Exemple #1
def sign_magnitude_positive_definite(
    raw, off_diagonal_scale=0., overall_scale=0.):
  """Constructs a positive definite matrix from an unconstrained input matrix.

  We want to keep the whole matrix on a log scale, but also allow off-diagonal
  elements to be negative, so the sign of off-diagonal elements is modeled
  separately from their magnitude (using the lower and upper triangles
  respectively). Specifically:

  for i < j, we have:
    output_cholesky[i, j] = raw[j, i] / (abs(raw[j, i]) + 1) *
        exp((off_diagonal_scale + overall_scale + raw[i, j]) / 2)

  output_cholesky[i, i] = exp((raw[i, i] + overall_scale) / 2)

  output = output_cholesky^T * output_cholesky

  where raw, off_diagonal_scale, and overall_scale are
  un-constrained real-valued variables. The resulting values are stable
  around zero due to the exponential (and the softsign keeps the function

    raw: A [..., M, M] Tensor.
    off_diagonal_scale: A scalar or [...] shaped Tensor controlling the relative
        scale of off-diagonal values in the output matrix.
    overall_scale: A scalar or [...] shaped Tensor controlling the overall scale
        of the output matrix.
    The `output` matrix described above, a [..., M, M] positive definite matrix.

  raw = ops.convert_to_tensor(raw)
  diagonal = array_ops.matrix_diag_part(raw)
  def _right_pad_with_ones(tensor, target_rank):
    # Allow broadcasting even if overall_scale and off_diagonal_scale have batch
    # dimensions
    tensor = ops.convert_to_tensor(tensor, dtype=raw.dtype.base_dtype)
    return array_ops.reshape(tensor,
                                     array_ops.shape(tensor), array_ops.ones(
                                         [target_rank - array_ops.rank(tensor)],
  # We divide the log values by 2 to compensate for the squaring that happens
  # when transforming Cholesky factors into positive definite matrices.
  sign_magnitude = (gen_math_ops.exp(
      (raw + _right_pad_with_ones(off_diagonal_scale, array_ops.rank(raw)) +
       _right_pad_with_ones(overall_scale, array_ops.rank(raw))) / 2.) *
  cholesky_factor = array_ops.matrix_set_diag(
      input=array_ops.matrix_band_part(sign_magnitude, 0, -1),
      diagonal=gen_math_ops.exp((diagonal + _right_pad_with_ones(
          overall_scale, array_ops.rank(diagonal))) / 2.))
  return math_ops.matmul(cholesky_factor, cholesky_factor, transpose_a=True)
Exemple #2
def sign_magnitude_positive_definite(
    raw, off_diagonal_scale=0., overall_scale=0.):
  """Constructs a positive definite matrix from an unconstrained input matrix.

  We want to keep the whole matrix on a log scale, but also allow off-diagonal
  elements to be negative, so the sign of off-diagonal elements is modeled
  separately from their magnitude (using the lower and upper triangles
  respectively). Specifically:

  for i < j, we have:
    output_cholesky[i, j] = raw[j, i] / (abs(raw[j, i]) + 1) *
        exp((off_diagonal_scale + overall_scale + raw[i, j]) / 2)

  output_cholesky[i, i] = exp((raw[i, i] + overall_scale) / 2)

  output = output_cholesky^T * output_cholesky

  where raw, off_diagonal_scale, and overall_scale are
  un-constrained real-valued variables. The resulting values are stable
  around zero due to the exponential (and the softsign keeps the function

    raw: A [..., M, M] Tensor.
    off_diagonal_scale: A scalar or [...] shaped Tensor controlling the relative
        scale of off-diagonal values in the output matrix.
    overall_scale: A scalar or [...] shaped Tensor controlling the overall scale
        of the output matrix.
    The `output` matrix described above, a [..., M, M] positive definite matrix.

  raw = ops.convert_to_tensor(raw)
  diagonal = array_ops.matrix_diag_part(raw)
  def _right_pad_with_ones(tensor, target_rank):
    # Allow broadcasting even if overall_scale and off_diagonal_scale have batch
    # dimensions
    tensor = ops.convert_to_tensor(tensor, dtype=raw.dtype.base_dtype)
    return array_ops.reshape(tensor,
                                     array_ops.shape(tensor), array_ops.ones(
                                         [target_rank - array_ops.rank(tensor)],
  # We divide the log values by 2 to compensate for the squaring that happens
  # when transforming Cholesky factors into positive definite matrices.
  sign_magnitude = (gen_math_ops.exp(
      (raw + _right_pad_with_ones(off_diagonal_scale, array_ops.rank(raw)) +
       _right_pad_with_ones(overall_scale, array_ops.rank(raw))) / 2.) *
  cholesky_factor = array_ops.matrix_set_diag(
      input=array_ops.matrix_band_part(sign_magnitude, 0, -1),
      diagonal=gen_math_ops.exp((diagonal + _right_pad_with_ones(
          overall_scale, array_ops.rank(diagonal))) / 2.))
  return math_ops.matmul(cholesky_factor, cholesky_factor, transpose_a=True)
Exemple #3
    def GraphFn(self, x1, x2):
        x = x1
        q = math_ops.abs(x)
        q = q + 1.0
        q = gen_math_ops.exp(q)
        q = gen_math_ops.log(q)
        q = array_ops.squeeze(q, axis=-2)
        q = math_ops.abs(q)
        q = q + 2.2
        q = gen_math_ops.sqrt(q)
        q = gen_math_ops.rsqrt(q)
        q = math_ops.negative(q)
        q = array_ops.squeeze(q, axis=3)
        q = math_ops.abs(q)
        q = q + 3.0
        a = gen_math_ops.reciprocal(q)

        # this chain of operations has a batch size of 5, which is different from
        # the batch size for the other operations.
        x = constant_op.constant(np.random.randn(5, 8, 12), dtype=x.dtype)
        q = math_ops.abs(x)
        q = q + 2.0
        q = gen_math_ops.exp(q)
        q = gen_math_ops.log(q)
        q = math_ops.abs(q)
        q = q + 2.1
        q = gen_math_ops.sqrt(q)
        q = gen_math_ops.rsqrt(q)
        q = math_ops.negative(q)
        q = math_ops.abs(q)
        q = q + 4.0
        b = gen_math_ops.reciprocal(q)

        # TODO(jie): this one will break, broadcasting on batch.
        x = x2
        q = math_ops.abs(x)
        q = q + 5.0
        q = gen_math_ops.exp(q)
        q = array_ops.squeeze(q, axis=[-1, -2, 3])
        q = gen_math_ops.log(q)
        q = math_ops.abs(q)
        q = q + 5.1
        q = gen_array_ops.reshape(q, [12, 5, 1, 1, 8, 1, 12])
        q = array_ops.squeeze(q, axis=[5, 2, 3])
        q = gen_math_ops.sqrt(q)
        q = math_ops.abs(q)
        q = q + 5.2
        q = gen_math_ops.rsqrt(q)
        q = math_ops.negative(q)
        q = math_ops.abs(q)
        q = q + 5.3
        c = gen_math_ops.reciprocal(q)

        q = a * b
        q = q / c
        return array_ops.squeeze(q, name="output_0")
    def __call__(self, inputs, state, scope=None):
    Inputs have shape [batch_size, output_size]
    State has shape [batch_size, state_size]
    Splitting of the input into meaningful parameters has to be performed
    here. Since there's no easy way to bring one-hot encodings of characters
    into the RNNCell *and* align them with batch numbers, this cell simply
    returns the RNN-ified parameters of the window cell.

        dtype = tf.float32

        with vs.variable_scope(scope or 'window_cell'):
            resized_input = tf.matmul(inputs, self.weight) + self.bias
            #print("windowcell inputs info:", inputs)
            [alphas, betas, kappas] = array_ops.split(resized_input, [
            ] * self.NUM_FREE_PARAMS,
            kappa_hats = gen_math_ops.exp(kappas) + state
            alpha_hats = gen_math_ops.exp(alphas)
            beta_hats = gen_math_ops.exp(betas)
            #beta_hats = 8*gen_math_ops.sigmoid(betas) + 0.1
            u = tf.range(tf.cast(self.num_chars + 1, dtype),
                         dtype=dtype)  # Integer values of 'u' in phi

            kappa_hat_list = tf.split(kappa_hats, [
            ] * self.num_windows,
            beta_hat_list = tf.split(beta_hats, [
            ] * self.num_windows,
            alpha_hat_list = tf.split(alpha_hats, [
            ] * self.num_windows,

            phi = 0
            for i in range(self.num_windows):
                kappa_hat_tiled = tf.tile(kappa_hat_list[i],
                                          [1, self.num_chars + 1])
                beta_hat_tiled = tf.tile(beta_hat_list[i],
                                         [1, self.num_chars + 1])
                alpha_hat_tiled = tf.tile(alpha_hat_list[i],
                                          [1, self.num_chars + 1])
                z = -1 * beta_hat_tiled * tf.square(kappa_hat_tiled - u)
                phi += alpha_hat_tiled * tf.exp(z)
            print("information about phi:", phi)
            return phi, kappa_hats
Exemple #5
 def call(self, inputs):
     first_threshold = 1 / (1 +
                            gen_math_ops.exp(-5e1 *
                                             (inputs - self.threshold1)))
     second_threshold = 1 / (
         1 + gen_math_ops.exp(-5e1 *
                              (inputs * first_threshold - self.threshold2)))
     third_threshold = 1 / (1 + gen_math_ops.exp(
         -5e1 * (inputs * second_threshold - self.threshold3)))
     fourth_threshold = 1 / (
         1 + gen_math_ops.exp(-5e1 *
                              (inputs * third_threshold - self.threshold4)))
     output = 1 + first_threshold + second_threshold + third_threshold + fourth_threshold
     return output
Exemple #6
def fucking_deep_gaze_logsumexp(input_tensor,axis=None, keepdims=False,
    Adaptd from
    It is the same as the classic logsumexp instead you substact log(N) where N
    in the number of tensor over which compute the logsumexp (if you have 10
    readout nets, N=10). I don't know why they do this.
    keepdims = False if keepdims is None else keepdims
    input_tensor = ops.convert_to_tensor(input_tensor)
    with ops.name_scope(name, "ReduceLogSumExp", [input_tensor]) as name:
        raw_max = tf.reduce_max(input_tensor, axis=axis, keep_dims=True)
        my_max = array_ops.stop_gradient( array_ops.where(
            gen_math_ops.is_finite(raw_max), raw_max,
        result = gen_math_ops.log(
                #reduce_sum( # normal logsumexp
                tf.reduce_mean( # fuckimg modif from deep_gaze for the output only
                    gen_math_ops.exp(tf.subtract(input_tensor, my_max)),
                    axis, keep_dims=keepdims))
        if not keepdims:
            my_max = array_ops.reshape(my_max, array_ops.shape(result))
        result = gen_math_ops.add(result, my_max)
        return result
Exemple #7
 def _create_anomaly_ops(self, times, values, prediction_ops_dict):
   anomaly_log_param = variable_scope.get_variable(
   # Anomaly param is the variance for Gaussian and scale for Cauchy
   # distribution.
   prediction_ops_dict["anomaly_params"] = gen_math_ops.exp(anomaly_log_param)
 def _create_anomaly_ops(self, times, values, prediction_ops_dict):
   anomaly_log_param = variable_scope.get_variable(
   # Anomaly param is the variance for Gaussian and scale for Cauchy
   # distribution.
   prediction_ops_dict["anomaly_params"] = gen_math_ops.exp(anomaly_log_param)
Exemple #9
 def call(self, input_window_features, output_window_features):
     """Compute predictions from input and output windows."""
     _, state_h, state_c = self._encoder(input_window_features)
     encoder_states = [state_h, state_c]
     decoder_output = self._decoder(output_window_features,
     predicted_mean = self._mean_transform(decoder_output)
     predicted_covariance = gen_math_ops.exp(
     return {"mean": predicted_mean, "covariance": predicted_covariance}
Exemple #10
    def call(self, inputs):
        inputs = ops.convert_to_tensor(inputs, dtype=self.dtype)
        if inputs.shape.rank != 2:
            raise ValueError('`WalkerModel` only takes "rank 2" inputs.')

        sig = 1 / (1 + gen_math_ops.exp(self.kernel[0] * inputs[:, 1]))
        gamma = sig * self.kernel[1]
        C = self.kernel[2] / ((1 - inputs[:, 1])**(self.kernel[3] *
                                                   (1 - gamma)))
        output = C * (inputs[:, 0]**self.kernel[3])
        output = array_ops.reshape(output, (array_ops.shape(output)[0], 1))
        return output
Exemple #11
def softmax_2d(input_tensor, axis=None, keepdims=False, name=None):
    Adaptd from
    keepdims = False if keepdims is None else keepdims
    input_tensor = ops.convert_to_tensor(input_tensor)
    with ops.name_scope(name, "softmax_2d", [input_tensor]) as name:
        raw_max = tf.reduce_max(input_tensor, axis=axis, keep_dims=True)
        my_max = array_ops.stop_gradient( array_ops.where(
            gen_math_ops.is_finite(raw_max), raw_max,
        target_exp = gen_math_ops.exp(tf.subtract(input_tensor, my_max))
        normalize = tf.reduce_sum(target_exp, axis, keep_dims=True)
        softmax = target_exp / normalize
        return softmax
Exemple #12
  def call(self, input_window_features, output_window_features):
    """Compute predictions from input and output windows.

      input_window_features: A floating point Tensor with shape [batch size,
        input window size, input features]. The batch dimension may not have
        static shape information, but the window size and number of input
        features are known at graph construction time and recorded in the static
        shape information for the `input_window_features` `Tensor`. Note that
        `input_window_size` may be zero.
      output_window_features: A floating point Tensor with shape [batch size,
        output window size, output features]. As with `input_window_features`,
        the last two dimensions have static shape information. If there are no
        output features, the size of the last dimension will be zero.
      A dictionary of predictions with keys "mean" and "covariance" (only
      diagonal covariances are currently supported). Each has shape
      [batch size, output window size, num_features], where num_features is the
      same as the constructor argument.
    if input_window_features.shape[1].value == 0:
      # TODO(allenl): Make reshape()'s static shape information work on
      # zero-size Tensors? Currently this special case is required because
      # otherwise the Dense layers get unknown last dimensions.
      activation = self._output_flatten(output_window_features)
    elif output_window_features.shape[2].value == 0:
      activation = self._input_flatten(input_window_features)
      activation = array_ops.concat(
    if self._hidden_layers:
      activation = self._hidden_layers(activation)
    predicted_mean = array_ops.reshape(
    predicted_covariance = array_ops.reshape(
    return {"mean": predicted_mean,
            "covariance": predicted_covariance}
  def call(self, input_window_features, output_window_features):
    """Compute predictions from input and output windows.

      input_window_features: A floating point Tensor with shape [batch size,
        input window size, input features]. The batch dimension may not have
        static shape information, but the window size and number of input
        features are known at graph construction time and recorded in the static
        shape information for the `input_window_features` `Tensor`. Note that
        `input_window_size` may be zero.
      output_window_features: A floating point Tensor with shape [batch size,
        output window size, output features]. As with `input_window_features`,
        the last two dimensions have static shape information. If there are no
        output features, the size of the last dimension will be zero.
      A dictionary of predictions with keys "mean" and "covariance" (only
      diagonal covariances are currently supported). Each has shape
      [batch size, output window size, num_features], where num_features is the
      same as the constructor argument.
    if input_window_features.shape.dims[1].value == 0:
      # TODO(allenl): Make reshape()'s static shape information work on
      # zero-size Tensors? Currently this special case is required because
      # otherwise the Dense layers get unknown last dimensions.
      activation = self._output_flatten(output_window_features)
    elif output_window_features.shape.dims[2].value == 0:
      activation = self._input_flatten(input_window_features)
      activation = array_ops.concat(
    if self._hidden_layers:
      activation = self._hidden_layers(activation)
    predicted_mean = array_ops.reshape(
    predicted_covariance = array_ops.reshape(
    return {"mean": predicted_mean,
            "covariance": predicted_covariance}
Exemple #14
 def _predicted_covariance_op(self, activations, num_values):
   activation, activation_size = activations[-1]
   if self.loss == ARModel.NORMAL_LIKELIHOOD_LOSS:
     log_sigma_square = model_utils.fully_connected(
         self.output_window_size * num_values,
     predicted_covariance = gen_math_ops.exp(log_sigma_square)
     predicted_covariance = array_ops.reshape(
         predicted_covariance, [-1, self.output_window_size, num_values])
     shape = array_ops.stack([
     predicted_covariance = array_ops.ones(shape=shape, dtype=activation.dtype)
   return predicted_covariance
 def _predicted_covariance_op(self, activations, num_values):
   activation, activation_size = activations[-1]
   if self.loss == ARModel.NORMAL_LIKELIHOOD_LOSS:
     log_sigma_square = model_utils.fully_connected(
         self.output_window_size * num_values,
     predicted_covariance = gen_math_ops.exp(log_sigma_square)
     predicted_covariance = array_ops.reshape(
         predicted_covariance, [-1, self.output_window_size, num_values])
     shape = array_ops.stack([
     predicted_covariance = array_ops.ones(shape=shape, dtype=activation.dtype)
   return predicted_covariance
  def call(self, input_window_features, output_window_features):
    """Compute predictions from input and output windows."""
    # Convert to time major
    input_window_features = array_ops.transpose(input_window_features,
                                                [1, 0, 2])
    output_window_features = array_ops.transpose(output_window_features,
                                                 [1, 0, 2])
    _, encoder_state = self._encoder(
        input_window_features, dtype=self.dtype)
    decoder_output, _ = self._decoder(
        output_window_features, dtype=self.dtype,

    # Switch back to batch major
    decoder_output = array_ops.transpose(decoder_output, [1, 0, 2])
    predicted_mean = self._mean_transform(decoder_output)
    predicted_covariance = gen_math_ops.exp(
    return {"mean": predicted_mean,
            "covariance": predicted_covariance}
Exemple #17
 def loss_op(self, targets, prediction_ops):
   """Create loss_op."""
   prediction = prediction_ops["mean"]
   covariance = prediction_ops["covariance"]
   # Normal data log probability.
   sigma = math_ops.sqrt(gen_math_ops.maximum(covariance, 1e-5))
   log_prob1 = math_utils.normal_log_prob(targets, sigma, prediction)
   log_prob1 += math_ops.log(1 - self._anomaly_prior_probability)
   # Anomaly log probability.
   log_prob2 = self._anomaly_log_prob(targets, prediction_ops)
   log_prob2 += math_ops.log(self._anomaly_prior_probability)
   # We need to compute log(exp(log_prob1) + exp(log_prob2). For numerical
   # stability, we rewrite the expression as below.
   p1 = gen_math_ops.minimum(log_prob1, log_prob2)
   p2 = gen_math_ops.maximum(log_prob1, log_prob2)
   mixed_log_prob = p2 + math_ops.log(1 + gen_math_ops.exp(p1 - p2))
   loss_op = -math_ops.reduce_sum(mixed_log_prob)
   loss_op /= math_ops.cast(
       math_ops.reduce_prod(array_ops.shape(targets)), self.dtype)
   return loss_op
Exemple #18
  def call(self, input_window_features, output_window_features):
    """Compute predictions from input and output windows."""
    # Convert to time major
    input_window_features = array_ops.transpose(input_window_features,
                                                [1, 0, 2])
    output_window_features = array_ops.transpose(output_window_features,
                                                 [1, 0, 2])
    _, encoder_state = self._encoder(
        input_window_features, dtype=self.dtype)
    decoder_output, _ = self._decoder(
        output_window_features, dtype=self.dtype,

    # Switch back to batch major
    decoder_output = array_ops.transpose(decoder_output, [1, 0, 2])
    predicted_mean = self._mean_transform(decoder_output)
    predicted_covariance = gen_math_ops.exp(
    return {"mean": predicted_mean,
            "covariance": predicted_covariance}
 def loss_op(self, targets, prediction_ops):
   """Create loss_op."""
   prediction = prediction_ops["mean"]
   covariance = prediction_ops["covariance"]
   # Normal data log probability.
   sigma = math_ops.sqrt(gen_math_ops.maximum(covariance, 1e-5))
   log_prob1 = math_utils.normal_log_prob(targets, sigma, prediction)
   log_prob1 += math_ops.log(1 - self._anomaly_prior_probability)
   # Anomaly log probability.
   log_prob2 = self._anomaly_log_prob(targets, prediction_ops)
   log_prob2 += math_ops.log(self._anomaly_prior_probability)
   # We need to compute log(exp(log_prob1) + exp(log_prob2). For numerical
   # stability, we rewrite the expression as below.
   p1 = gen_math_ops.minimum(log_prob1, log_prob2)
   p2 = gen_math_ops.maximum(log_prob1, log_prob2)
   mixed_log_prob = p2 + math_ops.log(1 + gen_math_ops.exp(p1 - p2))
   loss_op = -math_ops.reduce_sum(mixed_log_prob)
   loss_op /= math_ops.cast(
       math_ops.reduce_prod(array_ops.shape(targets)), self.dtype)
   return loss_op
Exemple #20
def normal_pdf(x, mean, sigma):
    result = -0.5 * gen_math_ops.square((x - mean) / sigma)
    result = gen_math_ops.exp(result)
    result /= (2 * pi)**0.5
    result /= sigma
    return result
Exemple #21
  def GetParams(self):
    """Test for unary operations in TF-TRT."""
    dtype = dtypes.float32
    input_name = "input"
    input_dims = [12, 5, 8, 1, 1, 12]
    input2_name = "input_2"
    input2_dims = [12, 5, 8, 1, 12, 1, 1]
    g = ops.Graph()
    with g.as_default():
      x = array_ops.placeholder(dtype=dtype, shape=input_dims, name=input_name)
      q = math_ops.abs(x)
      q = q + 1.0
      q = gen_math_ops.exp(q)
      q = gen_math_ops.log(q)
      q = array_ops.squeeze(q, axis=-2)
      q = math_ops.abs(q)
      q = q + 2.2
      q = gen_math_ops.sqrt(q)
      q = gen_math_ops.rsqrt(q)
      q = math_ops.negative(q)
      q = array_ops.squeeze(q, axis=3)
      q = math_ops.abs(q)
      q = q + 3.0
      a = gen_math_ops.reciprocal(q)

      x = constant_op.constant(np.random.randn(5, 8, 12), dtype=dtype)
      q = math_ops.abs(x)
      q = q + 2.0
      q = gen_math_ops.exp(q)
      q = gen_math_ops.log(q)
      q = math_ops.abs(q)
      q = q + 2.1
      q = gen_math_ops.sqrt(q)
      q = gen_math_ops.rsqrt(q)
      q = math_ops.negative(q)
      q = math_ops.abs(q)
      q = q + 4.0
      b = gen_math_ops.reciprocal(q)

      # TODO(jie): this one will break, broadcasting on batch.
      x = array_ops.placeholder(
          dtype=dtype, shape=input2_dims, name=input2_name)
      q = math_ops.abs(x)
      q = q + 5.0
      q = gen_math_ops.exp(q)
      q = array_ops.squeeze(q, axis=[-1, -2, 3])
      q = gen_math_ops.log(q)
      q = math_ops.abs(q)
      q = q + 5.1
      q = gen_array_ops.reshape(q, [12, 5, 1, 1, 8, 1, 12])
      q = array_ops.squeeze(q, axis=[5, 2, 3])
      q = gen_math_ops.sqrt(q)
      q = math_ops.abs(q)
      q = q + 5.2
      q = gen_math_ops.rsqrt(q)
      q = math_ops.negative(q)
      q = math_ops.abs(q)
      q = q + 5.3
      c = gen_math_ops.reciprocal(q)

      q = a * b
      q = q / c
      array_ops.squeeze(q, name=self.output_name)
    return trt_test.TfTrtIntegrationTestParams(
        input_names=[input_name, input2_name],
        input_dims=[input_dims, input2_dims],
        expected_output_dims=(12, 5, 8, 12),
  def GetParams(self):
    """Test for unary operations in TF-TRT."""
    dtype = dtypes.float32
    input_name = "input"
    input_dims = [12, 5, 8, 1, 1, 12]
    output_name = "output"
    input2_name = "input_2"
    input2_dims = [12, 5, 8, 1, 12, 1, 1]
    g = ops.Graph()
    with g.as_default():
      x = array_ops.placeholder(dtype=dtype, shape=input_dims, name=input_name)
      q = math_ops.abs(x)
      q = q + 1.0
      q = gen_math_ops.exp(q)
      q = gen_math_ops.log(q)
      q = array_ops.squeeze(q, axis=-2)
      q = math_ops.abs(q)
      q = q + 2.2
      q = gen_math_ops.sqrt(q)
      q = gen_math_ops.rsqrt(q)
      q = math_ops.negative(q)
      q = array_ops.squeeze(q, axis=3)
      q = math_ops.abs(q)
      q = q + 3.0
      a = gen_math_ops.reciprocal(q)

      x = constant_op.constant(np.random.randn(5, 8, 12), dtype=dtype)
      q = math_ops.abs(x)
      q = q + 2.0
      q = gen_math_ops.exp(q)
      q = gen_math_ops.log(q)
      q = math_ops.abs(q)
      q = q + 2.1
      q = gen_math_ops.sqrt(q)
      q = gen_math_ops.rsqrt(q)
      q = math_ops.negative(q)
      q = math_ops.abs(q)
      q = q + 4.0
      b = gen_math_ops.reciprocal(q)

      # TODO(jie): this one will break, broadcasting on batch.
      x = array_ops.placeholder(
          dtype=dtype, shape=input2_dims, name=input2_name)
      q = math_ops.abs(x)
      q = q + 5.0
      q = gen_math_ops.exp(q)
      q = array_ops.squeeze(q, axis=[-1, -2, 3])
      q = gen_math_ops.log(q)
      q = math_ops.abs(q)
      q = q + 5.1
      q = gen_array_ops.reshape(q, [12, 5, 1, 1, 8, 1, 12])
      q = array_ops.squeeze(q, axis=[5, 2, 3])
      q = gen_math_ops.sqrt(q)
      q = math_ops.abs(q)
      q = q + 5.2
      q = gen_math_ops.rsqrt(q)
      q = math_ops.negative(q)
      q = math_ops.abs(q)
      q = q + 5.3
      c = gen_math_ops.reciprocal(q)

      q = a * b
      q = q / c
      array_ops.squeeze(q, name=output_name)
    return trt_test.TfTrtIntegrationTestParams(
        input_names=[input_name, input2_name],
        input_dims=[input_dims, input2_dims],
        expected_output_dims=[(12, 5, 8, 12)])