Exemple #1
 def cpu_sum(s):
   c = lambda i, s: tf.less(i, 10)
   def b(i, s):
     i1 = tf.add(i, 1)
     with tf.device("/cpu:0"):
       s1 = tf.add(i, s)
     return i1, s1
   _, r_s = control_flow_ops.While(c, b, [n, s])
   return r_s
Exemple #2
  def _testWhile_Gpu_1(self, use_gpu):
    with self.test_session(use_gpu=use_gpu):
      n = tf.constant(1.0)
      c = lambda x: tf.less(x, 10.0)
      b = lambda x: tf.add(x, 1.0)
      r = control_flow_ops.While(c, b, [n])

      result = r.eval()
    self.assertEqual(10.0, result)
  def testWhile_1(self):
    with self.test_session():
      n = tf.constant(0)
      c = lambda x: tf.less(x, 10000)
      b = lambda x: tf.add(x, 1)
      r = control_flow_ops.While(c, b, [n], parallel_iterations=20)

      result = r.eval()
    self.assertEqual(10000, result)
  def testWhileGrad_1(self):
    with self.test_session():
      v = tf.constant(2.0, name="v")
      c = lambda v: tf.less(v, 100.0)
      b = tf.square
      r = control_flow_ops.While(c, b, [v], parallel_iterations=1)

      r = tf.gradients(r, v)
      result = r[0].eval()
      self.assertEqual(1024.0, result)
    def testWhileCond_2(self):
        with self.test_session():
            n = tf.convert_to_tensor(0, name="n")
            c = lambda x: tf.less(x, 10)
            b = lambda x: control_flow_ops.cond(tf.constant(True), lambda: tf.
                                                add(x, 1), lambda: n)
            r = control_flow_ops.While(c, b, [n])

            result = r.eval()
        self.assertAllEqual(10, result)
  def testWhileGrad_2(self):
    with self.test_session():
      a = tf.constant(3.0, name="a")
      v = tf.constant(2.0, name="v")
      c = lambda v: tf.less(v, 100.0)
      b = lambda v: tf.mul(v, a)
      r = control_flow_ops.While(c, b, [v], parallel_iterations=1)

      r = tf.gradients(r, a)
      result = r[0].eval()
      self.assertEqual(216.0, result)
  def testCondWhile_2(self):
    with self.test_session():
      n = tf.convert_to_tensor(0)
      c = lambda x: tf.less(x, 10)
      b = lambda x: tf.add(x, 1)
      r = control_flow_ops.cond(tf.less(1, 0), lambda: tf.add(n, 1),
                                lambda: control_flow_ops.While(c, b, [n]))

      result = r.eval()
    self.assertAllEqual(10, result)
  def _testWhile_Gpu_2(self, use_gpu):
    with self.test_session(use_gpu=use_gpu):
      n = tf.constant(1.0)
      c = lambda x: tf.less(x, 10.0)
      def b(x):
        with tf.device("/cpu:0"):
          return tf.add(x, 1.0)
      r = control_flow_ops.While(c, b, [n])

      result = r.eval()
    self.assertEqual(10.0, result)
def make_heavy_op(myqueue, name):
    """Make an op that loops many times. This op reads off an int32 from "myqueue"
     and increments counter that many times. The return value is a Print op that
     final value of the counter."""

    looplimit = myqueue.dequeue()
    startval = tf.constant(0)
    condition = lambda i: tf.less(i, looplimit)
    increment = lambda i: tf.add(i, 1)
    result = control_flow_ops.While(condition, increment, [startval])
    resultprint = tf.Print(result, [name])
    return resultprint
Exemple #10
def gibbs_sample(k):
    def gibbs_step(count, k, xk):
        hk = sample(tf.sigmoid(tf.matmul(xk, W) + bh)) 
        xk = sample(tf.sigmoid(tf.matmul(hk, tf.transpose(W)) + bv))
        return count+1, k, xk

    ct = tf.constant(0) 
    [_, _, x_sample] = control_flow_ops.While(lambda count, num_iter, *args: count < num_iter,
                                         gibbs_step, [ct, tf.constant(k), x], 1, False)
    x_sample = tf.stop_gradient(x_sample) 
    return x_sample
    def testWhileCond_1(self):
        with self.test_session():
            i = tf.convert_to_tensor(0, name="i")
            n = tf.convert_to_tensor(10, name="n")
            one = tf.convert_to_tensor(1, name="one")
            c = lambda x: tf.less(x, n)
            b = lambda x: control_flow_ops.cond(tf.constant(
                True), lambda: tf.add(x, one), lambda: tf.sub(x, one))
            r = control_flow_ops.While(c, b, [i])

            result = r.eval()
        self.assertAllEqual(10, result)
    def generate(num, x=x, size_bt=size_bt, u0=u0, prime_with_x=False, n_visible=n_visible, prime_length=100):
        m = tf.zeros([1, n_visible],  tf.float32)
        ct   = tf.constant(1, tf.int32) #counter
        if prime_with_x:
            Uarr = tf.scan(rnn_recurrence, x, initializer=u0)
            U = Uarr[prime_length, :, :]
            U = u0
#         x = tf.slice(x, [100, 0], [num, n_visible])
        [_, _, _, _, _, music] = control_flow_ops.While(lambda count, num_iter, *args: count < num_iter,
                                                         [ct, tf.constant(num), U, tf.zeros([1, n_visible], tf.float32), x, m])
        return music
  def testWhileStack_1(self):
    with self.test_session():
      s = gen_data_flow_ops._stack(tf.int32, stack_name="foo")
      i = tf.constant(0)

      def c(i):
        return tf.less(i, 10)
      def b(i):
        ni = tf.add(i, 1)
        ni = control_flow_ops.with_dependencies(
            [gen_data_flow_ops._stack_push(s, i)], ni)
        return ni
      r = control_flow_ops.While(c, b, [i], parallel_iterations=1)

      x = tf.constant(0)
      def c1(i, _):
        return tf.greater(i, 0)
      def b1(i, x):
        ni = tf.sub(i, 1)
        nx = x + gen_data_flow_ops._stack_pop(s, tf.int32)
        return [ni, nx]
      _, rx = control_flow_ops.While(c1, b1, [r, x], parallel_iterations=1)
      self.assertEqual(45, rx.eval())
  def testWhileWithControl_2(self):
    with self.test_session():
      r = tf.constant(0)
      condition = lambda r_: tf.less(r_, 10)

      def body(r_):
        with r_.graph.control_dependencies([r_]):
          r_ = tf.constant(12)
        return [r_]

      res = control_flow_ops.While(condition, body, [r], parallel_iterations=1)
      result = res.eval()
    self.assertAllEqual(12, result)
Exemple #15
def gibbs_sample(k):
    #Runs a k-step gibbs chain to sample from the probability distribution of the RBM defined by W, bh, bv
    def gibbs_step(count, k, xk):
        #Runs a single gibbs step. The visible values are initialized to xk
        hk = sample(tf.sigmoid(tf.matmul(xk, W) + bh)) #Propagate the visible values to sample the hidden values
        xk = sample(tf.sigmoid(tf.matmul(hk, tf.transpose(W)) + bv)) #Propagate the hidden values to sample the visible values
        return count+1, k, xk

    #Run gibbs steps for k iterations
    ct = tf.constant(0) #counter
    [_, _, x_sample] = control_flow_ops.While(lambda count, num_iter, *args: count < num_iter,
                                         gibbs_step, [ct, tf.constant(k), x], 1, False)
    #This is not strictly necessary in this implementation, but if you want to adapt this code to use one of TensorFlow's
    #optimizers, you need this in order to stop tensorflow from propagating gradients back through the gibbs step
    x_sample = tf.stop_gradient(x_sample) 
    return x_sample
  def testWhileGrad_6(self):
    with self.test_session():
      i = tf.constant(0, name="i")
      x = tf.constant(2.0, name="x")
      c = lambda i, x: tf.less(i, 10)

      def b(i, x):
        x = tf.mul(x, 2.0)
        i = tf.add(i, 1)
        return i, x

      r = control_flow_ops.While(c, b, [i, x], parallel_iterations=1)

      # Must use the complete r.
      r = tf.gradients(r, x)
      r = r[0].eval()
      self.assertEqual(1024.0, r)
  def testWhileGrad_5(self):
    with self.test_session():
      x = tf.constant(3.0, name="x")
      y = tf.constant(2.0, name="y")
      c = lambda x, y: tf.less(x, 100.0)

      def b(x, y):
        y1 = tf.add(x, y)
        x1 = tf.mul(x, y1)
        return x1, y1

      r = control_flow_ops.While(c, b, [x, y], parallel_iterations=1)

      # Must use the complete r.
      r = tf.gradients(r, x)
      result = r[0].eval()
      self.assertEqual(304.0, result)
  def testWhileQueue_1(self):
    with self.test_session():
      q = tf.FIFOQueue(-1, tf.int32)
      i = tf.constant(0)

      def c(i):
        return tf.less(i, 10)

      def b(i):
        ni = tf.add(i, 1)
        ni = control_flow_ops.with_dependencies([q.enqueue((i,))], ni)
        return ni

      r = control_flow_ops.While(c, b, [i], parallel_iterations=1)
      self.assertEqual([10], r.eval())
      for i in xrange(10):
        self.assertEqual([i], q.dequeue().eval())
  def _testWhileNested_1(self, use_gpu):
    with self.test_session(use_gpu=use_gpu):
      n = tf.constant(0)
      def cpu_sum(s):
        c = lambda i, s: tf.less(i, 10)
        def b(i, s):
          i1 = tf.add(i, 1)
          with tf.device("/cpu:0"):
            s1 = tf.add(i, s)
          return i1, s1
        _, r_s = control_flow_ops.While(c, b, [n, s])
        return r_s
      c = lambda x: tf.less(x, 200)
      b = lambda x: tf.add(x, cpu_sum(n))
      r = control_flow_ops.While(c, b, [n])

      result = r.eval()
    self.assertEqual(225, result)
Exemple #20
 def testIndexedSlicesGradient(self):
   with ops.Graph().as_default():
     embedding_matrix = tf.get_variable(
         "embedding_matrix", [5, 5],
     def Cond(it, _):
       return it < 5
     def Body(it, cost):
       embedding = embedding_ops.embedding_lookup(embedding_matrix + 0.0, [0])
       cost += tf.reduce_sum(embedding)
       return it + 1, cost
     _, cost = control_flow_ops.While(
         Cond, Body, [tf.constant(0), tf.constant(0.0)])
     optimizer = momentum.MomentumOptimizer(0.1, 0.9)
     train_op = optimizer.minimize(cost)
     with self.test_session() as sess:
       for _ in range(10):
  def testWhile_5(self):
    with self.test_session():

      def compute(i, c, o):
        c = tf.slice(x, tf.expand_dims(i, 0), [1])
        o = tf.concat(0, [o, c])
        i = tf.add(i, 1)
        return [i, c, o]

      i = tf.convert_to_tensor(0)
      c = tf.convert_to_tensor(0)
      o = tf.convert_to_tensor([0])
      x = tf.convert_to_tensor([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])
      s = tf.size(x)
      r = control_flow_ops.While(
          lambda i, c, o: tf.less(i, s), compute, [i, c, o])
      result = r[2].eval()
    self.assertAllEqual(np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]), result)
    def testWhileUpdateVariable_3(self):
        with self.test_session():
            select = tf.Variable([3.0, 4.0, 5.0])
            n = tf.constant(0)

            def loop_iterator(j, _):
                return tf.less(j, 3)

            def loop_body(j, _):
                ns = tf.scatter_update(select, j, 10.0)
                nj = tf.add(j, 1)
                return [nj, ns]

            r = control_flow_ops.While(loop_iterator,
                                       loop_body, [n, tf.identity(select)],
            result = r[1].eval()
        self.assertAllEqual(np.array([10.0, 10.0, 10.0]), result)
  def testWhile_3(self):
    with self.test_session():

      def compute(i, m, c, o):
        m, c = [tf.add(m, 1), tf.add(c, 1)]
        o = tf.add(o, m)
        o = tf.add(o, c)
        i = tf.add(i, 1)
        return [i, m, c, o]

      i = tf.convert_to_tensor(0)
      m = tf.convert_to_tensor(0)
      c = tf.convert_to_tensor(0)
      o = tf.convert_to_tensor(0)
      d = tf.convert_to_tensor(100)
      r = control_flow_ops.While(
          lambda i, m, c, o: tf.less(i, d), compute, [i, m, c, o])
      result = r[3].eval()
    self.assertAllEqual(10100, result)
Exemple #24
    def testParsingReaderOpWhileLoop(self):
        feature_size = 3
        batch_size = 5

        def ParserEndpoints():
            return gen_parser_ops.gold_parse_reader(

        with self.test_session() as sess:
            # The 'condition' and 'body' functions expect as many arguments as there
            # are loop variables. 'condition' depends on the 'epoch' loop variable
            # only, so we disregard the remaining unused function arguments. 'body'
            # returns a list of updated loop variables.
            def Condition(epoch, *unused_args):
                return tf.less(epoch, 2)

            def Body(epoch, num_actions, *feature_args):
                # By adding one of the outputs of the reader op ('epoch') as a control
                # dependency to the reader op we force the repeated evaluation of the
                # reader op.
                with epoch.graph.control_dependencies([epoch]):
                    features, epoch, gold_actions = ParserEndpoints()
                num_actions = tf.maximum(
                    tf.reduce_max(gold_actions, [0], False) + 1)
                feature_ids = []
                for i in range(len(feature_args)):
                return [epoch, num_actions] + feature_ids

            epoch = ParserEndpoints()[-2]
            num_actions = tf.constant(0)
            loop_vars = [epoch, num_actions]

            res = sess.run(
                cf.While(Condition, Body, loop_vars, parallel_iterations=1))
            logging.info('Result: %s', res)
            self.assertEqual(res[0], 2)
Exemple #25
    def generate(num, x=x, size_bt=size_bt, u0=u0, n_visible=n_visible, prime_length=100):
            This function handles generating music. This function is one of the outputs of the build_rnnrbm function
                num (int): The number of timesteps to generate
                x (tf.placeholder): The data vector. We can use feed_dict to set this to the music primer. 
                size_bt (tf.float32): The batch size
                u0 (tf.Variable): The initial state of the RNN
                n_visible (int): The size of the data vectors
                prime_length (int): The number of timesteps into the primer song that we use befoe beginning to generate music
                The generated music, as a tf.Tensor

        Uarr = tf.scan(rnn_recurrence, x, initializer=u0)
        U = Uarr[np.floor(prime_length/midi_manipulation.num_timesteps), :, :]
        [_, _, _, _, _, music] = control_flow_ops.While(lambda count, num_iter, *args: count < num_iter,
                                                         generate_recurrence, [tf.constant(1, tf.int32), tf.constant(num), U,
                                                         tf.zeros([1, n_visible], tf.float32), x, 
                                                         tf.zeros([1, n_visible],  tf.float32)])
        return music
  def testWhile_4(self):
    with self.test_session():

      def compute(i, m, c, o):
        m, c = [tf.gather(x, i), tf.gather(x, i)]
        o = tf.add(o, m)
        o = tf.add(o, c)
        i = tf.add(i, 1)
        return [i, m, c, o]

      i = tf.convert_to_tensor(0)
      m = tf.convert_to_tensor(0)
      c = tf.convert_to_tensor(0)
      o = tf.convert_to_tensor(0)
      x = tf.convert_to_tensor([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])
      s = tf.size(x)
      r = control_flow_ops.While(
          lambda i, m, c, o: tf.less(i, s), compute, [i, m, c, o])
      result = r[3].eval()
    self.assertAllEqual(42, result)
def gibbs_sample_generate(k):
	Runs k-step gibbs chain to sample from the probability distribution of the RBM defined by W, bh, bv.

	:params k: number of gibbs step iterations to run
	:type k: int
	:returns: matrix of music sampled
	:rtype: tensor
    def gibbs_step_generate(count, k, xk):
		Runs a single gibbs step
		:param count: number of iterations done
		:param k: total number of gibbs step iterations to run
		:param xk: the visible values are initialized to xk.
		:type count: int
		:type k: int
		:type xk: tensor
        hk = sample(tf.sigmoid(
            tf.matmul(xk, W) +
            bh))  # Propagate the visible values to sample the hidden values
        tv = tf.matmul(hk, tf.transpose(
            W)) + bv  # Propagate the hidden values to the visible values
        xk = sample_correct(
            emotions)  # sample the visible values and clamp emotion values
        return count + 1, k, xk

    x_sample = x
    # run gibbs steps for k iterations
    ct = tf.constant(0)  # initialize counter to 0
    [_, _, x_sample] = control_flow_ops.While(
        lambda count, num_iter, *args: count < num_iter, gibbs_step_generate,
        [ct, tf.constant(k), x_sample], 1, False)
    # This is not strictly necessary in this implementation, but if you want to adapt this code to use one of TensorFlow's
    # optimizers, you need this in order to stop tensorflow from propagating gradients back through the gibbs step
    x_sample = tf.stop_gradient(x_sample)
    return x_sample
    def testWhileUpdateVariable_1(self):
        with self.test_session():
            select = tf.Variable([3.0, 4.0, 5.0])
            n = tf.constant(0)

            def loop_iterator(j):
                return tf.less(j, 3)

            def loop_body(j):
                ns = tf.scatter_update(select, j, 10.0)
                nj = tf.add(j, 1)
                op = control_flow_ops.group(ns)
                nj = control_flow_ops.with_dependencies([op], nj)
                return [nj]

            r = control_flow_ops.While(loop_iterator,
                                       loop_body, [n],
            self.assertEqual(3, r.eval())
            result = select.eval()
            self.assertAllEqual(np.array([10.0, 10.0, 10.0]), result)
Exemple #29
def gibbs_sample(x, W, bv, bh, k, binary=True, c_1=0.5, c_2=0.5):

    size_bt = tf.shape(x)[0]

    # CD-k
    # we use tf.while_loop to achieve the multiple (k - 1) gibbs sampling
    def gibbs_step(count, k, xk, raw_xk, W=W):
        hk = gibbs_forward(xk, W, bh, binary)
        C1 = tf.cond(count + 1 >= k, lambda: tf.constant(c_1),
                     lambda: tf.constant(0.5))
        C2 = tf.cond(count + 1 >= k, lambda: tf.constant(c_2),
                     lambda: tf.constant(0.5))
        raw_xk = tf.sigmoid(tf.matmul(hk, tf.transpose(W)) + bv)
        xk = sample(raw_xk, binary=binary, c_1=c_1, c_2=c_2)
        return count + 1, k, xk, raw_xk

    ct = tf.constant(0)  #counter
    h = sample(tf.sigmoid(tf.matmul(x, W) + bh), binary=binary)
    [_, _, xk1, raw_xk] = control_flow_ops.While(
        lambda count, num_iter, *args: count < num_iter, gibbs_step,
        [ct, tf.constant(k), x, x], 1, False)
    xk1 = tf.stop_gradient(xk1)
    raw_xk = tf.stop_gradient(raw_xk)
    return xk1, raw_xk
  def testWhileUpdateVariable_4(self):
    with self.test_session():
      var_a = tf.Variable(0, name="a")
      var_b = tf.Variable(0, name="b")

      c = tf.constant(0, name="c")
      asn1 = tf.assign_add(var_a, 1, name="a_add")
      # Loop condition
      def pred(i):
        return tf.less(i, 10)
      # Loop body
      def loop_body(i):
        asn2 = tf.assign_add(var_b, asn1, name="b_add")
        with tf.control_dependencies([asn2]):
          ni = tf.add(i, 1, name="i_add")
        return ni

      lpa = control_flow_ops.While(pred, loop_body, [c],

      self.assertEqual(0, var_b.eval())
      lpa.eval()  # Run the loop
      self.assertEqual(10, var_b.eval())