def _testDuplicateTensorArrayFails(self, use_gpu):
   with self.test_session(use_gpu=use_gpu) as sess:
     h1 = gen_data_flow_ops._tensor_array(
         size=1, dtype=tf.float32, tensor_array_name="foo")
     c1 = gen_data_flow_ops._tensor_array_write(h1, 0, 4.0)
     h2 = gen_data_flow_ops._tensor_array(
         size=1, dtype=tf.float32, tensor_array_name="foo")
     c2 = gen_data_flow_ops._tensor_array_write(h2, 0, 5.0)
     with self.assertRaises(errors.AlreadyExistsError):[c1, c2])
  def _testTensorArrayReadWrongIndexOrDataTypeFails(self, use_gpu):
    with self.test_session(use_gpu=use_gpu):
      h = gen_data_flow_ops._tensor_array(
          dtype=tf.float32, tensor_array_name="foo", size=3)

      with tf.control_dependencies([
          gen_data_flow_ops._tensor_array_write(h, 0, [[4.0, 5.0]])]):

        # Test reading wrong datatype
        r0_bad = gen_data_flow_ops._tensor_array_read(h, 0, tf.int64)
        with self.assertRaisesOpError(
            "TensorArray dtype is float but Op requested dtype int64."):

        # Test reading from a different index than the one we wrote to
        r1 = gen_data_flow_ops._tensor_array_read(h, 1, tf.float32)
        with self.assertRaisesOpError(
            "Could not read from TensorArray index 1 because "
            "it has not yet been written to."):

      # Test reading from a negative index
      with self.assertRaisesOpError(
          "Tried to read from index -1 but array size is: 3"):
        gen_data_flow_ops._tensor_array_read(h, -1, tf.float32).eval()

      # Test reading from too large an index
      with self.assertRaisesOpError(
          "Tried to read from index 3 but array size is: 3"):
        gen_data_flow_ops._tensor_array_read(h, 3, tf.float32).eval()
  def __init__(
      self, dtype, size, tensor_array_name=None, handle=None, name=None):
    """Construct a new TensorArray or wrap an existing TensorArray handle.

      dtype: (required) data type of the TensorArray.
      size: (required) int32 scalar `Tensor`: the size of the TensorArray.
      tensor_array_name: (optional) Python string: the name of the TensorArray.
        This is used when creating the TensorArray handle.  If this value is
        set, handle should be None.
      handle: (optional) A `Tensor` handle to an existing TensorArray.  If this
        is set, tensor_array_name should be None.
      name: A name for the operation (optional).

      ValueError: if both handle and tensor_array_name are provided.
    if handle and tensor_array_name:
      raise ValueError(
          "Cannot construct with both handle and tensor_array_name")

    with ops.op_scope([handle, size], name, "TensorArray") as scope:
      if handle:
        self._handle = handle
        self._handle = gen_data_flow_ops._tensor_array(
            dtype=dtype, size=size, tensor_array_name=tensor_array_name,

      self._flow = constant_op.constant(0, dtype=_dtypes.float32)
      self._dtype = dtype
      self._gradient_add = False
  def _testTensorGradArrayWriteRead(self, use_gpu):
    with self.test_session(use_gpu=use_gpu) as sess:
      h = gen_data_flow_ops._tensor_array(
          dtype=tf.float32, tensor_array_name="foo", size=3)
      g_h = gen_data_flow_ops._tensor_array_grad(h)

      writes = [
          gen_data_flow_ops._tensor_array_write(h, 0, [[4.0, 5.0]]),
          gen_data_flow_ops._tensor_array_write(h, 1, [[1.0]]),
          gen_data_flow_ops._tensor_array_write(h, 2, -3.0)]

      grad_writes = [
          gen_data_flow_ops._tensor_array_write(g_h, 0, [[5.0, 6.0]]),
          gen_data_flow_ops._tensor_array_write(g_h, 1, [[2.0]]),
          gen_data_flow_ops._tensor_array_write(g_h, 2, -2.0)]

      with tf.control_dependencies(writes):
        r0 = gen_data_flow_ops._tensor_array_read(h, 0, tf.float32)
        r1 = gen_data_flow_ops._tensor_array_read(h, 1, tf.float32)
        r2 = gen_data_flow_ops._tensor_array_read(h, 2, tf.float32)

      with tf.control_dependencies(grad_writes):
        g_r0 = gen_data_flow_ops._tensor_array_read(g_h, 0, tf.float32)
        g_r1 = gen_data_flow_ops._tensor_array_read(g_h, 1, tf.float32)
        g_r2 = gen_data_flow_ops._tensor_array_read(g_h, 2, tf.float32)

      d0, d1, d2, g_d0, g_d1, g_d2 =[r0, r1, r2, g_r0, g_r1, g_r2])
      self.assertAllEqual([[4.0, 5.0]], d0)
      self.assertAllEqual([[1.0]], d1)
      self.assertAllEqual(-3.0, d2)
      self.assertAllEqual([[5.0, 6.0]], g_d0)
      self.assertAllEqual([[2.0]], g_d1)
      self.assertAllEqual(-2.0, g_d2)
  def _testMultiTensorArray(self, use_gpu):
    with self.test_session(use_gpu=use_gpu):
      h1 = gen_data_flow_ops._tensor_array(
          size=1, dtype=tf.float32, tensor_array_name="foo")
      with tf.control_dependencies([
          gen_data_flow_ops._tensor_array_write(h1, 0, 4.0)]):
        r1 = gen_data_flow_ops._tensor_array_read(h1, 0, tf.float32)

      h2 = gen_data_flow_ops._tensor_array(
          size=1, dtype=tf.float32, tensor_array_name="bar")

      with tf.control_dependencies([
          gen_data_flow_ops._tensor_array_write(h2, 0, 5.0)]):
        r2 = gen_data_flow_ops._tensor_array_read(h2, 0, tf.float32)
      r = r1 + r2
      self.assertAllClose(9.0, r.eval())
Exemple #6
    def __init__(self,
        """Construct a new TensorArray or wrap an existing TensorArray handle.

      dtype: (required) data type of the TensorArray.
      size: (optional) int32 scalar `Tensor`: the size of the TensorArray.
        Required if handle is not provided.
      dynamic_size: (optional) Python bool: If true, writes to the TensorArray
        can grow the TensorArray past its initial size.  Default: False.
      tensor_array_name: (optional) Python string: the name of the TensorArray.
        This is used when creating the TensorArray handle.  If this value is
        set, handle should be None.
      handle: (optional) A `Tensor` handle to an existing TensorArray.  If this
        is set, tensor_array_name should be None.
      flow: (optional) A float `Tensor` scalar coming from an existing
      name: A name for the operation (optional).

      ValueError: if both handle and tensor_array_name are provided.
      TypeError: if handle is provided but is not a Tensor.
        if handle is not None and tensor_array_name:
            raise ValueError(
                "Cannot construct with both handle and tensor_array_name")
        if handle is not None and not isinstance(handle, ops.Tensor):
            raise TypeError("Handle must be a Tensor")
        if handle is None and size is None:
            raise ValueError("Size must be provided if handle is not provided")
        if handle is not None and size is not None:
            raise ValueError("Cannot provide both a handle and size "
                             "at the same time")
        if handle is not None and dynamic_size is not None:
            raise ValueError("Cannot provide both a handle and dynamic_size "
                             "at the same time")

        dynamic_size = dynamic_size or False

        self._dtype = dtype
        with ops.op_scope([handle, size, flow], name, "TensorArray") as scope:
            if handle is not None:
                self._handle = handle
                self._handle = gen_data_flow_ops._tensor_array(
        if flow is not None:
            self._flow = flow
            self._flow = constant_op.constant(0, dtype=_dtypes.float32)
  def testTensorArrayUnpackWrongMajorSizeFails(self):
    with self.test_session():
      h = gen_data_flow_ops._tensor_array(
          dtype=tf.float32, tensor_array_name="foo", size=3)

      with self.assertRaisesOpError(
          r"Input value must have first dimension "
          r"equal to the array size \(2 vs. 3\)"):
        gen_data_flow_ops._tensor_array_unpack(h, [1.0, 2.0]).run()
  def _testTensorArrayWriteMultipleFails(self, use_gpu):
    with self.test_session(use_gpu=use_gpu):
      h = gen_data_flow_ops._tensor_array(
          dtype=tf.float32, tensor_array_name="foo", size=3)

      with self.assertRaisesOpError(
          "Could not write to TensorArray index 2 because "
          "it has already been written to."):
        with tf.control_dependencies([
            gen_data_flow_ops._tensor_array_write(h, 2, 3.0)]):
          gen_data_flow_ops._tensor_array_write(h, 2, 3.0).run()
  def testTensorArrayPackNotAllValuesAvailableFails(self):
    with self.test_session():
      h = gen_data_flow_ops._tensor_array(
          dtype=tf.float32, tensor_array_name="foo", size=3)

      with self.assertRaisesOpError(
          "Could not read from TensorArray index 1 "
          "because it has not yet been written to."):
        with tf.control_dependencies([
            gen_data_flow_ops._tensor_array_write(h, 0, [[4.0, 5.0]])]):
          gen_data_flow_ops._tensor_array_pack(h, tf.float32).eval()
 def _testWriteCloseTensorArray(self, use_gpu):
   with self.test_session(use_gpu=use_gpu) as sess:
     h = gen_data_flow_ops._tensor_array(
         dtype=tf.float32, tensor_array_name="foo", size=3)
     writes = [
         gen_data_flow_ops._tensor_array_write(h, 0, [[4.0, 5.0]]),
         gen_data_flow_ops._tensor_array_write(h, 1, [3.0]),
         gen_data_flow_ops._tensor_array_write(h, 2, -1.0)]
     with tf.control_dependencies(writes):
       close = gen_data_flow_ops._tensor_array_close(h)
Exemple #11
  def __init__(self, dtype, size=None, dynamic_size=None,
               handle=None, flow=None, name=None):
    """Construct a new TensorArray or wrap an existing TensorArray handle.

      dtype: (required) data type of the TensorArray.
      size: (optional) int32 scalar `Tensor`: the size of the TensorArray.
        Required if handle is not provided.
      dynamic_size: (optional) Python bool: If true, writes to the TensorArray
        can grow the TensorArray past its initial size.  Default: False.
      tensor_array_name: (optional) Python string: the name of the TensorArray.
        This is used when creating the TensorArray handle.  If this value is
        set, handle should be None.
      handle: (optional) A `Tensor` handle to an existing TensorArray.  If this
        is set, tensor_array_name should be None.
      flow: (optional) A float `Tensor` scalar coming from an existing
      name: A name for the operation (optional).

      ValueError: if both handle and tensor_array_name are provided.
      TypeError: if handle is provided but is not a Tensor.
    if handle is not None and tensor_array_name:
      raise ValueError(
          "Cannot construct with both handle and tensor_array_name")
    if handle is not None and not isinstance(handle, ops.Tensor):
      raise TypeError("Handle must be a Tensor")
    if handle is None and size is None:
      raise ValueError("Size must be provided if handle is not provided")
    if handle is not None and size is not None:
      raise ValueError("Cannot provide both a handle and size "
                       "at the same time")
    if handle is not None and dynamic_size is not None:
      raise ValueError("Cannot provide both a handle and dynamic_size "
                       "at the same time")

    dynamic_size = dynamic_size or False

    self._dtype = dtype
    with ops.op_scope([handle, size, flow], name, "TensorArray") as scope:
      if handle is not None:
        self._handle = handle
        self._handle = gen_data_flow_ops._tensor_array(
            dtype=dtype, size=size, dynamic_size=dynamic_size,
            tensor_array_name=tensor_array_name, name=scope)
    if flow is not None:
      self._flow = flow
      self._flow = constant_op.constant(0, dtype=_dtypes.float32)
  def _testTensorGradAccessTwiceReceiveSameObject(self, use_gpu):
    with self.test_session(use_gpu=use_gpu) as sess:
      h = gen_data_flow_ops._tensor_array(
          dtype=tf.float32, tensor_array_name="foo", size=3)
      g_h_0 = gen_data_flow_ops._tensor_array_grad(h)
      g_h_1 = gen_data_flow_ops._tensor_array_grad(h)

      with tf.control_dependencies([
          gen_data_flow_ops._tensor_array_write(g_h_0, 0, [[4.0, 5.0]])]):
        # Write with one gradient handle, read with another copy of it
        r1_0 = gen_data_flow_ops._tensor_array_read(g_h_1, 0, tf.float32)

      t_g_h_0, t_g_h_1, d_r1_0 =[g_h_0, g_h_1, r1_0])
      self.assertAllEqual(t_g_h_0, t_g_h_1)
      self.assertAllEqual([[4.0, 5.0]], d_r1_0)
  def _testTensorArrayWriteGradientAddMultipleAddsType(self, use_gpu, dtype):
    with self.test_session(use_gpu=use_gpu):
      h = gen_data_flow_ops._tensor_array(
          dtype=dtype, tensor_array_name="foo", size=3)

      c = lambda x: np.asarray(x, dtype=dtype.as_numpy_dtype)

      writes = [
              h, 2, c(3.0), gradient_add=True),
              h, 2, c(4.0), gradient_add=True)]

      with tf.control_dependencies(writes):
            c(7.00), gen_data_flow_ops._tensor_array_read(h, 2, dtype).eval())
  def _testTensorArrayWriteWrongIndexOrDataTypeFails(self, use_gpu):
    with self.test_session(use_gpu=use_gpu):
      h = gen_data_flow_ops._tensor_array(
          dtype=tf.float32, tensor_array_name="foo", size=3)

      # Test writing the wrong datatype
      with self.assertRaisesOpError(
          "TensorArray dtype is float but Op is trying to write dtype string"):
        gen_data_flow_ops._tensor_array_write(h, -1, "wrong_type_scalar").run()

      # Test writing to a negative index
      with self.assertRaisesOpError(
          "Tried to write to index -1 but array size is: 3"):
        gen_data_flow_ops._tensor_array_write(h, -1, 3.0).run()

      # Test reading from too large an index
      with self.assertRaisesOpError(
          "Tried to write to index 3 but array size is: 3"):
        gen_data_flow_ops._tensor_array_write(h, 3, 3.0).run()
  def _testTensorArrayWritePack(self, tf_dtype, use_gpu):
    dtype = tf_dtype.as_numpy_dtype()
    with self.test_session(use_gpu=use_gpu):
      h = gen_data_flow_ops._tensor_array(
          dtype=tf_dtype, tensor_array_name="foo", size=3)

      if tf_dtype == tf.string:
        convert = lambda x: np.asarray(x).astype(np.str)
        convert = lambda x: np.asarray(x).astype(dtype)

      writes = [
          gen_data_flow_ops._tensor_array_write(h, 0, convert([[4.0, 5.0]])),
          gen_data_flow_ops._tensor_array_write(h, 1, convert([[6.0, 7.0]])),
          gen_data_flow_ops._tensor_array_write(h, 2, convert([[8.0, 9.0]]))]

      with tf.control_dependencies(writes):
        c0 = gen_data_flow_ops._tensor_array_pack(h, tf_dtype)

          convert([[[4.0, 5.0]], [[6.0, 7.0]], [[8.0, 9.0]]]), c0.eval())
    def __init__(self,
        """Construct a new TensorArray or wrap an existing TensorArray handle.

      dtype: (required) data type of the TensorArray.
      size: (required) int32 scalar `Tensor`: the size of the TensorArray.
      tensor_array_name: (optional) Python string: the name of the TensorArray.
        This is used when creating the TensorArray handle.  If this value is
        set, handle should be None.
      handle: (optional) A `Tensor` handle to an existing TensorArray.  If this
        is set, tensor_array_name should be None.
      name: A name for the operation (optional).

      ValueError: if both handle and tensor_array_name are provided.
        if handle and tensor_array_name:
            raise ValueError(
                "Cannot construct with both handle and tensor_array_name")

        with ops.op_scope([handle, size], name, "TensorArray") as scope:
            if handle:
                self._handle = handle
                self._handle = gen_data_flow_ops._tensor_array(

            self._flow = constant_op.constant(0, dtype=_dtypes.float32)
            self._dtype = dtype
            self._gradient_add = False
  def _testTensorArrayUnpackRead(self, tf_dtype, use_gpu):
    dtype = tf_dtype.as_numpy_dtype()
    with self.test_session(use_gpu=use_gpu) as sess:
      h = gen_data_flow_ops._tensor_array(
          dtype=tf_dtype, tensor_array_name="foo", size=3)

      if tf_dtype == tf.string:
        convert = lambda x: np.asarray(x).astype(np.str)
        convert = lambda x: np.asarray(x).astype(dtype)

      # Unpack a vector into scalars
      with tf.control_dependencies([
              h, convert([1.0, 2.0, 3.0]))]):
        r0 = gen_data_flow_ops._tensor_array_read(h, 0, tf_dtype)
        r1 = gen_data_flow_ops._tensor_array_read(h, 1, tf_dtype)
        r2 = gen_data_flow_ops._tensor_array_read(h, 2, tf_dtype)

      d0, d1, d2 =[r0, r1, r2])
      self.assertAllEqual(convert(1.0), d0)
      self.assertAllEqual(convert(2.0), d1)
      self.assertAllEqual(convert(3.0), d2)

      # Unpack a matrix into vectors
      with tf.control_dependencies([
              h, convert([[1.0, 1.1], [2.0, 2.1], [3.0, 3.1]]))]):
        r0 = gen_data_flow_ops._tensor_array_read(h, 0, tf_dtype)
        r1 = gen_data_flow_ops._tensor_array_read(h, 1, tf_dtype)
        r2 = gen_data_flow_ops._tensor_array_read(h, 2, tf_dtype)

      d0, d1, d2 =[r0, r1, r2])
      self.assertAllEqual(convert([1.0, 1.1]), d0)
      self.assertAllEqual(convert([2.0, 2.1]), d1)
      self.assertAllEqual(convert([3.0, 3.1]), d2)
 def _testCloseTensorArray(self, use_gpu):
   with self.test_session(use_gpu=use_gpu) as sess:
     h = gen_data_flow_ops._tensor_array(
         dtype=tf.float32, tensor_array_name="foo", size=3)
     c1 = gen_data_flow_ops._tensor_array_close(h)
Exemple #19
    def __init__(self,
        """Construct a new TensorArray or wrap an existing TensorArray handle.

      dtype: (required) data type of the TensorArray.
      size: (optional) int32 scalar `Tensor`: the size of the TensorArray.
        Required if handle is not provided.
      dynamic_size: (optional) Python bool: If true, writes to the TensorArray
        can grow the TensorArray past its initial size.  Default: False.
      clear_after_read: Boolean (optional, default: True).  If True, clear
        TensorArray values after reading them.  This disables read-many
        semantics, but allows early release of memory.
      tensor_array_name: (optional) Python string: the name of the TensorArray.
        This is used when creating the TensorArray handle.  If this value is
        set, handle should be None.
      handle: (optional) A `Tensor` handle to an existing TensorArray.  If this
        is set, tensor_array_name should be None.
      flow: (optional) A float `Tensor` scalar coming from an existing
      infer_shape: (optional, default: True) If True, shape inference
        is enabled.  In this case, all elements must have the same shape.
      name: A name for the operation (optional).

      ValueError: if both handle and tensor_array_name are provided.
      TypeError: if handle is provided but is not a Tensor.
        if handle is not None and tensor_array_name:
            raise ValueError(
                "Cannot construct with both handle and tensor_array_name")
        if handle is not None and not isinstance(handle, ops.Tensor):
            raise TypeError("Handle must be a Tensor")
        if handle is None and size is None:
            raise ValueError("Size must be provided if handle is not provided")
        if handle is not None and size is not None:
            raise ValueError("Cannot provide both a handle and size "
                             "at the same time")
        if handle is not None and dynamic_size is not None:
            raise ValueError("Cannot provide both a handle and dynamic_size "
                             "at the same time")
        if handle is not None and clear_after_read is not None:
            raise ValueError(
                "Cannot provide both a handle and clear_after_read "
                "at the same time")

        if clear_after_read is None:
            clear_after_read = True
        dynamic_size = dynamic_size or False

        self._dtype = dtype
        self._infer_shape = infer_shape
        # Record the current static shape for the array elements. The first
        # write adds the shape of the tensor it writes, and all subsequent
        # writes checks for shape equality.
        self._elem_shape = []
        with ops.op_scope([handle, size, flow], name, "TensorArray") as scope:
            if handle is not None:
                self._handle = handle
                if flow is not None:
                    with ops.colocate_with(flow):
                        self._handle = gen_data_flow_ops._tensor_array(
                    self._handle = gen_data_flow_ops._tensor_array(
            if flow is not None:
                self._flow = flow
                with ops.colocate_with(self._handle):
                    self._flow = constant_op.constant(0, dtype=_dtypes.float32)
    def __init__(
        """Construct a new TensorArray or wrap an existing TensorArray handle.

    A note about the parameter `name`:

    The name of the `TensorArray` (even if passed in) is uniquified: each time
    a new `TensorArray` is created at runtime it is assigned its own name for
    the duration of the run.  This avoids name collissions if a `TensorArray`
    is created within a `while_loop`.

      dtype: (required) data type of the TensorArray.
      size: (optional) int32 scalar `Tensor`: the size of the TensorArray.
        Required if handle is not provided.
      dynamic_size: (optional) Python bool: If true, writes to the TensorArray
        can grow the TensorArray past its initial size.  Default: False.
      clear_after_read: Boolean (optional, default: True).  If True, clear
        TensorArray values after reading them.  This disables read-many
        semantics, but allows early release of memory.
      tensor_array_name: (optional) Python string: the name of the TensorArray.
        This is used when creating the TensorArray handle.  If this value is
        set, handle should be None.
      handle: (optional) A `Tensor` handle to an existing TensorArray.  If this
        is set, tensor_array_name should be None.
      flow: (optional) A float `Tensor` scalar coming from an existing
      infer_shape: (optional, default: True) If True, shape inference
        is enabled.  In this case, all elements must have the same shape.
      name: A name for the operation (optional).

      ValueError: if both handle and tensor_array_name are provided.
      TypeError: if handle is provided but is not a Tensor.
        if handle is not None and tensor_array_name:
            raise ValueError("Cannot construct with both handle and tensor_array_name")
        if handle is not None and not isinstance(handle, ops.Tensor):
            raise TypeError("Handle must be a Tensor")
        if handle is None and size is None:
            raise ValueError("Size must be provided if handle is not provided")
        if handle is not None and size is not None:
            raise ValueError("Cannot provide both a handle and size " "at the same time")
        if handle is not None and dynamic_size is not None:
            raise ValueError("Cannot provide both a handle and dynamic_size " "at the same time")
        if handle is not None and clear_after_read is not None:
            raise ValueError("Cannot provide both a handle and clear_after_read " "at the same time")

        if clear_after_read is None:
            clear_after_read = True
        dynamic_size = dynamic_size or False

        self._dtype = dtype
        self._infer_shape = infer_shape
        # Record the current static shape for the array elements. The first
        # write adds the shape of the tensor it writes, and all subsequent
        # writes checks for shape equality.
        self._elem_shape = []
        with ops.op_scope([handle, size, flow], name, "TensorArray") as scope:
            if handle is not None:
                self._handle = handle
                if flow is not None:
                    with ops.colocate_with(flow):
                        self._handle = gen_data_flow_ops._tensor_array(
                    self._handle = gen_data_flow_ops._tensor_array(
            if flow is not None:
                self._flow = flow
                with ops.colocate_with(self._handle):
                    self._flow = constant_op.constant(0, dtype=_dtypes.float32)