Exemple #1
def upper_bound(expressions):
  """Creates an `Expression` upper bounding the given expressions.

  This function introduces a slack variable, and adds constraints forcing this
  variable to upper bound all elements of the given expression list. It then
  returns the slack variable.

  If you're going to be upper-bounding or minimizing the result of this
  function, then you can think of it as taking the `max` of its arguments. You
  should *never* lower-bound or maximize the result, however, since the
  consequence would be to increase the value of the slack variable, without
  affecting the contents of the expressions list.

    expressions: list of `Expression`s, the quantities to upper-bound.

    An `Expression` representing an upper bound on the given expressions.

    ValueError: if the expressions list is empty.
    TypeError: if the expressions list contains a non-`Expression`.
  if not expressions:
    raise ValueError("upper_bound cannot be given an empty expression list")
  if not all(isinstance(ee, expression.Expression) for ee in expressions):
    raise TypeError(
        "upper_bound expects a list of rate Expressions (perhaps you need to "
        "call wrap_rate() to create an Expression from a Tensor?)")

  # Ideally the slack variable would have the same dtype as the predictions, but
  # we might not know their dtype (e.g. in eager mode), so instead we always use
  # float32 with auto_cast=True.
  bound = deferred_tensor.DeferredVariable(

  bound_basic_expression = basic_expression.BasicExpression(
      terms=[], tensor=bound)
  bound_expression = expression.Expression(
  extra_constraints = [ee <= bound_expression for ee in expressions]
  return expression.Expression(
Exemple #2
    def test_arithmetic(self):
        """Tests `Expression`'s arithmetic operators."""
        memoizer = {
            defaults.DENOMINATOR_LOWER_BOUND_KEY: 0.0,
            defaults.GLOBAL_STEP_KEY: tf.compat.v2.Variable(0, dtype=tf.int32)

        penalty_values = [-3.6, 1.5, 0.4]
        constraint_values = [-0.2, -0.5, 2.3]

        # Create three expressions containing the constants in "penalty_values" in
        # their penalty_expressions, and "constraint_values" in their
        # constraint_expressions.
        expression_objects = []
        for penalty_value, constraint_value in zip(penalty_values,
            expression_object = expression.Expression(
                        tf.constant(penalty_value, dtype=tf.float32))),

        # This expression exercises all of the operators.
        expression_object = (
            0.3 - (expression_objects[0] / 2.3 + 0.7 * expression_objects[1]) -
            (1.2 + expression_objects[2] - 0.1) * 0.6 + 0.8)

        actual_penalty_value, penalty_variables = (
        actual_constraint_value, constraint_variables = (

        # We need to explicitly create the variables before creating the wrapped
        # session.
        variables = deferred_tensor.DeferredVariableList(penalty_variables +
        for variable in variables:

        # This is the same expression as above, applied directly to the python
        # floats.
        expected_penalty_value = (
            0.3 - (penalty_values[0] / 2.3 + 0.7 * penalty_values[1]) -
            (1.2 + penalty_values[2] - 0.1) * 0.6 + 0.8)
        expected_constraint_value = (
            0.3 - (constraint_values[0] / 2.3 + 0.7 * constraint_values[1]) -
            (1.2 + constraint_values[2] - 0.1) * 0.6 + 0.8)

        with self.wrapped_session() as session:
def lower_bound(expressions):
  """Creates an `Expression` lower bounding the given expressions.

  This function introduces a slack variable, and adds constraints forcing this
  variable to lower bound all elements of the given expression list. It then
  returns the slack variable.

  If you're going to be lower-bounding or maximizing the result of this
  function, then you can think of it as taking the `min` of its arguments. It's
  different from `min` if you're going to be upper-bounding or minimizing the
  result, however, since the consequence would be to decrease the value of the
  slack variable, without affecting the contents of the expressions list.

    expressions: list of `Expression`s, the quantities to lower-bound.

    An `Expression` representing an lower bound on the given expressions.

    ValueError: if the expressions list is empty.
    TypeError: if the expressions list contains a non-`Expression`, or if any
      `Expression` has a different dtype.
  bound = _create_slack_variable(expressions, "lower_bound")

  bound_expression = basic_expression.BasicExpression(terms=[], tensor=bound)
  extra_constraints = set(ee >= bound for ee in set(expressions))
  return expression.Expression(
Exemple #4
  def test_arithmetic(self):
    """Tests `Expression`'s arithmetic operators."""
    denominator_lower_bound = 0.0
    global_step = tf.Variable(0, dtype=tf.int32)
    evaluation_context = basic_expression.BasicExpression.EvaluationContext(
        denominator_lower_bound, global_step)

    penalty_values = [-3.6, 1.5, 0.4]
    constraint_values = [-0.2, -0.5, 2.3]

    # Create three expressions containing the constants in "penalty_values" in
    # their penalty_expressions, and "constraint_values" in their
    # constraint_expressions.
    expression_objects = []
    for penalty_value, constraint_value in zip(penalty_values,
      expression_object = expression.Expression(
          basic_expression.BasicExpression([], tf.constant(constraint_value)))

    # This expression exercises all of the operators.
    expression_object = (
        0.3 - (expression_objects[0] / 2.3 + 0.7 * expression_objects[1]) -
        (1.2 + expression_objects[2] - 0.1) * 0.6 + 0.8)

    actual_penalty_value, _, _ = expression_object.penalty_expression.evaluate(
    actual_constraint_value, _, _ = (

    # This is the same expression as above, applied directly to the python
    # floats.
    expected_penalty_value = (
        0.3 - (penalty_values[0] / 2.3 + 0.7 * penalty_values[1]) -
        (1.2 + penalty_values[2] - 0.1) * 0.6 + 0.8)
    expected_constraint_value = (
        0.3 - (constraint_values[0] / 2.3 + 0.7 * constraint_values[1]) -
        (1.2 + constraint_values[2] - 0.1) * 0.6 + 0.8)

    with self.session() as session:

          expected_penalty_value, session.run(actual_penalty_value), err=1e-6)
Exemple #5
def wrap_rate(penalty_tensor, constraint_tensor=None):
  """Creates an `Expression` representing the given `Tensor`(s).

  The reason an `Expression` contains two `BasicExpression`s is that the
  "penalty" `BasicExpression` will be differentiable, while the "constraint"
  `BasicExpression` need not be. During optimization, the former will be used
  whenever we need to take gradients, and the latter otherwise.

    penalty_tensor: scalar `Tensor`, the quantity to store in the "penalty"
      portion of the result (and also the "constraint" portion, if
      constraint_tensor is not provided).
    constraint_tensor: scalar `Tensor`, the quantity to store in the
      "constraint" portion of the result.

    An `Expression` wrapping the given `Tensor`(s).

    TypeError: if wrap_rate() is called on an `Expression`.
  # Ideally, we'd check that "penalty_tensor" and "constraint_tensor" are scalar
  # Tensors, or are types that can be converted to a scalar Tensor.
  # Unfortunately, this includes a lot of possible types, so the easiest
  # solution would be to actually perform the conversion, and then check that
  # the resulting Tensor has only one element. This, however, would add a dummy
  # element to the Tensorflow graph, and wouldn't work for a Tensor with an
  # unknown size. Hence, we only check that "penalty_tensor" and
  # "constraint_tensor" are not types that we know for certain are disallowed:
  # objects internal to this library.
  if (isinstance(penalty_tensor, helpers.RateObject) or
      isinstance(constraint_tensor, helpers.RateObject)):
    raise TypeError("you cannot wrap an object that has already been wrapped")

  penalty_basic_expression = basic_expression.BasicExpression(
      terms=[], tensor=deferred_tensor.DeferredTensor(penalty_tensor))
  if constraint_tensor is None:
    constraint_basic_expression = penalty_basic_expression
    constraint_basic_expression = basic_expression.BasicExpression(
        terms=[], tensor=deferred_tensor.DeferredTensor(constraint_tensor))
  return expression.Expression(penalty_basic_expression,
def _binary_classification_rate(positive_coefficient=0.0,
  """Creates an `Expression` representing positive and negative rates.

  The result of this function represents:
    total_rate := (positive_coefficient * positive_rate +
        negative_coefficient * negative_rate)
    positive_rate := sum_i{w_i * c_i * d_i * 1{z_i >  0}} / sum_i{w_i * d_i}
    negative_rate := sum_i{w_i * c_i * d_i * 1{z_i <= 0}} / sum_i{w_i * d_i}
  where z_i and w_i are the given predictions and weights, and c_i and d_i are
  indicators for which examples to include the numerator and denominator (all
  four of z, w, c and d are in the contexts).

  The resulting `Expression` contains *two* different approximations to
  "total_rate". The "penalty" `BasicExpression` is an approximation to using
  penalty_loss, while the "constraint" `BasicExpression` is based on
  constraint_loss (if constraint_loss is the zero-one loss, which is the
  default, then the "constraint" expression will be exactly total_rate as
  defined above, with no approximation).

  The reason an `Expression` contains two `BasicExpression`s is that the
  "penalty" `BasicExpression` will be differentiable, while the "constraint"
  `BasicExpression` need not be. During optimization, the former will be used
  whenever we need to take gradients, and the latter otherwise.

    positive_coefficient: float, scalar coefficient on the positive prediction
    negative_coefficient: float, scalar coefficient on the negative prediction
    numerator_context: `SubsettableContext`, the block of data to use when
      calculating the numerators of the rates.
    denominator_context: `SubsettableContext`, the block of data to use when
      calculating the denominators of the rates.
    penalty_loss: `BinaryClassificationLoss`, the (differentiable) loss function
      to use when calculating the "penalty" approximation to the rates.
    constraint_loss: `BinaryClassificationLoss`, the (not necessarily
      differentiable) loss function to use when calculating the "constraint"
      approximation to the rates.

    An `Expression` representing total_rate (as defined above).

    TypeError: if either context is not a SubsettableContext, or either loss is
      not a BinaryClassificationLoss.
    ValueError: if either context is not provided, or the two contexts are
      incompatible (have different predictions, labels or weights).
  if numerator_context is None or denominator_context is None:
    raise ValueError("both numerator_context and denominator_context must be "
  if not (
      isinstance(numerator_context, subsettable_context.SubsettableContext) and
      isinstance(denominator_context, subsettable_context.SubsettableContext)):
    raise TypeError("numerator and denominator contexts must be "
  raw_context = numerator_context.raw_context
  if denominator_context.raw_context != raw_context:
    raise ValueError("numerator and denominator contexts must be compatible")

  if not (isinstance(penalty_loss, loss.BinaryClassificationLoss) and
          isinstance(constraint_loss, loss.BinaryClassificationLoss)):
    raise TypeError("penalty and constraint losses must be "

  penalty_term = term.BinaryClassificationTerm.ratio(
      positive_coefficient, negative_coefficient,
      raw_context.penalty_predictions, raw_context.penalty_weights,
      denominator_context.penalty_predicate, penalty_loss)
  constraint_term = term.BinaryClassificationTerm.ratio(
      positive_coefficient, negative_coefficient,
      raw_context.constraint_predictions, raw_context.constraint_weights,
      denominator_context.constraint_predicate, constraint_loss)

  return expression.Expression(
Exemple #7
def _roc_auc(context,
    """Creates an `Expression` representing an approximate ROC AUC.

  The result of this function represents a Riemann approximation to the area
  under the ROC curve (false positive rate on the horizontal axis, true positive
  rate on the vertical axis), using the constraint-based method proposed by:

  > Eban, Schain, Mackey, Gordon, Rifkin and Elidan. "Scalable Learning of
  > Non-Decomposable Objectives". AISTATS 2017.

  If you're going to be lower-bounding or maximizing the result of this
  function, then need to set the lower_bound parameter to `True`. Likewise, if
  you're going to be upper-bounding or minimizing the result of this function
  (which normally wouldn't make much sense for ROC AUC), then the upper_bound
  parameter must be `True`. At least one of these parameters *must* be `True`,
  and it's permitted for both of them to be `True` (but we recommend against
  this, since it would result in equality constraints, which might cause
  problems during optimization and/or post-processing).

    context: `SubsettableContext`, the block of data to use when calculating the
      rate. This context *must* contain labels.
    bins: positive integer, the number of "rectangles" to use for the Riemann
      approximation to ROC AUC.
    lower_bound: bool, `True` if you want the result of this function to
      lower-bound the approximate ROC AUC.
    upper_bound: bool, `True` if you want the result of this function to
      upper-bound the approximate ROC AUC.
    penalty_loss: `BinaryClassificationLoss`, the (differentiable) loss function
      to use when calculating the "penalty" approximation to the rate.
    constraint_loss: `BinaryClassificationLoss`, the (not necessarily
      differentiable) loss function to use when calculating the "constraint"
      approximation to the rate. This loss must be "normalized" (see

    An `Expression` representing a Riemann approximation to ROC AUC.

    TypeError: if the context is not a SubsettableContext, the number of bins is
      not an integer, or either loss is not a BinaryClassificationLoss.
    ValueError: if the context doesn't contain labels, the number of bins is
      nonpositive, both lower_bound and upper_bound are `False`, or the
      constraint_loss is not normalized.
    if not isinstance(context, subsettable_context.SubsettableContext):
        raise TypeError("context must be a SubsettableContext")
    raw_context = context.raw_context
    if (raw_context.penalty_labels is None
            or raw_context.constraint_labels is None):
        raise ValueError("roc_auc_lower_bound requires a context with labels")

    if not isinstance(bins, numbers.Integral):
        raise TypeError(
            "number of roc_auc_lower_bound bins must be an integer")
    if bins <= 0:
        raise ValueError("number of roc_auc_lower_bound bins must be strictly "

    # One could set both lower_bound and upper_bound to True, in which case the
    # result of this function could be treated as the Riemann approximation to ROC
    # AUC itself (instead of a {lower,upper} bound of it). However, this would
    # come with some drawbacks: it would of course make optimization more
    # difficult, but more importantly, it would potentially cause post-processing
    # for feasibility (e.g. using "shrinking") to fail to find a feasible
    # solution.
    if not (lower_bound or upper_bound):
        raise ValueError(
            "at least one of lower_bound or upper_bound must be True")

    if not (isinstance(penalty_loss, loss.BinaryClassificationLoss)
            and isinstance(constraint_loss, loss.BinaryClassificationLoss)):
        raise TypeError("penalty and constraint losses must be "

    # For the constraints on the false positive rates to make sense, it would be
    # best to be using a normalized loss. The reason for this is that, if both
    # lower_bound and upper_bound are True (or if one imposes constraints
    # including separate lower and upper bounds), our constraints on the false
    # positive rates will be equality constraints, which could be infeasible for
    # an unnormalized loss. This could be changed to a warning, however.
    if not constraint_loss.is_normalized:
        raise ValueError(
            "roc_auc_lower_bound can only be used with a normalized "
            "constraint_loss (e.g. zero/one, sigmoid or ramp)")

    dtype = raw_context.penalty_predictions.dtype.real_dtype
    if dtype != raw_context.constraint_predictions.dtype.real_dtype:
        raise ValueError(
            "penalty and constraint predictions must have the same "
    # We use a lambda to initialize the thresholds so that, if this function call
    # is inside the scope of a tf.control_dependencies() block, the dependencies
    # will not be applied to the initializer.
    thresholds = tf.Variable(lambda: tf.zeros((bins, )),

    positive_context = context.subset(raw_context.penalty_labels > 0,
                                      raw_context.constraint_labels > 0)
    negative_context = context.subset(raw_context.penalty_labels <= 0,
                                      raw_context.constraint_labels <= 0)

    penalty_average_tpr_terms = []
    constraint_average_tpr_terms = []
    extra_constraints = set()
    for bin_index in xrange(bins):
        threshold = thresholds[bin_index]

        # It's tempting to wrap tf.stop_gradient() around the threshold, so that
        # only the model parameters (and not the thresholds) will be adjusted to
        # increase the average true positive rate. However, this would prevent the
        # one-sided constraint, as described below, from working, since we need
        # something to be "pushing against" the constraint.
        penalty_tpr_term = term.BinaryClassificationTerm.ratio(
            1.0, 0.0, raw_context.penalty_predictions - threshold,
            raw_context.penalty_weights, positive_context.penalty_predicate,
            positive_context.penalty_predicate, penalty_loss)
        constraint_tpr_term = term.BinaryClassificationTerm.ratio(
            1.0, 0.0, raw_context.constraint_predictions - threshold,
            positive_context.constraint_predicate, constraint_loss)

        penalty_average_tpr_terms.append(penalty_tpr_term / bins)
        constraint_average_tpr_terms.append(constraint_tpr_term / bins)

        # We wrap tf.stop_gradient() around the predictions because we want to
        # adjust the thresholds, and only the thresholds, to satisfy the false
        # positive rate constraints.
        penalty_fpr_term = term.BinaryClassificationTerm.ratio(
            1.0, 0.0,
            tf.stop_gradient(raw_context.penalty_predictions) - threshold,
            raw_context.penalty_weights, negative_context.penalty_predicate,
            negative_context.penalty_predicate, penalty_loss)
        constraint_fpr_term = term.BinaryClassificationTerm.ratio(
            1.0, 0.0,
            tf.stop_gradient(raw_context.constraint_predictions) - threshold,
            negative_context.constraint_predicate, constraint_loss)

        fpr_expression = expression.Expression(
        target_fpr = (bin_index + 0.5) / bins
        # Ideally fpr_expression would equal target_fpr, but we prefer to only
        # impose a one-sided constraint (when exactly one of lower_bound or
        # upper_bound is True) since using an equality constraint would come with
        # drawbacks: it would of course make optimization more difficult, but more
        # importantly, it would potentially cause post-processing for feasibility
        # (e.g. using "shrinking") to fail to find a feasible solution.
        # The reason why a <= constraint results in a lower bound, and a >=
        # constraint results in an upper bound, is that, in the lower-bound case
        # (the upper-bound case is similar), adjusting the threshold to increase the
        # FPR will increase the corresponding TPR, and therefore the ROC AUC
        # estimate. In other words, the objective (increasing ROC AUC, and therefore
        # the FPR of each bin) will be "pushing against" the constraint.
        if lower_bound:
            extra_constraints.add(fpr_expression <= target_fpr)
        if upper_bound:
            extra_constraints.add(fpr_expression >= target_fpr)

    return expression.Expression(
Exemple #8
 def create_dummy_expression(extra_variables=None):
     """Creates an empty `Expression` with the given extra variables."""
     return expression.Expression(basic_expression.BasicExpression([]),
Exemple #9
 def create_dummy_expression(extra_constraints=None):
     """Creates an empty `Expression` with the given extra constraints."""
     return expression.Expression(basic_expression.BasicExpression([]),