def gate_phase_hirose(z, scope='', reuse=None): ''' Hirose inspired gate activation filtering according to phase angle. ''' with tf.variable_scope('phase_hirose_' + scope, reuse=reuse): m = tf.get_variable('m', [], tf.float32, initializer=urnd_init(0.9, 1.1)) a = tf.get_variable('a', [], tf.float32, initializer=urnd_init(1.9, 2.1)) b = tf.get_variable('b', [], tf.float32, urnd_init(3.9, 4.1)) modulus = tf.sqrt(tf.real(z)**2 + tf.imag(z)**2) phase = tf.atan2(tf.imag(z), tf.real(z)) gate = tf.tanh(modulus/(m*m)) * tf.nn.sigmoid(a*phase + b) return tf.complex(gate, tf.zeros_like(gate))
def mod_relu(z, scope='', reuse=None): """ Implementation of the modRelu from Arjovski et al. f(z) = relu(|z| + b)(z / |z|) or f(r,theta) = relu(r + b)e^(i*theta) b is initialized to zero, this leads to a network, which is linear during early optimization. Input: z: complex input. b: 'dead' zone radius. Returns: z_out: complex output. Reference: Arjovsky et al. Unitary Evolution Recurrent Neural Networks """ with tf.variable_scope('mod_relu' + scope, reuse=reuse): b = tf.get_variable('b', [], dtype=tf.float32, initializer=urnd_init(-0.01, 0.01)) modulus = tf.sqrt(tf.real(z)**2 + tf.imag(z)**2) rescale = tf.nn.relu(modulus + b) / (modulus + 1e-6) # return tf.complex(rescale * tf.real(z), # rescale * tf.imag(z)) rescale = tf.complex(rescale, tf.zeros_like(rescale)) return tf.multiply(rescale, z)
def hirose(z, scope='', reuse=None): """ Compute the non-linearity proposed by Hirose. """ with tf.variable_scope('hirose' + scope, reuse=reuse): m = tf.get_variable('m', [], tf.float32, initializer=urnd_init(0.9, 1.1)) modulus = tf.sqrt(tf.real(z)**2 + tf.imag(z)**2) # use m*m to enforce positive m. rescale = tf.complex(tf.nn.tanh(modulus/(m*m))/modulus, tf.zeros_like(modulus)) return tf.multiply(rescale, z)
def hirose(z, scope='', reuse=None): """ Compute the non-linearity proposed by Hirose. See for example: Complex Valued nonlinear Adaptive Filters Mandic and Su Lee Goh Chapter 4.3.1 (Amplitude-Phase split complex approach) """ with tf.variable_scope('hirose' + scope, reuse=reuse): m = tf.get_variable('m', [], tf.float32, initializer=urnd_init(0.9, 1.1)) modulus = tf.sqrt(tf.real(z)**2 + tf.imag(z)**2) # use m*m to enforce positive m. rescale = tf.complex( tf.nn.tanh(modulus / (m * m)) / modulus, tf.zeros_like(modulus)) return tf.multiply(rescale, z)
def diag_mul(h, state_size, no, reuse): """ Multiplication with a diagonal matrix. Input: h: hidden state_vector. state_size: The RNN state size. reuse: True if graph variables should be reused. Returns: R*h """ with tf.variable_scope("diag_phis_" + str(no), reuse=reuse): omega = tf.get_variable('vr', shape=[state_size], dtype=tf.float32, initializer=urnd_init(-np.pi, np.pi)) dr = tf.cos(omega) di = tf.sin(omega) with tf.variable_scope("diag_mul_" + str(no)): D = tf.diag(tf.complex(dr, di)) return tf.matmul(h, D)