handle_data
    # pylint: enable=protected-access

  # Clean up our reference cycles to avoid making the garbage collector run.
  # pylint: disable=protected-access
  # OrderedDict, constructed on Graph creation, makes a simple reference loop
  # and hides it in an __attribute in some Python versions. We don't need to
  # throw an error if we can't find it, but if we do find it we can break the
  # loop to avoid creating work for the garbage collector.
  problematic_cycle = graph._functions.__dict__.get("_OrderedDict__root", None)
  # pylint: enable=protected-access
  if problematic_cycle:
      del problematic_cycle[0][:]
    except TypeError:
      # This is probably not one of the problematic Python versions. Continue
      # with the rest of our cleanup.
  # Now clean up our own reference cycles by clearing all of the attributes for
  # the Graph and op we created.
  h.__dict__ = {}
  graph.__dict__ = {}
  return handle
def _eager_safe_variable_handle(shape, dtype, shared_name, name, graph_mode):
  """Creates a variable handle with information to do shape inference."""
  container = ops.get_default_graph()._container  # pylint: disable=protected-access
  if container is None:
    container = ""
  handle = gen_resource_variable_ops.var_handle_op(shape=shape, dtype=dtype,
  if graph_mode:
    return handle

  # We do not want two distinct ResourceVariable objects for the same
  # underlying resource in the runtime.
  # When in eager mode, explicitly ensure so here. When in graph mode, it's
  # ensured by always generating different variable names.
  exists = gen_resource_variable_ops.var_is_initialized_op(handle)
  if exists:
    raise ValueError("variable object with name '%s' already created. Use "
                     "get_variable() if reuse is desired." %
  with context.graph_mode(), ops.Graph().as_default() as graph:
    h = gen_resource_variable_ops.var_handle_op(shape=shape, dtype=dtype,

    # Tensor._handle_data contains information for the shape-inference code to
    # know the shape and dtype of the variable pointed to by a handle. Since
    # shape inference doesn't run in eager mode we copy this data here for when
    # the handle is captured by an eager mode function.
    # pylint: disable=protected-access
    if ops._USE_C_SHAPES:
      handle._handle_data = get_resource_handle_data(h)
      if h._handle_data is None:
      handle._handle_data = h._handle_data
    # pylint: enable=protected-access

  # Clean up our reference cycles to avoid making the garbage collector run.
  # pylint: disable=protected-access
  # OrderedDict, constructed on Graph creation, makes a simple reference loop
  # and hides it in an __attribute in some Python versions. We don't need to
  # throw an error if we can't find it, but if we do find it we can break the
  # loop to avoid creating work for the garbage collector.
  problematic_cycle = graph._functions.__dict__.get("_OrderedDict__root", None)
  # pylint: enable=protected-access
  if problematic_cycle:
      del problematic_cycle[0][:]
    except TypeError:
      # This is probably not one of the problematic Python versions. Continue
      # with the rest of our cleanup.
  # Now clean up our own reference cycles by clearing all of the attributes for
  # the Graph and op we created.
  h.__dict__ = {}
  graph.__dict__ = {}
  return handle
def _eager_safe_variable_handle(shape, dtype, shared_name, name, graph_mode):
  """Creates a variable handle with information to do shape inference."""
  container = ops.get_default_graph()._container  # pylint: disable=protected-access
  if container is None:
    container = ""
  handle = resource_variable_ops.var_handle_op(shape=shape, dtype=dtype,
  if graph_mode:
    return handle

  with context.graph_mode(), ops.Graph().as_default() as graph:
    h = resource_variable_ops.var_handle_op(shape=shape, dtype=dtype,

    # Tensor._handle_data contains information for the shape-inference code to
    # know the shape and dtype of the variable pointed to by a handle. Since
    # shape inference doesn't run in eager mode we copy this data here for when
    # the handle is captured by an eager mode function.
    # pylint: disable=protected-access
    if ops._USE_C_SHAPES:
      handle._handle_data = resource_variable_ops.get_resource_handle_data(h)
      if h._handle_data is None:
      handle._handle_data = h._handle_data
    # pylint: enable=protected-access
  # Clean up op->graph->op reference cycles.
  return handle
Exemple #4
def _eager_safe_variable_handle(shape, dtype, shared_name, name, graph_mode):
    """Creates a variable handle with information to do shape inference."""
    container = ops.get_default_graph()._container  # pylint: disable=protected-access
    if container is None:
        container = ""
    handle = resource_variable_ops.var_handle_op(shape=shape,
    if graph_mode:
        return handle

    with context.graph_mode(), ops.Graph().as_default() as graph:
        h = resource_variable_ops.var_handle_op(shape=shape,

        # Tensor._handle_data contains information for the shape-inference code to
        # know the shape and dtype of the variable pointed to by a handle. Since
        # shape inference doesn't run in eager mode we copy this data here for when
        # the handle is captured by an eager mode function.
        # pylint: disable=protected-access
        if ops._USE_C_SHAPES:
            handle._handle_data = resource_variable_ops.get_resource_handle_data(
            if h._handle_data is None:
            handle._handle_data = h._handle_data
        # pylint: enable=protected-access
    # Clean up op->graph->op reference cycles.
    return handle
Exemple #5
def copy(org_instance,
    """Build a new node in the TensorFlow graph from `org_instance`,
  where any of its ancestors existing in `dict_swap` are
  replaced with `dict_swap`'s corresponding value.

  Copying is done recursively. Any `Operation` whose output is
  required to copy `org_instance` is also copied (if it isn't already
  copied within the new scope).

  `tf.Variable`s, `tf.placeholder`s, and nodes of type `Queue` are
  always reused and not copied. In addition, `tf.Operation`s with
  operation-level seeds are copied with a new operation-level seed.

    org_instance: RandomVariable, tf.Operation, tf.Tensor, or tf.Variable.
      Node to add in graph with replaced ancestors.
    dict_swap: dict.
      Random variables, variables, tensors, or operations to swap with.
      Its keys are what `org_instance` may depend on, and its values are
      the corresponding object (not necessarily of the same class
      instance, but must have the same type, e.g., float32) that is used
      in exchange.
    scope: str.
      A scope for the new node(s). This is used to avoid name
      conflicts with the original node(s).
    replace_itself: bool.
      Whether to replace `org_instance` itself if it exists in
      `dict_swap`. (This is used for the recursion.)
    copy_q: bool.
      Whether to copy the replaced tensors too (if not already
      copied within the new scope). Otherwise will reuse them.
      Whether to copy parent random variables `org_instance` depends
      on. Otherwise will copy only the sample tensors and not the
      random variable class itself.

    RandomVariable, tf.Variable, tf.Tensor, or tf.Operation.
    The copied node.

    If `org_instance` is not one of the above types.

  #### Examples

  x = tf.constant(2.0)
  y = tf.constant(3.0)
  z = x * y

  qx = tf.constant(4.0)
  # The TensorFlow graph is currently
  # `x` -> `z` <- y`, `qx`

  # This adds a subgraph with newly copied nodes,
  # `qx` -> `copied/z` <- `copied/y`
  z_new = ed.copy(z, {x: qx})

  sess = tf.Session()
    if not isinstance(org_instance,
                      (RandomVariable, tf.Operation, tf.Tensor, tf.Variable)):
        raise TypeError("Could not copy instance: " + str(org_instance))

    if dict_swap is None:
        dict_swap = {}
    if scope[-1] != '/':
        scope += '/'

    # Swap instance if in dictionary.
    if org_instance in dict_swap and replace_itself:
        org_instance = dict_swap[org_instance]
        if not copy_q:
            return org_instance
    elif isinstance(org_instance, tf.Tensor) and replace_itself:
        # Deal with case when `org_instance` is the associated tensor
        # from the RandomVariable, e.g., `z.value()`. If
        # `dict_swap={z: qz}`, we aim to swap it with `qz.value()`.
        for key, value in six.iteritems(dict_swap):
            if isinstance(key, RandomVariable):
                if org_instance == key.value():
                    if isinstance(value, RandomVariable):
                        org_instance = value.value()
                        org_instance = value
                    if not copy_q:
                        return org_instance

    # If instance is a tf.Variable, return it; do not copy any. Note we
    # check variables via their name. If we get variables through an
    # op's inputs, it has type tf.Tensor and not tf.Variable.
    if isinstance(org_instance, (tf.Tensor, tf.Variable)):
        for variable in tf.global_variables():
            if org_instance.name == variable.name:
                if variable in dict_swap and replace_itself:
                    # Deal with case when `org_instance` is the associated _ref
                    # tensor for a tf.Variable.
                    org_instance = dict_swap[variable]
                    if not copy_q or isinstance(org_instance, tf.Variable):
                        return org_instance
                    for variable in tf.global_variables():
                        if org_instance.name == variable.name:
                            return variable
                    return variable

    graph = tf.get_default_graph()
    new_name = scope + org_instance.name

    # If an instance of the same name exists, return it.
    if isinstance(org_instance, RandomVariable):
        for rv in random_variables():
            if new_name == rv.name:
                return rv
    elif isinstance(org_instance, (tf.Tensor, tf.Operation)):
            return graph.as_graph_element(new_name,

    # Preserve ordering of random variables. Random variables are always
    # copied first (from parent -> child) before any deterministic
    # operations that depend on them.
    if copy_parent_rvs and \
            isinstance(org_instance, (RandomVariable, tf.Tensor, tf.Variable)):
        for v in get_parents(org_instance):
            copy(v, dict_swap, scope, True, copy_q, True)

    if isinstance(org_instance, RandomVariable):
        rv = org_instance

        # If it has copiable arguments, copy them.
        args = [
            _copy_default(arg, dict_swap, scope, True, copy_q, False)
            for arg in rv._args

        kwargs = {}
        for key, value in six.iteritems(rv._kwargs):
            if isinstance(value, list):
                kwargs[key] = [
                    _copy_default(v, dict_swap, scope, True, copy_q, False)
                    for v in value
                kwargs[key] = _copy_default(value, dict_swap, scope, True,
                                            copy_q, False)

        kwargs['name'] = new_name
        # Create new random variable with copied arguments.
            new_rv = type(rv)(*args, **kwargs)
        except ValueError:
            # Handle case where parameters are copied under absolute name
            # scope. This can cause an error when creating a new random
            # variable as tf.identity name ops are called on parameters ("op
            # with name already exists"). To avoid remove absolute name scope.
            kwargs['name'] = new_name[:-1]
            new_rv = type(rv)(*args, **kwargs)
        return new_rv
    elif isinstance(org_instance, tf.Tensor):
        tensor = org_instance

        # Do not copy tf.placeholders.
        if 'Placeholder' in tensor.op.type:
            return tensor

        # A tensor is one of the outputs of its underlying
        # op. Therefore copy the op itself.
        op = tensor.op
        new_op = copy(op, dict_swap, scope, True, copy_q, False)

        output_index = op.outputs.index(tensor)
        new_tensor = new_op.outputs[output_index]

        # Add copied tensor to collections that the original one is in.
        for name, collection in six.iteritems(tensor.graph._collections):
            if tensor in collection:
                graph.add_to_collection(name, new_tensor)

        return new_tensor
    elif isinstance(org_instance, tf.Operation):
        op = org_instance

        # Do not copy queue operations.
        if 'Queue' in op.type:
            return op

        # Copy the node def.
        # It is unique to every Operation instance. Replace the name and
        # its operation-level seed if it has one.
        node_def = deepcopy(op.node_def)
        node_def.name = new_name

        # when copying control flow contexts,
        # we need to make sure frame definitions are copied
        if 'frame_name' in node_def.attr and node_def.attr[
                'frame_name'].s != b'':
            node_def.attr['frame_name'].s = (scope.encode('utf-8') +

        if 'seed2' in node_def.attr and tf.get_seed(None)[1] is not None:
            node_def.attr['seed2'].i = tf.get_seed(None)[1]

        # Copy other arguments needed for initialization.
        output_types = op._output_types[:]

        # If it has an original op, copy it.
        if op._original_op is not None:
            original_op = copy(op._original_op, dict_swap, scope, True, copy_q,
            original_op = None

        # Copy the op def.
        # It is unique to every Operation type.
        op_def = deepcopy(op.op_def)

        new_op = tf.Operation(
            [],  # inputs; will add them afterwards
            [],  # control inputs; will add them afterwards
            [],  # input types; will add them afterwards

        # advertise op early to break recursions

        # If it has control inputs, copy them.
        control_inputs = []
        for x in op.control_inputs:
            elem = copy(x, dict_swap, scope, True, copy_q, False)
            if not isinstance(elem, tf.Operation):
                elem = tf.convert_to_tensor(elem)



        # If it has inputs, copy them.
        for x in op.inputs:
            elem = copy(x, dict_swap, scope, True, copy_q, False)
            if not isinstance(elem, tf.Operation):
                elem = tf.convert_to_tensor(elem)


        # Copy the control flow context.
        control_flow_context = _copy_context(op._get_control_flow_context(),
                                             {}, dict_swap, scope, copy_q)

        # Use Graph's private methods to add the op, following
        # implementation of `tf.Graph().create_op()`.
        compute_shapes = True
        compute_device = True
        op_type = new_name

        if compute_shapes:

        if compute_device:

        if graph._colocation_stack:
            all_colocation_groups = []
            for colocation_op in graph._colocation_stack:
                if colocation_op.device:
                    # Make this device match the device of the colocated op, to
                    # provide consistency between the device and the colocation
                    # property.
                    if new_op.device and new_op.device != colocation_op.device:
                            "Tried to colocate %s with an op %s that had "
                            "a different device: %s vs %s. "
                            "Ignoring colocation property.", name,
                            colocation_op.name, new_op.device,

            all_colocation_groups = sorted(set(all_colocation_groups))

        # Sets "container" attribute if
        # (1) graph._container is not None
        # (2) "is_stateful" is set in OpDef
        # (3) "container" attribute is in OpDef
        # (4) "container" attribute is None
        if (graph._container and op_type in graph._registered_ops
                and graph._registered_ops[op_type].is_stateful
                and "container" in new_op.node_def.attr
                and not new_op.node_def.attr["container"].s):

        return new_op
        raise TypeError("Could not copy instance: " + str(org_instance))
Exemple #6
def import_graph_def(graph_def,
    """Imports the graph from `graph_def` into the current default `Graph`.

  This function provides a way to import a serialized TensorFlow
  protocol buffer, and extract individual objects in the `GraphDef` as
  @{tf.Tensor} and @{tf.Operation} objects. Once extracted,
  these objects are placed into the current default `Graph`. See
  @{tf.Graph.as_graph_def} for a way to create a `GraphDef`

    graph_def: A `GraphDef` proto containing operations to be imported into
      the default graph.
    input_map: A dictionary mapping input names (as strings) in `graph_def`
      to `Tensor` objects. The values of the named input tensors in the
      imported graph will be re-mapped to the respective `Tensor` values.
    return_elements: A list of strings containing operation names in
      `graph_def` that will be returned as `Operation` objects; and/or
      tensor names in `graph_def` that will be returned as `Tensor` objects.
    name: (Optional.) A prefix that will be prepended to the names in
      `graph_def`. Note that this does not apply to imported function names.
      Defaults to `"import"`.
    op_dict: (Optional.) Deprecated, do not use.
    producer_op_list: (Optional.) An `OpList` proto with the (possibly stripped)
      list of `OpDef`s used by the producer of the graph. If provided,
      unrecognized attrs for ops in `graph_def` that have their default value
      according to `producer_op_list` will be removed. This will allow some more
      `GraphDef`s produced by later binaries to be accepted by earlier binaries.

    A list of `Operation` and/or `Tensor` objects from the imported graph,
    corresponding to the names in `return_elements`.

    TypeError: If `graph_def` is not a `GraphDef` proto,
      `input_map` is not a dictionary mapping strings to `Tensor` objects,
      or `return_elements` is not a list of strings.
    ValueError: If `input_map`, or `return_elements` contains names that
      do not appear in `graph_def`, or `graph_def` is not well-formed (e.g.
      it refers to an unknown tensor).
    op_dict = op_def_registry.get_registered_ops()

    graph_def = _ProcessGraphDefParam(graph_def, op_dict)
    input_map = _ProcessInputMapParam(input_map)
    return_elements = _ProcessReturnElementsParam(return_elements)

    if producer_op_list is not None:
        # TODO(skyewm): make a copy of graph_def so we're not mutating the argument?
        _RemoveDefaultAttrs(op_dict, producer_op_list, graph_def)

    graph = ops.get_default_graph()

    if graph._c_graph:  # pylint: disable=protected-access
        with ops.name_scope(name, 'import', input_map.values()) as scope:
            # Save unique prefix generated by name_scope
            if scope:
                assert scope.endswith('/')
                prefix = scope[:-1]
                prefix = ''

            # Generate any input map tensors inside name scope
            input_map = _ConvertInputMapValues(name, input_map)

        scoped_options = c_api_util.ScopedTFImportGraphDefOptions()
        options = scoped_options.options
        _PopulateTFImportGraphDefOptions(options, prefix, input_map,

        # _ProcessNewOps mutates the new operations. _lock ensures a Session.run
        # call cannot occur between creating the TF_Operations in the
        # TF_GraphImportGraphDefWithResults call and mutating the them in
        # _ProcessNewOps.
        with graph._lock:  # pylint: disable=protected-access
            with c_api_util.tf_buffer(
                    graph_def.SerializeToString()) as serialized:
                    results = c_api.TF_GraphImportGraphDefWithResults(
                        graph._c_graph, serialized, options)  # pylint: disable=protected-access
                    results = c_api_util.ScopedTFImportGraphDefResults(results)
                except errors.InvalidArgumentError as e:
                    # Convert to ValueError for backwards compatibility.
                    raise ValueError(str(e))

            # Create _DefinedFunctions for any imported functions.
            # We do this by creating _DefinedFunctions directly from `graph_def`, and
            # adding them to `graph`. Adding an existing function to a TF_Graph is a
            # no-op, so this only has the effect of updating the Python state (usually
            # _DefinedFunction.add_to_graph also adds the function to the TF_Graph).
            # TODO(skyewm): fetch the TF_Functions directly from the TF_Graph
            # TODO(skyewm): avoid sending serialized FunctionDefs back to the TF_Graph
            # TODO(b/74620627): move this after _ProcessNewOps outside the lock once
            # _USE_C_SHAPES is removed.
            if graph_def.library and graph_def.library.function:
                # pylint: disable=protected-access
                functions = function._from_library(graph_def.library)
                for f in functions:
                # pylint: enable=protected-access


        # Treat input mappings that don't appear in the graph as an error, because
        # they are likely to be due to a typo.
        missing_unused_input_keys = (
        if missing_unused_input_keys:
            missing_unused_input_keys = [
                compat.as_str(s) for s in missing_unused_input_keys
            raise ValueError(
                'Attempted to map inputs that were not found in graph_def: [%s]'
                % ', '.join(missing_unused_input_keys))

        if return_elements is None:
            return None
            return _GatherReturnElements(return_elements, graph,

        g = graph

        # Use a canonical representation for all tensor names.
        input_map = {_CanonicalInputName(k): v for k, v in input_map.items()}
        used_input_keys = set()
        name_to_op = {}

        # Add any functions defined in `graph_def` to `g`
        if graph_def.library and graph_def.library.function:
            # Copy op_dict so we don't clobber the original
            op_dict = copy.copy(op_dict)
            # pylint: disable=protected-access
            # Note that we do not prepend `name` to the function name. The reasoning
            # is that function names are similar to op definition names, which
            # currently do not have a scoped name or namespace scheme.
            functions = function._from_library(graph_def.library)
            for f in functions:
                op_dict[f.name] = f.definition.signature
            # pylint: enable=protected-access

        # LINT.IfChange
        with ops.name_scope(name, 'import', input_map.values()) as scope:
            # TODO(ashankar): Should this just copy over or should it do some
            # more nuanced merging? For example, the graph may already have some
            # marked "bad versions" and we don't want to lose those because of
            # what's in graph_def.versions? The C++ ImporGraphDef does something
            # more nuanced.

            input_map = _ConvertInputMapValues(name, input_map)

            # NOTE(mrry): We do this in two passes, because there may be a cycle in
            # `graph_def`.

            # 1. Add operations without their inputs.
            for node in graph_def.node:
                # Check to see if this op's name matches a previously seen op
                if node.name in name_to_op:
                    raise ValueError('Duplicate name \'%s\' in GraphDef.' %
                if node.op not in op_dict:
                    raise ValueError(
                        'No op named %s in defined operations. If the Graph you are '
                        'importing uses custom ops or any parts of tf.contrib, you '
                        'should explicitly import the libraries defining those ops '
                        'before loading the Graph. Note that tf.contrib is lazily loaded '
                        'when accessed, so simply referencing (e.g.) '
                        '`tf.contrib.resampler` will cause those ops to be made '
                        'available.' % node.op)
                op_def = op_dict[node.op]

                output_types = _OutputTypes(node, op_dict)
                name_to_op[node.name] = g.create_op(node.op, [],

            # Maps from a node to the ops it is colocated with, if colocation
            # is specified in the attributes.
            colocation_pairs = collections.defaultdict(list)

            # 2. Add inputs to the operations.
            for node in graph_def.node:
                op = name_to_op[node.name]
                input_types = _InputTypes(node, op_dict)
                apply_device_function = True

                # Rewrite the colocation attributes in the graph, since the
                # names of new ops may have changed.
                for key, value in op.node_def.attr.items():
                    if key == '_class':
                        class_values = value.list
                        new_class_values = []
                        for class_value in class_values.s:
                            if class_value.startswith(b'loc:@'):
                                op_to_bind_to = class_value[5:].decode()
                                # Find the op by its original name.
                                if op_to_bind_to not in name_to_op:
                                    raise ValueError(
                                        'Specified colocation to an op that '
                                        'does not exist during import: %s in %s'
                                        % (op_to_bind_to, node.name))
                                original_op = name_to_op[op_to_bind_to]
                                    compat.as_bytes('loc:@' +
                                if op_to_bind_to != node.name:
                                    # Keep track of this mapping for a later phase.
                                    # Don't apply this op's device function,
                                    # the colocation constraint will ensure
                                    # the proper device gets assigned at runtime.
                                    apply_device_function = False


                # NOTE(mrry): We cannot use zip here because control inputs do not
                # appear in the list of input_types.
                for i, input_name in enumerate(
                    [_CanonicalInputName(x) for x in node.input]):

                    if _IsControlInput(input_name):
                        # (a) Input is a control input that should be taken from an op
                        #     in "graph_def".
                            source_op = name_to_op[input_name[1:]]
                        except KeyError:
                            raise ValueError(
                                    'Control input %r not found in graph_def.'
                                    % (input_name, )))
                        # pylint: disable=protected-access
                        # pylint: enable=protected-access

                            input_type = input_types[i]
                        except IndexError:
                            raise ValueError(
                                    'More inputs specified (%r) than the op expects.'
                                    % (input_name, )))

                        if input_name in input_map:
                            # (b) Input should be replaced by a tensor from the caller.
                            source_tensor = input_map[input_name]

                            # (c) Input should be taken from an op in `graph_def`.
                            operation_name, output_index = _ParseTensorName(
                                source_op = name_to_op[operation_name]
                                source_tensor = list(
                            except (KeyError, IndexError):
                                raise ValueError(
                                        'Input tensor %r not found in graph_def.'
                                        % (input_name, )))

                            # pylint: disable=protected-access
                            op._add_input(source_tensor, dtype=input_type)
                            # pylint: enable=protected-access
                        except TypeError as te:
                            raise ValueError(
                                    'Input tensor %r %s' % (input_name, te)))

                # pylint: disable=protected-access
                if op._input_types != input_types:
                    raise ValueError(
                            'Input types mismatch (expected %r but got %r)' %
                            (', '.join(
                                for x in input_types), ', '.join(
                                    x.name for x in op._input_types))))
                # pylint: enable=protected-access

                # Execute shape inference for this op.
                # NOTE(mrry): If the graph contains a cycle, the full shape
                # information may not be available for this op's inputs.
                # For nodes with _output_shapes set, set the output shapes.
                if '_output_shapes' in op.node_def.attr:
                    for i, output in enumerate(op.outputs):
                        dims = op.node_def.attr['_output_shapes'].list.shape[i]
                        output_shape = tensor_shape.TensorShape(
                            None if dims.unknown_rank else [
                                dim.size if dim.size >= 0 else None
                                for dim in dims.dim

                        except ValueError as e:
                            # If the output shape is incompatible with what is inferred
                            # by the graph for a very specific whitelist of ops, then we
                            # ignore this output shape.  This can happen if there is a
                            # bug in the shape function for some operation, and the
                            # serialized graph def has the incorrect shape set when
                            # running on a newer binary with the fixed shape function.
                            # This is an escape hatch that allows us to correct shape
                            # functions that are not critical to correct execution but
                            # would cause graphs to fail if imported after correcting.
                            # This can be removed after 2017/03/08.
                            if op.type in [
                                    'RandomShuffleQueue', 'PaddingFIFOQueue',
                                    'FIFOQueue', 'PriorityQueue', 'QueueSize',
                                    'Stack', 'Barrier', 'BarrierReadySize',
                                    'BarrierIncompleteSize', 'HashTable',
                                    'MutableHashTableOfTensors', 'Mutex',
                                    'CuckooTable', 'IndexTable',
                                    'WholeFileReader', 'TextLineReader',
                                    'TFRecordReader', 'IdentityReader',
                                    'LMDBReader', 'RefSwitch', 'RefEnter',
                                    'RefNextIteration', 'RefMerge',
                            elif op.type in [
                                    'SparseConditionalAccumulator', 'Table'
                                # This can be removed after 2017/04/24.
                                raise e

                    del op.node_def.attr['_output_shapes']

                # NOTE(mrry): We do this after configuring the inputs, because
                # the result of the device functions may depend on the inputs.
                if apply_device_function:
                    with _MaybeDevice(node.device):
                        g._apply_device_functions(op)  # pylint: disable=protected-access

            # The following loop populates the device field of ops that are
            # colocated with another op.  This is implied by the colocation
            # attribute, but we propagate the device field for completeness.
            for op, coloc_op_list in colocation_pairs.items():
                coloc_device = None
                # Find any device in the list of colocated ops that have a
                # device, if it exists.  We assume that if multiple ops
                # have devices, they refer to the same device.  Otherwise, a
                # runtime error will occur since the colocation property
                # cannot be guaranteed.
                # One possible improvement is to try to check for compatibility
                # of all devices in this list at import time here, which would
                # require implementing a compatibility function for device specs
                # in python.
                for coloc_op in coloc_op_list:
                    if coloc_op.device:
                        coloc_device = pydev.DeviceSpec.from_string(
                if coloc_device:
                    op._set_device(coloc_device)  # pylint: disable=protected-access

            # Treat input mappings that don't appear in the graph as an error,
            # because they are likely to be due to a typo.
            def _IsImportedNodeOutput(tensor_name):
                operation_name, output_index = _ParseTensorName(tensor_name)
                    return output_index < len(
                except KeyError:
                    return False

            absent_input_keys = [
                k for k in frozenset(input_map.keys()).difference(
                    used_input_keys) if not _IsImportedNodeOutput(k)
            if absent_input_keys:
                raise ValueError(
                    'Attempted to map inputs that were not found in graph_def: [%s]'
                    % ', '.join(absent_input_keys))

            if return_elements is None:
                return None
                ret = []
                for name in return_elements:
                    name = compat.as_str(name)
                    if ':' in name:
                            operation_name, output_index = _ParseTensorName(
                        except (ValueError, KeyError, IndexError):
                            raise ValueError(
                                'Requested return_element %r not found in graph_def.'
                                % name)
                        except KeyError:
                            raise ValueError(
                                'Requested return_element %r not found in graph_def.'
                                % name)
                return ret
Exemple #7
def import_graph_def(graph_def,
  """Imports the graph from `graph_def` into the current default `Graph`.

  This function provides a way to import a serialized TensorFlow
  protocol buffer, and extract individual objects in the `GraphDef` as
  @{tf.Tensor} and @{tf.Operation} objects. Once extracted,
  these objects are placed into the current default `Graph`. See
  @{tf.Graph.as_graph_def} for a way to create a `GraphDef`

    graph_def: A `GraphDef` proto containing operations to be imported into
      the default graph.
    input_map: A dictionary mapping input names (as strings) in `graph_def`
      to `Tensor` objects. The values of the named input tensors in the
      imported graph will be re-mapped to the respective `Tensor` values.
    return_elements: A list of strings containing operation names in
      `graph_def` that will be returned as `Operation` objects; and/or
      tensor names in `graph_def` that will be returned as `Tensor` objects.
    name: (Optional.) A prefix that will be prepended to the names in
      `graph_def`. Note that this does not apply to imported function names.
      Defaults to `"import"`.
    op_dict: (Optional.) Deprecated, do not use.
    producer_op_list: (Optional.) An `OpList` proto with the (possibly stripped)
      list of `OpDef`s used by the producer of the graph. If provided,
      unrecognized attrs for ops in `graph_def` that have their default value
      according to `producer_op_list` will be removed. This will allow some more
      `GraphDef`s produced by later binaries to be accepted by earlier binaries.

    A list of `Operation` and/or `Tensor` objects from the imported graph,
    corresponding to the names in `return_elements`.

    TypeError: If `graph_def` is not a `GraphDef` proto,
      `input_map` is not a dictionary mapping strings to `Tensor` objects,
      or `return_elements` is not a list of strings.
    ValueError: If `input_map`, or `return_elements` contains names that
      do not appear in `graph_def`, or `graph_def` is not well-formed (e.g.
      it refers to an unknown tensor).
  op_dict = op_def_registry.get_registered_ops()

  graph_def = _ProcessGraphDefParam(graph_def, op_dict)
  input_map = _ProcessInputMapParam(input_map)
  return_elements = _ProcessReturnElementsParam(return_elements)

  if producer_op_list is not None:
    # TODO(skyewm): make a copy of graph_def so we're not mutating the argument?
    _RemoveDefaultAttrs(op_dict, producer_op_list, graph_def)

  graph = ops.get_default_graph()

  if graph._c_graph:  # pylint: disable=protected-access
    with ops.name_scope(name, 'import', input_map.values()) as scope:
      # Save unique prefix generated by name_scope
      if scope:
        assert scope.endswith('/')
        prefix = scope[:-1]
        prefix = ''

      # Generate any input map tensors inside name scope
      input_map = _ConvertInputMapValues(name, input_map)

    scoped_options = c_api_util.ScopedTFImportGraphDefOptions()
    options = scoped_options.options
    _PopulateTFImportGraphDefOptions(options, prefix, input_map,

    # _ProcessNewOps mutates the new operations. _lock ensures a Session.run
    # call cannot occur between creating the TF_Operations in the
    # TF_GraphImportGraphDefWithResults call and mutating the them in
    # _ProcessNewOps.
    with graph._lock:  # pylint: disable=protected-access
      with c_api_util.tf_buffer(graph_def.SerializeToString()) as serialized:
          results = c_api.TF_GraphImportGraphDefWithResults(
              graph._c_graph, serialized, options)  # pylint: disable=protected-access
          results = c_api_util.ScopedTFImportGraphDefResults(results)
        except errors.InvalidArgumentError as e:
          # Convert to ValueError for backwards compatibility.
          raise ValueError(str(e))

      # Create _DefinedFunctions for any imported functions.
      # We do this by creating _DefinedFunctions directly from `graph_def`, and
      # adding them to `graph`. Adding an existing function to a TF_Graph is a
      # no-op, so this only has the effect of updating the Python state (usually
      # _DefinedFunction.add_to_graph also adds the function to the TF_Graph).
      # TODO(skyewm): fetch the TF_Functions directly from the TF_Graph
      # TODO(skyewm): avoid sending serialized FunctionDefs back to the TF_Graph
      # TODO(b/74620627): move this after _ProcessNewOps outside the lock once
      # _USE_C_SHAPES is removed.
      if graph_def.library and graph_def.library.function:
        # pylint: disable=protected-access
        functions = function._from_library(graph_def.library)
        for f in functions:
        # pylint: enable=protected-access


    # Treat input mappings that don't appear in the graph as an error, because
    # they are likely to be due to a typo.
    missing_unused_input_keys = (
    if missing_unused_input_keys:
      missing_unused_input_keys = [
          compat.as_str(s) for s in missing_unused_input_keys
      raise ValueError(
          'Attempted to map inputs that were not found in graph_def: [%s]' %
          ', '.join(missing_unused_input_keys))

    if return_elements is None:
      return None
      return _GatherReturnElements(return_elements, graph, results.results)

    g = graph

    # Use a canonical representation for all tensor names.
    input_map = {_CanonicalInputName(k): v for k, v in input_map.items()}
    used_input_keys = set()
    name_to_op = {}

    # Add any functions defined in `graph_def` to `g`
    if graph_def.library and graph_def.library.function:
      # Copy op_dict so we don't clobber the original
      op_dict = copy.copy(op_dict)
      # pylint: disable=protected-access
      # Note that we do not prepend `name` to the function name. The reasoning
      # is that function names are similar to op definition names, which
      # currently do not have a scoped name or namespace scheme.
      functions = function._from_library(graph_def.library)
      for f in functions:
        op_dict[f.name] = f.definition.signature
      # pylint: enable=protected-access

    # LINT.IfChange
    with ops.name_scope(name, 'import', input_map.values()) as scope:
      # TODO(ashankar): Should this just copy over or should it do some
      # more nuanced merging? For example, the graph may already have some
      # marked "bad versions" and we don't want to lose those because of
      # what's in graph_def.versions? The C++ ImporGraphDef does something
      # more nuanced.

      input_map = _ConvertInputMapValues(name, input_map)

      # NOTE(mrry): We do this in two passes, because there may be a cycle in
      # `graph_def`.

      # 1. Add operations without their inputs.
      for node in graph_def.node:
        # Check to see if this op's name matches a previously seen op
        if node.name in name_to_op:
          raise ValueError('Duplicate name \'%s\' in GraphDef.' % node.name)
        if node.op not in op_dict:
          raise ValueError('No op named %s in defined operations.' % node.op)
        op_def = op_dict[node.op]

        output_types = _OutputTypes(node, op_dict)
        name_to_op[node.name] = g.create_op(
            node.op, [], output_types, name=node.name, attrs=node.attr,
            compute_shapes=False, compute_device=False,

      # Maps from a node to the ops it is colocated with, if colocation
      # is specified in the attributes.
      colocation_pairs = collections.defaultdict(list)

      # 2. Add inputs to the operations.
      for node in graph_def.node:
        op = name_to_op[node.name]
        input_types = _InputTypes(node, op_dict)
        apply_device_function = True

        # Rewrite the colocation attributes in the graph, since the
        # names of new ops may have changed.
        for key, value in op.node_def.attr.items():
          if key == '_class':
            class_values = value.list
            new_class_values = []
            for class_value in class_values.s:
              if class_value.startswith(b'loc:@'):
                op_to_bind_to = class_value[5:].decode()
                # Find the op by its original name.
                if op_to_bind_to not in name_to_op:
                  raise ValueError('Specified colocation to an op that '
                                   'does not exist during import: %s in %s' % (
                                       op_to_bind_to, node.name))
                original_op = name_to_op[op_to_bind_to]
                    'loc:@' + original_op.name))
                if op_to_bind_to != node.name:
                  # Keep track of this mapping for a later phase.
                  # Don't apply this op's device function,
                  # the colocation constraint will ensure
                  # the proper device gets assigned at runtime.
                  apply_device_function = False


        # NOTE(mrry): We cannot use zip here because control inputs do not
        # appear in the list of input_types.
        for i, input_name in enumerate(
            [_CanonicalInputName(x) for x in node.input]):

          if _IsControlInput(input_name):
            # (a) Input is a control input that should be taken from an op
            #     in "graph_def".
              source_op = name_to_op[input_name[1:]]
            except KeyError:
              raise ValueError(
                      'Control input %r not found in graph_def.'
                      % (input_name,)))
            # pylint: disable=protected-access
            # pylint: enable=protected-access

              input_type = input_types[i]
            except IndexError:
              raise ValueError(_InvalidNodeMessage(
                  node, 'More inputs specified (%r) than the op expects.'
                  % (input_name,)))

            if input_name in input_map:
              # (b) Input should be replaced by a tensor from the caller.
              source_tensor = input_map[input_name]

              # (c) Input should be taken from an op in `graph_def`.
              operation_name, output_index = _ParseTensorName(input_name)
                source_op = name_to_op[operation_name]
                source_tensor = list(source_op.values())[output_index]
              except (KeyError, IndexError):
                raise ValueError(
                        'Input tensor %r not found in graph_def.'
                        % (input_name,)))

              # pylint: disable=protected-access
              op._add_input(source_tensor, dtype=input_type)
              # pylint: enable=protected-access
            except TypeError as te:
              raise ValueError(_InvalidNodeMessage(
                  node, 'Input tensor %r %s' % (input_name, te)))

        # pylint: disable=protected-access
        if op._input_types != input_types:
          raise ValueError(
                  'Input types mismatch (expected %r but got %r)'
                  % (', '.join(dtypes.as_dtype(x).name for x in input_types),
                     ', '.join(x.name for x in op._input_types))))
        # pylint: enable=protected-access

        # Execute shape inference for this op.
        # NOTE(mrry): If the graph contains a cycle, the full shape
        # information may not be available for this op's inputs.
        # For nodes with _output_shapes set, set the output shapes.
        if '_output_shapes' in op.node_def.attr:
          for i, output in enumerate(op.outputs):
            dims = op.node_def.attr['_output_shapes'].list.shape[i]
            output_shape = tensor_shape.TensorShape(
                None if dims.unknown_rank else
                [dim.size if dim.size >= 0 else None for dim in dims.dim])

            except ValueError as e:
              # If the output shape is incompatible with what is inferred
              # by the graph for a very specific whitelist of ops, then we
              # ignore this output shape.  This can happen if there is a
              # bug in the shape function for some operation, and the
              # serialized graph def has the incorrect shape set when
              # running on a newer binary with the fixed shape function.
              # This is an escape hatch that allows us to correct shape
              # functions that are not critical to correct execution but
              # would cause graphs to fail if imported after correcting.
              # This can be removed after 2017/03/08.
              if op.type in ['RandomShuffleQueue', 'PaddingFIFOQueue',
                             'FIFOQueue', 'PriorityQueue', 'QueueSize',
                             'Stack', 'Barrier', 'BarrierReadySize',
                             'BarrierIncompleteSize', 'HashTable',
                             'MutableHashTableOfTensors', 'Mutex',
                             'CuckooTable', 'IndexTable',
                             'WholeFileReader', 'TextLineReader',
                             'TFRecordReader', 'IdentityReader',
                             'RefSwitch', 'RefEnter', 'RefNextIteration',
                             'RefMerge', 'RefIdentity']:
              elif op.type in [
                  'ConditionalAccumulator', 'SparseConditionalAccumulator',
                # This can be removed after 2017/04/24.
                raise e

          del op.node_def.attr['_output_shapes']

        # NOTE(mrry): We do this after configuring the inputs, because
        # the result of the device functions may depend on the inputs.
        if apply_device_function:
          with _MaybeDevice(node.device):
            g._apply_device_functions(op)  # pylint: disable=protected-access

      # The following loop populates the device field of ops that are
      # colocated with another op.  This is implied by the colocation
      # attribute, but we propagate the device field for completeness.
      for op, coloc_op_list in colocation_pairs.items():
        coloc_device = None
        # Find any device in the list of colocated ops that have a
        # device, if it exists.  We assume that if multiple ops
        # have devices, they refer to the same device.  Otherwise, a
        # runtime error will occur since the colocation property
        # cannot be guaranteed.
        # One possible improvement is to try to check for compatibility
        # of all devices in this list at import time here, which would
        # require implementing a compatibility function for device specs
        # in python.
        for coloc_op in coloc_op_list:
          if coloc_op.device:
            coloc_device = pydev.DeviceSpec.from_string(coloc_op.device)
        if coloc_device:
          op._set_device(coloc_device)  # pylint: disable=protected-access

      # Treat input mappings that don't appear in the graph as an error,
      # because they are likely to be due to a typo.
      def _IsImportedNodeOutput(tensor_name):
        operation_name, output_index = _ParseTensorName(tensor_name)
          return output_index < len(name_to_op[operation_name].outputs)
        except KeyError:
          return False
      absent_input_keys = [
          k for k in frozenset(input_map.keys()).difference(used_input_keys)
          if not _IsImportedNodeOutput(k)]
      if absent_input_keys:
        raise ValueError(
            'Attempted to map inputs that were not found in graph_def: [%s]'
            % ', '.join(absent_input_keys))

      if return_elements is None:
        return None
        ret = []
        for name in return_elements:
          name = compat.as_str(name)
          if ':' in name:
              operation_name, output_index = _ParseTensorName(name)
            except (ValueError, KeyError, IndexError):
              raise ValueError(
                  'Requested return_element %r not found in graph_def.' % name)
            except KeyError:
              raise ValueError(
                  'Requested return_element %r not found in graph_def.' % name)
        return ret