Exemple #1
def convert_tf2tf(dst_params_file_path, dst_params, dst_param_keys, src_params,
    import re

    src_param_keys = [key.replace('/W:', '/kernel:') for key in src_param_keys]
    src_param_keys = [key.replace('/b:', '/bias:') for key in src_param_keys]
    src_param_keys = [
        key.replace('linear/', 'output/') for key in src_param_keys
    src_param_keys = [
        key.replace('stage', 'features/stage') for key in src_param_keys
    src_param_keys = [
        re.sub('^conv1/', 'features/init_block/conv/', key)
        for key in src_param_keys
    src_param_keys = [
        re.sub('^conv5/', 'features/final_block/conv/', key)
        for key in src_param_keys
    src_param_keys = [
        key.replace('/dconv_bn/', '/dconv/bn/') for key in src_param_keys
    src_param_keys = [
        key.replace('/shortcut_dconv_bn/', '/shortcut_dconv/bn/')
        for key in src_param_keys

    src_param_keys.sort(key=lambda var: [
        '{:10}'.format(int(x)) if x.isdigit() else x
        for x in re.findall(r'[^0-9]|[0-9]+', var)

    dst_param_keys.sort(key=lambda var: [
        '{:10}'.format(int(x)) if x.isdigit() else x
        for x in re.findall(r'[^0-9]|[0-9]+', var)

    src_param_keys = [key.replace('/kernel:', '/W:') for key in src_param_keys]
    src_param_keys = [key.replace('/bias:', '/b:') for key in src_param_keys]
    src_param_keys = [
        key.replace('output/', 'linear/') for key in src_param_keys
    src_param_keys = [
        key.replace('features/stage', 'stage') for key in src_param_keys
    src_param_keys = [
        key.replace('features/init_block/conv/', 'conv1/')
        for key in src_param_keys
    src_param_keys = [
        key.replace('features/final_block/conv/', 'conv5/')
        for key in src_param_keys
    src_param_keys = [
        key.replace('/dconv/bn/', '/dconv_bn/') for key in src_param_keys
    src_param_keys = [
        key.replace('/shortcut_dconv/bn/', '/shortcut_dconv_bn/')
        for key in src_param_keys

    assert (len(src_param_keys) == len(dst_param_keys))

    import tensorflow as tf
    with tf.Session() as sess:
        for i, (src_key,
                dst_key) in enumerate(zip(src_param_keys, dst_param_keys)):
            assert (src_params[src_key].shape == tuple(

        from tensorflow_.utils import save_model_params
        save_model_params(sess=sess, file_path=dst_params_file_path)
Exemple #2
def convert_gl2tf(dst_params_file_path, dst_params, dst_param_keys, src_params,
    dst_param_keys = [
        key.replace('/kernel:', '/weight:') for key in dst_param_keys
    dst_param_keys = [
        key.replace('/dw_kernel:', '/weight_dw:') for key in dst_param_keys
    dst_param_keys = [
        key.replace('/post_activ/', '/stageN/post_activ/')
        for key in dst_param_keys
    dst_param_keys = [
        key.replace('/final_block/', '/stageN/final_block/')
        for key in dst_param_keys
    dst_param_keys = [
        key.replace('/stem1_unit/', '/stage0/stem1_unit/')
        for key in dst_param_keys
    dst_param_keys = [
        key.replace('/stem2_unit/', '/stage0/stem2_unit/')
        for key in dst_param_keys

    src_param_keys.sort(key=lambda var: [
        '{:10}'.format(int(x)) if x.isdigit() else x
        for x in re.findall(r'[^0-9]|[0-9]+', var)

    dst_param_keys.sort(key=lambda var: [
        '{:10}'.format(int(x)) if x.isdigit() else x
        for x in re.findall(r'[^0-9]|[0-9]+', var)

    dst_param_keys = [
        key.replace('/weight:', '/kernel:') for key in dst_param_keys
    dst_param_keys = [
        key.replace('/weight_dw:', '/dw_kernel:') for key in dst_param_keys
    dst_param_keys = [
        key.replace('/stageN/post_activ/', '/post_activ/')
        for key in dst_param_keys
    dst_param_keys = [
        key.replace('/stageN/final_block/', '/final_block/')
        for key in dst_param_keys
    dst_param_keys = [
        key.replace('/stage0/stem1_unit/', '/stem1_unit/')
        for key in dst_param_keys
    dst_param_keys = [
        key.replace('/stage0/stem2_unit/', '/stem2_unit/')
        for key in dst_param_keys

    dst_param_keys_orig = dst_param_keys.copy()
    dst_param_keys = [
        s[:(s.find("convgroup") + 9)] + "/" +
        s.split('/')[-1] if s.find("convgroup") >= 0 else s
        for s in dst_param_keys
    dst_param_keys_uniq, dst_param_keys_index = np.unique(dst_param_keys,
    dst_param_keys = list(dst_param_keys_uniq[dst_param_keys_index.argsort()])

    assert (len(src_param_keys) == len(dst_param_keys))

    import tensorflow as tf
    with tf.Session() as sess:

        def process_width(src_key, dst_key, src_weight):
            if len(src_weight.shape) == 4:
                if dst_key.split("/")[-1][:-2] == "dw_kernel":
                    src_weight = np.transpose(src_weight, axes=(2, 3, 0, 1))
                    src_weight = np.transpose(src_weight, axes=(2, 3, 1, 0))
            elif len(src_weight.shape) == 2:
                src_weight = np.transpose(src_weight, axes=(1, 0))
            assert (tuple(
                dst_params[dst_key].get_shape().as_list()) == src_weight.shape)
            # print(dst_params[dst_key].eval(sess))

        for i, (src_key,
                dst_key) in enumerate(zip(src_param_keys, dst_param_keys)):
            if dst_key.find("convgroup") >= 0:
                dst_key_stem = dst_key[:(dst_key.find("convgroup") + 9)]
                dst_keys = [
                    s for s in dst_param_keys_orig
                    if s.startswith(dst_key_stem)
                if src_key.endswith("weight"):
                    dst_keys = [s for s in dst_keys if s.endswith("kernel:0")]
                elif src_key.endswith("bias"):
                    dst_keys = [s for s in dst_keys if s.endswith("bias:0")]
                groups = len(dst_keys)
                src_weight0 = src_params[src_key]._data[0]
                src_weight0_list = mx.nd.split(src_weight0,
                for gi in range(groups):
                    src_weight_gi = src_weight0_list[gi].asnumpy()
                    dst_key_gi = dst_keys[gi]
                    process_width(src_key, dst_key_gi, src_weight_gi)
                src_weight = src_params[src_key]._data[0].asnumpy()
                process_width(src_key, dst_key, src_weight)
        # saver = tf.train.Saver()
        # saver.save(
        #     sess=sess,
        #     save_path=dst_params_file_path)
        from tensorflow_.utils import save_model_params
        save_model_params(sess=sess, file_path=dst_params_file_path)