Exemple #1
 def _preread_check(self):
     if not self._read_buf:
         if not self._read_check_passed:
             raise errors.PermissionDeniedError(
                 None, None, "File isn't open for reading")
         self._read_buf = _pywrap_file_io.BufferedInputStream(
             compat.path_to_str(self.__name), 1024 * 512)
Exemple #2
def join(path, *paths):
    r"""Join one or more path components intelligently.

  TensorFlow specific filesystems will be joined
  like a url (using "/" as the path seperator) on all platforms:

  On Windows or Linux/Unix-like:
  >>> tf.io.gfile.join("gcs://folder", "file.py")

  >>> tf.io.gfile.join("ram://folder", "file.py")

  But the native filesystem is handled just like os.path.join:

  >>> path = tf.io.gfile.join("folder", "file.py")
  >>> if os.name == "nt":
  ...   expected = "folder\\file.py"  # Windows
  ... else:
  ...   expected = "folder/file.py"  # Linux/Unix-like
  >>> path == expected

    path: string, path to a directory
    paths: string, additional paths to concatenate

    path: the joined path.
    # os.path.join won't take mixed bytes/str, so don't overwrite the incoming `path` var
    path_ = compat.as_str_any(compat.path_to_str(path))
    if "://" in path_[1:]:
        return urljoin(path, *paths)
    return os.path.join(path, *paths)
Exemple #3
def parse_saved_model(export_dir):
    """Reads the savedmodel.pb or savedmodel.pbtxt file containing `SavedModel`.

    export_dir: String or Pathlike, path to the directory containing the
    SavedModel file.

    A `SavedModel` protocol buffer.

    IOError: If the file does not exist, or cannot be successfully parsed.
    # Build the path to the SavedModel in pbtxt format.
    path_to_pbtxt = os.path.join(
    # Build the path to the SavedModel in pb format.
    path_to_pb = os.path.join(

    # Parse the SavedModel protocol buffer.
    saved_model = saved_model_pb2.SavedModel()
    if file_io.file_exists(path_to_pb):
        with file_io.FileIO(path_to_pb, "rb") as f:
            file_content = f.read()
            return saved_model
        except message.DecodeError as e:
            raise IOError("Cannot parse file %s: %s." % (path_to_pb, str(e)))
    elif file_io.file_exists(path_to_pbtxt):
        with file_io.FileIO(path_to_pbtxt, "rb") as f:
            file_content = f.read()
            text_format.Merge(file_content.decode("utf-8"), saved_model)
            return saved_model
        except text_format.ParseError as e:
            raise IOError("Cannot parse file %s: %s." %
                          (path_to_pbtxt, str(e)))
        raise IOError(
            "SavedModel file does not exist at: %s%s{%s|%s}" %
            (export_dir, os.path.sep, constants.SAVED_MODEL_FILENAME_PBTXT,
Exemple #4
def walk_v2(top, topdown=True, onerror=None):
    """Recursive directory tree generator for directories.

    top: string, a Directory name
    topdown: bool, Traverse pre order if True, post order if False.
    onerror: optional handler for errors. Should be a function, it will be
      called with the error as argument. Rethrowing the error aborts the walk.
      Errors that happen while listing directories are ignored.

    Each yield is a 3-tuple:  the pathname of a directory, followed by lists of
    all its subdirectories and leaf files. That is, each yield looks like:
    `(dirname, [subdirname, subdirname, ...], [filename, filename, ...])`.
    Each item is a string.
    def _make_full_path(parent, item):
        # Since `join` discards paths before one that starts with the path
        # separator (https://docs.python.org/3/library/os.path.html#join),
        # we have to manually handle that case as `/` is a valid character on GCS.
        if item[0] == os.sep:
            return "".join([join(parent, ""), item])
        return join(parent, item)

    top = compat.as_str_any(compat.path_to_str(top))
        listing = list_directory(top)
    except errors.NotFoundError as err:
        if onerror:

    files = []
    subdirs = []
    for item in listing:
        full_path = _make_full_path(top, item)
        if is_directory(full_path):

    here = (top, subdirs, files)

    if topdown:
        yield here

    for subdir in subdirs:
        for subitem in walk_v2(_make_full_path(top, subdir),
            yield subitem

    if not topdown:
        yield here
Exemple #5
def stat_v2(path):
    """Returns file statistics for a given path.

    path: string, path to a file

    FileStatistics struct that contains information about the path

    errors.OpError: If the operation fails.
    return _pywrap_file_io.Stat(compat.path_to_str(path))
Exemple #6
def get_saved_model_pb_path(export_dir):
    return os.path.join(compat.as_bytes(compat.path_to_str(export_dir)),
Exemple #7
    def __init__(self, model_fn, model_dir=None, config=None, params=None):
        """Constructs an `Estimator` instance.

      model_fn: Model function. Follows the signature:

        * Args:

          * `features`: This is the first item returned from the `input_fn`
                 passed to `train`, `evaluate`, and `predict`. This should be a
                 single `Tensor` or `dict` of same.
          * `labels`: This is the second item returned from the `input_fn`
                 passed to `train`, `evaluate`, and `predict`. This should be a
                 single `Tensor` or `dict` of same (for multi-head models). If
                 mode is `ModeKeys.PREDICT`, `labels=None` will be passed. If
                 the `model_fn`'s signature does not accept `mode`, the
                 `model_fn` must still be able to handle `labels=None`.
          * `mode`: Optional. Specifies if this training, evaluation or
                 prediction. See `ModeKeys`.
          * `params`: Optional `dict` of hyperparameters.  Will receive what
                 is passed to Estimator in `params` parameter. This allows
                 to configure Estimators from hyper parameter tuning.
          * `config`: Optional configuration object. Will receive what is passed
                 to Estimator in `config` parameter, or the default `config`.
                 Allows updating things in your model_fn based on configuration
                 such as `num_ps_replicas`, or `model_dir`.

        * Returns:

      model_dir: Directory to save model parameters, graph and etc. This can
        also be used to load checkpoints from the directory into a estimator to
        continue training a previously saved model. If `PathLike` object, the
        path will be resolved. If `None`, the model_dir in `config` will be used
        if set. If both are set, they must be same. If both are `None`, a
        temporary directory will be used.
      config: Configuration object.
      params: `dict` of hyper parameters that will be passed into `model_fn`.
              Keys are names of parameters, values are basic python types.

      RuntimeError: If eager execution is enabled.
      ValueError: parameters of `model_fn` don't match `params`.
      ValueError: if this is called via a subclass and if that class overrides
        a member of `Estimator`.
        if context.in_eager_mode():
            raise RuntimeError(
                'Estimators are not supported when eager execution is enabled.'


        if config is None:
            self._config = run_config.RunConfig()
            logging.info('Using default config.')
            if not isinstance(config, run_config.RunConfig):
                raise ValueError(
                    'config must be an instance of RunConfig, but provided %s.'
                    % config)
            self._config = config

        # Model directory.
        model_dir = compat.path_to_str(model_dir)
        if (model_dir is not None) and (self._config.model_dir is not None):
            if model_dir != self._config.model_dir:
                # TODO(alanyee): remove this suppression after it is no longer needed
                # pylint: disable=g-doc-exception
                raise ValueError(
                    "model_dir are set both in constructor and RunConfig, but with "
                    "different values. In constructor: '{}', in RunConfig: "
                    "'{}' ".format(model_dir, self._config.model_dir))
                # pylint: enable=g-doc-exception

        self._model_dir = model_dir or self._config.model_dir
        if self._model_dir is None:
            self._model_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
            logging.warning('Using temporary folder as model directory: %s',
        if self._config.model_dir is None:
            self._config = self._config.replace(model_dir=self._model_dir)
        logging.info('Using config: %s', str(vars(self._config)))

        if self._config.session_config is None:
            self._session_config = config_pb2.ConfigProto(
            self._session_config = self._config.session_config

        self._device_fn = _get_replica_device_setter(self._config)

        if model_fn is None:
            raise ValueError('model_fn must be provided to Estimator.')
        _verify_model_fn_args(model_fn, params)
        self._model_fn = model_fn
        self._params = copy.deepcopy(params or {})
Exemple #8
def get_saved_model_pbtxt_path(export_dir):
    return file_io.join(compat.as_bytes(compat.path_to_str(export_dir)),
Exemple #9
  def __init__(self,
    """Constructs a RunConfig.

    All distributed training related properties `cluster_spec`, `is_chief`,
    `master` , `num_worker_replicas`, `num_ps_replicas`, `task_id`, and
    `task_type` are set based on the `TF_CONFIG` environment variable, if the
    pertinent information is present. The `TF_CONFIG` environment variable is a
    JSON object with attributes: `cluster` and `task`.

    `cluster` is a JSON serialized version of `ClusterSpec`'s Python dict from
    `server_lib.py`, mapping task types (usually one of the `TaskType` enums) to
    a list of task addresses.

    `task` has two attributes: `type` and `index`, where `type` can be any of
    the task types in `cluster`. ` When `TF_CONFIG` contains said information,
    the following properties are set on this class:

    * `cluster_spec` is parsed from `TF_CONFIG['cluster']`. Defaults to {}. If
      present, must have one and only one node in the `chief` attribute of
    * `task_type` is set to `TF_CONFIG['task']['type']`. Must set if
      `cluster_spec` is present; must be `worker` (the default value) if
      `cluster_spec` is not set.
    * `task_id` is set to `TF_CONFIG['task']['index']`. Must set if
      `cluster_spec` is present; must be 0 (the default value) if
      `cluster_spec` is not set.
    * `master` is determined by looking up `task_type` and `task_id` in the
      `cluster_spec`. Defaults to ''.
    * `num_ps_replicas` is set by counting the number of nodes listed
      in the `ps` attribute of `cluster_spec`. Defaults to 0.
    * `num_worker_replicas` is set by counting the number of nodes listed
      in the `worker` and `chief` attributes of `cluster_spec`. Defaults to 1.
    * `is_chief` is determined based on `task_type` and `cluster`.

    There is a special node with `task_type` as `evaluator`, which is not part
    of the (training) `cluster_spec`. It handles the distributed evaluation job.

    Example of non-chief node:
      cluster = {'chief': ['host0:2222'],
                 'ps': ['host1:2222', 'host2:2222'],
                 'worker': ['host3:2222', 'host4:2222', 'host5:2222']}
      os.environ['TF_CONFIG'] = json.dumps(
          {'cluster': cluster,
           'task': {'type': 'worker', 'index': 1}})
      config = ClusterConfig()
      assert config.master == 'host4:2222'
      assert config.task_id == 1
      assert config.num_ps_replicas == 2
      assert config.num_worker_replicas == 4
      assert config.cluster_spec == server_lib.ClusterSpec(cluster)
      assert config.task_type == 'worker'
      assert not config.is_chief

    Example of chief node:
      cluster = {'chief': ['host0:2222'],
                 'ps': ['host1:2222', 'host2:2222'],
                 'worker': ['host3:2222', 'host4:2222', 'host5:2222']}
      os.environ['TF_CONFIG'] = json.dumps(
          {'cluster': cluster,
           'task': {'type': 'chief', 'index': 0}})
      config = ClusterConfig()
      assert config.master == 'host0:2222'
      assert config.task_id == 0
      assert config.num_ps_replicas == 2
      assert config.num_worker_replicas == 4
      assert config.cluster_spec == server_lib.ClusterSpec(cluster)
      assert config.task_type == 'chief'
      assert config.is_chief

    Example of evaluator node (evaluator is not part of training cluster):
      cluster = {'chief': ['host0:2222'],
                 'ps': ['host1:2222', 'host2:2222'],
                 'worker': ['host3:2222', 'host4:2222', 'host5:2222']}
      os.environ['TF_CONFIG'] = json.dumps(
          {'cluster': cluster,
           'task': {'type': 'evaluator', 'index': 0}})
      config = ClusterConfig()
      assert config.master == ''
      assert config.evaluator_master == ''
      assert config.task_id == 0
      assert config.num_ps_replicas == 0
      assert config.num_worker_replicas == 0
      assert config.cluster_spec == {}
      assert config.task_type == 'evaluator'
      assert not config.is_chief

    N.B.: If `save_checkpoints_steps` or `save_checkpoints_secs` is set,
    `keep_checkpoint_max` might need to be adjusted accordingly, especially in
    distributed training. For example, setting `save_checkpoints_secs` as 60
    without adjusting `keep_checkpoint_max` (defaults to 5) leads to situation
    that checkpoint would be garbage collected after 5 minutes. In distributed
    training, the evaluation job starts asynchronously and might fail to load or
    find the checkpoint due to race condition.

      model_dir: directory where model parameters, graph, etc are saved. If
        `PathLike` object, the path will be resolved. If `None`, will use a
        default value set by the Estimator.
      tf_random_seed: Random seed for TensorFlow initializers.
        Setting this value allows consistency between reruns.
      save_summary_steps: Save summaries every this many steps.
      save_checkpoints_steps: Save checkpoints every this many steps. Can not be
          specified with `save_checkpoints_secs`.
      save_checkpoints_secs: Save checkpoints every this many seconds. Can not
          be specified with `save_checkpoints_steps`. Defaults to 600 seconds if
          both `save_checkpoints_steps` and `save_checkpoints_secs` are not set
          in constructor.  If both `save_checkpoints_steps` and
          `save_checkpoints_secs` are None, then checkpoints are disabled.
      session_config: a ConfigProto used to set session parameters, or None.
      keep_checkpoint_max: The maximum number of recent checkpoint files to
        keep. As new files are created, older files are deleted. If None or 0,
        all checkpoint files are kept. Defaults to 5 (that is, the 5 most recent
        checkpoint files are kept.)
      keep_checkpoint_every_n_hours: Number of hours between each checkpoint
        to be saved. The default value of 10,000 hours effectively disables
        the feature.
      log_step_count_steps: The frequency, in number of global steps, that the
        global step/sec will be logged during training.

      ValueError: If both `save_checkpoints_steps` and `save_checkpoints_secs`
      are set.
    if (save_checkpoints_steps == _USE_DEFAULT and
        save_checkpoints_secs == _USE_DEFAULT):
      save_checkpoints_steps = None
      save_checkpoints_secs = 600
    elif save_checkpoints_secs == _USE_DEFAULT:
      save_checkpoints_secs = None
    elif save_checkpoints_steps == _USE_DEFAULT:
      save_checkpoints_steps = None
    elif (save_checkpoints_steps is not None and
          save_checkpoints_secs is not None):
      raise ValueError(_SAVE_CKPT_ERR)

    tf_config = json.loads(os.environ.get(_TF_CONFIG_ENV, '{}'))
    if tf_config:
      logging.info('TF_CONFIG environment variable: %s', tf_config)

    model_dir = _get_model_dir(tf_config, compat.path_to_str(model_dir))


Exemple #10
  def __init__(self, model_fn, model_dir=None, config=None, params=None):
    """Constructs an `Estimator` instance.

      model_fn: Model function. Follows the signature:

        * Args:

          * `features`: This is the first item returned from the `input_fn`
                 passed to `train`, `evaluate`, and `predict`. This should be a
                 single `Tensor` or `dict` of same.
          * `labels`: This is the second item returned from the `input_fn`
                 passed to `train`, `evaluate`, and `predict`. This should be a
                 single `Tensor` or `dict` of same (for multi-head models). If
                 mode is `ModeKeys.PREDICT`, `labels=None` will be passed. If
                 the `model_fn`'s signature does not accept `mode`, the
                 `model_fn` must still be able to handle `labels=None`.
          * `mode`: Optional. Specifies if this training, evaluation or
                 prediction. See `ModeKeys`.
          * `params`: Optional `dict` of hyperparameters.  Will receive what
                 is passed to Estimator in `params` parameter. This allows
                 to configure Estimators from hyper parameter tuning.
          * `config`: Optional configuration object. Will receive what is passed
                 to Estimator in `config` parameter, or the default `config`.
                 Allows updating things in your model_fn based on configuration
                 such as `num_ps_replicas`, or `model_dir`.

        * Returns:

      model_dir: Directory to save model parameters, graph and etc. This can
        also be used to load checkpoints from the directory into a estimator to
        continue training a previously saved model. If `PathLike` object, the
        path will be resolved. If `None`, the model_dir in `config` will be used
        if set. If both are set, they must be same. If both are `None`, a
        temporary directory will be used.
      config: Configuration object.
      params: `dict` of hyper parameters that will be passed into `model_fn`.
              Keys are names of parameters, values are basic python types.

      RuntimeError: If eager execution is enabled.
      ValueError: parameters of `model_fn` don't match `params`.
      ValueError: if this is called via a subclass and if that class overrides
        a member of `Estimator`.
    if context.in_eager_mode():
      raise RuntimeError(
          'Estimators are not supported when eager execution is enabled.')


    if config is None:
      self._config = run_config.RunConfig()
      logging.info('Using default config.')
      if not isinstance(config, run_config.RunConfig):
        raise ValueError(
            'config must be an instance of RunConfig, but provided %s.' %
      self._config = config

    # Model directory.
    model_dir = compat.path_to_str(model_dir)
    if (model_dir is not None) and (self._config.model_dir is not None):
      if model_dir != self._config.model_dir:
        # TODO(alanyee): remove this suppression after it is no longer needed
        # pylint: disable=g-doc-exception
        raise ValueError(
            "model_dir are set both in constructor and RunConfig, but with "
            "different values. In constructor: '{}', in RunConfig: "
            "'{}' ".format(model_dir, self._config.model_dir))
        # pylint: enable=g-doc-exception

    self._model_dir = model_dir or self._config.model_dir
    if self._model_dir is None:
      self._model_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
      logging.warning('Using temporary folder as model directory: %s',
    if self._config.model_dir is None:
      self._config = self._config.replace(model_dir=self._model_dir)
    logging.info('Using config: %s', str(vars(self._config)))

    if self._config.session_config is None:
      self._session_config = config_pb2.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True)
      self._session_config = self._config.session_config

    self._device_fn = _get_replica_device_setter(self._config)

    if model_fn is None:
      raise ValueError('model_fn must be provided to Estimator.')
    _verify_model_fn_args(model_fn, params)
    self._model_fn = model_fn
    self._params = copy.deepcopy(params or {})