def testSmallValuesShouldVanish(self):
    with self.test_session(use_gpu=False) as sess:
      sp_a = self._SparseTensor_3x3()
      sp_b = self._SparseTensor_3x3_v2()

      # sum:
      # [       2]
      # [.1      ]
      # [ 6   -.2]

      # two values should vanish: |.1| < .21, and |-.2| < .21
      sp_sum = sparse_ops.sparse_add(sp_a, sp_b, thresh=0.21)
      sum_out =

      self.assertEqual(sp_sum.dense_shape.get_shape(), [2])
      self.assertAllEqual(sum_out.indices, [[0, 1], [2, 0]])
      self.assertAllEqual(sum_out.values, [2, 6])
      self.assertAllEqual(sum_out.dense_shape, [3, 3])

      # only .1 vanishes
      sp_sum = sparse_ops.sparse_add(sp_a, sp_b, thresh=0.11)
      sum_out =

      self.assertEqual(sp_sum.dense_shape.get_shape(), [2])
      self.assertAllEqual(sum_out.indices, [[0, 1], [2, 0], [2, 1]])
      self.assertAllClose(sum_out.values, [2, 6, -.2])
      self.assertAllEqual(sum_out.dense_shape, [3, 3])
Exemple #2
  def _apply_transform(self, input_tensors, **kwargs):
    pair_sparsity = (isinstance(input_tensors[0], ops.SparseTensor),
                     isinstance(input_tensors[1], ops.SparseTensor))

    if pair_sparsity == (False, False):
      result = input_tensors[0] - input_tensors[1]
    # note tf.sparse_add accepts the mixed cases,
    # so long as at least one input is sparse.
    elif not pair_sparsity[1]:
      result = sparse_ops.sparse_add(input_tensors[0], - input_tensors[1])
      result = sparse_ops.sparse_add(input_tensors[0],
    # pylint: disable=not-callable
    return self.return_type(result)
def _SparseDenseCwiseMulOrDivGrad(op, grad, is_mul):
  """Common code for SparseDenseCwise{Mul,Div} gradients."""
  x_indices = op.inputs[0]
  x_shape = op.inputs[2]
  y = op.inputs[3]

  y_shape = math_ops.to_int64(array_ops.shape(y))
  num_added_dims = array_ops.expand_dims(
      array_ops.size(x_shape) - array_ops.size(y_shape), 0)
  augmented_y_shape = array_ops.concat(
      [array_ops.ones(num_added_dims, ops.dtypes.int64), y_shape], 0)

  scaling = x_shape // augmented_y_shape
  scaled_indices = x_indices // scaling
  scaled_indices = array_ops.slice(scaled_indices,
                                   array_ops.concat([[0], num_added_dims], 0),
                                   [-1, -1])
  dense_vals = array_ops.gather_nd(y, scaled_indices)

  if is_mul:
    dx = grad * dense_vals
    dy_val = grad * op.inputs[1]
    dx = grad / dense_vals
    dy_val = grad * (-op.inputs[1] / math_ops.square(dense_vals))
  # indices can repeat after scaling, so we can't use sparse_to_dense().
  dy = sparse_ops.sparse_add(
      sparse_tensor.SparseTensor(scaled_indices, dy_val, y_shape))

  # (sp_indices, sp_vals, sp_shape, dense)
  return (None, dx, None, dy)
  def setUp(self):
    self._tmp_dir = tempfile.mktemp()

    self.v = variables.Variable(10.0, name="v")
    self.w = variables.Variable(21.0, name="w") = constant_op.constant(1.0, name="delta")
    self.inc_v = state_ops.assign_add(self.v,, name="inc_v")

    self.w_int = control_flow_ops.with_dependencies(
        math_ops.cast(self.w, dtypes.int32, name="w_int_inner"),
        name="w_int_outer") = array_ops.placeholder(dtypes.float32, name="ph")
    self.xph = array_ops.transpose(, name="xph")
    self.m = constant_op.constant(
        [[0.0, 1.0, 2.0], [-4.0, -1.0, 0.0]], dtype=dtypes.float32, name="m")
    self.y = math_ops.matmul(self.m, self.xph, name="y")

    self.sparse_ph = array_ops.sparse_placeholder(
        dtypes.float32, shape=([5, 5]), name="sparse_placeholder")
    self.sparse_add = sparse_ops.sparse_add(self.sparse_ph, self.sparse_ph)

    rewriter_config = rewriter_config_pb2.RewriterConfig(
    graph_options = config_pb2.GraphOptions(rewrite_options=rewriter_config)
    config_proto = config_pb2.ConfigProto(graph_options=graph_options)
    self.sess = session.Session(config=config_proto)

    # Initialize variable.
  def setUp(self):
    self._tmp_dir = tempfile.mktemp()

    self.v = variables.Variable(10.0, name="v")
    self.w = variables.Variable(21.0, name="w") = constant_op.constant(1.0, name="delta")
    self.inc_v = state_ops.assign_add(self.v,, name="inc_v")

    self.w_int = control_flow_ops.with_dependencies(
        math_ops.cast(self.w, dtypes.int32, name="w_int_inner"),
        name="w_int_outer") = array_ops.placeholder(dtypes.float32, name="ph")
    self.xph = array_ops.transpose(, name="xph")
    self.m = constant_op.constant(
        [[0.0, 1.0, 2.0], [-4.0, -1.0, 0.0]], dtype=dtypes.float32, name="m")
    self.y = math_ops.matmul(self.m, self.xph, name="y")

    self.sparse_ph = array_ops.sparse_placeholder(
        dtypes.float32, shape=([5, 5]), name="sparse_placeholder")
    self.sparse_add = sparse_ops.sparse_add(self.sparse_ph, self.sparse_ph)

    self.sess = session.Session()

    # Initialize variable.
Exemple #6
  def testMultipleOutputs(self):
    """Handle subscriptions to multiple outputs from the same op."""
    sparse_tensor_1 = sparse_tensor.SparseTensor(
        indices=[[0, 0], [1, 2]], values=[1, 2], dense_shape=[3, 4])
    sparse_tensor_2 = sparse_tensor.SparseTensor(
        indices=[[0, 0], [1, 2]], values=[2, 3], dense_shape=[3, 4])

    # This op has three outputs.
    sparse_add = sparse_ops.sparse_add(sparse_tensor_1, sparse_tensor_2)

    self.assertEqual(3, len(sparse_add.op.outputs))

    c1 = constant_op.constant(1)

    with ops.control_dependencies(sparse_add.op.outputs):
      # This op depends on all the three outputs.
      neg = -c1

    shared = []
    def sub(t):
      return t

    # Subscribe the three outputs at once.
                        lambda t: script_ops.py_func(sub, [t], [t.dtype]))

    with self.cached_session() as sess:

    # All three ops have been processed.
    self.assertEqual(3, len(shared))
def confusion_matrix(predictions, labels, num_classes=None,
                     dtype=dtypes.int32, name=None):
  """Computes the confusion matrix from predictions and labels.

  Calculate the Confusion Matrix for a pair of prediction and
  label 1-D int arrays.

  Considering a prediction array such as: `[1, 2, 3]`
  And a label array such as: `[2, 2, 3]`

  The confusion matrix returned would be the following one:
      [[0, 0, 0]
       [0, 1, 0]
       [0, 1, 0]
       [0, 0, 1]]

  Where the matrix rows represent the prediction labels and the columns
  represents the real labels. The confusion matrix is always a 2-D array
  of shape [n, n], where n is the number of valid labels for a given
  classification task. Both prediction and labels must be 1-D arrays of
  the same shape in order for this function to work.

    predictions: A 1-D array represeting the predictions for a given
    labels: A 1-D represeting the real labels for the classification task.
    num_classes: The possible number of labels the classification task can
                 have. If this value is not provided, it will be calculated
                 using both predictions and labels array.
    dtype: Data type of the confusion matrix.
    name: Scope name.

    A k X k matrix represeting the confusion matrix, where k is the number of
    possible labels in the classification task.

    ValueError: If both predictions and labels are not 1-D vectors and do not
                have the same size.
  with ops.name_scope(name, 'confusion_matrix',
                      [predictions, labels, num_classes]) as name:
    predictions, labels = metric_ops_util.remove_squeezable_dimensions(
            predictions, name='predictions', dtype=dtypes.int64),
        ops.convert_to_tensor(labels, name='labels', dtype=dtypes.int64))

    if num_classes is None:
      num_classes = math_ops.maximum(math_ops.reduce_max(predictions),
                                     math_ops.reduce_max(labels)) + 1

    shape = array_ops.pack([num_classes, num_classes])
    indices = array_ops.transpose(array_ops.pack([predictions, labels]))
    values = array_ops.ones_like(predictions, dtype)
    cm_sparse = ops.SparseTensor(
        indices=indices, values=values, shape=shape)
    zero_matrix = array_ops.zeros(math_ops.to_int32(shape), dtype)

    return sparse_ops.sparse_add(zero_matrix, cm_sparse)
  def testAddSparseDense(self):
    np.random.seed(1618)  # Make it reproducible.
    n, m = np.random.randint(30, size=2)
    for dtype in [np.float32, np.float64, np.int64, np.complex64]:
      for index_dtype in [np.int32, np.int64]:
        rand_vals_np = np.random.randn(n, m).astype(dtype)
        dense_np = np.random.randn(n, m).astype(dtype)

        with self.test_session(use_gpu=False):
          sparse, unused_nnz = _sparsify(rand_vals_np, index_dtype=index_dtype)
          s = sparse_ops.sparse_add(sparse,
          self.assertAllEqual(dense_np + rand_vals_np, s)
          self.assertTrue(s.dtype == dtype)

          # check commutativity
          s = sparse_ops.sparse_add(constant_op.constant(dense_np),
          self.assertAllEqual(dense_np + rand_vals_np, s)
          self.assertTrue(s.dtype == dtype)
def calculate_loss(input_mat, row_factors, col_factors, regularization=None,
                   w0=1., row_weights=None, col_weights=None):
  """Calculates the loss of a given factorization.

  Using a non distributed method, different than the one implemented in the
  WALS model. The weight of an observed entry (i, j) (i.e. such that
  input_mat[i, j] is non zero) is (w0 + row_weights[i]col_weights[j]).

    input_mat: The input matrix, a SparseTensor of rank 2.
    row_factors: The row factors, a dense Tensor of rank 2.
    col_factors: The col factors, a dense Tensor of rank 2.
    regularization: the regularization coefficient, a scalar.
    w0: the weight of unobserved entries. A scalar.
    row_weights: A dense tensor of rank 1.
    col_weights: A dense tensor of rank 1.

    The total loss.
  wr = (array_ops.expand_dims(row_weights, 1) if row_weights is not None
        else constant_op.constant(1.))
  wc = (array_ops.expand_dims(col_weights, 0) if col_weights is not None
        else constant_op.constant(1.))
  reg = (regularization if regularization is not None
         else constant_op.constant(0.))

  row_indices, col_indices = array_ops.split(input_mat.indices,
  gathered_row_factors = array_ops.gather(row_factors, row_indices)
  gathered_col_factors = array_ops.gather(col_factors, col_indices)
  sp_approx_vals = array_ops.squeeze(math_ops.matmul(
      gathered_row_factors, gathered_col_factors, adjoint_b=True))
  sp_approx = sparse_tensor.SparseTensor(

  sp_approx_sq = math_ops.square(sp_approx)
  row_norm = math_ops.reduce_sum(math_ops.square(row_factors))
  col_norm = math_ops.reduce_sum(math_ops.square(col_factors))
  row_col_norm = math_ops.reduce_sum(math_ops.square(math_ops.matmul(
      row_factors, col_factors, transpose_b=True)))

  resid = sparse_ops.sparse_add(input_mat, sp_approx * (-1))
  resid_sq = math_ops.square(resid)
  loss = w0 * (
      sparse_ops.sparse_reduce_sum(resid_sq) -
  loss += (sparse_ops.sparse_reduce_sum(wr * (resid_sq * wc)) +
           w0 * row_col_norm + reg * (row_norm + col_norm))
  return loss.eval()
Exemple #10
  def testValuesInVariable(self):
    indices = constant_op.constant([[1]], dtype=dtypes.int64)
    values = variables.Variable([1], trainable=False, dtype=dtypes.float32)
    shape = constant_op.constant([1], dtype=dtypes.int64)

    sp_input = sparse_tensor.SparseTensor(indices, values, shape)
    sp_output = sparse_ops.sparse_add(sp_input, sp_input)

    with test_util.force_cpu():
      output = self.evaluate(sp_output)
      self.assertAllEqual(output.values, [2])
Exemple #11
  def testValuesInVariable(self):
    indices = constant_op.constant([[1]], dtype=dtypes.int64)
    values = variables.Variable([1], trainable=False, dtype=dtypes.float32)
    shape = constant_op.constant([1], dtype=dtypes.int64)

    sp_input = sparse_tensor.SparseTensor(indices, values, shape)
    sp_output = sparse_ops.sparse_add(sp_input, sp_input)

    with self.test_session(use_gpu=False) as sess:
      output =
      self.assertAllEqual(output.values, [2])
  def testAddSelf(self):
    with self.test_session(use_gpu=False) as sess:
      for sp_a in (self._SparseTensorValue_3x3(), self._SparseTensor_3x3()):
        for sp_b in (self._SparseTensorValue_3x3(), self._SparseTensor_3x3()):
          sp_sum = sparse_ops.sparse_add(sp_a, sp_b)

          sum_out =

          self.assertEqual(sp_sum.dense_shape.get_shape(), [2])
          self.assertAllEqual(sum_out.indices, [[0, 1], [1, 0], [2, 0], [2, 1]])
          self.assertAllEqual(sum_out.values, [2, 4, 6, 8])
          self.assertAllEqual(sum_out.dense_shape, [3, 3])
  def testAddSelfAndNegation(self):
    with self.test_session(use_gpu=False) as sess:
      sp_a = self._SparseTensor_3x3()
      sp_b = self._SparseTensor_3x3(negate=True)

      sp_sum = sparse_ops.sparse_add(sp_a, sp_b, 0.1)
      sum_out =

      self.assertEqual(sp_sum.dense_shape.get_shape(), [2])
      self.assertAllEqual(sum_out.indices, np.empty([0, 2]))
      self.assertAllEqual(sum_out.values, [])
      self.assertAllEqual(sum_out.dense_shape, [3, 3])
  def testAddSelfAndNegation(self):
    with test_util.force_cpu():
      sp_a = self._SparseTensor_3x3()
      sp_b = self._SparseTensor_3x3(negate=True)

      sp_sum = sparse_ops.sparse_add(sp_a, sp_b, 0.1)
      sum_out = self.evaluate(sp_sum)

      self.assertEqual(sp_sum.dense_shape.get_shape(), [2])
      self.assertAllEqual(sum_out.indices, np.empty([0, 2]))
      self.assertAllEqual(sum_out.values, [])
      self.assertAllEqual(sum_out.dense_shape, [3, 3])
  def testAddSelf(self):
    with test_util.force_cpu():
      for sp_a in (self._SparseTensorValue_3x3(), self._SparseTensor_3x3()):
        for sp_b in (self._SparseTensorValue_3x3(), self._SparseTensor_3x3()):
          sp_sum = sparse_ops.sparse_add(sp_a, sp_b)
          self.assertAllEqual((3, 3), sp_sum.get_shape())

          sum_out = self.evaluate(sp_sum)

          self.assertEqual(sp_sum.dense_shape.get_shape(), [2])
          self.assertAllEqual(sum_out.indices, [[0, 1], [1, 0], [2, 0], [2, 1]])
          self.assertAllEqual(sum_out.values, [2, 4, 6, 8])
          self.assertAllEqual(sum_out.dense_shape, [3, 3])
  def testSparseTensorDenseAddGradients(self):
    np.random.seed(1618)  # Make it reproducible.
    n, m = np.random.randint(30, size=2)
    rand_vals_np = np.random.randn(n, m).astype(np.float32)
    dense_np = np.random.randn(n, m).astype(np.float32)

    with self.test_session(use_gpu=False):
      sparse, nnz = _sparsify(rand_vals_np)
      dense = constant_op.constant(dense_np, dtype=dtypes.float32)
      s = sparse_ops.sparse_add(sparse, dense)

      err = gradient_checker.compute_gradient_error([sparse.values, dense],
                                                    [(nnz,), (n, m)], s, (n, m))
      self.assertLess(err, 1e-3)
  def testGradients(self):
    np.random.seed(1618)  # Make it reproducible.
    with self.test_session(use_gpu=False):
      for n in [10, 31]:
        for m in [4, 17]:
          sp_a, nnz_a = self._randomTensor([n, m], np.float32)
          sp_b, nnz_b = self._randomTensor([n, m], np.float32)
          sp_sum = sparse_ops.sparse_add(sp_a, sp_b)
          nnz_sum = len(sp_sum.values.eval())

          err = gradient_checker.compute_gradient_error(
              [sp_a.values, sp_b.values], [(nnz_a,), (nnz_b,)], sp_sum.values,
          self.assertLess(err, 1e-3)
  def testInvalidSparseTensor(self):
    with self.test_session(use_gpu=False) as sess:
      shape = [2, 2]
      val = [0]
      dense = constant_op.constant(np.zeros(shape, dtype=np.int32))

      for bad_idx in [
          [[-1, 0]],  # -1 is invalid.
          [[1, 3]],  # is 3.
        sparse = sparse_tensor.SparseTensorValue(bad_idx, val, shape)
        s = sparse_ops.sparse_add(sparse, dense)

        with self.assertRaisesRegexp(errors_impl.InvalidArgumentError,
                                     "invalid index"):

def _s2d_add_vs_sparse_add(sparsity, n, m, num_iters=50):

  with session.Session(graph=ops.Graph()) as sess:
    sp_vals = np.random.rand(n, m).astype(np.float32)
    sp_t, unused_nnz = _sparsify(sp_vals, thresh=sparsity, index_dtype=np.int32)
    vals = np.random.rand(n, m).astype(np.float32)

    s2d = math_ops.add(
        sparse_ops.sparse_tensor_to_dense(sp_t), constant_op.constant(vals))
    sa = sparse_ops.sparse_add(sp_t, constant_op.constant(vals))

    timeit.timeit(lambda:, number=3)
    timeit.timeit(lambda:, number=3)

    s2d_total = timeit.timeit(lambda:, number=num_iters)
    sa_total = timeit.timeit(lambda:, number=num_iters)

  # per-iter latency; secs to millis
  return s2d_total * 1e3 / num_iters, sa_total * 1e3 / num_iters
def confusion_matrix(predictions,
    """Computes the confusion matrix from predictions and labels.

  Calculate the Confusion Matrix for a pair of prediction and
  label 1-D int arrays.

  Considering a prediction array such as: `[1, 2, 3]`
  And a label array such as: `[2, 2, 3]`

  The confusion matrix returned would be the following one:
      [[0, 0, 0]
       [0, 1, 0]
       [0, 1, 0]
       [0, 0, 1]]

  Where the matrix rows represent the prediction labels and the columns
  represents the real labels. The confusion matrix is always a 2-D array
  of shape [n, n], where n is the number of valid labels for a given
  classification task. Both prediction and labels must be 1-D arrays of
  the same shape in order for this function to work.

    predictions: A 1-D array represeting the predictions for a given
    labels: A 1-D represeting the real labels for the classification task.
    num_classes: The possible number of labels the classification task can
                 have. If this value is not provided, it will be calculated
                 using both predictions and labels array.
    dtype: Data type of the confusion matrix.
    name: Scope name.

    A l X l matrix represeting the confusion matrix, where l in the number of
    possible labels in the classification task.

    ValueError: If both predictions and labels are not 1-D vectors and do not
                have the same size.
    with ops.op_scope([predictions, labels, num_classes], name,
                      'confusion_matrix') as name:
        predictions, labels = metric_ops_util.remove_squeezable_dimensions(
            ops.convert_to_tensor(labels, name='labels', dtype=dtypes.int64))

        if num_classes is None:
            num_classes = math_ops.maximum(math_ops.reduce_max(predictions),
                                           math_ops.reduce_max(labels)) + 1

        shape = array_ops.pack([num_classes, num_classes])
        indices = array_ops.transpose(array_ops.pack([predictions, labels]))
        values = array_ops.ones_like(predictions, dtype)
        cm_sparse = ops.SparseTensor(indices=indices,
        zero_matrix = array_ops.zeros(math_ops.to_int32(shape), dtype)

        return sparse_ops.sparse_add(zero_matrix, cm_sparse)
Exemple #21
def confusion_matrix(labels,
    """Computes the confusion matrix from predictions and labels.

  Calculate the Confusion Matrix for a pair of prediction and
  label 1-D int arrays.

  The matrix rows represent the prediction labels and the columns
  represents the real labels. The confusion matrix is always a 2-D array
  of shape `[n, n]`, where `n` is the number of valid labels for a given
  classification task. Both prediction and labels must be 1-D arrays of
  the same shape in order for this function to work.

  If `num_classes` is None, then `num_classes` will be set to the one plus
  the maximum value in either predictions or labels.
  Class labels are expected to start at 0. E.g., if `num_classes` was
  three, then the possible labels would be `[0, 1, 2]`.

  If `weights` is not `None`, then each prediction contributes its
  corresponding weight to the total value of the confusion matrix cell.

  For example:

    tf.contrib.metrics.confusion_matrix([1, 2, 4], [2, 2, 4]) ==>
        [[0 0 0 0 0]
         [0 0 1 0 0]
         [0 0 1 0 0]
         [0 0 0 0 0]
         [0 0 0 0 1]]

  Note that the possible labels are assumed to be `[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]`,
  resulting in a 5x5 confusion matrix.

    labels: A 1-D representing the real labels for the classification task.
    predictions: A 1-D array representing the predictions for a given
    num_classes: The possible number of labels the classification task can
                 have. If this value is not provided, it will be calculated
                 using both predictions and labels array.
    dtype: Data type of the confusion matrix.
    name: Scope name.
    weights: An optional `Tensor` whose shape matches `predictions`.

    A k X k matrix representing the confusion matrix, where k is the number of
    possible labels in the classification task.

    ValueError: If both predictions and labels are not 1-D vectors and have
      mismatched shapes, or if `weights` is not `None` and its shape doesn't
      match `predictions`.
    with ops.name_scope(name, 'confusion_matrix',
                        [predictions, labels, num_classes]) as name:
        labels, predictions = remove_squeezable_dimensions(
            ops.convert_to_tensor(labels, name='labels'),
            ops.convert_to_tensor(predictions, name='predictions'))
        predictions = math_ops.cast(predictions, dtypes.int64)
        labels = math_ops.cast(labels, dtypes.int64)

        if num_classes is None:
            num_classes = math_ops.maximum(math_ops.reduce_max(predictions),
                                           math_ops.reduce_max(labels)) + 1

        if weights is not None:
            weights = math_ops.cast(weights, dtype)

        shape = array_ops.stack([num_classes, num_classes])
        indices = array_ops.transpose(array_ops.stack([predictions, labels]))
        values = (array_ops.ones_like(predictions, dtype)
                  if weights is None else weights)
        cm_sparse = sparse_tensor.SparseTensor(
        zero_matrix = array_ops.zeros(math_ops.to_int32(shape), dtype)

        return sparse_ops.sparse_add(zero_matrix, cm_sparse)
Exemple #22
def confusion_matrix(predictions,
    """Computes the confusion matrix from predictions and labels.

  Calculate the Confusion Matrix for a pair of prediction and
  label 1-D int arrays.

  Considering a prediction array such as: `[1, 2, 3]`
  And a label array such as: `[2, 2, 3]`

  The confusion matrix returned would be the following one:

      [[0, 0, 0]
       [0, 1, 0]
       [0, 1, 0]
       [0, 0, 1]]

  If `weights` is not None, then the confusion matrix elements are the
  corresponding `weights` elements.

  Where the matrix rows represent the prediction labels and the columns
  represents the real labels. The confusion matrix is always a 2-D array
  of shape [n, n], where n is the number of valid labels for a given
  classification task. Both prediction and labels must be 1-D arrays of
  the same shape in order for this function to work.

    predictions: A 1-D array representing the predictions for a given
    labels: A 1-D representing the real labels for the classification task.
    num_classes: The possible number of labels the classification task can
                 have. If this value is not provided, it will be calculated
                 using both predictions and labels array.
    dtype: Data type of the confusion matrix.
    name: Scope name.
    weights: An optional `Tensor` whose shape matches `predictions`.

    A k X k matrix representing the confusion matrix, where k is the number of
    possible labels in the classification task.

    ValueError: If both predictions and labels are not 1-D vectors and have
      mismatched shapes, or if `weights` is not `None` and its shape doesn't
      match `predictions`.
    with ops.name_scope(name, 'confusion_matrix',
                        [predictions, labels, num_classes]) as name:
        predictions, labels = tensor_util.remove_squeezable_dimensions(
            ops.convert_to_tensor(predictions, name='predictions'),
            ops.convert_to_tensor(labels, name='labels'))
        predictions = math_ops.cast(predictions, dtypes.int64)
        labels = math_ops.cast(labels, dtypes.int64)

        if num_classes is None:
            num_classes = math_ops.maximum(math_ops.reduce_max(predictions),
                                           math_ops.reduce_max(labels)) + 1

        if weights is not None:
            weights = math_ops.cast(weights, dtype)

        shape = array_ops.pack([num_classes, num_classes])
        indices = array_ops.transpose(array_ops.pack([predictions, labels]))
        values = (array_ops.ones_like(predictions, dtype)
                  if weights is None else weights)
        cm_sparse = ops.SparseTensor(indices=indices,
        zero_matrix = array_ops.zeros(math_ops.to_int32(shape), dtype)

        return sparse_ops.sparse_add(zero_matrix, cm_sparse)
def confusion_matrix(predictions, labels, num_classes=None, dtype=dtypes.int32, name=None, weights=None):
    """Computes the confusion matrix from predictions and labels.

  Calculate the Confusion Matrix for a pair of prediction and
  label 1-D int arrays.

  Considering a prediction array such as: `[1, 2, 3]`
  And a label array such as: `[2, 2, 3]`

  The confusion matrix returned would be the following one:
      [[0, 0, 0]
       [0, 1, 0]
       [0, 1, 0]
       [0, 0, 1]]

  If `weights` is not None, then the confusion matrix elements are the
  corresponding `weights` elements.

  Where the matrix rows represent the prediction labels and the columns
  represents the real labels. The confusion matrix is always a 2-D array
  of shape [n, n], where n is the number of valid labels for a given
  classification task. Both prediction and labels must be 1-D arrays of
  the same shape in order for this function to work.

    predictions: A 1-D array represeting the predictions for a given
    labels: A 1-D represeting the real labels for the classification task.
    num_classes: The possible number of labels the classification task can
                 have. If this value is not provided, it will be calculated
                 using both predictions and labels array.
    dtype: Data type of the confusion matrix.
    name: Scope name.
    weights: An optional `Tensor` whose shape matches `predictions`.

    A k X k matrix represeting the confusion matrix, where k is the number of
    possible labels in the classification task.

    ValueError: If both predictions and labels are not 1-D vectors and have
      mismatched shapes, or if `weights` is not `None` and its shape doesn't
      match `predictions`.
    with ops.name_scope(name, "confusion_matrix", [predictions, labels, num_classes]) as name:
        predictions, labels = tensor_util.remove_squeezable_dimensions(
            ops.convert_to_tensor(predictions, name="predictions"), ops.convert_to_tensor(labels, name="labels")
        predictions = math_ops.cast(predictions, dtypes.int64)
        labels = math_ops.cast(labels, dtypes.int64)

        if num_classes is None:
            num_classes = math_ops.maximum(math_ops.reduce_max(predictions), math_ops.reduce_max(labels)) + 1

        if weights is not None:
            weights = math_ops.cast(weights, dtype)

        shape = array_ops.pack([num_classes, num_classes])
        indices = array_ops.transpose(array_ops.pack([predictions, labels]))
        values = array_ops.ones_like(predictions, dtype) if weights is None else weights
        cm_sparse = ops.SparseTensor(indices=indices, values=values, shape=math_ops.to_int64(shape))
        zero_matrix = array_ops.zeros(math_ops.to_int32(shape), dtype)

        return sparse_ops.sparse_add(zero_matrix, cm_sparse)
Exemple #24
  def _process_input_helper(self,
    """Creates the graph for processing a sparse slice of input.

      update_row_factors: if True, update or project the row_factors, else
        update or project the column factors.
      sp_input: Please refer to comments for update_row_factors,
        update_col_factors, project_row_factors, and project_col_factors for
      transpose_input: If True, the input is logically transposed and then the
        corresponding rows/columns of the transposed input are updated.
      row_weights: If not None, this is the row/column weights to be used for
        the update or projection. If None, use the corresponding weights from
        the model. Note that the feature (column/row) weights will be
        determined by the model. When not None, it can either be a scalar or
        a rank-1 tensor with the same number of elements as the number of rows
        of columns to be updated/projected.

      A tuple consisting of the following elements:
      new_values: New values for the row/column factors.
      update_op: An op that assigns the newly computed values to the row/column
      unregularized_loss: A tensor (scalar) that contains the normalized
        minibatch loss corresponding to sp_input, without the regularization
        term. Add the regularization term below to yield the loss.
      regularization: A tensor (scalar) that contains the normalized
        regularization term for the minibatch loss corresponding to sp_input.
      sum_weights: The sum of the weights corresponding to sp_input. This
        can be used with unregularized loss to caluclate the root weighted
        squared error.
    assert isinstance(sp_input, sparse_tensor.SparseTensor)

    if update_row_factors:
      left = self._row_factors
      right_factors = self._col_factors_cache
      row_wt = self._row_wt_cache
      col_wt = self._col_wt_cache
      total_rows = self._input_rows
      total_cols = self._input_cols
      sharding_func = WALSModel._get_sharding_func(self._input_rows,
      gramian = self._col_gramian_cache
      left = self._col_factors
      right_factors = self._row_factors_cache
      row_wt = self._col_wt_cache
      col_wt = self._row_wt_cache
      total_rows = self._input_cols
      total_cols = self._input_rows
      sharding_func = WALSModel._get_sharding_func(self._input_cols,
      gramian = self._row_gramian_cache
      transpose_input = not transpose_input

    # Note that the row indices of sp_input are based on the original full input
    # Here we reindex the rows and give them contiguous ids starting at 0.
    # We use tf.unique to achieve this reindexing. Note that this is done so
    # that the downstream kernel can assume that the input is "dense" along the
    # row dimension.
    row_ids, col_ids = array_ops.split(
        value=sp_input.indices, num_or_size_splits=2, axis=1)
    update_row_indices, all_row_ids = array_ops.unique(row_ids[:, 0])
    update_col_indices, all_col_ids = array_ops.unique(col_ids[:, 0])
    col_ids = array_ops.expand_dims(math_ops.cast(all_col_ids, dtypes.int64), 1)
    row_ids = array_ops.expand_dims(math_ops.cast(all_row_ids, dtypes.int64), 1)

    if transpose_input:
      update_indices = update_col_indices
      row_shape = [
          math_ops.cast(array_ops.shape(update_row_indices)[0], dtypes.int64)
      gather_indices = update_row_indices
      update_indices = update_row_indices
      row_shape = [
          math_ops.cast(array_ops.shape(update_col_indices)[0], dtypes.int64)
      gather_indices = update_col_indices

    num_rows = math_ops.cast(array_ops.shape(update_indices)[0], dtypes.int64)
    col_shape = [num_rows]
    right = embedding_ops.embedding_lookup(
        right_factors, gather_indices, partition_strategy="div")
    new_sp_indices = array_ops.concat([row_ids, col_ids], 1)
    new_sp_shape = (array_ops.concat([row_shape, col_shape], 0)
                    if transpose_input else
                    array_ops.concat([col_shape, row_shape], 0))
    new_sp_input = sparse_tensor.SparseTensor(

    # Compute lhs and rhs of the normal equations
    total_lhs = (self._unobserved_weight * gramian)
    if self._regularization_matrix is not None:
      total_lhs += self._regularization_matrix
    if self._row_weights is None:
      # Special case of ALS. Use a much simpler update rule.
      total_rhs = (
          self._unobserved_weight * sparse_ops.sparse_tensor_dense_matmul(
              new_sp_input, right, adjoint_a=transpose_input))
      # TODO(rmlarsen): handle transposing in tf.matrix_solve instead of
      # transposing explicitly.
      # TODO(rmlarsen): multi-thread tf.matrix_solve.
      new_left_values = array_ops.transpose(
          linalg_ops.matrix_solve(total_lhs, array_ops.transpose(total_rhs)))
      if row_weights is None:
        # TODO(yifanchen): Add special handling for single shard without using
        # embedding_lookup and perform benchmarks for those cases. Same for
        # col_weights lookup below.
        row_weights_slice = embedding_ops.embedding_lookup(
            row_wt, update_indices, partition_strategy="div")
        num_indices = array_ops.shape(update_indices)[0]
        with ops.control_dependencies(
            [check_ops.assert_less_equal(array_ops.rank(row_weights), 1)]):
          row_weights_slice = control_flow_ops.cond(
              math_ops.equal(array_ops.rank(row_weights), 0),
              lambda: (array_ops.ones([num_indices]) * row_weights),
              lambda: math_ops.cast(row_weights, dtypes.float32))

      col_weights = embedding_ops.embedding_lookup(
          col_wt, gather_indices, partition_strategy="div")
      partial_lhs, total_rhs = (
      total_lhs = array_ops.expand_dims(total_lhs, 0) + partial_lhs
      total_rhs = array_ops.expand_dims(total_rhs, -1)
      new_left_values = array_ops.squeeze(
          linalg_ops.matrix_solve(total_lhs, total_rhs), [2])

    update_op_name = "row_update" if update_row_factors else "col_update"
    update_op = self.scatter_update(

    # Create the loss subgraph
    loss_sp_input = (sparse_ops.sparse_transpose(new_sp_input)
                     if transpose_input else new_sp_input)
    # sp_approx is the low rank estimate of the input matrix, formed by
    # computing the product <u_i, v_j> for (i, j) in loss_sp_input.indices.
    sp_approx_vals = gen_factorization_ops.masked_matmul(
    sp_approx = sparse_tensor.SparseTensor(
        loss_sp_input.indices, sp_approx_vals, loss_sp_input.dense_shape)
    sp_approx_sq = math_ops.square(sp_approx)
    sp_residual = sparse_ops.sparse_add(loss_sp_input, sp_approx * (-1))
    sp_residual_sq = math_ops.square(sp_residual)
    row_wt_mat = (constant_op.constant(0.)
                  if self._row_weights is None else array_ops.expand_dims(
                      row_weights_slice, 1))
    col_wt_mat = (constant_op.constant(0.)
                  if self._col_weights is None else array_ops.expand_dims(
                      col_weights, 0))

    # We return the normalized loss
    partial_row_gramian = math_ops.matmul(
        new_left_values, new_left_values, transpose_a=True)
    normalization_factor = total_rows / math_ops.cast(num_rows, dtypes.float32)

    unregularized_loss = (
        self._unobserved_weight * (  # pyformat line break
            sparse_ops.sparse_reduce_sum(sp_residual_sq) -  # pyformat break
            sparse_ops.sparse_reduce_sum(sp_approx_sq) +  # pyformat break
            math_ops.trace(math_ops.matmul(partial_row_gramian, gramian))) +
        sparse_ops.sparse_reduce_sum(row_wt_mat * (sp_residual_sq * col_wt_mat))
    ) * normalization_factor

    if self._regularization is not None:
      regularization = self._regularization * (
          math_ops.trace(partial_row_gramian) * normalization_factor +
      regularization = constant_op.constant(0.)

    sum_weights = self._unobserved_weight * math_ops.cast(
        total_rows * total_cols, dtypes.float32)
    if self._row_weights is not None and self._col_weights is not None:
      ones = sparse_tensor.SparseTensor(
      sum_weights += sparse_ops.sparse_reduce_sum(row_wt_mat * (
          ones * col_wt_mat)) * normalization_factor

    return (new_left_values, update_op, unregularized_loss, regularization,
 def _increment_two(input_sparse_tensor):
   return sparse_ops.sparse_add(
       sparse_tensor.SparseTensor(((0, 0), (1, 1)), (2.0, 2.0), (2, 2))
 def _increment_two(input_sparse_tensor):
   return sparse_ops.sparse_add(
       sparse_tensor.SparseTensor(((0, 0), (1, 1)), (2.0, 2.0), (2, 2))
def confusion_matrix(predictions, labels, num_classes=None, dtype=dtypes.int32,
                     name=None, weights=None):
  """Computes the confusion matrix from predictions and labels.

  Calculate the Confusion Matrix for a pair of prediction and
  label 1-D int arrays.

  The matrix rows represent the prediction labels and the columns
  represents the real labels. The confusion matrix is always a 2-D array
  of shape `[n, n]`, where `n` is the number of valid labels for a given
  classification task. Both prediction and labels must be 1-D arrays of
  the same shape in order for this function to work.

  If `num_classes` is None, then `num_classes` will be set to the one plus
  the maximum value in either predictions or labels.
  Class labels are expected to start at 0. E.g., if `num_classes` was
  three, then the possible labels would be `[0, 1, 2]`.

  If `weights` is not `None`, then each prediction contributes its
  corresponding weight to the total value of the confusion matrix cell.

  For example:

    tf.contrib.metrics.confusion_matrix([1, 2, 4], [2, 2, 4]) ==>
        [[0 0 0 0 0]
         [0 0 1 0 0]
         [0 0 1 0 0]
         [0 0 0 0 0]
         [0 0 0 0 1]]

  Note that the possible labels are assumed to be `[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]`,
  resulting in a 5x5 confusion matrix.

    predictions: A 1-D array representing the predictions for a given
    labels: A 1-D representing the real labels for the classification task.
    num_classes: The possible number of labels the classification task can
                 have. If this value is not provided, it will be calculated
                 using both predictions and labels array.
    dtype: Data type of the confusion matrix.
    name: Scope name.
    weights: An optional `Tensor` whose shape matches `predictions`.

    A k X k matrix representing the confusion matrix, where k is the number of
    possible labels in the classification task.

    ValueError: If both predictions and labels are not 1-D vectors and have
      mismatched shapes, or if `weights` is not `None` and its shape doesn't
      match `predictions`.
  with ops.name_scope(name, 'confusion_matrix',
                      [predictions, labels, num_classes]) as name:
    predictions, labels = tensor_util.remove_squeezable_dimensions(
            predictions, name='predictions'),
        ops.convert_to_tensor(labels, name='labels'))
    predictions = math_ops.cast(predictions, dtypes.int64)
    labels = math_ops.cast(labels, dtypes.int64)

    if num_classes is None:
      num_classes = math_ops.maximum(math_ops.reduce_max(predictions),
                                     math_ops.reduce_max(labels)) + 1

    if weights is not None:
      weights = math_ops.cast(weights, dtype)

    shape = array_ops.pack([num_classes, num_classes])
    indices = array_ops.transpose(array_ops.pack([predictions, labels]))
    values = (array_ops.ones_like(predictions, dtype)
              if weights is None else weights)
    cm_sparse = sparse_tensor.SparseTensor(
        indices=indices, values=values, shape=math_ops.to_int64(shape))
    zero_matrix = array_ops.zeros(math_ops.to_int32(shape), dtype)

    return sparse_ops.sparse_add(zero_matrix, cm_sparse)
    def _process_input_helper(self,
        """Creates the graph for processing a sparse slice of input.

      update_row_factors: if True, update or project the row_factors, else
        update or project the column factors.
      sp_input: Please refer to comments for update_row_factors,
        update_col_factors, project_row_factors, and project_col_factors for
      transpose_input: If True, the input is logically transposed and then the
        corresponding rows/columns of the transposed input are updated.
      row_weights: If not None, this is the row/column weights to be used for
        the update or projection. If None, use the corresponding weights from
        the model. Note that the feature (column/row) weights will be
        determined by the model. When not None, it can either be a scalar or
        a rank-1 tensor with the same number of elements as the number of rows
        of columns to be updated/projected.

      A tuple consisting of the following elements:
      new_values: New values for the row/column factors.
      update_op: An op that assigns the newly computed values to the row/column
      unregularized_loss: A tensor (scalar) that contains the normalized
        minibatch loss corresponding to sp_input, without the regularization
        term. Add the regularization term below to yield the loss.
      regularization: A tensor (scalar) that contains the normalized
        regularization term for the minibatch loss corresponding to sp_input.
      sum_weights: The sum of the weights corresponding to sp_input. This
        can be used with unregularized loss to calculate the root weighted
        squared error.
        assert isinstance(sp_input, sparse_tensor.SparseTensor)

        if update_row_factors:
            left = self._row_factors
            right_factors = self._col_factors_cache
            row_wt = self._row_wt_cache
            col_wt = self._col_wt_cache
            total_rows = self._input_rows
            total_cols = self._input_cols
            sharding_func = WALSModel._get_sharding_func(
                self._input_rows, self._num_row_shards)
            gramian = self._col_gramian_cache
            left = self._col_factors
            right_factors = self._row_factors_cache
            row_wt = self._col_wt_cache
            col_wt = self._row_wt_cache
            total_rows = self._input_cols
            total_cols = self._input_rows
            sharding_func = WALSModel._get_sharding_func(
                self._input_cols, self._num_col_shards)
            gramian = self._row_gramian_cache
            transpose_input = not transpose_input

        # Note that the row indices of sp_input are based on the original full input
        # Here we reindex the rows and give them contiguous ids starting at 0.
        # We use tf.unique to achieve this reindexing. Note that this is done so
        # that the downstream kernel can assume that the input is "dense" along the
        # row dimension.
        row_ids, col_ids = array_ops.split(value=sp_input.indices,
        update_row_indices, all_row_ids = array_ops.unique(row_ids[:, 0])
        update_col_indices, all_col_ids = array_ops.unique(col_ids[:, 0])
        col_ids = array_ops.expand_dims(
            math_ops.cast(all_col_ids, dtypes.int64), 1)
        row_ids = array_ops.expand_dims(
            math_ops.cast(all_row_ids, dtypes.int64), 1)

        if transpose_input:
            update_indices = update_col_indices
            row_shape = [
                    array_ops.shape(update_row_indices)[0], dtypes.int64)
            gather_indices = update_row_indices
            update_indices = update_row_indices
            row_shape = [
                    array_ops.shape(update_col_indices)[0], dtypes.int64)
            gather_indices = update_col_indices

        num_rows = math_ops.cast(
            array_ops.shape(update_indices)[0], dtypes.int64)
        col_shape = [num_rows]
        right = embedding_ops.embedding_lookup(right_factors,
        new_sp_indices = array_ops.concat([row_ids, col_ids], 1)
        new_sp_shape = (array_ops.concat([row_shape, col_shape], 0)
                        if transpose_input else array_ops.concat(
                            [col_shape, row_shape], 0))
        new_sp_input = sparse_tensor.SparseTensor(indices=new_sp_indices,

        # Compute lhs and rhs of the normal equations
        total_lhs = (self._unobserved_weight * gramian)
        if self._regularization_matrix is not None:
            total_lhs += self._regularization_matrix
        if self._row_weights is None:
            # Special case of ALS. Use a much simpler update rule.
            total_rhs = (self._unobserved_weight *
                             new_sp_input, right, adjoint_a=transpose_input))
            # TODO(rmlarsen): handle transposing in tf.matrix_solve instead of
            # transposing explicitly.
            # TODO(rmlarsen): multi-thread tf.matrix_solve.
            new_left_values = array_ops.transpose(
            if row_weights is None:
                # TODO(yifanchen): Add special handling for single shard without using
                # embedding_lookup and perform benchmarks for those cases. Same for
                # col_weights lookup below.
                row_weights_slice = embedding_ops.embedding_lookup(
                    row_wt, update_indices, partition_strategy="div")
                num_indices = array_ops.shape(update_indices)[0]
                with ops.control_dependencies([
                            array_ops.rank(row_weights), 1)
                    row_weights_slice = control_flow_ops.cond(
                        math_ops.equal(array_ops.rank(row_weights), 0), lambda:
                        (array_ops.ones([num_indices]) * row_weights),
                        lambda: math_ops.cast(row_weights, dtypes.float32))

            col_weights = embedding_ops.embedding_lookup(
                col_wt, gather_indices, partition_strategy="div")
            partial_lhs, total_rhs = (
            total_lhs = array_ops.expand_dims(total_lhs, 0) + partial_lhs
            total_rhs = array_ops.expand_dims(total_rhs, -1)
            new_left_values = array_ops.squeeze(
                linalg_ops.matrix_solve(total_lhs, total_rhs), [2])

        update_op_name = "row_update" if update_row_factors else "col_update"
        update_op = self.scatter_update(left,

        # Create the loss subgraph
        loss_sp_input = (sparse_ops.sparse_transpose(new_sp_input)
                         if transpose_input else new_sp_input)
        # sp_approx is the low rank estimate of the input matrix, formed by
        # computing the product <u_i, v_j> for (i, j) in loss_sp_input.indices.
        sp_approx_vals = gen_factorization_ops.masked_matmul(
        sp_approx = sparse_tensor.SparseTensor(loss_sp_input.indices,
        sp_approx_sq = math_ops.square(sp_approx)
        sp_residual = sparse_ops.sparse_add(loss_sp_input, sp_approx * (-1))
        sp_residual_sq = math_ops.square(sp_residual)
        row_wt_mat = (constant_op.constant(0.) if self._row_weights is None
                      else array_ops.expand_dims(row_weights_slice, 1))
        col_wt_mat = (constant_op.constant(0.) if self._col_weights is None
                      else array_ops.expand_dims(col_weights, 0))

        # We return the normalized loss
        partial_row_gramian = math_ops.matmul(new_left_values,
        normalization_factor = total_rows / math_ops.cast(
            num_rows, dtypes.float32)

        unregularized_loss = (
            self._unobserved_weight * (  # pyformat line break
                sparse_ops.sparse_reduce_sum(sp_residual_sq) -  # pyformat break
                sparse_ops.sparse_reduce_sum(sp_approx_sq) +  # pyformat break
                math_ops.trace(math_ops.matmul(partial_row_gramian, gramian)))
            + sparse_ops.sparse_reduce_sum(
                row_wt_mat *
                (sp_residual_sq * col_wt_mat))) * normalization_factor

        if self._regularization is not None:
            regularization = self._regularization * (
                math_ops.trace(partial_row_gramian) * normalization_factor +
            regularization = constant_op.constant(0.)

        sum_weights = self._unobserved_weight * math_ops.cast(
            total_rows * total_cols, dtypes.float32)
        if self._row_weights is not None and self._col_weights is not None:
            ones = sparse_tensor.SparseTensor(
            sum_weights += sparse_ops.sparse_reduce_sum(
                row_wt_mat * (ones * col_wt_mat)) * normalization_factor

        return (new_left_values, update_op, unregularized_loss, regularization,
def confusion_matrix(labels,
  """Computes the confusion matrix from predictions and labels.

  The matrix columns represent the prediction labels and the rows represent the
  real labels. The confusion matrix is always a 2-D array of shape `[n, n]`,
  where `n` is the number of valid labels for a given classification task. Both
  prediction and labels must be 1-D arrays of the same shape in order for this
  function to work.

  If `num_classes` is `None`, then `num_classes` will be set to one plus the
  maximum value in either predictions or labels. Class labels are expected to
  start at 0. For example, if `num_classes` is 3, then the possible labels
  would be `[0, 1, 2]`.

  If `weights` is not `None`, then each prediction contributes its
  corresponding weight to the total value of the confusion matrix cell.

  For example:

    tf.math.confusion_matrix([1, 2, 4], [2, 2, 4]) ==>
        [[0 0 0 0 0]
         [0 0 1 0 0]
         [0 0 1 0 0]
         [0 0 0 0 0]
         [0 0 0 0 1]]

  Note that the possible labels are assumed to be `[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]`,
  resulting in a 5x5 confusion matrix.

    labels: 1-D `Tensor` of real labels for the classification task.
    predictions: 1-D `Tensor` of predictions for a given classification.
    num_classes: The possible number of labels the classification task can
                 have. If this value is not provided, it will be calculated
                 using both predictions and labels array.
    weights: An optional `Tensor` whose shape matches `predictions`.
    dtype: Data type of the confusion matrix.
    name: Scope name.

    A `Tensor` of type `dtype` with shape `[n, n]` representing the confusion
    matrix, where `n` is the number of possible labels in the classification

    ValueError: If both predictions and labels are not 1-D vectors and have
      mismatched shapes, or if `weights` is not `None` and its shape doesn't
      match `predictions`.
  with ops.name_scope(name, 'confusion_matrix',
                      (predictions, labels, num_classes, weights)) as name:
    labels, predictions = remove_squeezable_dimensions(
        ops.convert_to_tensor(labels, name='labels'),
            predictions, name='predictions'))
    predictions = math_ops.cast(predictions, dtypes.int64)
    labels = math_ops.cast(labels, dtypes.int64)

    # Sanity checks - underflow or overflow can cause memory corruption.
    labels = control_flow_ops.with_dependencies(
            labels, message='`labels` contains negative values')],
    predictions = control_flow_ops.with_dependencies(
            predictions, message='`predictions` contains negative values')],

    if num_classes is None:
      num_classes = math_ops.maximum(math_ops.reduce_max(predictions),
                                     math_ops.reduce_max(labels)) + 1
      num_classes_int64 = math_ops.cast(num_classes, dtypes.int64)
      labels = control_flow_ops.with_dependencies(
              labels, num_classes_int64, message='`labels` out of bound')],
      predictions = control_flow_ops.with_dependencies(
              predictions, num_classes_int64,
              message='`predictions` out of bound')],

    if weights is not None:
      weights = ops.convert_to_tensor(weights, name='weights')
      weights = math_ops.cast(weights, dtype)

    shape = array_ops.stack([num_classes, num_classes])
    indices = array_ops.stack([labels, predictions], axis=1)
    values = (array_ops.ones_like(predictions, dtype)
              if weights is None else weights)
    cm_sparse = sparse_tensor.SparseTensor(
        dense_shape=math_ops.cast(shape, dtypes.int64))
    zero_matrix = array_ops.zeros(math_ops.cast(shape, dtypes.int32), dtype)

    return sparse_ops.sparse_add(zero_matrix, cm_sparse)
Exemple #30
def confusion_matrix(labels,
    """Computes the confusion matrix from predictions and labels.

  The matrix columns represent the prediction labels and the rows represent the
  real labels. The confusion matrix is always a 2-D array of shape `[n, n]`,
  where `n` is the number of valid labels for a given classification task. Both
  prediction and labels must be 1-D arrays of the same shape in order for this
  function to work.

  If `num_classes` is `None`, then `num_classes` will be set to one plus the
  maximum value in either predictions or labels. Class labels are expected to
  start at 0. For example, if `num_classes` is 3, then the possible labels
  would be `[0, 1, 2]`.

  If `weights` is not `None`, then each prediction contributes its
  corresponding weight to the total value of the confusion matrix cell.

  For example:

    tf.math.confusion_matrix([1, 2, 4], [2, 2, 4]) ==>
        [[0 0 0 0 0]
         [0 0 1 0 0]
         [0 0 1 0 0]
         [0 0 0 0 0]
         [0 0 0 0 1]]

  Note that the possible labels are assumed to be `[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]`,
  resulting in a 5x5 confusion matrix.

    labels: 1-D `Tensor` of real labels for the classification task.
    predictions: 1-D `Tensor` of predictions for a given classification.
    num_classes: The possible number of labels the classification task can
                 have. If this value is not provided, it will be calculated
                 using both predictions and labels array.
    weights: An optional `Tensor` whose shape matches `predictions`.
    dtype: Data type of the confusion matrix.
    name: Scope name.

    A `Tensor` of type `dtype` with shape `[n, n]` representing the confusion
    matrix, where `n` is the number of possible labels in the classification

    ValueError: If both predictions and labels are not 1-D vectors and have
      mismatched shapes, or if `weights` is not `None` and its shape doesn't
      match `predictions`.
    with ops.name_scope(name, 'confusion_matrix',
                        (predictions, labels, num_classes, weights)) as name:
        labels, predictions = remove_squeezable_dimensions(
            ops.convert_to_tensor(labels, name='labels'),
            ops.convert_to_tensor(predictions, name='predictions'))
        predictions = math_ops.cast(predictions, dtypes.int64)
        labels = math_ops.cast(labels, dtypes.int64)

        # Sanity checks - underflow or overflow can cause memory corruption.
        labels = control_flow_ops.with_dependencies([
                labels, message='`labels` contains negative values')
        ], labels)
        predictions = control_flow_ops.with_dependencies([
                predictions, message='`predictions` contains negative values')
        ], predictions)

        if num_classes is None:
            num_classes = math_ops.maximum(math_ops.reduce_max(predictions),
                                           math_ops.reduce_max(labels)) + 1
            num_classes_int64 = math_ops.cast(num_classes, dtypes.int64)
            labels = control_flow_ops.with_dependencies([
                    labels, num_classes_int64, message='`labels` out of bound')
            ], labels)
            predictions = control_flow_ops.with_dependencies([
                                      message='`predictions` out of bound')
            ], predictions)

        if weights is not None:
            weights = ops.convert_to_tensor(weights, name='weights')
            weights = math_ops.cast(weights, dtype)

        shape = array_ops.stack([num_classes, num_classes])
        indices = array_ops.stack([labels, predictions], axis=1)
        values = (array_ops.ones_like(predictions, dtype)
                  if weights is None else weights)
        cm_sparse = sparse_tensor.SparseTensor(indices=indices,
                                                   shape, dtypes.int64))
        zero_matrix = array_ops.zeros(math_ops.cast(shape, dtypes.int32),

        return sparse_ops.sparse_add(zero_matrix, cm_sparse)