def start_server(port):
    """Start a profiler grpc server that listens to given port.

  The profiler server will exit when the process finishes. The service is
  defined in tensorflow/core/profiler/profiler_service.proto.

    port: port profiler server listens to.
  Example usage: ```python tf.profiler.experimental.server.start('6009') # do
    your training here.
def start_profiler_server(port):
  """Start a profiler grpc server that listens to given port.

  The profiler server will keep the program running even the training finishes.
  Please shutdown the server with CTRL-C. It can be used in both eager mode and
  graph mode. The service defined in
  tensorflow/core/profiler/profiler_service.proto. Please use
  tensorflow/contrib/tpu/profiler/capture_tpu_profile to capture tracable
  file following

    port: port profiler server listens to.
  if context.default_execution_mode == context.EAGER_MODE: